Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Mar 1913, p. 9

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LAKECÔIJNTY INJ)DEPENDENT. r ~WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ____ VOL. XXI-No. 5. PARIT TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., MARCH 28,1I913. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCIIP SESAME CLUB TO DIIIO MSHR ME À NUMBER fADT RSRPR TO BE PUBLISIIED AIU IMPORTANT MOVES SHOWS NfTHING ý IS ATTIÈRBERY PLAN 2II KW K Name of Organization Soon to " ' ' " '~Chief of Police Investigates and Be Changed to the Wauke- ~~u~~Finds Condition Here a Very gan Woman's Club. i~ ' M 'K A N L Deplorable One. t10 FORM HUMANE SOCIETY GRSSOPDSXTMS ____- GIRL-S-OP-D SI-TIME. INVESTIGATION SHOWS THAT RIVERS ARE SWOLL.ER Playleader to be Employed to R SýI IMS SENDS REPORT TO COUNTY BOARD AND Tells ol Incident he Saw Him-j GREATLY BUT AT PRESENT THERE IS NO GREAT Direct Athletic Activitie s of 1ESRA OSPRIOS FNSAFW MN efPanCohsMnt DANGER TO PROPERTY AND NONE TO LIVES-SIT- The Children.I 5RA TO UERI RSFN SAFW MN sefPanCohs ont- OR ERRORS AND SHOWS WHERE OFFICERS HAVE Make the Arrests. E AINI AKGNSNTSR0S WAUKEGAN, MARCI»I 26. _1__-_-__-__-__-_-__- Four natteraciof vital importance TURNED OVER DISPUTED FEES OVER TO COIJNTY. aIIîmitatl!$ilgtî Iîlaî îu îhe' asaIiltio be upalat idiscueed and practi- -ETIS FTHFRPRTaits lathe stero ordri litt ira.LEWIS AND Le Y. ifl elias a î l t F lîe aiîîs anîd îîelt.iîg of snow, cally dispoeed 0f, et the trteettng of brnlelgr'.en out Iry Chier f aiJnIao I tefleleur agid tein as h0uý the bsuame Club held on Monday aft- Atterbîrv. lie says arrPèa"i"' ar e SHERMAN AREF NIIIOîd.1 aro att lattW iio teiî asthog i mde ni, - ,mnatlyld b e EIItIa1I . NJ" aertîi~I)~l a nilî~iîd l'ox 1ivers-pte)ple gener- eno.WAUKEGAN. MARCH 26. bilions recognized by us to te the Iaw pIhljI ilh. ienuIes ipan " CrÎTInC:lIv areieriesteul iink îw i tliv situîation in Lake coli- Theme matters were 'I 1"S . Sinia Arditlug Compjany off tiete .concerning azcounte of;,,1 nsulîîtîig women as lrrre asaIlh ' U. >S. ""'N'-'"St\.,. h tri lîttiier Ili(te eis ;IiVÎ iîîîie<iate udanger to prop- 1. Publie playground matter. loi Chicago, this afternoori presented county officers in their financial refa- che rirrîta la toppedt. 10 -,iltlt«il vtor liv(s il1I lis etllx 2. Poniing humane Society. ln ilre board of! uerisots Ifs report tiens witli the co.vtty." -re the r'ý th, order r-. rarried ouiTt h-, 1l îî la îiîe ljllxaîr iiatt ttii uxet Il. Changinq nantisof club. hoi-ýfcoprfi the ?;ci!(nrni Conti re port explaina what the Suit has be-jet ,11 lîýrf Aerbery vii li taiCi i-ordie or the two yeurs belween Dec. fore ouoted Audito.- Sin@ upon: 'uIanlt ili men on guard nih sa, Big Deadlock Broken at Spring- state' 4. Asaisting the Y. M. C. A. lIs, 19101 and [ec .lotf. 19"-. The re- 1. That official tees of ethe offlces. ha Th lyron ate otwatrai ot~auei-or hnmu1b ure i l a-ng f rrda a -an llitîai nlghts. Tlieir or- field When Democrat and iIla Wltlt regard tet hé le pis>-- tre)-D'ned In ir, , i journed ises. office and net go te the nofficer @adr mil ~~ Republican are Named. Ielliîs tîs i l i aîluî nk îîît seU peieof whom thy rnaira . eti"O'l'laiiî ie-"anid -I)esl'Iaiiiîes river'" towards the gedmotrFiw8dcddtae 510hlo, adjourrment of thé AMarch cei-personal moncys in addition t0 ho he I1 grouni materIl va detde"Ttoeicondition that existra ;r? ile;I. but ~ ~ 1 on tytn h.year, as the sion lising Ieen taker toi, ie exprrerss alary. '. etliet bmiibe ir-ffWAUKEGAN. MARCH 26. souli) andt Fox rix uts aiiial i tat1lite saine cotîIdîtion just club tc4h better concentrate It*efftorts turitoneeof bearlng tbthlereport on 2. That county officetcraitbe BCfi V. hy, a respectalei nraurra h-liinrnrrî n. ,iaaa rIlI\titas tilelitv stilailitare t tt u tjtinite tof the jtear. Tie xiv- Iftts! on .ich Bir.Sims aaivorkurg. ausaUining, that le. the recelpts must trot parsa long the streer [Innth-'o 1:(rt\a ecoý1ja .1 iit itit ivlIigli, but iiot îin a nîcîîating condition. tu The report shows ne e:eamlned re- be aufficient te meet the eipenses and'n ii, au-u r, e1 i lr It su tra"llly deridet te eînptyy cordle of ail c,)tint) officera wth ref- whore they are net, and, aitheed01 riit the nsienota roi. lfor Iluixr n- ru l-r.. ;1(] 1 Y, Ster- The tox rrrver. vIios eassern hankili lis fîîly seventy-tive feet tIn wtdth aui 1tîsytti)or f. cithturaa niaf.t itirAWore! ouiris !eloaferud Thiaes nrirri rh trrîr r- 4 la ce.eteatiato oaerfnete tareceilîrtâand isdlfîrsements Of the year there isa ahalaict due sireiaît îad ita isoif o ruu pln 5ritr -i 1,-iiilIswser!at rse lngat hesedm wtt.>~~C te a profeestonal n thîs soutlîfie\;The irerrîr-îrrrnt grtrrrrrr.rrr dfor ri eirua is In a zig-tra-gviolence of a mountain torrent, c1at1 wh aapoiéina nti n.Teand the firm albn pre enti a linLncial htm, thon thre county board muet paygioiirewhra îîrr-t f w.erorflclbdcddI al ate men t shOwlnig aafulit dcrtption nim to tndifference in casc h ismnyigo i pt wrî ia forrtr-gî hort ernr ,-i. m-l r1-r-r n-Coursr froit Ftoxriver cdown the val ing aioiîg practicaily everythiog tha abttolutely necettaary for the celtdrent maneyuI loalerîrsi-,are 'f. rtilrhr., rrurre erî iii Aîoaanr trrtiluteiinIswy t.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ue1epartsrorl ofeacb Item standing rtu varlous turne I n au carnîngs for the officelaîniost (r.rrry niglit. atT-ill-.. ariri i to --f rrg inn lke oirre. and rirer tes ittt Ihenunîlis ra nalf htt tunte a l#are wt tir proper books on Seprt. ft, 1912. end subsequuentiy turne i <tot hei.. hIti a rteiedsfer'-trîrîrrindliaîrrir. tî n a o ,hr iv e,' I ire tiarou ringe ilietheýl« Thre report prefaie itslf with thre treaaury, were sufficient te meet Sr hi-oili o i . len ri tr1w. i airr p iirr - ora10 ial br t ifa i- r n-tovas ier e rcita ! so wt. gbc et ed wtt tuo lis ti way ta go about il the chliren witt marne, helt-te en f ovra u tii. rfet 1 t itil ad ro, uian bottttirdo nto arsril nr r i fow, hih ee ltoth nia neflo t se apperatum te lIte best of IpattrItr t4eetc eea sos down the- sireet rrrr I-ri ti-honi Vru .îrr-i i 1:i, i qrrrred nennioned. tire river lias awolien 1tfron aIlîussoti emattet-streillis IeR mectar ablty', Mrs. P. M. accounts "le based upcn se-cntI propo- (CCoutinnsd nu Page Titree.) latat Stindan niglit t deir-riirî.rrl linu ilankrM. o tad1odriarI ivatgtîrr r s,- ___ nh an exteni ibat reaideni 1are'whînIl vtow on the ateep ide. ut Dreprésident oftlheclub sailliring tctha litît inveetegtion-lusad re- hieravie, li gîsen as thse ressoufur '«W. lotend te oitae It se; atrattîe Ifl1 stun Itrolied lAisurely drîrrir (te-faris.throe lueirae fe 'rticit wi-h avolncnîos iteul an possible for the etîidren. We wtah PR Â VJi ~ M ~CE I' seairer1. t l,,cîinghirSck of tarroir011suirlia annir- iiat s-evrra otert1ow- trcy sireani, raiIcuoer.l- t r te have theur tesrn sut-ltgamnes as P R A Q E T .S RAUSI E EE r'.omeii tri rr-'Crirai wnriil a 4-11,irroîirieteudbrn ntcier i wdh moeoer. hand-bll.etc. We wil enfer (j IV RbdIJT O ~ IIg'IJ~ISix dia ii triera nvithin lltio t 1,ucî fthi,r luîtir lairn nî-ili- î ii ,Io aieoltal o cito ecure t e .UICfL'ERIfU 111111 LEAK1N WIILIDLK Iese Irrnu wintervet aoiiu11 rcol Oý i u. i ie atiniinit 1 Niai-(lie Sheiridfati iotd btffigeâ4 9evcteo oreaîetiîleîcb-,C,~i-llres and aliag-s. itie rivrrrîîts litisten-netlias risen te a point ahàôst setrvict.or s oti oer ti litpa T F i.UUA II IlIIVI IÇ DIItier ilarr IriloIin rouli r-aîsî iii i rttirer haît il i-oit ild ratîiareilevelvitî tlire cernent sidewrallit t n ~ ~ ~ ~ p - 1d seisia,,rs p 1Il (oEILâIlLosIL tinit-r-xi-r-ring lairini îroîfrrly. tîand %a-. laid tiîroîîgbthte ràae ies__ ground te the chlIitren it v îin a fem, livre ifI f rîrilirt s- il Il a 11h rtu n t aI iis iti io ,rair. ver>n littie ofthIlai. yeaîrrr aigu, andi leur te ente=I ,. weeke. 'Neliîad tîtouglîl o!ft'stalitli t as 1\% f r(fa.,knorMatdisott MA eoreilpond NIH ný o caili-i-lain m y e w of tng snother ptaygroutîd autftle South Big Lake Boat Company Seeks Seeking to Learn Whether Fa- in f ht-a9 r ati iri rrrst art- otworrvr Ilda3 *(ikeWt-liiIaii ,tileriirg aii, flot-(ut.r a(irising the aidvwallit eUle gchool. but we Itave dectded tntta Prcas teoman titteranance nCnatainriîn i1irle irvarfIo al<ilrrr roîrîlo i ii- iîraîiehiti.anitr-cnt tta bu place auty apparatue there tis ytar. ucaeofCmay-n- te n alt n . avt ak on rilstrlaofîthtaisrbot, H-allgin mat oa Codîtn. li ta possIble, however.Itiat we wtll ning the Local Lne. Cities Escaped Flood. one o! tiirn.e isrftry-ilrîrhit-tigo as shr ; I ie l saotilb anwern ntiahe Elgin andrrih2 ga flotino sendi the psleader tiiere tan or tlrree rr oril tri- ru fil(. misr leet in %'b arrriver. s I fie R i a îrba Ps tai i- rE3i g ritit lea ta . l n i ne t ive. claire a week."kegailitierns:, eruivîger li )han rianiar. I l in a boutista ttestf t et tiv er. - Thre . Humane Soctety. TO RUN STEAMERS ANYWAY CONNECTIONS ARE CUT OFF tarr-f i- rtîir-vo!nrnf rviunrirs ighrta. n vii nrf. Itîrî rixealvirs Dr lshgh1eotpsintwoina* The organisatIona!bantaa-tf ce satsil____ai___iîîgfiniedeiasrr-k-rrr i tin- 10g the ponrtirfi im Th ogttio f n _iv si-__g ndits- - nt fl( e h r srl every yecr. Theînvoler o! riverboa rigett afoot and abhit ttary thumane eoctety. Io 10t e e taken Cond-itiorirs n-SrI id r-v r în1 re. e1 e -rnr a , iit onta ri i iI o uiirfe î eie y itaitiu up ait once. The otemrbers o! the tluI, Negotiations Admitted to Be on Declares They Lived in Terri- aloira if tr,- Cr-. un-rt- ohieI.s fiairî areiririingrtliut mpi itloor- orrîarariJis els.seldhyBiitb dtory - 11griirleiondu ions. Tfiî- salersara oil hîniimuchgîtt tiateniontsiarey tartes etd ré el tltat tbey cîînld perfe a by Which the Hill Company tryWhich Was in Path of t-<rngreondiian.i-nlmaei srrîi vI-nînEginire tri vainflude regutartbratho!fltie Ihumani eoctety B ~ Itbat no iuirevir-nr-f t iing %voulit> bas r-ure ril) onir fiai-k yard, btir m'il ranrt rai wattr. IE yen inIllte trest- tient satthey niatta haaeie- îet-oper- May Be olu. The Terrible Flood. irassed rîa rnifirrîr' rinîg spoieii 10e -short distanii-. îri fuir-i 1 inciter, we ilerir,-districts on the bitte, Cettai-. .tion of the mn ftlie citylit tite _____or luaîiedfrtrriuronin-0r mariner. iave bati wor se-or-iinfr mornsoe yersraite irlfledtia1h vairrfany buatu raork anti thîtscoutt tnt bc, dette If %akgnadK ro h r eh% Al n hsThe oni na r i ngît nId onibi9srtirainît fila. Tho-re basbfn-ihne, druai ce i orir,- Ira ve ci fr-c fut te m e" (li hu ain sciey wrete ié,orge wh a,(-molt s mon- ndiion taIhrtigi pblcit ald ew ine for fate raupotatonj, eekng e gl in omm niatin-bva ivnsochve aiewe unent fors Iv _ ....-..t.r.... ponlatrntl1wons fa scekuseof tuti hy the iSesaîtie Ctttîb s a soi dnrlng the t-aming ir,oe aseoff icIaig, ni0gt Incoinitaln bîe ie i u rri- i ae alfor aîuy fu-oi , rfie r Sntîr i 'Pie iar 1n ater. ety., T01Mri at lced cer !the Pr aq teC m ay woe alitrelcativra firdriricts- n iidaied Ihese tatslie i ristfndn--un r ilrn te -- -r rittc i t u h-wrri-r- i*ritlirritas nf iAiirrianuffireti iracti mors tisa Pere T.lE.Morristfa el-ctilîcair.fri tont n. nîritn S. r -dEr ia" o! Wau a liglictes fOrtils". naýi i in potlrll I the nironc jfrlriig i ir nn ai-r e îî 1-1911) tgiifirntithe lurri i -khesa pie- men o! a comrnttee a!frise te atesutexpected I n 'Narukecatir r-încg utne- kegaui NIr. Krtia,.faihi r lises In court and fterl nIdtrfiirnrnaines [rini inliti-relignir tlr nieali. % arteti fougliorr the tetghbontssg thil organtsation of at attivese ulfitaiyjet in (lie loi-af aiera This plati lIeaPan 1-i ia rgu sdieeviadae gtain hh i paewaukegalOhIndianapolis. aurd hi um niet,.C. i olovi ltCwaoithgo e-Te'lie ie el t igi ui and althre would be o and i itwl 9e fully as effective aS any anti Kenaeha on the îrst of ports Krau',. anti several rouni reside ite folloveti uîr ibri-acRyin wrthIle goorti re- -uldbe q bumane socieyin the emate. The neo- toucltertjbythe twista o! chilacoin-Pet-o, ledt. Mr. Kraiae aIent a great- suite I l n 3 m3irpf ubat afler 1a 0et loiui 1it rre ftn Ioytrasi-- lo 1a misityof huanesoi hanbee fe hve éenfind ad hll h,.r irbringa foi-lb bue siafemeet lshow. off.Tîr- ox river et Autoebansiu feist here for a longgdIme ant iwtlh char. m-ekiiug te get lote jngilit.iConditonlof cames'Psitrîrrver ila1fr] ltiliers sa théaiaiah acteriett- publie spîrlitetlinesasthe mnt- I atanwln-t v r aa-between Ifese citier, anti Chicago wasers tisaI the oliris iii tire nf tirt. SENATOR L. Y.SHERMAN. rf rh-f in in l aik, fts ie boe of the Setame Club bave corne Ilset by the Company, and lt wlll euat off a t ivo oclorI. thîs rnornieg. gaine and tp ibe ilitri lie tid o! a i-hrser inni-ka ahh aira f"ebvl'ee loriledntiy19esuppl te, the fronttIn a thoroughty coin te-mke an active bild for the big ititu- _Iamrntit partîcuîarîy vorrieti for great nisance. Thins reforin Paneri rnt rî- 1, Srnurir. llrrr r. -bri îsiaotth ar s i irt ofr dabe atnerTh oganzato ci pIng toteresasi of bî ite.Just10,srl a yrmtiebtm tonn qilcltu fsuiî etinith- iîîtin p ui;.,- -illariele vis istinte o! ear esberIlu dabs> l9e perfeTheti wiîhiatI feplw1haw the Company twillt etiectane-tire saieI îiofem el mut-h reulievetiChier Atter-. r siltirdat sore- nýýurrirf irrir. re(lit]irî lndîle tire - ea h rdgo ore it ali ihI)wr4eet aly wl eprete i nafwtrancs ta Kenosha anti Waukegsn hle 1knwilthe t- afn etitlIes It la drffirrii inn-ora unformeti niunIr. rtr ------anrn-îe d dvaries le widith In came tplaces Wies iuunrabtrhd oser the City' tisa, das we nwte r aorb adýo' nom-..1ni it a lia it a irritémleidelas atrat datnger o! ire, Tboriver'bau Althougb 19e matera!f cbangîng the flot as e t been aeltled, but tisen- Iarn rakung every effort ta reach Police to catihh-b bi m nashers ltthIe cd, ea.. r rni, tîiru 'r 'ri etfine i1-l e P Damne of the Sésamne clubteth1e Wou- pan>' wttt titîer take over the busitr but bave been unauccesefui Rt.~it u etaeni ofisfacttthat t >ibeuntjrîr- f,îriri lfor lbe Id reuidenfaderlare they hase seo e i5-î guteg up hourI>' anti acora of nea oensCu asbogt us f the Hill Steatneal rompyt ý présent inte." Mr.Krauae two poltcerneile in relainîohes wifl i-'nx ,rc i-- n int lik t h îra fe îriver îurîrh vider chain now, antibuildings, icuie ieFxlt«e' and tIicussedet tconsliérable engtb. hos rie ntlis tenc -ient pth- madtitIis alatement oser the lng weeok Tirnte uses igt ecle u,1a nfrnr.i ' yirerm havbi ea thee w eredmba s re atiatoed. Teurop wt ecdm805,l It ites ecdécl e dfe acio uniltIse buainess w ht euisablisetidistant-e téléphone frmrnChicagok. Tt ia iln,ýs;i hsya.TowtrbsrsnadBon uoatilec 3% ihe uar aneld mo eet- iun î whc lcompan>'.It lit atitetithat the et- we 9 e baatened at-son as heite take tir--ashort tleinn. rqinahtc iîf- ronaidet-abli' uring 1he lusal twenty- 000 t.Etabtytfive bildings ear Asl. b dthe utranume t dyIngMawh uîficiat o! thse Pet-e Marquette Comparny leareed thé lmeterrible catastrophe. C I L lri!ig f'v edivi____ ('J ouA I - finw oi' oo ormic ormotyonbn tckftril tise élection of officera takes place. ae e eoitn hlh the Hill Nr. Kraiise's <futber lises in Ind-*ai] lit, t tdai ndn more o! a riar filobanitlfor the were blown clown. About 100 ilent *We rfelet tat tise neme 'Searne people for t9e purchase o! the brio'-dianapolus. Ibree miles front the Dnaal;ju itI,,\ ie eiCIenatanstras anuhle iee ti aa hgehier ae. adhre eekle i Club' ls no longer approprtate for aur ntisofteat on ispant-uose th intuac cre woflathenrgbt gat ioa l IIuIi q a - con ' sn8. thon-c til eatee nuaigeat lOrîe froy s lu u aScet>'.' Mrs. EB&ker sai."Tise terni teoseote_____________________________no ort ea f no n h goin t ol)AtNpevll apr*o teN&U 'Sésarne Club' te usualty appliedte10a Pied b>' the HilCcian.Ileit i î fini eIaso istiouRaidfreîund-d esae HMPO INE' Fth stain- odiio ha rvill teaLUIn daîagetimateti et 60,0O4>ii. put-et>' tterary soclet>' andthte BesametUp 1e 91 hifs. be learneti that thewaster hais pns bettevemhbo n !jemîti Etdi iundreds CITY IS DISCOVERED. Irear Canine nlong the OPlaine river Club lng agooutgre 191. e e U th bsiesslor hariacnt ta apoint totur bloc-ks froinis of tiouitat nri,-tea isrsuit of f aott tpin iw b ten Dow a départainent CluIr anti front e fke" oraaubr t ao bers homneuli eotdapinscwnheBrm usesik tdptftrei y esras e HliltCompany hast fougist u preceteei ootis in Citand it. Iii- tirn ismIrfufilie riiiiii aluant-li0 the anutis. Mtch mater, but fia buen ees eaot i el i»'thestablish the business o! 1he Company Withh regard te bis unrra In Perit d'anus. i-r of iiiroi-n sircet un. t',2fuaipn lr dantage as yet: wldth o! river aboent an'emreo 9clbIa taiise nIn h ale heeEer erI hi stýja ri S P I3 C IÀLaikgn tÎe"e suua ttlsfneofylr naie o! the. orgia-zatian aboutit] be andJI;eisan apen secret Ibat thé Or- 9e foo sait epete vll> be r ne>'anI he làOibard oleî andramitrercntV frat 10 hne the ane aua ivea id ie er . chngt ts n mreaprprse urfchais aiftfilecampanli do ntatIkee thot arpreit.9 aln ae u ieet a-Il' chakindite ta mote acomtng a! tisre te aHis bouse stands on the hghest pointitownInthtie sîsltaicht b Dot01feilt inta the Suctoffice aui limu nwner, alInvestigation a! thetitalorts to uor, ha..roa1nei.nsopsnotl_ indyt i weigoftePrMr - .. .nrho

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