Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Apr 1913, p. 9

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LAKE- CoUN.*TY, INDEPENDENT, ______WAUKEGANWEEKLYSUN____ ,% d ¶ VOL. ,. I.No. i.-. PART TWO. LIBELITYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY, APRIL. 1, 1913.. FOUR PAGES $ 1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVkNCi. SUPER VISOR PROM WAUKE- GAN TOWNSHIP IS RE- ELECTED BY AN OVER- WHELMING VOTE - JOHN DEMOREST ELECTEO AS- SISTANT-ALL REPUBLI- CAN JUSTICES AND CON- STABLES ELECTED - RE- PUBLICAN TICKET MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP.1 WINNERS IN TUESOAY ELECTION BUPERVISOII-Edward Corat. ASSISTANT SUPEIIVISOR -Johii D)emoreat. JtUSTICES 0P THE E(' i Ilam F. Weis, Julius F. Baîz. James 6i. Wclch. Roy J. Nissan. R. S. Bota- ford. CONSTABLES -Fred Peticlair. A. C' Berry, .J. E. Ingalla, C. E. Hicks, Wii- )tin 'sbmnare.1 IIOAD C'OMMISSIONER - George Giraham.i SCHOOL TRUJSTEE-'Dr. J. P.oe- mer. TOWN COMMITTEE Wtiliam 13. Smith,. Robert )A. Ingalla. David E. Clarke. Efforts on the. part of Denourats 0.4 ~ ~ ~ t lrj'sic aiipreeeupon th@, general public that thc R.cpibIl- cfn pariy la dead and neyer fan be rosived. proved fruitîcas fer Uthe1Re- publican Party. ocier bas won a mors ,piendId victary than (bat of Tuesday Bthe Watiîkgan township cleu'llon. Nembers of th.' apposing partiesbild It impresced upan themnmnent'riily that tbey w"re dealing aitir a i'ey lively corps@. Iniîldeitaily lt looksa as it the iquietis bas been given perma.ý noltI>. ta the "Bull Moose" movement. l"rm omap la luolloin, l.the tîîhlican8 wan a coling vicier>. Supervloor"iip Race Inteipsa sery îîaturaliy î'entcneu lnb the @uPervisorship race. Edwand t'oni rad, the, Incumlbeni. ias rtîîrned taý office hy a voe that muet he ver grslifying ta hlm 11Filsvots was prac-; tiisaliv a total of the vte received by Messre Etard Tobiln and Hienr'> Dca- non, is oniy apponenla whn were in (Cofltiflued on Paige Two.) EVERY SUPER VISOR IN CO. REELECTED IN TUESDAY'S Sex Hygiene is to Be Tried outi in Waukegan Schools Be-I ninninn W1*h F rirç2iu gi..iuigt, sim iii TO INSTRIJCT BOYS FIRST. REPORTERS WERE 1 EL CTONCL R EER Y,1New Scale of Salaries Goes In-BRRDRM2N KIN~AND IMON VICORSto Eff ect With Regard to the Bni. POLLIN PACE KING A D SI IONSHighORSchool Teachers. MOST EXCIIN LC O I N TE OU YWA TATIN 'la"" i f fgrcat î.'aî"'Ucv and Suspicious Actions1 wef ra risa<.'Wd by the~' nc~l of Election Officiais Cal BENTON, WHERE HIME FERRY WAS RETURNED -ioard 'il EtIlîcatlon at th.. ni .-I F)rn Angi CHAIRMAN CLARKE 0F THE BOARD WINS AT HIGH- "'ay evening. iolh mater'. taie LAND PARK AND ERNEST SIMQNS HAS WALKAWAY 'adlie a felt by the board ,,, ','t":"KEPT WHOLE CITY WAITING« AT ANTIOCH-KING WIP$S EASILY IN SHIELD.S. efît wtt) lie very benefiçýial j l'h. eion tot e: iligiReporters Kept Outeide of the lia studentis of t i' sle_ Locked Door for Nearly Thu're aere nfot many aupprvIsor!t means ihpy -ail curry the Ciy dec cn:et aid ei lith grade seines il Ist) i'TreHus contesta ln thiii.' -oy thia year. as lin, ahil e ti. ndepiéienetii daim i and later ta the girls ln tie saine il s; sort or aie.'"off . year. the great- that 1it l no sigi. aliattever. Tt.y point res if the plan Buccee., i'. hgh i i'r part of the boiardl ioldinîg over for to lie fait tiiat a]]t tlree preciîîct@a s<'hoel itidents siane wilIl hi' gti-nia 2nd Pît. ELECTION OFFICIALS aither year., rue, le to h e icountiiry di stricts hi the cor. m it hi a branc h lu t he nia r t, Hlier. are tfii.' iwns wnere ther It iSsu141 electie... therefore Je lN n) hamiel ttre Judges-W iiliam Speilman, Joh n acre cotst inoî. tnh ah-1 n Irht iue rcnttoIý,Second: Adopition of a sé ai, of' Cois, Harry Bangs. kegan. Shields, D'crlîeidî ln the cenif t e -t iy priiper. ahite jwgst i a eceslefle ClerkThomas Burkc, Hoirace Ger- Il( re are tiie rémuits ln liose tow- 'neat irs:r pcivl ote kegan towinship bigh achool, tii's ry, E. Booth. i. u i. aied cîîiilh. i.-nton-Hirm Ferry. Jr.. defeated 1eomîîlained ihatlunder the (til) 5',ti. The jiiige', am.)iivriii; oetheiii' n o .555' canrdida te, M r. Farley. i1*(dancing ai itle resenitIlient on as t, i'îîiiere w ai. so much iii cri il i l i, t:ir i itliai.g.. lia rn)tIlae (ait Aniiocli EFrnest Slmoris. preseut 1a îî hole. It litsecî i lai th e nulpen.andi ni)st anda rd for tbem t o sîek ta l tua n ipîiiiion se theis lfîiirii cîl auei sr.dfet B t..Naber by dPrii tiet 'monuitthriiiigiuout wltii the atain;it mt seargeiy at the requet anige'ftif tiractiii':ly ,t->,r voter tl li, a najoriiy of 6* uexceptionî af Mers.lrai. Ferry for:of the te-asherb ha.tIhe measure aa. ie.euii beatise of thet. arui Edaad ionra deeaisclool trut,',' ia oas ,defeait by iaken ai..]îusi'd iîy the board. iiu.w lii ith icli.the'. t rîîeél ie the' t'.'Fukegan Ewr Cuat ieet he té oliva cajdidate. Mrs. Edgerion. rr e yae atr r'it'tm, iîl îe'îc ..Te ,,t Edward Tobin and Henry Deacon 'rott. or 119,-, le 1133; andi for highway! l'yai nos a iio oeevote cover the c 11nismiono r. the 'I ndepeteuît tick etcs i e Ti'laiîîsîîn. siperin tet -dat nig).t. bl i I, ,je tÏ a lt I>for the vote of the otheric ot out,. An i. Benett, l'eo'pie'leparis. fté l <-ol a h me ý-Pyte k;uelds--Jariîes King re-electeil. u deietng"'i aniat îîaclsWho aiîgges'l lietti'aching of -xi'.thi' liallot, If Iflwii iîîî heurt sei'king heetn hi aniaeleaco eieeoîeriîi i ).itfete etua iiîtiici.dranii featiig' Henry Vickermsn. fc..gettiig 5213 tla i,é lîteedetthgeeo iroa uly efliocm 8snehn iiPtatl i w elcîtT. Il.iClark ilefmai i'd Fred candidate. Lin.) neye 516 sich a cours.. a . 1,1resu itln in mii , .Ir i. itod îof arn. éing at liii' re .,iiîalfe. lelow are thete tals for uteriton 1gond !nt hi' saý-ith anîd clghtiî -..lts 1ht ic î'îîîît ii.,posifiîIy taxe BENONTOWSHP.Indpedet Prt. grades oft he' ii l itii'Té- an met withi. maiiitaineti a more suispicionis att)- BENTN TWNSIP.Indeendnt art. ,insitant aitîrîîsatiif hé,' membera of, utîelit ..ri')t.siiig iii gise lie snilgitteat The.'biggemt conteat ln the ceunlv Foîr '.perî'liir. Hiraîîî W.l"erry> the board and te iht't î.iuscd t autîinidlîratî.tiî tii tIieI. nri'ltret'i. îîf cour"se aasln licerie,î a tîre the 5.111.u'însiderah le lenztg. h tati. 'n e tt-i.. IIv lu* y e iit' ilisire' Volîvaites acre mcnd up ln atle air- For Ilighway 0i'îislsioner, Guy h Il isas devided isatti that the ex lit lle iri'îîitn' Nia , te) tt ray aga mut th. anlis. aSupuirsisor H-i. Siîîînioins-4 b9. îerlmen t a outillieui' .,dtilrat with i hvI' tit",.g.r ititanit heii.pub1. li t ,ram Ferry, Jr, sas opposedl by the For townsihip clerk. B. S. Luvc-522. boy, ppiplc. TiieIi îtîiswill meet l arC' Vlisa canîdidte, (0. W.Farley. ahi, For jistiéet;of Iliace ive etectedl ilext 1Friday afteritieiin the aaem t sîpolteiîlutiltgi fsitîc , i ýyears aga s'as the sipervisor tram F V. V. Lintsey -516; t'. E.Howe- hily room of itel" t su chool wberPc 11111t hitî'.. nnt at tics iýre tîîat tow'nship. The ght waa long and .519; (teorge' A. Triientpli 531; 1 i. Htbey awil) listes ete)iai,'tîre an l'aoV kiP1,tc gth.. ' ss ,,,îity tviiittg, tiese * urious. Mr. Ferry carniet the two a Ialn-517. J, Il. t unimniîg-519. iîijert îy lDr. R.tFIl.1T claiuitt. Fram î'Ieî tii,,,, .1).t iii-.met b0iliiîf i îi'i' <uiide precinctm, a hile Farlcy car- 1i cii nsa.bus il0%e îlect cd IJohn fi nie totailnie It I IhéC tan (la gi) % i iiîlttts a e)itulocil îiitrs and ,)clrrieii * ned twa in the city proper by a email .îî,îîîî.,îîîî ý,. ,îavWolte-521 , J' '-otîler local îlta. n o teliver lois in.t1ir uîwrk 1i,'li,raely.lit ne) oti. inumnber. The victory of Farley l i -.3;flvWclt-524 G.tures on fie saill i 1îîLct. These cf-i'r elu t iin )tri, îiii ,t lite t sî ttl5 tlîît particular prnî'inei causes anme of the 'oliva people ta teclare tijatj (Contînued an Paze Two.) <Coutltued mi,Pige Titres.) <tliti.îd<i.'aiTiro) STRl TUE NEW COOPERATIVE , SE NSATIONAL TURN IN ZION PAINTSTOR NOW RELIGWOUS SOUABBLE- PLANNED BY MEN ARR EST FOLLOWING CON- _____ FLICT, WITH POLICE. of Additional Five Cents an Hour is Refused. TOOK EFFECT APRIL FIRST.j Crusod&s WiII h Innoil Tmniglit? Say Co-operative Store WiII bel REPORTtD THAT VOLIVA HAS Opened at Once-Contrac,-( tor ar Crdulus ORDERED HIS PEOPLE TO GO ARMED THIS EVENING Fi l-'iltri' ioi.t Il part of e'onuIra.etl0r'. AND PROTECT THEM- te iîîî'ît a tlciitaîd fîor ait r T asi',l I waugi' aif ii-t'enta lier hotîr. eaiîss't SELVES ATALC TS t he1 îieniir 1 ai'ofth"i'iaitcrit imd ia'____ I ua)trîlaigelr'sn t'ntof 'Naitiai gan ttî ýI il',Ian' alat rike. Tuey tiaulit eiî ro' /,ion ii îY. Aprîl Z-Tbe usiial ctu..,e ci'enig 0ttuvents peîr iîur anti htia.iýde Meeting which bas been bold ol volu(!( o tit i'iianîd lc.The' 'ni'c iiîroperty oppoitte th@ Co" 419- tors5 decitret t tic couil net affiîriUicrai iplant fur the paït aine Mot t,, ni"ît lirie iu'îiaîd saiîtltiti' si rh.'wawc-xwti-ply -Il'.t r i! 4- -i renuîiîî'd1 'lîun the procssoÉ.a Titi' iailit.l efduclame 111e>. gl'.Ctî,enear the >drthwestcrn radwa iI tI t'ttt"iuiaiîety day'.' warniuig t h ait >i iala . . Hoover andDI 1LDU tic Atril tst the î.ew si-al iie l(l tîg.i 2urshat ''. Schneider. '-4 inta ettu'. t"\\'e ai,, ufiiiuindiig î 'î. l'lie eiders praieslted againot UO&b- I: tI l ije îîu'auarn rece, seul I> thlit'oanuici. iîut i bey were warned U iarîuuîîtira. 'oe ft ca)ti.'offîcemit" thIeb'T"'uîue alicad if tic> dane." ieputP uniotn deslared.l "'I'iics rîu.tilting- Marcrhai V. Schneider sport on hia ulît uasonieuluii.tîr du'îîîauid." itanlk îdwaved bie club exciteiiy la TmI;ý wen i spinedaplaret liie air. antisali. "Just camae onami tha ri stiliiintcorld iereatifdo'lt mi" Yeslerday marîing the t'muîaadu'ra wluhdrew. luit et the. Ov0. t riui. tir imli f st ali th crsir.l-i1114uumetlng w hciihalted by NMr. o tratortue> Jîe tfwairet foridevrl pmot_ L-l ai arranîge'mentliaaituet. ru' îte'l C îutls wie frdveom t whireh' va o-otvrtie pinttoe i, A, nelseuger waa sent ta lnform Ove> wo lt'it a u0 s'rti'eliiît'.,iri' en Vlisa of lie hold-up. tre'. it h aii'> '.uî.. ill lieîus'atî.uî il Ile inimiuiately badthticbell r1118 t).' Sc'hwtat ilduig uil \Vaitiigtoti .n ii.tuh ion oe. whlci was &aigu stre ri't u'i aand -..... î '. orumail Zîan imen ta gailber. About a on i item) r-iH sie eofli' itsrt. Ili'i nlZlun nmen tien proceeded te ms. aîuîiîuî thât the work olut rt lie samuee aIthc trouble. la t»S Lin i.',tor . îllao"tl ,Itr'ii ie Coo'ak Man quit wSik itcaille uîp Siloh boaulevard. Wbm ('rutîntie lin l'agi' Twa.) .011 ai hf l i mbat gone by, Mr. UNOFFICIAL WAUKLGAN TOWNSHIP LLECTION RETURNS. * E È e',.-z: z; Z: a eL 45* ~-. ~ ~ b b 1,6 Is!-4 l 21,1141 7109.9l4 1:1 615e :4 H -ý 041 6ý2 j1 3 I J I1 Il Il 1 1 Il 8 21 2-16 I:1114 I'3I I1 2 58 11ý46 20 23l11'2 ý143 !1811-511 .5263 1477 92 1 533,21 61U 1618311517)il l -I 5) 88 18, 1 1 1 7 3ý 161 65 33 3111461 46 43 7 161132361 164I15-7138_ 7 11l291 40 l5811301142!138:[ 140!1 36'l 22 129157 14511351129 82272: t81 5:1 39 <1)0 97'88 ~2 418ý6'2)33115ýý 65 511 84 74,31 40l:!45 W' :91491 59i6 i 412 m 28 421140:28 6256 56 6 3' Ili 181 1 1:..2 ;21 1;:29 6 ai 23 51 0 3 111113 Y l i 913 ý20' 92 104' 72! 661 44:O5i 0 0 20) 91 116i 96 11015 l 63 44 35 5 58 819 1<) ý 4)2 581 18 6 1581 54,171 4149'.38i;18 ,6 48 34 18, ý341 46ý 4 1:i36;1 331:38, 3:129, 2)9i 13il211 18' 19!13013914311 36 37' 40 25,'212282215 15 l1 01 3fl 4 - 743114 7119 150 50ý 24188!,1071, 55128191 9. U 990 95 70 !!l01i 8 9 4144!711 76 51741 7711 tifi91, 78 9153' 54 6'301 38! 211 82112i 1 81 991 43 716<30115116118112523201 22231 8 14 15! 7 61111 4!131 111 101 I121 81-14ýý 181 13 13 13, S )ý4 23 16 1 12 1')ý13! 11143! il! il 947 286 917 li25!121 131 171 '291 141 201 20 25 21 27 26ý 24! 23116! 9[! 9! 7 811211 221 211 25! 18 211 22 1 16 I(ý15!, 0)ý 9 61 7! 4ý21281,10 101 1001 231491 1211l 661 2311191 13I 73 29ý117jj701,741 67 581 631 241 281 291j 17 109jj105I111ý163II 641 63f 63fý65ý 19 2-13, 4231 10 10911071l0J ll1' 67 i30 114 1016465 31 812 42613,110 3473OO7~~4 j Ç ~9 .9 434j449338316 373 327 326ý3 5 6 737 3 39 M306~ 1257 336ý 454ý333L6 . 20L1 188 8 "' i I I I their buiggy and drave away. 'rue crawt began tf gyow toi, et t-ast 2 e pole wcîc gathend aOu hi' o'r',tr on the sid-wýaIk. *1IM stood aroîînd la moha ticuBasing the situlationl andi once ln a while àa lWe skli,iii wauld take plact, The Cv. saîlera miarcheil down and hou IW& nîv-uitlg in the usual place as UMM as tii,' marchbaI withtrew. The crqw4 wated fuirthuu up the tstreet tu> *» what thi' aut.came would be, expool. lng that the Crusadera wauld be mo- leated as they returned. Auto ia Uned An automobile in wbich Mr. Itub., can Bellaswe as rlding was tu1»à over b>. hua, ta otur ar ive womS. They rau iii against tbe crubadoe% who wen'e ln the road and evtdeatly trnedtotadrive (hem bock. eom et the Cook mon taok (bis as à pi« fuir a riot and faliawed ln the trae* et the atlomobile. but the Mion poe drew lîack and the incident reouffl in a slight akirmIsh triedto1 pumil t» auto acide wberc there was pi.ity et rooni. As the ('rusaders mardiieiUp tb.' sifeet some boodluma tried te shave thie eiders off the waIk. UÇ, Mion mjen quickiy tank the sitUoS« n haîîî andi there were a tew ws* âtruî'k. Those Who WoreMHurt Johnt Wright was ati'uek la *a faîce, Jesse Iul inlutiie ye, malft1' Aý Il. Meai was also struck. a qîîickly di.patched i.s asaloit, i for a time *here waa nome C'd«. 1 Independenta toliowed la big dO an ether aide oftheii. roseafime *jp% Ing a.nd sneering at the Vrad-«' eral hundreil gatiierel UIUd ZMon homee and for a lisse tinrs indicationn of a big riiot, iW a (Co. 'e, 5jg

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