Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 5

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r LAKE OOtTMTY INDEPENDENT5. FRIDÂY, MAY%2,1913. ______________ Nobby Shirts 'H Évery man owes it to hoimseilfte use good teste in the selection of bis shirts. A shirt is perbape a sinali part, get Il is an important part of bis attire and bas the power to make or mar lbis appearance. Hl tUn comfort in sbedding bois coat in warm weather is due to the knowledge that hois shirt is [aultless. We are showing a fine new assortment ol Shirts and everg one a garment of Qualitqs. Made of choice shirtings, with plain or Alatc oos, stafgred, orean.helse lleatd o oms, stalgrced, orean.cheis. are the prices that put our shirts on dressq men - - - $ 1.00Oto $1.50 tAnd let us again remind yjou that we are stili sellinq, and will continue to sel al knds of work Shirts al 3 5c J. B. Morse & Co. : EVIERYTIIING FOR MIEN: TELEPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL1 Rush Park Seed I Company's UNRIVALLED Garden See' 2Packages for 5c JELI TRIGOC PH4ONE 25-3t We Want To Move Right Away 10,000 foot 4 in. Drain Tile. 30,000 feet 6 in. Drain Tile. 10,000 feet 8 in. Dramn TUe. 8,000 feet 10 in. Drain Tie. 5,000 foot 12 in. Drain Tie. Cen You Ilelp Us? Ail well burned free from lime atone. Will Make Close Price. Also have lot of POSTS and SHINGLES. OUR FARM SEEDS GROW. Came a)d seene. Wewrattto snppl yyonr everyneed in aurline. Libertyville Down by the Oid Depof. x. H. CORLE? Lumber Company Phone 47 Beon Haro 20 Years. G. A. FEECR CORLETT & FREDERICaS DerIers le FANCY end STAPLE GROCERIES FRESU1 and SALT MEATS Oyjsters in Season Phone 30. I.IBERTYVILLEà, ILL I11IBERTYV ILL E BRI E FS Llltartylville bau great prop.ct@ of a I Nationa L.ague pitr.berd Miss Pricesbas beau training tfîr sine tînre and gave I LOAL NO ERSOAL ENTON FR TE Wli er firuilt exhibition tu pitciîug Mouday LOCA ANDPERONALMENION OR HE WEK oa. She bast ail the pronrrsing points _________________________________________________-. nly elle roisa the wroug foot in the To insurs publication I the Indepen- Otto Boehmn returusd Suria from tirocasiof the wludup, shoarp. the hall dont. copv muet be In theuoffice no later Phoenix, Arts., whare bo had beeu spend- graoefully aud briugs the îler-ated Monm- than Tuesdav of eaâch welk Adver- lna a coupla of montha with bis bruther bar of!lbar body forcibly to the ground tisrga. uspeciaIIy are aaked to taire AlI@,Ha reprte Alez' belti rly sourie second. after the bail ba@ bit tbe particular notice 10 fiis effect. I'nprovad @Ince ha leit bare, and mitats, cati-haàrs bedtick, _____________________________ haneyer fItlreMr la ie is fsthan while 1Frank Hribbard visifed Miss Bioots Kra. A. J. Austin vieile la Chicago ha watt down there. roon. Tueeay TuelleilAt the neit reguler-'Meeting of Acaine Luela Sauboru, Kaf e aud Belen MuailaH. obeIoéiedn h wk Camp) No 176, M. W. A., :n Thursday Carroll eujoyed a ride Monday niglit lu witlîi riende lu Springfield. urght, May M, C. T. Reyderker oif Wauke- Albert Llcb)tdld'a tonring car. gain, will te prasent and adîlrpss tirs The Booster club dance lait Fiiday GjeorgoEF Webbro! Antloch, ruas a Woodrnet u assreublad ou trrîiii- relative ulght was a great aucesi I t wai cery tirinese vjitrr il) our city Tuesdav. Ii the" oriwtb - o! Woodcraft and the ,.Il atteuded and Sou lrniw tuat helpe Mirs. EE. Fllmwrrth and son Lucien rates situatiin.Le't as Marî' vif teadneamî smuctras good musicl .prent Satnrdliyin Cliîcakrr. trcîie;t*rs if tireCamp and othire'iiriii)ii due@ and wbeu<lrhereisjbotlr rcir usirc lterry of ar..r ai r ie e., tran-1Ias iieîe 1 iiatand a crorivd sncb as tire Bolirs li ai], sac leýd fînci ii Friirty vil le lui il-ý, W. W illamns of Chicagîo, i e -rr elver.vole i rerIo bacc a giriil asu Fi îrlay i .grgd y the American t4ire Fnc il CGertrurle lavier, was i1uitm liti u. aa Miss Marri- Mlii> visite(] Saturdar oiîiîriisurs W. " 0, ijiîa ýsenct froinrprbrun abount a week îbrt nuriit urirfas witlr relatives martfrieuds ul in r îiertanid manager, ar.iîiirug ieh.- carne track &gain lamit 'rlinray. i raihi-e iiticr ruthat capacrîy lait îvoek ýM *GIo l la. 1tridraiiiWatiiegau, W r r~îiiiaî iihet sattrîid týlai lirstwcc i--ue a ,irir-~ ale- iirriari s Tiririri <ruse <ifW. 0. Wlliamus' r---ir in ii atmk.mtkom a buut a iat bis lanst ourr ityf rîrres4iîtî1 riaale i.. iufir.riig fror a ic5ion ii ii i kare a -,are Irînahi to statee, h i il u fier iiliil, Ti 1%'rilnari(,ild v i] iroent utli stan i i inuterinpates takliîrg jriifei r, e is.tiir ruill îmrrrke a âuic farieîr r. Iclif. <-r- 'f Mn4 oin> iiiTirus ce. I jIl i..imrposrsîie to stick a knife ti j~ or -on, %ii la.vI , ll lie i iiulier lintai)yor , u lirie iecs f NI. - Filrand darrgirit.-r, Prier-ilia. If v, u foCcl îosesnitr.1 risr ale groi îig teantifiilleIra Li. sard lrey <~ ~ *~rtr lre irî,îîer~rlr y t ~ <<~~ liratr ~ '~ iul,'lris rleiiritralte ire îrr-- M. 'n i < r arr) îariiîy droi, ai-aril to 1' . .Oakee.p, r- IîlIc i i1 o! rit ) r- uatter. muridsiii e ifinzR 'orîîrCre for sale ut al rie i Iî \luîiirandn I.. ruai tirade a'irono1 fr, ail fruirgitiSOc aud $].()() per Utriicnciriiiiiî-e "k aneilî. oi agh Sre lii rt r-e.c Thie ucaJust Motor Cri. d- 1 cd o 44b me cani iridav afzer-uiou awhi Tio re reif triâu MSi.rrolirry r.icty J E Trijeir.. Wcdnesilay a uru foic.,v mi.i 4cli a liitir W%ýauuegalo. iii iri-er rrjth Sire ml i. Wilseon<, Jhunie lirrae toutruckir. rus itire MisCo tron t laFMy Tiirjr.t.irv aftcrrnron.May iiîb I Servi--truck. Mcr. icist rc,i iier Mi ru -nîgt a n a Mrc aul! 'Ira. Carlfitadr iIct 4tednec L cisiremim ronglit mut I ta. in lie orîti, ic rr icrutIrîi [e rie.-forrtire ni rtirern part of 44 le-oiruin I)etcrit cars front Chicago r 44Butliaci i-if nyit rot ie ,vla i rcwa-tri îrcalliug tîjre. n gh r. FTho ucrugarage at îI. isr - 1,rîrriniou ai eror t o r io i .pi, irramies aud Th TfeLadies Aid msa-rety o! the NiM. adBi Ia eugerce i I uti- -oe ri li n riDrtyo f a iiirpr-n day 15 nd oneai i taire tireabove are. Narlirr ieirr.liriîh fi, frî; crinwillirucet at the hone nof'Mir.. itoli Rlota, Foy air l Vý E Ovrron. Tneqday. May Cb Gitr. lte - [ rirert, rionlîydI'etitl N ' rie Tije Tila flrrîpter rot Wesrurifnîtr We anc ir en the tip th'rn ir c )Ihi i 'junrg ijîrlîri a ilirenet ut thirurîrre rof Fîoraira niii,-trireca ljeîr i i, u iurv lîrtairîîci l n taîle iîîeday r-renrîg. Mas u eîrici ac, public rrllî<la]., urne, thireeek. rntoreetiurc tlrerilelesin i irelipai ig if NI rrdi MirsVr-f Ecrer entertairreri Harr o raoIlei-a ti i LoBsnada porîrt iof Mlwaukee accrljýoitnrirliirî rrdcfi r-ia n1 r tlrf r r uglrter 4fr, ri. H nr rat fe tfir-ines..retion o! on r crI 44 c%%, f ciuic r - i<jround ia ie n i i l'y riito îf Vrrir, t tiroet o! tir e ck ra tîrrrr oeilad blush eittlti ,e it ha ii-rriilit irrr . ci ii Il. il; Whippie o o cîk fîrd - apen t alouns rt inwzor patting ourselvr i rri trrriiof il,,- tri îu i1er froin ;ileari r for ,'ouilc trfday c la,' rveek aitf ris h ie buîît i the littl sruggest in f-citire ISiu irar rouîfi. tir.- brrrt rrrled brother. Bec. W. F. Whîrpiceaud fanrîly, irrîurimuutoelog %o, uHre idjs .lîdge W. .havie atteuded a meeting *uioîenf o'mc i tizue a Irne realIiaîIio if ar a lieri,, tlY sîrod Suriay dirruer. ai tihe directirri o! the Statle Borard rfthtie dire uerdinf Étirmproveiliet. ,lier- 'rTire senirr dur- starter) Tuemday alter. .'griejrirure in Springfield Tuesday and mit ümIl a t n e ara truly tbeukfîl. noon to irrar-irce their ireru play for r-lais Wedneoday. 'four boulre paper j beraided tir tbe uiglir, -- Wl to 4 luHimul Its fina Mr. aud Mr@. J. F' Meredith i rrrnued worrd Sortir birtir. It toid of Sour ent aud dandy .!î Laughs auri shakes froni Mondai froru a threpe weekî' business luto cro Meutioued your brnthda start to finish. and plemri trip trr varirrus poinuts lu party wu<eu Sonl ereweet îrxteen The botany clamse had a teslt Tuesday Penusylcaura. Applanderi Sour graduation from the rnorning. From ruhas wa suru o! it, it Beerueki Photo Studio ruill hi open on 1londay snd Tnesday niezt, May 5ta and 6th. Itemember the dates, e 32-1 Rose M. Taylor and 91a"y and Frank Wilson transacted bustiness lnChiego i ls Tnesday. They made the trip dorun in GOs-o A.Wrlght's Chaimers car. Mr. end Mr@, George S. Bond ritnrned flouday fr-unrBari Diego, Cal-, where they had spent thaerinter. Mr. Bond was engagrid in tire carîrunt er business ruhile tirere. Mr. and Mr-s J. T,.Itoherteon entertain- ad tMr, Robertâcine mrther, MrH J.,1). Robert.vîru, aund sistpr-in-laru, trs, A, M. li toberterîn, frirai Morinco, [oi ,F'riday arrd Satueda> of lait rueek. --frîî iTif 0 Wli Wî clii 14,f ch( -h Ob Mr. arid Mrs Cham. Trr-ptow aud Mrm ohu (leasou retuned Satiîrday from a nrie mriuths' i' t witli relatives and >wnds at ishiop aîîd <tirer points@ in vxam Tf ey report a cery pleiaat rlrs. V. W. Burris and daugbter, acroff- uîied liv Mr. Burris nnotber, whîî bas ,en risitrug hbere durîng tire pai4t two --ire mpenit a few day. tie latter pari 1lait week and thre fore part of tis ti r. frBurris' pareute at, l'atteville, riarirics hatchery bai opeued for the run. Hatching îvery week, lfriug iyour eggs; us will hatch them at 4i itèi eaeii, f3.5in lu100 lot». Baby cki frorn stock eigs 15e iach or 12.00 in 100 loti. Phone Libert.,villa 3H c-25-tf LIFE INSURANCE Don't bulieve thie world owes you a vizg. The world owes yon nothing. Swas haro Arin. SEEB SY AN ORN Distrct ,Maamgq Mi Colm7 ifs IaammeComuma Cttla"MM ckBleck hrgh sehol, started yon b collage, and wheu jon rsturued mrntianed Ibe firast job yon secured. ToId o!your marrtage to the Bweetest girl in town and also montloned the adveni (or @vent) of Jour tirt born. Told of the visite of pa and ma, sympatbizad with yon in yjour sorrose, laughed witb you lui your joy, and when you die ît wîil do its beet ta, gai Ton througb tire pearly gateu, ai ouly $1.50 per year. INSUREE AUINST "ie liubtfllnr, naduem and cyclones. Proteetyourprap- erty with a policy iu The Connecticut Firs Insurance Comnpanv of Hartford, Colin. Cash capital. $l1,o0000. srxty yearac'xperieuce. Powrcfariu maehinery iurranci wrtten. W. C. SANBoiis, .4gt..Lîibertyville l111. Adams & Pigott Co. Dry Cleaning Specialiats. 1913 SPRING SEÂSO-N. For Exportly Dry Cieaning KID GLOVESP.,'. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wear. Ruqs, Draperies, Miscellaneous, Etc. 314143-45 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO PHONE DOUGLAS 378 LIBERTYVILLE 0F F ICE New Butier Building. FOR PRICES TELEPHONE 0 W* will ai erlb id dalver the. maflus ordure. For Fire and Life Insurance Charles D. PrtoI New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Company Michi.gan Mutual Lite Insurance CompanyJ really looked bard, Lottie Bnfkley and Beatrici Cary ruere absent Monday. The seholers lis rie Willam'@ room are making a Mey basket, Ruth Bartley attended a party ln Waukegenu esday. IShe mutat bahd a good time for rue iearned tror u a anthorative soures thet she agalu met her long [oet friend "Harold." Keunetir Frvili L. H. S. '10 a-eut to MNiwaukee Tburodey to f ake e position rurti the American [tadiator Co. Photo Studio tuoba Open Besviî-k's Photo Studio rurîl beoprun for buoinesi on lîruday and Tuepday, Mai 5tln and (;thr and thonu again on May D tir ail 201h. ternemîer these dates and Cýi-ur ier style o! photos. Fire aud Tîîruadr.iisrane nu itjy ard tarin lrrîitrirtv iu stroug coripauy. Capitai liiiii0,Iiiio1-H.Lru-u, Ageuit, %44aukcgauj, 11 lihous c-29-3 The phoîtoi îtud r' w il be open ou Morurfay anîd Tuerrlay uext. Mlay 5th aud inaikephot,, pistais. -:121 Bîîrîr~, trop. Piano Work Aldens Piano Shop ai Wauoegan le tbe pliace iii have yonr piauo ceut for repairs, reiriiîhiug, uew actiou, etc. Ty seli rthietionlinrer piano and Echuiz piano. 114 NorthbSheridan Road, Wankegan. c-28-tl 118 ERTY VILLIE CABINET WORKS We make ail kinds of FURNITUREnL Porch and Window Screens made to order. 1 Sc per square foot REPAI RING 0F ALL KINDS. Uphoistering. Picture Framma Mode Chairs Oaned. Mirrors Reilivered Ail Workc Promptiy Executed LIBIERTY VILLIE CABINET WORKS H. HICKS, Prop. Phone 176-R Libertyville, ni. To Speak on Dry Zone Bill Mlavor W. W. Rannett Mf Rok.fiird, Ii., the largesi di, u <ïi th * sî.&îe wiil addreem a tilig "t'rîtzeus ut ethe Arnur.v, W ruregran, Sîîrîday, 1May 4tb, a 3 30 . ii . .. i vited.i Mrs. John .A .>î. 'iît i.intenstely Interested iu the iki 1'-beal nvited ta be pressen. I, 1 y the Cinorli orchestra. Card of Thanka Wa desire to expre- irwm incere thauts fo our friands and netrgirîore tfor the kind assistance reudered us at rire tire o! tf-s destruction of unr bar-n b> ldire. H. L. BÂti, vAn Vrîî For Sale 8 Boom maneion ruîth enfeneive gronudi----------------------.........$5000 8 fitîrm modemrn rinre clirse ini2 .Î. acre farm, fine buildinrgs, rîcar toM------------------71510 1001 acre frin - rlerrtar li.i.... ,Of ý0 Irit. rrta100> tri4101ru rnav te. S Hoirîra reu iig arrd tire instiieiîrîir- DIi 'riiS & >nt TI'i. r-2l-f Indepeudent ads-read by 25,000. Arno Nagel & Co.,rs of Solid Cernent Silos Air-tight. Wilt flot rot or blow down. Hiver neids cepaîrs. Chelsper end barrer rhcn any orher Sio made. Dontý wait unril 00 wcn"t t usi i. Do ilnowv. Ail work ceinforced and guarantead fieat clas, Lit us furniîh aur esti=:I of rosi. PHONE 165-J. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Plan ---Thlen Act. Mang people plan their whole lives to have a bank account and then leave this world without so much as a start ai one. Planning isn't worth angjthing unlçss followed by action. Good intentions never land you ýnywhere. Make gjour plans to start an account wilh us ibis week ànd bock up gour plans with action. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLIE, IL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits. $95,000.00 We are headquarters for ail kinds of FieId Seeds.,, ONLY THE BEST BRAND 07 FERTILIZER CAN BE OBTAINED HERK We can meet any price on TILE, FENCE POSTS, ETC. And ail Building Material. We are making special prices on al kinds of Feed for a sLcort tâme only. Home LumbrCompanyI Some Viery Special Prices' on our Différent Uines to Start the Month of May.' Ladies' Hanse Dre@iseet ....85c, umnally Si. 00 Ladies' Hloqse Dresses at... S1.25, nsually 1.50 ChlrnsDresses at ................. 48C to 1.25 Chidrn'aWhteDresses ............75oto I 50 ChlrnsHos, tan or blak, at............ 150 Sorm ndoterCurtain Material at ....15o-So-25c-30o0400 EmboidredCorset Caver,........................... .150 Embroidery and lace trinimed Corset Caver, .............. 80 Sjlk Ho,. in tan, white and black at.................... M New modela in front lace Corsets at ........... S 1. 50 and $2.00 AmrcnLady Corsets, best for the pries ............ .0 Caren airNets ............................ 300 a doum, 'WIl be Baeivlng New Bargains Daily. W. W. Garroll & Sons Go. 2--STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONS 89j

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