Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 3

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Th@ Et. Young LaditesRowingivelr amadmt era oke. on tihe rtur'. L. Y. ikia tranmacted butinesslu Miss Frances anka, a cousin o!fIar. werseanertained Tbural al.tération bv tuip ater Bond condition arire repc>rg.< Chicago Monday. Je Longabeaglif, dled at her home ln the Maltera Lundaettgo Watbalaa. tills to bave mnhmdsd thuy badi te travail ou Miss Ze Massaia Wiînattia. vlltod Indiana. Mody. bslng Ciileatit eetintofT ti tcety for ailstsratbche l.rairoad ibre tht... the preant siason. Tb vintar ésoelety fout of valser oversd tihe treile~. Thu inonde bars Saturdal aud Sondi. Mrl. IUcL.AisofWaukegau, ile pendingS fonctions baverovbiacompleteul end have bsau inhagati duning lt.eutW@" D1r. B. y. Ghaler hal hié car oser a leur daya viii ber aiter, M r8. F. C. ws are novr Nidy ta devois aur planting gardon end ,pot=gtil eass n iantde i.LkeFre ih attention szciulvelY ta tii.nommmr entamer hein* ia Ortler forthie sammer gamt» ie folloving Memtbers vores-ion. Seturday ttîsy e rtablad h@ is garage. E. F. 8hanke and wiii of Halneiville, preant: Miýii.Sire and Atrid Lunad, $liovlng guoIeh: Mra.,(les). Ma> muIO Miss Ariette Morrili of Fox Lait, attended the fanierai or theln nelce. Misea Sais. SolA.Dela lddiuon and Mni. and son "SIi' m d MJeu Theres anèselli ume.a boe Te Y rno hnss omr iy l. Oui Morri. Shuit. ali 1Chicga.eust Weidy rnees ankFrea ly i. The Fox Lake L. 0. P. Aisn., aisea Oui progre vile aubnnb logisside, la Dr. J. M. Palmer ham aold him automno Wded wannd up tie. aamon vith a card part, rapli comting te the front. The two bile ta Brt Boulden cf Foi Lake. Jesm Longabaugh traniacteid business and informeaneset Schitidt'i h<îhel Wasington favenu. imrchent@, Musre. Mma Almue Fenlan tradod ber hanse ln Chicago Wednsiday. Tuesdaisveplng. Twenti.ilve members H. Bendrice and W. K. Kîmbali having adlto Park Ave, for Japob Lebreo Chas. Foulon and faniily and brother bing prisent, aIl the ladites recivlng recely tnyauter! la a tonrlug car and adltu prim.. Shmld t'a new ectrie piano delivry traek rempectivelî. Lot Foi Place niai the Cougregatlonal churcb. Frank Folon motored ete the home of furnlshed munie for the Terpsychoroan Lake look ta is lenrela and tuttet the James Draga and famli have moved Mir' Fonlons fatbor la Burlîngton, Wis., exerelses. lue falrly and quarl; lurning rloose S h .T ohrafi oro a St u day evening. Thse iollowlng pe tii.*'@moite wagin" on Nippersink foto..Rbréfrat om ti. ioln i ~ aveanueandéMal. street et the earlieit ovor te Homes bardvars store. MI@s Lucy Saules of Wetconda, visited attedfdthemovng pctue sozot posibe dte.W m. Kapple have aald their homo on heroilter, Louis Boulese, Tuesday. Sebrera hote u siîdav evaning. ims (lertrude end Clara Wolblng, Florencae.ÀA nov frelght engins No. 4653- C. M. Weterfleld Place ta Wns. Cremnins Oi The Booster club held thir ehuction of and Jua Uallagher ai Wooter Lake, &St. Paul rallroad bai been equipped Waukegan, and moved into tihe Orlando nuficteciet tueir lait meeting aui the Mary, Chrltna ani Anna Freund ai wth an electric boat] light. Aller Juiy o buefliwngereecd:MqiShfe, Big Halaow. Mesera. John Webber and lat, a state laur becomes efective okboi.flowngvr ield aquahîfr Frank Roing. ieqiiring aliliocomtitves 10 ho thuiq Mn. Mary Paileson hait the mîsiortune prepldernt; Harold CleIveland, vice preai. Misa Josephîno Lay ai John..hurg. vas C5quipped. ta fallbdown @taire and break sevenai dent; Earl Lofîna, eecretary and trew- the gosît o! Mr. and Mrn. Jî,e. Miller The paintinz 11cm oi Huiula& Hall ba. nusm. She bistopping ai ber sommer tirer. The club ylgivea <ane et the I.riday. juil complreîed thé work oi Painting tbche meat Taylora@ Lake. opera houe@ May 16. MIrs. Abet Druley viilted Mr. and own hali ai Ingisside.___________________ Mr@. Edward Tweed. Snnday. Wî. (lieder formerly oi Inigîceide Mis. Bi. N.l)owe and Miea Thereosa"bore lias purchaoed Uie Ihlendonl'.f Touyen cere eallerm at ti... home of property locîted ou the eest sosROUYID L.AKE_ I LILBUIZN Z Mrb. John Bishoçu at MeHprnry, Frlday. lDavid Aexander hm@ ru,v. l irîc, Eii Mlise Sgrid Lund bam retucuctil rom fuglepid. t,, the 4 C. cittugec t topera Houes May lot. ftAv. %A W. Saford left Mondai tu at- Chicagoî alire ah. vas a guct o! theu e SlhuuamMorris, proîic.tî iti.- ten MClutck ife and baby returu tenu a chureb meetliDgatChaîîpusugu. 111 1. 0 T. clubi. Friday I Isiuolfnv 1iEaoL tIduil ,1t-I «<ia l[uiblt-c 1h ptocilTuesdev eveulng troiu.Floridsale.r thfis ee twIit iîuit-r. ai thi.. ilii, .< i îgîMonday. s1ucnîuthIe alter nionths tiiere. tIrs.Robt. Strang Br.,iîa- 1,ifîquiet ittc,,lcde thatre a#Ai"use t-gise î[Jlt! o! ipfilug "c as <Ire %iiiiiroiiiitnus anidsonIChieter piiîrly thei. ast veel. Sescýra;ii wîaîbrs iof tii. vuruîger s.! eutîýrKdthe . -lillUl t"f K ruipgendMw%% :-i1 fofli..îi a srise,. îarty ci cii uiC .1-oliil,,tic ltterjart if the- ack cliihlier FHai 1Scgan a l, *~ l anuli-uî,id et Kîîtb . iiI, .l. Mi is.î, laie sl-ci.,uîi -l,îîîlcc trs . iliuinuili ut Vioui uu<is.l u,î,u cii«ou,.i.,lu Iai, ii trîcu in wh' nuMc'Iba I-ishidruýn of tIr.andlii, M- iuu. ltuuc curda lol t . ir ti 1r,u -uîlcd 14 il a- Ci ntri-t F ' l .«cclw iij is n M s 5tii Iý, tiu d . lell. i ,iui ti irlu,c,î- ii iirdsiuisus-t SuLalay <u in . " tu k un,,; su- ti' ut i <i l'~ , Oîening of the -Midway ' Illtr3.Tl,--rciu ofutMrs@ Lu ,,in«i U,, sle 1 Mi's, lowatu-o.,l, wuiriI, lias, lauzi lfct fe, lkgte iauu ii Waui il si ~ ~ Mr alM uGii~ < t llntiSoui <u1.riiz i cli.tctc ustc creeuicrmitius Er n trang a il a ri t. .1- ir AuiSt ihrecvc, Sa-iduuuia i suuitilic ir liiitili <uii ui lturse- 1 t1ic convention ait Ciamjuiei.i , Sunlai. e. i--tii-y «ccc ctciauied y ah(tiiet The ficrvguiîar pr iiuclîeicfa u r iiteisaaed .yM .Lîbron Stewart and !aiiily nesu il,s Sters -luak. ai. gave aIs p....... ,aise tru-el,-d tue u «peuair eperuit Mioucl.îî u ewwt i atei ltts andultîu rveual iui hilir hunor. Miss cxhitilu that atrachcd oneî hics thee<i Bosiugiebas tauaiiitilis. Ethel gave aly rie exhibition tisai ecihc-d a ttentio, .ater slîieh dligbtfui t se Ir@.tes oin m osl. art. favorable commuuent and maeted -.y Mlii ufi movie' vere guven icy a uîcager Frank Hînonimus lrom Vola, elipped Lloyd Whte of Waukegeu. wa a M 1:1- Ale they dcmnoîtratod mne o! the aiermath of dancing. a carioad o! cattie tram bore Sunday tnucîe ady laréest styles ai dancing.buicelr ody Mr adMr.Edi Wie a@gi The lest o! the C. E. Cou rse o! enter- C'hicago. vilU occiloi on ai tihe Sot The Vrtue of Paeralalence talumnents wliiilho held May 9lul. c-ittae for thesmumimni. Mr.Wblthas Ourlirrepremileand continuonscandi. ' aeaumed charge o! the buffet et Scottm date fur alderman, lied" Muencb GAGM' LA"E E. A. Metin.@eint Tneulay ovenlng laeding. refuses tu romn l@abmerg luinthe L- - lu Wenkegeu Mm. E. Bddlaon atlonded tiheuerai "lougb ai despond' and bobo up Louia F. Bahrman lait week negoti- of Mis. J. 0. "iiet atCblcago, Sunday. iser il; hie log hors, volts echoillg ated a trade wlth Leo Lux vbsreby ho throgh the huis eand farmet of Foi Lake,*C " B. Duksafield lote ai Grand Forka, vuilng hlm istoaâtion to renin % i, excbenged his Advance tbr8nalg autlitHIK Y N. D) ,laenu* employed at tbe Colonial race and appeai for auffrage-pro bono for a Hick autonmobilie. Mr. and Mn@. Frank Edwarda areP ceas. publico, M"Y 20t1, theb. nomantona date Harold Amis la elck et is home vith rnîolclng over the itli et a new baby M. and Mra. Peter (lendricis ane oret. upon vhich ho dreainu ai arrlvlng a& li uhMy log a bungalow on Fantes avenue. tii.cimax oi bis political aspirationa; tho se sI. grin My the senluh of pawer sud tbe apex of The Gagemene club oPeni i onrb.e Ifu Joute Menunlaviaitlng vlth berg Mr@. Jas. ilalpin and denabiter Kath- gnatnea, froni whilb pinnacle ho vilii m it ihM.adM iteMa .T orgt roeiviaitsd Mr. and Mmns.lCeaiPoili of manaimuscondeiscend toa hed huaieaio" j it'ythli.The M.. Lst es'n.A T. havae.ywl utwt Racine, Wi.. Saturdai. Misé Kathrene IÇiilinc upon hlm legs lortunate Halîqalat aine To LdIs idaocet vli net lî gais tu Bprlng Grava eculuFriday vii coloagnis. John Abart o! Llhortyv!llm, callîed et Mn@. Jeo. Tllotson, Wedmneday alten- mb. la noeilving musical instructions -W atsd ii a favorlng gale nuMy7h under the direction of Mise Brdk, Hidife.As anae mitiMmsin trences. the Keler borne itunday. naMy7h tIr@. §. Metzierowner o! the Willlsi To a b.eht that feeuw an eie.Crton Amis liable to huouot again aHornn toMr. and Mns. Burton Bonnet t, Inn botel and bakery made a busneus, Bave hy long and voary dance. ater hiesrratent sichnus.a baby trip ta Foi L.ake, Wedneday ith a view arimlaing the bakery. an ldnt1 that lm badiy needed iin the loi Lake School Notes 8 rolon. Alfred [lowe vas the incky cinner ai AI Banibe hban entencd the cnîpioy o!f rist prize lu peumauship, baving JhA.Huit. obtained the hib.iî grade iu the toali Johîî A ai liant lu the recent eîînteet beid ut Mfiss Aliiu Spiczaklu iu a acw.însith 0 rcevîlake. C. F. Faust. auîbiir Ofii the dentuet ut lirauilale Monuay. ýMuiculan Mîvcment Writng' gcadcd birm Elinour l>îwe o! El Pesa, Teîai, the papens. wie o,! StouauiDIowe iof the Lotie Star iat1rete aslceu<ifrtnt mt- ceas-itue iZeet o!ftIr. and Mcii. as ha epraîn tic ciii or, the e Ict side ofN 4i, P. Laudcy, Suiiday. li r neck. Mcc 'Leuuuiad Scociietj aud Art H,lt rThe "jack lever'"hcbusmmcwbat euub-m cereecrtertaîncul 1,y M. and Mrce John eîulcd. Jumping roeIN i nos îîuetii, avîucîhe p. ispiat. titurday and Sunday. anînsement. rhumas iiicmuiîi sreticd cith the The atltundauu-e bas bc,.n vecygitl intraies î,! O the law Thureday, Intiv-i' the puât feww ceecuiorîtî ccnut o! ing thce ua o f,ît« a dotor bill, excellnt veather conrdtons. inidentaI tu services n.ndercd hie vife by Dr. iert, oui local puyiciuu Judga Two eu. noar o k iu cesehave aîrlîcd Ie Sichultz, sslîîîîîue bisse peviousiy in exuclletnt cOistitu.i t<u at cc uiu, ietiiuil ha luiugitie exPtuucntitiecmd tN enugh boukse lui îltleîîî. legal fuu1riculr the Fox Lakie regian., 1reeented the iuiaiiii TAYLOR GROVE ceble Atty. Morris iif Liluechyvilie. oobîcil ater the intcreete of the delcuse. Farînere are liusy llishing çuuttiuîeis Tht trial wam eslcllnt InglemIde, Justice their grain. Alex 'i'wffed çreiduug. ulge Seclulu itîsercd im@Iuzncl itb gIZIOrv: tîakiug ai hennis Reardon le building an addition lrnaater.v addreas, abiy detiiug tle lac On bis bomse. Sivece & Hugen are duitug and evidenee as epplied ta tiie iactc, the work. skîliully vrungfromobetinatewitnes@ea. lu summing uçi ho preeentedi an arcay ai Mr. and Mn@. Burton Beninett of!Hild.c logic that vas incontraventible and ory are rejoycing over the arrivai af a swept everytbing belon it thus wnning baby boy boni April 22. Mother and a verdict for the doctor for whom chîîd ane doing icely. judgemet vaa entened. 'Ln-dwacd Ficter, George Pasdeloup Lyle gity epnt Friday and Saturday and lied" Muench have filed petltiona iii bis mother lu Waukegan. far nomination for alderman to Su 1 M. and Mn. An Hawkins, spent Sun-a vacanty caused by the reignat ion ofdywthhm fle Major elat Ostrandon. The apecial F a lbhiefîa electlan vilI ho b.ld May 2t. Mrn m ni E. J. Munrie colletd an8 John A. Bloit vas bnîily eugaged frende boe Sutsday.p Wdnoaày and Tburaday aecurlug Uns. Lji. Sltj and Mr@. R. E. Eddy signatures tu, is petition for nohary apet lant viek Hickory. public wblth bs compieted and Sot to it Springfield Fnlday, nceivlng hi» tom- Mr@. Fred UÀable spent the week 4.t mission Mondai, April 28tb. ber matiier Mr@. J. Bennett. Couiderable extîtement Prevsilld In Wlli Mecann Io on the slck lt. the Vlcinily oi Main treet and Foreat Georgesand WiI. Brasier formeniy of avenue, T oniday efternsoon vieunaie hare, but nov oi Okiahoma, ane bore on oi thieKnickerbocker bonis vandared a viil. Tbey viii apeud the sommer ita tii ilough that gannlsbee SeYlis vftls heirant lins Wendt. trou pond seid ta, contan abaut 100 tissaof muck, vbee ahordeaofovergavn 8. . Boyve'u iter. lMns. Bert Melville bl i roga bId foreb during tbe summer ai Indanvalvdie vrlyas The ban'sofforte ta exticate blmàalf frende hope h a eoi e eli only @erved ta ink i deeplIr lD the rapIdlj. mire flnally equsrlnglb.esrvice 01ae________________ teani ta bani buni tasafetY. il là ta b. boped tis thleu isopblsticated equine R L i basi iearned a mach needed 1@110on and D . L .COU ISON viii bîreator aide step tise IreacheroiUà lougbs lacated in the Fox Lake raglan. V"1ERUNARUAN' M. and lin. Wm. T. Mejcoole bave Ofie e GardWner Hoteul nturned after an extsndsd trip ta lb. uanny sue oah omeb.ndlna es. ollov- pli....53R Inng Imer>', - i.vw Odlne. l85011," IUN IS Pmcnht l~and Rat OSpeIng. viierstheY G A wAiE ILN I George James of Wenkegan, @pet runday at bis homnebhos. Wiil O'Neil transactedl businesln Waukegan Tnesday. John Almond ceasi n Waukegan Tues- iay. Misses Sadie, llirdeliaand Lue!la Flood ol %Narreuton. visited tbcir grandmnotber, Nlrs. Jainocs, Monday. Dr. llellows and lriend of Wankegan), mient Suuday at tîhe J.los bomne Mis@ Ella Walsh o!fl'bicaoeo. spent a 'ew dayo thie aeek iii Wadsworth. Mce N.Broîwn of Plesant prairie, risited a day here last wcck. P'ut Madden le speniliug a ica' daye lu Dhicago. NIr. and Mcc. F. Diutrueyer and Mis. N. Ruif @petit Suiuday lu Liberty ville. CM Miss EmmuaBesydecker @petit a couple of days 1î the sity.- Mii Suele Lui bae begun bier music clacs ut Rugsoîl. Mii@ Mary Ahern lias returned froni ber viait. Page Hlli i@ paintlng at Miliiburn. Miii Gertrude DeLany epent Snndey at homne. There ,wlli ho a dance ln Browe hall, Frlday evening. May And, given by the Social club. Music by Pritchard thiee piece orchestra. Evervbody lnvited. SPRING TUME, is PAINI'TIME We ane cle&ring out our stock of paints and selling them out at 1easa than cost Note the ioiiowing. 1 gai. Noxal1 Paint... $,2 j gai. Noxali Paint.... 70 1 qt. Noxail Paint.... 40 Floor and Porch Painta 60e per j gallon. Druce Dmu Co. ýiGm;bk, -Round Lake Joe and John Griffle 01 Kenosa formeriy ai thie place. vors guests o their brother W111. lest Sunday. Mie» Lois Smith epent Satnrday and Sunda>' in Union ulcuve. L-ewis Voigt bas rcu-eived bis antuimo bile (rom Chiago 1Snnday ochouî l l agalu hboid at Hickory thurch. Sunda.V achouolvîlih a 3 1:0p.m uu.viately pneceding the churth service. Andrew Pelere, i and femily cere, viiting tîton Lake friends Suaday. M ru. Alred Pudvruun vislted ber paren te and fiîcds in Keisiie the pat week. Alred Pedersei ii lict Saturday anud Suuday wîtb frieude ini Kenosha. rROSECRANS] Mr. Hobday o! Lcckport, Ili, eçent part of last wccî. oti i@ isîster, Mrs. Chancey Nellisl, a hi is critically ill._ Mis. E. S. Fiulikuer of Lihortyville, visitud Mie N orthrî,i lait wveek. We are gilad tii noîte that Mre. J. D. Murray la imDroving and ablé tu be op. James Wech le getting lansw goode and daing a tiouriehing busines. (leorgs and Ida Lewln ai Waukogen, were out Sunday with i fliw auto. Uns. Robet Hunter ai Richmond, spent lait week wltb Mr@. J. D. Murray. Mia. Tom Frazler and dagtr Bertha wers Chicago visitore Tueay. Almond Webb of Waakefan, spent part ai lait week vlitlng ilnds bhre. Mra. James Foulon la visting in Beloit, Win. Isr. Bd Smth o! Plikoville, yiited Mr@. Wlntars, Monday. WIliIMcKlney of Lihortyville, im visît las the. (lesson Bros. p sq Murre Brothr Rusteli nois Ail kinds of Feed & Grass Seed at lowest prices ie Lake County. Let un quote you prices. Tshepà-- mae Une. aring o- RUSSELL Tii. aociety at Mri. Murrie's wai fairly weil attended. Tihe neit meeting ii le 1 with Mis. Morville. Murrie Bros. lbit a valuable borme lait w.iok. Dr Lewin la very poarly. Mn.u. Pedioy was a Chicago vimltor lait Priday. Ina s uie Lui han atarted ber muele dla &gain. Mr. and %Irs. H. Peteoon and iamdly and Clare Effluger ipent Bunday at E. P. S4ivers. Mira. Crittenden and Mis. Benien are on th@ @tkIigt. T. A. SIm paon violted thb.,chool on Idonday. Fordaiy Min illonfor i î alme bu peovsd that Calumet in higist nDoni>' In vondueuly ioenosnlcal in nea. Ai& your giocir. And tny Calumet next bak. day. acsnkacl - mm . ohoUimss- gises heuresll. C4uomlùgfosupgdouio jourmMdk nd i I Think MAKE EACH DAY COUfI Manypcpl fail becauBe they do flot make each day ouà and lose sigkt of the fact that suoces depends upon pe1ietoli of effort. TJak, the matter of saving mn'uey, for instance. .0 many persoos sas spamodieaIly. As the mood stri kes them *ii PUT MONEY IN THE BANK but they save with no mettled plan or purpose. The ruultit they do flot get ahead as surely and 'quickly as systematie a» invariably do. Make every day and every week count in your effore build up a rerve fond for emcrgency and opportunity, andd flot overlook the fact that :3 per cent. compound iuterait vi work for yon every day you have money in the bank. Lake Villa Trust & Saving LAKE VILLA ]Bank ILLINO>IS' A State Bank. Capital $25 Waukegan Salooiî Sod s PE CIAI tty a deai that was culmlnated thî afternoon, Thomas of a saloon on North Genesee street, Theo Higley, oldeît of the. H40i sold his place of business to Barney lîrolleri; dipd in a hospital st Cmff Bioehm, who for some Urnme past has Bîufle, la. Hie was a ion of LaU bcîen conductlng AI Seiferts saloon.1Hgean a-5yrmd 3@" The deal becomes effective on May 1 1 lyad a i en i.Uuc Theý coîîsideratlon vas flot made pub- w1ae S iitewart, Neb. Funeral w",-' lie. It had been known for Borne lit. i4isrtc ville, May1sf, hie brother Ly"b tlçe tinie tdoat Mr. Boehoî liad been bringingthie I.odt lie,.. dlckeriug for Mr. Gardys place andi tle arinoincrenin therefore did flot couie as a surprise to bis friends. i %Wedueâday the lodeçieudenti of Zfe M r. iradv l. a, -i Il u lsiucwshere iCity annî,uuced ilu ouneil Chat à for tic cote ne e, and ais ays lias i olivae andidatemsihouid flot ho oati liad the reiiutatlou of condjictina deciariniz Iliegal votes wore counled à îriddel saloon. lie lias lieen troîîbled ""rtain wards on the 15th. TbI wlth rheuniatism for some Bllte tinie, accordingiy seated ail the Iddeped* and le desirous of gettlng loto sorne cniae.Eeto ugsaeVU busiess hic wil tak hi int t a majority of nias. open air more. Adjudication Notice. Public notice la berehy gIvon that the subscriber Jane E. Vasey. execu_ lix ai the lest vil) and testament o!l John Vaaey, deceased wll attend tic Couuty Court oi Lake County. et a terus tiereof ta o b olden et tise Court Houe iniWenkigan. lis sald county, au thse finit Manday af July next, 1913i,vison and viiere aIl pen- rsons baving clalmea aginet aald es- ltt are notilled and nequeited ta pre- sautthlis me ta aaid court for adjudl- cation. JANE E. VÂSET, executrix of the lest WIII and Testament ai John Vaey, decaad. Wankegan, Illinois, April 2ist, 19i1. E. M. RUNYÂRD Attorney. vky-apr-25-may-2-9 Knov all mon iy tbese preseuti that we, the underslgned persona, bave ibis day tormed a lited co-pertuership ta be knovn as "Tbecker Hardware Co.," for the purpose of merchandising lu hardware furnaces and heatlsg ap- peratus and for the maintenance and aperation of a tlu-sbnp; that lu sid partuecshlo the undersigned. Benjamin P. Tbacker. ta a generel parner and the undersigned, Arthur M. Lanyon. lsa a peciai partuor, and has contnibut- to the commun stock of iaid co-part- nersblp. and that his liability, as such partuer le Iimlted ta sald amaunt, And that bath of said partneri reside ln Weukegaa. Lake Co., Illinois, and the principal place of business of sald co- partnersblp is lu Waukegan, lu sald countY, and state. Sald co-partnership shall continue until Marcb lat, 1915.1 BENJAMIN P. THACKER. ARTHUR M. LÂNYON. 6-wks-wklyi. cLake's blg weeky-INDEPENDENT. Iligh Grade Percheron S*I UICOMu.Ne. 58 (Reevd Mere Se61 13 MIRE is a beeniful Soul M horse vitis imalvwhitesar oa fui head, and iis a typioai draft b of unusual qualities and d lie is five yaars oid, parfecl o and vory gentle; ha@ provoed h ho ho a sure foal gettor and blis are of the maot deairable kind draft t brses. WiiI stand for public servioS the ferra knowu as "Holub'e1Fa= ituated li mile south of ýPra Xie end li mile north of Buffi Grove. Termi: S-5 et tise time of KÏ service and $5 wheu colt standma. sucke, or wiii makre terme ta qý owners of mares. When mare âu 1 e eoid, parted with or removi from the neighborhood the mrt fee lecomes due et once. Ail am dents et avner's iak. FRANRX HEOLUIS. Phone 288&W-1. PMaulevi.. RgsterdPechCnotunservatory of Music.,, BoardNo 8349, is one ofth A SCiIOOL FOR RESULTS best stallions ini the world. lie je a dtsrk gray, wight 2200 larriet Snider-Laughlin, Pianist Ibs. Siredb InsportedBas, March 230 Ib., ut f Ipored jibrt Mro. Leelgilins iu a distingunhed pisaiia, lecturur -<.071Ib out. Cof mare ilbret.sansd riter. Teacher af Pipe Organ. with eny percheron in the worid and you wiil sec vhy 1 think hiîu bard to beat. 11e stands et my farms one and ono-half tmiles west af Lîbertyvilie, at the vony loy fee of $12.00 for seeeon and $15.00 ta insure tise mare wi th foal. Fee due for sensots ReR. Laughlin, Noted Tenor Mr. Laughlin is one of the country'@ ieadng honoral concert and oratorio wark. Frank P. Mandy, Concert Violi, Mr. Mandy is a sioiinist of sote-many of his pupils meeting wtth great anome.. Nov. lot, 1913, and for inuranoe wbes, mare shows ta be sefe with AMS ASSISTANT TEACHERSOF AEILIT foal. À LL DIU1NCIES 0F IUSICIAIEIONY, 15MT, R. B. SW IFT CONS rAtOhOrl mt"Gab iec Tolephone 278-J-1'il , ý -HM t .wT. IBERTYVILLE. ILI m

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