Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Apr 1913, p. 5

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~~1t - d LOCAL AOPROA.MENTIN O R owTHE TO ViISMANf of * &crim- inating ta"té the cholce of shoes la a -mtter of momt. ? leaaingappear- ance aicme iniiot uffclent muât be rlght, slmply b.- cause be bas pald highly for them., They must con- vince.hlm that they viii afford the hlghest at!Wofaeww- tion In beauty, Fervice and conifort. it was to pleas. the careful dresser that we selected our spring stock of mhoe@ and w. feel con- fident that we can suit the mont.particular. We are ehowlnga fine lino of tans aud blacks in hlgh or low styles, ,lther button or lace. Your cholce of leather or fnibh. No maatter wbat youpsyyouMay be sare ~btyuaegetting the jroete@t possible value. The puices range froni J. B.'Morse &Co. s:EIVERYTtING FOR MEN:s TEm EONEIL&4. LIBENTYVILLE, H&I I. irisineurs lpstacatln hei ti ndPen- denit. copv must b. In th*O. off no liter I thsn rmtWa.dof eachi --k. Advsr-à hei,. tfll&art asaked ta tek*.I pstumi ntil t it efeit.F %SU liegr@w .utertili. ber brother fr ol rving Park lest Pridsy. Umse enteButerileboume for a week'e Vuestioii. (1».0,F. Roberts bas reroversd front i. lira. Mary j. flatter of Waucouda. vl.tted i n uOur City tast week. Supervisai Eger wa. a bustnssuelt ola nt Miuud Like Saturdsl. Muudee's Lgtulltt Roupt Cure for 8site b.y &Il druwgigt. 50e and $1.00 per botule. r-25-tt lire. W. L. Alexauder of licComb, 0., jhi.ltiug with ber son, Rot. C. K. Alexandér. Tbe W. C. T. U. wdl mnet wttb Mr@- Carrie FuIler ou Tusedi!,April 8. NVMZ EWF.LCII, Sec. Mir@ . .Cavaaitib 1a, l .Peudlng aflesdaye et thebho,"of ber brothev. Peter io--ra Dr. eud lira. Martiu 0f St. Joseeph, litc.. isitted lest we0k wltb ber father aud friande lu tht. etti Thia wee A. J. Austin sold the. John Woolrdge bonnes on Second treet tu Jas, W. Brown. Bsuick'a Photo tudIo vlU beO enu ou Miondeaid"Tuedaiuet APrTth and $tb. W#e uske photo "otais ail a&l pboto work sud eol&rWDemf lils <ertrude Gibbons of Gresu Bey. Wis., lea psuding ber vacation wlth ber sut, lira. J. B. Mack, ounfBroadway. Tiris Chapter of tii Wetmnster (lild wi,, met wth Mielabel Rudolph on Tuetedaieveanug, April 8th. I have mored fromt -y place ou Braie- &rd Court to the. Jan'" bouse ou Wrgbt *Court and sm ready ta recive ordera for carpet and rmg esviuun asboretfore.' P-28.2 JOUX! KELLe. A grand bal lIil be glveu at the towî ha Wedoedsy uiubt, April 9, for the boeett01 St. jonnphs cburcb. The. begt of mui will he furuished. Tie te 50C. Supper extra. pehbvesnutber of braud uew stYleé l.e phoo he ta show yousaiour studio ou nezi Mondai and Tueidai, April 7ub aud ltb. Att work n la islaed very promplv, photo postale lu aflet dale. BE&wIZ5S TUDO- Biatry Hickle ayviatlug thoe day, b iiiheaid of aOb evî cane and wtlhbig tait iu l lg ase a reeit 0f bavlus fatten fromt a silo Ou the. Lancaster fart eet of townoumlarebli. Bemutainle a broken wrist. hâtd one rdb brokel aid disted bis ti p. Eveu ai ibm ho considerevimlf luckY.- Invitations are out for the marriii of Walter AussI Stroug, formerly e of i place sud quite usîl tnawu b@e, ta lMm josephine Webter of Evaustait01 Mouday eveiug, April 14 The. mai Ltberiyvtlle frieuda of Mir. Stroug exten, bearty cougratultationtsaud beet wî,he for hi. future bsppiueea. Jan. R. Yack was ou. 0f the bdk exhubtors at the Chicago Keunel Cli show ai th@ Armoriy.Cbifflu,lâit w..k Hoeutered a oeven moths otd triol Terrier puppy and' wo irt lu puppî cIlae and tiret lu uo vice, cspturtug thtr lu wiuuers. Belore the prim e. w awarded ho bad eold the animal ta -Mr. A. B. Bradtey ai C. C. Mitchell Co ChicagO, for $60. --Satan", or the. Drame 01f Humânlt prtsentatd at the Lyrir Theatre Saturds eveutug. waàs greeted by a packed bot end epparntti enjoved by il. Th suer! aud pictureg werb besutiful au Covered a peènod frum the. beginiugq iuuk ind ta the. preseut time sud tes.i ing oue of the gresteat educational ai instructive leesonst everprojected trong the. medium of motion pictures. Cuit.LLAX For Chilis sud Fe% er OUR FARM SEEDS OW. LIFE INSURANCE Comeaud eeus. Wewanttoupplyyourevey5nYeudinourlin~e. a'belthwnaiws70i livn. Tihe vend owm myOu notm. Libertyvil.le Lumber Company ~~s mhu...t Do"wby the Ot Depot. Phone 47 Seen HerN2 Ym I P y.. a OORLW!T. .a. P 1 ii CM KL uf ou Cela" Llmu i".vae Cps 0101 gba** ab* CORLEiT& FRIEDERICKS IANCY end STAPILE GROCIERIES !RmSttend SAiT 1EAS Ousters in Season LKEURTYVILL~ DL For Fire and si New Hampshire Fi à LMhICWgan MutualUf BaryPtes. n.eceived four more s horees titis vesi for hie traning siabé a at lhé mg@e tvoek, tvo green pacosea trous Als Waadt. Wautegan; Etraro, a l peter vbtcb hs "»alns wst *@&wsouad& rscsd atIbssoi& lestt al]. ovu.d i' John Olacheof aisnCity and a green pacriovasibisa Waukegan hutniter. e M undees istebh m bso pened for tlb. s»Mon. Hstublsg every wsek. Bmlug lu your e e buwlitateh ticet l:4 cents ose. ,0&50 lu 100 ts. Baby erile. rou stock emiga 15c e ecbor $12.00 lu 100 lots. Phone Libertv'lîls i 143R B. t Riobert K. Scbittt, for the. pant ftt.u moulu employed s Sorieit aetheub Mderedtb loyer & Vegotabi. Compsuy'e plant bore, bas revigu.d sud Ict Tnoeday, nfght for a tires veste' sojoumi lt t Fiorida. Upan hi. rettura i. twllI assume charge ai a large greeuboue lu thle est. ira. IdaLatnhaw will assumea the iutiesso01lteéposition nmade vacant by lhé roagl 01aiMr. Schultz. Lest vssk Tradai morniug Thomst Hloffuan vas Made anoîher viciim oet tbeennabrsddci. Tii. arrdtocrurredi ou thé Bd Hamasnplace. Tom vas ieediug the sbredder sud lu some manuer hils band hoom e augit bel weu the large reliers, ose Ongr bolng crmbed to, ste uritan tlIl 'vas foundnd ero.sar tu ampulsls i1, nad otierserut aud, brulaed ooaa..qlia Had t not been for hi. remak.le preence of mlnd lu uhuttalà@iteuneblue on ai the Précise i ecî.d viieche did, b. vould nu4gubted- ly nov hbul"1e bis viole fîand if not us suis eforeoin. Amitisus acident jeana exeodedy lipaluflul -ne sudtyil lieyblin up fon soses lime. Frlday aftorsoon 01 ast we.k tbe 1 ladies etfte Pr sb ter an eh urc b gave a faroeel part #Ahéb.home' of Mr. F. P. Chistyinla ouaoflins@. C. K Alexauder, via lcavéss odai lFriday) for ait exteuded vieil viti relatî'.cme and frieudé ,r at varicua points l9 Ohua betore goiug to tiieim uev hotus lu Flagstati, Arts. Miss Liti& lieCormick rercdered several t vocal sud lustrurntal selections whiic le added stérillY teuie atteruoou'a it entettiiuommt eter vhicb ligit reireneb- cmonté veré seived. As a token oftheirt oqteem for lira. Meanrsder the tadie@ mpreametd ber wIlh s very handeome ir traveling hs. Bsv. Aie zander vil' Fremalu bers cotât ho graduate@ trorn thé Ssuinwli bis pibeg vien i. yl join lir@. Alxauder I&MOicaid accumpeul Fber tater ncv oe. They atsmade ,18 many trienda bars. vho vîilregret laexcoedingli ta hal e, l iave, but vi. lm ocier ubeir sinrere vtWIW for prosperity linteir uev home. cisons sud buiesimmnfaiLIiertyvill ai amouet aggregating 0279.68 vs, neai d s eult oai god suferens o Indiaasud Ohio. The. higi sehoo aided mâteriahi, by giving a iisuelit pet formage oftDiamonde and Hearts" s the tovi hall Mondai aigu and tir, other nhannels, reallsing la ahh $52-3-3 vbile the procecde i fTUsaclai igit performance ai tic byie ver.douai.4 by Mir. Rtoiertson. The eammlttee ferl bigil., elated ocer tbein sucemes iurais lug so subouantial a sumit bIo as srE martaile siowtng torsa city ai ibis size Shouhd eccry City sud Village in th Uaited kStatee r"pond la the propui 0o aur t11e city eompar o theii noise of Chicago la the solution te the mytery. lu cther word., Ih la so quiet bers be abeoluily çpuld not sakon. Prety Home Weddlng ou lest Thurodai eveulug. lis-là 27, et the bour of seven o'lick ai t h home oi tbe bride'* pereuhs, lir. and igre. Edgar i. Wlha, un Nevii.rmy avenus vas aalemnltod a very quiet w.ddlng viien %Mise Dorcas Paye Welesv. Uited lu mirriage to M. Barri Emuett ansm ai Rockefelter, iR". Caruftes Rocks. toiler Congrogational chuci officlattnS. Mdiss Ruth E. Wells, Miator of thte bride. ated as brlde.maid vile the grOOm'O brother. Ralpi Raue, served lu ths tcapart ai botmait. 1The reremony wae e verY informa' raffair, ont y relative. and a few of thti .brtde'rg mut intimnaie. vUungtady irieuds 1beiug tiresent. FoItavinU tie reremany s av.ddiuug repent was served by the. 0yauugr lady trionds of th. bride. We nits lu extoncilng bearty cou- rgratilatious .ud incere viehes Ior & a happy ad prooperona journoy tirouib 0 lite. tl The happy couple vili muate thel e hom e ai R ocke fller, It. y1 Photo Studio ta, be Open li es vlck'a PhotoStudio wiIt b@enos i ibueinesaou Monday ad Tussdai, Ap« 0 7 tb a id Stit a d ibenagaluon A P il 210d ry ad *2ud. Rmeuber th-.. dates ani gsi the chldrene' photo taksî nov ti eather ls warm . c28 1 1 le àâprebyteiiali Services f S10:30 a. mn. morntng womsip, subjee 'Eternal LUle." 'r 11:45 a. mu. Sundai sbool. t 6:45 p. M. Chisitian Endeavur nu 7:30 p. m, eveniug warsiip. subjmet OuGoeCar." Everybody velro'ne. teC. K. ALEXÂNDEH, Itinister. ad __________ e- ce r. w.o egey «idtd u sbaored sy a vii t rou an etimbe yaUugX citteagogentleman Who sport usheuîent tai st ber borne. Hi intentionvas te returu ta Chicagaouonithe 7:7 train lu lte veig, but eltber by design or outherwlae beovwu detaluedt ie f riendes oume lut lang enougi to mise bis train ater a dasb don the mîreet ai bîgh ped. Tii. resut wvas lueut ibat nigit In a moou of tiie Newatl [oto, Issvtig rde s iti te rnto alt hlm sr, sa ..mli heur. Wben liai boum arrlved ths dort proceeded tu flfitl bis mis.son ud lnomcdoleg arused tbe intm lepig populace of the. otet exep the particular Paty u question, Who fi Mmeneduttenr impossiblo tu axes. Bslug slantid au lte situa- itoptcr thettoreod an lb. youug usa l amber vitere tbey iouod hlm lyiug still sud talai appearsue.. dead. Upoî close investigation, how. ever, thsî diecovomed be vas ot dead but 3051 asieep, ad ater tiiorbin0, hating aid rotllng hum aroud ior s considerail. lime theY sucroeded lu aroualng il to a reaIation oft he ituation insu intime fornim ta iurredly dress. psy hia bill aud ccikea" for the train. Wbetb er ho laà an il bitnaity Serviemai the Ephscopah nhurchi ever sunday as folhows: Ciurch serviesm 10o:30 a. ut. ad Suday ecbool at 11:1 Al are cordially iivlted ta attend. ec. A. C. White, Rectom. ry et 80. sud comiort of the @nrVt'om's vontd be Notice aéSsured beyond te tainteet itadov utfia iVater route are due sudmutetb.pald doubt. ocn or befcre April 15tb. c2- Teseday morning Jobn EsesIde, ere- E. B. COBLETT, Village Clert. ptoyed on the Samuel 1MMi1 am Soutih of town. had s very uarrov swaps frout For Bale death wi.u a team of igit .piritod colts >s boom mannitou with extensive imported from Euglaud vitici b. wae grouiids............................. 5000 drivig beate frghteud at a train M "o'm moderu boue close in 2 lots.................................. 5700 passiug avor tii. Boa ie, sud rom- ,.acefarmt, fine buildings, tes! rneuce.d iciting llnally itreskIug loose towu ............................... 7150 from the wagon aud draggiug mcr. 100) acre fsrm, near otatiot....10000 Reeside over tiecldasht board oui onto 1,.te from 100 to 400 on iaay tertre.- Bouse reutiug aud tire in9nraurs. the bard road bed. lu fallieg ho @truck Dy ioNu) & AUeTIN. .8t la aîcb a manner as ta severely fracture hie loft wrist beccdes bruiing hie bip,ISUEÂi1~ tire, ll.btntug, shouidor sud side. Dr. Taylor wa IS ________________ indatorme, tor- iuumoued and set tbe broken bone ard nadoe.s aud cyctoues. ProtectyourproV- adulsterd toothe injries.uc y witb a policy It The. Conneticut a d m n s è r e t o t e r i nj ri s ,p r o n o un - lIre l u su ra u c e C o m p a n yt of a r tin fo rd , Ing the case serions but flot criticat. Tii. iun. Cash capital, $1,000,000. SItIy team saler brakiug away irom tie yearoexperlettte. Poweriarmumaciineri wagon daebed up the rosd aid mIa iitheiurnfce vrittefl. dooryardat uperulenentESugr'. W. C. SANItORN, Agi., Libertyvilte, 111. home. wflre they vers cauglItiby tarm _________ btade. They woe nuinjures 0ve a51evIndepondenti ado-resut iii25000. oeratebles aud the wagon vhlch w.. a brsud uew oue, was ual dam&ied te the ________ lere's a Good Special. LesverderutEBay'$ luiture Store. Bc sure and, read it. Wor dos y M. lds. -28tf Ladios' Giugbâa Work Aprons, repular price 25e, nert Ssturdîy Sonly uai............... 2We&oh. W. aîao invite yon ta look over oui Life Insurance ne sttetoemriry EWilde, per yaLrd ............. 100 ).Iroctor, Caorst Covor Embroidery, Y'd .250 ;T, IOR Narrow Embroidery with insertion t Insuratice Comipany tua mîteit....5 a yard sud np. le Insurance Company JOHNe LESTER BotrKnomnii - rvL5 LL. ~The Finat Novelty tore o! -1 Libertyville. r- :b ir or ru 't id ete )r. ct, Tbe senior. are imaklug prparatiens Harttord oaruiltY-Pboeuft il for commeucomeni. àMyl butiIt takes lots of vont to gsi &long vien you are PolJYle vilo ivyou abste g10 a enIor ! i tram le0.. Rats.ans loy. Yog The ermWlICI&O h- fr UUdI a gnord ta Mrni. boak wlth tvo mont luteretlug Grmai E. w. PA«mtKUf5t, etoris, "Eluer musm hlmtm"ai'sdiHmfg u lelyPo. M Il THI -NK TWIc The m-n vho thinks Ivice belore letting loue of bis money la ou'tb. mure road tc, fortune. You viii. neyer vrite a bank check vithout tblnkingtvice sud often Ibre es while the' boue dollars Jinglung lu your pooket go like hot cakes. Otheon are pleamed with the banking service we offer. Why don't yon try it? Lake County National E LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Pýrofita. $90, CANNED FOODS W MARC il31st TO APRIL BEEN SET ARIDE BY PACKEESinE BERS ,AN RTAIL GROCEE AOI OVER TMECOUMMETET FORSP U. DEMONSTRÂTIOMS FOIR ÂLL KIND O? CANNRD 000DB. During thia w.ek vs viiioffer seisilas t' Canned Gooda ln dfbsn or cms lots, sdan i open for Inspecton smples of varlous klUýW tlnned Fruits and Vegetables. We viib. greatly pleaaed to have you oeil at this Urne sand become aoquaints4 wittheh.brandave bandle sud ustlsfyotwZ sel! of their eoonomy and wholesomnm& -w. w. Carroll & Son souTfm ronSTO PUONC Si 1phono so . . i. Tbere le almr oetIsrd fortse sentis ca) My St ibis faté t- t: t ttiieir ke 1 play tLilamtmio e etUd rte" was' apîîreciated hy a -1 tho - a. it. W e are g certain )t it for tih-e. te ..,theoa pplans". sud the frequeut'- b te e edeuceOf1 it. It i. weilt mc, . ti . wt bard itlei.tu pes.. cverybody . reahized Ilt to but We flattero,.ve that we did pes.. evoryoue. Tf.. e were charactera tu peage ail, the. funio . sud lte traie, the dramîtic sud tui- ommon place. We are eorry if suc cr..t sway dis- esttstted. We assure 1-1ual ailXOur simue va@ put ou t iceî"yta mnate il s suer..,asthe.teachera edît affirtu. As a faut word we wioh ta thant everyouo for thetr ro-aperatilan d appecatioi. Armilda Brome formerly L. H. S. '13 uow st DeKalb Normal, isfted tii. snbociltest week. At laoi Fridav after- noua pragraum, egave Eie.s humerons seletton "Thbe Raggedy Mau." Tii. freshusu ri«se nder the directiou of tbem Eugllah teacher, Mis@ tlr0rew, are golug ta Chicago tome. Julnuscesar usil 8aîurday,s ptayed at the (Garrick. lu the morniug tb.y expert to es ithe "sights." W, wi.h them s good trne sudsgaIn of Mucti tuowtodge. Mr. and Mr@. Ueo. Carrott of Chirago. ataded -Diamondesud ileart.' Mou. day ntght as gnets uft their mIâter, Kat@ Carroîl Semail doustions te, the lied Cros@ Fund for the. flood victime: Bale ef caudy et play Priday.... 01. 00 Dase.aiter play.. .................. 7.50 7tu sud 89b grade douations ... 3.00 lieuit performance idouday ...26.84 Total.....* . ....... ........... . 8 The seniors wlsh ta ttaukt he Rayr Puruiture Store aid W. W. Carroll & Sou Co., for the "an of propertie. for tuor pIs,. Lust veet ve sknowtedgsd the. kindnus of Treptcw & Taeylor. W. aise visi turohact J. RIt Tmtggs, I. B. Eger. C. Gotti & Co., P. B. Loiel C., &@ voîl as mail privais ldividnuM for ubir sutietantlal donations ta thte R.d Croiss mmd. A basket hall game wu@ iauge"d Tuesdai sitemnoan hetweeî use hîgh onhol ginls aud te smeehe. isse Willime, Sowley, U110.. le{rew sud Bout; Fraucie Smith, Marger, Prie., Aima Bia. Lois Austin end Luelia Saubamu ver. tu play. Hovever the teachere courage fall euirn ai ithe lest moment, lriguteued by the Immeuse e rowd and tbey failed ta appear îbereby torfeitlug the girne tu the. hlgh achool. ,The. bgh anbool girls wOl mate no future IR d te vi t em . a Gertrude Datte. le harktota*Chouf altor e a @aven day. ekuesse. We are gtad tu wetrom. ber hat to neifl e aend s ound. li 1 Whî dcn'& yenAuai Mt teroOau piogmattia. Ya vha bp ave beau axa., pi lthée mtandaEd cf ou, prgograma1-t:5 of -ith.aPprmwbiug letuume defierve your attention: As'xtL 4 l'Aprtl Fool'"-A harmlese jobsl4Ë begtulug ta sud ....... ;,?I Vocal Sale ..... ............. V APEUL i uitrumental Duet ...i Debste-'W orna ..........i..kopl, w adoto*l APUIL 18,. Piano solo............... Debate--«Seuatora ý» A4PEIL 25 Paper......... ...... .......... 5 .. . . E m m a C h a b r a i , J O I 1 The tuhird sud founhtEuI ë lnsirnci.d by Mr. Barris an lâe11 uing Uettl's Crnuford sud +-&; "ý Henry Famoud. Crantord' v etudied v bIle fHeury SErmnu used às a book review. Msuy aiunoth ie higts.hc frade. eujoyod Tueeday eV@aa t pic Ibeatre. M r. Bobeble,4 procnred for us tv asll tltme and voeluceelihep tiai the prorsade of tbe 401 uaterilly tureseltsé Red Cro«-Il tund, a littlesum.~ The pbisics rclam have miehs4 city" aed bave tanled ou s 85W1 "beat" wbch prouims ta be V*7 eig.Ï Every vsek the impart5il reveeta nsMd upi-aueh, ecupositinu. nW. sat bv ta stiJoa s eeitatior cm aw Plissa keep îour Fridai s0ts1 open ferr alle as the hgit Aumily rougi. 0 As participante lu te plaw" b and noerto'" vs est cer",,e play, île productlinaid il 1euè la te a rernote caerlra1. beal thes uemory oi associatoa v direetreus. lire. WainCobjuU ai important piace l ailft ig ot Muusou's buasi te . * itiiunas à autsiî Black. Tornado Insuramie or No pover ounerti ecu guaeetW 10 our propsrty viii nat b. d6ffl un Dt d emna lised by mus al l à - h..- tha .,.- ma@ L 1 a 1 1

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