LIKE COIIY D IDEPENDENT, FREDAY. MAY 23, 1913. WMAKNESS I tcwt'o Emala ion W"icN luta U»,-idut, bd ut aur's t mrve.doswihont @ ldsZurich base hall club wsut gîte a aoe next Saturday nîglif oudai Lthe local hsl resut wll iîay Wýd.feIer here. This is expetted te lic I etr good gante as Reekefelîcri- t own to play geod bal sud Lakei gr"é ha.s treughtfnied tlir (eaui)î,v AU« a good outside lbattery. 'icu MIt ainord to Mme if. br. Stark o Palatine, sud Enttl Franîk1 Wk an auto ride te 'Vuconda tMen- ,*eaIOad of petatoe were - , 5d.d hte t0800@ Chicagco parties Tidsy 'and Wod over thieewresd. Tii.- armere Ïlnd25e per bushel.1 The work on Edward ilettuge nets Oums nar the lake ie progressîng iei.v Y. P. Clark sud F.(G. Fox transa,-ted *m in uWaukegan tieuday. Mm. W. C. tieknase. alto base u lk the paot tati menthe wa@ taken t b» UcAlister heipital tirti'îtiiegati huday, wber. site undeni, tut au gotion. Mr e1-n Ceesman and dsughfer @Pen% Iast week Friday wtth %ire. Jas Kerwan. Miss Annt Rie tiug sPeut lset week witlî '. I, Vt. Lîý t l iFert Hill. Mrs. Albe-rt kauteîîl'erg suJ little' dltughtcr lt-lt for Vititk'gau Saturday alter speudtng arm, th with lier parents, Mr, and Mrs Waltou. Mr. aud'NI rs. JohnPetescu Of Chicago, epeut Mouday at S. Yi. Wagîier's. Lloy'd Ruspell teck a lead Of furnitur- te Wýatiegan on Saturday fer Albert IKsute.iberg. Mtr. aud rs. Chas, Ks;ple visitedmSn- day with airs. A. J. Raymtond. Mrs. Sophia %Virtz aud Joé Love rc- turu.-d te Vole alter speudiug the.- ainter n Chicago. Thii.uual 'tIsutertal servces will b.- hetp et Vole tues Suuday. Misses Nettie. .Jrpbs and EVutr Rus- mcl. Edus Fisher, Marion Husen. Pearl X'asey aud Sarah Pashfield epent last Saturdav sud SundaY with Mis Flor- ene ansd Phyllie S1,oeuer lu ChIcawe They vi@lted Lincoln Park aud otîter places. S. J. [Seulein wamc taller at IBen fies- luiresSsturdayý Mir, aud MrmElijab Prouty. , r. .Lulu Neyes and Marphaîll Booth itosered fr, Barriugtou Fridav and calied en th,-tr friends in thîs vieinity. Van Ailden u( i auk,'ictu, was in At,>, Sain rdav. Air and NMrs John Wells ie! fiîttkef.-lier, s ited tîteir itîugliter Mrs id. Bauuisu aud famnily "unday. Me Msille Haper visited lu Engîti. weod Suuday. Tiei.- ises Clara sud dth Holiaud acre Lake Forest viltors Suuday. Clay ton [Deau simtted lu Libertyville reeuDt. Mise Milite Haper wase s reeunt vstiir in Libertyvii. IA. M urnie aas a Chicago isiter Tuie sd s s .1.B. Mason of Prairie Vlew maselu toan Satundat. Mr.sud Ars . .Newton of LaIke. Forest speni Sunday ut the itarson- age. Rae Alvurd was honte Stinday on hie recently pure'lased Indien niotor- c ce. A.[D. Haîîke sud t.. f Hllan cf Waukegan took lu the sigîtis ef (hl cagît AV.dnedsv, Tlieisene sur- prisesi te tlnd the tII ii îtîth larger thanth ieir homite ton.t Cniteut a alks are tinut laid tlîi' a ccl on Cilîcago avenue rinttitI. sillage prol crty ttorth te l'ank street. Tht-. ail cnhlethie village fathenaý tii c-rnte ti Itard mîeeting ln tîteir canîtet'ltîtr if te so desire. AIrc.. A, AR aisin ti,îuarnitlie the Roder Toune wedding. The of- ficlating clergyman 's Re%. Hum- mel of Long Grove. BASE BALL. Our coabt defences proved Inade- qitate to withstand the tierce attack of the Great Lalves squadron Suuday afternoon and after a grand show of resistance General Darfler 'sas forced to surrender the fort te the invadlng blue jackets. Of course no real sport- _DDERFDUL~ L. L. Matthews of Chiceago,' calird en Deeriield Irends laiît '-ek. Mrs. It Zoebier anîd daughter FItrFeuci- vîsite Ill iio Lttt v Iiie.-naa. Mrm Ed Seliîg te eittertaitlitng lier siýt r fi ntui Cicatgo. The, àdisses Trude xitertained ccii,' girl frîende froniu biageu uuday. Mrs. Lynu 'intcent iof t'.asie t tii, viiten lier sîster ene day iamt se.-k. Dr. anti Mrs. ilavlà lisd vtettpra ront Ohio. Tbey calme ail thes ssy by machinbe. We-arc sorry toeliaro eeoftcr mo.-t frentîeut sue ruleele t lirilid aiid titit aitcier lias@ ... hired te lIII lier plac.rbe a-ltbe uiied by btothe i.t ciidfi ii u lîcîti sud by ail .1 her î.aîu it-uds. $Pli e isloveI by ail, we î.iuuet -emaly eut"0l uilrecturddut isuke Up sud iild cuLe sà good teaclier wvi ten .v lise t,.-. e ail tlieughc aie iaci ct-lt-tt.,l geý)Isiîe, WIE HAVE 146 SAF! DEPOSIT BOXIES. The sizes tare lqjxl 5ýx;l antd 9jxl74x5ý. Tliev rent 1 romn S -te S a yv.i". Yoti cati keep) in tlem Bonds, Steeke, I uurano.- Polivie", Mortgages, Leastes, Notes, Receipts, Bille, %Vills, Important Letters, Accumîlts. Legal 1'apersi, Small Silverware, Jeweîs antd Jeweliv, I5lotographs, Relies, Rare Coins. F IRSI NATIONAL BANK. ing wivrter could tisse tît a cfhance teoi.-lemer, iv ho ac uisi sc L"î tbe ciant out 1k.- that buit eut of pure istteet our ou cboctl ad foit tie lîcciie. kinduess of heurtvie ti tI cîare >you Three oeeact coutedies a ii b.- the. rest ef It. gîven lu Andersons Hall bv tii.- Leer. It %asc soute gaine iiîîvssv, esen fielId hramafle club, Titunssia.AMayv tiîoigh tii.- valiers did trini ic 7 ft 6 Jth, 11 :. Tii.- ollwng trograini Nrs. John A. Stryker, Mrs, HeurY AirIIsud11rs. red T.Ivner of Pi-ait .tu irf01. ii- tilulu rîtus e d iili b.- îresenied. Mrs. Busb's Pink Wessiltig and Mis nita S it re te essluî tudy ihI t It. it looked for a f1.-tviniiigs as Tea. -Irs. lusb Nl iss ('lara i'yle. attending the A\v. M . ranch cou- Faston. tiionglineiter side Pe.-goilil) tM rs. Dashigh, NMiss Laura Kareit. seution uti)ixonu . I. fuile seek M u r oitîiuat -' score but the vil-,torv gottiti.-un- Ail-ev Mary ftuvlîv Miss Rtit resa. Ar tJati,.Frlts h sud A rMrrlu5. andv'lrat e onlstiieeald -ii caricd runtr li tlîe tiird andtiti. thbornte MAt r. Il lghtoue, Aisis a AI asKart h. i'la ee a tteuded a revivai l ftetluv Iît i iiChicage. teatuvmentt tleiieetcter I l tt NI Ars t ititertei. Miss Sophba Zîhnite ai titre azitne eciurcîtaut Viigl-aeî Ms rei hu',nbîiciettlr' test frttureThar Is ftue sas It toed Mrs. tiseacr, t ivlss tretta Ere,4s ' estilîî, t-vennut î Mi -liie Stats- Sî,iîi.îsqitttî t .- tliil tIiriiev îti li eu vttîîe tilt-eAitetta (ire iti- iîîft i, l--, Iirt.a Tue tSecond C(îeîluv tiof I brî,t i-t tii' viU itir( ti uidNSho liîttig aid ..,tî it telditig qittlte ite iltsi ill r. tilîitv . Ar tRobert '.tltjtv t tiittte praven tiie.tiiig Ilitirte rterti- i.liît'dtiie- altirs tii ix nirý e fttscP thutrchi lex!tA t'dndut.tav P i ltttcr tîlia tiirtt vhir Ai , %%Ili< t ah a'- ler ileveltti itst' troeet Frt.i, ttîil i Ai f,' Frkink ; 1il it, i g u l1 jk 1g11 %a, pt leut,î.Ai ce (; ,tItl Ii l u Ilt1, i l a r 1i taI cotîl'le, lAir, itî,'cf Nil-evier Il'tiled I (;it'r Suî,dtîî 'Teue vi,. ,irti uiitla utileterA AfIr. (art Rommunel. i' . trttta Kî't'cs ti itth ev ld Titi Tne'da\ and \At s'l ir.' i)eitaur ant ilialite-r Vi.r [uu lu ovetigrltvg t mou ('harles aud faiîîily near liravp'l5k"knhoI v. bere- or tovithe ti. esc- se a,.i pueuhitattît trfour nmore i Ars. (INii iFrank iiotîîhs'r ilM »Oveiatite ack. t' ,t-s > Sudat. contractedl as no other case hait lieti cithe nintttast itittie-tianti theI NMarftiaKarcit Stella (iliiti. 'liti>-is R ý P.C. eipandLlum (.arytrasncted Mr Ci- i icCttk titiChicaigo., vetitvter diseci ered lu this vicinite A iraiued hailt tiitai,.-the secontui ug cf the iie ît. i- tirit Kart>, Cerie AIes lgl ilsieMsin UChicaigo 'thtuuay. S W an uitily. ii r. iere unse 15 in attendauce stîd the lis-cear. tii'liAis ItailiKr-st \rah. a :l ~ sy ng ou vqled a îh beaoluloe n au d fire tlsI'ttk sIetd Su d tient is dotu ge l]I \ext Sunda v iith e t in ce, s te Luke serva nît girl. M issi ('lana l te E d 'r, flut qhm tuday. 5fthe frtric. ' A feu ,front hre afendesi the Zurich for te tiret tif tii. gaintec, the A in.Pai .tiir-o tît I . tt Its vii.o. lir. and E. Betierera'ie tins Joseîth %A t ivited i-elatîtes etf -iinv-u aie5 GAAvaeFloscalond aic ahI 'k i. it seu1h.- Rebent 'entîg At Vausgu bssos stFnda. lît Friay day eveulug sud repîort s very tv uclrausî i e rtî,Sîniv \% liestiiAl tt trlIt'> -Nr. and tirs..Georgze radsky lt M'tr, sud Mn.- Albert PaddoItI. ihlîts etnel'-o. vîrî. tiuietîtli(t rt'riieayi i of a"11-1it pâatins, vere vieto ere er-Suedur Paddock,. Mise Gerwiaua Wntltansd 'sowisf the ccu,î,ositor a iii just ex laîthe% v iat ftîlef lilte-uitSî af.Ar RobenrtiPetits.Prattilettti mil ~smbe en tepre- i.l1 irs. Oliver Neit-h mîtored t,, Laksencue extente caution sud net set dat, ou lng to a tliîeal,-ve't attackirN cf, opg ow, ewmilliers sud uesrîîy 0.neya ntntsybrstiie ioregelug 's h ait "R" ala ill lte aîtîedicltils.Thot IIImlatithe sais 'oun-di Ari\r. 'art Ro tis *t«Mng y 1the"e cilaice fantiy AilI Benslett cf 'tcH.-ury. ashewell. lbut the.-frutti cf tie mtter le be gotet Auiet theih t ontý Ni v)t to ho onteday, %Iay'26, etf ast week ioukiug alter flitebusiness The fine aeatfter Suuday sres su Ides tuat ci e Irî au A.t L. l îîtîAi n Er-. Re.ur Io , arm ile,4 uorth of Ruckt- iuteremts. qi.f ute in ledysd(. murelthega Rser.tî W 1F Ren)IciT@,Proprîstor. i - trR.dtie J W.wrcretThn-eleuing tnaius sere aeli crowdesi arked behinsi the.-cati-r n sd made HuFild S va s vîu at îu ~urun., îek ay u aukgs. itb rerurulng -tsitors. a great bit aituhh4i ittinstlou f fond oet "slior,' AMissLori.etta Eres The Gould seheel gloses Wednesdsy lu mind the amateur theatri- Brick Owen. A1 uta.a9u la-ftsie dn Z ~m for the seaelon. MisesEthel Aogtf as I rNuta on avfn f"ac GM Mpreeted aili a gold plu fer perfeet cal te be giN en by the veuug ladies etf An Important Item inthti resu i l tg," Ruth Kress Aiusidera. s seuug atteudance du ring the ahole fear. bleMcflidee Hall temerrea uSatursisyl tue gaine as thte.-Itttîne of 1.filady, fend ef "nomtanc'e'- Mics Fphis Prof.and Mrs- Numsou viielted with sie neceived a prise for hasisttelliug nîglit sud heip thent with youn pat-fifleder Montee. H.- ias there wlth Zahule. Arabeita, a 'ueung lady fend O. D. Âums Sunday. duilug the year. rouage. fao doubles sud a buter o 1rain isllr ye LUma.0. Ikverence sud littîe sous _à__ ro. Arthur Johnson sud a party King played the gante Ithi a lame AtheMymtigote V an um m eopof Blghîaud Park, of_________________e friends front Chicago spent Sun- kue.- thaf pllesi do%, bi hs speed AtueAsmeinofu tonul wihrltvshero PRAIRIek.E VIEW dye h oeo Is naL-smwa.Mitsionary Society et the Pnesiiy- 'S'. 13. Relue, B. Lts sud A. G6a i.- om or'in. un L- oe af. hs Nvlsain-tra huc el t h oeo werwiumare atteudiux the Paotorial Mrnsd tire WiiI Coon of Waukegau, trp.N eetiku uis 'a i ttInt nis cur Theisday f te Ineona ~ddwbhl la beinRhIld at Chcago are vlsitiimg at the flart-ey Cooii home Nexf Suudtiy merning Memeial ers sure have s clas outieid Ar nc hrda îenoa 11111llle. this week. tevcsal ehiie iahe5 rs- ..2 O4 1 6 uuusually long and inlterestlng pro- '_X 1. H. ots has heen en tetaiug hi r Mn. sud lUtr. S. L. Tripp o! Reckefeller, 10:30 a. mn. 1ev. Carr out(hie place N. T. S .... 0-tl 1il 0 06 O 0 7 gramt as gisen on the pîeople ut Massefio Chicago the pait week. viaited wîith the Richards familles on wil distllver the sermon. fakiug for Two hase bits. Allontee -1 Suvder, Siamt sud Laos. The homes. food, -Mr. md Ut'. E. Sommer aud Miss Sunday. h ~ Gae thm drie. customs, marriages and super- ot Wukszn, isltd 1ev. sud tire.E. M iimbach lift Ol Our NatIons Herooes." Services wit l Rotille, 2, T.tiofer. King, Gramît troeue. echedbifru st tihe homeo . .Sh em d4y for NatervIlle to meet Mn.r. Uubach's elA.. e memiters. irs. Resebre had change Ninie udEmiîe îser riet ile:aefot alu s be held here et the usual tinte lu Cook, Henri, Ioisee Sacrifice bits 'Uei iueadËIl ihr@etparents, ocm rr aro.Kn fet l meeting sud Ais.Croittled the dawth relatives hars. The sale of ltire. E. E. Tracys W&» the eveuing aith a sermon on: King, Swanu.rAhmeal. Basles op devotious. Mis Aoodman aud Mrs. Urli. Louisand Miss Merie Pepper el atteuded. Mr@. Tracy exects te 'Fintsees Work." halle off Ronce 1't[lit by pitch RFakPtro agsde.Am ,4Wbsd witlmfriends at Llbertyville lat mFelirantrelint leCicgeeW aisot crrcgaaeregi ta oue.Stucu mal ir uuehmei hcgo ewsht orcta ro I h.oue tuk u yRts ,b aris epidentlc sas described sud -Uri. :;dlinre.I e. L. %. heeler sttended The concert given by the Prairie View Issue et test aiek In the accounit et Peasiey 2. f50 stonles. Ars Ais-tionar AMaling %rbU &t «uau, us>'y. qo weaie taken up in tbe collection. - -'er lo ed Nias Aube Pasulson Aput SaturdaS Mictieu Cors. Sud Mattie lidgkini o + lle t.*ef~ >~ ( Mls(ln t eetraus ,Mdi Sunday at Laite Forest. liuveted lun ew Ford automobile lati w S a s tc. DrIAM N A EMs Ctrvseetetie ite Imb Monda>' evsnuing a surprise psrttvWeek. a fte ned a lcHnrs 'n ,waa glîsu Albert Thies About fhiîlty H. 'E. Hotje tfot the latter part if the W hy iijew asiied ie, inii u agltn ceWu ' fedcd~eelg Teduu *en' promut samd ail spent au eiituyable; w.-.k for Stpringfield ss delegate fer the zsgau vistsn Saturda>'. ront deceratiens 'sere perfectiy Moiigttdern Wuudtneu. Work Guarantecd. Prices Rlght. Mrs. Bart-iy Wiarren sud Hait-I spent ltearitfu. the tilees used sene -vi0- IMr. aud Sre 'iili Edwandogave a C. M. Kirtsinger, Ivanhoe., Sunda>' ait irayeiats.letesud pIe.lx aud tlie laioe nud or- cai-s party ait thiir home Saturday r n ti onHd n isnaet vr ftesieclr n - cs'eing Abou t thiry-til ieimtg preffcut. P. . AÂMeS.. Rockeeler R. D. 3. isdti- th egesd'ususmutyela e refeshant co er (' Ltidm*t W*eie! Wriu kegau. galkl1Pi-ogressivcencire wasplsyed sud J. A. Une A. L DoMrensPhone, 275J. . esier spettSatunday in Lt uage sud sushlelabeRte nreetîmnt a ere i'*a friandesuadsirlatives bai-e SubdaY.y. Mamen andMisSumes.-îttîtuwon fti-t sersd Ruih KTse su leste itoo nmgaetaud ris hw ie Urman Aibr-clta s utrs.______Stranger aere flic prize ainners. Mima Leiitbtvîu carried tIf the booby piizes.tir. Andensenv uithcagut. peut Seuda>' -IlAf'ise Ruthi Reirhert gave a violet Sana>ws 1ît'. Aie.Andreu udso dnun o leht ginls Thursdsy even- O, l. erthaiirouintutispent SaturdayAueealetieaslidb'a. V N O SMaa Sun3dsy t Wtiukelfsit. e te I fihýtowauitp committese len , _--- Weudeil at'cuupntiied hlm hoe. tuelu complimuent te Ailisc A1ilunie > NU. aud tii-. Jsaceb Prederick sPet 1,qiecttiI]reg a rid tu tht' tii-cinhrai r-n rr .L hmetnetr CTraI'11adat>nYWlý)en ucio.frýhn h ilsta SMturday sudSuiiuday aîtb relatives 51usivise.- f r Lake ttlt>vo "AtitisdMr'n. .Cabehnene. f Thîitlt udafrefN'ittxu Hfhve.frabtu te iiafa Chilcago. thtfiti-n us plaîufethe teninittee wltt tsinte icr ettnilRiiysud s île, alecm i- 1 v-. ftitih vsý e 'allens ut Barileit'm Lndemuaid.The f.' v ' n.- 0 place*- bs.1ike Obenanliid Miss Van-J n iisueastlîîîîrîugb caus'as o!flitheauw- beit Cbamîbertn etdbicagia, Sunday. farne Suvula3 vlandsblure jvlts laironimuaspont thini ith le ae.k utKif' an sd gise,vryoue achale t tihotw Mrsud Mir@. Win. tîcker>'sttendesi Ht-i-an Alitrtýlibas a ut-s auto bus The ileerfielsi Tuýtu n'iii s1elltng imout, iII. aseIbe jiwtîofe fst. Fi-an- 1 thein aipptci'ititiiiii c f thi-engstaizstli.ithe fiWorId in Chcsgo, Tbursday.iii smIlItItet al tains@ af Rockefeller-. sud sritingcvntest tot,,lace uni(lite -ci.Scimlsgen foi-mer laster cf St. Mai-J's %%'outl if uDt be st-il fer ust ie it- Misses Alice sud Tii.-,Smith wb at-r.- flic Inmr cholThrsa " urch irpares te doc utr part abou calesi on. es o Miss-ulaGabSna. M. Jt'tikiius hllsitht- mistruettt.eledganna-siuo hiss ~tlmoIe guete etMiss miîistintilie, unda> * bae flsii intbadiv rot'ueed i ii.-tfafternonenthe itmtt, Kv enet. Iigh- Mits Helen Hardiîng efrent tii-htek j vtsîsiansi Ieeniielsi -butts i cuiii et ed s'îth Sun-s uEmtiaiKu.-bk, n uWiiuk- Suutda3 egar. Mie Alît ,- l,-îr'h if Lttenys i. g in-t ansi thinulplaces fvilue egti. as irMis itfi tWukgi, sîtetitI uu-.îuta tb tins.Letie -i, suellititiimautch ive n 1t ,vtil' visitiesi thi. luiers pai-ents SafurdtiY ker. frouiIl,- lightsoutil su luttl. lIe. it 7 a d 'uiday M s. lli, ,I ýrtýtaii, b- llotýr Knickerbiock'er a itiiniu ',rnd, ieon Sie-l.t .tnstiti h t iiIl~- t ir,' ee"ve!tl '.uittrutl %At tiunug 'tr. snd M'tii- e u-ry \ i"es iun Iuttt '-i.itî iut ats-- retent vîiitet,, t itagit and a hile aýais tis vsite decudeti att-n tht-er t teudeîfle l int r i. Mh ,Ii-v t i î 't-t ts-ni- Suiidily in! i. raini ta n Suiuoll Da t' i.a -. i e Sites Vut utsRadko etfunueu bomeu tt- Ai iik.'gitl, usth NI'tin AIacy Johunn 't ,ates i iit lhs'1il.S Il S C'rid1iii 0it - uriday altetr s1t-ui iig tt s-ek s slt-lu Mr i- iti i\Il 'i"h iibcng. Mir. tand fte xliiltioanu uit '.u letut s ri thli lierbroher ud atitîf u (hit-sti. Ars. Pi t ltît--ti sud fantili oi Ltberty Deenilisirattuai- srhool rt-t cit euh y' ~~~ - ~Mise Hatti, i'oIzîuîvuiciirlat-îsiv uî, ulunde ,r.i John ~ii aitiet ihonrable mention on relier nîtai '.ansi b ti-.sudSir Ht? 'uyte itsitSui- ~ut-it tuitîi n 'iuitr hattht ptepcomosic uti,. l ia euui iiibeft lÀ5 hu fis.5." d MàseBft Ild5i..bcS- l)tîi eet' iti.-Mi-nitiai st-i-ire ut Ia o at1' iThe (Parntt.W ',i ,t ttti(,ut the churcu Sunda>' ut 10:311, vaiitvttit'tailî nîeî'îFnidat uîtert,îîuui at 1i') C reoncrI kete B arriDo et olup iu o PA ATiE-Fý . 'MILLER. t. aea..evchiltden hue beeniuarrnngigd mii water .Aia av, sdry.- Affîîri moie idinlz place for ~Adjudtcation Notice. I ert eue iiS-e teu Ilt r'S',V t ut-ilueen rats, tItli)rctiiig place for ftics. No ire dangei-. Bforn ft'iii. andltIre. lPai-t, i.liisaymeibr riu tMayii12t, a ..' tiet. rîîî'Le a,,i f u 'tlen tn it i.. Fritz anti famil>' have îuuîsed iu()î'ti tt' ' l ii rietleut3intttnof aIl,.i coa ans-tii t,-tf t 's' ta- cou,it ty. irM sconcert for tte bi ft tu t "ctî t the lowr liaitof the ,awtmitbouse-Ue 1. h~' iaeHi-r- l I AMudar, al ri tii- lssr fat t he ,suht't iese.ut-u"î i"i.'.~ . ~- ~C'-c i l Adeeeu' laItFnti. v ' itin ti w M r, sud Sire. Arbogast 01 Chicago,.Mtlui, n,v, i.- ' it ,et- 11arnThe Bo' ' Chtorus ai alt ts ie a If là alwayti uniform.-asitffor the friner tu use. smot uiîl>--tA.L.S-ti': t:,, .~ ~tr-st te imt 'in the ;,r,o'ntiu. flu' teeretofhan su. S. n ag IfI. AI.ntYs Tii.-regulan nottmfly meting oftheli naid tCouurt I-r ,-îI ijtl i,>u. 'tlt- t-uth Beichtelt th iie,k Thats ii.- ecretof bitsuretvs inLadie'Aid Was heldsi 5ttht-euoe-ofvui -u>TtA tctus ground ine hnU .Governnient sperificatI& uuN.fNlsso tirenxmubnigtmgb oeiadea M. Tergier entertaiwed fri-enoifront L ake Bluff. ThEv attîteti dthei- Fr.. Book -&bout Concrete Barn Floors Civageoest-r SundaY>. ELiIANAI,'W. Cos.,v, Att-y. tirnttpltayaf RaNitula TItaut"t-Piday Tallaumilth advantagem ef concete fluors sud huai te butili ent aith Mtis. T.Cafleai of Evanston, caliesi on AdjuiatiuontNotice,.iesenlug. aud Tht.-AVurîi In Chicago foChloago AA' Cernent-. Or, if cu pielleer write te the Chicagu Portlandsi aieir a Tirdy i-ta usl.1Stra CO., 30 . LA Salle St.. C impo eaie er a uea. Pilitt.-,fth.,.. u, ysuieBq1sits>'ehn rotetran Mise Elaclilias returuesi frontlber C.'I-uie, v,-t. 15t *tiis-5iMasafi Mis.oeîhlo rot ntrlu LUMBE CO. Librtyvlle,111.sit aitfiens. lu Chicago. CtI ît ioe t ii- r; îsizit-m i efMisses Shack sud Nay of Chicago relue iviCOu et lite tir. lslls Si Wsakesau t sud Sunda CI.ICAGDCOAL &LUMBER CO.,North Chicago oftr, sd.i rs.tissattfended thefluneral l tcit'iti lth -c and si.ivii.daytuds ti rs. John Pinget. (nos)elMi"s t.aii-asim -'lguttt ii .t. -S' t-cusiihtlild "at cti~,, tt heea i0 8itIite Jcb,'IsEi gr u 1'5vWrâBB, Waukegan, III. mes@. at enoeuviiie lait Thurdss rqettstes d- to et.t the i.." %,, e tus amui(avutfer ".rs. Wslter bang acre the gueste ot D ROS. CO, Lake Zurich, 111. Mn.. Fed Hoet cailei on fri-jedsiboiteaddcatioun. Al.riENElA.<iul,.-i.--e.Mris. Holmati-ont utShermanvîlte ai CO. FEED&4 FUEL CO., Rockefeller, III. Monda>'. Zay VIO-16 At- 't -tL binflda>' party Frida>'. vl F.iî,-ît ot tîte St i'aul Elv 1Ii. toti Dr antI ir . '1 . Kiîa. ifi'în Irttt'e atus--.îlsVttlAttlooa t'iiitiîii Su i , Su-hlîî ilt-- otf uv tt i r i flic r.- lie a ,li tt t o At l .r te uti t A in,> i n ii t t go Sa t uî ta v 1 tii, ivtet aI cf leil ',.Itll s'lýr i tl ial-tltrech .iti ithr' tltItih t.lîg'riîm)(1t %via., ti,' titra lu A',tiltî'euîn Sattilai, t-l Att f - î;lutîlv 'Tuii st'r ti Illui 'rIr cît l,urî'ittt-re.- itutd 1l'ark F'iitla uid sîiturtl. av lpth aPrP- lis'gttt't, tt Emiil Krý t ft'lllen r-i'iaPr tif Shertiieri lIear etft ltirmerviie -titti cIri . .,,uandThurs'tiltM.A d Therrîcu liaita'. lii, . cîsten At s. EsiSt-tic . Hoyt eof('hicagco visited is itAfrs. Lt-ta htoyt ist Sunday. cageý Lake's big weeky-l.NDEPENDEs'T. SPRING TOOLS CHIATHIAM FANNING MILLS. SEEDERS AND DRILS. DISK IIARROWS. LEVER IIARROWS. DEERE andJANES VILLE PLOWS WAGONS 0f ALL KINDSA. Largefit Stock in Lake County. Prices right. IF IT S SCS(HANUK IT'S THE PASSINGO0F THE OLD STAGE COACH i . sirilar to the t.haw...tîg înethole in butlltig f eid. It i-t net se roretct ep ie t funis iim a B auk on i ( 'heikirg Accetiit as it is te .arr v a rotll cf bol-etls in the peeket or stitiT thymn in a hli-i, the cellar wail, but it ts a safer nitlil. umore con' ettient and iiiiî'lt I... UKIîeîlive. \%Ve itste volir pafriiaiec. 'liii h ,w l l ie (il val ue te ei. .atid wc leliee ur B înking l'aiilitics,1% ill ', neit NAtt n THE CI flZENS9 BANK ROCKEf ELLIER. ILL.. President. Vice President. Cashier. Cernent Stave Silos Are as Cbeap as Wood Silos and are very much better lleoàutte they are pernianet silos, settiallA' grewing strouger witlt agi, -tllev cano t le tle- t r. ved 4 fine andi are strong eneugh te restet anA' wiit,-th' A' are ah.olilttly air andi water proof and will 1tre8erse the siltige itt.rfc('tl ' unler ail weather coîîditioîis-thev are aciti proof-thev r'qlître ne attention to keep in perfect conîdition. THE ('EMNENT STAVE SILO je a beautiful struîctulre andi adda te the appearauce of the tarm home. In its inoister preof walls the silage freezes less than in other silos, wbefher iîollew wall, brick, wooden or cernent. It is the BEST silo becatise the tiret cost i@ the total ceet. No expense for repaire,8 painting, attention and loss front epoiled silage becanse by air leak8. if von are going te build a Silo cal1 on, write or telephone me. EDWARD WOLFF Phone 201-M BARRINGTON, ILL._ [La ppened at Rookefeller I By T. F. SWAN ICORRESPONDENT ;AGENT far Au. 'ti pS. d1sr t'il A ailt fur wlii fil- ..t Li M' rai: sii Mi fi r, in Mi r 1,1b tict l i tlic t lu