Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 4

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C OUNTY IND Pr f T - 1elepttone Number 1; Clty Edtor Residence 'Phone I-umber 225-&. Li.rtyville Elchange ~Bjat the Postoffieesat Libertyvilie, Ilii, as Second Ciscs Mil Matter itUvet Priday. Adrtîsîng Ratpes Md.. Known on Appliation. ORPINPRICE, 81.60 PER YEAR STRICTLV IN ADVANCE .................................. ......................................... Editor ,8 I T ..................... ............................................. M anager 'L.4U BBARD ... ................................... City Editer J1JSÉ WUEUTVRbUT DEAD LUNES WOULD SE. The Sun today ascert&ined by mes- surement on a map, Just wbere the varions points which would b. mark- ed by the varions 'dry zones" wtticb are contemplated witb reterence ta the naval training station, would be locatedID case varlous radius are d». cided on by the state legisiature. Below is shown the pointa wtere the "dead line" woud ha drawn ln ~case a dry zone la created about the naval tr4lning station of the respect- Ive distances rnentioned: - ffl0 #4URTING THE 1NNýCENT VYES, OIVIDE IT, BUT HOW? Tw Mis-ohAenWaIf »Ws policy of The Sun le, and wu Now tha t the state ' .auto law ha$sai Mt l nover wilI te chsnged, te roi been found unconstitutionai, how s-a Two.and-a-HaIf Miles-Lake street, 01% treni prtnting anonymoas rtf. the $600,000 te be divided satisfactor- Waukegan. sncas of domestic affaire whlch I ney ily amnong the vaclous counties of the Three Miles-Between Washmington construed to mean any one of a stase? a nd Cimyton streets, Waukegan. iÈ dozen or more persoas and thus It acemu ta The Sun that a good Flac Miles-Greenwaod avenue( ba t sié poss!btd disruptions or tMisUn- way to obtain the pro rata shace for tr knewri as tht golf road, at the stlandIngsin bornes which, wcrc eaeh county is tn returri to each court north waukegan limats). Tlius, lu case the commtttee finalsv Sunwarrsntcd suspicion aroused, ty a certain percentage, or perhaps bu tbe happy and contented.aIl oetit, as paldid mb the state by the maen a 0 comprom is e mn i lee,,,es It iThe Slun hias anything te saY autemats of each partcuiar county.lIn wil not cecom u:n ia mie, lu ju nividuais which we dleemt this way, anc county wouid flot te gel- Ivlii fasor a n:aaieï, tcrritary, the de md stt fpririt, we either print the Iinq acusantage of another; in this hures wlll be foujud in ibisicomnîunniitv mas sethere w il be ne misunder- r v-a a connnty v.ith no auutomobiles ~ as i'x pnhalud S 10)1, rnd, fron:t the »idirige or undue suspicions in quar. -z. wDnnld not be getttlng tees which tne fl as i u e e t s vl 1 iwhere harm may Dc dont, or wcs r lists of another coiinty have paid ica: e m ln l ad i sd te fr i no pin t I sch thng rc i i. Howavvc, iltas important to co 1 tory bounded 1), those po its, InT h u , i f i sie.n t i i . ' t i e a i l l e ai : n iLis. space in our coiumfls, the e *'r that one couflty with few auto Tis, Ili - i h Ioml oi flare the essentiai featurta. ni ,ht base fine roads whicb machines aountri nock out ail the North C(î: . e r h las b ccn causcd in many fusa: another county u aed extcusiveiy, rcr 0 ud T nh te t sa on, ît L'.eefoe te ltte sho ldin wa , wooid not lbit aul in Waukiiiiiii. W " through unm trittd suspicions ef e th la t r ho i , n a ay Tu fw an i a -at m e zo e n n: d étlW average persen ls aware of. crntcubute to the maintenance of the j eSUSPICION rathtr than THE 1 roads cf the county hhose roaris they :15 ail af Inorth (bicano salu ons, su ImCTS lias disrupted morc homes Lis uing much ef the lime. La ke a o t oe b \ u a a, w ib oe- sn-y othcr cause in the world cocýnty,,for instance.,:s anc cf these aeo Thref sreg et lun olate- ss$ing drink zouritic . Whiie Lake haa m any auto-sr torleu witheut namres, especially iats ano have paid in lineuse 'tes to Threc-Mile Worst of Ail. hm- domestic reations ef huabands the state and wouid ýet a good sum h.lce :i oe ab er j wives si-e lnsinuatedi against, nat- back mn case ut wece ceîucned prepor. ouT aie afthre tm safoonse u W ub- m sI a e pepetai talk and orme tionateiy to the auni raid in, at tho .u i fte s o s n W K - i Ïysi "IV@ se and o,." and another same time. this wouid not be juas a te aeioaeiaiJes,1i Messis ils "se and s.." And, in this Iface cf the tact tisas Chicago autoists uîoid chaneir file a io nossibl e ni, X" GO SIP ges geing and oenty thte Iute Lake eounty roads al.nostsa- M -aink t .er topartion psnbe MW kpows tht consequences sueh much as they do those in Cook county. nort oIa point -teuVatln-u O ba g o .Tht roads a .ierdlngte thL 1inkea andu p and lt't on srat. poinnîl the notbrire swra on. hiag 1aJison sfreef. heure, IL aould like- __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _te o t b aori te swa rn m th Candu cag 1a«iv r tsut lu a gec eral exodu. or va- a fun riy th:.ns; ehen thse L ake a tlt nr noh u m o , a d a ons (r an r s uf l r ' o .s l t b *a - h-aaon R TA X cordmniy it see mas as if Lake county n r srtlc to s lt h li e AI.St a n n r hou!d, in som e m rria ne., in this di a:. t' r t- .s n r d! cf M a i- o sort, Iil hee w b c0s ttii w on t c tSer Il ar csis. m nt ise res îdenc a dis- a ma i li e Ou Dea e. ta te fund, g et som ething from t he i:t f Se i cl a . e u d le f c FP n" o. .e.nrites f-' . he 0-r 1---hnuls nevno Cok courity allotment in returri for arc. Il the use of Lake county roada hy CocO- rooke @0uitolute feel lkc Waukegan county autoist . ... ... ... ... tisaI the whiel tU law cen- curb lthestate auto law. And the Clusters of c!aves hUrgign a room oni l acrosi AmIe Trade aseocation ha* and allowed ta dry wiil, il sn clairned, 'bat .te testlths valdity of the. or drive away files. And,. njN'a the lime thse tlii -tih. utolsftathora, lîke 1h08. te start in the drivlig pian-before accord] lool tat they are made the the files get s gcod start for tht ses- today. JM Ibaicauso, they happefi to sens& murder. Andi Tht state progressive conventibn th. a Thompsoon 0tarts out decided to assesa each person who would 4jIM rsth be close bto te peo vottd the Progresaive ticket, 10 cents, gtuch wltis their nueits to b uqed for a campaign fund. We're tht. go in short, &»ppsr.s araîd Proressaives wilInow bs as ronnty è "Mm ta bc on. of th peu- scarce as Democrats werc up te last cerises -fho tsi-les out that poicy ail taîl. hie admnlsrstloni, he% be- rompt peputcar. among the people of It ia said theteItephone wires cf tht pointa United States are long enougl te coint à ____ ___ ___ ___make fifty Uines to the m eon. But. acine Voivs can aftord to pay bi@ coun- as yct, tht Boit Compariy hasn't an. rtn Ný. marnes. 810,000 a yearlit nounced its plan cf running alimnt roa thet h. reallztsholie Isconstant- there, aithougli with the expansion ami t vicim cf Ilîgalo . b t nte du th îs c em p sny si n aking, theres n e andt fi i-lady for it. Th st'à quise à sum tllnNhri s ci l n a e r e "Y an man'and O*peciatly large M taîco proniuced one-thîrd of tht variot at or 1tI t e w orid's siiver l ast ye n--a.nid tili t c e s 1 ofon eiinatoinaid big #i-. Brne* thetotn thousand, but,.,ill, - »à 1 plouglit arises: Just thînk what t a e hinterln, hycudcty, n ~re t a ionit f g od oul b. don rake more m eney anid gain more con- aeeng tht pour and unfortunste In 0 y d vtn ser efrs t "Mm wltlithat anscunt 0f meney; 'em- nrterta ihi n u. To W M n nial a great amount eof isson-_ __ _ _ __ _create ay work among thtelicathen In Chinai tt ciulà ho dont with a similar amoUnt. Rerqnatv hms rhmo- ntr I11catons art that Wauktgan ls te al 0ny%ý ensa nia a memnber of tute contmit tee ou rail- tm r 'b e a buey p (ac t In th t mn atter et Duild- r a i' l i e v at e î i t r h s c atam, Mo tub stason, a l n iestt eisaue.Ti la ont. of the important committees nlo lurine bouse, in fart, ont. cf the. coin-Tl,. Domalit soens possible that. througb mittees mbirlî aitlhegisîstors aspire 1 ceuinC ss.noot or crook, oppanients 0'fLto becoma muembers;inir cV il s, Iroug li th t fintr îcac ies a n_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _( i 'tsslnlwaiîlcîsof tht courts, wil bs blhey sud Hawtkius, Laike connty1 Th, te~I t Iasoff bie mayer and aider- agents for the. itanu her auto, ara plat. -gu1en I asîg themnelves durlng the ing ordeca dally for new caca. Lake cons!, -1.y«ear as was dons durlng the .'oumaty peoplet haviat, recognîzed theb. se 1.yaara as regards W. H. Clen- Ramibler as THE CAR for Lake roue - E E meo wae duly docîared elect- ty people tlu mn. The blg reason la fer t yai go? Volvas opponmenti the proximitv of the tactory, St Ke- eIt.ctO they wilI contact the recent nosha, andi the. assurance ot the ag. last and, presumling they are abIe ents that tht. compauy STANDS Th, thîngs as long as wss donc BACK 0F tht. cars wlfb a 10,000 mile ducs( the pont two years, It mean guarante... No other dealers guaran- edI Uus Volas crowd wlll not bc seat- tee lice Ibis, 98-2t s g t»Irei plans carry. WileIsw. do hait Velîva one wht. and court dead kfroni the anti-Volivahtes of Ni lslaoui- opinion tht Voias Ban1 NM efflmsnta, not "t0 a firez- but sufIclntly se thor'& no CAN %or reasonables argument. sp aor. certaIn times whon one ate1 bc fair, whon one shouhd take gelit. tu"dIons.m'd Uthesamt applies to bill, MW peliil Ipartits as Weil subir rtè-i"flviuala. If Voiva's faction harb, SM tby ONE VOTE ilnsttad of PSasm oinsfllsdwltli a majorisy of six) wbiî ie have etood ONE CHANCE . #wWi@ a move te unseast hie op- The .11 HadIy. Tharefors hes en- Dancing si4lîoî> at the Lib- Tet. $»_fair Inlar » sgater whîtiertyville town hall every Sat- pari o r hie factIon. Fail&,,pIsy. urday night. Instructions ton aMi yoo ect nake an>*ing f rom 8 to 9 P. 111. Reception 1-4~ * WILfrom 9to 12. Ohio magina a saloon iocaled on flea r lot uorfh of the. Bapiflt h, or on the aid acad e nis it of the Idaptist parsonare, and i sthe street from the. Y. M. C A. would ho a iposgihiiiýy ini case ce.. mile zone siere ostahlished, ding ta measuremeuts obtalned rORNI BILL IE TI fL F Oa 5 1 1 A I C REPRESENT ATIVE FROM THlIS DISTRICT WOULP it8TABLIOM ATTORNENYS DRCLARE TIlAT THjE CIVL.SE~VCEIN MOUSE KNOCKINâ OUT 0F STATE LAW DISRUPTS THINGS (Sfeliai Correspondance.) Springfield. Ill., AprIl 23.-A blow Wkth the state automobile iaw found watt atruck this morning by Reprasen- uncoulstltutional chaos la to b. cre- tative Munro at the scandalously ex- ated tbroufghout the. state of Illinois, travagant method of appointing bouse according to Waukegan attorneys eMPlOYes by the Introduction of a bill who have discussed the matter. providing that ail sucb employas net The knocking out of the law vhicb elected by popular vote be placed un-i governed the rate of speed, and lielns*- der civil service, and that their nuxu- ed machines in the state, bas broutbt THE ALJTOMATIC SEALING BURIAL VAULT ber be rigidly limited. At presenlt about a Most pecullar situation, to be This Iothtii., s01oPitgress 141,41iloiir.1v..IIIet Aild with proburestibhs coma hardly a week passes without a re. sure Here la the way one attorney au î i.bnagmd for ès tauttahie rfeeepî'. the- bodites tif unr deait-sose- port from the Commintee on contine- put 'It: ,. bu.g ta replace 11w ,îld s.m bî ox hi:chi bas 1- sa the rapuisive tenture of Inter. ent expenses to the effect that se- "The knocking out of the law by the tment- Me.lsiiice cuiti. hart e e,: mariond. mut fi.lm estt floon rot away. . Vauitst a udso bas been workinit lie a slave hIgh court means that. today, there tbrick. atout. saîl slah. M't tire h'av.. it.. Ien made.. hut 01"e.. tount b. mrisfirn- for wee ks on the toor of the houae. h no îaw governîng the mrae of speed permimma 1 hm ir T.-miie té t ic Sslit ng 1 anal i &it er@sIî.-'lum'iY inw g vithout a cent of emolument; the of autos ln Ilîlinois. It la recalled protifand w-iiiosnt iîmtmi.lil'lt1,0t0,. imiIiiin t Ontpieth fi nr ti.-.l lr ates usia i andr i tnd î.-n i:.'n it a nml j. i îi. tre os ltî. m m- i sd pplieiti honjmmied lfora thg bouse Im m ed lateîy beconies touched that. w be u the state law becane ef- m n.r t i. in p-m im oi, '-lr .m is .. 1: uiî i -a l' m.d f r a lmg )Y d ts spectacle of virtue iunreward- factIve, fit autom atically diri aw ay graeaut iiair ,lm.î,î:î 1t,î î rti iiti, i n.- irl illg nid- rt ith . 1111-vt lr3 u le:.. . h t eri, and pîlaces the naine of to-sud-so witin t ie varinus clty ordînauces ac e- amîtv timnl îim r,--- l - d b Ii e iitg ttde tiee eiey lise r uPon the. ay rol. Ail that a member gardiug speed of machines, *and Il- Macufsctured By W. C. BRUMM1, Cernent Cnrco bas loi do 'w bo w lshes ta plare a friand canslng of tbem. And. now the. stateLl3 TY I LE LI O S on filet payroll, la to brin-, said friend law la knnc-ked out. th ace are there - ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ILLINO IS._ __ __ __ _ 10teecapitol,pum nt lmquel tie work, fore un citvordinance.m effective at and tVien afterthiree or four Weeha the present time, sud nccordingly bnin tor acd iii ui.' mIca aBo t htere alresu s i no l uaw under w blch te the unrewarded toI1ler. As no crin nrusecutea a peed maniacIluthie stafe imshes te appear f0 ne difraudlng a of Illinois. afve ~ î S P R IN G T O O L S laoe fbis justwal .imsplant 3 The chances are that nauv cries h.arranted n t ot 0 ail If it were not 'ail ai once pairs ordînanres whln H A T A I F I % I Id I I for tîhe fact that a cînmsinlacable nuin- ht, 5 CuHieATerHAMtee 0w FANN'~ UtI ING IILLS .1-r Of banse emî,o'cs nemer com end the fimie when thie tate passes uc-ar tihe state bouse, fihe aisles would thie ew law whlrb wlll take the place SEEDERS A ND DRILLS. be cluttered mwith pg ,,janitoa .r o- p, of the onue just kuosked out-for s - r ~ a I licermen, etc. The abuses of sucbi a surh Is the. plan o? the leglaitors, sc-D S M R O S mclhod have tecome notorlous: re- cordlng to dispatches fromn Sprlng- centil y.for trfatan..', the progressives field. LEVER IIARROW S. birccly sucreeded lu defeatîng a proîîo- "lu short, one can escn uatuloto Chf- bitien ta adri four bouse poliemren to c.L-o today and cen bis car aboya tIheE R a n I N S V I L L W 1Ipr-seut swollen staff. Mf.\unosspeed iîit ian etleam.nalieta D E an J N '-%V L P OW propomsai as cikes nt the coot of the, proseemition lîcrausa there lm no, state N G S O ! A L K N . ei piacing teappolutive power iaw and n city ordinanca goverulng W G N f A L K N S solely lu the. bauds of the C lvil ber- the tmatter. (Our suggestion D IontT m a* t Ck i t. N'ce hoard, malilo tle pacere 1f-hotrý'Itil ecause sametimes thei make agsStc inLk etîrni fou 1)01111 a! a.i dl o Ject t10 ,sa aou the spur of the. moment County. Frices right. 0011 et! tive exatn itation. As re. L z prPse-tatîve itanne Pror'n -nlie. Autoiýsis nreeraily feal picaseri orer T Iufrodmieed a bill nakidnz a sweeî lnt the report that the uew 4tate iaw %-filIF~ O a nd radical change la the collectitmn i-roi ide for di4tribution Of the $(Imm),5iqO of the state taxes. The annual colt or license moriey nuow on baud, smongS C A N K sS t 1 t k r Vi î e 10 to t e state is so rnethin -, the- sa rlo)u s rco îm oti es of the s it e . niero neOua illion dl<larv Mr. Ja un , Buttis imlan meons aar d i t ibI ta o es 50place the collection or the a ug B u nete I e Pr p r i l, n faxe, ln the bauds or the baul.s, the Ute sbare ufthte bi-, fund FEsey OCO U> 3 hautin to have the use of the moues býounTLy ai d caim more than ils nuei.h r oPpe-ted lulnrayment therefor. a.; bar; cîery couuty twilthink t lfeI en- r a ey ieing distri*,ut,,d lpro rata, no tI v t ire !;'. i, f. . j-- - i tIt O i5Cdu vlliiii In f101 ..iîflj aili I - ha useri up tu axpenses accruint- tronu iltigation wbirb miii hikt.hy reaîl over t h e f r t t e d s b r s h e f u d Éai g U D B C R I I E T O I T . $ 1 .5 O P U R l E u R facforiiye i e d t ue Ove-ciii.. zone w ou to sen o u Jv rs sa s 5 s a, -s mi ons k ltlng lu tht. uo ctb rlty _ _ _ _ mand i liy a row uf saloons CERTAIN ARTICLES COST MORE spring up ou tht. oorth aide a? AT ONE rIME OF THE YEAR mîtf roari. ail operaflung under a THAN AT ANOTHER - license rather than iaylug il i ton thet. I. 5V DOING THtIS SHE CAN AR. Would Exterid Car Lîne. RANGE MENUS AND 5UVY ONLY t Ibis wouid mean tht. street ea. WHEN THINGS ARE CHEAP UF t f .ny would extend Ifs Uîl ot. a f1, Miss Harriet B. Rinaker, lustructor t l ait once, seema a foregone co'- in househoîri science af the University o, for, with a cow of saioou.mop- of Illinois han canstructeri a table g thece. whlcb tg qulte tii. Part of? vhuhIs givan helow showing ibiîltY, tht. saloon district vwo uilii t t a u t o u pr c s a if.. s ou ce u ronsiderab da"t Ils sea notis of the - car. This fable la the car lina naturay wol g aseri on lîriren quoteri by local mer- tht. business, chants. m, seeirmg that tht uines cf tihe As loi he question which arises in s;ie Fct.ih egpg.ýdz. Is f the average person in:ButrIl.. .. ;h us beat: to heave tht saloons Pp',g lamis, lb.. - they new cre, iicensed by the (Chia-enbInca controiîed f-y the city. and not in (ucumuners, ea. resicdence district, New- beets, cbel. OR- Eggphaus, es .. - )have a stree or five-miie zone Musbroois, .. td which would send the saloons Ben Davis,, bu.. tht residence district and Iikeiy, Craie fruit, Ca. ne brlng about a saloon ro-w0on rauî,erries, qt. n arth aide of sthe golf raad, just PH"eai'plt.t, a. ,d tht citY's Police jurlsdliction, Sutar, lier tilt. a possibllily? b W n ýautegan, at $500 a ch ineaus that the -ity obtalus ,I hrom saloan liceuses ep suis rorumiffe.wblcb bas beau in thea tva mite dry zone bill for sderallon af Springfie.ld, ta rom- id o? these membera: %Ir, Kane, -. M1ihiearnsd P. S. Niunro. tht. 1sf- biclut tht. Highland Park member ted hy Lake Connty progressives fali. he tva-mlle zone bill was Intro- el by Rap. H. A. FostoW. Ans tat- Lthe Sun hast nigbt, Mfr. Sbuirtletf geatad a compromise of two and a tmiles whicb would brtng tht d lune f0 Lake street and mabe ail 'art h Chicago and part of Wauke- dry. N RECLAIM SUDMERCOSO LAND mrngfild, Ill., April 25.-The sen- yetserday paased, vlth aut emer- ey clause attacbsi. the OCannao- ,givtng cilles the risbt to r.cîaim wergéîd lands, operat. docks and moi structures. This sanie bill ;d twa yaars atO. the validity of I:h vas doubtai. aLargesl Magazine ln tbe World 'm-daya Iaaffins la the largreat and et ditad mafmabne pubîlihod et 50e , ear. Five conte par copy nt ail siteaiears Evsrylady Wtho apprafti- aglond magas ne should ssndfora sampla copy ouiprmlsnum catnalog. rese Tooàv%'o 1MAotmzJ, Canton, Io. Si-Lt Jan. Aprîl July Oct. $ 50 $ .22 $ .:10 $ .35 45 .35 .28 .30 .42 .25 .18-20 A8-20 .251ý.5-40 .22-25 .20 .20 .15 Aiii .0t .08 .05 .02 .08 .25 .2f) 10 .15 1.00 .5 .65 .65 1.00 1.75 2.00 .50 .10 .20 .25 -... .12% .15 . . .10 .25 .20 .14) .25 5.40 5.60 6.25 5.60 A hîffle study o? this table wiil show thaf sncb Inraducts asbutter anrifreah et-t-a are bicer in ;Inter than in tht. sum m r; hat ncb veget Âbles as to- matoes aud rurumbers and agg plant are moat cuafhy in January, and soine meafa sncb as sprlng Iamb areaiaseo Ie thia cîasan On the other hand, food stuffs lita t-cape fruit and sugar, are cheaPer ln Januacy titan at any other season. the lirat, hecause Ibat la the natural season for grape fruit. tb. sec- ond, hecause Jaanuary hims basa de- mand for sugar than dose any other Of tb.hessons. Rugar ean just as well be Pnrcbaaed In Jaauary when Itlel 85 cents per cwf. chesper than lnt .Jtuy, and held over for the summer canning of fruits. whlob are chsap i vunmmer. Sererab tants net genersily known cafl7 h. poIntei out. sflchas that et lettUCe sellIhng at lie cheaper par lis. i January titan i ApiwIIwhile chlck. te brollera bring 10-15 lots et tbis Se9»0i. Apples ani oranges a&M amch cheaper hi January than la July, because of the comparative sup- plues. A more complet. table mightt ha consilIed by the. bousewtfe of her par- tàcular ma rket sani for ail the. months, uMdi Iis mlgbt ta of consierable ai- vantage io arranging menus. Piano Tunîmg rWork dons b! i ut P. l urniture toare. me.Alden. c.28-U l WMLOWW &Mme le )ici 'les DowPl hank to recelve less than Ive thou- 1 sand dollars. COST or LIVING t Naw ANn RFFiluF 1 Évi in the & smalf pi and has malf the is due ti We Shi Ma plei Ail are mei And let 'and will 1 TELEPE uncertain, every man with responsibilty must admit that the time to act is now. In its forty- seven years of history the Old Michigan Mutual has pald its policy-holders over twenty millions because they acted on the- ides, that the time to, act is now. This vast sum. would have been vastly greater had it included the patronage of men with equal means, in equal health, with equal means, who failed to apply the truth that the time to, act is now. De Old mitblegan Mulgal Ci-fe insurance co. Has done untold g o o d, hu brought untold c o m f o r t to the needy au it has faithftùly discharged its aocruing obligations, but it han no way of helping the man who does not oome to, realize that the âme to act la now. - Ut us show you WHAT CAN BE DONE TO-DAY. Cbe Clot'to Act Is llowo iror the for= of Poliées and a" imfor- maation congult our nearest agent ng as death is certain and its coming is je Can Vi A Comeau Libe Down by IL H. c FANI 1 1 rWdge Disit M. n1mgr (Watch thie space'neit and succeeding weeks. A live message every issue.) Ni (SI. 1 ý5:wý

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