Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 2

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y . luath. aor Oumass" *5* 11d -1>0 LAKE ZUR1iCHf li.H.. 0. Bîlliiuau vited relatives ta~rgSaturduv sud ,ucdas. F.p. Clark tmade a trip ta Chicago t- ruela, & FieLe have oleued tieir ëeMt @i hop. The are puttingug a bleuît building for a Chicago party lu *0îi Ifïlmu s ubdivision. *1 uo@eosart-àd ta workute sebiool bouges thie week. *alter Prehm weut tb Chicagoa Tue. &W to take a civil service examinatian lai raliway mail clerk.- Otwad Hoeft, F. C. Seip. Aug. Froeliek Mud Cari Ernst took an auto ride ta Botalle lait Tbu reda.yi Mri. asud lre. Pettilîcne aud daughter teerved th Jefferasou Park after a week'è viit et the Hoet home. Fréochlick & Riru wili eeil a car ioad o(c Wlaouelu cowrtaer Saturday. j. Lllr*viiie aud Barriugtou wass veil gapausmite t the dauce ber Satturday à%bt. A uat sum was realized. hmuat Prebin le pauting John Jobs Koffen. seob ae ben icitfor eo"ls la sahe tc o ut again. 11m 'Uslaudhauk died of pneumonie WùS&Waeumang a the as 0e ai st.uine SThe fanerai sas held Fiday ~Jao.Bénal by the isiue order. Iwo *ae of utthe. eariat settiers lu ÏýJoan Wete entertaiued ber lui Mmab&W Msyer of Cicago, tihe dot UL Lemuaer ofa 030, Il. vistai! -W bm Pastia. he poil vert. km EL C. &ierueder attended the 4e- et-lia.m myera lu Aningiop Osvesaatiy. le. Soien is verv ili. Ou Wo »t t uler setertainlng ber :M .. oegothié waak ~S*1u&la enuoying a vacation . Drstamnellr .iited r*latives Xmli Kimbali la apudlug tiia ack miisimveailu McBeury. "A Aai.,of fOre Suuday eveing ialiad ý sod share of Our citizen& to thé MM de alL The. ehimneyvas buruîug IMMd astire to tii.. aingies. Thé lre Oemy vw» ont sud extiuguiehed the ~dM ale mmciidamage waadoue. »M-ts. Ulma a s aguesu t frs. Fred 8lîtAis Laks Zu'ie-hthis aeek Tuecila>. MO&. MaIW onngentertained ber siter, W M BIaFeddler orer Sun3dsy. NIa. Mes sutertqluîed friande Fnlday b abord". ?*AM MVIW SMm Auna Lockbaad 01f iObcag«O. tc t »a week end witla ber mother hsrt,.? Idice jIMyrtle Richards of Chlu5go, eïTJ4r vi.ited over .Suudaywith ber paret, lir. and.Mrs. A. C. Richard@. c Mr@. LauseaBelhiÉ sud daugbter 4va. pent thel. s~ f the wéek vieliBigý relativuel .biao Mirs._ Wm. Staucliff la souewb&t lm- The_ Ladies' Aid will, bold a bakery proved ln heaith. Rer daughter, MieS Baitie Stanciliti apent ëuuday with her et the Ravenewood hospital. Mir&. M. W.[Kuedier sud mother, lirS Gea. Guttler, visited with the's daughier, Mrs. WI.lI A. Ray at Rocke- feller, Tbureday sud Friday of let wçek. Louis Hoitje of Chicago. @peut the week:end atChome. 1 r Mr. and lMrS. S. E. Knedier and famiiy 1visited roletive. ajNorhfleld, Fi'rday. lire. Ayres of Rockefeller, speut lâst Frlday witb Mir. and lirs. Barreyv Coon bere. John Bowmau and sieter Jeannette. of Chicago, and Clinton Friteh oif Highland LPark, @peut Suuday et the M. W. Knedier k Mr. aud Mli. S. L. Tripp vleîted their parents, Mir. sud lira. Joo.- Richards Bunday. r Ou Sunday moruinx. May llth, at il o'clock ' aepeciai service wili b. held f ir Mothers at Gres Evaugelicaichurch. A; sermou and munie wil couetitute the program. Ail are invited, eepecialiy the mothers. A concert wili ha given by the Pralrlà Vaew orchestra at Prairie View, Fridal erenlug, Miay 16. Miea Charrie Chard of LIbertyvilie, wli sit sud other mem- bers of the. orchestra wii reuder musia s electious. No admison willbecbarged but s collection wiii be taken for the benefit of the orcheatra. Mr. and lira. . Tegtmnyer of Rocks. §aller, vlsltad alth liansd lira. J. Egçere aven Sundsy. Thaeisses Elmeansd faons Lots of Milwaukeeansd W. Natboof Ciehst, @pent Sunday aîth Mir. and lire. B. Lois. Neit ttunday evenng thora viilbe Beg- Delb servira hoid aI the Lutheran cburnb ofFainfld. Bey. Hie wU iiidellvar tii. sermon. Th*eimsFons Scenemau sud [mni Peppar vled Suuday aish Miss Roas Scbwsnmau. lla Amsuds Gonsoan returhod ta Chicagma 1aI wesei. Mer saster Sophie sccompsulad bhotm lauaslit. Prospect whene abs toplad off sud @pet a fese days villa ira.W. Gebnke. The Misse Esther Surins sud Phis Lots attendad the Speling sud Peuman- aip exaaination. given hy Supt. Simp- son at thé Lake Zurich achool. Both tha girls rseived very gcod grades. lir,. Smth returued t. Chic&"galiter visitiug ber daugbten lira. Hý.LFaaher aifew a s. Rathen than kesp is promise ta marry the luinate o! a dîereputable bouse, Andrýv Reese. s student liv- iug at Kenoaha, threv hîmslf lta the Mlwaukee river at Milwaukee and vas droaued. Hi body vas fouud yestcrday. Reese vai the sou of Jamea Ressee, a vealtby resident of Denmat. a Rat Proof COM crib " cost the nation $",000,000 e; Per year. )iucb of this lm is at tbe expense of the fwmers' com Concrete Comtruction ta the perfect cure. mm md eme bufttbe com crib Odtped at tbe kh, wMS a ose b. Or If yTn efcer. crie Chicago Ponisau SC., 50 N. L e S treet, Chicago, fuisà copy. DUE LUMBER CO, Libertyville, IIL OMCHICAGO COAL & LUMBER CO, North Chicago T, WEBB, Waukegan, IIL .AGGE BROS. CO., Lake Zurich, lit. AXE CO. FEED & FUEL CO, Rockefeller, IL. "-«'IIY TIIROW AWAY GOOD MONEY?" Our charges for Draftq arc le. tlau Moue> (rda.r fees, sud we issue drafts Free to patrons who carry sccouutsa t this lBank. Remittauce mailed for ilepoit wiil lie haîidled promptly, receipts for mamne returning with fallose. iug mai. The Value snd Couvenieauce of this method cea ouly b realized hy trial. THE CIrUZENS' BANK ROCK!IeLLER, 1ILL., L.TrppR. F. RotasIrving E. Psyné, Vice Praaldant. C..shIar. msie Baturday, May 10, st 2 o'clock, St L.A. Muri'setora. lire. Fred Hcntfugtou spent tht, past seeek wîth relatives lu Aurons. Mir. sud lin*. Nock wee the gneete ut Mir. aud Mma Heury Kublauk Sunday. lir. sud lira. Fred Krueger speat Sun- day St the home of Wm. Zeries. Miss KathIlue Jeffries entertained ber mother froua Chicago the psitt week. Ray Kuigêe apent Snuday sitl is lather at Derleld. ei I.g.ûaton sud nioce. lira. 1 elSabotfer, retturncd d -Y a- AG.Dàt::: tour mojths, trip throg a tomula, Colorado, Kanasa'sud Utah. aud the home boys IlwPre uîable to do auythlng lu Ihoir hallso te broeers tookliiekbim hornae. NantiSuudaY thé hoye5'wffl pis lay @jhn .Konosliasteant ortbe'boyeefrom flae NavaiStatlon and hope tu make up for last week'e dueet. Noies A littie luSé wiud woaillisve nmade It bttqr hoth for the jlayere sud apectators. Rted Ferry seas aliaunai tiioe proest but ses. noteailed iipou ta 1iteh. Tou badi. for eveu Rcd maglihave beaten us. 1uKuifWVuasde as bard try aut Or Mise Barriet Gridley speut the seesi. Aehieroma lins drive lu theighIta sd end with Mme R. P. Wliox. hssacouple of bumudigit@ oehow for It. C. . eanw"a alain .- tr a few dayafaset veek. Couneil Prooee<ings I ,E. V. 8. and N. R. Welch @pent Saturt Fiftieth reguluar meetng ai the huard day night lu toau enroute tu Rusecraus. of trustes. uf the village cal A.res s% thej Osiug to the exigenclea cf transporta-, vliae hall, Mondai-, Apral 5, 1913. tion façilitios they wors uompeiled e,> Preomut, Wiatson, prea«ideut; rsf teea lev ealy uudy mruig, eur thirWels, Tripp, Zersen, Russell; absent, le*e erl Sudaymocin, bnc thirDeveeuxsd Zrsen. many friands were deuied the opportun- 01 uanîe itwva pîeviolu8 meetings ity 01 meeting theru. aère rsad s*-d approvea on motion ai Tripp sud Wall@. Clareuce Knigge bas@rsaigned hia pool- The preideut made th. fliiuaiug tion sitb thé E. J. & 9. railway sud bai appointin, rute ta tandiîag comi ttes: rs.entered the emplaye of L. A. MurniW. Finance, Deveretux, Tripp, Wello; ire sudi ater, Weil@,1rviug, tue.eil; license. lire. Cr, Bull and dtàughter Eveiyu Tripp, Irving, Zrsen; s4treet, ailev sd open& Snudsy at 0. M. Raya@ at Dlamoud ideseal, Ruseli. Tripp, Zersen; ld Lakeai01local ianprovemneut, ituseli sud IriIng. Late.Motved by Tripp sud Wela flhnt Neat Sunday being 'liother'a Day." appoluimenuab cofilrued. Motioti carnied. ev. Csr al delilver a inorulug addreacIbh.trmeurer rend. bi@ regular montly approprlste to the occaaion. luthie report sehirclas auditeil by theofnuance evenlnq lie alîl take for bis subject canittes sd accepted on motion of Trand ud ell Tise folowing bise ère rsad: Laat Tbursdsy eveulug t tbelr borne Public Service Co, srent ligbte ... 39 28 linsud Mis.J. C.. Donfler gave a fore Lake Co. Pub. & Prtg. C., print- i ing............................. 15 weil party for li. nsdlira. A. L. Lake, 1Lake Co. Pub. à Pria Co., wbho bave sinemored! to Wsukegan. M psublwua......................... 2 8a About thirty fri-fnds seere pisennt sud lir.loaghtellii, cleanîng..i tot @ota very pleasaul evemlng st ouchre. A. il.:RSmith, ishor.................. 495 Hputi. A. Wason, expensee ........... 1 65 lira. Coplay sud daughter Es ot Chi- T. F. ESwan, expeuse@ .............i1 50 Sgo,0. ve gueta st the Camerou botel AHl bille seere alla aed sud warranta sunday.ordoed fdawsn an motion of Ruaeli Suudy.sud Zermen . Tii. preidet sppuluted W. D. Basa Bsil Porteoua to theofaice ai treaaurerl aud tbe appoinîmeut was. ounrmed ou OeuerositY s. a Peraoual trait la aI- motion of Tri pp aud Russell. ways commndable, but when a hall Ordînauce No. 57 repealiug ordirnance r sibeco-esas lmbuad waltbei.spirit No. 51 wae réad sud paseod on motion b ro'0f RuaSeli sud sella. Ail presant votilug hrberly love tbt ilt akes a perbecty s&y. good game and haueda it ovaer toas vieit- Ordissu No. 58 repWalng ordifnce lug taam-well they dldn't pot vords lu No 50 was rsansd psed ou motion our nae 98 cent Chicago jisaminen di,. of Tripp snd Welis. Ail votlug ape. tionry trog enuit fi desrib 1" Application of John C. Bartlett for tlona-ystrog eoughta escrbe htiramt @bop llcenae ierend sud grauted telinge of the omoiEanu. That lanpnsc. on motion of assil sud wela. tlcsly abat happioeid Sanday with sa Moved hy Buasll sud Zarsen tbst gain tht sood to0 i tbefilh nïfRirae, P. Barllett sud Barman Aibrecht gameiba stod 6to lutho Uthsuda s sureties ons baud af John C. BaraletI- at the snd of the tenth fanued tIhe Baely b. Sccsated. Motion carriad. $sain on thé, long end of s 9 ta, 7 scor. Moved hy Tripp sud Zorsan that the For five inulugs the. vletors weane un- çlerk be lustrected to battue dram ahiau abl taacrs îthRoes itcin lu~bi oee to John C. Bartlett for the abl tomoe wthRous pteià«'a euauiug Jear upon biafliIug bond old tinie fonua sud pou aould neyer prapeil>' sigucd sud asoied sud upon the kuose thst his armias, throan ont latpapuent .0fthe leu»e fesa0ol$500. year. Ii looksd ao easy at that stage eMotion carn'ged. that it seai decided ta gi va in a rest liaveal hy Trlpp aud P1411a tlst Itueeli be appainted s, a committee of and let Dorfler try att sud thoe mut oue alth poweer tu aet lu the malter o1 slaoed thSt b.ies. t ar froua rlghti. It havingeceteut wali; laid lu front of the didn't faite the Beey long to get village lot aud np ta the daor of the etared ud wtb he blp f noe lomdoon of hall. Motion cannlad. atatedsu aih he ei ofsoo bse Meting adjaaurued ou motion of fteldlug thay tied it up lu the nintia. Tripp sud Zensen. - 1 Tliey put over tao more lu tihe tanb1 T. F. gwàN, Clark.1 i _________ MVNOE !mis J. B. Faruewortl SMd grandson o! Isyfar, vlated stthéb J: L. Ohaber. lin bomea lut lire. Jacoby sudlir@. rsnk "oph @peut FrldY iu Wauklegsu. lilasLillis cbooley rsturnsd to lier bome a I Wankegan Stîndai after spend- log a tom dais wth ber cousin, Mise Lois Smnith. Mir. snd lir@. W. Beach entertaiai.d "ber son Howard aud faxuiiyof Chicago, lut weak. Mimes Elizabeth and Anus Wirtz aiet la«t Wok st home. MUie El Wellr:ofCblcagô, vac the. A nutuber of laie, met at the parson. ag is Thursday sud orgenised a I: ua ocety of the chnreh. lira. Orpbs Hardiug ws ecoasaprWadeut; Miss Mary Payne sertury sud UMn. Hlenry Vaalew, Ireasurer. The Star %disiousry society met witli Mire. DApia, Tueeday eveuing. ileipu sud Eiguer Bac-kwih epeni Saturay wliath ir brotber leailp, la ('hifalta. Emuma sud Lois ItRaAke are vidlting relatives lu Cicago. inarriage of James VauPiew, Ir., to a you'jgc Chkigo lady wbaes uai. e edi not lesu..James *peut hie boyhomd dais bere sud lbieruacy rieude axteua heariy cutagmtions. MlissesAria Psyu. sud Ada Kuebkes *eusiuday sthtaýMe. Mir. sudlira. Wilii Steiuaillar suW daughter uA Chicao, &peut $onday siti 'bu. latter Psrente, lir, sud Mis.J F= Jiifertel Md svin LAo, gspa, "ste f4ronine raturaa*d borna fi aguediais a 'wdsa t Wookofsu lita" Ud itK . V,. Uiesp.u» anda, wittb a tt is« rete Uaglt d liM , Ua (Lieu,.o.Sueoe t Iibrty ville, calle on tfiledabersreestil, L..DIAMOND -JK lir@. Oea. Mitchell vietad lirs. Uo Weat lu a Chcago houptal Wadnesday. lima.Towuer sud Grtrudea easWsu- kegaa visitais frida,. lir. Peterson and lamnfil of Chicago, spent aset week at their summer cottage hors. BaveraI frau hore attanded the party st Dr. E. V. Bmith's at Dibert.yril Tbîîrsday sfterx.oou. Mssa Edth sud Rcbecc Liibave m turued ta their Mima lunObCago aelle spedlug tbe aeesta Wm. CooÇlr'@. Foecy Andreaa 91 Lake Forest, apet Sunda> at Hur Kna. Peuri lta y luCic'go vlitîug lira. Jessie Johnsoan sd Misa 0196aBalise. The Ladies AId aiimeet aith tMrs. O. IlînasTbursday sfteruou May ]A. A cordial In vitation la ,ztended to aIL. Parker liartiett sud famlly cf Liberty.- ville a"nt Snuday at B. Batltet'a. is. Gearge Thatcher sud Priscilai seere Wsukagobu tallera Ssturday. Mr@. Lsu ra B. Kane la @pend iug s fea dase vit .anrsd Mr%..R. LIII, rsn. "àdo b as ayAndreso!Lbrty- vIlle; Lloyd hie of Kysuton and lere gul suf laG. ior fRockfelen, wey. guet af . .r"an d faiii ty dnds. Mr. sud furo. Wm. Williams of iRocke- rfeler, spnt Sudi at lira. A. Mousse. l'hoe Sunda>' school la hsvlâg a couteet tu muLraeo mitimeigahrslilp. James Tosener and Cîsyllon fbichnga are leaders of the. taot" ids.The loelug iOqde ls t)uurialah a banquet supper. The ectetawlîl end la the fell. EI.IANAN W. COa.5V, AttsreaY, srer Adjudication Noice. iltirle Ime aie. cf tMesuB. Pr Mt -dmessd seul oMnd the oeuat ofi Lae (Jut. 5a,'- i.- ith«-sa t Io ie s N"ane IPP C Mr ouse invtkaa 1. sId 0~t,41. n o». lcrut o f" ,. !nazi, lm muand uttasagal= @ suesiyia elsia ial Sue s aid Uagiate s nOtfled S"d Pjsiiressnt e saaanI 5514 Ceax fur ALvUWln A. 001M. Ussoutil. April May 214t Mmra Vaut 0f Wsukagan la the guest of ber son. R. M. Vut. Mm. Share of Shermanvilie wae the guoeat of Rat, sud Mrs. Bosoed Sun- day. Mies Isabel llledorstadt bas r.- turued to Highland Park sitar &pend. lng a seeek St the houme of ber tathe-, F. Bledentadt lMr. aud Mrs. L..o. Brockway, lire. W. WVlluot aud Miss Clara Kayes of Waukegau were thé guoste of R. M. Vent Thursday. The Dalsy Circle held thein month- ly meeting at the boume of Miss Phebei Beckmunfflutay eveuiug. lira. Win. Bchlile sas the guet of ber sister. lins. John MiacD2onald of Chicago, Wrday aud Baturduy. Mirs. E. J. Hlgley of Chicago speut 511E IS RAISING A SPLENDID PAMILY. Two youar ago su euterprieing mother etarted a B.auk accouut with $100. 8h. hse-added to it unti today it amounta to Si140. Beaidet that, oh. ha.s bclped ber live i ldren itavaaccounta sud eac~h of them is indumtriously workiug te lurs,. their bsuk accountm. NVith machl training from their mother theaae childuir wiil nevos. grow up zo 5ive ber hesatche.. They wili b. auoceufau mon and woueu. May we bave you open au Socoani. haN. for yoiarself and the chidreu? FIRST NATIONAL BANI s number of days wlt bher sister, Mir%. Sarah> Adams. ansd Miss Vers Joiner of Oumnee Woreotoflira.M Edotraud Tuesday Sfteriaoou lit. and lire. John Ott, Jr., are ta the gluestei of M ra. Relchelt, Jr., n- ut Uic My meeting Of the W. Nil.S. ho~~~~ 1ogsusc ntéhrho day. of the U. E. churcli. Thé Chinese son- The Laite Forest Gramniar Scbool ('burcb was the erabJeet stndled. Mrs. lire. P. R. Roschro la vltiug berr Baseball team pîlaYed the Decrflcld Goodmasn, Mr@. Prsntz sud Nire. Jar. uster lu Indiana. Grammarbhout nine ou thé D. S.j vis told of the nentis and work. MIse Nire. J. C. Ender entertained a nuru. H. S.-ga= ds St Highland Park Rat- MYrtle Fritscb Sang two solos. -Carr% ber of ber frlends froru Chicago, Lii> trda>'. The Score seas 9 tu 4 lu favor' the Llabt," and 'Jeans Shail ReIgn."1 ertyville sud Deerfléld liouday ln of Deerfield. tIre. J. Stryker told ufthte heaut> af honor of ber blrthda-. lira. Geo. Kamch entertained the kindergarten seork,. lre. Releheit, Jr., lire. Wm. Egert of Chicago vlsited Altar sud Rosary Society o! the Hoiy of medIca imlslonarles. sud lira. witb relatives sud friende TuesdaY. Cross church Wednesday sîternoon. Rebru of wark among the motheria. Mrs. Wm. 2meltzer sud sou o f Chi- MasalJm tdrb oe Ira. Haines relate4 ber pfforts lu cagovisteilwit bermoter, rs.teschlug the Chînewe S. S. lu the cag. o vstd wthe thepu e . lIn to the bouse on ft,,eEmmet Kuicit-Adams Street chnrcb lu Chicago. The L P Tod. hé astseek.erbociter farci meeting seas faiemel lins. Itahux lire. E. Prederlcks sud cbildren are lira. H. E. *Noore la very 111 wlth b ho leaves for e e tocl 'h sPeudiug the week wlth ber ulster, 1 tutieulogse.She la under the care tVmlete alonJu..R Mn.Ra LrdofChcao.Of s tralued nurse. ai~d bas beeu cou- led the dcvotlonal services. Mr, aud lire. Peter Bliemebi of .nel tu ber bed for two weess on Id utCcaosntu. Cr@.cago eethe uet o br ud lre. Joseph iRoberts Noci aud eou, day wth old Deerfield frieuds. lira.Md. BiemeI..'hieo, of Oak Park. vote the guests Mur, sud lire. A. H. liphike vsited! lira. Edtraud eutertsined the lw of lira Reichelt. Jr., Tuesday. MIr. LeCiare of Oak Park Wednesday des of the United Evaugelical cburch The principal of tIhe D. S. I- S., lMr.__________ at a farewell for ars. I. R. Rehm Sandteick vislted the Deerfieid Grain' Tuesday. .Mar school lat week ta Inquireti VOLO The Bridge Committee tram the -ubrof pupils seho expected a t e Board of Suiervlaoresud thre Hlgh-, tend Higli echool next year. Twcive Mr. andalir. John 1.ichardeaon 'eit-,l vs>' Commlsalaners met at the homne of the Ilftecu graduates respouded. lunfirayslake lent Wedn.eday. of the tavu dlent sud secepî cd plans rTe echool dlrectors beid su ex- tMr, snd lire. C.G. ilumon sers iias' for its coutructing of a steel bridge tended meeting Miay 4tb sud slected vietars iaat woek esât of the village Highland Park sud Mifas Christine Meliahan of Wauke- .nha uar c seuawen Deerfeld.gan for teacher cf the prtmary, taau Isat ases acoesclig for poal ta, Mir. aud lirs. Ed. Landau sud chîl- in taire tepaeo iaBsrc hooeWrzl unii dren sPeut Suuday wltb relatives lu Duffy. Tteelaec lils of thce Theaolue ic ndtChicao.ulg e Glencoe. o The Ss thlre eeer !th ek l lil u Ciaa The C. E. of the Preebytertu oMr.aerone viiiealu. f ren Frank Bîronimus shlîupu.d a îsrlaaa,1 o! churcb held a husiness meeting at lu Hait Day Sunda>'. 1iettie front Round LaCe iet aw". the churcb Tue8day eveuiug and de- lire. 1. R. Relu cf Chicagoansd ber Soint. Simipa-an veiîîd our conhiul op- clded to attend the "World" in ChIcs. motiier. lire. Haines, of Monrovia, day afteruoou. go lu a body ffiday eveniug. Calilforia. vers the gucats o!rlirs. Cara Rassseuq>cl.ur ln tacai sraina»a Miles Addlc Gallowsy etertaiusd a John A.' Stryken. Tuesday. clark M Johu ilehsbrdoiau's aoror, Mie. number o!flier frieuda at five hum- Suda>', Mayi ltb sel b. celebrat- Auna Racine lias resign-uei er paauiti. 'l dred Tueday sftenon. d as Mothers' Day fln the U'. E. ther. Mise Gertrude LIÂndgren of High- church.tidr. anad lire. Raison eeeuauîpar.ied by land Park vas the guet of Mise EdItb h a Et reelk eteguet itf. snd Ire. P. 1- Stadtileldl ms.i.. a àAnderson Thursday. o iraselr.Lrda aes 1n a4daauiIs uc- r f The Vllage Board helul thein firet vood. Hlau ,a 1 ,,'li, meeting, ably presidcd over buv the i.Rsbovi edte .E _________ newly eiected prestideut, Wm. A. whlt. meeting iu the Preshyterlan cburch WANT URBANA FOUR MILE ZONE. ing.Sunday evenlug. "Love not thée t lMr. E. R. Carneit left Sunday nîglit vcrld. ln the snbjet.1 Champaigu. IliI. >iay I. The siatt 1for a six weees' business trip. True Dorcas Society l.eared $47 Curgtoa hrhcueea u 8 Miss Beulala Tlblta cf Lake Foresut from their supper fat Thureday. toriild ta favor the passage of s bill a as thae week end giacat cf mfien Rutha Mise Doua Porter vlslted ai Wade- by the. legisiature msklug a four mile ,fRelchelt. wortia Sunday. 'dry" zone arouud the Uuiverelty of The Grammiar sclacol hase hall team Mr. aud lrs. Peter Bleimehi vere Illinuois. The Rev. John A Hoinses sud the Lake Forest Orammar Ochool 'the gueets of Mr. aud lire. Edward urged that eaeh delegate mate au ap- tesm jlayed a game Saturday mo)ru- Blelmehi Sunda>'. Ipeuita b is represeutatlve in !avor cf luog. The score was 9 ta 4 lu favor of Tweuty-two vomen ver. the guets the ail-saloon messure. jDeerfield. Jd-. aud lirs. L. O. Brockseay. lirs. W. Wllmot sud Mise Clams leyes of Wsukegsn acre the guets of R. 'M. Vaut Thureda>'. Misses Loretta and Rutla Erens eu- tertalned Baturday eveulug for Misa Beulsh Tiîbitsteof Lakte Forest, sebo le vas the veek end guet of 'Mise Ruth T lire. Stryter cf Wheeliug, bat<lug le retairued from a visit taulier sou lu Bprlug Bank, Wis.. le nov thé gucat as- of ber son, John A. Stryker. on Miss Bosule Baker orf Libertyvllle I Thlnk Bon Lawrenc Registered Perolieron Stud, pnre bred, Illinois Stallion Board No. 834, lu one of the' bout talliont in the world. He is a dark gray, weight 22001 lbs. Sired by Irnportud Bon Marche 2800 lbo., out oflImported Gilberte 2,07s lbo. Compare Bau Lawrence witb any percheron in the world and you will sec why 1 think him bard to beat. He stands at vny farm one and oue-haif miles west of Liberty ville, at thecvery low fea of $12.00 for sesson sud S 15.00 to meiure the mure with foal- Fee due for seagon Nov, let, 1918, and for iueursuos wben mare shows ta be safe with foal. RB. SWIFT Telephone 27&J3-1 LIBERT Y V rLt- ILLfOIB' " Yea Sir'! Stdebaker wagons -are made to bock up". a relutation. " "I Icnow, because wagons of every mke corne mto my ehmop for repaira and 1 have a chance to sec bow chm tu akers." Tw h x oiinof thuudea f' 61bom"uii visa kuow dthe=aloyofSiudidiaalju wo n& The owS ersnver regretted that dxey bouglit Teated mtesiala, acaiste wor aahpinomrea wagonunequuied for durabitiy, and"ti.c.«eIc- toof wood.,rons ateel, paint and vLassa aun fied suie with ti. Studeb&r Coao*org for aixty Y--rs 'liti .why a Stud.kew a aruammesmeansd laàt longée t k auit on honor. Whethber yu lu town or Coutiai ,thwe e fas ~±ro-ad iI your requiremuiet or bannes =0, ndbsrna.a of evemy deamption mae ys mseul am reStudebaer velaiclea. Se@ eouDa 40Me as SITUDEBMCER SuhB.n& la&. aux vat aCAOMasa 5<* IY su som'a'ML- ayin sUgC 1-Li~0 .l bol pleaaure lirast roua Le. 90 & go Apri lire. M daughtei the l uow tii. Disser ol lira. I xr.sud has bea Floride Edward a Certaan home ef M ru. J moved i otiti J daught- sehaol a M re. 1 huet.and buqiueed Site hall daugbte sud the "ame a, tlluaigo tiae,ilee.' ltowa rpaiufr unlts .1 * golda%: forth lia. drmesti lund Pr ua @aWia ucithpr a bouiored nurmber Tiae 41 Matthir. iuduia<e on the V The F au l. Fridai reorgara of the r. support residprnt iu Plan futurs f scu tt w ge. iTI ns, #V Miay 4t] aeeOuiat Thei Coin tu â era lee, owing t ta aour Satuarde arrive@ b er a seere reaident the grel .leus Lt day la Waitnu meurt te deuatui Fred Bi enterta tii. Thp tfl.c ope girls a Nipper, oi,raiag couficet aeat bet fetuiniu tra furi oi whia allsorti iug hai glades E ti e illelad3 Tiiere equipp enabie festivil seas n LittS witb à C. L. anoblie also hi The Lenffl A lit Mr. et day, A lira. of Vol the mu

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