tîAX~I INDEPENDENT id'rF7 WAUKEGAN,,WEEKLY SUIN '--'~ VOL. XXL-No. . PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY, -APRIL. 25.,1913.- POUR PAGES $1.50 PMR YEAR IN ÂDVACjK: fl9( 'Il ln botIt ft tbail boss laken ID'KN< ~F Body of Charles Elser- uteeConrad &H)art morgue. NERCW(5HATS' IE man who Disappear. ,. Found by iare.OSUSRB ed ln November., This15mornlug about 9:30 Clînton 0 SIICR B Cornes to Surface ~ Spoor. Jo. Lits and Jackt Rogers ware" APL 3lg. Ma rbor-Miaàdeilvle r - tBs.lty dock. whe il:nos a WEDESoSY a body bobbed up lu 11e Vater. Tboy Waukegan marchante have timonop- cd LetterSaldtotlave1 procurait a rope angi Rogers fateidpeîd1nmnfortelaeaot Caused fl sSuîcIe- ! Iabout 111e meu's beait and tihe rt. Pse oi nefr opaeàf f mains aere puttegi tu nbore, bing bridge over the ravin.s o.Geem- Keuiosha ConductOr taen at once 10 Conradi & -tart'. tret tb prevent the losisoof business Killed When Trylog rna bis phesets ver. touait latters, that voulgi h. sure to resuit if th. joe.ccontalonug 1the namea of hie chU- present bridge là cosnPlotely closegi te to Put Trolley POIldren. May', Edua, Franit, Ellen and 'traflîc until last*a exttl. The city Ba ck After It llad 1Je. Th,tit.,:wu:sa ter-ciaked, wUi idln:à mterial way lu ths con- Jurnped the Wire. Capt. Smit11 as tianeof 1the Elsernia bridge. ______cblldren. bnce 'thse Identificatlon vas Ssamuel 2ýCbaartz, Wboge public li. cmplets, a letter-hesit of th.eSith Ptrltedniossa&gain manifeste IlImaIt. WEDISAY.APIL 3ht*b lobermen aise aervlng 10 belp Identit y Ibis mornlng startoil out witS a peU-ý Steven Rochnowmkl. a couductor Oi't ',1 man. A soaked $$5 bill andt some lion ahlch 11e circulated ao~11 lb, Kenuo"&a Reetre lc rlîMd. met sllver change, as vwellImas aut un- erchants af thé City, aaklng lýr sub- deatta lm a pecullar manèr aimer 1the touched botte of abskey Vasl &auc cripîlons 10 buillithte structure. Ha naval training station. Norths Chicagoe, ftualn bis pockets. - madie a persoual canvasa and asserted Tu.ed4nicbI about teonOclSok.IFW Toit.Off Clethlng. Ibal 11e intendedt ta cuit ever>' mercb. Vms ridIng on th C. & M. .0IOtrir, . Tbst Elserman consmittoit suicide. eat before b. gelastarougis. and Standing on the rear platforni s elîber white drunit or la despondency,W For the1e ctta coostrssct the bridge the car vos. speeding abuS, iho Souil la1.evdeot trom th- efaÇI tht, 1the îtiseut e bond tissue voulit b. lupes- day fte ho impea>d. bs bt w s Rbie, as ne det tof ever $500 can b. to repltace the trolley pole vbeon î day aller beorlmappeafreuc. bIsobatlva accl.deutally flow off 1the trolley. touaituser 1the vaterwori.and itbs ce rca o iisu obabn s la easng utof he indw e, id ;cea. t, a sweater wblcb Capt. Sm11th sus .being votegi on by the people. It la1 bail ng eutimeth1h.bvlndovcatdeaIonbas beau emîlmateil Ibat Uth eaI hts frieugi the electrie conductOrb tv El-neu . Thee is tcarlde thefo rou ol nt, ettber leus out ltener or 1the beavy t"1 "g.RiIsat fi ac e l h orot dge $1u0d. bity o Uic igis-v sprtug whcblc o t hetrolley Save thb.eLef Ibat 1he piauaed SuIdeadbrog f$00.Cyoficias bav sucbs jrk laI . Vs diaggi o I vîied ta l1ave bis good clotites ho-assitreg Mr. Scbwartz t t i er a&U mul aJrktathlb. agd u tesubscrlptions bave beu. ecelvegi of the rosir vidov. At &DY ratea0 h . any deliciency up 10 $48i0 viii ho made asa vtiag te replace the, trolley -bonu Tellse ofLatter. up by thse City. b. wus seentuefait from 1the ceai 11ia-. CapI. DSith statei t tday ttast 1h. 'I bave couteailsit il a&"g Ith'vs dew, Isading on ble baud Vi» teril4c tetter vbicb neyer iseebegi ur sisoulit bave a foot bridge soros force.for the car wuvasggvery fast, and vblcb caneei bim 10 liedespes4 Oeusosee aIreet, Vile 11e bridge ta 1Tih. vtctlm vas picisit up hy M t 5 came on a Wedueedza.freintala cloisegi. snd 1am glait le semyou tait- crev andt found te, have, a l, id i vte. addressed lu cars of a Mr. ing Up 111e malter," Mayor Bidinger injury ou the bacit of bis b"s el eISwsth. It veut 10 M. B. Sestis. thse aid ta Mr. Schwartz Ibis merning. vas burried tu the naval tr&Mhing , &-1l gae. and lil la tated,t vas blid commissiouerJ. J. Detmyra- tien espitl viire UI ~ Iere caverai days. not reacbin< <Ca»<. pressai sîmilar sentImentts. lhp te save bis i@.,balt11o died ai mli. iSmith unuil the 7 vngTusay ltpafi ltaIthese Ver. thse only clty af- uIgh. lise man's braises! b eau 1 vas oun1the Salurday hefere tisat WI me nte iyhllwe r daabed from bis bea mas a remîlt of; ema dlsappaered and the bellf o f Schwrtl adsl 1e cisy hall wb ofr à deo eutwhie bad eau nf*l111te flabermanle tisaI, bai th, ltter fer. Rocnesk va aou 36ye od.arriveil Iromplly as lsiauid .ho0 "1feel that Waukegau vouldgiufer Rocmoskîva abut36 ees ndmight not bave beecome deepedent, unniarregi. and lbailvoritetila KRo- ue- l ae okdfrw lfran Irreparable loiseaIf Oeisese e ve sa ounthe eecri lino for ea He but volithveIeki fr5 o t le blaciteiluntil soit fait viios bad spent the da, ai Evalstoa, andTheIsfally. epline tise .El_ ,novbridge ln couspleted," Mr. vas returnîug le Kenosba aethIe lime era hat ol te uritreand wan Schwartz sald. "I stood in front of lfite fatal effort to, aid tala frienti. coming 10 Waukegan on UteeMniay mRoait fornesats onSher jidan the conduefor ofthIe trolley car on evening (lise !iînday aller be vas adfrtobusannttJs i wblcb he vas ridlng. drovueil). But Elserman uever to itge wou tefetd bf ad I angetaai Tihe accident servest cati aten- Uiîs word. and, vison the vite andbrdewu ean1amoet el ion ID 1e tact t t i lelaa danger- neveu chidren arrlveit In Wautregan yau tsaI 1the loss acuigi bcemore Iban eus tibl u1 try le, Put bockt a trolley lbey founit uo tîer to meet tbm.yau coutl estimate. pols wben it bas idtpped off the trot- Capt. Smith gave ber $111 andi sent the "People from th1e cilles Souths of ley', a thlng wblcb inexperteaceil per- taetll ta tise t1'edericks bolet vbere bore are not gong la cama hors and sons oflen saek tu do la tisei' dsr e>, stayed tree ilsys and MrL Frai Ibeon Val ith 1e way arouing en the te olpa cndutor laibi cae' heericita decluedti teaccopt psy tram BSerdan Road bridge, aben Jjla vctlm Vas exparleaceti, but neverthe- Xapt. Sm1i11. explalnlng that taso gimac oecuelent to go te Evais- [eue euceuutered 1the fatal accident, doue encaîgisfor tise tamlly. anuit h. Inn udcastaE theainn more street laquent lanlgbt ai 7 atter vblcb the vouigi take cars of theai gratte. crtre. I want 1 totlyen furliser bod________ pd o o-a- The famity then relurbedi C IL baif people gel lun111e babil of Irad- TIIe body> of Chaeres Ricarman. a flsbermau Who disappeared u 1h. evening et Novemhei 11th letSsud -vas supposai 10 bave met deeIb lu tise walers ar the barborertaIWajke- lf.wa oday tound floatl.ng la h. h anto, andtram Ils condities, it a»- peae scertain liat the man badlheas inthiewaster ever stace the datae1he, disappeareil. Elserman vos the bushantitonia poor qntortunate voman Wbo vas left vithonl meaus of support endi neveu suait cistiren to look atter. Biser- umm came hisr.about tree weeks 1ho, Iho 1ednappeare& ansd voritetifoi tise Sm1ithBroIbers, fiabermen. Aecoritîug le CapI Richard Smith, viso identifled the beoty tadaY, Biser, Man bomene meiaucboiy over the son-errivai neta letter filem hla vIle, sud b. la of the beite t tathe let- tsr. vbicis vas deiaîed la Waukegan several days after litearrivail, la vat drove the man te drink on the day tho dieti. for, hiestaiten, ht a b w eriet mach aItisfalinre te boesrfrot bie ftmiy. Mlsertuai vas aboutI 40 Yeaesoit and ibishornevas in Bloil. bet'e bie jfarnliîla nov cuppesei ta bo..Word vi wredtu MoIbnt Iodai, aud the llldy Wiilhle siIPPe t taBeloit aler lie In~UUItoaltt Thse bodty vas 'la sucb a state tist t afeed "Y. vho MWv il, saut cep. »48m» O&ePOOMiaily vue ~ewd.for tao kt" aever et t -viseR twIak. and 511,. liserarn u crer Inat Is-u- eutly sougt word tram ber bushanit. but neyer obtaineit any cIao. except.I lng that il vas tbe bellot 1e lagi drovaed. flue vas of the beliof Ibat be bad deserted bier and ber famliy. The1. atcb tounit lu bla pocitet vast a Rocitterd vorita, number 128,39f!, Ientification mark of P 200. A vstcb fob vas aise ldentified by CapI. 'Smith. Appemis for AId. Mrs. tlserman baa vrilles ChicagoE papars sud otisers for aid lu getting trace of ber buaheugi, but bai fiuaily given up ber effort ta gain trace. Tise last appeai vas muade tu tise Tribune corne Iree veeks ago. Ctbcm. April 23.-Jack Johnson. negre pugillat, vas today fineit $1,000 on the charge of smuggllng necuisces1 into Ibis ceunIrY. Tihe court aimq, asked coes anti orderegi a necittace conficated sud lurnegi over tute 1 goverameut. Thse pugillat' laId Ibm biam ou bIgis aditvIte vite. Tbe huaient auto agents lu Lete ceuuty are Sibley & fHawkius. agenss for thse Rambier Combmey ef Kezo- ch&. Tisey bave oiti more srs aud are p'tacng more cev, eiders tien anybody eiae'-mad tiser.'. a ressen: The Rambier auto la kuovu as 1the oeeoetservie, reibliily sud etn qualîlies. Ses thesis or est lIeu te aeesita.Phose 21$ Wlàqffl a Autiocis 872. ---y--Me- uttr it-- -- -L i - m impossible for Wsuitegan t0 vin tisem hak. Bo fer as i porsouali>' am cou- corned Il does ual mltier ahoîber 1the sîreet lo open or closed. but 1 bale la 800 1the business gettng asy from WNauitogan." Tis e tIllon wbicbMr. Schwartz la clrculating la warded as folova: "We. 1theuderslgned, berebys>cuh- scribe t1e severat sumo sel opposite aur respective names, tovard the con- struction of s foot bridge across tb. ravine et Genesfea street, ln the city of Waukegsu, Laie county, Illinois." MRS. GRIDLEY DIES-IN KENOSHA lIra. George N. Grldtey of Chicago, ageil533 rears. died saddenly ai 1the Poumayer Sanitartuai, Kenosisa Wedl- nosila> morning afler a short Ilînese train tumar ofth11e tramn. Mrs. Grld- iey bail been ai 1the sanltartuai but a short lIme. foiîoaing a stroire of par- alysie. 811e vas formerly a maildent of Wankegan. The romains Varo tait. en ta Chicago. Nirs. Orlt w as the vite of s for- mer doputy ceunI>' treasurer lu Lakte cousty. Mr. Orldley vas iteputy wvisn John Fbota. treasurer, gilet. He suc- ceedod 1tais hoffico sud liliegi the un- ei;pireil tenu. Laler 1the famlly mcv- eti te Chicago. Mrs, Oridie> vas the àm motiser of Riie Griley, Hatti@. riti-1à ley, etc. WEDNESDAY, APRtL 21, 1913. At Mires o'Clock the Sun got the clerk of the houas et Springfield on t he long distance wlre end ho denied that the committae had reported the bi Il out. Hee ald that this bill1 s ir th. hande of a committe of which ,G. H. Wilson le chairman, and thal t he comniittee had NOT YET reported the bill out. Late this afternecen a dispatch wae received from Springfield statlnq Uhat th. c4nitc 10 which the Flys IjUs Dry Zone bill had bsen referred, had reported the bill out, whlch places it in à position te go befere the House for action. That *0nsreport of the committo was 1aniorable 10 the passage oet h. bill w" the report The large immense corded ev àj and Irimn ai tg m nnràb r.celvud trom Sprlngfl.ld by The 1 Commttee wlth 'a recommendatton1 Everyonle nome a ti»o~o~ Sun, and alto Chicago papers. tlhat Il lbe reported ouc"lng of th1e stoumb, botrelà &M b",'s _______ComMitte. Favart Wets [each Sprng-Holllateer'ILRIL . »VNS Rev. Geo. NMeGnnis, who wan in Whlle Waukegan people dû flot un- th _________te____W.W.____ i dersland th1e exact status or the fiva enyuaog gl 0 psI SprngfeldTueda tatenifybefrpmile dry useasure, th1e situation ansn'jth am clear bead, ne e .llag* the leuxparance committe an 1the slze4 UP by a suniber 0f perso05 lm aver-l'a Holllstsr'sR M .. .W **Plve Mle Dry Zone Bill" relurned that the comimttee an t8mperance, Pearce Ibis moang. Rev. T. Ri. Quayle, wblch la naturally favorable 10 1the-_________ Pres. Nollan of Laka F'orest tunîver. dry zone, la nul handllng tiîn ive. J Llgbts up the eye--brigtateeg: * sitY. Chaplaîn ThompBon of 1the Naval mlle dry zone malter, as a remutt of cheeko, reddens th1e Bpe, poiSSum Station, and Lieut. Gay (in fult uni. the action ln 1the bonne on Tuesday. bloosi, cleans onult1 the et- ' 1fori) of 1the navy, lestîfied. Thts ta lnstead af referrlng the five mlle dry howels-moal effective Sprlng11d probably th1e first lime la hisîory Ibal zone ÎJIIItt he temperance commit. dy-Hallister'a R. M. Te&. W. W. f a naval officer appeared before a lez- téee Chaîrman McKinley referred I.L1t Pearc. li Islatlve committee and soîîght ta lu- a aub-comanlîîee whlch. la tbus consld- FOR BALE-florse: fluence state legistation. Rep. Edward @rîig the 1bill, and whlchViliI report diq andi driver. W.labt-gt, L Shurtiaif represeated th1e Vets before it recomanendatioua ta 1the hanse Aleo new uprlght p"ao., nlear th1e commillee, and read twa letter a ter. llnnb, esy lerma; bots Vo'ea... appoolng th1e bill, one tram Mayor M unro on Committse. able. Cal> phione Biîdînger snd one tramt Thea. A. 'uraI. p*S. Muro, Htglaud 'Park,ake H A C,. 870 Grand avenui,WV J The train load of 500 Vols aho were eûun ty lo a memiter of 1the sub-com- gan, ii1w7~ la tooppose 1the 1billdld flot show up. f mîttee. I 5gurIyf4 y118 Ajdcto oie Mr. Shurtleif worked bard-for a wela that tim sub-cauual«e.AdjudicaPulicNotice. eygvaIM' ecOmlpromise putling 1the dry dead Ilino atrongly lu lavor aof1the dry znle.Dt1Pulenoielmhnbyg n »ý i he sutecrîbor Jane E. Vas8ey, ýexecu. doan 1the center of Washington tact. Mr. Muaro, for Instance, le Irîx of 1the tant viii and testaMe*; 'ýý treet. The general Impresnion at qaoled by mne persons as being anu John Vaney, deceaned, yl att*sedýJ. Springfield Lm Ibat, boeause Shurtleif ardent supporter or the local optioniCounîv l'ourt of Lake County, t wam, wililug ta blat out 35 saloons and PrincîPle, but ha does sol belleve lna terni thereof ta bee holden.etai taý loave th1e balance that lie regards th1e arbltrary enforcement of prohibition Court Housse ln Waukegsvin u4 bill an a aluner, naid Mr. Mx,'Gluin a alarge terrltorY, and, lina«y Oveat, cuny1o 11 rs tena today. teiles lbe stand 111.1 tbe people oeth IfoI.îîlae ug br Mir. MeGirls naald turther: "There cOumunity affocted souid bave th:ue 191,avlng amsan imbel ln a feeling amang moine reprenenta- tilelee of deciding sucls a malter tate are notlied and requ"ed.ted iPt*, linos Ibat we may soon bie ai war theMaelv ýI hi talion la cor, meunt hesame to sald court for ladiu4ê wlth Jupan or Rame ol11er nation, and iVet- thens It la apparent Ibat Mr. Mun- cation. anythlng t1at lm crppllng th1e navy ro wyul flot stand for recomnuendlng JANE E. VASEY. eteecuirix oftILU, sboutid 1e ellminated.' The bill waa the.11111la question, bul May lusatOUM lest WiII snd Testament 0et 4 1 referred tu a commutte of lhre ho Rame sert ofabl Ich voulgi give Vamir, deceaseil. alît change Ils phraneology nomea bat th1e peopile of th1e communily an op. Waukegiku, Illinois, April làt15*, 1h13 and ltle il wIliibe Presenlod 1tiste- 90rtunlty of votlng as 10 abhat tbey E., M. RUNYARD. AttIiwp. wiab., P. p mn te ne of avlng jeu 10 Ike te Il 1the close- MIt b. reacb- tlsfac- unleais about as are prove might 'p now ut 1the iordlng Ly off t. a Inde- !parti- ieaspa- le Zion are ln îahlIlht nie Il is n about bout thie la pro- E. on that vceased. of Lake 11e bol&i akIte ' n-t -.4e '.ted la curt for )TT, foresai'I. 1913. 1.1.25 Uit ~. r e amnount of hats we seUl every day Us due to the, and varled stock, the courteous treatment ac- very customner by our corps of expert salesiadica ". mers, and above ail the owness of our prices. d with others. Trlmmed Mats $ R Trlmmed' Mats Ihat formerIy sold at $8, That formcrly sold et$, $9 and $10 _______ $9 and $10 EXTRA! i5 -9/odiscount on ail plumes, feathern, etc.; Saturday onIy EXYRAI 23 % dIscouat on aitvbb.s, flowers, etc., Saturday oui>, lpnportant Sale of Nifty High and Low Shoes A wonderful showlng of new Sprlng and Summer. Styles In hlgh and Iow shoes from the greatest malkers Woinee's and Misses' lîiglî and low slioes, inî all leuthers, and autually $4.50, 5.00 aud 6.00) foi'. * 5O By t ad irl' igh and$ . 1 Iwsh e n ailrleateers, g5 attually w~oîth 2.00 anid $3 -5 'ý-05,2O Min-d 1: .O(00foýr ....... - ~ I. Our Une this spring comprises everythlng or any- thlng you may desire ln hlgh ,or low shoes for al purposes, and was neyer. so complete, before. We only ask you to Investigote when ln 'need of - v * '1*. Offerlng a vast Colection of.j Mtats of wlnnlng orlgnality. Mats actually worth $5, $6 and $7 forI CO. culliptircu