Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 11

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PRIflÂY ______ ', ~ MLfl6>19i3~. Te. ifi CGIJNCIL FORWALLY RE- JECIS PROPOSITION 0F ACREAGE IN NEW CEME- TERY AND WILL DEMAND CASH. Is RIGHT WORTH $50,000? MASS MEETING CALLED AT WHICH CITIZENS WILL EXPRESS WHAT THEY DE- SIRE COUNCIL TO DEMANO la itworth frorn .1t 0$8.005 th h.village of Highwood 10 ha Va the new Parthenon oettry iocated with la à Mile of the. City limite? Many of the nuidant anard officiaIs beileve li la and that'a why Tuesday *venling, May lSth, the city courici turn.d down the proposition mode by the Partiienon Comsetery and Mauso- leum Company and later rejected a couriter proposition submitted by the company. 'hu1i .wljert djouroméot was taleri, Tuesday ci-ehing, tire cernetery Pon44 14.ny officiais were -up lit the air" b.e- cause lhey couid 4,01lfigure ou, t at t he <'Ilv walit, Ta Havesa Mass Meeting. And rite officIais and cltteme plan t0 let tierntknîow and1 lit ttre I mixif4 i &te future itlst. for, a masq, meeting of ettizeris lias been Caiied for Tues' day. May 20t1,. at whicb time those present wil be asked Lta express their feelinîg# au tu what the Cty should de- mand. Il lit generally feiu tiaî1the Cty wili ask a bonus of: FROM W5000 TO $W0000 and Ste have the promorers of the cs me- tory guarantte to psy Bohool taxes on the 80 &crée of land jurt as long as the cetery la maintain- e0 within a erir of h.e Cly. The cosîpanys proposition ta the City was tiret the Cty be given tbree acres of land for use of Hlgbwuo)d resu dénts. the City tu get thé - r, crn- tberefrom..Thé ctys perinis,ilon tf. permit the cemtery tu operat- 4444x fléêenasry becauae it ls within a utiie of the City limita.. The counceli reject- éd Ibis offer Tuesday atter Il hb enî off tor nome w.éka. Courrter Proposition. Then the offtcers présient sald they wouid maire a couniter proposition,ý wbereby tley would contract ta pair the ocbool toi on their 80 acre tract' @quai ta what li would h. in cane Do c"etery was opemed Ibère. s cerne. tory ordhartiy bainsiImmune fram ait @câla taxes. Thé taI wouid reprnmot4 about 8100 a year. The couni considered thé mattet, a short tMmeand then voted ta turn' il fown and ha Cal a Mansmeeting of otizeps next Tuesday everting. The cenotery site bias aireaily been pOirhased froint he Sweeneys for $23j4, il bec tep rmoters will have to 4ît ogeter wtthe Cty tin aume Vamoner. Maoy lan(the iocality bavle iiupa iglît againest baving the ceme- tory located near tre Cty and it viai due ta titis opposition that the counçi. fid malters back for séverai weeki What Th ey Vil111Ack. It la generalir' feit the City ' nu d mnard,foliowlng the tmass teetlng,any ithere front $26,000 to $58,0100 cashai'&-, a contracitfrou thte Cri pny wierebý tbey wiagréé to pi'eaéli yéar ai stm ejili a -4at tre 0011001 taxes au thée acreage wouid amount to 1n c ge tbe cemetery were ont there. Ti olty plans maiklng tiis large enougb tu provide for any exparfslou In thé future. lt 100ka as if the 'city reallY bas theScemetery Company whéré t dan dernand aimoant anything wthila ç reason and 5et t, for taemnetery dannot ha stal3éd intil the permiasIoi haié been obtàined f romn the Cty. , The site standsh Juat vwest of the clin~ limita. Ce w.1Ç,STR ARCI!rI1EfCT, *hwartz Building, Ges**le and Wsli Leonard J. ULiz. Reaident Repré- tentative, Phone 447. ART .$IUBÊNT ACCUSf O 6Gri Charged vvith Seing Lookoot fer San Gang of Thieve ( a rics. 'I' , %la y 14., Jok, -le (llfion, a t4444 logemagirl[iof -iid fainiiy, a .î r, ,, h-4. 4 ,,Ioud i ri. haR been 40h1àv(tfil of roinplieiîv QSfi 5,-rot,, ,4 ai 14,' h,,,i' here le 44ira 444444 444441 4).,arl.-t'and c41e vam 14,4rii i, .4-, i . ' 14î.- 44,t,..out' n b. lightî 4.4 th, h',grîaîy of a t4igh Sire d,4',ar,.-ý hi-ht,, i ofhrv hel iL- '44 I 4,. ,4,,i4, f sh44ea 44144 hi,, lic-S 44i. fil.. I4Ai t aiîy 4urgar u A> A li.g 4 ~ Q44 [4 terp"t and atteofloal. Ace, il,,g4, ltel CHANCERy NO!rICE. gîxvet, ta the -4ail ahove Dnsed de tir!- ff àyOIrm leA. «O.*'Io1a, ratt,-r,zeinstationai Oiaitl nd 444 t. Circuit Coutrt ofLai~ke- ('ou1 <>'n > 44't r . 4 .4 4c 444 f(fut'4aic ,44 ,,,!ig ia! ior.- attention thar, f4- ' '44 i-r Ternit, Ç . 4 44 i i-a:t~. n 4-.'F'niwd lir,, b iio C i,' ir, j, ii ît: xi> ' il<4K.' a 4.b, 4ue titure ar0414*~4 , ir o4wn ta Georg~e 4 KIxr- Ait,- 4,i-,, han, 4a,. 44m0,44 1h., 444 n 44ai- defendants , au. fit44i no oIe inr ar,41Ill,,,, 4. 1' 4jÂganLîgKrr ad r.i,1 , , 4Cierk. 5 AL!.FN.FEELPERS 1fha41i-, -,ritîail rhilii '4., '4 ,44"U i n jj, nos,, ' ,tr , ýatu âîi-î41, 44'II 4>44,444444,1>4 <249 un 44 4fini 4,f f lw ýi,, 4r, ut4'4tei,4a S- olicitor. TIe ad oePi ,sl(rn jn ,ldii, reqîite 4414,14or 4li a'n, ,et f, 'r44t4oia ~a< '4441 , 4a4. i-044 inoi-, 4May 121h, A. 1D. Il agie front smix trito îi, , t. 1 '414 e1.1,o qId ue llMli..wco rt ol, l a% i î, hrugî 44-ir('4444 m l , P_ i04,. Notice 4!S lhere4f,,re 4 L> er,,,,lu,, aidL tk,- 44>444,4. ni,) 4, 4 fi3Ia 4442 tJad y a itiCI(lire E41 w'ai-ilm, ha4 ,un a buit in î'irr uIt mrot , ,,4,44y, for $24,04i4î avaI.ý i,, 4 ,e 4 4ý ,ta 4,'," ,-4 i4-~.î4,dam!t, 4 i 44. 44'o4, , oiea,,, of 41th,-ir 444454 i -,re 4-'. o-y , a , .44444444,C .4i 4444 >14e a4"itu4 4, t 444',Ili.. 4 Irferene Obvlous. ker4,'ni l- 44444 it4444r 44!,,t444-4 , Reggle foyer on a viit-*Do ycu .dr4ttti, ,,44ii 0r4,½ ,4444141 know, id citap, i thinit that vuig&lihi, 1i-tiha4'4 , 14'4k', felow o ver there inaiuled mer?'A mer i,> ' 4t . r'44444~ 444 4, rt rend *'You thltî,f a? "la 4'4'-4,4, 4444 44f44 41445 hé gay?"' Reggle-~f'*hy, he Bug ~ ~ ~ 4444 4 44r gesteaf in a very rude manner thal il1Ahi4,4,4h4M444", 4 411, beén Idie i bqueath toy head to a s CoUaru-button îactory." 4t444 ' 44IIl.44 14- ,,d aus h iear. jtatp of inias, ,'ounry ,of 4ake, C ircuit Court of i akc i aur, t'., 4 icf4 ber 'Terni A.t>4D.4 ',,r4- 1 hlurgemBt, Jennie 4 4444Il. <,~44 4ain iE. C î,lî o,', 44r '4 , 4' ulnhiirg,, or 44 i 4 i fi,~ 'e. ,4r>'hlbaî, i >, -r iii of >04444'!f, ha114-, 11A4'4,4, . 't 444 (hi44 if1 ýr 4m 14e 44'> 4, 44', f4.-re,,4 ,r 4,444 r4444,f. 444'44 ii,44,I44m f44h ,4,1 4,4 r4, ,.. 4 ri ,'4..f 44.' i-ai .',! 444.44'. 444- . 4, 4.> 4, 44 4'utti4i, 4 44441 444> 4th-- ,44,444,... 4444 ,r 4%%,44,44- i a,,4 IaI 44444444r 4or igal 4>4.- '4, or4 f144> 4r.- , ru, 4444,4 4>1444444 >rv n1,4,e-, 4,,r t . 1 111 s,,, of $41 4444 Thege men are defenazantt- Michael Wagner, oI Vo4b Matti,,4,5 Heiîer, MrHenriy. Malt lfower, M' Henry. Artion ngpl,n MrI-n!' y 444 4 444' 4 l44 ii-4 là- 444> ' l444i 4444U444,4 44 Ii-i, and 4 04 ' Ar K444 ,,4 r 1>44,'a144 ,,il 4 l l4. i 4>>,i i'444 ,, 4> \>4 4444 4444 ir4 1' i,~, 4.444 4 Ir w i jiî.4,4 >444. 4> 44. à 44 [ t rial4,, 44 . 4->4 4 r f44 .ir.-Il blr u4144>4 44-, d ti , A rItI4,,i'i 414 , 44444 1,1l-tler antd 44,.4,4,.4 4 ' ý 4 , 444 414î~.4 444 A 4 444 4444 4444444, 4 Tu '-i.4 1, j 44t4 4t4, and,4 of4 M> I,rf,.',gr- I, "" p ', Io >Il 4.4444,44 444 14 l'id4.4 I444 ,4. 4444444-ny, No ,'!. 44444 ',444, 4>4> .4 >,, ha I44dt 'I I, 441'44,4 4.41 4~4,The Neasiey Case filai a 4,Uîiiioti4iî4 i4 4erii j.rkiss4Ijd 4444 ,t ,, , 4 444444 ,,>, 4a'4lroi of Sald < tri 4ava444!4 theliii-> 44 ">>".- ai, 'ai( 44444 ,I,, ,, -4 0m,,î i,medd, 4f ,-iiai .'1t , 4 I i i l , 44>, .4.4 is,4, > 4' . C'ourtl(If1 4.k 1 4 44(444. il, , 4,. 44'444 ;I the Court l44ot4 [il,>\ >>4. '4ao4il,44jjd %larihi A. 4>II î 4 ,,îî4 t14,4f g A 1la 1, ' 'lii,, dt,î1'4 44. 4' 44~~~~~~~r-a4~~IrrkiI aIria, , i'.44. 'a,>4: I4,4 414 4444.4444444 , I ..', Iv 4y la% and444i'4, hi,4 , fti i t \a 4, 44 '4, 4 4. 444 4.4-V'.IS 4 1i4l<44 44 Ia,4 441art III diiai-,', and Il, 4 alîr ledil Itu( Itl i . Tomorrow I's Your Last Opportunity To Save from $5.00 to $10.00 on that New Suit TO-MORROW is the final wind-up of our Big ' Special Purchase Sale of Men's Clothing. It's your Iast chance to get your suit at the big saving that this sale is offering you. Our buyer was lucky enough to be in New York when the Eastcrn manu- facturers were clearing out ail their surplus stock at bi, ;acrifices, and îîurchased these choie suits at such a Iow I)rice it'it if enables us to offer them to you i h orfloig~op at iiese (,unusuial re-ductions. $ 12.50 Suits Tomorrow, ât - $ 7,95 $ 16.50 Suits Tomorrow, at - $1 1.75 $22.50 Suits Tomorrow, at - $ 15.85 $30.00 Suits Tomorrow, at - $ 19.75 44 4al U4. ei44441show t rsîigî.(01, îîîîîî - jîe\ jîd , '4lîîstî-î1 aîd îîuueltv i 1 a 4g aie* v II l, 1-i i si - i l tlies, îIievks aund '4eljsH in t, glii<, tani 1Ilii mii î es, iin f \ 4 îand iii bl 4itton m1144(e144, in 141(41(1 -iililIh i'lîl elle t, iil,-iiiilg iii i<s'. II(serIinîait and 4 lisi roi n l 1apeIls in Engtisli and eo4<ifl r- 1 1goi l S , Witli lt]i i 141"S q4d4f î(i a i r . se-i~, (- a id '.. i-St ed. h osui fs .4ijt ".iIl -i .e .11 41 11 resatisfai t1,io in I s ' fi t and1 v: l i 1. 4 1 ; 1ît ti1 vi (-fîI es <îlhi v îlli i ' alue4IU s t luiti t l11 1k 1 it1 U -, 1 f 11Siv'4 v 11 1 Iii' 'S1)i4',gtultss 1 Special in Boy's Clothini Boy's Norfolk and double breasted knickerbocker suits, $4-00 values, specially priced at $2.95. Boy's ail wool suits, values up to $6.00, $3.95. Boy'salal wool suits, values up to $8.00, at $5.50. Russian blouse suite, $4 values at $2.95. Russian blouse wash sùits, $1.25. Boy's $5 top coats, special, $2.95. Boy's knickerbockers%, special, 37c. B9y's blouses, veryspecial at 19c. Bargains in Men's Furnhgs Men's regular $1 shirts, -of soisette silk, at 65o. Men's dresa shirts, $1.50 and $2.00 values, at $1>15. One lot of $1.00 and $1.50 ahirts slightly soffle, 5& One lot of 50c shirts, alightly soiled, special at Mev. 25c balbriggan underwear speeial at-19c ~ 50c balbriggan underwear, specalý35c. $1.00 union suite, tomorrow, portauit Mev 50o full mixe mualin night shirts, at 39c. One lot of $1.OO, $làO aDft hatàat.,95c.. P¶sno uyers A!I TE -ONte A few days ago we promised' you announcement. Here it is: Be at our Salesrooms Satùrday, May 1,7 This $500, piano,, 10 year1 positive guaran- tee,. free deliery, stool and scad f Ifyou want to save over You pay a speciai As éarly as yOU cali s' per weeà M LWAY7& CO. t~North Genesee St., Wauhe' " STORE OPEN ZYERY EVENMG. "4~44 -Rom bi W-9 mie .etan Iot; op f. mfk .*g- bt* daim

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