g w The falloclgqai ww s l US g110 im6sta 1tai *P*s d*mi Mr. sud lim. J paao mUSW g1yta Ps; &cd Mi.s ll~ nmu~ bvaagetaitfor Bîbvon, 111,ee*b Win Mspoi ~ ~.aodyesmm *a. greiudla as a1 Comn~dreoS he hz c.., rulo tlbe I sud ItApffer hal Wmt u, 0chicafl serti Mlrsé;eai ud Club.porebses i le.»secba. is to ti Frankula fgheae, cho la employea éïsd ater parphansiteau20 -Fox lAkIo Chidagloe"antWsdneedsy oiev.lg ciii aocs. «prn.loacf scia'e1ifty" bail1 bis pavo*0su &1teuded1h. big basste.tt o oola eoe on. hallane Wm.. H plgioif aylkloa dlepenerofai ltlowattl a eebaueee BlU ffXctsment ut h e Lipplfctt 1 cater Wedaeedoy. Rossi Uppinots,,one of iheokiiet The Ononta Club eousatlng of ihtrty. au4 but leucua ruei t b u .Fox Lake oive membere gave s houm aicmlegmrllin. cse lte ocueao f wOd exctemet Saturday sud Sundsy. J J. Thumu ce Thursdsy moralag The ba. arrtved appolnted chti"kl. 0 fros In#e in luchare of drivertille., fplghted vtb ira. 3 rele cho ha. tir. E. Iioovehouse of Chcago, t. retai thebasl for tiese osau, twa victing lit, sud Mmr. Franke Pe.e ai lady trieuSe,/prospeetive tunireof Escle MOIt cottage. a eotored emplcye and o 1 pinter in otralghisd ereumaincea. Jou..Pltber. con ai Alderman Fchte,' Afcater ieâhadrua the. gannilesof a la .pénduug Ivo cesSa vacation lathe. Igang o boue seursa bhbaetesu ce. rilaon of Point Camàon. .hugr ly Iby autsovdictts tir ai lia. , H Rutusa bve laiton eti., lerfwbhieh.hopaed Mr.andmm.L B Ruftmne &" iipagh ihe offimeganlg ils proepec. arirved for th.e es.ansd aremecpymgvîé m" ta0 rIowlaa, ail th cwitle their favorite etaeo w ri«dqaà te euit «bore. yt5 ~ lcoelgeoacsl poaiebate of thse Fox a 4k irlan lugenenai and tir, sud Mlireo. a. ie an sd mmuth lotitL lpplseoig ta pa ilcalr. Billy, apet Stardqsina Snaday ai Tb#entend ru etlem menved tact. mealdonne oftir. a ti re, Wm. T. tara; itmlltng noneha"atly around tb. tisypale ci fatimee ore. pareli, vsclag .the srenry. bIkng UMWa tnotese *" eomparlog Foi Lake F. .lasael, cho vs. fa!mrt, on. ciliii LousallUs, y. of theIs ue s of Use cla4eaiWEse tThe peloter. the cane.oaiaitl of lte Sb&." ba. purclcad tha Bueteta dltMrbanS, made bi. cay toi the cottage an Pietaleas Day, and notc bob, ktcben, vhlchla ou c nas aprient, note wcl theb.aretoerate la Ibsi 46d perba he l.etupty larder baS s vicîlty. diriesseffeci ulionhi. phyaIcal cdll h.ag. asI .0vrate hio rceiptîr Mite. Laura Twied of Ptttburg, ana collabpeed Wlng tt e lb. 00>lu s lit. o! t. amme cuonltea. tratfor cttinghL e hlhieanasd blood.to the masou and wcli i iS.as Ibh.Oust aIl oser i faces, ad ru acuw niaideuce aiftMr, aud Uti. EdwOrd asvound i. ece, chileabargustural Tweed, aurtlocaleIcinfu prveyore. sounda laeued irons hig tbroat. gSuriraI Ernet Lbman's îmployid at Se u 2 personla rai ta hie asistae, cca btliSaeS a 36 Ilb. Uulkalltiifl51bcoloreS gneu»ien gorousij, pumpiug Tbotl magrn 4%lchs hi. atansd haafig hiewrit, c ble the lnThre. neerug4 iebel hssnherrnsld brm*ubt e basiu ai voter lingtb. sd bathud the coud sud tauchiet - the tuerof blood. àAflood ai ingRes- tions. interjectlouiansd 'aduosoîoe Opening et Wilis Inn. voe voautéersd b th agtated by. Majore. wond & c-isitn, tbe nec danSera, touehlngnna the sdrl.ablllty pr oprlelor of th Wlllle un gave therir f catlitg s phy.Ila and urgtug the fIiopeulnaid daice aturday nlght. morin a ofvariaoenis trativeo, but The clumne tu .uppcttng th. frojnt esrange ta relate no; ane pereon prteiut porch ver. decorsted viýh N. chis 515<Red ipiite feueti aisau antidote end bine sud a eveamir of the @àcame for bis alIment. matinal wu@ hnng ra. the top ti the Bowvvr h.vaa. ltberaliysturated poreh for the autire linath (il the vlth peraxide eler telug bosleS toaa bul;i The Ic al va. einbeliaed chair and' 8pdly gaina icieent spse atr edleou tr.@tb sud approxlmsisd hi. normal arranged lu the turcs of pidrn ceba. condition toa missau exteut sa.,ta hi %Valster J. ghambon. cho tyled imeetf ahie tu colle. althan*hâ a bit niteedy Chicaga star char ansd hadit eager Ou hie fret, atir vbhh ivo.udided sa gbelceen danmes. AIes> enother that owing ta hie phyctca condition hi gentlemen 01idiminuotive stature pro« coiild b. unable ta negotiate the ta.k jeetod hée voici loto th.e outhveet of popeinlg a gommer resr botltasd corseri th. roua naid xp4deued b.wcse agned bock ta bis native voeslly the doilgts oI a cireain regiOs-habtt ith*sebmitcitV ai Ciega. chers a elongated ihist of Aqus purst fitîWO, commoniy kuowu as "The- ghsnou Rve."Lter au Joceo. th. uoted enserlaînar traie the Kraniey sufltad totally eplipsed aIl thi ather Base BalG am e enlertainera; rigatiug the eudience frai. of magi. excoenlrc dancIng sud mon- at fOX LAKE, II. lognpeadelivered in a jargon &HaigbuOcu. Theiv~itlitla Isteutiluabout 12-10<1IfA II O sud the ettendauce va. ve-y good eau.-JLU ArlSa sFU a 5 913 idering thtisact thaitbhréwa. aIeuau openineSat th. Fox Laklke il 'BseýIl Club Dame. onueaiflIsebig aocsl teaur.. ai tbm seonce e i.&ret «uelaihal gen hy thm Fox Lti bas SalI Club et Colonial Casino, Wsdneedoy erèning. The aoicials and menahira expeudedi mucb tboiîgbt aud lator ta mak. Ibia afleir a huge cnce.e,and thein effort capsrecardai by s a i-g. euSenthuoi. atik audlence; mnay proiînel ctixesai bing prient, cha contributed lib.nsiliy %0 tMucaSfe. ai the club. t'iraI ou tbm prograsu a. a deltghtfui @cri@o! moving pitue, under ,.he direction of Tweed &.Uiher.rs, that e reated nsueb bilanly md couibtid geueentertainint for tb.easie- MIr;. Ai1. Branche, formely mi" Clanm Devinger. aur noted unelelal, chou ce lave ta er ta aau n o! th. leaders of the musical colouy. preelded aItIh panoansd imbelliebed the draina ci aoul etirirng ncitativi musc; displeyinu a surprleung fsmllarty and remarleable gi-aep ai the tochulca of motion piclur. music, holding th.endience spili bonuS, firuir in S gri-p of titi-lit, due la ber Chicago Sen ec as Game Called at 2:30 P. IL RareSacrifice. Joe trithêia aays f ien.Mode e gist patriotlç sacrifice becaum b. gai 1e lutereated i n electut a fteud ta a lob that hi uearly lest hie ccD. PAUIL MC OIJFPir. Attorney et Law. Adjudication Notice. Publie Noties la brebr iven ha1 the Mb- menhier Exasutor if It4 last WiII sud Testamenit of Belen Phelpa deceased. will attend tie Conty Court of Lae Couty. et à termthereof tu 0 hiden et the court Bouseslu Wsukegsu. hnid at osny. on the tire Mond&! 01 JoiY nazi. l»U,. hen sud uhire aiH persona havine cIlala affaism lastate are nottlled 'îdbi ~ ue 0preaent the ame ta ssld Court for HOW<RD MABON. Enecutoro DANIEL LEE WAD %ê«n. lit.. Ma 19. 1912. May 23-30. Jue G. 1 60c package Dr. Mless' Poultry Panacea and 1 25c package Dr. Mess' Instant Louse k Killer for 69 Menas Oxfords prced [rom S ' .00 Me pair. on sale at per ê 8 IiENRY VaKLIeKER 4lraysiake - Illinois PHIONE 5. On"t liaio ImimAda Whte a01Round Lake, vu. cit hbt 01f ke tass e..'bri cli %h. gg@.ofci rg.Deu PâuSkoII Tue. undoubtedly be o «arne er.ioratlou duey. day. fi s tWeh.' irisoagSuaday. T1> ir. Md tirs. John Wm..Ls a1New boys ar* haciliOëby the Booter club, yolek.aegarai0ft Ur. snd lira. W.. cho là nM ~aiý ton nf buctiing Mtl a" MIé.mt.Young k h. lra1hobve buseinlvlng th. MMire, urne. acts a nd deuubter popular doutela the. sowu sud It le ofObueob. accompsnhed by -ame lady mouredI@À% 515$it Thomson ai f de speatuaieral daye tht. veek enmalar sud h.I avernclub thc tbbtrnou Taylor@ Lake. betibasérbal . b"la thae soui o! the Illles Lncy Saoule. and mothir or town sud theis hoibiug tht makea Waueouda, cee sgueets of 'ir@. Louis towu mare paplar than a Roud baill 5aoules ai tht. elîty Wednesde~. rf Servîco i e iheld at Sc. Adrecus at 7:4,1. 1ev. Whie ai Cbwgo), lii Obtuwy. Preacb. Everyone invlt'edj Dighton Grnitger, cha died euddenly hre. Win. Bain 0f Chlcago.10tee gueàa t EauclareWisesoun, tMey 3, 1913, ai the B. J. LaItIn houle. vas boru ai Fort Bilt, Lake caunty, Del Thompeon ai Groen B&Y, Wl., bas IW, , tiefh 16, 1801. The gviaîer part acceptai a position 'as1th. Boibenadle of hic Vouug lii e. eu pent in tIsaI Canning fsctory. vlcaity. . 1 Barry WbeIcocle sud wcli @pont Mou. Seing MW U »orPipsa-ben ouiy about d4" vlth relatives la Wsukeffl. five year. aldI i va.forced ta et6rt Mr. sud lira. joha WIleiited 1h. eariy lunlide So do ai hilulseli. W bmu 1h. former@ istr lu Aurare, Saturday m Civil wsr broke oU 1 h. euistid in Ca. B. dunday. 96 Ill., Vol. cervtle eiacauntr) faithlily Je« Loug.lsaugband vifs lafitfor Until te lbcoo 1t Ilsan chen h. was Madion.W l., Sada mocingla he ,uaetored flut l ishleregiment. Madrin. Wlr.an, ourdsy Miunlwukeer At Bstiiee.I IL, Nov. 1866, lbecWb ioring carouWd tuue h tlc eUnited lin arnleg to Cornelia Foi,.wcha arrtvng hoe Wenesda. clh ane daughisrAbiw le liideipiy h tirâ. Lauise Pol""r of W&ukg"a km of. aialeind huslad ufitber. vl.ftiug eladlie bers, tr. erangelgege-d lu Inferming for a tirsud lira. Feulon oi Wsnkwoba,' numiser ai jeralOyant, Leke coaty, iited uhetr eau, Chai. Fenian and and lter ye ra V.e ettployed a. s fanitly daturday and Suuday. stock examiner lu the gavefllmeiit .Chao.. Lugsbaugh of Chcago, cee a departusent. -bing located lirai lu guest ai hide parent@ boeyfrom Sunday Chicagto andS tler yiara lrensfirred 10 outil 1n.aday. - EauClair.. Wla... here liud frieude sa, Mir. auS ire. Bennetvire Chicago ilingly offilelatd et bic desîii. Hi. risitara ToW.ay. ramalu. cari broigît la bis aid haine lira. Wiin a ndeud eter, tMamie and irindsa 5 t dYelke chere ai-vice. Christlin of Harvard, risited relative aif4buial occurred tMay 5, 191. sud frieudi bine re.ently. %th thse îîîmit t Gode, band irery- tdicauiWbitebead visitid relatives chiri, in the lfrat .srly epring days ln ubae Bluff sud Wenkegan, ovin and the heatiful cotornnas oi the treca, Sundy.hude sud blosanua, lie giveth hiii laviS Dr. Conleon "pnt ifsturday and Sun.osslop day t hi boue i Wisonsi. NY tien th' bOm .ll doe is ske. day t hi bone l Wlcoucls.And loouk uponanime foirer da,,,. - ilvtor n s co r bSiSnth iat ache. Base 13811He i lmd. "Bela net sono., BsecBailAI&@ 100 ciii vie ow ur los -ha, unne i,-1 h- --à- -uri-ut. .. bae. sal tiafu thi. eaor. They have1 sitected nasthein manager, Rari Thomion,i cbo lean enthuaaatlc bacs bail fan. Be je nov geting bis tea ien 1unp sud ffle ne i iiibave a team cho viii Play Usd1 ihe tr.aM i deatS e ena. Hi aimled. ¶'heraà% se sucs." The whllela yeUtc mtfiel0m ue Albeit sith TSi. ce 4SiSt diY are, He amlled lie!. "*Allie laMe. ROUND LAKE - GAGE'LAJCI vaudeville et the opera houai- Suadey TeLd1'tdcfGg.Lk ît ujjjht, .lune 8, and once a moulu there-; hotd their next mfeing wlth tire. Eh alter. The show viii eoual* of for:Barrie, Thursîlay. Joue 5. An al elter- ac.te aIvaudevifle booked by the Wetern noon meeting. Vilors velcami. Vaudeville association 0f Chicago end 1iemsr. Ameo, Braher, Barrie, Hec- New York, sien two reele 0i pîturesaned ý thorne and Seak attendid thse tetephone au rnlustreai@mog lluelk bhi cCrtmoeeiîg et Avon Ceter Ssturdey mîcle audMison. eventng. The Scebtttz brewerY preeented George tir. and lire. Havy Ed..rde, of Avon Clevelatnd vltb une of tiseir Bina Rlbbau Center, epent Sunday et the C. J. Wright havai. and a fine deitery wagon for the home. purpaai of deliring hier araund the IL W. S uand lamlly aêe et their lakée thi. eumer. aummet home. ý Pter L. Froet o! Chieago, la vlitliug itendo sud reatis bure. Therp la good mate-tai ber. for a oti-ang bailqaub. W ynualorganise? Dr. Fr.deick iirti,laeo i t. JoeePb, Micb , bas openeS up offices ln lb. nec baule building ber.. Be ic Dût ai entir. sîrsuger hure, heviug practised îixveara lu Uhberty vIle. fim Clanas1Lolîcle sud Esther Fortas irom Chicago rlifted at Millie -LItwcQenS sturday sud Sonder. Misw; Barbare Anaun anS Ros Scbuinaeher attendeS th. dance set Hail bey Saturday n!gbt. 1 tir. John Hertel ira. Fremont Centre viited ber dengbter tir. El Luby, ôti Sunday. Mr. sud MBte. Louis Riecoif, MIrs. Jace Divine anS Jus Hmith af Lihertyviile, vin- ited.Phil Flarys Sundùy. 'Howard Hawkli»àtvisited hi-i elter anS iriende lu Chîhego Seturday eud Sunday. - tire. .oe Drfier and luh Yane ai Rockeiciler. viited Geai-gi Roeing'sau Tueîdîsy. Dancing urery Satu r4aY iht ai the AMnnnlm popular dancing moîrt. Mulie hi ticta.bap'i orchestre. DR. 1L. Il. COULSON VETErMItIAN Offic ~diioeHotel GRAYSLAKE ILLNOIS Russol h Iflinois Ail kinds of Feed &. Grass Sued at lowoSt pirlsin Lake Couty.Lotun quota Tewqiene lmU., ring or0e mreh«a~ -m. i -.111..Auna Anie oftAshvilt., North Càroliua sud tIre BH. D. Bnghes of Ournit, viited Sunday ai the Amis home. d liesdaei.Lawrence sud tiog leited si Round Lake Sunday. J. B. Keller neeived e diepalch eating thbs ie hber M attbew J. Kellr had ,dW dat hi. home ln Gieau àay, Wl.. lira. Sans Smith le quit@.11liti er home tir, sud ti. IMartin af Chicago. epent Sunday at the Hlansen home. Mir. and tire. Ekdobl af Wsrreniac, apeut Sunday with iMr, sud tira. Gustaveon. Whlle Chao. R. Rottevi va. movtng hie houeeboîd goado aut tu, hie summît haine laturdey a pet et eiaped iram the mavlug van betweeu Libertyvîtîs aud Gafea Lake. The est vo. a tîger colar sud eners ta lbe naine of Jim. Fluder plisse notify Chao. &R Rgere, Uhbertyville, Ill, RWtD. 2, Box 69 snd reclevirecard. THÉEDANCING 6IRL SAY$«. Tuer. in only oné thing :I 111e botter than lte dame. sud that le an The Woondien and Royal Nelotbboar cl ahervi filmraltSuuday, JUDO 1. et Warren cemel.ry. The Woodmeu gIv. a dance br. Fnl, day evening. B. B. Spouenbnrg ca. lu Milwvaukee on buslie Fridey.1 tira. Thorn and ire..Bavard speut airerai Saya lait el cltb Cicago fri-end.. Chsarlea Barntabli purchasad a nov hupinoblie lu Cbicago last ceele. B. W. Ksml ho. openad hi@ Iee cr.au perlai lu hi. uew clore. The gredustine exercioeee af urne. btgh acbolZiii take place Jus. 17 at the cbnreb. Osen Mteaif Who bas heen 111 with ecarlet fever ha@ Improved. thbe Gurue hall tens ciii play et Deerfield Decorsiion day. The Gurne LAdies Aid Socety wcli give a Etrawberry festval ai tse bal Saturday îrînlag. MsY liaI.Pro. ceeds for sîdicoilk fuuid. 'Wkly-1t+ LANM SCORNERS The Warren ensetMnyAeaOlstlOn ciliimeet ditirm ande Widdecoinhi on Wduiadar farenoon, Joue 4tls. 11i08 Florence SNagef ai icgo, ltapend. lng ber vacation et home. SI r. end Ira. LfaIt. B. Cannon @peut Snd" 'witb Oea. Peuzer and vif. lu @pli@eai the very cald day s larg crowd atteuded thelIdeniarlal ervices et the Werren tJeietery fent Sunday. Au addrm aee sgivin by Rev. Salford ai tilt. bure. Mueic hy the Gurnee Quartett. Tbe Royal Nelghbore &Md Woodumu o ai ne wuilehold their Itemortal eev- v esaet the W'arreu oeusetery nox t SUn- day, J une lit. liv. Chas. Hafiman la gpending the week lu Chicago. Mi. Suale Voehas returnA hoMe alter apinding aiveral veeke withbahr daugbiev. Mi. Gîrtrut eJohuson o! Waukegan. f ,j 59504 R iseed and Standard Bred.' Race record 2:19J. Fail brother la Aegon Star 2:11j. Black Stal- lion 15ï banda high, sired by Aegan 4994, record 2:181. Sire of 8, je.- clndiug Angon SUr in the lisI 2.114i, he by Nutcood,600, reord 2:18*, aire af 168 tn the liaI. Antig't 1I1ce CREAN SODA dam (Gypsy A 9:251t, dam of O6i or SLiNDAe the llut. et dSRexa Som ir«tain Antigo Hl. je a very haudeomeý Itnanblack citb s aaisI!star in forehead, 86er#Od with IMU broken single sud of good diapo- Sud Courtuy>. -ýThere itian, je cliver in harnesadind aa lu noting bet«square apin-galted trotter. Our S.pedal1 for £We week i Will stand ýt aur barn. S'15.0.0 rueh StrawberrIes. to ineure live colt. AUi(ldeut# :suice Co.é ane' TUE M Br ~onx LUSK BROS. tiGmyal.ke Round LekiP'oui 12-J-2. ROUND L.4XE lire A. KILDai iraeoStpd huinee î Cbfeao tht. week. The. talant ibn of Mir. anïd lira. Sm' lamen dled Saturdoy afiernooz ai ithe borneof L Edmond&. Mê'r' .. Deuman frmm the West. viisii hi. brother C. E. Duoman ýthepeutweeh. bgieeonary meeting will b. bold as à bomne of lira. George Jamisson W.dnee. day. lire. HEma tranç yul cive ata on the meeting at Urbaa%. IDI. Ladie.' Aid eoelety yull hold thaïe regula! monthly meeting oat he choral Tburaday. Joue 5. Supper wil be aerved. Rockaday eool eloned Wedneey wtth a pioe. -The Dodge echool cload laet Ftiay. e Mir. and Kira. Warren Roux speut a week wlth Mir. and lira. L. J. Siocum sr Necedah Wl. 'Several froni thi. vlcilty attended tiemorWalezercises at the Warren cerne- ter 8uuday. Re,. A. W. Safford gave 1anddveea. The Ladle' Aid eoelty.mt.ouThure- dny aiternoon wlth lira. terville. The many Iviende of John Oreeley ver. thocked to hear of hi. destb whbicb accurre4 Mi y28,Pr, liundota, Wl. 3 urrne Bron. bv a new Ford auto. L. J- Sioeum le vlaltlng hlé parfent sud clatir, 1 ILm.R.G. Maine. Mir.asd U.VonOeyonaepent part of laet week wutirMm A. C. Carne.L lir@. 8. . Smith of Waakega. @peut st FrdeW wU lm*iliesltealf iii ehooL Uilielcaif veturnsd home witb ber in the evecng. A party of yount) people from Kenosha accompanled Myrtie Corrne home on Sunday. bClaude Neill@ and a cougin @peut Sun. t4by wtth hie parente. à Ovandine Merville has returusd ira. ,ber vieit lu Kenauba. liMre. Oea. DeForris @peut a fewdes awlth her brother lu Chicago. a William Murrie, Leurs Corda, Warner aCarlson aud Charlotte Siver cent to Waukegsu Tueeday ta taire the examînation. .1 WiII Corria bas s fine Ayueblre cot. IEZMZI Pasinud clh hi. relatIveorsud visâa ie elo iSpberaiverandllaieclth Hlef vhs. h. adiheh.reil det iih losec hoil ave thosauday. A pete cii b.fl teudas o dnaybIsAbsrene Ai lî hoi. ttnds very bpybisnn"mmsu li it cm aleilpy or eretunuMl Witt abe r. etyfr mrtril Uti.Ele. »i0 hfaa iia Buudsy ai 5ev. J1. B. Foeys@. Chances Gleeon suddaiter Jouis, of Bristol, Wla., visiteS cwitb fitendes .un. ES Cunningbam epent Weduenday lu M. an sd Mra.Chas. Brys s an gi-t@r of Ounue, villeS t tM. Doyle'$ baut Sunday. liié Aile. Doyle ,lelted in North Chicago a lev des the psci ele. We ver. glaS ta have lraMoiran cllh neoa fec dayesuad hope ah. viii "oon lDes herepermaueutiy. Nies Gertrude Delsney of Chicago, «peut Snnday at home. Tom raz ter met clth a palntul acci. dentelat ceek. Re wvs.workleg a atump paler cheunuoneaithe levere fSec back and cru6hed hie rlght baud very badly..' John J. CraWford entiered sa troke of paralyse alait ifaurday mornlng a"d le Wu a procurinsncon ltitou., Beýrths Famîkue . wlth tva youqg ladled irm Zidu OtY, ttete Romeeran viol tors ou Prtday evenlug. Tbe socl u t the cbureb Frtday ave-. nlng cw« ea ucce ansd s good xrowd we@ lu attendauce. C. G. Northrop lae ufierng with a crlek iu hie néek whlch pute hieu ont af buei ne@i for eaIpe dore. Mie.,Whfl Olver and daugbter Ida wevi Waukegan vialtors S&turd&v. iuôcoly tira. A. T. Savege departed Suuday to @peut e 1ev day. wttb ber mather lia. lMana, of Hebron. Mir. Ch&&. Aue@of Mllumnla amaattng lir. 1). Webb citb nome ablogttng. tire. Kaluff aud Hdttb Pichie. wers ehopplu n, lntioeh Saturdsy. Mise àAda Tiloleon ef Blètevîlle, coin- eleted ber oecool year ut the.West New- îport ochool and linDow borne for ber aummer vacation. aihe cwutemachebm again nai year. tir. and tire. Rd. Martin oa#iluburu, tank dînuer ct the b omzefolk&. John Taylor oaienia.. lae ikng his friende of Hickory s viit. lIte.Gravotdwca abien)mateachtng ut Wtud Lake, Wls... a nae e achoot year end laet hmefoi erauu mer vacation. Mica Ruth May Edw&rda' sud ber mother. tMre. Franke Edcardé ver. catil. ai on tire. PIckles Saturday atternoon. Lake. VMil. Plenty of rnantiienSaye. mmire.R Kelly fpe a s#kvW Riehmnd tibla cue. tir. sud tMra.B. Young of viaiteil ut W. WadSelle race*.' 5ev. 1. B. F0iey Mi souder houe lu Ireland vh.re ho ltej* tls * amer. tMay gond Iu1 ' hlm. Sebool eloeed Mondal for il. W vacation. tinch credit le due Luy. Lion Lues. ta corleng la ol 0. Houie 0.,ryltake, co. a here reeenîly..-1 Gens e cCsnnle corklna sW@ MIes Ci" s tuber cf Chbot"; i orer Busday et F. DtiaoWeta. Thue. Straug @et li«t ThurýA Waukegai. ibi vek. tira. B.Lus entertelm les'i ne.àlasdark psy, lb.. slred by Iputdo 2,075 lbo. Compare Bon L*ý with any percheron luit and ycu cl màe. vhy 1 th[ bard tobeat. - Re etandeataimy faru oÎ onu-half miles ceai of Llb«ti al the very low fe. cf SI", seascu and S13.00 10 lho" mare with foif. Fo. do.e iff Nov. it, 11, idfor ai vheu ma"e aboya 1 le "e [cal. R.Be.-si T olpoi GRAYSLAKE, 11 We can give you' Farmipg hoes»euzdw va bII~&fL DFNOIE. P VARNlls Inapeot ui uo kyou os NO" TEUETMI TQO -AW ,MÔER, ___________________________________Ali t.- , ý 1 A GSod Wayt . &%vê,Ifl is to imagine that 70ur Incoime le OUSk1 thau It im auad put aw.y the dilfusuce. TIb ta Just ïanother method of forctng y~Ii live well withla your incoome, viditla w*bat you wiIl have to do If you want tô build up' a sa savlngs batik accoutt It won't do you any harm to Imag-ine Your Iýnconîe Sm î» than it le. Yon probably wiIl flnd that ymt catu live weil on leus money. than yoo ae opeilding now. Then if you put the differ- ence Iit this strong batik yon wiil b. getng ahead ~financially itistead of standing stifllor, rnnning behind. We paY 3 per cent. compound intesteon i Baving,@ accounts. A STATE BA^NI capital $PAO-00.