Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 May 1913, p. 5

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a . 1 GetdnS 2 Packages, fot 5c Je. ELI ýTRIGOQS PHIONE 26-3 = I Ifl*uu.oMIIDy. It iw n mutheti.nation abould Pau»e on t" day, duicated t. thi e oery of her def ma,nid pay a tibt.of rm.ubrance t. thoée Viso gave their youth, their struagt and if, n« di tek 1iv«.for ber preservation. And t. duose of due i1d <nod who are sal in t. ýý wleu inhouor duep. m lmtus usamt foreu thde hmingwle we garland the gravy« of the dead. As a ma*k of respect to &0. nation'. ie«« we wlU cdo. Fuidy aftarnooc, May 30tL. J. B, Morse & Co* EVERYTHING F'OR MEN:s TELEPRONE 14. Lib ertyville Dawn by the Oid Deoa. T BETYVILLX!4 ILL Lumber Company Phone 47' %Besn Me 20 Years.' WIIEN YOU WANT TmE BsT, BUY- Elses' le fRîbbo-n Buter This Butter is the Fimcst ami lest - Ukl.s Made. Paoloed expreualy for CORlI3TT & FRpj3D1RICKSý idoiuL iïNTIOM O 9ý thaa ueuof «Ch sWeek. Adver- »e.&Ja ob cmmeabEilevorth's. lE,. aad Mvmr-oespb B.Spont Tuse. chicago. Bi.P 3 oles viedts sSal daya luit voek and this vitis relative« lu 5 ibelatoenualeLo ut Elsworth'$. Meusi. Aise sad Ci"oe Crowley of Atioch. tr aed bsess ln uruityu Baturday. IMie.R. 8. ,4adaM ff0Detroit, lifici., seon tise I§Mtse eeek vlth ibsi brother, Fred Crober. HighimudPait, vapd unday with E. S. M uhike and fnl,. Tissreday MVp IF.. Oieudoif enter- iaied ie. J. L. Bugles af Cisago, at Waukegai.,1 ber home on Division stinet. . Tise WoWan' Guilid viii touet at the Tise Ladies' Aid of tise Preebyterlan resîdeuce of Idrs. McCurdoss Tbuiisday eisurch wili ame., vusre. Fred Sundasu, afielnoon, June fith. Thureday afternoon, lune 5th. Mr&. 9. C. Cavauaugh 0f Evanuton, l9 Try oui 30e bieuded Caties, 38'Ibli, for èpendiug several day. viti ber brother, il 00, at Ellsworth'$. C-36-1 Peter 2lowerm aud famiiy. 1Thse new St. Pui depot has beeu Our "S8peclal Blond" for csip quaiity ila treated to a nov toat of paint, l>ot> uuexclied, a CoSsee tisati viiiPIeSiethins de sud ont, wbbth adde .nateriaily mari ezacting. 8 Ibo. for $1.00 at tu its perne, Tirl Ciaptr o'~b Wetmiste (3IidMalor "Judy" Bidiager and a Party iinsibaite f-homeWeftminte Guldof frieuda drove out from Waukegan Wrll git eaytevhe Of une B. Rylastit îdei nigiita attend tise May WrtTiou»des f ie iscops hurB. sParty st tisa tove hall. viiib ome oabae malsou e nhay hMarlou sud Ma$oey Taylor ief t Wed- ill bI4 abake t sMi. -Watrd'e ueday niglât for Seregi4 0h10, fora a sort aiternoon, M"y 3li,siàr aon' visit vu ftriands, sud ta attend gradu- store. ation exervlose St tisat place. Mr. aud d MrW. J. Erauseeai Rondout, Quit. a number Iom tise local iodge li rsiclng over tise arrivai of a nizeRbknottne iirn etn poud bby oy ittber hme ionayand secool of lnsoe~lon of tise Grand aftsrnoon. 'odge lseld at Antiocis lant vesk Fnlday Luet Saturday M Milnule Suyder ofnii. ivanhoe, purehaead transportation lare- for Portland, Oregos, vhere obse viLi H. Aie,. a seeulc painter of make en extsded riait. Momeuce, IL, vai la toauthse fore part of tise vek looklg mter tise vork of Clarence Wells arrlved lu Uibertyvilis detoratlng tise opera, bouse ln tie new Mouday moratns fromsTltueillie, Forid'a. Firet National Selse Depoost Company's lie status hat wvlahlatoi Tituaville building. tise tbetuometer reeltered 98 lu tla Beikssuiowuh pno shade. neat Mouday and Tus.ay June 2nd Tise' local Iodgee 1. 0. 0. F. and and 8d sud vo viii egala nive au an- Rebise iii bave a basket ooclâiand large photovis sac" ordar for a dozen dans. aet their hall Mouday eveanug, of cabinets. Jue 2. Odd Fillovu sud Rebeabs Last voek Harry Putuam recelved ut raquested to come aud brlng tllr friends. bis training @table aitishe mile track two Mire. M. B. Wilson ibis veek moveà mor boises frous Cry'stal Lake. Ha ber stock of gouda rou tise HUnby bloek nov bai a stable 01f ivtysx boisas to ber home an Milwvaukee avenue, two vii ho ie tralnlng for tis ecomaig faire douosmoutis of Division etreat, mise sud rae meetinge itis eaon. viii continue to serve the public a»inluTmedpY night about 10:35 John tise pait. ichiffuda, au empl6yo f te i. A m fanager iRobertson oi tbe Lyric Wlre Fence, Company kmr, vam rua over Theare »ouDmse aspecai atralsud lnstautip 11usd by a frelght train tion for Décoration Day "Tise Crimma on h .X t . %@js et Croie," aà tbrere6l picture story of thisllwaukss avenue.s. PU dstlm&tory m1e of christ fions cisidbood ta. celappeaue oupege one ou tp"$ tva. filion. A vey educaioual sud inâtrue- Mire. W. H. Tiff auY "euttie daugiter tiv. sbjeet formali doucoluations. Dop't Umine0f Autiocis, aq"a a bar laya fal ta msue . Uscai pries. of admimeton. tise latter part of lit *4 f§me parie oi ThesIMay pariy given ai the tovu bail ibisleal vus Uh r. &a m Ra By L. lest Pridui sveln hb, the Young La"diasHbisrd sudfamiiy. Wr. Thfaay cam Social CWb wova very snjo.yaisisovect do»a Mondai sud aeemkseais uis. »ud a dpdl mSues bath .oolally ad bous eon Tueday. Thayexpes Ioebave Suanchall. Tb*.hall ves inoeiisautýI.bonfor uiseïr nov home eai Obotel, faliy decorated lu a maans appiiopriai. Wlm. t bs occason. klapk*'@ four Piose On amcoa tftheaba hallMâItesof ivo orcissetra furalisedith.e ou*l. vimo vsW»have eeû-asImd *tarepuat Our er 0 ut a aarw dphoto wtksuob B= tciie l.we.k-HOOéésr Corn Orov- doma 01cabnet bomc; M e gMmai or «Milir w hmm oy ffl 4os- Moàd&yand Tusedxay.lune Id Md d . fourtis. Lmesit.LL uuBcu Co. v. viiieanulve a gsnunés Msrged ýý photo v h scsdomfse ssihtm Tla foliovlng changfes in tise tise BEOwsKO = 7Sudo table cof the C. IM. k St. P. By sau nov Lni wuk WClne&kDo&ise0114. shpped effective: A os aturdey epel.put b, Antioci, elisteen tous of monument@ oi a. accommodaiste esumnior r vhis wsre emeted lu varlonm eeti le..vss Chicago ai 1:25 P'w.m- earrf adjacent a.tisaht place. Tbey aleo bore ut 2:27 p.uim The tai livngeucteli a lagetvo ton pilir luthe the Union depot et 6.08 p. m. horetofor. cemetery ab Dlamond Lake lait veot. now leaves at 5:58 P. M. ariing ai Mir. Colline itas thathumansseyevr !MLîhertyvilis at 6:ý50 p. m. Tise locS ai issiboter lu tbeir lina than It la ai use from tiseoid depot viii hereafier lbave egt I. et 3:05 pg m., ist5l aI 8f:00 o'eldo pnt ime heretofole. lu tho evenlug thbeias 0f Thse Woodman Fourts of jaly ee. tihe train isving the nov depot s7:18 bratiOu committeP on races sud &ame. for Chicago lbai beau changed ta 7:09 monts report the arrangement of au p. m , and on Sunday ulgist vs vwii ieCOieit progîam coneretlng of &il klude have two trains to Cicago inqtead of Of foot race,Pole vaultiug and other on.. as heretofore and the trne will ho atiite sports, bail garn iel a pigeon Î:11 and 7:37. Tbls le tise new ommer ehoot, etc. Every effort lm bslng put echedule aud viii remalu lu offect ouly forth tu maire this tise blggest sud beet util about Sept. lot. celebration ever held in the countby. 1 8psWal hie vail-Hooaier Corn Giov- jror utIU&er vili lucr,,as your yldedOu. A TESTIMONIAL fourtis. LieaTvîr,E, uBi o Mayt ai.Vg 1913e . Atthe flair gronde rilday (tod&y> Mr.j 2 1913.DOcoration Day th.e Fats" tout ths 1i sn t hoan UAteOl o-"Lien." lu their'tbîrd, aunual ganse of IoP- fortetansje te 014 ol bae hll.Tise game promisse wunited ulesm lan vioch ye»paith»aclaie s eecimeni se 5ach tonmaliune se Mto poliy of-Y E". M M B.tssu credit sud tise resuît of tits ounteet poiîcy nI my d t' viii to wlom belongu t)a FLOA L CLB c hamplonuip. Thse procssd of tis gans vii b doulated to the L&akse E Eu y Cemeisiy assocaion. r Photo Studio ta boopen m S A O R N Beevilo'. Photo Studio viii le opéen ou Mouday and Tueeday nexi, lune Disurctst .a"se 2sud adSrd. Ou &Il cabinet eittinge vs vii gieava> fires af chargouelrd 014 Co- 'LM*y lae- ceCompany rioto sultaible for gramlug vils esci OMM l om " e \ ses0f photos. For Fire and Life Insurance Charles SEDProctor,i AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Company Michigan Mutual i Ie nscrance Company - UBERTYVILL.E.ILL. 14EW GARA«,, The nov garàge &Bd usachie s op. restsd h7 Frank a. Just, on Mlvaukee aveW».openod for business ae& vsek. Tb*e budinbg, 142x46 les&telamald tu h. 0*0 of thse Moet beautful sud complets boives.Ciicago sud IMlwaukee, dedi. ested a. tise garage bune. Entrance la tbrouagi au arcade Io elther ide of wheis a suite of roomne, on tisa loft a laalls'reet room wlth toloet &dJoinlug sud a. the igbt tise office vush roons for lgist man lu thse rear of sama. Tise le nov belng instalied à motor ta drive g»smachlna, vbich are 'belng put lu. Eveiy device sol kuovuta modem automobile repair voîkere le prov"de4sdqulck sud efficient oervice thereby amared thse sysi impatient auto 0avuer wvo a telu trouble. lu Charge of tise sâop sud- repair departmsut le Mfr. T. E. Bell. a man of large experienco sud jeare' conuection witb the iuduitry iu (hitcago sud otber large cutise. Roei ald tu he une of the hst exprts in tise busiune. Mi. Just bai been avwarded loi his faltis aud largo lnvestmsent by a volume of businees lai exesi of hilsexpectatioum irom the very openiug of th. garagle. At sIf Day le a sesrvice station iocated ou is. Kelly proporty sud vhlcb lu suotiser vee lliiih. Iiabed and thore vilis crie nld durlug tise touning saion a comuplets lins of supplieS vus a com- 'petent man lD charge. Mr. Jnst conteusplates ths anectian of otber service stations jusi ai sononai la possible ai points lu tise iii.regflon. The veninre la déservlpgaof sasse, sud sata Libertyviliesa e nterpiles 09 vhlch @ aiemy veil h. proud. ObitUar The lfaat daulibtar of Mr. sud Mr&. John Zeoiber depantsd ta. la vusGod on tise 22ud of Mâj 1913, mter a vois brief Maseeof a fev iboumn r. an sd Mmre Zermsr veresakensd a% 11M8 p. m. ta Bud te ise isaludities f rom vblch beyisvrellsved lai but eh. nover regaiued coudconsno. and pemd say et su smriy isour la the momnlug. Marlon Genivieve Zeemer vas a besuti. ful cilid, bain ou the iStis day of Marcis 1912 audlilved tu giadden ber parente home ou Lineolu avenu.. for fourtson mouths. Mr. sud Mis. John Zeermer came ta Libertyvllls, Ove jesanmgo fra, Monroe, Michigan, vlare Mr@. Zesrmer'a parente live. Fusei vaever. bld frani tie residenca ou Saturday mter. snoutai1 o'clock sud tise marial of tise h.ioved daugister laid ta et beneatis tise epreedlng aak lu Lahue c emeieiy,' 1ev. W. L. Whippls olhIcailu. Mme. L B. Hauby sud Mis. Jass Devis sang sud -yany ypauisizlg tateuds vers pissent. Card of Thanks Ws vies ta express aur elucer. a, ta oui nefUhhor s&M fril-dm for thea ouelateceand eympathy tsndered ne duriangoui late.isersvemec misa fur ils lasutiful floral olevInge. Un. Âà» à"s japur asz. Lecture and Sicred Coacent The floilg eleeimus viiiu rendered a Slecture sed eauid enucert ta h. glysuet Sb. losye'churchstat Sunday ltsrnoon, lune 1, ait8:M O'Paock: "ICous Dta Mde".... St.Joeph'a Choir Ténor Solo ................Rv. O'Brien Soie................... Mis. FiTuens Banolo............... :::..... Boy. Beeley Lecture....... Bey. Pr. Cox of Chisiago S3oo-"*TlaBrghtsr, Dey......" . .Mise Ulais licCarsici Solo ....... M. Belovu ai Wauksgan "Thy Wiii Be Dons" Josephs Choir Presbyterlan Services 10:80 a. m. morulng voreiip, subjeci "Christ'@ Uuflnished _Sentence." Luks 19:42 " 11:45ý a. m. Suudsj echool, nobject, 'Jeans Bidding Faîweli ta Bi@ Disiples."1 ifatt. 26: 1-3-5. 6:45 p. m Christian Endesvor, subWet . «The Ideai Christian; His Bible tndy." Deut. 6: 1-9. Tisera vili i viiihano vreachlug service lu tise eveiug. »L E. Church Sericies. 2:-00 p. nm. Bibise chool. 6:45 p. m. Epworth leagus. 7:30 p. m., Bev. W. L. W hppie vil pisacisthse baccalaursate sermo, for thse graduatin claim of Lbertiville higis sebool. Epiecopal Services srviceai ths eEpimcowopa ureh sverg Suaday ae folowa: Churci sersvices. at 10:30 a. m. aud Suuday echool at 11:30. 1il are cordilliy iuulted to attend. 11ev. A. C. White,.RButoi. First Nove Ity Store JOIhN LESTER, Prop. Wth lh rmany attractive depalment of Noveltinsand Sand 10e Csods neo asr its patrons th oppoitunity to seare Mi h Grade Music. If not in stock wiIl ordtr. Save postage and get il here. Thse Mciliey EdItion of Ton Cent Musc a Speialty. IUBERT Y V LUC, IUNOIB CABINET WORUS 4 4W£pEx" W. niake ail klnds of FURNITURE Porch end Window Screen.s made to der. 1 Sc pe square foot REPAIRINGO0F ALL KINOS. Upholetering. Picture Frames Made Chaire Caned. Mirrors Ail Work Pramptir Executed LIBIERTY VILLIE CAAINET WORKS M. HIKSProp. Pliono 170-R Llbertyvüll, IL Plan-Then Act Mnu people plan their whoe lvst~bv book accoout aend due. leete dis worid without s muda as a stert at one. PIannng Isnot wortb amgthing u.les* oloÏvd buaction. Gond Intentions neyer fond gou angwbsre. Make gour plans ta siert au accoet ývkh th waek end bock op gour plias *îOhtkin. Lake County National Ban&.', CapitagSurpius and IjndndedProf ib S. OMM ilWe are eqat e.4~ RlERTILlZE~R CAN lBE OBTAXU» E We can meet any price on TILE, FP3NCE POSTS, ETC And al Building Materlal. W. e ak;ng lt i paie.î" kinds of Feed for à short Ohm. ooly. IHome Lumber Coni I of LlbertyviIIe. Some Very Special pit ýon Our Dffr LtJin«s t Start' the Mu hofJui Ladies' Blouse Dr....,at........ 860, $1,00 Ladies' Houa. Dresse@ M ..81.25, uuly1'.80 ChlrnaDreaseàsat ................ 48oio 1.2,5 Chidrn'sWhteDree............7 o 101.8#0 Chidrn'éHoe, anor black, at............ 180 9mboidredCorset Covers ............. ............. Embroidery aud lac triinmed Corset Covors .............. ï .on t.............38c-500.711-89o-S1.C'0 and ý Bi1k Home i tan, white aud black at.................... * New modoe ll front lace Corsets St............. 81.50 aud.p. American Lady Corsets, best for thse price .............. Carmen flair Nets ............................ 30o a iol Will t. eceiving New Bargaina DuU'y. W. W..Carroli & Son 2-STORES--2 N4ORTH STORE PHONE 29 8OUTH- STOU $ 1 . r 1 Arno NogeI&( S'udere of Solid Cernent SI Ar-tight. WlI t orot or bi« ý Nover nee r&ir. Ches better than sny other Snilo c wait until fao te useit. *0 Ail work reînforced and guPMea firsf clame. Lâtusefurnish our eqM af cost. PHONE 185-4. LIB$ERTYVILLE,

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