Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 May 1913, p. 4

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LAKE COUINTY IFDPIN~N RIDAY,--MAY 23, 1913. ________________ ILAKE COU(NTY 1NDEPENDINT1ý OWeie Teephotie Niimber 1ityEdi or Res il uce '1i one Nu nber 225-R. LiLrtyvrîtli-1haules Entered at the Poetolflce at Liti.rtyville, Ili ,. aqS",ond Clatas Mail Matt.'r laqued Eve.v Fîidlry. Oeirti-alnz Rate.t Made- Ktmv)wn on Applieation. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH ............................................ ... ............ ............ Editor F. G . SM ITH ......... ................. .. . ............. M anager RAY L. H UeBARD ... ..... ............ .............. City Edtor A. K. Stearns announces that he is again to return to Waukegan to practice law. And stili "Bll" Deane has nlot yet been able te get into the practice of law in Waukegan! Rev. M. P. Boynton of Chicago declares that the liquor industry is flot what it useil to be, in other words, that there isn't as much intoxicants sold now as formerly. His statement seems apparent to ail who observe conditions generally, that the use of liquor has been gauged and cut down; the individual is looking at his own interests and welfare-in fact, it seerns evident that men as a whole are1 flot using liquor as they used to. It's to their credit and it's also an argument that, the proper place to begin prohi- bition agitation is WITH THE INDIVIDUAL. That autoists have certain rights on the public high- ways was clearly proven in the hearing last week in the Waukegan justice court when th.e Aptakisic farmer-a fined for refusing te give a Iàbetyvile man hall Ùie roïd' in order to get past hum while traveling in the saine direc- tion. There are auto-hogs and team-hlogs, just whiei is the worst the. individual must decide. However, the case emphasized a point which many persons driving teams are .slow to concede-that they inust give an auto opportunity to get past, even though he may be going in the saine direc- tion. The state law makes this right obligatory, much as inany fariners would lke to ignore it. appointinonts on the Board of Rviwwhlch each year satisfies different sections of the oounty, giving thein rec- ognition for this important work. In paslg it around in the way he does, tho judge certainly shows that he realizeis tilere are several points in t he cou.xty. The. insuirgent Woodien have puo after the. head camp officers in a dotermined manner, j udging from the reist of the national convention held at Spiingfield. When sentiment is so strong and so goneral in Wooderaft against the xnethods of the head officers, it seems as if they COULD BE DISPLAC!D if proper effort were made At that, $25,000 to $50,000 isn't too much for High- wood to ask for having the b ig new cemetery at its doors. The presence of a cenietery, no matter how well it may be kept up, would not enchance the value of Highwood prop- erty to any extent. The real effect wouid be hard to figure out ahead of its coming, hence Highwood officials cannot be blamed foi insisting on getting ail they can at the outset 11E 'DRY' BILLS ARE BLOCKED IN SENATE; ALL TO 60O TO SLEEP? tdonîof tite'stata- iînorma il .ittti St Notr tuai, t o imiles-it r.t r il tit niiîtiad that tttthbil rOet' 'tt'îi utt the iî'rritory zti 'r ,ttr'tandtt hin- îtai4n ari-îiitd tir-he ritrî ontf 1111 nuois. As a r-sîtl t o i t iti o i )-ru rr'îiln the111on vov The Cleary New County Option The bllprh Otig he sah ofliq Measure Sent to Enemies tior wîitliin '0iittfatt thutilthor A fter H e Leaves FI oor. lios iitai. tisaeîîbil rît tiio t rît tt Il-tii cer« ~~to sait i iqittr sioult trii i- BROWNE BALKS THE PLANS for a îterlod la-statn the itr- oîînths anîdte bilil prohiitlititi'esaleof Nfothing Announced Regarding lîjiior outrilda of lncrtporated <-liii' Five Mile Bil-lt WilLikely :::e aine~~r.a'e tt .' i u be Allowed to Sleep Also. Amona- the 'dry'"titi, advanced to tîtird reading v.a-n- ta-e5'rltîtity ltian Tieti'taiigranîi betis Froîn 'fbrtlln, tha anti.-shliing 1,111sad four fia-id tîtder data- or Nai i1'u1t [t ut othars. "ý%'et" bis tîdsance-t to thitrd fnterest in tait' rounti ta-t'ai ar4ýf-ra-adirta-incioded i ti' 1,111 arnittintt ara-mca ismada- to alilîost aua-ry 'tiry"' thea-lrae of liquor on ralrîirad trains, bii ss ,,ici i s ,itefora- the' ial tlatrîr,' 'tte b i nil s uitn titi' ira-sit t îwn- axca-ttinthe otnteti' miichi littn trt ili optîioîn law ai(]the iabiill îprohib-' ettl'nî \.tst'tti tnl t-.-r i, rur. tis ..i t ~ , I titi' lia-' itilt'tdre toIa- titiof ta1t tr alla-rit Lawyers for Bankex Kirby still continue to tr-y to get:ar-tti't, Ilt iii russtrirv unit ir'_______ Judgo Landis to re-open the entire Kirby case because o î'a-cihiLr irFaithaitiriif sMitl t , st'tt Rtiia ar r ta ttioii new evidence they hope to show to prove that Kirby lost iina-' ii' ira oirst' iita, I ir 1) ncarsu t Lake- roîrîi(r, ierait-ta-thea $20,00 of the bank's money on the f'ake horme race. SucI, 'Idr. ' billti,, îi'ri'tru iit i) ttý1.oiarînuîav os aftt'r ih.,-î'ihonr- absurd contentions! Supposing h. DID lose the bank's bru iltls i'tcomittred il tiles. runti'folk In a-r -t datail, sa-a-bna- money in the inanner he now dlaims! That does flot lessen rrioi-i îîîî l i orotaka uathe t tti'(ianoslta irn lus nersonal responsibilhty and accountability un the. east; Sa-atrttt t littrittuî da-i lgivt shoecoerpt s ti ls ris-i in fact it makes it all the more reasonable for the court to1 onotýîs îîloîtitnbii, shich1 ii it itri 1, fere t t:e coiinite o c iitr" Thats alis tiy Y iii%kitstlias a be severe with him than if he had lost it in the usual line ft'inf ini tt' a tititiOtitttt,-iiiit -toId d 'to ntaiu' i rl:t cars itis- sl)rnL 0f investinents. But, the. nerve of attorneys, seeking to courir oin fav orablte ati on iA-tr102. mule a court believe that Kirby or any other sane or in- San.t(la-tiers la-rt tite' loor Seatrr Mmne man would walk up to an absolute stranger and hand îsatiley, a '*m>î' îleada-r, put titri igit Indepentient ads-read Iry 25,000. him over $20,000, with instructions to wager it on an un-it mtirîn toseanil tha- na-w ount.v o i1 ____________ Imown horse. They may make some people believe such ina-saiura- ti thtE'. ttutinittee onarit:t"il a- thn spossible, but flot Judge Landis and others who m0laniera-e. lfrois w&ii<iilu iCo.' have______ ante c:e. his aci. it-ns that tiHo <uîn Adms& ,g ttC option IIt it ie iii redota-ic Dry Cleaning Specialists. GOODROA V. JBSfotir ot the- sanata- tnta-ss a biti contes osa-r front the- hou-ta-Tire original 1913 S PRING S EAS ON. Over 100 good roads clubs, commercial associations, tounif olîtion frill introducea-d tît ai and other citizen associations met in Springfeld recently in ator Claart ut siumia-rIinlutiti For E.pertly Dry Cleanins the interest of legisiation te check the. shocking waste of bands of a htostile- subcotititta-iof public funda resulting frein our systein of road making tii'litan- nd ms Agreent. and maintenance and te esta.blish an efficient, economical lnutiroue RUpes Arent. Brwre JIDj)E system in fts place. and otirers itretanta-d thea- riant e Opposed to this legisiation are thie organized road com- nient rof a fa-a tf titi' "drnt" bilts frontt Ladies' and Gentlemen's inissioners, who wiIl los. their jobs thereby. sacond to tird reading-. Rlir asa- Which mnterest will prevail in the legisiature? tativa- Wilson. t hafinan of thei' a-î Wear, Rugs, Draperies, Tha i a inerstng ndimortntqustin. j iaratieca-<ttitiita-i', and Ra-ra-'.eitta- ,Clae .EC Thtisa itretngad morat uisit.1ir c Tittiiias C(iirrai., ttairitaiîitif the-elnou,!c Illinois is near the bottoin of the list of states in its Ilhil-nrat rîrîttîî'.ri aca-a-d itatlt standards of public roads. iatand îr*'ti bil,, irorrti ia- r3141-43-45 Wabash Avenue Illinois is'next to the top of the list in the sum it sanirad tri tiird ra-adinz. Ail t'ira '- HIAG spends; on roads-and road commssioners. inea-rtr",liait' lî'a-r tmade a s-tî"!ritCICG ttrdarofir tttîi-lrriirttontti rri riiad- PHONE DOUGLAS 378 Illinois spends almost the maximum, and gets almost lît - extWî'li;t.sda. the minimum. This waste mounts into millions of direct i'littentlttiiî týitti vttttrî expenditure. It piles on that waste millions more in econo- tit- tgrei'a-tit tir ail'.atriç, r' ,ý mis loss toi fariners and merchants through the burdien -- i rt iiia-itit" i;t ir ta- iileitrtta-di LIBERTYVILLE 0OFFI CE bad roads lay upon business. irt, Otit-M otti'e natih ir-titiise- of New Butler Building. tlie' iitr a- ttrte i rit' int,, dr, î Have the two or three thousand jotl .xÂde'-s more elo- i., ît i r r FOR PRICES TELEPHONE 6 quent arguments than these to convirce the Forty finth \ii~.t r iaaitWe îIl cal ton and deliverr the tamiallest general assembly? 'tti ttrt'titittiut orders. The. DIIhérenc. Btng-9 usen a woman bas been Cltred of rheumatsxn by a etroke of lghtnlog." Jinge ....Yen. And lthe measdiffers tram na many surgel- al operations announced an perfectly successtu lin that the patient la stili alve."-Judge LU BERTYVILLE'Si First Novelty Store JOHN LESTER, Prop. Wth tls many attractive department of Noveltits and 5 and 10c Goode now oSfers tls patrons the opportunity to secure M1igh Grade Music. If flot in stock wiliI ader. Save postage and gel il here. Thte McKinley Edition of Ten Cent Music a Specwaty. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS THE AUTOMATIC SEALING BURIAL VAULT Thtis là the maga- lit pi ogr~ t sî tiiv t'ari1 l.Aud i nti progrea.s hall coule an ifli'raaalâ l tliici i lta ..tilt:Li.ii î"ît, 't'l li Iias ii îur, tllad-mtillii thing tii rvp,'1 t h. ."lis il n ed - tt x ,Itlih lits lt-i.i tliaaraaiît'ii- 'iatiire tif inter- tam. ltit, rwVtatiit.iand i ' II t.-. a ttts tli. tt h -, attt 4'tt n mV atilaî tif pearvitIl, ii î a.,- 'lTseAutomatic Sealing Burial Vault i tleilatitt-Iv wfat-r paint tutI m î 1 isiittst Ilu t i -l i b.1Iftl. I t it i, 1 i . iii ix.titt ttItît r i -u ilIgî ri1ra'ta i t it.a ttt,,ri i. , lt r '-tt11,î--. t art',îa. ii' t- i fita Il cli gîîtiî, I q'ilb ,itut , I .%h , tl- 111 - ,llr.1.It l M.aruaciîired iiy W. C. BRUMM, Csrýnrti Contiracior kIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ALITTLE STORY WiTM Ag BIG POINT The insurance man chasecl the business man into hi& office. -That was HIS business." The business man cbased the insurance man out of his office. "That was POOR business." The business man, two yeara later, cbased the îi-irance con'upany and was' "laucief (r)ejected. "That was THEIR business." One year later the business man was chased off the earth. "That was UNFORTUNATE business." Three months passed, and bis family was chasted' into the street. "That was NOBODY'S business." -T. é, 0. Review. Any other "business" can better afford to wait. Write to your MichigZan Mutual Life Agent today. JOHN HODGE, District Manager. JUST MOTOR CO. NEW At LIBIBRTYVILLE Phone8 Service Station at tIaif Day. Ail Automobile Supplies, Auto Livery--New Cars. Experienced Mechanics QUICK SERVICE. RIGHT PRICES. Can We Be of Use to You? Mj Vwork I ---OPEN FOR BUSINESS=== ITEl Iw 1 Ph( JO IMM

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