Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 2

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Y rbu t. SCTher o ON becans It@ eru t es npermIllt ajv? nd beeaulle olirogg Pr atmuimllta. mecmeid Si J. 13-21 LAKE ZRc oa'imisethé darce Salnrda.v iight 0 hy thé bail teaut. A tiecial train rou fropi Wauconda anud Palatinue. allter Prehm attended the base bail tieg at Palatine Tuesday. russi Brandiagt made a tip to dobe qad DePaines, iMondai. suai Rnian eipped a csrload ai 4100k l hiago Moday. L 5,. Prehm andI Emil Frank were bffl ad Weukfgan vietors Manda!. Fra. Tank made a buinese trip t Wfgl odai. Lbot forty peoplé frin hère attended ahow a Palatiné Saturday night. i. Voadingntc mréntd thé You.. *t ami moved lutI Saturdsy. EHi Meiwhascd a Ford automoble. M& m amuI b nouil obta q. MIS »d Jire Irwin déit sud lire ip end chfidrén ai Chicago, jalvés hère unday. Shahs 01f Cicego, vlîlted hie bonm ganday. vw raiUnoa bas a bg Rang 01 voit sud expect to havéet olag ta Waacada by Benday. Ulir bought a cor Jnad of fish re M pringére a inscoenia. Fhliaèy Je spsndiag e vsek in de vletlng relative&. 14 Ire. James Sasetzing matIea hiagLon Bigitté lu their suto Vie. Blckase le on thé ick liâs. dkigon sud Stark are la attend- 1 Jiesflè visitéd relatives bei( ,*luhew oi Park idige, visite a-brèoeatly. yd wu" on d o ad ilndebhé RO&.. * Jotbger sud fanilly hav toïo ih4olmatfaon Broadvi seUpyiOg thé placé vItS A.L IMebesud Iiss Miltrdhav ,"7 o ida vhéré thé! ipen ii. »ell ugosud M lSophIa Gai 4mnie Thupdaî @venin«. Api ,, ae. Poollet perfomméd t! mM. lit. Scirage bas residéd sabsr aIl hI. Ile. Théy ew 1#à Peltino. Titeir many iritn Obsarty eotigî atletione ta thé] a. 3. Hageity h6e puîchaéd aObvMW Fod ove paésngr touina carC and mach it like an ezperienced cafe ,tte Rceehiol elertiOn tl IIDilloni W55 If ele he lectd echoot trust-e.A. J. »ayod de the retiring uteuiber ai the board.îC By T. P. IBWAN CgRRE8poNDET AGENT due '1f Misé»Ilonavan, Wb.ha bben teachuîgto at thé <ilyuch chooil for the pant neveu ..M__________________________________ mouths a e Rdbr@bo n Philip Strand @peut laRt week with Counocil F1roceedinga8 the returned ta hem home in Mchigan. relatives i W itcoiiin. Meeting oi thé hoard uïttumteeé of the litt cOa. Spunéer haslied te ground Vra udlph opent SundeY t lier village ot Aiea at the vcilage hallB&' brkn o isnwgarage onMi oei irrVe . Wedueeday. April 16, 1913, siijourned Tic brokn fr hi ne ouMainhom luhive Visé.from April 14th. oreythe <iwlier paerti 10 arthon JohnléBroadhead ai Chicago, épent Présent. Smth président; truétles e, aime the ea maret sud wllest nrhuta the paRt wéek wîth hi@ graudparentté Weil@s Goeewillér, Watson, Tripp, Ed ofteMs aktadwl i u. 1hore. Devereaux sud Zé brick the site tu lie 42x70. Lee Brown The minute of thé ureviatis meeting Bel bas arraugicd iorthe rentaI ai the build- Miss Edue BDakken of %Ienuette, W i., ere reuad and approved on motion of ing as soo aseconîplete aspd will open a returnéd haime Tupeday aftr eaélîit Thé andîlon iler8 fistciésgaag.We are gisd tai @ee ii ihbe its Ir.J .Rue. Lake Ca. Printing and Flubllshing E lLýe rturu ta aur illage andIvieil hlmj Mrs. Mary Swan ln spendinfi theé week*ting..................$11 50 te béat aisucre@@. Iat the h-ime ai ber son lu Libertyi ic. W M) Prneebise. 4 3 IH. A. Watson, etationéni ........... '50 Py Thé re.lroad le almaît hère. (et' Jeu sud Edna Lind euttertained their E . 1' Pane, lection service.... Il 00ai r,sdy ta attend thé big celbration. iéler tram Chicago over Sunday. B. Broadhead . l... 0 oU ýf Work is now heing rued on thé Dow Mn. sud lire. S. L. Tripp were Keuoéha l.LoBiik . 0>1 railîoadt ilty Dow men bing braugbt vstor@ liondsy. W. D. Porteone............3800 to outtiraut the clty laut wéek ta vork anB lMre. J. H. Roue jett Weduesday for T. J. licHride . .... 8 0()Tt ieoaanIthé offiiae promise te> Manuetle, i. fra ztué vel lovéd by Tripp sud Devereauz thatW the oadand it. foran xtenea oitail bis@é@,Ilt tie one ai thé L.ake Ca havé It compleled and car@e munulg Imb vith bier people. Prîntina sud Publishing Cao, hé alinved Ol our village by Mai 10th. A big celébra- Next Sunday momang Bey. Carr wili sud varrante dramn on the tremaifr tioD n beigpane tclert h for pyent oaie. Motion carried. l esdbillg pincne laie dibraté théei pakou 'lJoy ilu Héavén." Thé oiu jée Thé folovlng bille for servie« aofi évet udbie liison é lentutedof i événng sermon villilie "One of vllage officér e ve r ad: a trouhaut thé snrrouudirig cou hTry Daye." R. A Smilt, préident..........$15 U0 lu 9invitinu évrybody ta tomte and belliT uE. 0. Wollo. Irusisé................ 15 ()0 Waucoadd clbraté hé biggestevent lu Day. Rueseli aud familî af isuregan, F. E. (imwsllr ................ 140OU the istoy 01the illae.speal Sunday vîth Mlre. John tfcBrlde. a. A. Watson ......... 900Ua -~~0 tA.ltrîa h ilae Ukvrux ................ 1400 à * Cas.Davin shalngttlteiOtcirb lire.!1. E. Payaé vas brougbt home SL rio " . . O *bult lu ront ni bis renidencé on Librty Sonde.!front thé bospitel la Waukégan H. C. Zerse............. 1 () etéé nt i e aln ais mp an-sd le gttlng &long nicly. S. L. Tripp. expenese ............ 1 50 i maaent. Bée Thé Dayton FloM Ipictures Olt thée ii.oF. Zer i , epIsé. ......150 D W. W.ilughce tranearted buinessIl Lyrle Theatre,. Uhertyville. 5sstuTdY T. F. Swvan, clérk ................10000 thé lty uéed!.asd Buaday nlgbte, Bay 3 andI 4. Aboyé bille voie allowéd and warrante Dit te ciy Tueday.orderi drava on motion ai Tripp sand i 19 H.&.lMim&an lhvlng qutl teésivé WIII Bay and family @peut Buaday at Wa,=. F- iprovéments made on the interior ni thé Knsiler home la Prairie Vev. à revisi résolution cnnvéyiiig consent ibis store, ealargiag It andI puttiaf ln Léché Hardie, vbo bas bhéemployed te an lintdaIte hi1ng ni thé àAIbriobt case wvasdaiand il vasetovsd b! t elothîng cabinessud vhén complots duion the pust viater as LaFa'yOtte, Gosevîler adTipta tleaotal la wili lhé one oithéebtietéqupped stores mnd., vas la tovu thé tiret niftée véék ta replaé resoletion adoptsd at thé lant lu the count!. rcnéwlng acqusîntancée. Thau1th niévinuse meeting. Motion carrisd. 8 uOtingdeôtteboane et oënarrnge, 0Thebo^r.,tben esivasséd théroture a Dr. and Mlre. McCormiek andI family oi1g fnt aseé ~arsgd !thé elction oi Apnil 15 and foniltate Io movéd Into their uev home onanesotit isW"iii'a ail prohabliti @end thé Harvey A. Watson réceîved 86 votés MdaIe etrét titis week viict ich 104ihé summer lu thé capacty oi ireI assistant for presidént. Richard A. Smith recived recéntiy purehasel oi Ambrose Bange. lu thé pharmary af bis honar thé Mayor. 80 ve@ f4 otérs fortruThoeas.REell O Dr. 30 voté"vote@forésieTtomas Reéll 0 t d-D.McCormntck vili havé bis office at bis Thé local card club heldtI héir lait Wels, reclvéd 88 vote for truseeé, néw home aller Ma lot party aifte seasan lest Thuredsy John L. Irving réélvéd 3.5 vote fora A bg dlgation ni thé people oi oui, evénluf. The pnizé vinnere vers: tMr@. trusesé, John H Wells recéived 23 votés anI iaA. L. Lobs. Jén Liait, John Houe. au truseés, Burinai Kublank recived 20 a village adsuriunitifcommunU ilvote or truste,John R. RHanse reivéd vent dosin t0 vork on thé rairOad A. L. Làke. 84 votes for tiustiec. Ed ward 0. Payneé Wéduenday itaullug &ne liasing ties onUrM. andI lre. J. 'K. BeetI sud twa reclved 45 votés for police magintratet l h'os ahv hé uduhéea CîaaBnae Fred Bnntington received 2 votés for t terigit-o-wal eay ehvetoai iu eso hiao udye týtepolice magistrale, Rd Baren rtcèlved1 readinosi for thé rslrond hbande te loy Tripp homo, Miss abel rémaining unuil voté for polilce magistale. id théreilis andI rush thé vork aiong as Wdnesday evenlag. lioved by Tmlpp sud Dévreaux thata rapidly spossible. B. lreA. ~ at HtWatson lié déclaréd eled te thé Ur. nd rs.S. . Trpp -idMr.andoffice of président aud Tbos. Russell, Rté El. ILRd ey returnéd ta Omahta, Nei., lire. E. Bi. Bluhm atnded Ur. J. E. 0. Woîîesieud J. Il. Irving te the officet las% aturday alter speading ltée vsek Richard' SOti binibday anuivéréary at ni Iruses, a"d E. 0. Payne ta the officeà ýv vîit lMre. Elléy sud chdrén wvtamarePrairie Vev an Tunsday evealuf. 0 oice mrtagistrats.9 #y ependiug thée prn nsd eummer moalts - Goevîler a"oWels. o mtio a Lajher molhér'e home la oui, vilae. Base Baili The Deiv officéré being duly evoru Préident Watson lenueéd a cail for an _____________Libértyvilié. Dîamoad Lobé, Rondout Immislte meeting ta trest thé dramt Iv VOIL k andI George Gerber. dtId an Bunday leist, shop question. ne .. -t flnnonely conspire te déelgt, bumillate Thére v u péet: Watpor, prei dént, dleee. =0110, Trlpp. Dve"éux,1 . J. Wagner andI famly vers licilnry and othérveé embarra»5 oui baud o Zerses andI Irving; absent, Buseéll. me aenler@ Moadai. athlètes bel thir efforts eves ruitiése. A résolution ta Issue dram eaop lcense ril Jas. Taylor of Meenry. agent for the Pérbape it waa't quité as bail as taI sud fixing theélfse aI05U vas rend sud the adopted u motion of Wellesud Zessn. héMutuel Lite of New York, vasinuVola but Il sure vas @soecombat. Ery- lioved by Tr liand Wells ta adjou. lu aturda.. onesbhti s gond limé and Otat 10wIa évMotion carried andI meting toodi i John Wallon aud daugbtér lire. A- gaI a lot of exercIse. Thé fiuaI score adjourned. ViebrtKuenbergs, @Deant at Frtdav ln vais camathing ltre 9 ta 6 but ta one T. F. SWAI<. Clerk. m. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ __n_ut#_on ,s.c__ _ u uése t as a amId lre. George S. Yaung F 1 otelbains lnubyndan, Fil- ~*BT vshilngthir dangittér, lire. M)r& J. jappe aleéntrtaluing her hubtIotCitcago. auw 4Imls leattasn o0* Chitcgo, 'tooi$*oaey vilS issBattlè Koubler. "Sm yudiittisd of Colorado, vleted ~ls e.tis veek. W'*flajrI eutalnè<I la a ruavay. -*s heck le ltu attendence sud thé *sn l onvaleslng. FREMNT. Kals unitsud Tillé Hémle spent oDe du aWankegsu recently. Mr. asudlire. F. Wagner @peut Sunday id* thé latter's ent, Ir. audiliMre. .A"aitabi o01A=DingIonHIubtes Mlr e nuandI lîttié daugitén spènt the tiret ai thé vsek vitit Mr. andI Mmr. Fred Crober aI Laltertyvilié. Thé téléphoné men are &gain wOrkittg lu Vol and vicinlty. lir. and lie. Rd Sityder ai Avo.n spent Suaday vith Mli nsd lire. S. Wagner. and Pityllis, speut lan Thniday andI Frbday vilSfriends aI VaIn. 'lhey bai lest rétutned faim su éxtadèd visit vîtit relativesaeti MaderaN. Y. lir. Spooaér andI Pllis ici t InitIai for a short ets.y at W itevatér, Win., alter vitiitîbey vil locale la Chicago. At the recent icol élection Bert Vaeéy vas ré.élected as echool director for thé regular térut i tIire eare. im5 WiB Bugeltté of (Chicago, le Smuer Bsba s é aln Oo glbg ber parente, Mr. andI Mmr. ea. mobil. loir. and lr.Chai. Rangbt n0 aue hauces Hertel accon.pauied by Tihéi gan visited at C. L. Thommons Snndsv. M @pet Sunday ut ber home lu ranIir.évWatiWueg, iris lsw. pent Ist week ut D. . Wat'a. lin. Frederietsient a few daye i at Tom Young le working for Luek Broi.c. (* ini1c"" Mr. andI Mmr. A. J. Brewer and daugh. dies Lllian (lal@t.r epent Saturday ter, Mmr. Kumrey were Foi Lake visitors wds" et Arlingtou Beîgbt§ Monday. ret of clear, wholesoine soft water by t is unifonu in quafity. Aways groirnd finer th-ai standard. Makes the trongest adstud néimform of ýWÎFr.. book about concret. cuiterna 1dlà aot a covenent, above-ground is lteru and bow te huai IL. If you prfer write for tbis book, addîesslg oea.g.Poetlnd Cmet Co.,.30 N. LA Salle St., Chimeo. IMD&CO., Libertyvl% RLi OIICAGOCOAL & LUMBER CO, North Chicago W~ukgauLU O LZrich, DL t ORcd e.11 nur tvîireitad a try ont andI vers éxlrémely carofiiCfi Ihir vings, but thé rel sensation ai the game vas Smoke Crople!, vito vorkèd on thé recélvlng end la thé obséas aif thé regular bock- stop. fimoke 100k titem s thé er antI aSter thé famé ireély adutittsi lbt jîmmy Archer bas uotiting on hlm. Next Buaday thé Bésley teeno mes hmr l'ontWaukogsu sud thé boys aspect lte fira rel gains oi thé seon Notice On sud aller àMa loI 1 vii gn, Titureda! aud Saturda! n4 euhit vek nal lurthér noti". F. S. DOLeR, iRockefeller, III. P-81-2 LÀOké' big weeklY-WIEPMDENT. 'I -- Sityder @pont a fév dayîaiflest vsek la Chicago. Borneaifltée young people attendéda blgit ochaal éuténtainment et HighliandI Park Fmiday évealng. Thé Lsdie's Cenetery Societ!y wll boît théli, annual meeting vitit lir. Henry Keruni Libertyvillé. Thuneday May &bi. Tiée yearly gatheriugs are véry pléas- ant efiairs andI il le haped thèré vill hé a large attendanté. Mies Eva Brovn oi Waubégsn, vas thé gueeI ai ber couîin. Mis e.éla Radbs fiunday. T'h. Waukégan visitore inom tii vici. aity lest veek vére 100 numéroue 10 niuion. lire. Charlie Kirtoinger eutertained rela- tive. lrom Evanîtgn andI Chicago thé furet ni thé véèk. Mise Mary Paynée@peut Tnésday Ht Rockpfeilor. Dîscounaging proufesa, -1ou're ual <bing s&0vwon la ym mathamnatice as you ougitt tu X. John- Dy," Mad Mre. L&peling; "et ion 0MM your coulIn Hore"e vas ban vwu thr00gb dtufféa MilléhPOM BPIC I MEETirtO persunulte a coilItfoin thé président ai thé board ai tructes ai01thé village ai1 Aie couvened lu spécIal $meln at thé village hall Wduodai, April 28. 1918, ta aI ont tramehop ptItIon Of E. J. fioiién. Présent, Watéon preadeont; trustées, Wèlls Tripp, Devereauz, Sèrleén Irviug, à;;sotR4911l. Petitictu of E. J. Baron for drm chop Ilicase reail aud granted on motIon of Iriuansd Wollo. Moîsi by irvlag sdiWeil taI Saur »éWrst sud IVraak Andesonas minrmleon -baud of E. J. Horen hé = ffpYveSng lb. puple of ilss ionCraligs room jgave an operetta, Eith'e Dream, W very elaborate pro. action, whlcb ws very weiI rendered - S ~ I ASN id ebowed nMuch careful preparatidt fAM leosfftumes vpre beantful, theentrance the fatime.antI mother coose charac- Two year@ ago an enterpri ers vas very pléaslng. The siuging ai secount with $100. Site ha Iy Illinois" by thé boys chorus wae it amonnte SI 40. Beeliff he sensation oiflthe éveîîlng. Threé i" hlri . acu tle plays were givén lu addition, "TheI v.biru t îuaco eby...han' aI Plueville," 5<eue at ai,,,,, vorkiîg ta in, eket Office" and "Entertaining oniterQ Wýit such training front th 3au." The piano playlng of Elmer and w il nvvur grow up ta give - ward Therien îé certainly a eredit ta hé suocueful mou and woi ehi teacber, Mime iiederstadt 'tMr ierkman's violin moiué wzre beaufflul open au accouri. here for Y( Baturday evening th-, Mu S4urina Chi I!IRST NATI( rtr, MdiséesMarie, I.oretta euil Ruth res. liahel and Elda FIorenilj'rger, LibertjtilI garths,Kareb. Miuldred Wiitirlig. Clara yle, Edith Audtrean, Irene fluIîisou mid Ruth Reiehelt gave a dinsier et the Boston Oyaer Rous in Chicago,, fol-' lwed by a thestre psrty at thée(iarrkk - bo bear ,Wben Dreamo Came Trué."________________ Thé chaperons were Mesdames W. A. Vhinir, B. B. Krensud J. A. Reich- ' Ot, Jr. lire. C. Johustone Davis, who returnéd Born, ta lMr. and Mmre. . Fisher a from thé University hospital last week babY girl ]aet wéék. snd vhabba been very iii for ou long là Prof, sud lire. B. A. Mduun ai o tnproving a, lîttie. Waukegan. vîsîtétI unday wlth thé Mr. Koebling af Noithfield, in building latter'& father, B. D. Ames. thé cémoten!. Ground bas bepn brobén fur the uév bungalow w vhhd yard BielmehI yull omect nezlt to thé Blél moi omeetaidoa Dèèrfild Avé. Mire. Bsoy sud tva littie daugtte ettendod a chlldrén'a party at thé home of théir cousin lu Chicago Baturday. Arthtur Wlttboèft sd daugitter Dain. tity of Chicago, vers thé guéle oithé former@ mothèr, lire. Mattbev Kargeo, Sundey. Thé Ladies' Aid coclety of St. Paul'@ churcit wili méet et thé home oIflir. P. Rommel Thursday siternoon. Mr. snud lre. W. A. Whiting enter- talned iende faim Détroit sud Chicasc aI a bouse party thé week-end. Um Rutithéicebitlt as thé get of Miss ileulait Tibtets ai Lobé Forest an Sondai. ýA SPLENDID 'LY. ung mother etarted a B.îuk as added to, it until today te that, sch achelpcd ber ~tn aud eacb of them lé er, aoe their bânk accotuntfq. hi mother these ehidreni ,ber Iteartache. Trlîy wiIl men. May wé have yoîî )lrelf and the chilîdreit? )NAL BANK. Administrebor's Sale. Public nO tie le béreby gîvén that the underélgneai admilitrotor oi the estatu' f éryBlere diceased, wll purenant to an ordér énlered lu the Labe C ounty. ,fCounty C.ourt on thé I4tb day ai Apnil A D. 1918, an Saturday the l7tb das ofi May A. D. 1918Bat thé boni, ai 1 <i clock P. in , at thé lité rpsidenre ai lir. H A.Bebentan ntIch U-.e fienrymers -A, h. nu --. u J visîbed the tiret of thé vscb vitb relatîvés Ela, Conty 0i t'ski, and staté onilinoifs, viîciMta3 Mlles West ai Prairie VI.,v lu Aurara.andI 8 mileWe ai ofLasSéZurich. oeii at 1 W. are gla t 10 eport that the Muchler public aucîloi tolathéelîlitéat and bhéc biIdèr for cnah, théppereonal pnîîperty of fsmill are able ta be ont again alsi solI de ndas foilova ta-vit: hélng coafiued élgitt vseke viit sceist 8R hsad nicattis. 7 of vitich itvlIho foer. fresi la the aIl; 4 héad aif qte, 75 lir. J A.Bama ud 111e augttè clebsas, % ai a tan uof millet,.lmbuchel Idre J.A. Srmaand itU daubte ifcorn lu crb, 1 dock of fodder, 2-N *psut SuDny vitit ber moîhér la bushél osts, 1 grain bindér, 1 pair boh, Chcago. vieigts, 1 suibey cultivator. 1 light MIsseslitanie and Emîlié Fla<> ofepringvagon, 1 faim itruck. 1 puivèrlutir. 1 =rds, 1bal rais, 1 movîag macin., 4 Palatine, vieltéd relative and frlénde hère 1 bai foib, carri. nope andI puiliys; 1 Sunday. pesd eutier, &bout 4 bushél sestI corn. 1 111e MaIe éppr va s usiessfaunngiugmll. 1<'arn shéliér. 1 light rosei a Mie Mrie oppr wa a usin93vagon, 1 sow vittb 3 pigo and ailairnal calier ta Waub&lanoDe day last wééb. tDis. e. rme ofniealesh. Miss Amanda Coasoer, vito bas beon IDatèd Ibié 151h day of April A. 1). j orbing la Chicago leitaylng aI orné BENsH. 0. Luié Admntrator. vîit ber mothér afev tIys.1 Apnil 18 25-Msy 2-1). I "WIIY TIIROW AWAY GOOD MONE-Y?" Our chargés for Draftsi are lèsse Ibm Money Order fees, aud vo iesue drafts.Free te patrons who carry aceounts at thie Batik. Remillauces rnailéd for déposit will bé handled promptly, receipte for same returning with fallov,- ing mail. The Value sud (Jonvenience of Ibis methad eau onrbe réalized by trial.1 THE CITIZENS' BANK ROCKEfELLER, ILL., )Pl R. F. Rouse Iving E. 1ané t. Vice Preeldéni. Ceir S. L. Tnip Prosidert ama GOGTO THE WILSON STORE adI FOR BIG BARGAINS Millinery, Night Dresses and Aprons For Al Âges. be0f làe' Rompers and !verything for Babg. . h Ne t door to Jay Morue. pjh<>1 98. il the Wheèling téam S3unday ailernooti. Thé score vas 7 ta 6 lufavan oi béer.: Sitérmervlle grammar sehool basé bah tsainplayèd the Leoericîd grammar sehool tsamn Thureday aitérnoon on thé, gronde oi the latter ehool. Thé score vas 21 ta 1 la favon ai DééeodltI. la justice tate tsSermervîlleechool IS ahouid bué tated ltatItlb as thé tires! timé thé! bail playèd another scitool j Mis 1réne Hutchison énte.rtened ait a Fivé Rundiéd party Thureday événîng.' Rov. and lire. Orebomné (née Stengér) Wtle isvek for Union gMilelad... vhére lir. Oreborue bas acceptéd a cail ta the Presbyténian cburch. lir, antI lire. J. R. Relhm andI daugiâtérs ai Chicago, vére thé week-end guestes ai tMr, n sud lreGeorge tangen. Thé!Y. P. U. S. ai thé U. E. chiincb théltIa busInessmmeting at lthe bornéoi 1Will Plaggé Tuésday éveulng. 9 Thé W. Md. S. nf thé U. E. churcit vili halt tiiMliy meeting at thé borné ni lirs.,kiLstranuét Tueday aiternoon. li. nsd ire. Fred Kérseza(Busie Péttie) are thé proud parente ni s @on Pbora April 26. PME vmw Movéed hy lrvlng sud Wei ltaIthé iMr. andtI lre. J-hnHutchine ai elerk hllotruced ta Issu ta E. J. Baoe Diamoad Lake, vieltéd wlth lin. and a drain &hop licenue for ltse i lng yeot lire. Jas.ihrs upon is iéfihling bond propèni sigf nd d -Ilhr iswanéd dunon thé Payaient of tée r.S.S Sager antI sou Warren, oa license fée ai $500. Motion éaftlsd. Bavinla, viaitéd aver Bunday vitit bar Meetng am*ouned an motion 01 sister, lire.f8. E. Kuédier. Us adTPP T. P. Svwui, Clrk. Born, ta lire. C. Blléudorf an April 21st, a baby dangitter. Mrndud lre. A. C. Richards étert5lted [jDI MOND AKEJthéir cansin, Miss Matel HeétI aiChicago, Mn. sud lire. Robt. LIII, O., spènttMr&. Géo. Onîzler ai Highland Park, 10 Tuesday vith lin, antI lire. George spendiug several vééke vlth ber dsuF4 Mitchell. ter, lire. M. W. Kuédiér. Floyd Rayspenta eévda ie thains'Bey, sud lire. Umbacb -#pont I'frea lunt veb. part ai thé wéék visitllÈi ilativés in lire. Walter Lembér vas a Waukégan Chicago. visitor Thnreday. Thée Ladies' Aid soclety wilI meet lu the basemeut of thé church Thuraeé Willié Frasîier oi Chicago,.le sponding altemnoon, tMay Sth. Ail mémbere ar et wesk vlth Hira.m Bartlett. requeeted ta ho present. Mi8 es Rel Blov@ of Lîhértyville, Miss TilIlMiltchell @pont thé latter par I peut Sunday aI thé home of Mli nud ai thé vsek visittig relatives lu Uniego lire. Wm. Eiusman. Qu.Jito a nunter frin hère atténdéd t] Luella M itchéil la home for thée prIng basket scialaiat the Giidley ochool la@ vacation. Friday uîght. Nnteén dolars va Mr@.Wm. ous andMr@ Elnwanrealized front thé sale of baskets. viitéd lins. Joe Brocksom et Beach, Mr. aud lire. EtI eau antI famil, Friday. sud tMrs. Aenath Pareon ai Déerfiéld vised vitb thé C. C. and J. A. liasi Mr,. andI Mmr. Wm. Lembker sP'tt familles gutidbY. Oudai aI lite Scitroedér home ne Mise Viola Bizeuthalér vioitéd yit Wsucouds. ifi*nde lu Chicago over Suuday. lir. Grte vsa lt~,lyUI vilta lre. Blela licDermott sud tMr. au lest oeb. lins. Ro a iscu of Waakegau, visite wlth 1Mrsud lire. Biruey Masi Thé Waukegaugu= club le to hoid Sunday. a big régietered shoot ou DecOistoti lin, sud lire. Wi Rai sud ismîlyi éDay. Shooter, are comlng hère troint ocbefeller, @pont Sondai vitb io ai&H ovér thé cuntriand li iiehéparents, Mr. sud lir@. M. W. Kuedlèr. the blggest thlug théecouty iebas vér Mre. Will Stenclîff le serlonaly in a511 bai o le kini. Ba"eneood hospitel la Bavenslvood. You can do the week's wasbing for a family o! six at trifling coos for electriclty if you use a Electric XashîllgMachine Ând the ironlng can be tranfrd from the hot kitchen to the porch by gettingl a long cord and Electric roii A few moments use of it daily will keep your house neat as a pIn if you employ a Vacuumllef ianer Summer'.s heat in quiokly modified in any room by im Electric an AU thossé and maneg ollir elecirkal appliasces for sale at the oweipricea. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Th@ El vers cnt thé @jt@! beniag th the prfeu fuactioni eue are atteutiat guésit: Ouy MOi, Thé Fc wonnd in and iIDioe Tnésday balng Pl primes. furnishesl exereses Theéfo attendfd Bébrers1 <lertrude sud Juli Mary, C Big 0all' Frank R, Miese J thé e u'ý l.riday. M rs. A Iru. Cdv M re. B To uyan lirb jhî Scbrai1- .Ir. ýli iý, l il' ci- .Il iler î'A 1 M re . A u î Ethel Sa' favorable Alie the: laréet éty M. rau C'h caffa. ecttse baumed larding. Mire. E. aiflire. J. H. l>,b N. 1) ,îct cale. Ing a hon roesvisita Racine, VM gaom ta 9 sile le n under thé lire. M Inn hatel trip Wa F view ai le that le bi rélgion. AI Bau Johni A. I Mie. AI the denti, tirs El -t ,I .H 4i. 1'. La[ Il. spiJIza inriewons ing the, iuncidenta by Dr. Be Sch uitz, Iel Pur regiouu. whiie Ai loiahiel e The triai sud cvii skîlliully lu @umm logic thi 0sWept eV, a verdir judgempî and "Be( for nom Major E électIon l John Wsdnsa algnatun mission 1 Consîid thé vicin avonue, of the E 1h10 thé bu rog1 tee s r. mui r fi tam a 1 c 1§ý.auTenuerg, @peu& u»ý ý ...j MM. 1 Payne, Cashier.

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