Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 10

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Uttwail*Wadiuugth* prite* Dette, AUl tbf. time the olsrk updke let a' word. Re as o ment you could have heard a rnustsch curl. At last, ater the ciarks haît romain- ad Inactive for »orne timis, the stranger" epoke. Sure enough it wam Clrk Brockway. Ha had lof t bis mutacha down town. No wonder they were aurpris- ed; in tact, amazed ovar the change. For thirty yearz that Muutache had adorned bis upper lip. For thirty years ha had considereid It bis bet and ciosest friand. Il haît gone through mmny a pollttia battis. and slwaym was thare at the finish, It had helped hlm wltlmand the storms of weather and politics; it hmd hldden j hlm features mmny a time, as he ought la scrutnise smre doubia.cromoer who ca me eiung Information; it iad The two priralas undiar sntance for Ideutinied -nm iwuhthe icuitV court demetion mand thair guard who t iedhl tises yaars. This anae mustache amd heen with hlm mice his oldat tram Fort Sheridan Tuaday morning xagtrwmamr as lm#g#epttednear GlaiscOe lTiMsui Therefora. was il any wondar hie I*Wtie a saarch ta whieh mverai office force wmm surprised? No! . soldiers took par't. Thrlca no! no! no! lu abit and %Marcus C. WiI- And, fis this connection. It la inter- mon et Compuany 1, Twentyseenth lu- esting to recmi that Mr. Brockway ftatry. were being guurdad hy ?rlv- wora a full heard for 21 yaare, but *ts WliJam Clark of Cornpany K. The aore tn years ago discrded II. pàsrs ware mwouso ha taken tu Hlm latest change maltas hlm look rt levenwortin t serve three yearm îounger nd, If passible, hndsarner, eB*.cd vere panting near a p". il maltas hlm look rathar' puckary Cljýkw aear by. Tha gentry joilie4 about te cenler portion of bis face, t" as ien leIleir second deertion. but ha tires tha change. and insista l»toWie bis rifle near smre rad paint. h. la tn dopt that ort of dresmlng T" beandoned rifle and the rail of i. face la the future abi t faitgave rime ta tse usplc. IM IMMt Clark bail bsenumurderad e- Nthing belpa ones health mors Jkm'. e îwo prisoners aicaped. Mts than a tisorough cleaning. purfying tï uws not ahandoned' uutil Ser- toalc Remedy each Spring-Itollls- ulicaiFred Netèer of Troop 1. and a tees .R. M. Te s obtheRemedy. W. W. iiiiier ot i. me.capturedtetres 3earce. WàgIn a clamnp of bube. ort of Gisucoe. Wbee thse escape of taepriaoneers ii.a dt@Weered an aarm wa. ounded 74am s oiaed in thse chaie aoegUts fflb skom Tise po$lc of thse nortis *oee townsanmd Chicago ware aMks »ha0fjPiBfl vag followed for mre An 4Wpceabong thse laie iare. When tbU0 becMa j"ter Use purams ffl. If overs mvural mile of tertriJ kmy ad gadually approsr-sed 08..- T deertr. vre abacOue ta A Iew Store wiIl open <~S '~fl a mos ,rosgh beers i îew Uine of nien 's lothin *Abu4m hl aus tre frtde.rt ~ ld~~ ~118 Washington St., in~ ~ rent district. DESIIT- p1si C96HiIT AT IiLENCOE MIN UNDER SENTENCE FOR DE- 4MrION F00010HIDINO 1IN WOODS NEAR VI.LAQE *OÜEDR THEGRY A JOKE FACT THAT PRISONER& WERE PAINTINO AT PIER GAVE THE CAUSE FOR REPORT It te, tisecurriciulum oft&Uairl i aSbogls under hlis9arol, hot1s a«W Mpnt*ry au* aivanMild Mo utà]Wpl etisulmted tbsatnliri takini tp 4»4«uINUW&OitA.or othir t &ZAM:u jécs ta ia ha èôbipellOud ta 0iOlaf opok.ry le ber mohool course. la aor dier taucarr out te Innovation sà elbply &W Piséble. reâàjtr~Ute aïé 'M la ommeisn vtks tbg lerasi agpaol la poginlous centes. Qp>Iy Stamae% rtb Winlngn Tis$mza etttlo. hase lufs te. but bbase flu utbre 18 notiuz qg904 uCesse blàt Whfeh la we.$ wog, The aeplasse of tnktmph la a moeh- Mo te, t a h b a s autdemereai hua gomeBflif anyting « Cton5science rnt au' ý ta bis *W*appiums.muet ha 0. PDOUtve tOrture. 5 WA Iwes oi tg Gar hi.rtavislisebgr wus have mer- îtè tbs>t wl4c Cumes, ta ut. nad It 19 saas Weeteeed a htusdredtold whon vs beau tiat ve r*ly have do"a &Mosthiagfuir nad true foir lb. ReQular Mi. -ne e*"Orly awailowed every werd a betowmd oa hlm, ha ted uffl lie verylooIk, ha 11ved upont.e esilas @k gave hlm. ' -'rttswhat i1aesb M aâli4Q uius ligpassion'-Judge. You wondar sby your color is mal- lou, iips whuite, eyas duli. vont tout- ach and houais umot ciaaning, purlfy. lng after wuniarms siege-follmter's R. Ni. Tes wuli cdean and purtfy. W. Wý Paarca. Cleare tise storc, houeas and kid. nays, regulatas. puriffep--ffoilster'a Rücky %Ioustains Ten. W. W. Peirca. URER B.Ip fi& det&iedl11.1ofuîibe kam o~and Wltnesm Fes. as tervlod I ovrbthe Couîîty Clark and poirable M.-thlg office to thýe f0î'ýwInfta ed ]î1fook. Naines Aiit. Me. 54. Andrew t ý .....$2.00 M. lalk Samnuel Himekier .....20 M. 138. R. W. wlls....... 2.00.i M.161. Augt. iroelich ..... 2.00 14. Ge. iorge Mason ... 4.ft J316. Af. IlWasier .... 4.. 04 J. 316. P. G. GartIiner .... 4.001 K. 366. J. R. Conrud . ... 2,00 J. 200. John P. Vidyard .... 2.00 J. 200. Ben Wuiains.......... 2.001 J. 2Q. Cao Sitotiaiff.. ....... 2.00 M. 16. Fred M. Sipélo .... 2.00 M. 16, Franci t. lBrown .. 2.001 X. 16. 0. H. Morgan .......2. 00 K. 142. Jas. G. Sith ...... 2.00 J. 262. Henry M.liai l...2.00 J. 262. Frank liatinotd... 2.00 J. 262. Heuury C-.1ling ......... 2.00 M. 323. Otto I.oof ...2 . 00t M. 323. Ned Bates 2..... . 00 M. 323. J ' «P. jonoi......... 2 00 m . 309. Wmi. T. flacon ........ 4.00 M.- 309. Ervin H . illard..4.00 M. 309. W, Anderson.. ........4.00 0. 10. Alouzo .hnes ......... 2.00 Commisaionîrm' Fees. Poe Book. Naine, Att. M. 42. Pkmmna Wolford ....$116 M. 309. B.E. 1. l.liartf......... 7.00 M. 150. Thos. Hall ....4.00 M. M0.sain F. suitn .............00 Printer's Feen. Fee Book. Nain.,Ai. H. 309. Antiuvlà Nasa8....$360 Wtnesi rae. Fee Book,. Names, Aint. IL 348. Frank .. MIngalls ..$260 N. '96. Pliiip %oung .... ......40 N. 96. Pranxk iL<arr ..... .20 M. 388. Jouli, H. Haillng...120 M. 113. A-.Ii. Warren.......... 1.70 0. 86. K. H. Wiliams. " 0. 86. Garret ltdmml.. N. 129. F. MC Barbier . ...l"1, N. 71. Marie Naggmtz......... 3.20 N. 71. Geou Sttefentioefer .... 3.20 M. 114. Wmi. Whlghaiùfl........22 Q. 47. H.E.ODarby ........... 2.3 L. 242, . P. CKulght ............00 Constable Fec.. Fee Book, NamjeA.Amt. Q. 47. A. A. MeMIian ...$.10 L. 41. James Gurdon......... 2.70 Justice oflthe peaces. Fee Book. Narnes AmI.. L. 249. George H. Wisner...13 . 76 L. 41. John Mattbewa ........ 6.601 CARL P. WESTERFIELD, County-Treasurer. 9Stfwkiyl I 14. 1 ... We wMl triusport ,Free. Chrgeby South l* li0 away Q& accoqnt Orti* bïtdge. Siiap ' Ribe, short eut, lb......5 Park Sausage .......... lc Piga Feets................... 5c Park Loins............. ..... 16e PIg 4ocks ................. ..Ilc Kettie Rendered Lard ..........1 MAI Park Shoulder........... »**-**12c Pôrk T.*dorloin.,..............2me Sweet Pickled. Pork ........ . . 5c Là"E Fancy Leg Spriug Lamb .......1c Pore Quarter Spring Lamb ....10e Lamb Stew........... ...... 10e Lamb Chopa .............. 15c Ldeg Mutton.................. 15e Lamb "a t ...........121-'c VEAL Pieuaeat Native Beef Pot Rosat .... .12V and 10e lump Bouat....>.........12e 8frloin. Steak ..........16c PYancy Boumd Rosat Beef ....... 2%c 'Speclal 1Seef Roast......... .... 14c Club Steak ................. 12c Short OU ]Porter House Steak . .. . 16c Bonele8a lump Corn Beef ....... lic Hamburger Steak .........12c Rounid Steak ...........16e Corn Beef....... ....... 10c Beef Tangue ..............15e Sugar Cured Haxus, S.«~& K. Brand. . 17e Sugar Oured Picnic Hams ...... 12/ ... . . . . lic .- . . ... .. . .- lik lmp rted Suàmner Sawiage ....... 18c Be m auaage...............10ec Sua ued Breakfast Bacon....17e "npredSlmi Sausage..... 19di ... lQc 00ý1s»skis-.-.«...15e 10 Pouindai Buterine, Mozisys ...$1.85 Çouty U Butterine, 2 ppnda .. Trany Dreaed Chickeni at wholesale Saur Kwt, quart 7c, Gallon....... priesm6 its doors with a eomplet ng, slîoes, fmîruisliings, and the S. & S. Model Store, st 49 steps from the high M8éO. UPPER OLP la NOW MINUS W4«& ADOBM4NT wNICI4 1HE 14AS NAO THIRTY VEARa Oiewlt Crk L. 0. Broctway. look- Mg uahamed, shaeplah ud 111 " aàd5g shyly about hini, entered thé mo14p5office Iblamorelng. 5asd. kW a- tAmeýIst looked saIf 080118 *ateatum or smre of the clerbs tb»ýgtlasat UisOelun explawe lai ,hie pr«eaoe. WM haoasSIed t hie dek. Mies ta Dbeelg vesY Zr, -U conetai - bO , e w ayILkq propei= handing tsb «hs Ic.i s wislyak, providitig Ih Ietetn up tn tisa meantîrne. '.n it je ««eY bit asi good as It I.,ûks 33 l: bcsurrinto the egg9; sý illie IMM*rend. then the four, iîted îi. . , %wU the lbt and taklib poiler, asiw sty Cs xlk î,e luiia lut.k wf Mjiy and turn oser snd Oer into à uog Wbilastill warmu. Drcdge te t,p gibisPo.dcedangar. IW MUfAt ad la tise jeîiy rcil e,. ahlmI.. tube roled wiîit daner guaeklg. lissathe mnilk xadfîngbe imm b Srewtohbve thle ggssi benhactes A o.util ury light '; K.C Jaly 1 M. ul=tt.lon té*tpy-tuoe h I~~Wsdhanlits '- I 6Bmu -Pffl X CC asks Booa h. e curcd 18w luy Suiug pw ü a kc = = cvry 2 S"-ti the< Itigli (vost of living strikes yoti, nake it votir business to îvateh for otîr opening aîîîîouneenîent. We retail at wholesale priceL Wait, l.e sure anîd wait for us. mm&ê1sq 1 I 1 . ~nt alea Reduce Coal Bils IBy smg Waukegan Solvay Coke Thp Ideal Furnace Fuel -1h»av.s luit ver , i ttih. ;îslî - loes moré, work tliauî lard vioal - almoRt îpure esrboI )-- Ob TOUP àr North Shore Gas Ciiai Ptcu AND$, siROWN à Go, C. BA.«$AOI#TS. The Home Lumber Company w j N OT A ONE SEASON C Ile Abbott-Detroit is everywhcre known as a car of exceptional stand-up qualifies. Tism reputation lias bem&,, estabu ebd by thse actual performance and character of tii.. car. Ewry Abbott-L-setoit is bwh with a view to givig thé owner the séme consistent and saaifactory service year aft&jý pcar. In tis day of standardization you sbould expect notbing lema Yasu have hcard it saîi of certain cars. -That wouuld be a ugaladid cet if t hati good gen andi rear axi&s" Or. perhaps. ** es.rrpt a weak niolor and vwmtàl sl-starter. pom cluich andi cheail upuloigery" and ta on. But you have neya ear any suelh ciici about the Aku&uiISDhtoit. One f ca-_ tuet islot matde gond at thse expese of anc"se. Nomseof tise"RobsPeter to a py P** awdjy>J ta in thse csstuclioa of tho, car. la every particular tisaAbbout-Detroi t anm& thserealizeti amiubtion of strWnsu notansieu. Its matdis- lmu streg«ý. ensdurance. speeti. power, and comaistent a»-&rpnd qpim ushsa W ptt o4 of the r&04 O e, âie utduaryandi issycisti ticreach ofailUcoumpeaboe.Evcny hu"gade and. adivanscedi taie p*e ev, 68 gIt:ly p44se-mmnute car. If yme want service. elegance and cezufoail equal.t «dis snasy repects supeor. to thse higisat pekicc"..taka eur ativice andi buy an Abbo-Detroit. Thsi5 n a car *twIllstand. thse te* .But %b dsauinàetlis to yoeur mun saijfaciion. we a4k that yéu subject the car l wq.u e8 w#- iP >0<4 a u1 a, y. We h&manof cmea othse outcone. AlilprejudkçtsJIpreve iaveaiIep14ittiçe w, Qmw ès.m."Sma ha Pequmaae.beipeaks tise paliy b d6as tseAbbott-Dctroit. <aaty ma a tbe * fa tbemamfotureof se ecars. Ou r quWabm adopgm àaa 400UK . cff* il 1 CA16L ON L. S~ ,ot,- 341 STZ.ELE COUJRT Z301. V8Y. WMONSTE.ATION Fore Qurter ............ «...1 0e» Veal Roat ................. 14e M a q a te ... ... .. ....140, Caif liaff................. 5 Mtoxley's Special Butterine, the best10 made, 2 pouzidà for ........ 38e ... .. ... .. ... . . . . . . . 25e 9 1 11CI 4

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