gbut,2 ra rof re S0f Dor- Wbeat, barley, cti, flax, potatoes produce enarmons yihda. Write far neva booklet. VaSler Fart» Bales Ca., Box 1010 Valler, Mont. wky-4t FOR SALE-100 bu geot ilniiit seed. Il. A. -îwtrhneI. FOR SALE-Haîf dozen soda water tables, 2 tiozen chairs. fiat olsIs Con- dition. 'Cbeap. Mackenzle's drug store-lte Roxaîl store, Waukegan, fil. wkty-tf 1400 ls, or more. Phone 245, ;7au- kegan. whlt WANrE9=-To exebenge a poultry bouse rnanufacbored ln sections, rea- tiy te put up. la a brooting anti bous- lng combination, 600 clicka, ili vin-J er froni 60 ta 70 pans. Poultr> flat plan. Will «achange for herse, pige,' cavas or ferna machtnery, or feeti. Be type ef building on our plant appasite golf station. Ot & Ott, Waukegaa., 111. Wlly 8t FOR SALE-Ricit day soil. cul over SCOTT HàvEii. Ltirkyviuie, 111 ,-2t-tf wiid anti parthalY Improvati fana.. Mni. Renter. tt'a up ta Yoa ta get a.............. farm before landis gel out of reacb. + LOST and FO'U'ND + Gontiscitool. gondi roatis. gooti waler,.............. close 10 towns anti railroati. $10 ta $20 LS -nTu@aArl2tml ler acre. Minnesotas besl dabr nd bele bond; wdk.'hite ftItIbtau. jWgetable ]andi. Conie or write to V. 10 nontits olti. $20.00) re ward fr itî l, ~.Owen, Hines. Belramih Co., Mi-no. return 10 A. L . AKE. P ett sidrems whly-t itockefeller, Ill., or 34.1 Frauk!ii St. Waukesn. 111. v-4- FOR SALE-Barreti Rock eggs anti baby clîleks. Also Indien ronfler LOST-tiraV letier pic-Met bîoklie- dock eggs. Mrs. R. E. Titomas, Lili- I1Ivaeir Koitner'o store anti l"rIsc-tt'dc1,t ertyvillo. Telephono 265-w2 c-27 f leiîsayugtMay' 14. tetween ____________________ aci olc.Finden pleabe.reîurrn ro FOR SALE-About 10001 tence poste. tîis office. u-34-1 aibout 50 ecurts wo,îd anti a quantil ofi esrly serti potaîned SCiisCKBROS ..I+.. +. ++.+.. +. ++.+..+. Libertyvillc. Phtone 26712 -211 t! " + 1ISOEIA. EO'rJS + 1 FOR SAkE-5 passoorcer 2 clndr.++.. +.++.+..+.++.+. Bmick autonmobile,'$200. Tiis car tinta! been tiiorougitl>')Verbilletl d tdm ù~inNOTICE-Titose owing rire for 'oit ees goodcotîdlbiou. LIIIE5TYVtLLE (tiAttie will con!' r a faror by sondinée sanie toî W.2l t G1. Tnom, Nortit Bond, Neb. ______________________c-328 hI would stand a gooti chance cf being defeateti but because lb cornes op an tZesame day as te County Option bill, some doubts are fet as f0 ts fate. Reports titat air effort wiII ire matie 10 'ratie off." that ilte wets wIll accept a compromise anti consent to te passage of tle Five Mlle Zone bll if te coont>' option blilI is killeti, las caused considerable concern. 19, ý, à IARE TOUR I'LOORS BOY PROOF ? Campbeli's Varnish Stain ïil ruke tlrenso. lisîlso gnid for aIl kirxls cf rloors,Furniture&Woodwork Easy to apply.' 13 colon M.Ab. by C-poe.Mqou. e. B.s à . I 8.218=dI~ F. B. LOVELI CO. FOR SALE-Fan nof 65 acres at $11 eracre. InqIre Of PAUiL MA&<3liEiN, RoseCobRheIsadR s B RS O Libertyill. e2- Cm bd IsadRd F.B RS O FO SLE10ro -ou bus ad ai Eggs for hatching, anti Bsby Chîcks MAN UFACTU RER OF FOai l E-ode n oni bploe at batî,: from Counb'y Fair, Waukegan and eetrie tiepot. Cadi or ternis-. Coin- Marbielot and UraniteSerr venient fnor tvao familles or une..Tele- 1 or mnaing liaI. _M r l n rnt phone 21SR. c-27-tf Kimbai-Trriggs Red Yards,, Monumei*,s iFOR SALE OR RENT-'Bftaeksmith'LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS.1 ase @bop on main treet or wouldti Itre gooti_____________ ko ga.Adtiness Box 176, cryoa-P111.t4 JUNE 26, 27, 28, 1913-Tire bigest Cemetery Worko Every P~Ppp ..... pp _lhreo tiays Ihat Crawford, Dawes coon- FOR'SALE-M>' reideneeon Mîwaqkpe ty, Nebraska, bas ever koown. Write Description lavenue net tuaSmith'@ Iver,. E. Arair L. Hongerford of Crawford. for MCDoIsÂL, Libertvvllle. 0-20-tf complte particulars. n it a>'mono Correspondence *jolicited FOR SALE-A scalad, astyIsh heors3ie ibousautis OC dollars ta yau. wkty-21 for tiriving or saddîe, not aotrait! of S autos. ell aI one-baîf price paiti for DONT FORGET-To le aI Crawford, II6(e ee hM if tahen ai once. Âpply 308 Jul- Neb.$ $ Il June 26, 27, 28. 1913 16$ $8e s an et., Waukegan, Ill. Wkly-2t wkly-2t. W uea GURINSSALE. J. M. Graves Stabe of Illinois, County of Lake,.es. A UC TI ON EE R In te County Court of Lake Court. 144 Elmwood Ave., Waak.gan, Illinois ty, May Terni, A. t) 1913. luite Ses me before -sLen. Four date mailler of bthe petition of William3z Tonyon. Guardian of Gertrude Tony- on. Isabella Tortyon. Henry J. Tony- DR. O. F, BUTTBRPIELD, on anti Theresa Tonvon, minora, for VETEILINART SURGEON. leave tanseIlreal entatis, 9aixr exi' WruNAts PYvulicfnaoeei brer gtvut tatdlb.rtyc1ll. Illinois. b n l e o a e rel o d l, atie ati entereti of record lit, the above entibleti cause In saiti court on the 7th day of DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. May, A. tD. 1913, 1I elal oti Wednestiay 1 VStvLO0U Ttl te 1111 day of June, . A1). 1913 at tire OFC VRLVL' RGMO heur of one o'clock In tire afiarnoon 90ouss-from 1 ho 8 anti 8 to 8 p. rm of saiti day, ai bhe East Door of te i.îî-rtvîile. Illinois. Court House lunthbbc ity of Wankegan, In the Coonly of Lake anti State of Illinois, offer for sale at public vendue DR. A. H. CHURCHILL in te higleat and lieut bitider for cash,. Physitian aacd Surgeon aIl of te riIýttitI' and Interest of0 foIt, 'trIe, .& e,., r 't-r, tr saiti minora lu anid (o thefollowhng 1 tC 1liAM lc it '3 tiescribeti real Citate, ,ititated In hoie Specîi at t, cict FieV, \cube and Thlioa Coonty of Lake and Staie of Illinois, GLASSES PF1OPERLY FITTED to-wit: Libertyvile. - -Illîinois Thre West Hall ofbthie Nortl-wesb - fractional quarter of Section Fifleen, DR. E. V. SMITHI In Townshîip Forty fOie North of Range Nine East of the Thitnî Principal Merh- GENERAL PRACTICE dIeu. do-" to i0 h M.2 U)4 ald 7,to 8sro, Datoti this SUI day of May, A. D. ilt-t. -'i liay i >i-iie Store. 1913. SPEIt.At Arrs\'109 OTO T HE OYE WILIlA M TONYON, L113ER FYVILLE, ILLINOIS Guartilan of Gertrude- Toîîyon, Isabelle Tonyori. Henry J. Totiyon antiTire- DP. 1. L. TAYLOR resa TeIyon, minors. OFFICE. UVEISJ. ELIi. Tt'iiii5 LtoI. wkly-May 9, 16, 23, 29. noua:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 10 4 anti 6 t,. 8 P. nM. Ur. the Datis. 805@ld0e3,ý n Broadway, oliposIte Pýark r-Tears ago Dobs'on told mne that be LLet iî. olltols. vwantedt teleat ILs 1f e of obscurity?" "'Weil,.is dreani bas came fine.« '*How no?' "Ho la now te buaband of PAUL MAC GUFFIN. a famous woma.'-llrmlngham Aige, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Hroald. Lîbertvîlle, Illinois Defeotlng Bitortcomngefl. OEsoa 8 Do you wlsl taSund ot a pensn __________________ weak pointa? Note the failinga ho las the qulckest eye for in cIllera. They D mai flot ho tle ver>' faillnga ho in hlm- Je Le nLDDING, D.V.M. seIf conscioris of. but blieY alîl be their next.tioor nelgîbors. No man keepi VETERINARV SURGEON sncb a jealoos lookout as a rivalt- Graduate Chicago Vêt. College J. C. anti A. W. Rare. Office at Residence, 779 Grand Ave. Phono 1136-W. :. A Tented Exhibition for Ladies and Children. Enjoyed alike by Old and Young. Ail Uniting in giving an Exhibition which is withost a- equal in point of exoeflence and noveltg. EXCELLENT MILITARY BAND 0F ALL SOLO ARIISTS! -GRAND STREET PARADE-; Which TaIcea Place at 11:-30 A. M. AND THE GORGEOUS HARBINGER 0F THE INIMITABLE SIGHTS IN OUR MONSTER TENTS. 2 - Performances, Rain or Shine - 2 Two Ilours of Solid Amusement Neyer to be forgottent WILL EXHIBIT AT LIBERTY VILLE Saturday, May 1l7tIi- Ticket Office opened for Matinee t 1:30 P. IL For Eîrening at 7 :00 P. IL Corne Barly and Get a Good Buat. Âvoid the Rl 8ALEals tw seondbau buaiesandcone iIansJ ~ teunersigned Prsans, bavtryo MONO; PROSAULEV -R? .IasoncTepielg VuLîn. lii P. tfhae. lmia enerapartnerhati c-JO-g ACTaONaON FIVE MILEdolar re Co00.,"0) P 0cFR TESA O Pq ~ ~ FO FOLSL-SlutIldai c, RYZOE*ILUSCforF a 7 .os the oummpon sto ch f aniingo-aIn haveno wrm arte nFOR eameALi,+ 7 rmu rINT .1 -- 7anti 8, Forricks TubS aIeG\Larie.partnerahimtet to saind, namnt.AdI UU tires and iiIfl5band + ++ 1 + and prime++ That te UTitele StLtes go'ernmct "111).P.1000 that b lehaf laid Partuers reside D A FO SLt--lWtlaimMo l, R ZNprint tclmlaentsockbsiosr sait co-PA R K b@ usi.orsue-ItM'toata uporLibe@r .. ..itt ..e .. 0344 ty.itheconte tio o eThmasVJnayadtietHJEnR T E L shScntn, nilMrh s, 95 7pbrs oe, u aulto rier tendi ________________ BalEgNJ aMIN Po.I-liandKeR. adpivrulouzgal ofr è* a arge oden o usRe 'On R ain Court . E Qugr ayle, sretary of the aloe inadt ife: Tract oARf laM.dANlnN.s. w.L i /. [ îaanexen presl atolsinlîCuntyLaanorth erhicague. vcii- S Waukegan. *le.n00 6-wks-wlnlyl. Atidurese.locebx flrOtWhahfsrIi. cthsbe lp, Iioffereto 4-1l o. t. May fnd virilethat John ecrruiî representcantJnue Topparianti wlfe î1915. cM-I ""~ parî my beinece giontithe ondtenti$00on othe parT cheomas niwf:Lt 7an \11.1 I L FOl a la xcpinure itali ndbcs wili bat contracis I mai baeveke rato anone. e sc 1, A T URM L N O.¶fLIone j apee "ite ratlaa ua;n ORd i dsRENTi e R E-0ab&ounet ttio onyLaswyad, ne eedis b A JScotega.$.0 lt0 n 21RLI<. Cd-w l lou toot, .i ~ 11I lowd-set lter P11E571C5, laNW iuctaaorfab y e and ca nof comaid-cJogehno accuntcf runennes .HALeRStl FTOGAF JC mdr»Le o 2 MO",Il itlapetory inft a, r.ous,. 'Tenitre oru400tng hepnr f thay ansd ivisoLo2 nd1 lake . 1, ONSWATI."n',eVe faburith, i. rtlphn <~Cri ting te t o ae paig rt gbemy ha fte itn lVlay 24, 1913 ';d A.Te ien fod ndCcln 034 o boe. Ifon c ayotbard i t D byaeags$5" e.Q ayle $200 $.0. 78FrtNtinlSn Idg I e river FOR8ALE-High gadpianobe. gooi vttsednb",heeaungb one eerin tbe stationav tra60ining ,Nrh hca Ceha i terarap scornr 11Ileaes anti4i. peeeo nsor oieFBcsaion fainin arthirt-oe.. amouis- May 6 191 13. _Smith_____________- At EVERY ACCOlM7OlATIO Nevbeyacs & ibe -frgevlie Mueyeson tLahe. c-34-1 bol $5arontit. uittis arounts to ap. tA. J.FPetner ots 200 Fchean 11ti .iS AýgÉ.S.PeVe, ,, feraito aroxine aII.. $40t0alhne e0Jh1 *e.oWheook fe: ge art lotr.2Teko arr 746 Iire, NaTinal "'nN AlLa' For glbaeTl oareothaie teo ne bo arae s ,,"e Rs mut* Poessional $200.rds ',, " i L onnMis .eFi913n Ylol)u etco. ..frmeau" oxl 15aes1 .Th uttfrnse i lpn Cut Cekt .N.Tmisn FOt SE-Icigock rade Piano,'b o d e 2léranet.L2 cin.29oi- rent. I hes t ayondet$6 h 4ot osNoUgrth Chicaego T n aELHNANW. OL CAIte3 onrMlake33anernoent ipataiounoo bashorht aotice.,ot P.BiB.IlAtAdd . ;-rACCOMMtODATIONL - - - F O R R yEN - a rs t ig h t p ro t u Il tev e e c ruo l"' A d d . Wsa m u n t o ,, a ke a n W . . $ . .A G o i e A s r g FOR SALE-Il'lt.v w nd 0f ab.out 110 aes, 500acrs Tg bly Thecifllt o-ergltlergisrotheVsirn oNrnN' o i.II fcec-Bîc e ie r lit- lll toe. . . ÂU ryik, pbf mulati n Lke ouny 2n5itîn rtt Fo1Jahngn John USodo and wIfe It ohnP.'trr LHN.. WId t FOR SALE OR RE NT- Thie Irai éiake iqiproved wvitit modern bouses, barris ton. endorsing thIre Mlle Dîrv George'-s Add. to %W.uËe -an 1 C.VILE LLNI ~ iltsudnt Liçery Ii erOPWrnLtely fur"- anti silos. , Fenced and croas fenceti Zone 1111, 'sas rereiied tin a ;'n 1 e bed bas bi.t operated by tibi pr.-u-L with woven 'sire fencluz. Ail tilMt by tuembersftier oc- i A'ertine Eggenait to Da, il YL .MRI ovaner fur file, paot 2) yeara ebo. s fteIrfrcý YL .MRI .~tarerlre.Fu utirpriuu»cl or anti suitable for trutck fartitig. Ali lits e xcetlgen,-v, Lot 4, <)'sners Sub., I.a'o' J' . x W l i atidr'ssa M" aî'KI, i'oii, r, expensive dairying. A. F.McKeown, 1 The G;o,«n~or or Illinois. $I<' 1gCor rjîcr.s Bau. ,ins , iv vtt., t " - j 411 Lake ave., Chcago. 111. Wky f Springfield, 11.I ary A.Curry antid ur ,,, Ilinois (n>sae is -33-2 Itear Sir-M.Lno:Lt2,Bk'Ui eS hw MONEY T ON--nIprrdIlbp outh ide Vaukegan.W.1 PLANTS-h bave 2Sog1)tOgluetg, plida eta ttte. J. S. Fsî,.i letei,ial The <Xar Deiartment tîatng (', n &i early stilagi. vcuil Bank.C-2-f informeti that tlrere is a inovenru-nt ATNC.DC aIl i mIlt.sro~ sto-ky lepe ol i S, aiguBn.I<ATNC EKRle Biggest Novelty lJnder Cover., olî a. ~ i dI f ol1.u. asigo, ,iot'i i l . . . . . .f....2.. . . . . .. saeo liosta i fi h n illiace of Wais.wortb.%. XX il itie0,1 4l t l teet i lfl gy iii-r1 s, i,, "Ke :+. WANTED + tae of liltoir tI radi Offie 'anti >111 e .p.ItS. El1trit iiît Furst ani broadwa> sîrr, - + + ville+ miles of a militar:. or naial resera .ia- A]crs n anti ' ite at Iot . iJf l HCAO.ILIMIS - ý tdon, t beg leaie 10 ronie, to Soil cf Raine lr 3k. 16, MeKai s ni< FOR SALE-MennY und postai I-tto FOR REN T-T rIlliaI'it it Ws-tric tIis Departments strong endorsement Wuea.X.t.$50 R ODN .,oinr ltt i rfégb Ilquile ult L lighsattd g«. o, d '-i t,' ,]rd i-p! of surit measure bothi n the Interest Vuea. W D.$500DR GO IN V î.L,~ L.I'. îsri 15 ..crtv i e'eli Appy Lvs'k box 44, Roc-kefelle-r. o f general disctu,!ine andi of the ln, )N IS ____________dividual wplfsre of thre enlisted i er- MARRIAGE LCENSES iziUre SP to 12 aai-I bo 5 1) m FOR SALE-Engilishit blltig MliLs WANTEO-WoRl,,ko, fumAmroilarr sonne'. Ver> Respectfuliy, J lTigýBidn E. E. Ttaî-. lrat,î Vieva. c-33-2 man. exlreriented larin-r. Gtue adi@mec Robert Shtaw Oliver, Jas C. Norton, Milwantee ....23 witb Dir J . _raylor-Pîc.rîe 19 _ _ _I1ea oi 6 'boi-trts bnri. Asat. Secretary of <ar. Grace Brink, samte .......... 21 fL-tIeK. oe FOR t§ALE-Midel 1H. Jackso auto-. 1) A. Bil gT, TT, I.i,rtVrille, iB. t). 2. Much Comment an Bill. Cyrus Kitching. Whiting, loti...59 Ilrl sugîbile irt clam condition, tý F. Box 45. p4 1 'WRIGHT. ('.33-tf __________ One st!it ears much comment on Ella Jensen, saute............... 23 -AT----- orgrra toseoh ie ibill anti as te faleful NMay 21 Frank Marcelle. Waukegan ....22 DR. E. H. SMITH, FOR SALE-I tesaeoflfarminbors.0e S"lSuunre lais. J. F. Cî.stk, City. 1itite dav on wiich a vote ewilil be tes- Amelia Urbian, saute............. 20 CENTIST. 100 thudbels o! e arly anti late ponttues. J. W. gwzeETt'.u, oli lerk fartât. 34-if en on bhe measoret arrives te Inter- Rasmtes Citristensen,. Waterford Wis 3VE LtbCOCNTTt'iNATIONAL BANK. Lib.rtyvilile. c-33-i, NTD-il owrat h dl est undoubtetily wIl Increase nia-................................ 41 0uU5-8S hc 12 a. m. and 1 ta à P. in. - 0lSALE-A qrîartity of Eartr Ohio Lsadr.,. Libertyville. Applt>nte ter'lhy. rsiaRsusn c ....3 L. The Show Daintyl The Exhibition BeautiIuI!- .sdpltc.7eprtub' .Lanuntry. c 4-tf City Officiaissltke the stand tiratfit Fred W'olforti, Chicago .......... 34 LbryUeIlni mCNKII..oaalah7e.uuiel Ft4.dtla iobviously tunfair 10 pagsssuch a Harriet Welcome, saute ......23Lîetvleiirs___IN ODCN tara, 5 gofe t o "liorîs -32-tf WANTEO-Yoîîu ladies over sxteen measure wben lit wIllho Just as easy Harry W. Froelicb, Miwaukee ...94 3~Wl55tfor aur bantikerchipf iterrîtteitlng for the recruits te go twc miles for- Edua Roessger. same.... ....... 19 PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING fOR SALE-One ere. 4 yearsod.machIne.. Da-vlght fpctorsy;idpal coutil- veigbî 90010; yl niaette samliglne trounafur work. lMAiLSIILL FBLo)& <CO«ther anti getliquor in Libertyvilte. Peul C. ITmonIni, Chicago ..........1) loest atteulntiopliti 10arrainging rotse;as aeas~âgtoîthiîZon City'. .à333 The treet car fare to Waukegan Is Louise Pricîrard. samte........... 24 auctlon male@s krd bestI rsl laun antil h m les o i s ontd. .ultivatorcheap. -Scî cents while tn LIbertG ville lb s leOe L. Nielson, Lake Forest........ 'AIl kintis of horses. wagons anti %mile vasa of ibiertyvllle. c 32-il WANTED-ial por anti ourit. for but ton cents. Corporation counsel Elvira Il. Kkstrom. sunie.......... :harll s formsl, or exeitange et ail ttee oeo- *ý. - hltirell' eheap for cash; &191 t Wo .Young Bulkley struck te popuhar chord Clarence J. Graitam, Chicago-...24 FOR SALE-A nuglboi frirepiigo. .JW. SWEETINLS, oi Clark tfrni ER IEF n s o sound aend ail rght. N. E. IIt3,7.EiiT, Libotyrilie. c3-f'wlien Ire saiti that a mian bent on Jessie E. Sperry, same--------------------HENRT heN Liberty vill, Phone 2781111. c-32 frgeea bnevok gettina tirunk will nt stop herause Henry Altiers. L. Bluff............ 24 Phones: 148 or 48 ZION CITY, ILu. - AI.CRYLADpfte ANTEID--Girl frgeit buwok e basa 10pay flire cents more car feae. Kaîherine Grogan. tChicago-....2r, AdthlMostK n e S i l * .OTAA.CRlaAq-iten iree akel'ouny Bank. -81-tl If bbc Five Mlle Dry Zone bll twere Carl Plotz. Liberl'yvilie---------2f; Tcîî-pone 163 m ai setier preliareti ths tapa $05 arace or~WANTE --Goati .k r»; weigtoincoule ni)bh, itself It ls believedt laI Sophia De Graff. (Irai sake-....23'sý eîel y ever to do - - ' --- J'-' V Uk. bIorest trtlett, 'Vil- :Opple-. ,st rom, rrigan, iHoff. lý F. 8 WUN 1 open- e 141h winn- sIl ta ras the Terlap ,omises le Car- Suntay go sibll omhrtat- use tite itboring seeklng ita linm ailes to ser-vice. ts bave ring. 100-2t 1