Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 8

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erfa ~,-,nmtIe Waui&eà ,ANSWERS OneAillio afld Or- INJURY TO TOWN ls&i rlso - lest year. The WNrV. MfflNNIS DENIES THE'R preseittives sTATEMENT 13Y MAN LIVING 1 aking Congress IN LIDERTYVILLE. ment to the coiti - States prohibitin E1ditor Sun-Your Issue of Wed- anywhere ln thi Moibly tates that a u1bertyville man the band wagon dgobM taI lthe passage of the Five you. >111. Dry Zone boil "would be an In- Rev. jUtce t0 places ike lAbertyville." - Why no? Pid flot the town vote tou~ AYSE 0 ite wet column? 1 spolie ln u S E 1be town hall during that wet and sui dy csmpalgti and i remember the Vusame 15fred at me by the wets IF MEN CHARG desaung titat visit. They sait! làbertY* CAN'T SECUR wýft could flot live without that Il SPENO SI cae money ta run the City. NOW withen there is a prospect that the in- corne of the City will be immensel y1 Jacob Kucler Inereased-why kick? rTe 'wets were given IL h ^id. vote out the saloon and grassitIis atternoofi eli grow ln the streets. Why flow havtng murdere objet te the horde of thirty bPedg were bound OVE '*a Git ttI elp tramp out that grssAn under bondls of! *0te treete 0of course your "modest ler ivas dismIm M eu iet village wilI ho transformned that lie did nil î *imeeely," but look at the treMen- tragedy. 4988 grywth in the wet goods Indus- As a rUle, men t7 ,SUPPOse we were seektng ta Put are flot allowe tiirongh a Zone prohîbiting the sell- case the court-- là& oa if urnture ln Waukegan, o- ! trey. pw#tâg our furniture stores to movetedfeats ý1 te IjtUtyvile and forcing Our resi- ney beng willin 4"té 1 go to your City If they el. Wlietier 0 aului tol buy furnture. How 11a 1 îî be able to Ig je« would rejoice ite prospect ta be seen. <foW stores and an Influx of custo- *qM Wiy Complala of the increase catthrney We .Jl'O wet goods' sales. wîlluouî bail the Q c itizOfl. ed la romain ln ?btsk o the Increase ln popul- the itting of th, ýtmI-11ggod citizen» 10, for did would be, obli tht group of "*luver tongued" 1 01Uth Circuit «" who appieured before the monts were ret M«MwScomuttee in Springflcld Ail the witne lIAI te i5IoonlkApmoI f on thc stand,a ve.a fine body of law ~ l cilInua? 'Tby neyer Open"d wiuesu as i plus of busines on Bunday, N Be 1 ohm» ice" on te dot aet 10 5men. auS »eer ma taladrunkards or wiamefor th yu fl pbis eOu . ui te stand.T uhtwr arythmlc cadeamce hete ~atga"eIS srtoâgucd muuge, dUi hie 0ite foo1 cofte Housesof lehm securOd I as(perbaps) tcililag o 1 sulden it S"M etanse.FORMER I Ua yWaukefsn cltiienu Ors ha- VISIT ~~thle terrible affliction and IetMtaI vili befaIline if our saloons Miss P. C.1 joffl te Làbertyvillc sudS bertyville home of lierc jj a" r crytng out agalnt tiis . B. Young sskii of lacresad industry. Borne bas ManY fME Ibe buste wrong viewpoint of te Lake county. tèl»alndWy. WhoIto 10? Lool laught sehool uS IA-advcrtsing Uneryvie wml yemrsshe has -v.-m À trpgcy wil ha enactad YorkL Fromn evc eci. People vill know çWalof!telit %Mt UbuyvMle la on Uic map. Thosm bcough of! qdW love lamec tinl1ven up WiniAt duc conset li eUSeS. The faine ef Libertyvile transferred tc yUl ,$0o«t thtrugit ail thc land. Tt No. 6t of the «ost aIopiiortunîty la break Imb schooi o!f6M q», Ues e. 1,534. Thei The. Wsy Out. her direction Luwesyville Il net ielpens. She laInwhich ther vas Sefeated only by 42 votes at her ors& Because township local option lection. The in Septenruber dry sons vili not go Into effect till- Y. April 30, 1914. Try it again brtitren. TIhonMr Have suoter election. Put your Cty mmra Knai la thc dry column and avert disaster. vas On àa Tt will flot be long before the whole Kngg-T05 nation yl ha dry. Thirty-one brew- suc the com, In your hand you1 five-cent pieçe. Right at the grocer' is a moisture-prool age of UneedaBlscÉ hiands you the pac] you hand hïm ti A triflung tr&usacti4 Nol A remarkable one- have spent the amallesti wil buy a package of gq and the grocer bas soit mot nutritious food m~ flou-as dean andc deliciolu as it was whei hrm the oven. NATIONAL BSCUIT RLI~3WU~~ _ ommes itual sor vouaI. roi vas 7 trucel el.-Jolm wawmomm wm"J40VO4 - ,, - - p w Iabo Breau Says HIaIh-so t es- Point in YomrsWas cau a Reaohed Last Year. norhit banrutcyla r- 5~WAUK MG N CH" le T LAT 0M M11STONE 0f Washiliton. May 9.-Durlng tU.i liwhicb d 400 M thousand bec: manufactured DIES PROM BURNS WpffrN 'OofficE ltor part 0f 1915thUi tC lm" lvig a1 ar DMichigan Mousesof -thecUnited Btatesavas hWher than ea'due cc adopteS a resolution FOUR VEAR OLD CHILO SADLV Th.e corner Stonc of the nev Wau- any other lime SurIng Uie last 23 prote 31t submit an antend- *RE ENSA ~E. kac Pldea building, corner of Yomr. The bureau et labor slallsties Bot SI stlution of the Unitcd NOOI4 LIVEO BUT TWO MR&. W&Mtiaetoa and Utlca etreets, wiflhnutisedarpton ae ing the sale o! liquor he ait! aid ipressîvs cormmunîes prices frin 1890 la 1918.Lie - ~The ICIw ctoonas rahd laucaci te nation. ClimbIto Waukcgan. May 7. on Batttrday, May l7tit. c u cg~hcldvsoso i In before t rune over Lttle Wilho Penîtinen. 4 ysars nid lTh.e, taussofPosmster Wat- ofthed Setpalad d i c nt oflthe of Mr. and lire. Guet Penîhinen. 210 rouaeitasCouseil a deiay In plane for asanitStts alu 96tPoUiad ate W rGeorge llcGCnlh. Browning avenue. died u Inte Jane Me thc eventfal occurrence, but fiith e c a 1915 e uic 1896. inrom, tla idaoule' Alster hospital ai 6 o'clock Wednca- hopé thÏ <one f theb gget c frlitving2 ertta jeareoruatverengtn NI) AL'day nigitt as due rosuit o! borneslho maies of due kind ever boet! In the ofaligb yefor a Sîvlsîng, as: Gx IM ER IN JAIL received about two heurs prevîously City vill mark the layîng of thec01oru- Nordu Atlaic$166vsons, Atan- Coroner Taylor presided at due In. er atone of Waukegan'a new $10, ticd $152; North Central, $137; Boudu M Ruan hc abelInteWie StBebulig Central, $186; and Western $152. IGEDWIT MUDER& Tobin undertaking recule ai 7:30 It la understood thaltbe Masons The approximate cosl of a year's RE BAIL THEV GAN Oclock thc saine evenlag. A verdict of Waukczan will take an active part fo upyfr naeaevrlg IUMMER IN JAIL of accidentaI death vas rettured by l uefoeodan t apane 1 esufalyf. at average wprlces for ]lhejry ave former Congresmuan Pose, wiîo acit ly a i v eragphice divIsIons Wankegan. May 7. th jr. An aua 0 lno îetobtained lte appropriation f Iforoec r 0. 886, ( h iwjan),iisans rand Tony Jacobine Msstructur, 04Clntn Ie oebere as a gust of bon- 191 89, thvas: a ad E% earngInpolcecorta neighor aI the Pentnen family. otrucnressmain Taosî,bsu- 191tvisoe:80 86 92 upoig n lie crgeo!was te irst wtness placed on the o. nrsmnTopohene- Dvsos 80 86 92 E eo MatheScacr.e anstand at the Inquest. S- told of hear- cesser. mea' ase, h here providing le North Atlantic-...$319 100 $468 7edlàlttStace, adlng several boys shout that lte Pentti- ln able ta leave Washtington. South Atlantic ...274 266 4171 er ta the grand jury nen chIld was an lire and rushlng Into itlasaasea planned ta have other Northt Central ...299 276 463 $5.000 Bach. John Kuc- her yard Site iook@d down linte re, tuen .of proininence litre and 1 *thé sug- Southt Central-...269 265 441 ose papas int shewn ine and saw the 11111e fellow radar geétiOnlibas been advâtIe by snîtie Western ............ .09 C7 429 up and down withbist clothes convert- that te business places of lte cty ed 1cmo a torch. close for an hour durîng the ceremony GUARDIAN'S SALE. n charged with murder Mrs. Daluga says sIte vas afraid wIticIt wlll accomattpiy te corner Saeo llos onyo ae e S bnds bt l t i Ie vould hum ber bonds if ahe at- situe laYtng. In te County Court o! Lake Coun- ,accedied to te reoquent tempe<i te put ont te lire *itIt them. WVork on te buldinîg In progresslng MaTemA.D193 nit G. Welch. cauneel for se site Iturried Into litelieit yard auid very satisfaclorily. MoIn are now en-fl Ma Ter ieA.petî 1913.o!nRoheM kand te state's attor- plcked up a piece of carpet. With thIs gaged bIn aying te big tron girdera ngltr ardtein o H er M. n ng, the bonds evesfix- sIe hte ue rvIn anruhih vlIoufpot lte ain.loina. el ur-led davn it h avlan hihwl upotteminforad galle, a mineir, for Isave te seilnmal ®r nt lte young tutu a&fier consîderahle difficulty succeed- the building has Itegun to assume tsecure bail romaine cd In catching the 1111e feilow Whto shape and glu e indications o! bcng sai, vas stilI runnIng about. seeking te. a real building. Pbie otacecI rel orSon tae an icit poluled eut flthatnlugel away fro lthe fdames wvitcIt ere WIal'uIn Corner Blone. enlrtedofo! recrd e ta oe aende g men vers bound over Ilierally cooking lhie body. Layithde Itlaî nflt yeî known just *bht wul cen lu saiS rcort on the o7 titdo lt duey vould h b Ig-boy on lteground cite vrapped due be placeS In te corner atone but it casyi a.t193.ICoarton he neday o I jail al cummer before pince o! carpel about bhumasud extinla acertain lie eceptacle will contaîn MaheA 1 191y e! Jon . tn 1t3.a, teo grand jury, sud then gulsited vhaltilde lire lter. vas lefI, emong alter Ibinga: te 11hura! ofnecoc A t.i913.afir peS te avait te action as due aurcaler part e! bis clotblug A copy o!fte Waukegan Dally Sun. nthei o! safidn day, a Itat oro tcourt In caseIndict- baSl be o ns eS.A copy o! due Lake County Inde- litenCoursat! deysetitlieECt cf Wau- turneS agalacl duein. About tlis lime due moduer o! due pendent.tkegaC.lin lie ouinlte y ofakqan cses vers netolulace t11e felov itad heard et lte accident A copy o! every otiter papor In Lake kStae ! îInth ois, offrfr a andubi as te statsos attorniey and ellitastened te Uic childs aid. counly. vende o lliduois al anformihastpbier ujlna stand Oly SuCit -Wter. vater. give me a drink, A picture 0t fermer Congresamnan forendue, atlo!tduigt , bt b e ad a hot dcgitl vere noesc- marnai.moaned te chUS. Posa anS o! Congreesman Thonapson.frcsaloth gt iUani. ict blina over o! due A mavito happells e ,la hapeau. A liat o!Officers o!flte City o! Wau tereal o!fsaidmillier un and te dus Watt PelOcin es tai s5r long picked upldue citarred littie body kegan. folloving Seacribed reai estale, aituat, e tI e Il.vl dpia- and carnieS il la bs home wvite Ifu A lHst o!Lakte county officerg. cd t. Uic County o! Lake, and 8t.ate Hia faeiler aSoI» 00k vws Ssposted lenderly uponàa lla- A Ht Io! due pectoffice employas. o! Illnois, la-vit: [Is xPedted malter atk..An effort vas onSe te gel a pîy- Nainea o! hbItuilidcre a!fduhegstruc- Thal Part o! Lot One In Block TIc Ha&, due court s- deuil, ice" but vien idus faied Uic White ture. logetiter 'di h et et. ty-lve in ltse Original Tovn o! Little » wtueu wud hve &Tobn abulnce as ommned Posîmtiaster Watrous viliiComiplote Fort (nov City of Waukcgaa). Secerli- but ite Secidod dal duhesuddue chUS vwas laiete lhduehosl* ic he at as soun saslhe la able te getel scor o! saiS l te nerthnnng le wilaesaet aIhanS vastalvitere lhe id Ivo bonneiatler. te bis office. crnofd u n d ot;at he o! mui oI The moher 100k duevitiiesi stantdSoten te Es looehaf fst a i ot _________ ai due inqueet but vas nnalile te sive WAIK!EGAN DOIS WIELL corner e! land formerly rEACHER IS ay newftacain lte case. Niider 1N ~ JTowued by Josepht Malien; ltence West TIN ATGUNEF 0 th w knw o" h-ob"" STOOD SEVENYH N CLITon due Nordu lin.o!f aid Mallonu l)CI TIN ATG~R E~cloding caugitt liea u ey Say Uiey OUT 0F TWENTý' SCMOOLS and paralle l vtIthde Nortu hio! 5115s le visiting at due smv ne hauire la the raineor any WHICH WERE ENTERED. sald Lot One te due West Lin. lter.- cousin, Dr. and lira,. hr erwee i a m.Teof; dusnce Nordu on said West hue. o! Ournes. Miss us ganerai halle! l atuahducPenîlijen A team f rom due Waukcgan ligItTvcnty-tree and one-itelf faet. more lnds W tWaukegsu sud ciild. îit saine o! ieîaplaymatess ladSscheeol tICkpartlt u e Inter-acitolasllc or loua. te the North lineoe!fsaid lot- . Seeralyeas a sIabe bocu setting lire te places of paper oratorical contast ai Lake Forest on andSBoudu bounude o! Washintloin, 1 Invewrt.y Frs a anS thal li is manner bus cloduIntWFIdaafternoutanS evcnn ansd ai- Street; thence Eutl on laid North inoa La Isught scitool in Nevwigtode. thougi thUiclocal contestants dIS nel o! gelS Lot One sud due Boutit lino L1895-98 site vas princi- vin prises ducy von an honorable men of Washitngton treet te due place o! publie Scelofô!No. 70 VILSIN iStien and vere commiided la use igh- beginning. exceptlag duerefrom Uic fol- Cpeens. Nov York Cty. wu S EN I est torna for dueir excellent work. loving: commencing ai a point n due ldation la 1838 sIte vas V PPIENdMUC Titose wbo 100k paritfrom beres ad Northulie of Lot Ono aforesald, vhici te te publice chools of Y 'ieA IIUl1UiOIIJJ fou-meSdue Cloclentai vers: la FIfty an sd elgiteen ons-itun- i uaine iorougit. Froin a TEHIoward Piereson sud Dorolby Dutin dueddus test East o! due Nord-veat 0pupls il grev 1teihave IE NDÀ K Declamnatlon. corner o! saiS lot, and iwýbch saiS point regla tmbr&uner BH -gTE D U - marion, Ws-tading.. inlaet due North-vest corner qi due xnumbered 38 lu addition Euma Kuelkes-L~tte? vngu. titres story brick building formerly six ae x pecial teaclt- Cedi H. Smith of Waukegan SarI Cook-Ambitant .ovned by Horace S. Berry, and nov t o! 111 itealthite retireS Anrounces Plans for Getting Preliminary contesta eeeielS In: situated on calS Lot One; libtineSouth Br 191. a CepVacation; te afternoon for lieppos!e - ji"long duc Wcst lino o!fsaiS building., Cheap mnation. In ail leains rei 20 iigi twtvnty-ltree sud anc-haIt f est te duc r. Knsgi Fait Botter. A Waukcgan young man, a gratin. scioole ta Chicago sud elong lte Nonth itlne o!SaIS land !ormenly CI- gg-Perbape you real, it aie o! telie hîScheoel lest jear but nortit shore vers la competition. ThteI d by Josepht Malien; Ibence West traIn vs liraImet Mr- Who has donc special vomk la bhe ules provded duel six o!floe tems îngdeNeritlino o! saiS Mallons1 3 but l'*beonlaIs novw tech wi en ts lne 0tk ould ha selected for bigit standing. longFomt-toaSegtenoeh hie vacation a la bicycle. A Chicage Waukegan stood sevenlt In due liaI. dett Ed1Sait line o! an elley upany for S ~~~~~~~~Miss Mariont West secured lte priv- v c d e7 nfetvd, n iîctrn Sunday paper puinIeS îs lane as I d f»twdadwihrn folovi: dg !eîrn u inl idena bntidSsoutit seronsethe vest end o! My plan la te take a ton day' trip evening, but vas bot auccesc!ul In saiS lot One; thence Northt along Eati witIt a friend on aur bicycles. 0ur vinnlng a prise, linso! saiS alley. twenly-duree anS roule la ase folovg: The teat priase vent te a Milwau- one-Itaîf feet taete North lino e! sai! We wll etaut out Monday morutîng kee Ih iteoI vici aise von due Lot, anSduence Saut aiong lte North anS go slaigitt voit. We figure cov- an ronltya.lino of saiS! lot. Forty-tvo anS eighteent hod a ering about tvenly miles t due fere- The conest vas pronounced the one-Itundetits el 1t the place o! floon anS wetymiles In thte afler- mont succesteful eSuItelS lu Lake For- beginning; siin aIl o! due igitt, tIlle iiooit. Ou- finIt day's inner vilI b tvol est. There vers accomodatien for but anS latternt o! saiS minou- In anS 10 carreSdwivit us froin home anS caten 20 teama anS the bull quota vas pres- saiS ton fon1 alley. lucluding ail ese- 's bud o iems eopc --V ent Seveme lislructors tend educalors vaîln uuebett i WooSotock lt u is feno.present compliaisutld due Waukegan cnantulileranWrrnyDo for thelinsforovICI il mad made sunS executed by Horace S. Bery Hom beakofastI pa for oing, uper An Inquîu-y Shows tduelnlaerai o!f n ee .Bry hevf.t tct Lit. Rean brafsnetmri. the other woola publice peking oc- adHlnH erhewft ih On Tuesdey ve vîll est inner ai uîeIoprid vr e la u- Moran and Michtael Mouan, dateS Dkge elvdere anS aurive In Rockford for lt upleitvo eroe eu opponstunit> tAliil 11, 1991, maud, recore n thte supper. teppl aeaodopruIýt Recorderle Office of lte County o! Le coin. ~Wednesday's trip yl lie Sovu te hacome proficient In f n lukeganLake, In duo Blute of Illinois, n Book beatIfl Rck ive teDixn, to dutis subJecî laitee but Ivo pèriotus eSI 101,? wek.As whle he oca SI 95 o DeesS, on page 94 tou-se. pfng for dinner ai Oregon. su ieiarcosacmctpesd DateSduisStSd day o! May, A. D). ý-fryuBy TItnraday nigitt vs îlIithaiOveit lte ehoitmade by thelCal198 -for thateached Mondn, te!1ua da'sride toem.1OBERT M. INGALLS, snm tfl*t Iroug thlIe beaulîful farmtng Coli.urin- o! Helen M. Ingalîs, Munon. pod food; trY Of Les cOun$y. Prom Mendota i55 Oood Word for the Spider. vkly.May 9. 18, 23, 29. dyouthewlll go sentI tel Starved Rock, vhicit Ercu duos. 11111. veather prophet spiders Iluat buill i teoir netae on th» On a Noedis Point. iade from ACake Tweny-I Y«VeraOId. graus arce!fgreat vslue. "'i a ite !dhrectly Pasteur eSlveS thc ta, crýp an Àvteran bakeu- o! Qincy, Maes.. ual if Maly et Suci v'.. ar. sce mous rncdialyl problemt: "Boy many -~ a.dbaS a unique cxpcrlcnce shortly bl.ien thdernoring on due lavu. il viI anacla eau stand on the,-. peint o! a n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - -t--l1fr atnsfombsasuastotnt01- sdus pdesk nedO 'W. Crookes meuS tIlal si Meredith 's The OnIy Brand Genejal and Sure Crop Grower Nitrose ..........1 to 2 Per cool Amumonia-........1 to 2 Percent AvuablPhes. Acid 6 to 7per cent PotasitSolu&mbe-..4 te 6 per cent lnuOblule....... 1 to 2 per cent The Only Brand 2-------- ..6-----... 12 N itro g e n . . . . . ... 1 te 2 p «t c e n t Ammoa .......2 to 3 pur cea AvalllePhoa.Acud 461.?7pft cent P .I s a . . . . ..t - * ' * 1 2 1 eo 1 3 p e t c e n t Insoluale potui..1 te 2 pe cent We çan oeili you better goode for lees money than any firm today, on account of owning our own mine, our own miii, near Coateevilie. Penn. We are Ires from ail combines or trusté. Compare the analyste of these goods with other brande, get their pies, and then cali on us. Cone ln, let ne tel you how by ivesting a little monkey ln theee fertil- izero, you can get bigger returns than any Inveet- ment on the farm today. Yonr yieid jes too iight. We can heip you.. . The Meredith Mining and Milling Co. J. X E.MEEDT, Preuident Rom a3. Sch"su d"$g hetvia.UIi vo And the lroninx ean be t rrrdtrou! the bot kitchen to the porch by getting a long cord sud uhing an Electric iron A few moments nu of it dally will keep your boume neat as a pin ff you employ a Vacllln lffeianer aunimer's heat in quickly modified in any room by su Electric an ,AU jl«a"s eSmes IreIcrci pUc for sMl. t i"s jov"9lprdces. PUBLIC SERVICE C OMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS marel 0th rerla vh54st 1t a hem duhe populalr car lunt t$tI5 i. 'ie reason duey oaa do a-ta. la b mcca h e !acto y la S ed w ub. meaisntly eMt ]KOUO" elians r acemw nre up lu$ bi anS rau op 10 due City 10 Uie Ivhcre due ftetory peopleaa to msite uml adjusîmme. etc.. h ordW&Utaiy cotil ovners o! oter conuldsrble et due garges o! couaty. Ramblernevucamar eted au oduers are'not anS Ceni- expect la ha. 192 's big veeky-D<DEPMNDEIfT. oRp Oure ES GLASSES L la lte anSse s Ian Ce igItI i by 40<1 tic la garbag cage d manufi anS tht ery loi on lte long.E have i pro yod ed lte lleges pusse. gel Po rosent the pm Hec. Bluff. C. an veyini g0.,-ci Mr. S Ail hlm Mn. ( to H Bleei naIns lat. Whto la the Best That ioney Can' Buy rexmlnsiots are tiierougi nd omplete er wsy by cueipetent etratottsta Ire. op [ é W e S Sn d n u r o w n e "s a d m a e O u r ames %0 nit lacS particulse cape. mou18 J. Yeomnan MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN UKE!GA14, ILLINOIS PILIP JAF3GER (3ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT OpeeWalAttention Rives to the "aeof Dreeaed Beel, Mgutton, Hogu, Veal, Poultry, Rides, Etc.. Butter and Eggg& This is the oldest botts on the street. Tage and pries lists funriened on application. COLD STOI!AOB FREE. 5tuUem e u .Ptu t.. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS LA NNO UNCEVIENT. We are pieased to announee to our friende in thiei; vieinity, that we will be ready February l5th with two of the greateet brande of Ifertilizere knowu. Wa s T p A b AI1 a e First have ter ri Tlh <ago C-es a! Thî e&te<i îng il erty. land(. get p

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