Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 35

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. UÀ -- COOUNY IDEPM;DENT. F!R1RxY. \IAV, Y9. 191:1 h3E~A~NOWTO SI!SOU> ,Y JOS.OTIS TO C. & IdeULUCTRJC-JUIIE LANIJISIiVUS PI3I ISSION Price to be Pald fo r Washington Street uine ln Waukegan is $56,0O-Company Plans lmproving Road After it 1.5 Placed Un. der ltà Direct Ownershlp Instead of of Lease--Mstory of Sub.Line. Lake, M: aie Couc. L la tbp c WilUm il"e 'Tony y J. Tony. minoe, w. ilven tbnat niadeueé m- enttd rts 4a" 0 Vèdomm*y ou8 nt re aftMm Mri of the Vi-auegén. i elati- de lUc vendue r tdr cash, blereet of follovieg Me lu the >! inois, «Orth-west n Pifteee. 1 cf Range d ieplMri, iay. A. D. NYON, R, leabeila sud The- grovemants on il a big sac.lng r-uuld lie etfected. ut ls tbua apparent that the coin- Veny ls planning Impostant changes lu IL& service aven before auythlng defi- cite bas beeu doue on the proponed nev franchise imattan. This Fox Laie lina lx thre une ubic IL R D. Wynu, as promnoter, huill many years ago, the plan tien being ta huiid it weet fi-cm Waukegau to IFox Lake. If il onlY haal beau car- ri-ed tbrougb. Waukegan today wouid RESMUEINQUEST The coroners inquest ln the case or Matt Stalcer who died arc the re- suit of Injuries received vhen ha vas beaten over the head wtb a base hall bat, vas resumed this aflernoon ai three o'clock at the Conrad & Hlart uudertaking roorus vîth (Porouer Tay- lor- lu attendance, Some Iulerestlng testtmony Is expected. trunk, approtrriated the moneay. On S ES $35 *a F~RiOu Tuesday mornlng he vent to wr n the sugar rellnery. When llureak dis- BY covered his lors ha notiied the police TRO OWNED sudand sore out a warrant for Àtanlka arrest. The latter vas arrasted while A FELLOW ROOMERaIoril ________The lnterested parties appeared lu the police station thîs morning. At 1% POICE COURT MIXE ANTONIK irst Antonlk refused to discuss the SMOW«D CONTRITION AND TEN- matter but he finaIIy vas Induced t0 OERED RETURN 0Fr MON Ev. "nke a confession. ________Assistant Chief or Police Tynnel reprimaudad hlm ln the strougeat AURAIGNED UY THE POLICE ternis. He s&id Il vas a <nstake to allow such people to enter the coun- try and said he warc ln tavor of de- portlng them. Atonik Is hardly more ASSISTANT CHtEF 8AV5 HE 18 IN titan a boy, apcîcaring to ira about FAVOR OF HAVINO ALL SUCH nineteen years old. CITIZENS DEPÔRTED________ Thrift of Glagow. Glasgow sets. a splendlid exemple of Mita Antonik. a Russian who bas thnlft and enterprise t0 the other hein In the United States but two citieesud tovua of Great Britaîn. Il montits and wbo speaks Dot a word doses ot even scornuto coli.ct and*sIli of Engllsh. bas beau arrasted hy lte 118 waste paperad te tre5i loca poiceon chrgeof avtg lion.thns adding many hundredj a loca polce o a cargeof bvi yeusarte, isaexahequen. Ite clmensîn utolan 135 f rom Nlckodine Brrak, a department doe business wth hait fellow roomen at 602 Maret treet. the. ountes of Scoiiand. It ovue M vill ta givan a heaning la police nearly on. thousaad railroad cars, and court today. Througb an Interprater doas a vide range of business tnwn Antontk today asimitted havlng taken bog nelailg to market gardena tte money and offerad to psy it ba . sdbttihars' von. ln a moment of indiseretion. Bu- It. Route. roak confided to Antonik tirat he had ."Why dont jon get nmrn lbel@ oM W6 tu bis trurrk randrshovet hlm youn suit cae. 10 show vhere ls viiere ha bsd lrhi-. iddeu. At tour ben "The. pawnbrokenl dont fttnn- o9elock Tuaeday moring'Autouik se- jo sbi. coi- a 11 kyanid uq0-4w M he ITUISIS. the CAR I Gi'ves - L _8M _ý6 MLTZ66"2"9'p (jompleily equIpped; fully guarauteed; 22%-11f. P.; 4 cylinder engbe, vatar cooied motor; Bocrh magueto; gaz generator; horn; pump; tonte; octfit; rapair kit; hast quality artillery whels; 30'13 cliughevr tiras; single or double rumble seat furnlshad when dasired at a nominal éot of $10 pr 120 respactivaly. WMSte o 0i es ver Neur ot high spaad; 28 ta 32 miles on one LAK FSIEST GARASE gallon o! gasoine. AGENTS FOR LAKCE ÇOUNTY. LAKE, FOM8ET, ILLINOIS, C. M .PAR RI 89, Mgr. Phone Lake Foreef 14 F. C. WILBUJR. Phone Waukegan 1138W. A LOO AGENTS FOR JACKSON AND IMP IRE CARS j - CtO .E0P. tIEILL WIsnResppolntud Mim Com- rmleeioner of Labor Statintlce. Pederal Judge Landfis ln Cbic-ago hold Mi-. WYuu Up as oua of the big- .ue»ed a sued an ordar gving par- geat boosters of the city. It vas nI IMion to W. 0. Johnson, receîrer for hi fauît that plans falled but la- cause ha vas unairle to finance the ke Chicago & ilwauktee Elactric prOjociIt voulti bave aldeti Wau- riros.d, to purchasa the property of kegan m uch more than the extension e Waukegan, Fox Lake & Western of the Chicago and Mikarrkee Electric lectric roati for a conideration of north tir blilivaukee. tiut, the lina The property consats or a never îassed the vert clty limits sud, ile of whicb rune fromn the for years. the traeks sud -cars have rest cîty limita ou Washington street beau i-ased iry the Chicago and Mil- a the top of the dapot ih. vaukee' Elec-trIc- and rrjn lu coujuuc- For several years the lhIicago & lion silh tire Isîterci tiresc. By the ilwaukees roai bas bec-n paciug for actIoion ccc<ii- ani Tirrday, theeale,- ormission ta iun its cars over truc'ks trie c orpoirat nu wiii et once take 1te smaller lina. Ail stock o!rthe sicr the Pox tlcc-lineansd anythîng nalier road lmis! becy I.cccIh F. the city may doi regarding te main Kis of Chicago ,irancnilutir. franchrise malter, wîîî The receiver sald that hcy acuir- aiso aprîuy Ir, lb.. west aide lin.. am mg the short Ueaud rcaklng lm-ccueiu arcthce tranriter lm cornltcerd tritllý atoréysin he eekagîî rn order that the police tftlked the matter river wtth J4iteb$ CASES AOAINST Mgi itljih' 1 icagdihadh, t i utsIà k Il lo ii ttc a .t-ry3s ntre g ha îoui -îî -hargeýd. Theith rdese ithc theu3re aigit.=iï, AL EiD S A E S~ ; giiit tvobj,:,s 1have talked rtpîr(,'n hue [ ha\ c-wfn ciargei ormnai-storye tlcle t1Th s Jacrbtitold ALLRiED SLAYER ý1 iý k Iý iirt ie t- iîc.ii-rof Stic,r nan lith ate hd true t lm rover bS. tlictf cor ncr îcuei astn tc1, ric.-! -i ctellstad.rc- ,1a'uenesththefolwe Sa MAY BE DROPPED 'iri t ir kt 1-, io i rt yLorv rite ;aîîaii i1if r iff C-n t c;oaead with a aooden hatchet. He m i il icrc nc.rc ngoi tothe peu tIo git- 1crrrîcr-cinorj ffi(rIs ler hait a cis-k and thoni alisckO Tire mass of evldercc- r .cglus 1foi m Iuil o Jtih them and l9 saicitheiaeî iaur' wo lhlm.bu t ,hargedi that Sýtalcer foiOW : lreen amassed îit the <anc ccr Tonyl"i-ltp cuî -ru c. rircir sentence, At- berow tr-rsoe -iecteehm Jacbin an th Kuierbro liý:-, ori- fo th th wl tner.,sf ich- a iccw and isevc-raI The hearlng ln police court et lw; charged with the iuîerci\att r' ri ni,-c-iirc it lci--rrion. e u i sc . -c c r-i is(lieii, ,i -thirt-c' men charged with the mur4ethW,' uniri r -tiic i i l e c 0l 1 theic,-Set for tomorrocv and the dispil Stalcer, a former Waukezu 'icicc h- rîîc ria sîicuic o stand. Some ccry IntcrectIng tilc'ucicî.hat cIII ce madie of the case, wMi, m fan, appîearstco be tottering anrdc niay- , ire i uni.ani-rrcucccurit 3:30 - fints are errpected. depend upon the verdict of the cor ý fizzle sut completely, according tri tire 1ou-lia-k, It wita-. ciicrned from a1 States Attorney Dady sayq lie Las oners jury today. The Cheapest and Best Place for You Is Belhand This Stores Success BOY'S SU ITS [3'xtra Special 'Muctis, sizes 7 to $0 18 years, at..................$ 5 0 ' I)on't ovcrlook our Mat Department-u-Our $2.00. Mat is a big winner. F.C. Seidel C&j Co* Phone 630 Next to Pearce.s Corner, 2NLX'PAMCF~1 £ T mul th na tbi lu 86 nE wi te mi pu 01 au 01 ii NOT A ONE SEASON C @ 1511 kv AmorIca Pi-eus Asserraliom JOB-HUNIERS STORM CIVIL SERVICE BIOAI Washl.gtu PillieRessîves Are Called DOut. Washington, May 2-1lundreds of' hungry job-bun'n-ruc. amons hem many wbo havc- iiý.ý ared of ganing tbe offIciai pie n, rnter tbrough o!- ficnal Influence- . ath- red inlusuri num bers varly Intbe day la the virinity of thte clvil-ervire commission bead- quartera that the police reserves1 ver, ralird sut. The gatln- ring vas Inspired hy the fM ttat cru icay 1 the examinatioat blanks fer appointments t0 mimcv positions are given out. Losng belote midnight the ci-catib.- seu tu assambly lu front of tbe build- Ing, sud galurd sucb proportions that te lonely watcbman on guard called upon te poîlcu- for assistance, The commiselons -'org vera not opaued until 9 .,Iock 'nm. Miss Wiles aDriver Flueti. New York, May 2. William J. Greeuvood. a taxicab chauffeur, vas fiued $5 for dnIing Mise Margaret Wilson. the presidents adaugbtar. sud ber escort up Broadway at a speed of tweuty-our miles au houn. The pres-. ldenlas daugbter sud Boyd Ficher, 'aaMer of a socl renter, vers but- ryiug tu a hotel ~ pick up a Prine-i ton profeassor viro had ho catch s train for Princeton. Mr-. Fisher paiti Greenvoods fne. Appoimrent of Neill Conllruned Washington, May 2. - The senate bas confIrmed tbe nominations of Charles P. Naill. as commisioner of labor statiatirs; J. F. A. Etrong et Juneau as governor of Alaska, aad H.M. MSmith sascommîssioner of flai- Suizer s,:' BSaton luHoues. Albany, N. Y ..lMay 2.-The asaam- bly votati on the Suiser direct pii. mary bihll1ong alter midnlgbt and de. taated it b) a daclaive vote. TUE MARKETS Chicana Live Stock. Hogs>-Roeepts 15,000. Quotations- rangetieaI$8.50@860 beavy shippiug. 88.6099.70 llght shlppiug. $8.00@8.30 beavy parking, aud $7.2008.45 go04 10 choira pige. Cattle-Rfecelpls 3,500. Quotations rauged at $8.6508.85i prime ateers. $66607.60 choira to prima feti heaf nova. $7.7508-00 selacted ftern. $7.2507.60 fair tu gond stockers. $8.75 09.40 gond to choira ceai caivea. Sbeeç-Pecelpts 14,000. Quotations rnrged at $86008.90 choira ta prime Jambe. $71007.85 good to choice yearlings, $6.8507.25 god ta choice vothers. $6000'1.00 fair tu gotrd oves. Huy. Cholca timothy. $6017; No. 1, 814016.50; no 2 sud No. 1 mixed, $12 013.50; Illunois, Indiana andt Wisqon- sin feedlng prairie.188@9; parkini4 $65007.50. Butter. Jobbiug prires on South Water et.: nCreamfery. extra 'Oc pet lb.: extrs t irets 29c; tirets 28ir. Pri-ie lu rmail dealers: Tube, 32c; ni-mis, 33c; dainies, extra. 30c; tirets 27c. Live PouItiy. Turkeym. par lb.. iîc; rchik foisa, 1614c; roostans 12c; duc-tm, Ige; gans ie c. Wlsaâorraln. 40045c per bu.; Bic-hi- sac, 42@4rc; Minnemoa, 359P43c-. £551 Buffslo Livs Stock. Dunng & Stevens. 1Lve Stock Com- mission Merasts. East Bffalo, N. Y., q t e as follows: Cattle-ltacelpts cars; mai-ket duil. Hog-Ite.- -eipts 15 cars; trrsrkat strong; beavy, 18.0009.00; Vorkars. e91009.16. 'Ohee>-Pacelpta 15 cars; marltut strong; Cll3,VSd lImbt, $X.1508.35:- 1anlns 7110017.21; ethers: 18.15 t06.40; eve,. 86.6005.76 Calves, 860009.75. CALL ON L. S. MOFFLTT 511 STE3.LE COURT FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION -J- .v- raL. Two -Sv ( "176 Abbott-Detroit je evcnywliei known as a 'car 0 ciceptional stand-up qualifies. This rePutation eotabliaed by the actual performance and character' of car. Every Abbott-Detroit is luijit with a view te gmne il owner the Uame conistent and setisfactory service yearah year. Fn tis day of standardization you dwoud expect aotin lesm You have keard it raid of, Thaîwould lbei as'tmdicar if àil bas"ga fl s upad [go axlS. Or. perhaps.i. rst-cj secept a weak molor aud vurlu self-starter, pont clutcit sud Ch" upholsiery," asud so on. But yoss have nover board sny s"dscriicu. abmut tite Ablmeb-Detroit Onte 1e tur.. rs nol 'nada good ai ltre expeme of anolter. Nons of lte "Rob> Peter to pa7 Pur asetioda dits in the construction af this ear. lu every particular tire Abtttroit stands thse nealtzed ambition of strivtisteem.lis mats kis st rngth, andui-ance. qcead. power. sud conssent atl-ai-osmd quafites ha" kapt inul cf lthe rankoite dit rd inary sud beyond the roem iofal competitters. Every higir-ade and adlvsned f eabume pi-oves lthe stiicoily tp-te-tlte-cnitutm cer. If you waut serice. eleganceansd ram fort aqual. snd in many respect% suPenior, te lire hiti picr-d rai-s.taloeoun advice sud Isuy sn Airiott-Detroi. Tis is a cm tlitiwtII stand lima test But deirr'rne titis to yonr oueD satsfaction. we aik tirai you suisject lire car te dm estaiid iavesiisauen inquirv. We havre ne f1ev as tetihe outrance. Ail prejudire wil1prove favuep,8mai", 1t *Our logar. **Bu&t fo rumanenme."bespeakîtirhe policy b"lid the Asa-WDeroit.QU.als = ry. s the basis for dhe manufacture of tireme cars. 'Our reputatien Ms acma irmouemue by àé aut ofeac d niidel en. C.lia.. esue. ss8. a*" Sami.v, sale U tIbimMy NeM-.C* lbe@s, 04* $Nmiatmbl9 Rians, Jitfy Cu-tais4 t tp m . se bs s BahsGamlme .Gtàg% s, mieesof tote, lssiig teatere. 34.40 5 Pom . Mdlif,11.1 n 0 .r0e 44-U0 7-Pas.,Tou.4ag car . l * hm ile. 34-40 6- P«t. Tauvsq Ce. .il llwl bse-11m a5044 5W Csttlothip @Assditer, I-IMÊh rsheuibae. 34. 40 3 P-ss.CoMI.4sCis.P% 1146.Ii5Ch welbass.SilO 44-W0 7-Pas. LImousins. 131lech uhelbaace 44-N 5t Paes. DeSà.Teîeeu. l* whs.lbase $1575 Top, Wludshlsld snd 15pffloracte-. * Extra L. Lake, me. aie COUD- S. lu the Rober-t M. ou M. lu- n sil real enst ba y matde aud te entllle MtI day of reineedar ). 1913, la. tae after- Mt Door 09 y of Wao.- l.rAke AÉc mB e it est biddas- de ands la- id te the t. Sit-t aud State oci Twen- r of Utile ). desfrib- Northt-euat 9 ruuing Semd lot .el, 10 imel mnce West Liionsa lot, dite tisane- Wrest lina., wet moue cf ssot lot ý&hbteie North U» longuUneia S plaee cf bra the loi- aid. wbtdfl one-bun- sali point__ Bn of the formeilyr and mov i éiiuldissg Met to thse lenix o".~ ne West ian aigy est end of îlolg Les8t ilhP3,- a&0 ne of salat thè North -paaof lg tW e, ta Îlàeh.-r. 1811 dit 5oitth of m%,la book ýai. A. D. IALL8. rage iweiity-iaevi -L- >VI 7 Y, ot

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