Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Apr 1913, p. 2

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,»«oeptlbiity to ccldsi sore* etautosilitis and such, ndL- ft impowrished vitalty-4ack ,-,i0rvC atrenglia to veather ~*pocfuloSCO1SEAfL. Wa cter cach meal. ssas k.s indles a great firc--ad t moa richmi8. bukeas tinth-pp.ft.- j.csesnd ý»OTrS gMULSION la the W*elcod liver oit, made creaia. 10atud piatable w vihont ico- 9 pr draa-dan qiinftsumc .Pu* Bertittand famify of Lbrty1 afl Susdcp vlit M. R. P. Sert-1 r lland ced Bob lBeus erva1 bqiers lle ondcs nlgit.1 ced Mn. edasel ced vise of chi- et sundui ced liondcs et Ueo. eu Ocr Iitia lalaaproing. She ges *PmoIm Kenoiba. H, , shold iit. MeWW mMcWna suetean cd sop iýbâP cma b.very match lmpt-vd Owm ccl unefleolbp a couI of p-vaug c varcisb ia.eIIOmals. 4 0aflc. 4 gcod ol eint vill .-ruthonbl lb.e vWau tshedl vala .adock doms osbesdm om a. j' a' S' *Powâoe gFor Ihas as gthe baking *powder that tl . makes the *bakinglictter." 5It Iavni. ,fond pifas t up tb airy :deligltfullyappetir. g lg and whoieuic. *RememranÇsalurnet E-higbeat li quait,'.t A* Auyour trer for ICalumet, on.t tak1 à subtitute. Mr. cnd ]BebQsaicai$41 tbaslIy moved *0 liigbacdSlrk tbe kÀ* ai tb. veek wbere 4el ispll amcl tieu maure borne. rOmndmas Gscryr Ia ueported sealou*l IU theltret of tlvmoi, but la bter ,et priset vritins., TIbs villae elaction p.ssd off very quis Tuéeday cmlit. mno opposa. Mon.o e srexular ticket, lb. proesmt cacere belng rs..lsted asu10110ws: Precildmit. R&C. Kent; trusteseail. Gointg, V. D. Kimbailiand W. H. leAmphore; police maitrats. George Prouty. Work oSloniablng l t e Cond loor of the vilagu hall in progroelngrepidly. lb thée-W beutJagbeng ompieted ami lb. pataters bave nov startedj Ilisir work. The eletrie wlrng ciaoo -m pleted for tins fltueos U. cMd lire. Ambrome Bags retrued eu outr Village S5*wdalt&fer epondla* bbc "iIer lea Sontht Dakota vl*h Mr. ed ulm .Frhàffland Win mai. our vllage bavlag ventaid a pant of Mre C.1.PrcW5 reskiedms A. L. (robtaes, $Ws nevlandord of ld. Ocklcnd hotel vili niv hii opeaaag dans on Fulda venl«ng. liai 2. Be bas etagedel Hphea orcietia for lue ocetiocMd a mnt pleceant tipi. la -55'in. M4 and lits. J. B. Turabui speft S*turday cnd Saindeir vitl Mr. and lire. WIII B"a# e cokoellmr. Mir. and Mm.: Rug Davîlu. vlo bave base âpedng ca vsek vitia Nim Catherine and Jane Murray lit for tiair homern Nbraika, Frldsp rnoacng. C. 1H. Patten cnd ..X. Ouvis of Plaie., caffledla our villasgsôaubnSlne Tuesdcp evenlng. Tbsy report &il tha rncter14 as ebeen bons%&t *0Complots ont rcllroad to Wancoud*ancd cisoon as it arrivesework vill ha roumeurnoo. tliai end and rusbad tbroiagh to com- potion. â«. T. J. Murphy weu a Chicago olator Fridcy ced Scturdcj Ilut veek . Mmra J. N. Zimmer and son Loo, ef Long Graâve, vlstsdwlth ailativaS le our village Tossda ced Wednadcp. M. W. Hlabtasetced ouelisei 'ébae lpWenedp Urt. ced -Uts. .E. Icun evre Chictagovisilore ilut Friday. Jour BDase A i arcge. @paut SUDa- dey vila hie pamete lu Our village. ObtUary Rachbel Aai Gray vas bors lu Oa&eeburg, Nv York, Sept. 17, 1844, a»4 disd, et ber home la Ibis village April 8, 1918. 8h. cerne visia ber parent& *0 Waucondc e ire oa f son Tvp elare survive ber lire Kilmer of Nev 'York <tv sud im re nablu. of lheortyvtlla MiseGray vas mcrried te Edgsr ,Green, De. 25,1865.'f FtouIbis union there vers Ove children boru. Oue Fred L Green died àAug. 8, 1908. The iubad ced four chidren surviva 10 Uu the b.lois of c duiti sudlolvlng ideced.motbe. Tbosunvivlgchiallren cri, B. J. Ores. o! Cblcao. Frank Graun cd UM». William Jobuston or Wcuconda, ced MissJeànla Gruau, ubo vila thiasbani o! tb. dacead so Scndsuly a d lalfli ered forlire. <rîreltlrough bls eere of ber dacllung F INt bol OR negibor*ansd friands vbc stt.uded lias fua e tusS 1h.respect aed eem n lavblieh.Wvasnbld in taie coumuaits. 8h. iacd a brght ceauful diapoMttinla chermed ail vln6 kuev ber. IlMafrs bar b"eth faiedho va uatrlng te do for lb.evlars ed W nm fort of otiaurs.Tiroogla ber nlaerfu mile ad charitableHIde ebe exenpleid the Ide. cormnadsd by our Lord and mcusr. Thé funerelsrvies ererconducted la ltae Baptiat churci a Sturday aeltoon. Apnil 5 bp Bey. E. Lelo> Dakin, pester of liamrerlachurcia of Christ, Chiaesgo. Hila discours. wss a touchiengced loquent expolliooa t%haracter je immortel. Whcî c ac.eoltiuun thal tbe app s&B cd Iovlng beacrlof Iha de.hpareel vailgreet us bsyond th. dak Bilunt river. Thein- vedding on lbaleuded, ced tbup auterud ther Dn o"ouasto sttie down 10 whcl tb.p opeidl obe onu ong uinterrupted blissinl bonoprneen. But alnsi th. young brde@ troublas @Don hugun , vhen obsia.led *0 teduca the crost of living vilb chcep bg cen baklug powdera. Sboon diseoyered that ail eh gel vas a lot for ber mouey. andI Ilwuc Dlot aili taking powder. for the bhit 0 it vs. cheap materiels vilh bcd no leavening powzer. Buci povder viii Dlot niche lilgit vol.omie food. And beeau»e o! the capfleaof luceninqgg, it requîtes from tva to tbrea tîne amu much te taise cakes or biscuite as ht doe of Calumet Baking Pouder. Thua. evectuaîiy. ftheactuel toit %0 You,oaI baap bakint povlers, is more tiao aliuetvoulil ha. Cbaap baking povlera oflua, bar. lia bnead blesecbed adId,onnetip« se 1ow ced seltaind ced oltun npeitablo. Th.y et. fot slwcysafuuiforan etrau3gtl and qublt. No;v tbe bride bups Clumt-the peu. 1"clY wv4pme beklng povder, modl erate la prid. ced sivepi unifor ande rellable. Calumet keépe lnlefinltly, makai cooklng eesy. and lausrtaclyl lieasmo oolcaller aIl. 'i. Mr. c"dlam Heuy Lobuen *pont Bane# wMvila . c. leres. Arthuar Nsbrlieh of BEnmeton, @eut Suude.y bhm, tir. W. . U8aavla iosrtedinng lie fetbor, Ur. Tiruhuil ni weuconda.: lit. cc fers. GS. Bois cnd facnly of [Obicfgo. sPMteetli.vaee d et 1h. home nu. H. -Apubly. Tb@s C. B. aoce.y wviigive e dîme [ioaiPriday ight. toelght)&# m Ie bonne of . F. Eouas l'O whlcb'everpoas Mr. Mudlime.David Sottie o! Austin. Vet. aéels of lUr. ced lire.W.. Mr. aNd Mms.P. C. Kniffe of Ircee, vletw Mt lMme i. . rma lait lluudms momcnng v. Vert vil spudk On Pttn a Asein't rvi.". The. sablent of bit eving sermon vili h. ."Iry Klngdoa oma" . R. L. Drdik @peut llunday vlthbis1 daugiater. UMm D. A. Ajrn aisfllfhlgb Pe.r Ai1 fetasta emember lIi eeng t UAbartyvile on tbcturoop for ltb@ purpoas 0f orgcnlsi ncd pling "for a coubty sgtlcultnrltsfor thia&'oalng, er. rrolasor Bskbardt Who basoa OpliI@ ed e0 Math lot DeKalb oousty viilbu paeot end ope"l. TOM Ruasil vas lb. viotincs 1aVary PalatnalCcédent lest vaek Vae&cIerg vork bons ib h. va boag tbo"w I -.- ~.1 Prolsis o ùhardt cf D@Kalb. vill dalievr an'lluroadedîneou lermlaag et l#hurt-vlns on Bêturday alernop tZa!T9sa et th. Lyrlo Theatas. Ee'ery.j une veecome lils Bertha Heltie ced Bac Bitma. thaler atteudud tescherei meeting et lbstsqle Selturday. Mir. nad lira. .J. A. Ilasoa i vlated vitia reltives lu Chicago the fora part of lhe vsek. lita.WIIisp"ced chilrea 0f1Bocks. biler, upenî Tuasday vita ber paents ben., lir.. S. E. Ruedler epent Idondep elgilan d Tuanday vitia ber siflsr, Uts. S. 8. Slseger. et Bavinla. il1. H oitje tl Tnedap on a ton dcp buileai tu 10 itsea. Harvey Ceon, who vaïs uddeuly lobe i l aiTuesday, i.setuaily la- -aoIn..ý Ml.. W. Rnader sud aou Ted vis ited vitl "rlini iter ced cent et St, Lbe hooplm Saundal. Tb@h. aos rlande of ev. ced NIm- . M. Umsbach ia lh l eaaed tb leere tiac ev. Unhcch vas r.tureed te lais chefor m aother vear. lià etpdon hie bees.Ti l1g anvratuecd 1* vii besOus limelaiftlelJured member iih At tb. 1.4ei villap e toqUpTuee 1h. oci.progressIve lIchai vas vielodo rU! oqbanng hS, é buad aillas (111m Party lb. eteopug5 plcak la tilupil&fora. vag bauw laprOicmeh.and jndging b~ ir is »re te lb.aeorty mue 10 le&Tor ibi tnote~p~A.Wcktaon for piI sue agaitoutOlotbIe oppocé Ls&a. uatb. Truelese us ced 19 Q elevon salky bolla rxuclsg abmadolticket viale J. L tibu von e6%« 4. a. Romaslae e sM meread ot».'Tb@umlllesI vo" cea ir UkepaKubleel.H.9 4e vas ge4oseothe 0 boce o'6polles .E,Mh. INiuavas on Tberedcpof tbie, veekfor mcestzended vk ieil vis li prople la entral Indina. ma«s ali l vws Impaiseble te staalice pe alag pu» lImoUnudcy beccuasof lias etese wts i6lê gode. l dii amed shernetoo vitA lb. veaiber anoc fe»but na Ila vael boys Ver, fotted *0 o-n ma m wv %~sl i h a good wortcut on dry ' e.Anothar #tuao to1 prp ilb. Wul iii h.madue aslodc witia $bu e»tumca *0 ai ua lube Born, tu lit. sed Mn-a Stevart Pad- dock, Saeurdas, April 12. a,.dâughtet. Fred Gusetslabd tlb. sionltune tu tm hi. l& aisnd Mondsp. liewvas tnp. uing a aoreIbredder aethi John Kiteon pince vesja hi ecame caugl. Il vs empotatalolaboya lb. vrlsaitet1h. Hahn.nn"ebuspilci lb. lame d*y. BenardflOilm ofaI tlrmcey, f aguin of lire P. E.L Masbul artiv.d lu PaltU. Wadamcise lire. Chenlu. Britb of Duainee, vis. lied frisuls h'lPelaine Frlday. lit auomes la ncoverlug ftam ber reSfflIsilalumi..ý lit. ced Unr. Repaeu aulg Ibis veek le CcaO. liorthmer Foukett la able t,. eout casr eSfur is opergtlou. A nie. pouuidd Icuabtor cutiveil ethe borne of Cari Ernambler liundal. lire. .lauuie Tep lofOSCicgo. in viait- leg ber eiater, dmre.Neaon. Mr. ced lire. aplesof lova, arrtvacà bor Tueedap ulgi and cru viation Ira. No a stpraent. loba Gaynor, t8r., .1111 improvea. Bls rnany f nunde hope for aepasedy reevery. lire. Frank lillobel viiteI villarelu Jo$c lao eclavN y1v aRe. Oea.ÀA. Lytis. ut Buffalo, yl tiras et Uhertyvillie ced Wccksgce ~pnccb as tlb. M. 0.e oa Suaday bien. forelaput cd lb. eek. lua. Ber. L abrotbar of lire. A. liasFno"ieKuedie er rnponiw e . Smitnh. sisto r'Frcak Steini, hUn<>s W. B. lirockvq recavel word Tu&>s Heiglas blonda". day th&% bhi fathr vus desd ced laIt (>bl$UAZy lrnal pfor Nev Albanay, Win. Albanuy, N. Y., April Il, 1870, caddied &# Prairie Vlav Aprit 9,1919. ba"lagELUC? or ctes reecbed i ie f 42,yers, il -onhe- and 29 dois. Tinse tcclidere. nItha ev lratm Upon sgt tioe frouindiïes am m lls ate Ecoel ýo!iuao, vila it.i Dr. Tracy practiclfore tilu Atlcasg. 1bou saconldaela *0 rTinat6 loo, Mdcltuer- n a d (In anaogo«tpýàfl àC vbareh.o'.. a s vail clàoo&t ea. Pseg A c0 me" s rgaleios svas peuran Iprivae tm nttudm Whvbi u a Bumber of peaus modiclai ua$-hWotboi- tahe -W beel le IaleasUp th la ete Boar i o!Relta, lIt binug t10MO Dm t dm et Sraste anSMd appoinfi ppade»n lia dacdth oS lb. ec a bourt of directore Aà fol- mioi.t asietim etaIJOUe In love: H. P. <ine, J. P. 01.01..Win. the esr190 Dr Tm wu»Mm-GUe, . . H.uer, a . & Hem- eloaasd ceplein moie e urgson on ÎheMoal. H. J. Misonut. les T. staff of the artilley battellce cf tbe ier Johniat Iore. A. W. Ler- 51510 eler Sron GOu"rmiN. S*UB or, epencer Otta, IL Pool ckaJe"C. la 1904 h.ovas cPOMciadi tlleulcuan ILe.E.w. Ries, A. . Eob&tsoe, Pust eseltent nrgeon of lb. MW, John ~Robetooh Naval Beserve. Tva yoys icter h. be. Tinbào 0f dIleotors bote taelr tgen bus jrce dlZ Prairwie lte lu ie ci ret meeting Iond40' evecingande ho conlluued Outil.,un acclot cf1uin»"s. elected officors sci folloveV: h. vas obliged ta gvo il OP. Proaidant, Jloba Bortson Doningaisperid of sees v biuia Vic Proaldeti, IL J. Lcasa9ciuit* esaded over a number cf inotia,. Dr n .P ate Tracy mrncella dcvers bop"alaIpIi u .P ale and le @Pite 01 hi. e aleuilphiel Ceihier, A. IL. Robortace. conditioni, wvilib. ould col b.fIp but ,ÂAcali for paygmto* io .on 'or &biure, b. vas outloa=UllpPl -W8fr bofore lMay 15, viljas1Is uel& cte* Iemme bis labote ce c physicin-»Utl aye. The dreclcru 4.cided *0 're fla lai alde of ailahi. tlb. Ma stf bo tal inohequartera n»v occujalal unvem . qcd. "Il1i.teed,"Ond tlinsthe Barriegton BasaI. ,Thfine tuma- Risoo lprtwâ. e ta he to b voc.Fclb cameet viliitale ov«esta.buinos cnd vo keov thst Ho., bor ttà %vise about June 1, it la expected. 10 eru csd tongoodlto bu looktud, iill deo lalapgvel LyIYlvers, bad stumciae. onstipa- Tin osev moum t Iis e.thP deportute lIon, dyspepsie, bal brI. ino badacine are Dr. Trecp'e meter, nu e lei ,on.sal brother, bisg*&eaa&So EpreS ,ad eà alov complexion, protpptly tlilvé agltude ympathWisIrluds. b,'iolsteir' I. M. Tee Uic. W. W Card Ot Tbe»pks IWu wvlh *0«ai" o ur ib&aitô eut Piano Worlr frieuls fou- tnoir biedami lb.the Aldena Piano si;op : îw4twokegcela culfl nddeatia of IFontb mmUd tepla" ta hav*, 1pian omes lfor Ilt. Tb@ bepWel ulaatato Md ii epira. reffualseov»Iration. etc. hae h.utifnl dut. mbave: hue ccnTusoeil the tbealngu' aue luexpreeebla solaeeMd ceomdoa%0 &Scinpano. ll4Ncrlilb$Mrldecd, Un. làs. E. B. Tcsva D Sog. Wcuan . 09 LogWolehlulit strlit. cet- eshvlsktias boom 61 ber fatb~ 1Pb. opl t IliumàCrou'îmm vi si# tg qina rate e venisa ofthe lS*I lalêli e 11 h.h Mr1eeoc cnd MUssM arion Cralg, wlaffreaS"~, Deetrios Duffj'. Dsli UcrOlAs ld Bath ilelbati alseed d 1. Id*êI«0w tomecbsro« .etlnet Li)- eryia aturda>'. 7h. J*wel club vs enterîclned tap MilBcelia icheis 86turdcy alter- *000. lila lUldred Biedeptadt von ibo prislu lb. guaosleg gau».. -lgiuoLovet ancd Roth rmever botumes et a lire bond red pcrty Tuas. Ada A evetle .dmb g r n Yeu bae lautiqàprobliia eem er"dpmïli t -do t'eu cet.-W1by cot aveu yousde fl the<boilles ouir Bann eNta *i.yon isve io. ,W. are glaS w tik thosm nstWraover rith you-viîbouîoMarge, of courge. May voRo Llberivile. 111l"o MMs Die3ay sser, a .a tule Mrlita i o f mi&le.LaIsCoam as 5. la thu»Soeuth la dm -es 0 esuthe J.Lukac of elsoviev, faisp the Circuit fcourt of laie Commer, caiise.4etbthe ass, Iie à lu oeleago.Match Terua. A .-. 1018. Rp hce a ,oiys i. juf çx WvS. DomS Butet, et ai..ter 4 UI 551 105 baais. ,IU lai;s Thipopils ailMieas Ida Eneal gave ab nlu OuY.a«.No. Offl. ith« os cel8SI dgrff ent 9 éIcans piano reelel Sturday citernoons t* 1h. public police la berebg'givm tlbalby -d W*.Iheuie Moulin7 dones bons ef11r. Kacal. irtua ace ucrder ccd docroe.entered vOlt 4 échaîna »MI70 111&à; theOc Freol Petmrecamg 'Tb,,, Os si 8, tu théabovna eutilef mmaus eth*'tolb1 ~isVs vooa Nb art@#Tbot" t he ore ' ircitCouri of tesCone. 1111-: and£4si ala;theeUmmNortin81 degreis Ne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e @orT.e"a bemomig t ois, et the a ir*it Twu, . D. 19, î,vot oa»chau le lthe vest line cf vise luhe Pnebwtarlae iancia mouai, ce tee Iday, of IMtch. A. 1). 1»1&. 'eU 4uq«~u sCticancd tiiecs netu lir. Sombiro' stae *sDriw 1<1gbthèeof lb. undoiïiguelM elitr lu ai niMMveut lin. S chatn uid se Uslp anod e aWili rcv ,NqigI Unto Chali ceaimâdCourt. V-w ce icm l iabo 11D tinsthe ol9aiet otanu& Ton." dur. the 111h dzy aofUM". A. D. lm15i MaoecOmmodag et a point Scutha athet uras ot coueolos* la lte _gt.1i7degree eft caînaanse l0 inls lire. C. IN. Carraill ni t:iaicgo, vasu*e deaocnor mil doahe b.Hat front thécoutiaveel Cornar ct the p&rý week-end guest 0aimli. Ralph Kniker,. douor cfhe iCourtRoces a lthe City 1ce1 of an laM ditdrled ruing boc«.cf Wsuuma. Cousu' c f Lie and lImace nortia 77deeu e oil Scliain Stat..of inoJe. 41MI t publiceuc & c l 8 0 lin k.: thoaca soulin6% de. à douce wveiciven Satordastelgt nt h l bigan cd boit biller for cah 1lares. sat 4 chaion nke; thence Auderceos hall by the lbernaurvills the fll.vhng deibad land snl rosi souta 17 degraes met S chinen d Piceure cub. etae. to.vlt: licka; ltecea north 70 P. B. lMeyer waa usienes coller lu Tiacas portions Of lb. voit half a or éasue cMd 40 Ils M"reor W»as 1 the acuthoal qu of qiSac" ulPif- lt e rta lina of te lgiDn uRendn Forant Glann a urdal. loin (le) Tovaabp Foty-three <4*> Itouas mrtavotcrly ta lb. place of Uir. ced ire. Tbao. L.Kaak wodNorth. Rangs Ubleu (11) II& the lasbegbacn& abjoct 1taltha lover and lau ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Î guea0 bi uB ua fCa.ThiIr Prnalat ailies eeti l.rfbed ci ioieel stateaof Doma Morte lwd. theendrs f teïrionEd oda ofc1wfoUlov.: Lots 24 cul 24 inte a.Touaov cf John Predorlda RortaI, dae-s cego. ila"descd londay. of Middlesex <now clielHaitf DA ad5. thelOin. lire. C. H. Muqbike vas lb. guset of acording 1inlthe plat th~rofre<d. 1)5151 et Wsekcgn. lIllnoi, thla 7tl ber Initsr lirs.. ou. Vetter ci Phleago, ad lu o f Deeds. page 149: gase day of Aptil. A.D. 1913. Mondas ced Tuesdcj. cOn clu at th.e snlbvest corpeu DWAKD J. fWUYDHCKUR, RercuLdvir oamovd 0 isri.of Lot 27 la said Town as shove on MlicinluCbancear'. b« ovd e iere..@&d la te' aud raunulnt basucaNortha Bunjemla M. Miller, Solictor for lence lunlHighland Park. U8 legrees. West 3 chaîne and 39 links; Conplainii lbence North 5 chains and 84 la: Aptil Il. 18, 26, Uay 2 llasEleacor Mayer vas thé e eset of thansceSouta 59 "-4dogmes Tmit 3 lire J. L. Gibson of Highland Park on chaîineancd U8 liks ad then" South t Wedoosds. 6%1 legtasi Muil4 chaini ta lb. Christ. Peton and ean Henry i'.. place of begcnlng. uxcSptlng and as sering thorefuc lb.heslad conveyed turned (romn their viit lu Onia Fvlday. by Joha Fredertek Hertel ced Doma The Iliiuonery eocifty o! lb. Preeby. bis if.. 10 Jultus C. Hertel, by lssd tartan hebci viimuet vlîh lira. 0G C.dateaI Soptanber 101h. 1905 ced re. Pett@Tb* ayoderuoD. li»W orldel luth inoéof e t*Clark of lth. Circuit Court cf Lale Countyly. 11 mm vilibave cbergs of lhe meeting, noi,114lu Bock 15 cf Doeds. et paeu467, Idema auààBrt Eatu and F. M.iand prtioularly deicrbel c« folcvi: lieyer atteeded the 221h anoual meeting lon - bcomntner t" tashilcule. 01 MW. Womca sPrebytarlaiSociety lfio sd. 80mclled. by the ouater cf lthei RoBa. ilselne dit the Kenwood fiv*n- 'publie iath*ay runalg Selrly ced t go"lcec la nChicago. vaolr tiarcugia Hait Day l in h thBoulst Quart«of o- section Piftlen1 Uir. and Nu, 1. P. Aliadt, lHunry ils) lu Tovneipaa ofty.tatee(43) Alardt, Mra. sud lire. Edgacr tberman, North. Range Dallven (11) lEut of the lmi McbliiSte.e l n llasLut,.. 0f Tiird ?PiueIpa Mloritilan. tnminalTH Chicago,. ve.the Wpeuk nd Éuse 0 ,hefe..norIa lgit4l dégreése vo«t.1 lir ce liu. hlip tounai jTvo Hundred rorty-slx and eiitesn1.Iliîgn Grade Percheron Stallion lie ac Um PblipRomel.hunroltlas(240.18) foot 10 s point.-I Uc....Ne. C3484 Uir. sud M ra. Josepb licCabe of Chf-. tunann thence norIa ily (10)l. (Ronsvsd Mrk lin, 1913) 0@ge. were tbe gunte of F. H. Neyer .e veat. thranrrcd itii5le MIKE Tuod<, 303) fentte a point vialcinla toth I e c aboetiful coal black Tuasdplace f beganing la tha, deoirptioi'n lie, ith anclwhite star on fore. lir. and Mm. Wm. Ostermen sud ' Cf lbe preaniso ein described: mmt- bead, sud li a typîcal draft borne daugbter Florent..of Chicago, vere lb. nine tiaeca Southa Tventy (20) de. of unuxual qualities sud veigiat. ameof El W.ilmau Monde i pe«ansd Forts (40) minute. voit, He is ive ye»rs uid, petfectly eeund guetaTvo hund-el sevety-tvo anl ove" adi rygenîle; has proved hïmoclf irybody lnleraeud ln lb. umpioy- tentas (M.6) Seulte oa tile; tiiences d er meulo.a edoit doctor saould pleu te b. norta olglty-three degroos vot Nino. tO ho a aura foal gettor aud )', ncolts ty-One ced fnoutnlzs(91.4) feet te are of the mort desi rable kiud of di Lbartyvillela aturdar aflarnoon et a elake; jiione nottaTvonty (20) draft hornes. 1 eock, te heur Profesir Buibirdt. Mdegres ced oty inue mLThditU a Wl Hdo«-. d .ISII-met- -t- BUI- iltend for public survioe eat (30.7)feo 1 lis cule 0 ta bib-the fàrm leovu ci "H1olub'is Farm" FrKidueT dl.L r u mH way rwaning ocitsrly and wvsely ituated If milseSouth of Prairie ForRid.,aidiiaddar nus Itourace idSoulin mut quiter IVieuroad Ji mile north of Buffalo _______________________th-ecoIupa wx:ty (80) degré" ]cg"tGrove. &~lngtheectrter t»dbUtwa Toem: $6 stîtboîimeof firet NînolJr (90) feoltcuplanso0f beainn. evcecd$svo cl tad e (.69)seacsmoto or les, cil eitated suks, or yl mair. termes '» @oi. h: he eunr o lAe ad Sateof vumof mare&.When mare late Mhiois. Malo cornmeeg son lb.heut h. sold, parte4 vitia or removed Ha. of sa"Iquarter 0001100 aI a point fron la. nelghborbood the service ba-oa ertIt 8* ld«oereri, 'veUt 'fan bocomeà A. s onc. Ail i- tae noutiaeit orne r cfLot j7, a&tus. dent@ at ournero riela. pad c h anan ud ellinks MOrS -P 4 K H L E or le Soutsond f lthe ortiavast FcotaitUI of Mid Quarter secticn ced rnning fie. Ul-L Prasiri ev, Ill. Arno Nïgel & Co.e Sulders cf SoIid Cernent Silos Alr-tlghf. Waitnet rot of hI w down. Navet noeds repairs. Chesper site batler thsn suiv othur Si, omae. Don t %vaîluratllyou wantto0use il. Do Ilngw.. AMl work rolnafornd and guarînteed mral casa. Loit ua furnish eur estlmale, of coi. ->SONE 106-J. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLI M-orses and Mares,' For Sale at ailt ties' at, Our barn on -tihe plaoW known as thse Chas. .ýscfank tarin néar ilendee Milk Station. 1Phema 290-R-2 ICal F. L flwnu &Son.[e.~ j1 ROCI(MMULR. ILL., EvMr Tub Mùst Stand on Its Own Bottom This Bank, doing a General Banking Business, la flot connected vith aray other institution vhatever. W. are oqtirely indepeudent, andi from the beginng of buuine,, have been favored with e toady mocresse of patronage. Trho Seourity prot, otiuigDepositor'. Fudeil aapprox. imately S126,000. 00, The Officers and Direutors are ahl of old wçil-known families of zbie vifinity, and a&l are substantiel business and professional mona. W. invite your patronage. 8. L. Tripp, R. F. Roule irvng E. Payne. Prosident. vice Presiden. ahier. ....... TUHE WILSON STORE, Mllntry, NIýht- [iressts and Apronsm For Ail Agn. Chlldren's Rompersansd, £verytiq oy f« àlext door to Iay XoruD-?bp@s 9% A st the I the rusa John 0(. Willi"a Fred C. Juin" 1 ltenhoi Claristor Peter L Harry. Th. loi lieedau Wrn.N Henry m aisit "t esquhs1 ho.t Of W"u eatiard, future Tonyca Artha haviaff lir.a Lake b. Cbis hie Joe. F.W olaw Mmol laitavl ba r ttrowaa florf trp ta> Ma bîîtel I went 1 tunior mLplo: t.) mel (ico laer on lie Thure fatber J-. Foi 1 tbq d openil PRAMM VMW JIL ! 4F- Il du- 1 c r 1 %puise-$ 1

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