Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 36

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ta 'FACTS ABOUT THX ZION osq 'Cerk eli0'SITUATION. <wDuiaealti .1afée !eig %utered - uZicu çdItv< >ppear auii adjoling rr lg um, theitcI, iw iiitilated tallY siîeets. A rcîreaentative of tire Sun Tues- gicis tire restait of a persona!in- 2. )isgi'ateefiill.V bortehed day made It a poini te outa a look WU«ation of tire mulilati of lhi jolt doule inu taiiiperituîg ivith at thre mutiated taiiy shoeeta of!rte JoUo taly lletS n tit' cKýnt igues.Second and Fourth wards ln Zîno V t n . I di t s lu u c n t i g u r sCty , a ittilatio n w h ch resu ted l u gs eetl. luriais, etlmntlea- :1. IPoil ooks iniltet glid the soit ing of tire present ofilcers of upde te irantilcon ofdetala ,dZion Cty, changlgi tire entire lier- ___ Ietc.4. i75)n 'eitiit'il ('ei'ts sonnet eoftire officersasaaregards ta Tbe oid VZir on ca met Atril iiimti lated tallv sheets as de- 'tie returnsagas first certified ta by the tb.aud adiourned te thre t7tir ai aiî d eection judges on Ajiritl 5tir. pok for tire purpomee 0f canva4,a- teetive "c dsrcgaî'ds titi But few peraons autaide (lie Inde- the reituruis of tire election ta lic1tanipered poil borok state- pendent aldermen wbo caraasseultire en o tire Iti. At tliat5 lnur ho%,,- eIiVtS, illade oN-el' sgutie returnsanad City ('tlenr t'lriatlanaou. P., they adjourned ta tire 28tl. tîl ail jiîdgesu. have seen the ially sheets sud the t ir metn Myo Rcreseadl- clark liestated wiren a Sai man su&d duriug the meeiiag AtiorlinaP1ý iik 'î'st~i-asked ta sese (ii tic aitfiirot 811ain Fabry enlered Ilie roaii and siilIiiu i'ht att<P'1 eeired luncertait aheiher t) do aa Moed Mr. Rîntle a ape5Wr Thl ire ît lI t 1it' 1- til' WaS liJC or nul,-Ilit. walun il sasrapoiated ont -ýy ihen deîiartî'd. qiortl.y aller-loi tel taîl tti thtiat lnone 'tai lit it aI aiàyl)hit iesiue(.laitii r ois 3gr. Rcile anriaiurr.ed Iabat btlie ut lît îd Jîdge Barîues liewaiaîier rerresentattre wasa on- r rae roeurai aitl e-uq ta dlia' -<'<11 iît fioi>t tiiîed tiiltok lat ,uiî record',Ithe ýovstle."cierk wn t to th- e alairdil irg ont ~ r tie t tV lt'lr<i'i'O i ii talc Ite hot-lv ijih rui <tlectionri rturns course a tatenrent tf laslatv t t1tti lt'Ia' tti As iid gnetr e ondsu<ladta uth. oud a sensation aiiong rtue alti'rililgta latts rol IeScmi ad lari M but tire coiacil prirneedi'd 'alir aardig hal l bec reporhed chanigedi by biaisns, the caulisé as a and am ie colinvit coiirinttee, rlhoae wers gvrte ir spcil nriirlteeant tmiered it allr ilie le wasa aray tire anlytailv aet arcr'ar x j'4mau oftue'toirafaciontiri 'rouithe offitc. Wh.- en r.lirotrred, ainItncdby irliri. noeucrds ire produnedl in pnouan- ie;r iiitednro ir al jr And waaihe sa auazed talesd -e. lIllWdJaild. lie say a. lie juat aoîîhdr't teti bore oui everv contention made 1)y Whe Entered tie aul.nd mii lerslîa ai:edof.taa-tire Sain tnthia Zion etection matter- CW'k Ciristîsuson. saan nte iysdoîea sla Sc iabiatil wasa sarely a raw deal wirici bg ty tire Sun Tuesday. admtied do a p1 wn o nle Mrri as sttpîtcd over and tiraitirhe matter Me. mutilation of tire records liradit have wineucare" And tirey then demanda court invetgation, Tire C: tala fitire r ir ad ieen îýalîed Jadge ' tarnea and ail went lait tact la apparent tiraitirhe atlaîadl la ci lav ite e I i he vali, indlng ai once tirai the taliy sîreeta tg an offenae walunir;lt"e ~edes i are yrd.Jread ooka boad]luentiamiiered witi Attorney Dadv musi take cognîlzanne t aattie utilation bad nat Thi s as aaioutIloc fofi a î i f lire atirheatlasliefair ir ihapoal- -ad wilctire taly aieeta day tire ounacit wiis ta mee. titou as public prosecutor. Saine- tie fana thtie judgea. . tirirîaiana<niuntitaslire dîd net body iras comurtited an offense against wirere tire records were tinti leave thre doar open;lire adurita tirete sacreduear of tire ballot box and tiiey came imb lits iranda,lire 1 vaut asa net lroiren tlonnor was liraitaowbat tire îroecutrs office. atoy were put lu tire iîg Haltire ceintii<atton fooied witir. And, ln aur mind, la derignedl for, ta de- Whlicir stands ln tire corridor of ire adds tirai noue bul iadge ttarnea termine wro hba douesaurir a terrible 1building over tihe banta. liceadlire- knows tirs couination. tiing. for. na mater boa eue looks <at ire dld flt leave tire door __________ ai n, it ta a terrible îiing. Ia tire day tire records were Nature'$ Blance of Power. Tire tally sireezu of tire iiourte Nward -In ViO.eMe ~ lI vw of léacts, ore lis amtueiwiii were tirrown oui eaîlrely by tire t»utirs l' kg F îbul1rnch scientisl. Wirolhan as- favorable to aeratlng tire Independent Judge Darns. Jailge Barnes erted tiret witront lirds te chreckr tire tyofcacndaesThcmi- eone vir, white retlring as clty ravages of tsecis.lirmait lite wouldclyofiicrddae.Tecmit of tre evu deouned irevanfiala front this panet tn tire space tee reportid tiese retîrnas defective ofien tire depueidets.e ofulue ysars.tint for lire vegetation because of tire tact tiraitirhe tailles *5 hie bathbe ndafied, re- tire Insecte woguld perîsîr: but for tire ba4 nflt been kpt inlutire coiumrns be ad ase, ffilatllre Insecte tirelbirds woutd perîsti. and wirere tirey are auî,posed talire kept tea, alow any Voiva mnuta jbut for tirelirds vegeiatien wouid iretlu ail precînctis. l-iwever. tire poli the. c5grY5. detreed Nature lias. tirerefore. books, w,,itîte judgea nines slgned iîl aktetcý e4'p tôrsed a delicle balance of power airere iirey airouid ire. ccrtified tirai *la the valait and fnuebut wbicir cannai ire disturbed sîireOuttire varions icandidatesliradt received' Darnes sud Mr. î'iristlauaon bigu ra aasu tiapue emany voies la tire Ftirtir ward. te tire world. tue o :,nlon tir te mater Tire poil book seems tire ire accu- . a t sinteresting aspect, rate record tîran tire tally sireet but, ae11» pked a few quesatona, tire Dentletry Lews of Otd Romne. easthtllsethllntbe !eplid tiat ir e-an't rady a Uner tirsîaws ofthtir weîve tereastieaiyieetrdonire na ters yeh o l a s', t îî read o bien , w r tte : i ni R am e. 4 60 B .C . w hrie k ept ai), tire p i b ok w a a Ig no red iry t, ta!,whie le i wasexpesoy frbidenta bur tire conrmittee arr indrng ia report vm p oeuloubdirsltre for Sold ornante with tireÉdend, a ibp. sud thay ireumtîrea ont tirs wiroi tia ierecordai were got blitdcia exception wse made for goid vitir Fourtir ward. a ward airicli Vliva, eeerd;tiratitiwas n<tiluviicir testir may ire irhd togetirer. accordingtri tire judgea deciaraiton bic s uit. Ho sdded tirai Martial. osetftire satiric piera of intire poil irook liard calried iry a (air -pereone we"c, even bliaing blm Rame, once referred ta e teetliraetfmaîriîy. $emutilation brut her didî't iuînd eue worian ase darir and enoilier as In Second Ward. chiarges. white, sud cxplclned ihe dîference 1 wul nt too i, ort iti tire ei.cîemelt tirai eue uf tire, ur atire Seconîîd sard 1.a aireatire '~Whi' i waid uniatool tir ulogir lier teethr.whmie ire otirer biad raw mutilation is accu Tirere on tire for il there liluZin' -de- ber owut. Tire transplantation oetaleetrth iy vsieet. anc -ari plrrtaiy seciraw 1pfn tire clerk.r Continuiug: "it frein tire meuthre of slavelt ttose wiroever muiiiated tierealles, bail 00 circ a foolîsi thirng for any oft tieir mîtresees la eald te have eoftiflued marklng down sufficient taI- mmte lo" been a common practice In tire early ]les tlntire resiter tIre comuen, te 'îâ reporter sitggested abt iin a ys ufthtie Roman Empire. bring tire total ipt)o desired nuin- vas very raw and tthe lerk bers. Tire tailles wicir yere piainiy 1 Med wt ai.Maire-Up. it.dded r.tnce tiereatil 'veiree ta ter Ibo reporter auggeaied tirai it~ As for palier fasiengerla a tourins jndgea baunds, wcre naareid witir a WOW migity tunny tirailire noinei actar writea ta point anoilier oet iei' rare b(utaplen ilian tireorges tire f4gro4ttee liadtflot tairea î-ogntuance Wttles: Tirere la, ai tirne, n c&itidges gasuad tlrey are net con- 09 te tact iaitnoellur tirhe Inde nuiai nompany, i'specrrlly. e scareiiy Iiied aiong tireramne anrgle tiraitire Spoeut votes irad becnliaiuered wir th tarcircd lileri And siirte. tike inilges' tailles taiiowed. lu order ta Z trir s insgole lrdhall trein g i rsne gtiito ake tire mutilation anore coîmpote by tire lcn-îîtti,iout Whir misaid in aie washr. Yen arc plcY-t (biut ail tihe mare ra), thîe ofteader lampered wur tire rturrîs, ailannel shirito go wiîir yaur drese iad chnagedi tire tals lu caci coi- ,aqUilry shoews tiraI ahaaiiteiyra<rOui rsi.' Taire a shoeot of note paper, orirrrliiteiii'aaiey iaud yiotti ee drs twirrkladîind fooBecap, prod Ih uuder your vent, andth ient. dtd flt corr-espond wur thre '12 lia thediry wok, th aliwere rire central tud ehould ire lu' total tailtesaltfer tire oneiad !beet Il - provcd. ailanrd saoiehody j sert a roind-ireadedtbrse paper fast- rdded ILLI'STiITION: e pentiîary. The counicîlcrier!' NecessiiY mtiera invOntion. Mayor Johnaun;el total on tire poli content to ltirîatters reat de- Look and a rlinell,, pit...d5 otn Wtý fý tthe tact nliat lire tavrnîlo',of t1hi.,-'l S allet box irrd tuten luvnded lin tiraxen minaer Us ie uggented tiat il tauetire nounc ni iitt ed thowoui tire voies In iao wiefttie ofiicai voie ofthtie t u eari case s'as terter-tly sud ciear. justt liause tirey * tire tally sireet. abmir h Aothiig more tiran a nais bad been. And tire lerk sald eeeued ta ire a diversion ut ma te wiir wae tire more in- CirriataisaL' c dded irai lic -le i'edy te maire expianatian bueWbdge of matters at tire ture but untliltien, ire woutd n 'tioeat c« te detalus. udthtie "1'amperlng-" toid oethtie ballit t'iat m'"MOM This Baking Powder Keeps Its Strength The large can of K C lasts longer than 25 cents worth of other baking powders butno matter 'how Iongi takes to get to the bottom the last M nUi ýlust as good as the first. M-2'se the nicest, ightest bit, cakes and pastry you ever ate, and it is guaranteed pure and wholesorne. For ioodnmu sae. use K C taisiii jtu In ad i0t* W#4iP -, at1 s ., hr~~fi , euefinds ataM Vtv ee u ,' 112. Thrun, liilainteueating te oe tt City Attorney, Carres pol book to- tire mutilation. ouitire taHy mireeta, be- tal le sb.wit as 93; 'and, ln tire MU- Ing simiularty truade on.'eacb ofthtie tilation procese, tire 3 wae cha<tOed tel tire. aireeta as kept iry tire tire. 8, but thie total tlies wir, added Jadges, mereiy eirewed mutilations showe 110.atter tire Independeut candidates and City Glerx Cirristiansou. total on tire Voliva candidates' recorde were poli book, 92; mutilation ahowed 2 eft unaunged. Thle cîrcumetaece la ciranged te 8 but total tatillesairow Indeed ratirer eurprlng. caeofthtie poil books, tire te Trnasurer, Love'. poil books eshow 1tale et thre varlous candidates are 93; mutletton . irows 3 ciranged to s8 WRITTRN ONT no0 h wouid ire very witi total tailles 115. bard te craise tire torde and ineeri Magistrats Oberdorfes poli book 0- changes ta (orreapond wlirtirte to- £1 le te fronte t*JIi1 r. sireets, la ueStirat a rmcn c dtd * "gstire cat emdiror tire rettennem aveun-If ire vers ci- tire sirstancer of an appeal lu tire tOr=r mont blmd. et a telegraur cent te aoverner Drihue Tueeday by officiais oethtie Illinois Chrrietiarn Mideavor union. FILED IN CIRCUIT COURT. Te oyr ie aaskeddtu p rees City o ot in vs Mre. lents Becker,. i eurluere ofthtira eglsiaitfl'5i airfavar turned over ta tire city as y-et. tha bil te tegalize ioxlu appeai. Anotirer telegrain wcs sent ta tirs City etfZMon vs. Ralpir Wagnier et al, Springfild ciief of police ln wai ci ie appeai. wae aelked ln tuge naine of iaw and P. C. Wlbur Lamller comialiy va. order te "arresi ail who attend tire iaw A. Dirig, peciranice' lien. breaktng boxlng exhibiton." _____________________ ¶ ~ YOU GAN SAVE MONEY andchie youar ".No-Place" Cirt" in Stretcirer Let as demuuaslrSlC tri' ta yoa tet as shovr yoa ihe ideaiçttiammnsirecnher ai tire cge. Curtain Stretcher- Liku lîsia îoit~soiut' '-t.*tvtU in'1 -, ut tîli'is adu ,juistable, 1i-t'tt nt$, l,$.3,- anid--------------------...$1.85 ÎStep Ladders - NFade oft Whisk Brooms-.Nade ot' finie tjîaitv stî'aw, finis;ieti1 liaxti lts, pui'ied at 25c', *20v, 1 (. anlti . . .. . .. . .9c Paint Brushes-MaIk- thte apputaraiiec oftouît- sitle butildings bettt'.I' '< at frii 30c dowîî tuu 5c Window Bru8hes - the easy way, by' uiihg a haîdi'd %v i n titi \v bruish, î'iean iîîp spee.iai, 453e, 50e aiuu....-25c Feather Dusters- Foi' a thkorougli vdean tup, .'oli liîtisi have a feather iuster; wý t-itare thein at e3.5OdowNu to 25e ~ Shoe Brush- igets var'ni andî stifiîig, tht' diist settleb oit vttiîî'shines; briishes fttî dean-uip IMop Holders -made ouf fvre itted w ithlusîîiooth Wood handleie..'t ..'- 10e Floor Mops-Our' hue is %too big to describe, buit w-e have tht'iii at $1,50 dowii to ... - ... - . ... ...15c Rakes -Ruike îîiu ,votul' bat-k va'd <luit' ing cIta ii-uulu 'veek; î'akes l)lit'm't at 65e' donlt'V to-------- 7c Spadiug Forks-'st'tîîm ie f these andt niake a liwer gai'dtn to ht'lp Iwliftifv the eity, oni---------.75e i dL w i Garden Hoes-Willi help yoit inu inaily ways to elean u p, lonig handie, oîîly ....25c Carpet Beaters-Fot' house' eieaning, you certtainly iieed a cai'pet beatet', priced at 18t- foi a1188n-8 i Trhis week isîf-lean- iii wttk, he ready Marco Laundry Soap-l Pur- est and hi '-t, f;hai'-s .. .25c Columbia Laundry Boap - 8pevial, at 10lia rs ....34c Marshall's Family Boap - For i- tlie launiîîr', 8 bar-s. 29c Swift's Pride Lsaundry Soap - 15 Ibrs for ......49c Washing Powder-', 1ýîn o w Wlhiteý,' 4 lb) pkg *1...14e Marco Naptb.a Soap-6 1b.i1. for ...................25e Marco White Laundzy Soap -For' woolens, 6 bars ... 25c Borax- 20- N iile-'ani, e 1lb. îkg . . . . . .. . . . .39C Lye--' xti»,t large ean,INIai'- <'o irairl. <'ail ............10e Chioride of Lime - Nlareo, large size, t'an ......... 10c Dry Arionia- ,Nhîî-.', large sîze, ('ah..................10ec Sal Soda-'rlite great water softeiîer,7-ilbs ..........10eC Bluing i arg.' l îiix iýsize, 'oi'.......................8c Anionia.-Fanily i.vsize,jot' foi . . . . . .. . . . . 18c Seouring Soap- ('apital," bar 53e; 3foir............12c See WIndow Diaplay of Needed Arieileï for Cleau-Up-Wek Duteh Cleanser-Thx'ee canis for ................. . 25* Ammonia-1Oc buttie for 8c. Soapine --Special, 6 pkgs. -"PoUly Prime Self - Waref-Axgo, per pkg. 4c; 0l' FeedingP ih 3 for .............. llc (\u P -$-2 Gold Dust-Large size pkg. 'Discount for a cau[1 city ,. . .. . . . Making $225 worth aIe.oeeea k for only ......$1-25 _______________ Gardon Rose - SPeé-ialiy Jgood to help.clean, 50 feet Âsh Cana-Madje of heavy galvaîî- ' or .,..........9... ized iron, wire bail, special at $1,15 Serub Brushes-Nlait' tuoft'hee usl 'tvîarimg fibres. 'titru-i' ti tnt lut usu' frtn 154.,10c nd' . .tti---------- .5c Brooms -- 'Y o 1,111(11%livî'td a îu'w' î'lîail 1i1), sit'tia ligie at 60-e & 40e Floor Brushes - Nlake "uîr <'ltait- îîîg t'usuv.'lv liv î t tiuîsiuig gtilt e rot e's, at--------.69c Radiator Brushes 'Ihisothtlî tut 'a p it .v'il it' . a î'leaîîî uit t at a.(lt'uii 25e 011 Dust Clothes-l>îiu-e'ulspv'uial ftor uleaii eitv Samle t' nl ilv -1.....le Garbage Cams .ft et' .vuîîîî Yar'diis i'lu'aiîu't i11), kt'uli it stiandiîlbuis' 011e-tf tî's'gnî eans at 19,$1 and i..........85C Fibre Pa.iis St"; Poultry Netting Ki-1 iiva'tî i 'ta litI ta <i lt lt,\ ut- itig 2 i l v-lt Sereen Cloth 'uîia t'lî-;itit- anid biteteit u'îtvieit Ilutst gi-t titi tithe, flt-s. Itav jap«I;tîîti-41 'tt it'. 1 ti) 42 iîît'les 'ttii<', 8c to 22e purtt - il r. Fly Swatters-Sx'tat tut- fiYtiti'-a- tIt-allu'i' îitv, tl't swatlt-t-rs, al ...0e -Carpet Sweepers- -wiciî foi'g(t olt ii anîd 2,15. a Spades-1T luit 't tii itiikt beautifv th iti' tx piced't at------------...Soecand Ï5c 1 Wash Board-" Da wl «v," 14 inehes 'tide, uiade mof t \tra Sprinkling San n>-Ptri- ('haSe <ton( tt' ofu tiiese- and ku'ep y o) ili'rtltweu's looking iiic e, fi sprinklers, at 19c, 25e anîd 33cglie, at 25c to - 95.. e Window Shades-3.6 iiiehî's wide, 6 feet long, special for clean-up sale,

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