L&XI O~TYF&DAY, MÂY 16,1913., Fox Lake Weekly eiw BY ZÂOK IRA" ' ~ MissesFra.esO'Doyle, Evs Naroh and Bath Bu s lasgustof Mr. aud Mde. F. J. OBoyie, Êatrda sud Bun- Mnm. J. 0. LAy sud daughtsrJooepbioe ofJobnlsbuvg, viaitod Mr. and tire. Joe Mes Jâas. Hayek etrtalned Mr@. J. Mdarkowitt.'Siturdoy sud Îuuday. Bart and Bd Bouiden attend.d tho opening dam sta Nelis ipavillon Wednes- day svounii. Mies@Rogina Hoff visited at the homle ot ber parente at$pring (irovetiaturday. Mrw i. Kraues and daugi ter Pearl, oi Willi,àmà Bay, Wl.., are vstlng Mir. and Mrs, Outlelb tBenne. Me. J. M. Mibean et Chcago. vas ln evidance st the i.rldence ai Mr. aud Mr. Edward Lang Bainrday. tir. and Mr@. W. K. Kimbali negoi.iatod the ditance beivoeso I igieide and MeHenry, Banday ln their iupmohiis. Cbistophor Laiz,sxponentoaipastorl pleasures avers that ne made a busness trip tauGChicago Monday. ,Louli lua of Ingleside han enteved the Éervitce ot the fiarbaugh Lumber Co. George Wison 4ateofotChicago, ilnDov engaged aitdis tSchultz cigar factory. Mr@, AI. Branche. the. neted ragtime pianist. wvb a vas rmerly Miss Clama Dovinger. a popular aommer girl uf Foi "aJe. basl arlved for thé. nommer and viii aci-py the Devengor cottage. Henry Stanton bas sntered the. service of alarge Nursery Co. mid in no w pre- vith a eboice linsol fruit and obade Barbin Brtith. afableerglan trip te Fai Lake, Wdneeday. J. C. Diener and (iotiehb Benne made a tlying tri&&te Mobile, AI, Mouday wbere Mr. Hsuas m.ae a purchase of 60 acre oflan lathai vicîity. M adiu.Edward Cabilli et the. V au wee at hbuie 01iMr. aundis. TeSwd Sping of Lbertyville. attsqidtd th. opauîng den the l (loalCaino, Saturday. tirs. R,hbert tiaypesand MeAr@ Thom& oi bicagu, angaged ta violet pk-àlinu cotest Wedusdayv undar the direction of Miss Ethai Spicas. Tii. 75 borsespover force pnrnp ex ploded Tusadai pttiugc the plan toui oi commission until ïriday viien repaire vers efleted sud aperatioueaumed. Au cascotive meeting of the FeÀ Lake bas elli011club vas hid aitte B.d Top houa, tWrlayveing vhen arrangements w ers htade to gîve a batilthe Ltter part of May fur tho eneit ai the club. Tb@ foioviug ofilcers vers elcted. H. L. Scot, manager; Fd Twe.d, captain; Jas. llerv, sertary and tbeourer. de. H. iM. Circle, vbo condueted thc auterl Uppincott mions 1902-8-4 bas vteeatejred buinessil the Fox Lais region aseumiug the management et the ipplucoti fur the coiing meason. An olciting game 0f base bail was fpuled oflat I ugle.ide Snnday vhea the n leide Stars defeated t ho Oldîlmern by a score oi 25t3 t 27. -Dec Wiliey wlelder ai tha "pili shooter" aud exponent of the. physic bail pttbed for the Oldtimere but oving ta treneous social dutBes atInbgle8îde aud Lake Villa and proeisional caii St the Coet farm, vas. unabie ta develope preper forrn. However he made a brave atteoîpt; baring ie rîght iran ta bis lbov lie &iliveced "m)t balle galors until the ilttioining. viien ha retlrad sud vas yaiilaeeid 14~ a relay ufthtrea otiier pîtcbers. rbe opvosîug teaute vili try contclusioîns egaîn nudt Suday. rsrsbents a reqaest thut vas obeyed vwith olaritjr b, tii. alrt valSer vhs. oaipalited a trgy mt aus myrie of 45 Tblup"wvs.tii. mason a tii. (?lonisli aae1coualy opened and veyUl nov haea plethoras of "grand opining" until about Jane lSth b, vhs, yl settie down tu trio. egular routine of ammer mort business. Mdanagter Juounon.leautifing tii. groudeansdottinq out shado ires and le encting a Pergola tdisaetire iengii ai tho building, 160 test on ilhe .ootb eMd and later on b.e plans to build a dancing pavillon 100 feut square. The. Strug.gie for Prestige Did yoa ever aspire for greaier honons tibm your preet vocation aBfords? Did Yen ever euvy iiç emnieneuce ot yoar eleegue.? Tia stnaule for ptsîge leuniversai ail preading un- coaslng and prevades the enîlme burnn race lie laver anomual atone mseauiigly centent ta perpue the ev. t tnon oi their vaye vitbaut a desire ta eoute tuas bigiier de g e.. Appearantly m.veliuig in a mea of perfectioîn roua whic-la lire te no devistian. The asea utit pi-m formsd in the. same menuer f,,r ail tht. Hev diffaient vitiithe buîîîau acs. Fnoui the. tiios iisy are enie tu cooceles 01 hies» compisaities, tbsy are engaged In& coastant stcnggle ta surpase tbelv predecfesn and eclipse tiair asmeiatem and drag iom tic pedetal oi fana... those tbt bave already aehileved great- nee". Tiié meut pieblan individuel. viti mediocre talents; a mersltli- tuai pigmy. wvîhient a single edemlng r nuit.,vîJi coucelve an Ideal of 50mB e-ciption and cideaver ta simlate the @ans, vhlisethune st aha e amived at viat i decvb.d as the si-' oi great- Des by tiaso beiov îiem.oil besail tisir fate and reiterate tb. Intelligence ta tbein i.lm orinate iseoclates tuat they have onIY IbagI u aa-qutreao meager sdtenane., trainthe fountain ot inowleýdge. bave imerci,- s-rist-heîltht. surface. mu ta speak. Thum the tmuiggle eî,utiuaoss vithaut sbâtew-tost th wiui e.gu i a la-up aud sali coîntinue ste presuma until Illaierty and th utîreit Of ba'ppînessa bacotuas ,ne grand synaîthîn nv pence-. -,)tjtutri,ent sud utîaîlilterateti balpinems. W HOOL CaTIE Evelyn Iiuenting vas sUbîcago vietan iouday George Schiultz ai Chicago, viite Omr v-bjon i Mnday eiiernuoîu lienrietta (joli vas lu Chiago Tues- day and Wdesday. Any bonk@ sutahi. for children s il iiaiikfully eccepted ion oun ihreny. Tb~s baring perfeet attandance Marks fur the manti are: Keubryn Halpîn. George Stanley, 'Iargaret Langebein. Clama Laniels. Elle, Knsc, Lillian Kazauleke and Lloyd Sbhuliz. Edvard Jielinesséy vipited la Chcago Tueeday. Heurietta (olI aniad tlrimnlutîurti, grade ibis mtuîb. Katimyn Halpan lu thîrd, Auna Borsen in second anîd Kls Kec ila tirt The attendance ion the pesi mnonti in the prm rnnm ha. beau extremeiy gtond.rlTaso room bas nov tsventy-etx pupîls. tic average attandeaifon tie monti beiug tventy-iour. Witicbcll P.ulden vas a Cicego viita nTueâday. Floirence sud Ruth OBo.ylevert. in Chicago Saiumday uo snppmiuijrg expedition. lu tii.. stertvu', ait-oi. panied [y Inueude tii.-> atten&dja muatinee. Colonial Re-opein5 IVOLO Tihe Colonial Camiuo, ouni fth ib lov ............ ________- Itîs-es nitFOX Laie vas ablaevatb Mr@. Wili Duntîlli and Mrs. Jaem Ker- siectnie liguta Saurday uîgbi un a recut ni the oçtenig bll, uiaving panture aud van vers McBlQûry callers lest va-k. cabaret Mhov. %I-r. C. G. Buson sud Marlon vlsited A Neri@-soft tenty-iive incandescent lest Friday and Saturdlar vir'ti Nrtii tiectri - lîghts liastiied. toti iraîn enuti Jude ut the buldig, îîsralel vwitithe tirs. HeumY Raymîond et lgii esces.illlumanatiug ths levu whievclatt Tue tarnia-rse rauud Vtît 10c fin mars blzd forth fImnitie frtontoth e iii dinte ring building and for gond macaurae- iteretdl b rias-ctîits addlttoual bulbe ohad tiair rajiance ilu11bela meeting at ThotmeaFelesls tue vestibule. Friday evening to decide on wlii-h wam Thfli dsncing pavillon wae dacncsted 1,mseed, au opeua ditcb om tilt' TIt, 'vitt iSaga and a hageJapanese umbrelia majority voted tarian open ditri. formuid a doms an ibis conter, wvilie clusters ni varions coianad lighe siioad Father Reeevas a veai end e itar devu n nshejevele and bain ornisnets et Chicago. oi the ismale centingent csusiug ihear bead gear ta scentilate vitiithe bruii- Mr. autns r.Oe. Bason ai Rociford. tance oi crevu diaunonde. Brncnse'@s ye in Vola Sunday atternunt- !NI r. orchestra poured forth a valume Hueon expecis to remain ln tuis iciuitv plesing dance mlodies that evaked a tom a tîise. respenivs movement on ths Part devoteeo ofiths ligit lantastil sud __________________ aiortiy ater thc elipicai surface et the hall room flon vas covered vith a O e in a c vbiriing mass ai Terpsycbarean artieits, __nî g Da c latent apon enjoying toe bfull exteni of the Boason at the this least of pleaseure sa geaemouly provided by the management. the uoted cabaret entertatuer vacallzsdK asetR s r veny elleauly; the lyrice issing ram Johnsen & Fa-nei, Props. his Internai regoun Lnding vent througi bis vocal argone, passiug on ta is IF OX LAKE, ILL. mouli vicrq ti. vords vers bitten off into propen lcugth and biovu eut ia Saturdav Eve., May 17 the surouding atmosphers, di.turbing J. tus moiecuies and seiting upu virbratlon - Good lhuelb. that carss.ed the car drams oftthe auditore In a pleanlng rcas'ner, crsauqg Everybody Woloome. wiid etlausism end tereinatlng ru ___________ .elIs for an encore, a rouet that vas igracluahy re.ponded tu bly thineor. The Bi Dan ce jTii. pernnmace wvasrpeatcd hunday e'\veniug-to an entusiastle audience fà- Sequ m 5f . gvs.by fths wihteexception 0f a change ef01i~ irora or the. "movies". , .E x65 J. Lz.E ..&A tieo. Llnn. the notsd biltrlonic artiet, 'Tesepian sud expouent oi tabioid BA.ITI CLUtB drains, gae a t"etre party mc entrtalned a numberof r ! ondeat table -ArT hp.. No. 2, ov igit, ably aeisied by C l n a "~ " Captain Geo. Niggomeyer, vho hasthly c si ,A4n a.smblod a crev o volautfer b&uladets VOX LA~N ILU . etise "Larboaârd Wateii" rariety, vlo gsai»»0 mproptu rndionoih amueoatflsd Ors .01 . [Doinga aand esyiugsof 'Grayslake Ovýdmsg Tkes' for uJob W.rk Advertiins Rite On Application Me. Aimai Folon movod into the C. 0. Mmth houme Monday recentiy purcbasd by Chas. Wlgbtmaas. Mr. lloith and leiie moesd Into , their daughter's bouse. Mr@. Mary Adamn@of Atioeb, caied on fialnds hbesTaesday. James Tueker of Wioiegan. i s@pend- ing a few days viii, hit fatbem'bere. Mr@. Hubbard and tamily ni Cicago, have rentthe fuicmînsr hotel ona Grays- ie nov owned t'y W. F. SiacLacilan of Chicago. Mir. Keovai. former oprator et ths Son depot le nov loeated St Tiaree. Carl Piotz and Misis DeGirail ver.- naarriad Saiorday eveing ai the home oi the bride saiths Wicks farm. Eani Thomoon traneacted business at Foi Lake Monday. Mies Daimy Doolittie and Pimter Ruth înotored te Waukfgan saturday. Jp,.s Longabeugh ani fatiier tratsart- edlses et Foi Lai.- Monday. Law rence ?larity (i Hubbard Woodm, Is iere for the sumnner oeasefn at the Prattilartm. ruces Lake. F red Ebrwîne and wifs have rentadl the. baery ehp recently vacstaýd by Misses Ad& ltaioro and Lucile Webb of Waakegon' spent 8unday t te B. J. Laiue home. Ted PrenticeootChicago, les pendlng a tew dayé hors. A lady'. black for Dock olece ban, bren iouud aithob Grailaise opera bouse. (ivuer may have @smoby i.li'tiifing i and p&yiDg for tbis a at E. A. Loi tue' bakery. Mc. Proctor and ltamily spent Suuday et thein cottae on thoevt-et side ni tbe lake. SIre Sam Litwllev and daughier Coma nf Iltouud "l.. aia aIed on Irinde bere Saturday. W bat anght have been a i-ire-sminus lire occurmed liet Saturday atternoon sfr li-mpcn. frem a bolitre -atîght in tht. ont oi the oid tMsade Itîtse tttriierly owued by Mir Barge, on Sluoser street. Tic ire vas velilunder vay when the boys witb the olre extiîîCu.sner sud bucliets arriveal ou the eu-ij Tbey had abotntput h eut vban tht- '-t inn'- .ee mtartid sud vater from the. isterrise m na inthcouing. Thes ire ctiA,-anrd ctitef enigineer belug bath eut t tanr, tihers se-uei ta axpericace dilicultyi n get îîng tic englue started and It eas rt-rly a hall bouc betore lit vas lu workinug order 1itug ehowlng the great ueeessîty of 'vater vomis in ouv city. Mr. ana Mro. uîrig. ajl)on't forget the churchl azser and E. B. Doolitile and fanilly spent Sun- oupper as the CongregLaional churvb on dsy in Waukegan. this Friday svening, May 193 . Mir. and Mmvi m. Brandoretter sopent Ed D>rruestraauartd business in Chi- Sunday with relatives at Wankegan. cago lWedue.day. J. W. Sehînsser and E. B. Dolittle1 F. D. Battershall vas in tht ,i ty on -e san.eng Chicago vistors Tuesday.1 buminess Thuradiy. Tb@er3paffordn returned home Sitar day having @pont »ev"r dayoi with rela- tive. la Chicago and Wheaîon. Tb@. entertainmeut given by the Beulalu Buck GCo. vas very good. Mri. Leslie Kemper of Chcigo, spent several daya vith Mr. and Id r. J. S. Don- moun res. Wm. Crominso! Wankegan. for. merly ef Milllbomun lInluthe Waakegan hoepital for an operatbon. iss Vida Jamison entertained afriend ocr Sunday front Ubertyvilla. Oe. Higgins ot Wln., pessed tbrough Milburn Sunday !nl bis auto. 'lhere are stîli sevoral familles sick eth ithe messIes. Tb@ Dodge chool wili open Monday for one week and then vacation. lu Ch paro bina, day1 lit le M r Mr Mi tivee J.j day. Mt Tyrel LAoES LA1EUM)L[AMJPJO James Triggc beit a valuable horse tirs. Mdortensea sud daughtcr Eliza- hie & let busdy.beth irnrn Eranston, vers guets<of hem Tii lest Tbur§da.eleter. tirs C. W. Bushan auj ily Satur an- Roy Joncs oi Lihcniyvillc, vited at day and Sunday.dy the l'Niel home Sunday. AilabeasfoCiac î'day e Cianu.-y Date iof Chicago, îisitt-d hereeêhe espects te @pend tiie- ,unimter inde bacc suûday. wittfîlienraut tirs. Samuel Tarraût. Mlise f.,ila 't' ahiand %lr@s Georgel Mrp. (Ian Ro)ng sudNtirsF'i-tr FI'mv Fredricks of Libatyville, vîeîtsd friands attetided the Railroad Day col.-rtitns IL' ut Gages Corners Sunday. at Waeonda Saturday. chi NMr. auj Mre b arris wi-ce Sn Wstiia- Tva Itu«loade 1mi lure atta-tfd the Mr gen Satorday. 1 daeta Wanconda Saiurdsy tîglit. ercu HarryMoggentetaind copany ldm-Albert G(iut visited t iMiton NIl ary tCiesoggh cnthe week.payLit'vîl..'iSaturdaynight and xiindlay. Kiu Hrold Ame n sd Eani Hull ni Wauka- A baby boy vas born te tir. und Mrs. Mr gan. spent Sunday et the Ames home. Er irbumMody.My121 Peter Chnatiansan and Elie Krogb tirs. John Stadtiield and son Henry, B. were mariedin aukgan undy. vene vîelîors et Jack Stadtfields Oune de veremarled u Wuisan tuatay. day lest yack. tire. J. B. Keller aud Miss Gertrude StreBaen t'eterknrt and Nana Peter- Msaic-om vislted et the home oi Silas bort viaited A. M. Wblt'& gaturday. Warght ai Libetyvilla Sturday. HieIaîe ra iwue u MesdmesTînes Mgg nd vanKatie Au.ann frmum Librtyvllle, vans Lawrence @peut Mouday viti Mis. goants ut Jîae Amanus Sondai. SIogats maîbher ai Round Lake. 1 Danse at A menus HalSaturdaynaigbt. tirs. Tbayar and dangbter i Wauke -______ gan, epeut Sunday viiti rs. Thayen's neoten, tins. James. HICKORY Mir. and tire. George Kepple and T. C. E-dardndiamlly ofRoosrcnos dengbter Miuidmea viited si the borne of epeut Sunday s îtlî %Ir. and Mr@. O. L. Edtuund Amas at GrnesSonday. fllenheci. Dr. Bellovei fWeukegan, callad ou t Irs. ","i.î Iarmer bas retarned inom % vsek's vîsît 'iii ion iaabaud ln friande here, Suuday. Chicago. Benamin Hallen speot Sonday at bisetirs.,,,r Edwards, dinguter Helen sumnier home bars, sud son Webb, liste came té Manie LAMW'S CORNERS The Warrenî eaetery associatIonvilii Meet j ii ti rs. Stella Lspoupeburg au We dnedy torenouu, May 21. Mise Theressa Boffman of Weukegan, spent Setumday sud Suniday with L. :H. MillIer sud femily. tirs. Katie lierity l'ourny Ict for ber hume et Mandan. S. D.,Tuesday. Mm. Elebuny and dauguiter Beniee have gona tu MWauiegan to epend e coupla ofnI nths. A saoi ase b..m to tir. andîl m. Tony Jthubou au May tS. Mrs. Eva Ety is on tha sîci lsi - IL. E. Booni i beeing a cernant sla built. Ilont forget the memoiai services to be held et tii. Warren cemstery on Sun- day, tMay 25. The usuel progrene viii b,- given about 2:00 v. a. The graves of aId soldiens 'ili ha decnnated. Liquld Air Used ln Bisting. iÀquld air ioaded ln thick phosphor bronze cartridges ls being succesifully ueed fon blastlng ln some English ci mines. DR. L. Hl. COULSON VÊTERIMARIAN Office at Garinier Hotel Phone 53R GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS Murrie Brothers Russeli- :- Illinois All klnds of Feed & Grass Sued at lowest pricio< in Lake Couanty. Laet us quote i d~ MM usm. riva - Miss Crs Edweris lias been essisting tir@. A. F. Sac age 'itihbem spriîug claening. tins. Fred At-fiti a son et Kenoeia, spaut hat yack a it hotue foike. Mies Lois Saitît cîctiit Satunday sud Suuday in Cîao Tbe Aid snciety f-Id ut Mms. George Tillai-nea', vasw1at-letedd. Sundsy cliol ha' ec again resumed. Exercises Sat 130. cvi r h service et 2:30. ,. TAYLOR GROVE Mir, sud Mire. L'%I- Ssity spent Satur- day and Sîîndsv' %.i E %attikegan. Fred Ray sud lac,îl.t peut Bunday ai S. B. HoweeM. Eami Leegot kîkdlt'y a colt Snnday aftertioon on theItI-ltvrnlds farm usar Wadowortlî, him ý 'e xi ýabdly cnt. Dr. Young attended i... T. 0. Bogan elles? Siinday vith her sîster ait Wadsw.,rtlî Ornu Rawkins 51ent Sunday eveniug h-re. Mr@. Elmer Howe sud baby spent Wednesday with ber disten here. FORT HILL - Born. tautir. and tMr#. Howard Converse. Wednesday, May 7, 1913, a daughter. Mr. and Mmte. Tracy Davis and ebuîdren of Antioch, spent Sunday ai Hevb David'. Mr. and tirs. George Hluson'of Rocs- tord, vlslted et 6i. C. ewel'. lasi 8unday. Born, to Mn. and tirs. Nick Anderson of Grand Rapide, 'Nis.. Ia" 2 agirl. Mr. and Mr@. Anderson iormnerly resided on the. Laitue termnic.w ownod by V. Dutzler and are well knn hors. Miss Franes Smith epent8unday vith Miss Vida Jamisen az ber home ln Milburn. Mv,. Oliver Nelsh and littie daughtor of Racine, who have been visiting dat D. V. Waite'o are nov vliting ,at UÀbertyvilie for a iew day.. Mr. and lir. Sumner Bouer motored to Lake Forest. AUl the mon are e.pecially Invtted to attend services "t the Fort HiI chuvch SuRday sfternoon et 2:80. Rey. C. A. Miler yull delivor an lnterusling addross. Ettrybody lnvitea2. open$ Eli Sund Is Rmosette Camroil vi 'iemployed lusiaige peot Sunday bere with ber ,areuce llilittle and 3Bect Tomp. te nd iatnily of Wsukegan. oesut Sun- yhare with tir. and tirs. Bub.i)oo- ré. John Kelly vas a Chicago, visitor day Iset ei. nr and Mme. Ekdabi entertained a aber ni triende over Sonday. ns@. Wm. Bostedt le sntertaiuing rela- es ti, van. J. Kelly vas aCUhicago visitor Tues- deme Beaee McDemmott and Avis rel ai Wauiegan, spont Fviday and Lurday bers vltn selatîves. buh Flood a veteran et the Civil War d atunday mamnîug at ths home ni ion Hanry. ý'is Infant dangiten utftir. and Mme. iii BaItel (use> tianriman dlad Fmi- ymt)rniug snd vas bomled Sunday St Miarve cs-metery. Wauit-grn. RUSSELL - TtîrittTîlir thle et. ikigîsociable lut i te icli Frtday evetiig, tIse 1 l6tl. r. litîuatî yul prea.h cry Sondai- niitg until itîthar tnotice. r dan, M .i W. H. Sivar sud son oi osis, spatît Sunday ai I. L. Siîver. dre and MseGrittin ni Zion City, visi- Mm,. Allen Dixoît on Tueedey. B.C. Meliville and R. G. Marnie atteu- a big tiolsiain sale at Algonquin, day laàtwveai. nr and tire. Thns. Sayls ni Chicago, ai duuday with the Commis familles. ,lia. Auna and Esther Carlson spent Iay viii taîir tather. Robert Murrie wao a Waukegan visit. or Saturday and Bunday. He ie learu. ing to be a chafeaur Verna Young @pent Saturday and Suù. day with frieuds. ~r_-OECRA _j The Ladies' Aid society wiii meet on Thur@day afternoon, May 22nd, at the home of tire. James Crawford. Members will pleaae notice change o! date and el8o bring thimbles- and cerne prepared t.) worl-. %Ire. J. 1), urray is vieiting in Wauke- gan this eek. FredL.uebbt)e building a cernent silo at (jurnet.. rbe Ladies' nf the M. E. Cburch will give a Strawberry social St the ebureh Friday c"-, May 23rd. Miss Blanchm Eddy vill give s Pierie the lest day of echocl May 2let. Nrs. Allen Dxon oi Ruseell, spent Sun- latv v. th Sire Lena Winters. fie..%'ose. and iismly ni Gurn.'...were Itosecrtiiie allers on Suuday. A Pearl Frum the Past. Do not sacrifice e great thlng whilq etrl'.lng for a small.-Tiberius Grao. chus. 133 B. C. An'go Ho Ü90 Registered and Standard Bred. Race record 2:191. Feill brother te Aegou Star 2:11 J. Black Stal- lion 151 bande high. sired by Aegon 4994, record 2:181. Sire of S, in- lnding Aegon Star in the liet 12.11L4, ha by Nntwood 600, record 2:18f, sire ef 168 in the list. Antigo's dam Gypsy A 2:25t, dam of 6 an the liet. Antigo Il. is a very handeome black with a smeil star in forehead, broken single and et good dispo. oition, is clever ini harness, and is a square open-gaited trotter. Will stand at Our barn. $15.00 to, meure live colt. Ail accidenta at owner's isk. LUSK BROS. Phone 12-J-2. ROUND LAKE. Good Citizenshiji Pers steý t s'i ng is one of the first requiastos of the good (tiZen. I li. nothing that makes a man realze big responi bility and opportunity in the communîty a@ mach as becomhaj intere@ted in s> stînatjc thrift. One of the fit Juies of an individual am a citizen in liii community is suiliîg to make blmself seif-cuflicient, becace ibis way gond cifizenship is PROMOTED BY THRIFr. Sinall accumulations form the root of the big fortunes. -i man with a uie money can do mauch by investing it wisely, &Wd opportunitiem are constantly pre9entîîîg theineelve@ te the mu who bas some cash resources that lie can iay his hand@ on quiukly. Trhis batik i8 helping inany persons on the road to financial success and independenî e, and stands ready to heip you. Lake Villa Trust & Savingu LAKE VILLA Bank ILLINOIS A State Bank. Capital $25,000.00. JOHN ILOOD DIEAD.1 PLEASANT CUURCD EVERT. WELL KNOWN VETERAN SUC- - adpryaddnefrtebs CUMBS FOLLOWING STROKE OF edit o f St. Patrtcks church was gtv.a- APOPLEXY-WAS 73 VAS. OLD. at the McCarty home ln Wadsoth' _____ ednesday evening. About on. hqa- John Flood, an aged and weII dred twenty-five people were pros- known resident of Lake county. dled ent Including about thtrty trou Wau. at the home eftllts son, H. E. lood,1 kegan. After cards a aumptuons au>p near Warrenton, Saturday night, per was served. aged 73 years. Thepaurty la sald te have beau thé His death followed a stroke of spo- greateet succees of the many that plexy which hie sustalned April 29th. have been given for the benellt of *hê Since that time lie had been ln an church, which was recently erectsd. unconscious state although once or One of the teaturese o the evenin<. twlce Il wase believed lie îight have, program was a jig by Mr& McCarty, recognized m nio his relatives. m ho le over ninety years of age. M r. Flood was an old veteran and Plans are being made for another for vears helonged te Wau?îegan post. psrty te bie given ln the Wadaworth He had lved ln 1Lake county many hall, Wednesday evening, \laý l4th. years, near Gurnee. and his aged wife 1 _________ passed on severat years aCi., M-r. rdtSce Flood leeves tan children, H. E., of T r r o "abn& W'arrenton and Mrs. Leurs Vielch of rural co-operatîvo 1 Beletlal Chicago. 1india, with qa-n- '%btp of 224M F'uneral from the Il. E. Flood home and s worklnig (i .* f 13,442.R&. « Tueaday ati 1o'clork. snd et Gurnee vhIch uni, 124C "de c Outribut.E bW church et 2 'clock. with hurlIn uthe. govtriment î -me figursge Union cemetery, Spauldinga' tCorners. sezt ti" work Lc.1-1 .' 'e.vs,*5i Ons 1 60c package Dr. Hess' Poultry Panamea end 1 25c package Dr. Hess' Instant Louse Killer [or 69C Men's Ox1ords priced [rom $2.75 to $4.00 per pair, on sale ai per$18 -. pair - - - HENRY KUEBKERI Oraysiake - = Illinois PIiONE 5. LENZEN BROS. GRAYSLAKE, ILL. We can mie you Fantung Tooli at Cheaper prices than mail-order houses--and we stand back of them. HARDWAREGeneral LUne We are exclusive agents in Grayslake for the World-Famous DINDE PAINTS, VARNISIIES and BRUSIIES. Inspeot our enormous stock You can get ust what you want. NOW'S THE TINE TO GECT LAWN MOWERS .. AUlS CHEÂPER THMI LSWHàE 1 ýi