Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 38

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t'AXECV I.Sir ~as~$s~p1 p p~p~ P p ~ g-praned sdtisat ist uiesthe w ere It jetthe intention of tise mouillersai N'rth MM W W the hobo r te elret dis- r IR lTE E IJ1 trct utartimmedl.ately upon Plans le vie jo ret a hoo'building as the Mrs. The lutnerai of Lthe late Henry Ru- crowdeli conditiont of the preseat h rla t«s'ema d We ho h le ellifrontthe home a ai ons denfianlisuch action.Alui IJIJU1U two dcock Thardi afttrnoon and Tiose who ave ade a study o ai athL front the Germon Lutherai church ln tise school question in North Chicago "TI y' rIl.î Br t iday. Weaukegaà lalter. Thse pilltor ai the andi are tharoughly familier nitIs the aet t German Litisran cisurch wi11 officiate territary state that thse taxation qans- evenl atbth se rvIces- Interment la the ion an a new building nould nat Sp new austem ththe nio cene-amount ta but a very amaîl suin. A In K< 1 68 OICONSRATULATED nosmilluosdollars»iirththe lrbion cenrne- tory ait4pauldtng Corners. mlindlas atsa rpril a TMsenin oSar iEu t h î ie district lis avallable for taxation Ment V#1111 febte Mes Falled toE ngender bold their reglar meeting ant i nlî far action]. purpases so tiat thse rate mi -, ,eiliei~~tisdT~~Od syaThaliniial seera caldiate in o an even a goati sied chol building le 1% I.B est Me Ever Bmw In order. -A social lime nltb lunch, tin- Men id ery ;llgt nz H a a '--Annuiment of Calliornis cludlngteece miiand calte bas beon M Nal h1 ale rzsiedCi arraned fe. 1Vesterdai atrnoon John Schutz Mru Chrle Ymes e eterainoc1 hati the closestl cul ta death that Il h Washisngton, Mai 7.-Jim Merna Ot ber sister,%MiassNlya Wlsez and a dla enheeprinetu i aton characterizeti by Victor Mi' r eiend ai Miess Willez. , N19lss Inaa file taencouaiter, a buftleins a re- lc tÉt Objet aneerer oi the Repubt- Renta oi Upper Troy, New York. NIr. volver passlng through tise brins of lc l e90s'ti. and Oscar W. Under- a swli uCiaoy8edytlt a ut rzn h cl.T tb*Dira apllealdehatC an menttiaiSchultz naet nons ln the alleY Luti Mda*f la whch they calteit one An Ice creain social ls ta bc gîven back ai the tmug store loading ruhbish Of M evrythlng pîrîhameltar i tiîs evening at the Presbyteriinonotewgnfrtecy hear-ue Vould prmait nisea Mr. Man church. Tt had been planaed ta have volver shot wme hear nearbi andifla- BE ad remarked tIsaI ttiailb 1 the creamn servedl on the lawn but the mediately It nie diacavered that isc able birmdsii of that distingulahtid temumperaturn la atogethor toa frlgld bullet had passed tbrough is bat. kege saleilr ond gentlemam,J for an avent ai that nature su the It cul a pince froinitIse brtins ni the tion Uutdirnoad aiAlabams. sca ll ohl ora.1lit in iront; passeti out Ibraugi tise day hoa. rociset nlth applaitae. crowvaet tise hicS ant iebd Il heen but afic ihgssvssuppasied that NMr. .Sanda>' la ta be observed lnalleofai fraction oi an inch lower dowa Il M -vas &bout ta release ie eneer- tlie charriies as Mothers Day And an would have resulltdinl certain deîtb. wiii O eutteL. but they nere misiakea. invitation la extead4r for ail th l a huhtta sme' crlssyfl basnpue nlitetariffmis- mufliers ta ho prosent at the service.I atoglli aron aeeaiIî 1 11 fired the abat. nol seina Schultz Ras C. vbils Mesrs. 'Manaant illner- Tise Preshyterias bave madletirh lie as not an enemi ln thse narîi. litm-e l-Âd .uiUlged tu illeltatlins aver rangements ta have a carnation for Tieplcarmangnefott 8,bo Uderwond's fity-ilrst irtisday- eîch mother tisat attends. Tl ol iepareyta ired li 1 a ouMVsry Cotepuftentary. IThe specllelection is ta bchibel locethla gainat a irac it tse t lai-ia vis tiis couetry.. -ne apaaist ntrdîan oCth-eIn or t y W Parle*&e' joùitue t*enlleth o a yaV.andt le beld tri di8cliarge firarmasInside the cityti Mma isitter'-PeI*cal contest* far the parpose oi electing one aider- .etteh' feeling la aroused andtiper.-aiinteSeodwadteM a aiotiengenderati." aaid mnl h eodnat oTî a _________ "but fitle tihe auty ai tise 1cancu caseti hy the resîgnaion ofaiplfyLi@. ee people that they put aide Peter Chrlsliaasaa. Henry Krlstlan Id eiv in siapllcti. Tt5lste 1ii poitcal anîmosttîns len ilI malte the cimpign an the 1Re- 1 to els'ga ev l asmPlho(mn ,Oigof min to min anti puhîkcan ticket and several asimes twilaarsee h iseut matsnwi aloe preserved macgs thse have heen meationeti as likely candi- thînlkeIse mfal aten taln a dey; cOI cereli andi firmly as tisey dates on tIse Progressive ticket. Tise hon singuler an &flair he thinks b. at ,~tgmembers on lieseucaenaime aif Alfredi Johnason sooms ta hoe muet omit. Wlsen tise matheatluitM for of the aisie. tema of.e ntlndfo ie i ould salve a difflicitît proitent he cit, logves me gret pleamture todai lice on tIsaI ticket altisoagh n actual tiret irees tIse equatlon of 1aI l ncis- lise attention of the bouse ii bm-ncas and reduces It ta Ils stmplest -l tbt ily-one year: agoaine cholce fbaseass ynl heen matie. t Sme.go implifi tIsa probleni a1 »qu l pbli Ile fnitlite, distingumIs the nemmarim7ami thse ~or iay. 1 congratalatis Johaay wofton, oi areoplane faame real.-From Thoreau "Ltter." euh the Deaociattc membera of le non maLking illghts ln Iana anti ex.-_______ bi% es.nt ol tise Democratlc pecta ta be is North Chicago about the Toe Oton This le tIsé Viewvie. Ilq thse counry, ýut 1 congrîtu-Miloftemn.Heasbe '« hkteseo ecerlttb h ie cousntry Iliseli. tisat dur- lii itemnh ebsbe hi Ieaha ecaultli *eti fiity-oute years nhicis have making soute ey successial lîgs t a-n ought ta gel mare manai than ashie usbîrtit there has daring his stiy ia thse neet. tisai do."" Wiat put that kind oi an tta bnoadneai and bîgnece lthe Henry Rudîger, a long ime resitient Iea i the oplIemd" w b ar eul ne - 4lau iraqs Alabama, tise ai North Chicago, pasetid way aiL jur chldron ta nork for $70 or 88» ctue neys 2: 30 o'clock tule iftermlin atmter a ion a montis. nhen ne pay our chanfurte tJidrwodday'a Illnest; ai pneumonie. White at Toast $100 and furnish them nltb Underaod Roiles. pneumionIe nie the direct cause of board andi lodglng beides?" *iflt *pb ta assure ai irlead iroins his deitis. h.lhed heen a sufferer fromnst dooktmcholtea noft tab. replied Mr. Undernaod, Bright's disettes for e long tire. ayhon?LoktmetftIelah *ceeli 1 appreclate tIhe klnd- Relatives ai the deceaseti have hiee'Ira. Tissi aln't got natisin' but edu- tOmitlie se spahen la reifa. hshe iefontecaton."-Chicago Tribune. ti9yeeLf.1Iknon ai no beI- suthat is death wdays ___________n e t>s xetde Under Niai Etate Laivi. .1512 , om aierw thatt .A mans Intereat ln tmestate s» -anher or les. ne are ta con- ScIsoal Question Cmotos Dissension. ldentIse lans aif theTUiei Statme eD l.taxing feture afiths blîl. ed ri h idl fteer tisank yau ail for tise patience, TIse petition ta wtbdran certain ter- tendheueo e ide a i Bt Iseaartm eeurtesy anutis e Slndnes. you ritory frntm the nortis echool district niegleclm to enclose hiei properti, there aisnii to tIse ciarman ai tIse la ha added ta tue soutu district se je no jury la the countryi lkeli te on nays and menas ina Isa lut a central scisoal huilding can hie convict anther man af trespassa for t islet esiffure tbroîlgb the eeected nec gi'anted an Saturtiui even, taldng a shart ct acrass one carner lng hi Counti Superlatentient i ofit.l-And, hî tise camatoken. under bav a i4W m mn!debatea le thisa ogslmpsen. Iexistlng lanm. a praperty anner nauli ,bi haveillsenMini iard foagbt coîI bave ta, enclose Iis share oi the ski agi tis ja tise place ta figit. Tlýe manihers ai the achool hoard la halo.. he coulti hope ta convct an ýb.I8eve la 5«UiglctuinlIe open. tue nortIs district contestedt tis move aviator on a charge ai treapasslma. 4. flt bellot., althougis gentle- and are very nrotb et te outcome nf S i mtvidaeaiofie bouse have thse moter anti are threatenlng ta '~eUi dti5ii lorou" and force- serve an inunctian on the superin- .11 a tise 81590 = ",»etSredyfor tIsat viens, that tendent an an allegeti techniîcaiti. "Wisy la there n great Ame, ricau relai mesaure bas @ver passet Tisey dlaIm that ise pronised tu give dramatlst?" esked the art peselalut. bosn»wtu le»s persOnal rmncor them Ino bour' graon an SaLai-day 'Because." replied theseairdonlc man» mare kindly feelings thon the billo'bc aleterojcin nt e,"hna mrcnl aal *&bave under consideralian t odmyin hc ofl hi betosadallirsîn n A m'Sp i ist-l a pable M41 cait thank îou ton much for tisatI lefe t! itado su. ot md d p frs i oiles]o 7ee conslideratlnn.- TIse otiser ide say that tbe decisian speeches hoe dopen't balIser abot tise nieq not rendereti hy tise saperinten- tl8ater. Ho gne ino politica.11 FIME WOOt. ADOPTED dent untLiltise expiration of tise ime Ine5sbe Wnol itchedute Gels Final Demotion.gom * Washingtaon, May 6. Thse final priop--------------------------------- - te tise noalacheduleo he iho ,tingl O taif lin vhich na dnoiincpd hy I 'William H. Tait ase ndviensiblp.."ý - Iad' and attackî'd by tise ietmocri-tsN O T IC E tal ls theat congres.ns, jkidfirnm qiier nith thse demolition ai schpediîie K. aometimee referred 10 as 'cîtauel of e protection" A pi-ot 'sas. 'igor ouly madie againat tisa praposal ofl h h c go ? a ]e ta tua free list. flail I nst disaniler tg commerce and tis e Daioraiti'sr t' yparty'-but niti tie sp-i ch naing1twé g a w ai nente neviool s i, ropiad liqt slence. I~ ryterc~ on vlhs. i voce vote, tise ayo. Iroaîing the a r hi teleble chai-aioai coca. PTh Haue Nltsy 7.5t -- Ther Sllps. ers to the south side - - - Sperisflta ecoid"ed hi.ts WPraicotilan court nifsi-itrationeto' p raspectively $11,000 aid $'.'h"~fl automcars Canaisoftiseseizare of th'froîTelch b y « .1 8FJ «leamers Carthage anti Maaoubiaidur ltiilnTuc remeted Saturday afternoona Wasington, Miy 7- Si-C"Il Ari 4t AU~EtÀN LOCAIS mattedeostof the plat-ýWM belita , p9ffl u 05Wr O~ ijot Uk1ir Th srie t i' l"e t1nris Attorney 0e00A90Fiad'tlMBOtOd Thse cOBditmOi O etorge .Wgbbnrn ilwlnda LleWah The setraie ather Ampu anneries Ofbusiness ,.ln Cblcus od"Y. aiStthe Ian. McAllater boapital"a * IW .Hwln fLl, ahte'enr «hrCopn tK- Attorney Peter ,Jargonnanol àsonsewlat ilproved i"da. He mnu- iting Wlth ber parents, Mr. and noqba, Wls.. took on a serions aspect business visitai in Chicaga itOdaY. fened an operation for appendîcitis ýAi Wait of County street. Tuesday nigbt. Thse strilters. nam- The sewing cire eOf the JilsOn Cbap laist Baturday nlit he local Elisa-wtll lnitiate a large "bering more thon 160, are maluing el-elhdaui-aymtngo&Yate U .Jn*ogo fCicoad ser of new meniberB this evenlng for'ts ta get the. enfirn force 0o!150()et rhel.n -aumein odya ts n. Jat ne Bnis iChigaande aiir Sheridan rond clubrooans., men emDloyed by thse cOmPanY te herchf eilguptect 8en« nn ete gI he Monte Carlo Girls- wll appear loin thein. A heavy guard waa main- I TIsegaWOI'laaicapeandif8 U ti.ct sethe rfinbogsecital laes'attg i te Schwartz theator tomorrow tiîned about the plant urin, h dY are being shown suhi day. by a large audience.. lng. Mayor Head tek charge In persan The L C B. A. wll give a Mai PartY Thewrk eti costructlng the new panisis war voterons meet tonigbt althtIe plant and saloons ID the neigh- tmro vnn I h'amr K . . teau. (the old Elki§ Hall on borhood were under close watch. I 'si an ' .al- theatre building on North hieneaee ion .street. to a nae plans for The Daugbters ai the GI. A. R. and wi hpomss abea eJY sl treet lo progreissing rather alowly. marti day. their friends will be entertained Tmro eininthMhOs ayrBdgradCmismr lieuDoly Cambes rtured t.Thmda eveing Ma gth bYMM-cbureh the Schubert Club anulsted by Dietmneyer attended a convention bae 1home un Belvidere sitreet fiter (olegrove, aasfoted by miss Howard, Ming Ruth )femenway, will give a con- In the la Salle hôtel in Chitago, ta- oytng a vieit witiî her ne. at ofSt. at the former's home. 874 Grand Ave. cert ani entertainment. day. Ire Academy at Dubuque. la. Everyonn attendliig the social ta re-. The school boys Mnd girls act aP- Work et remodelling tise Berry .'e weekly roller skating party wîîî quested ta corne representing some peurlng ath risn tisis week la building les balted because of a fallut. hedti vn t henaala ocacornt a declded bit with the large oi atone ta arrive. The stan. was; idrill hall and a largo flamber ai Graduatesaio the Chicago Theologi- aldiences thal attend.shpe vra ee ag bu bs Il people plan to attend. cal semlnary wili recelve their dIPlo. Thse Trihe of Ben, lur will hold a iallil ta arrive. se Martha Society of the Swedlsh mas at the grssluatlng service ta bo meeting tua s vening In thse Waodman Thse fumerai ai Peter flekson, wbo seran church meets at thse home 1beld tonlgbt in tbe First COngrsgetit b aIl and a social lime will iallow thse cammltted suicide by sbooting hlm.' Mms Axei Gustaison on Grand &ae-' al church oi Chicago. Amffg the regular business meeting. sel In\the bead while under thse In- atomorraw atternoon at 2 olock. graduates fron tbe German institute Tomorrow evening at the Maonic huanceofa liquor. was IseId tuis al- Because Chnistie Hoilstellflli un- wllli h. Gutav F. Merlins of Wauke- Tampl@ the local 0.lE. . fi. nl enter- ternSn, wits hurlaiIin Oakwaod cen- tta serve as secretary oi the Waut- gan. tain thse Racine and. Kenaisha Cbap- eteni. gan High Sehool .Xltimni Associa- The Sun bas recelvedl a very In- ters at a dinner.Thtuesofhele r.Gms thdis ynar. ('larenc Wetzel, Tues, teresting comnmunication fromnta resi.-- ameM. Cooi! ai Chicago. aged*$, TOfneraiWa h io teetrs. Gam yevening, wîs ele<ted la 1111 thse dent oi Zion signed 'A i>gusted In- secured a lîcense in Chicago Tueedlay ai etoarlngtoreeng la e. dependent." and we nul print It lra- ta -marri Mn. Rozilla Aliord. 66 years heldlonaort h ra of thelng a nin Mesdames Reynîolds and UAtcbfield vidlng we. personal' know wbo the old. ai Highland Park. lite Conception wits hurlI n St. I entertain the Kings* Daugbters ai writer le In order ta malte sure lie le The music pupils ai Perry Harris, Marias cesnetery. eBaptlst ohurch ut tio, home of Mns. aa, jndeîîendent rather than a 'olis'a jr., assed by Newton Fln, gave s T. Reyniolds, 121 Noîrth St. James Ite. If be wnul send us bisi4 ame. we very pleaising and entertaînîng cial Mr. anu ,x,-. .rank yaeieaini. P. J, reot, Tîursday aiternooti. uli retalin Ilu confidence and wnl last evening la the Methadial church Hite.b<'nck ad the Misses Flaorence. drii eamnitheLay Vkigsprtnt the contribution whicb refers t i whlcb nas weil attended. lIazpl. Etisel and Elepn Newton, Th rl mo he Ld t tnlb te recent election and wbich le% very ereai,.R.Gbrct ith pent Sanday with %Ir. and Mrs. WiI. 'ne charge oi the uni-k to lnittate a SceayE .Gbeh fteY ~n 2Js nt te 1giwodla;.pointndly statnd 1 M. C.A. tadaî movmi mn bis new 1lim f lidinger ai 69)3 West Water leveniug and a large nuniben i Tismrlg nof -irh fti office la the Y. M. C. A. building. lie street. mbnns nilI acciompafty the-teaqe-e T hismdte n e i-tion carrfdthe lias ee ocîpying an office nitb Xl- The fane rai if the loie Henry Rud- The Kenasha cu-îil took the ti-st narriage of ýNIRs-".lion Flood ni Waou- îtrneys «ans, King and Diver. lger ai North Chicago *111 bu Iseid ta- p ta figbt tho advancing typhald kegan ta Ludwig Gunz afi iiilwaakee. Tii.a4lissionary Society oi thea Prs morrow aiternoon at twa o'clock at Idemic in Kenosha %fonday evening Mr. Gunz le bead oi the recruiting hyterlan churcb witl h entertatlted thsehomne. Elghleenth otreet and Park oen by a unanimoîs vote thse nater stationan laMilwukee. Tbe yaung tomorrow aiternoon ai the homte of avenue, North Chicago, and thrse nmmlson nas dinectedl ta procfed couple loft for points ln Wisconsin Mme George Lyon on Sheidan Roed. acoke h emn Ltea once ta thse Installation oi a plant and on their return will mîke their Mrs. Wilitam Strang entertained the churcb an LiLke street In Waakegan. wthse treatment oi the water ai tbe borne la Milkaakee. Miss Flood la Young Women's Guild oi tse'Congre- interment la the maupoieum an ty wilis chIorite ai lime. Thseei- one ai Waukegan's hest known and gatianal cburch this aitejisoon at berlOrand avenue. .MA ,1S.S.Stre 118 WashingtonSt., W&uliegan Do you kuow there is a btter store now at 118 Washington Street, seflmg botter merchandiso at the lowee'priOW, or in other wordz, we rata il a t wholel pricos. There ar au yrao wy ocn underseil ail othors, but hero are two plain, simpl reaonstha cWot nd lllnot bedlputd e are locatad just 49 stops froni the high rouI di- trict-a savig of thousands of dollas .tru this money over to youM1r.Consumer. Last Bat- urday our traveling overseer told us ho would b. on the lookout te pi'ck up f romthe largest manu- facturers the crpM of their goods at gacriflce prices and ship teu. We have Bt aside Friday and Saturday tb demolistrate to you and prove t o you it :iil be te yur advantago te, corne hore and save in the unapproachablo values. ereworsteds, Scotch- !n ad cheviotii le and of the fauC= he and stripes that balong te the soason.. Il 15 your piieete buy e.- = enad pay $15, but if $5 is worth saving thon corne hors; buy it for -r-- Pay Less for Your Hat Don't think that because the pricos are reduced there's somo- tbing wrong wlth the hats. Not at ali. AUl our bats are manufac- turer's samples, the best tb gel. H-atsfor $leOO sort bria dssats, iai 6 lunshaes n colora hail sisatahe rems- * and able priceof . ..o. . . . ...!- Mon'r. Sham %<1 IRaincoats $4 $YJ Oxfords $2,50 Menis serviosable shos i FurnshIus ai gun-metal, cal!, veIouP, tan, Fura hini ai i*ýý cal! aid patent Ilaler, bigh tee or freak Reuluced Prlces hasta, i button, lace or ôOc silk soi for ... .25c blucher styles; excellent 75 epKool union street or dresa shoes that 75c Kep 801 for * 3.00, Prhday and suits ......... .4cS' aturday for 500 (saibriggan Undor- shirts and drswers 42e 25 Men's SOc work shirt,11a&ilcolors . 38 Monle Mouldors Shoos, fire- proof------------...$1.95 35c underahirta"di4 awers for ....... 24c hinola or Two-hn-Oie Pol- Mens $1j5, $2, $g» 0vestafor-------..69 ish, box .........6c shirts for.................. ....... 79c 4,95 $600 EngIIsh stipon or rab- Cosa; guaranteed te be par- fectly waterproof; ail aises, sells everywbera for $6, F1- day and Saturday 49 at ............ Men's Serge Pants ...$1.69 box, per colla .........5c MoeELS.(&S. STORE 118 Wl ËT., WAUKýGÂN--49 BT EPSO MN i IOSI RENT DISTICT. 1

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