- . ~,..*. n. -'e. , Big, ArilSalie fftwSrig Ilerchandise Starting ThursdayApril, lOthi and Continulng Utl pil 19%h DIleached Nuslil 10c Grade at, Yard 73/c .36 invh ful l)Iea<4led îîîusîuîî close weave, free fî'oîî stareli, good 10c grade, 10 %lard Iinuit, per 73 A S the unfavorable spring weathr bas been decidedly against tarly tuir.g, an~d con- -Esequently caused inany to delay their spring bm.iying, wc lbave plarired a big rous- ing stimulator in the way of a big AprilSale of New Spring Merchandise. Every de- par tmcnt bas conttibuted to this sale many extraordinary offerings, rnaking a sale that will no doubt eclipse ail previous records; In range of sclection, values and low prices it wiil attract the attention of evcry eçonioMiicgl person i ni Lake County. The inerchandime reptesents purcha!vs of vgi idpendable quality, bought in many cases at big price concessions, from the most rellable mianufactua'ers. You'Illte surprised at the extraoidinary prïceà. at which this nmw spring merchandise lamarkej, sptcially at the very beginning of thfe season. A Big Savini Event <bat will 1»<FPe ve ry Ecquemtcal Person in.-Lakte Ce .unty 42 -In. 1Pillow Tubit 22c QmUaty, Yard 160 Fine grade bieached pillow tub- ing, tirîn wcave, round thread, speciai, Yard ........... .. soft finish, 22e quality, 16 Fý ÏÏSpecial Sale of Men's and Young Mienps Suits at $15-00 lIlW tlties 'ei le, llde up of ai -so andbrie îin h urvti, Erot aiff ld padded saxîdde ~ îa Ilit fou .wili-i î ou w uItld pay $22.50 torinii 'lly votii ;g 4Elt i t'ing titis i lassofmifh.iie tevarc ini ail szsfoi3.voîgîîu o46, înclud- ilig stouts. "]os(. of vou îNvho Nvaflt ai n uual suit at a big saviîîg slîe'uld attend this sale earlî , as sueli suits %v 1ntlasi lonig at titis prive, special ...............................0 Boys" Suit Special ai $3.95 Two Pairs of Pants With Bach Suit I'lîse stjis are l<<el sniart in style and show iiui aeai pains ini tîeir nîaking, two and tIr-e huttoEn j îîîssloels. n iii luahle iîovelty inaterials iin clîiie patterîîs, also dotuble breasteri anîd Norfolk styles; '-)Pairs of pan13Its îvith va IliEi sit, sizes 3 to 17, 39 Speeiai. ah ,................... bMLN'S MEN'S MLNS 351111 Lisle lRose $1-1.50 5 hiris 69c fiais ai 79 Cents Extra heavv silk lisle hose in tan, bluie, 1ldaek and gray, a spletifid %va-e sisting hose, (fetTred dur- ing this sale, at 25 pair ............25 ,Aboujt teui dozen ilei's Ahont 150) înei's soft liats regular 4.0aîîd41.<>in dsoitîuclst les, reg- dress shirts, siitly sol-uIlar $2-), 20) aud 42.50) cd, contein iial fauîcY valte. juiSt thc tiîg for stripes, figuires, (te., in îvork, Von'eir e cduring al olrs.llis sale 79 p r .......69c,,........79 $1 tneyfoulard at, Yard 89cj Cheuey Poulard-2-t inch spot proof ItEEula.Irll*, silk in vcrv attractive lnew floral, dot anîd Drcs den Eesigui,., in rieli 89dc colorijngs, $1.00 value, spec-ial, at, y ard(............. Santung StUcs - 23iihs wide, firun grade of Shlanîtuung, silk, ini bouchle effeets, ini rve of the new spyniig shiades, washable, 35e Nvallie, speeial, at yard.'... 29c $1.50 Diagonal Sutings - 50 ilîI j\, îviioidiagoinal suitiiigs il, grav %,and (ltaîî. îpuire wool, ati ililuidi îuu w eiglitspiing sicityard . ......12 29c Silit SriP Voiles at,-Yard 24c A splen did assortinent or co lored Nvoiles ini oneor two tone effect, with pure silk &tripes, ight and dlark shiades, ini a splendid var- let for vol sîumer dresses, waslhable, '29c value, spe- 24 ,ially priree for this sale at, per yard ............. 4 15c Lavus and Batistes-Tlic old reliabie liol braîîd in new original floral and conventioîî- ai desigus, iii a large seleetioii of pattertis, in iight and îl cuk eolorings, a fast pur e dîc, ir(g- niai' 15v qtait.%, slec 1 Si A m .i 1 2 2Cî ~ 7 27 Inch Eponge Ratine - A îîey faiiie ji a narrow epouge stripe effeet in two toue coier- iîîgs ini pink. bMne anîd grav, for dresses and suits, 27 luchies Nvide, 50e value, effet cd duru.ng this sale, at di9c iad .............oy 500 Women's Waists 69C $1.00 and $1.50 Values-A ver 'v sp((iai pureliase of ait assortmieit of 5X) waists at a hi g priie cincessi n i. 'l'lîc v e hue- 13' tailor-e<l <f linîgeriîe,%i es amid lawnls in about 25 lifferent leaiutfjl sin - cluding l-Bîlgariaîî effetE(i, 5(11e are trimined îitlui Iueks, E1lIEjll.aii<1 shadoîv lae, iii 10gh ()r lEEw ieE loiig or short sleeves, iii aIl suzesi $1 and $1.50 vallueS, ai........ 69c Petticate 49c- A cletof etpetti- coats n2ail oft anilhie, %vith 12 imcli cii- broidery floîtuce, an e(xceenýit petti-oat, offered at the veirv sîecial priee of.................... 49c Ribbiai,Laces, Ftc. Womnen's Suits I& Cous 10.95 silk ta ffeta, in ail EEEIors, 25v valife, 1 yard ............. 8 Èrench and Germian Val I1aces-11/2 juchles Nvide, edg- iîîg and isertion le, match, special, pep dozen 55C Odamlaric mbrodery-Fî otu 5 incites to !)111E ies w ide, valutes 11/eto *fE, lO per yard ..... o 15 Inch -Emnbroidered Voile Fiounig-In ieahtitl pat- tcrnsi, $1.37,) to $l.75 vîalues, special, peeý 10 y-ard 1..... . 00 HAIR GOODS. Psyche-MNadc iof twî svp- aiate pieees to blEE 1Ed iSep- arate if desirièd. illade oft îîat- uiîil WiéVNr'liair tEE (EEill îitlt aiiy lair dufess, speciai- à 2.59 C1u s t e r Puifs - (lustens marde of 20 to 25 vell inade iuiffs of ille 1uality hlair, ini aIl shatles, speeial, 75 at.................75 &olliIdîi 5 aîiî l iss(s' siits andiel eats, baii titai- IoreI-e oa111E CEd serges, iîoveltv îiuxtlires, and whip- cEEds, in ;al 11(V iîndels, inelnditîg Buflgariaîî, suits ind ~1avVcc s ini a îvide ranlge of....i~ 9 cEEe.rs i lgliar$1.11 <)value, at ... ... . SUITS AND COATS AT $14.75. Wv;n liiiig soille exveleîti<>ial valutes inii uet' aid isses a«Iliicd coats, mraide or l lun serges, lid- tord vodlEs, iE mlt iixtires, itid i wiîuords i;sonie. ski ils lb I&t<<,fl (t tiers liaviluî gathereri baEk. J eial prived, at . ......1475 A BEAUTIFUL WOOL DRESS AT $8.75. An al îvool eliellis dress, fine strifred niaterials lumade ini iîîaiî beauiti fti st vIes ini blouise efferts, lias low neck, loi rshort scvealifId liles in navY, Copenixagen, laiveitrer, lîî'owil, .111i lehk, .an linsmial87 val lie, at.. . . . . ..................... Misses' and Juniors' Coats-AiI îîool, AUl Wooi Serge Dreesn-Uoiiin bine, oft ei'gclenvelties, AO o(efliiagdlI, tans, browns. 1& 19 eet. speeial vluies, tîjis sale at4e95 Exeeptional values, this sale m4t *7J WOMLN'5 RainCouts \%Vienwiî's raui coats, mnile of finle uIie]relizc.d popilu, rîbheîized, scIe d anîd ce- iilntc(.in iitan 11 andI îavy, speeial. Ue-75 Exquisite' Millinery. at $ 4.95. Attractiv elbats oE* verv fine mîilanî andid heînip, arse laiid iiade liats, iiiecly triiiiîlt, lui ribbonl, floîvers anîd feliage *andiili thte icw v uielcnie<I os- trili seiie ol ered îvith Bî3îl- gaiail shiffonE, ~i aIl the nemi'st stYles, uluîeh4iîlg lte - large as îveIl as thte m sîttaîl itedls, at ..q7 A large assortmeuît ceîsistiîig ofthtîe uw Mtiens iun spring miiliuei'y in cip bats, aIse liair hraid bats, tiiun nmed with flowers anîd foliage iii ncw and ex- 29 clusive shapes, at ....................... Minses Hats at $169 - Misses' hats, made oEf uni- ]an, botnud with x'eivet anîd triinued with silk ribboii, in different i f shades, special *eF Special Basement Offeriags 2500 O)dd RoUa 5c to 15c Wa&1 Paper 3c-2500 add rolla of wuall papeîr in designs suitable for any rooin, en<ugi Ef inost kinds for small aize roonw or halls, values uii)to 15(-, pricedfo er a quick clearani<e at, per rol......................."' $500 Go-Cart for $325- A one. motion coiiaîsibie g(-eart, îith rutbber- tire wvheela, upiiolatered in latk leitierette, speciai,3 5 at. .. .. «.. .. .. .. .. .. .............. Paints - Higi grade lic îîseliIl paiiits, at, per gai 13 to E .....l1 3 Floor Varfiah-For un- sightIv fleors, 15 galion .....15 e'lI prc d 'va a. . . .. . . . . Onion Sets-Vatigha:it'si veliow and red -guaran- teed onion sets, = uart.......Oc Arour',1 *Lighthouae bas o .....25c Ohildren'a Hats at 98c- A splenldid cedetion of faîicy straw Itats for the littie tet, triinmed ini gry-grain a sî'uI... Bloue Dresses UtilitY liotse <liesses ean blie sc(i tht as a biouse dress or alîreli, extrla fîll, flark ani l glit 98 i'oIors, at .........98 Kimonos Serpentine crepe kimne ias in Emspire style aud go(ee eçlor range, a re.gidar vallie, vomir eboiee, 98 att oly .....19 200 Girls' Dresses at- Only 95c Auas an inghafîîs iii2a0îvirlderîessef, colaide fir e r- iîî1esd i iaii ees i a izesgef ers and i2 to 14, 95cl speciallv 1rîeed, at.............. ................... 15 wool materials, ini plain tailor- ed style, have w cli nuadle pock- ets, sizt-s, 6 tù. 14, 19 at ...............9 ail îvool ser~ge and tioveity nix- tuues, iiinMu, tani and brow.n, itlso sîîî .il.îlc.s ilk eat;, 3 9 Men's and Women's Shoes ai Special Prices Womenla Shoes at $2.50 and $3.O-Ainerivail Lady and Ma - MNaîîton shoes, two niaines well-known to the pulic for their style and wear. W'e have theni in ai styles, of low shoes, sticb as piajîl mps, ini lov ani high heed, huttoîî, lace and straped ox- 111(15, ini al ieading leathers and fabries,2 privedt at this sale........................25 -30 Men's Working Bhoes - Ii blaek and tan leathers, every pair guaranteod soiid, withi soft tops, also the Elk Skin shocs, $1J75, $2.00 2.50 and ............... RIi Savinis on Furniture and Bugs $12 Iron Bed, Special at $5.69-We purehased a line of sampie beds from a leading manufacturer at a speeiai price and are offering von a share of the sav- jîlgs. Thîey are made mostly in fancy seroil designs, in vernis inartin, bine, whit or gleen fi nish 5.69 values from 4$7.00 to 412.00,fr.... Ï25.00 and $27..00 Axminister Ruga $19.85-9 by 12 Axminister rugs in floral and conveittional designs, in ail desirable patternls and shades, heavy pile, a -mg aeiling regularly at $25.00 and198 j$27.00,, speciai, at................... Eag RUgP-21 l)y 36 ini- chies, in desirabie paît- terns, special, at ...... ......39 gle iron f rame, double weave fabricu, 3 rows of coil supports, 19 aud styles, some ae sample lines of high grade shoes, sizes 2 to 8, with or witiout beel, picd at 98e, 8e 9c, 59c anîd................59 A Slale of 1,500 Paire of Ourtati-By a iucky purchase we secured about 1,500 pair of Swiss, serim and Notonghani lace curtains iuciuding ma»y vyards of curtaiîî materials, at a very speciai pnice, tbat's why the prices' quoted are so very apecial. 'Novelty Curtains-Made of #ine acninu, good length, in a choice ofjrýer de- signa, speciai, at per pair ................... . .. . Curtain Scrim-Coiored bordera, fast colora, in conventionai design$, g1 per yard .................... 92C f I VOL lau non MA si M r RIDAY, , E.C. si rein,'Va anad thse a lasg a ques Ifttle doses whetiar C b . as violai retatned fi * ty fonds. certain ne, revengeful ta ie tihe Mr. Sin from hie 1 erning ou L.AW CONo THAT Pi COUNTY STATE w ho fe ouet dolng S.1 Here la Reports tnveetitati uIne. usim ioleior tirr to se May have S Mr. Bise isw on the Reporter other cour Mr. ainsi and eean, on thse del (Mr. Sma lie happers Cars.) Reporter by nmre. 1 treaturer, If lie wli haine etr piliow, jus wouid star uanner' Mr. &lm ing of the aeporte, e, under thse private ar an tndivid est for mc ita bit mes Mr. Soin ter betwe pereon bo long ne th Reporter Weeterflei tif n mirai state have tIlegâl or Mr. Mm pelliic hIr Reporter Iundorsta no law te S hich lPre the, monej hie bonds talning sa Mr. Som, and, ne i don. In the atot. Cites Ano speakinl ty treaaur cal officia Ileve yoii tramr]dFI: here, he ieft ta 1nd cure enou. paitty. H It and It pie who 1 wer born (pald ln s was ln F the eay w long Be hiE came fine( Flynn sd ln thse lie It under 1 ioanlng If knew we SMr. Wese la the lbe Ibans.) Speaisin retatniiiq their pos Thompsoi a few ri Thompsois campalgn eleoted, lb couity.ai MAN v CENT 0F C TREA MONt AND, sucH. COUR' Il Il Il ÇLe 4 1 1