Luer.It ab. r. .mi oa.. CoUcy e tb . 45 i0 0 2 O Nithe??.........4140 0 Di elght * B"Richer as.........S0 01 kld o te outh Âe l lb. 001203 gas tesi hi ti. ort sreith. p-i :. 2.s 0 0 1i O4 wa fflsbr to f t ii. eaut Tottil.............31 69 3 2 I32 hiago~ ~ ~ ~adl aab.éh a"oyle"Br.k90.b 0oileh.PO.î Ch ..hé.. mcc1. r I.hi2. 0T0 ~'lpitMU USYt8d o lkison.e p ....kflSf.4 MrquOd oiuz o gla bu et e lU a i m e o....... . 0 1:2.1Um1f1 tanin sola m the i dUrt be hf ......... 2 0 1 S 0 0 Ltlkoyt h *U Of Toadle ............. 20 0000204 1 bithe core r to ed2.té b l.'Wd. b a e t-iaBltei tasba o. <ioulai bobhled Con s-b TiNor Illse.@ont avl aqtlg mdh.vs at a u opw ay; *f on d te aniofke oi0 Ioe thit0Cointer 6.14 se gt ctond1attei rse;n tir Irado. tatnd tce p100. y rac. mbath. sohi Zamtce. Ubertyifle 1efeSt 4 & k6f7 1 9 og2te ad à"nw t hie bol. th@alocare et" basebai h hahieig *gtngd the d Thewlibetrlt en aePoie St &a. &sat ot ou a ie opiach-Bed htruem te. Putt wité catche! ho Bdr bsé o e t aatbe ete ote Lame8eu *b" ths tl thé exçopT1i C ».7f he orthngc MO atby asdladle ýo«tM Mdlg h bu nvBsal;t he trosm playlsé auxflt ewdPOaT- igx1kh# ut h u congfacd e coat cf wbet ooelite.1 eas troo Maré geotins on abý.seon iertcille oesto Rocefeller a à@a uic a*aeu by"a tir aturdaobseiJi'. te etv ta ma hou gkeéplciorWOIhoi Ram efoer îe. waekemu. NOh * bo e .netione«d lié Thtaug tyled the ai rti n e fine ymité aM ont onasPlatco! j noxit, ne un ri1s.Sradpt * b i tnhi te tt ba. Slu oud ail f1 r Rteuesli er. ae vr w~ " wih th Juat nia. cf .lIthe nebldof 4,lbV adDei >W nt. the "taatnoyer do"1 ioefei. 00tire and00<'-* >* tistete tin.reuton a u re ~e' totesffacea r: d ta a ,,»éMm olttedwsthé . td Ne bar offub ePrtie ' at *2Ded le «or enh itesdirockouiby Stlra of.Prte à8. î làtbaafte tutig o a aseo il ge d iiee'stitiSicp sac o ýn-a c bt, y 'Kttarl rnob aivre aIn. er seat Ù" s laz«gpluge or kc helg out ie paemnta ý«teautove nd nfca bois »be vdb sashdiiulNh *ib uti nl-i s et t e g 15 hitugeetmel. te c m d ;e-4 lyti talet l@d ianThenov re.Cloiorna ekl *«ehod t the --tt UoWI<do,, oklegfr1enr- .....00 0 f t0i0. 0- e lietof thée rsé la ion aI Tii. ,looée .Skaed le trandeau, ~~~~ttce aut vre héche plnc- th acien Wh4* 5lhemsu tP itano iLgek' ~ ~li Alêu ia n efontboet theauto. Tt ed hoki fl t hve orplOmbment a ïM uato. Sd me e bonecouls ple amed. otShrdsK thea fufruitn o W.t. an c.2-te-lttr8 9977a wagonthtandà daap 11W tu,.vsptqtw o lb Mke. Whcm ~uYmSda akcrwagon YOU buy 'lk W *O tiNt SimIO là 1 Utue ESSà= Ov« te 70111 a= aud he turneit over to hie sou. 000ci fiit wekt«wegons ov e a ni 4 4emme wekefor ,hhtw 7earé,asd w wM slaIly Wo pbiMliithise m iandof wqaooa. f« twet. h l a ih cabane. LWNOd. S 11111ijtvaïnWi nitsconsftué'ý onsiéoame-4of town or county Mt ba& ~béssie.' r *»s ' vllls féoi'â.eld a nsu mDdu &ba .*nonD son& 1»& Ilndietfléts aaitD'WIlMM T nT et rot"hes L ti cre.%b' .s » v .u A ww KM, iY.former preedat 0ftho de ?W htant" 0«te a i* L#rcoTaIt11IX.iauedahnivrd fuic ièri Savagaboalti£ lm ieue, D&oseM 0&y smotée@.and 0.v.Plmg. si * lia irgrtliT a lmnpé TéLIe"'*idIsocets of the K. E. voted ffldsy by th* grand Juin. TIàoy OE hmui Tuude t ateroosn, ,WétUl ,MU ho retftaedlu. JudgeCèoor. UO .te *lààhiat ymwI ceuirt. ~~~~The Rotéleghd bora and WoodDe. AaÀ L t~ f ~~Imeo u<<tl*lq*00 "Operathig a eonfidence game,éla grill ol4 a1oKI tmesorl i mrkLe - un- ww14,w Wb' hé Pomorut»vas SalaI ah 4&p, the chargé saihit thée CibYs jnad6day ah the W66dgsushal at 800 P. m. 1'- pvhlet» 1_as rc 0hr 6h"a., lai théue ibls, w1blch sam thi fe "9di- Eoél eordial]i li.ted' toeÀuted. . a4VVprIaU 474. rée atié am.ld t bisettt 0 -oneCGrow- 8808I 4O*1wam for~tu tamily. whille Dr. Klnby and hi# vit, or F#rillir w-vitii eree.e Yoruivle'l one. nu - g . - lia, lion r.vo~i5y ldlced ythe feurtb. LiulWTvILLE Lui BiL Co 41.emlt'ua of b jr rg-Waeiadilgvh éslmd 0,hvbeo rvoyndte Yc 86-2 .uU3' Of eu* MV"WL,,wiro emd a ake cout! .ln 11.3aré ftdéral grand Jury the charges ont ."--aRs utnaIlby assem are , 1, 1912 r which th.y are are oussof pe- Parker BD.sltt baiheure8eîd hierat. 8it,éé~ uishél, prucél f1,479. 6 jury and vltliboldig the. tends tront ties wlth Sebi» & Wagner and accepted lieft & gOdS-OC q8 roa le vor sub,9*1-2000. mlie recelver for thlii pvngs banîr, thé *mPlOeUlenh as bar tender lor i pro.. 1~L.. .buabls eqsired or $d1,9Q ico] ..The truie ila rother, lohn Bertiett et Diamo6ud of *tR BucheLqI5U5U*5 oro1.3 bu. et acre 0Central Trust c ynLke o 13.pu ar curfe. 05501 ovotai. liy thé Ceth .unty grand jury Popw.y .cet" ulton cnusédf-20.232fouir 1;mitke more di"ec charges. M. J. Wobpr. foreman et thewayse u"es Stw.-a,,23fot 9 Triéka .hlfd'Chargé. pendent olume, msu ni@ bonehold ..bumbela sItfe dadcnsp 0. joeph IF. TrImia. président oethe ffecta frona Autioch 'Tuedby, R héer CIIUP ""ad""immp m@Slaviclicerelc Ii avlug baik. wao r-steuithé John Woei bbouea ii i 'et the.fA3WCtaCo-Lk out 92 Ithe complahihig vitnésa med tu thé coOîino! t Ii*ttrmetesd BiirbuthCourt., Il inttotments. Trins to101<the grand A t Ai b.boneStM' uffl " Camel p cýre la b uîhele19 » Jnjy hohl bua vlndled out ot lS.)- Dolesmaler lfatturu.k Tharqday nighl ot ield a m, n bu97U10. et 000. This aseuint hadl béés pald ir Y à anud lrs. Frant ltittler werp tesdered FléPtbilé-5cns T- hlm on Oct. 2), 1912 te iiiY os a .farewoli party. Thye epectvto loave Valu o!cOP b4-1 m s. Il draft against thbàecifl tnewruatset 50RElLECTrURe Wednésd.ay. The opnio cfa au- of 0f ruoUeip er acre-SIlO. an aig ak he a eurýhm tCpoel. T 00of94%r - Total ouet of progu.tot-$s68.8U. ~d avigsbali vilc lad ee te hmeeh b'roeela Ter, wêre AT MYSTIC WORKER'S IHALL, ber'of îégislators la that thé Fiv. Prost'or year-1$U.1. tiltued by the latter Istittion siak' about tbirty preeset and a 51010 pesent Mlle Dry Zone bill stands a botter Ot. crope, Lakée ouahy. 1912: ad "no fonds." At the.lime th. check evenlnit va.' ejoyed alter wbieh th. LIBERTYVIWM ~chiane.of Passage thiCounty OP. Acreagé, 191U, rétamno by asessors le vuas nvt he evldence préseontai te gnetootfp rellthe departinir couple thi Sunday Aternoofi ah Thi'.. O'obok.Utien.Thie Dry@ are assged Ihat s=y-' L .e.age1 l ates-2 r tho grand Jnry siiood the balance of iner" ubee. h.oîhsulnupeft Ter vlIb a iteoain arvc tie Klnby savîngs bénk hlntthé Stock- ln their né. ie td. SMy teo.'sall. hck n hraité Sonabt e a flYis. brh Pi. uétbiI 5 éns e meu'a Trust and Savigs bank a Thé Internationat Bible Stunean - le!! la hlm speech yeterday rassiedi Vlu fe rôP-4*guiat t Uifthe croi, n only $600-00. Musdee'e iatcr.v lia e tlle..fort.' cation bas stade arranigements for' thé Sénat., for folstlug a&l Dry billsa -»d tteprvlig rcoo Mr. Tika vas one of 11.08e ho 5P- geseon. 9btebisg erery %W rîsg Mr. Aitfred L..Seeley' ectilrer, et Chi-..--1jAuU luEtt t ouli relurnsteothé pro re pearéd againatthie KirbYs lu lie pro. ID yonrtOffe; h.' viii bnteh M"'.m t 4 cae, te give 8a.te et oflecturesilis- APaS the-leus. Eacb brach of thé 84745 iee isin Juidge Landia' court. tente 054.1. $3 50 in100 lota..Baby trated l>y a largo chart. legislature entente;1teb.oBJiXIouls 1t& Cont of production per acr.-S9.SQ. 1*c0 diL ebike t rona .tock pair' 15e pel, or Tii.object of theoe lectiues la net have th. other go on record firaion Total cent ef productlos-$UiS.Z1 s Talked of Margér. $1 2.00 is 100 lotis. Phono t,ibertvvilie te estabilsh any denomnatteli or mct. al Dry meaures. 'Pot.4915 a At tiat lime lho ,xplalued lho had 143R1. '.25-t! but teo timittate Chrimtiasasd oliets Ti.',sytedy ant ue Go foro1hflll Bkt' ne financlàl toutensa and had even en-clearer Insgit litho God's hels' Word. Progressive lesdhl&. Tole. vwhen- hé -un hc neue heblk ad ed ani acuhns a a o vés te mile GIJARDIAN'8S S..iTheioassociation 'han arranged for aroe.teoexpiais hie vote vilcb no ois résldlng vithia the cousUe. of md gaged vli hlm lua projecl0.0 molleaimilar lectures tirougiont 0the cous-i. lscensd hlm that ho cianged front MHs ae ekRuDpg gavera banks lu the selghborboodo taeo llni. onyof Le, s ryad at ail thoni estare free and aye tenoeilubils vote os the . îlttt OrlyWILaeke oob omé ga h the. tocks'atda ln an institutiO on e atee îIno.Cuuye aiea ecollection la lUft.d. loanoton Homitétatvarare t~Lé e o ld a meiet :13-knùw as he own f Lae Naion luInthe. Counts' Court of Lakte COUn. Tii.tiret lecture will bhon ou efmto.H tae fewr *CYtl aeo rdy ueo he n. ôna i ouo a ainl ty, May Termi, A. tD. 1913. in thiiDd Gd Portait Evii?" .a grosp of frienda liaI If lies' keph prcgram vIl beo preétited" amd a mattr etthepetiion t'RbetM. r. Seeley dlaimis liat wiie right- up thoae tactlcs be vomid vote for baffluét wgui foilov at Leonarde hi- He tolfi tie jury It vasbils belief l l tee h.peîio1c toe ly Iundoratoh th. Bible costanalu - ail Dry billetlitr20 akr.oua.pco Kiris' whloh lnduced hlmt te cash the fugatis, Guardian of Helen M. ln.-fitient ovidemice le provoe isovu is- teaukegan p0eounkeriii avait vlîhe 0 drat agansat lhe iltoeCkIios Trust gall. , amhior, for leave te sel rosi!spitto5. *"Ose ofthtese evîdoscos." Wuea epeIiiaatwt te attend the afalr. -and Savings anénit îti taking anY -estate.1 saym Mr. 8eebey, "la tie marvelous way késn lterelt the votte hoila<iton__________ id lurcuinohrta aln pte Pulentc shrb le htb!I wbich the Bible answers the ques- on the. dry buis tva keeks heucé. ' eiflth4 wevek-Eoofim'rn ro1w. ad pcataotelbacalnup o Pblcal.Isieeygvitnt s ieno e iperrniisqei"Tofe i, and the ____________erturiz"r wiiî unere i. ouir i'41#1 os- bvnkr by tlephone and acertaiig vIrtnée o a decretal onder made and angwer the fBie glvi'c. wh'Žn rlfk&iyforh that tie Klrby Saytngs bénit md an .ntered of record lu the above entiled divîJed, iM SU b..L. tory, bu lit'.ar- lndepeudoiit ads-reuwi by Z5,000. 11r1.LLFTwILiE Ltismi C account there. cuel ad Court on lie 11h day of m105>'wtihie Love. Justice ldm 4. -~11,1salo ensa and Paver ef Gel tiat"'lt vudmss_________ - Dr. Klrby's four attorneys's v ilil Ma>"A. D. 11'Isala nsa', ebv e =i 0dul ta li ~~~~~~~~~~~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' avtemvcas ilisaouIle1hda t.ueA.D19,at Be le cno el iterout hleanuther __ hav 'tel iestahor cusenipyt o! couwli theIibot et ofne' A. D. 191t3, ttr bleamea. la lnedthlîg IntpiraneWord ter tô git on li e p o ut on heés'. urofot neld 'Cday. tet i afote ot~es a."I nedtç nprdWr ihe ludge FacsE. Baker o hUietdt . he Court Hbuse instheeC t fWau- Chitiann sd Aguistie. Jew and Fraud Unl ofCLake' dGentile, saint anudsinuer, willnal bh> " States court ot Appelasannouneditegan, lu the Cun1 owaie n eulcome. wkîy-ît Ind lesterday leho d ln mind a district Siate eoftlînols. effet for salenet public ln ludge who vould hear lie casç.Te edue te the highesta nd liout bdd.r State otIllinois, Counts' et Laike as. In 1 attorneysa aqe former Judge Thonint' IB. forcs. nil o e 10rîgli tille and lu- th Circuit Court ot Laite Coumty, of Latrs'. vr4cls J. Houluh5ii. Patrick tetrOet ofsald ,,înor ln aud te the e olp TriAD.112l Cae fot J. ODonueit. nnd James tosenthal. foliowlug descnbel i-oui otale, situaI- i e rd J. * mbdenistock, et ni., vu, la ~ ~ ~ e _____ dlinte Counts' o! Lake, asd Stato, Lewis H. Todd, et ai. General No. 6277. log. ofe Illineis, te-w 1: 1Satistactory affidavit tint cottéit de- Sharpen bad Tat Prt ofLot ne lnBloc T Iefendants llithe above entletl-cause C.ADLE RAHI ELLS itatetLt s itB i, n udue and diligent Isiqulry nnuol be »bE7 M e of P ty-tve)n thie Origisal Town o! Litt1e fouad, andlliat the pince o! residesce 013 IM RESSIV ~ N~ Fort (sew City'o! Waukegau), leserli- of nald dot cédants, or any of thint, cal uslya q corner et said lot; hnce rulieanant be hoservel upea tI=m, r aotyI t. t 1k out o ti. HstIhi o saI oe tiernt,having been file<l viti thé tkR » @teR.LTwenty-liree sud ono-baîtfeel, taelthe Noice ls theurefoe hereis' g e 10e i and Norti-eaat cerner of land formeons' s » .lefendants Lewis H. Todd.=Abus ha, Captain of Carpathià Arrqtnged Ovuai îy Joseph Motion;, hbence West AWObstson.iiMary Mis I-t Details-Entire Crew and on tie North lise o! said Mallon's lot, (vite et Jacobi France, MEdvance &W. - Passengrs Present. and parallol vlth the North liseo! Joues, George Vowier, Unkuowni enrbb r a -oi LotOn te tie West Lin, thore- or doviseem ot Alesso A. Webstr, dé. WAUKEGAJO. I., Mas' 23. of; theuce Nrh on éald West lise, ceasol. Usitnown beire or devisonsaot etorey r ook reeivd te Tent-thee nd ne.f fnt oreThomas Riwson. eceaso; Unnon. o o r g bne e g o l e r c i el l e T e t - i e nd o e b o t a e h ei n or devisees o f Lew is H . T odd , de, follwlsgca%.g ' etaI2:45 'or lesa, te thieNorth lise et said lot cae;Uisv eno eiéso Thursdas' atternuon trois bis son, Au- and Southî bouMat fWashington IMary P. Ravson.deaed; Uuniovu drev, tellisa isi o! the fuseraI aetv- Street; lieuce.But ou séld Nof ise e hsor leviseso! Jacob rue é le for hua litho dnughtt Deoothy, o! aaid Lot One sud the. South lise censol; UunImOS oie ro devinne cf who ied of neu ontMrs. France. de céassd ( vlieo t Jacoli wiodIe etpnemena on board lie et Washiigioh etree1 10 lie place o!' France), Vnitoovia heins or léviseos zianI stamship Carpathîn: beginunn, excepîhil liérétren thle foi- o! Edvard W. Jones, deceased; Un- Eno Gibraltar, Nlay 22, '3:40 p. m. lowtng: contniencig t a paint inthie kitevi hets or devis et eor Ge fiener Coolie: Norh fiue ef Lot One atoresail, vîlci Vowler, dommaed; Usituowu helta ort-S elth Dorohy emoed rom teaer y l Fify-to ad eglitin ne-un.deviee ofJehn Aysley, deceased, Dorotby reuntee rntsemrbyl îîs w n egea u-utnduinituevitowners of reaî .pâhatelS a e E ey T n ipeiailauuii.Most umpressive cen- dreltis foot East of tbe Nerth-veftithe till ofe Compiaint described.,tO- enony arrauged b>' captaîn. lutine coK'er o! sait! lot, and vilci saipinti wit: a a e E e ý T m crewond ulpasseugors of the Carpa- leai et iNorth.résl corner o! lie ITic South West Quanter oethle A gîmPulmotéter. Je ust iseu 'ot s@Wy htmde-mmy muait.or desigu, er tula were preast. Si. reste lun atire. stery brick building ferinertyl Norh East Quarter anudtie Northh eb style raser iota lb. NEVER PAIL- Pretty ciapel; cemetery 61.1vtiewodb' orc.SWBttst nn' u a.rteof tfhe North Enst Qutý Pull theé huthésbsk and tortl,à12ev limes-ltt aites humthon s uuisnl' floyers. Pertoctîs' benittiful spot- sîtuated ons aad Lot One; theD<io Soutth and 2 regpectlvols') a! Section 2, Townnéynhisskels hr, mvt-mohabvm dg uynrrsr foot of rock et Gibratet. . aleitg theo West lino.of matif building, thSip 43 Nerth, Range 10 East o! the m etmayou've neveu butorsen oyied. Andew teny-hre ud.on-blffet e heThîrd P. M., excoptîng lierefront a Sobaus edÎs la possiblea mati on the NE VER FAIL bécasse t opéet Rening bewee th f n éof t weuNo thiee o aflllondfr el w crti pat hre ou dfo-rnrail.éten ttheos is xe l md,,dimét contact principis. . thelb.NEV R FAIL b@ro e m coa rpnthierb e convoitril- e5j .ive sud patetouel estuer.whicii ppies ésh and evry tiks oel *teraely worded cabiegrant. eue cau ed hy Josepht linhoith-liee. WeetBok 91 et Deods, Page 223, Ins g metthO ~ s Térstula, e th i rpmian ete dl theedmmi ueel r ercoive one o e'! li e set tragelles long 1thé Nrh lineofet id Mallona Townoetla; Aisea th e Otti24 rtesor.uainç. ot lite. Dorothis' as ldolized lIT ber Lot Forty-twe sud elgbtq e u-in-of the South West Quarter a! lie Tisa uosmélOus PrPesr arDt n1m4urateed iv the Nover ail Ce., parents, lier gmaidparentsand Iail han Inotha fet te 3But1 lin. '5f su allés' SoutihEast Quater O! Section 35, bgàtb élé u émied I mtumtn yes Nongmore yeoe a Ilfer. oîhor -relatives anulfrieuds. ,Hn vhich la etefot vide, andîvhîch ruina Township 44 North, Rangé 10 Eae ltc i fy"M dot your Shmrpemsr TODAY 'eu omeidérai 0 ,be. deatheta os' lmé vould havé brougbtthnri n ol ara fle 3t4 f. M.,la tbeTown of Pr&- Om--l'l 1éd015 Md4&0e for pente»s. the $estet Borow a al whoknewnt; il s b s t eacertain grant liegreta aorovte Il he nevsaId let Oue; tiencé N" orh 00 Ea lst te thé North Shote Biectrlo oompane,, ber but lie facl tisaI sà»died alinoo lIn. o! sald nUs.tey itlY.nty-te nud recordea Boo20k E o! Incorportiont- la hidî-ocesu. liouaands o! milles frqm one-inîffee t he î tth tinuéont sot!Recorda, page 815, aIl alluatlo in tise bomeé, causes lie ilow te be a harder Lotanul tience East alosE thé North ,Counul'oftLaite sud Staté cf Illinois-, Que. line of aIl lot, Forhtvo and eWtfli tat lie abové named tqomplaisant.- bavé ibis bas' il ltLetr biliet comý oueiuudred eluit Inot hole place of plaint lunid! court on thé Chgcéty, aIE ÂA UTIr. lîgitinia, begtnning; aIse allof Ie tigit, tille aie liereoasd that A fmuMMOli 8U5t' w ladetorme, toi- and Internat of »Id mlaori sud Ictéi ieaise télo et ssiI opolot osduee andcyéOnem.« Protectyourpop- saId ten toot allés', isludltml rse> = ola1 h above nained defsdata. ,. éh iiapoe tu Thé OunOetiut votions end suiljéb o lIl privilages rtral .?lm tInuramc,Cuompanh of! RaidOrd o!fte Cirffit court ot Laite Coluti, Vonsa. Cuel cpited., 41,000,000- SXty contaluél ina acortalu War5als' Dét e ho ld eIa t JpCourt Bouse. hi thé' s'e»a'czpei=Oé. PoverfartmaehlOI m a mde and ,xecuhed ),s'Ho"as.. Borrs' Cils'lo! Wauksgan. Lakte COMSnhs'. 112 W. C. SÂuoaw, Ag.. Ufbertyviflslit. sud HllH By.îo E ,hI, biWvHf, hInlich- seI, on téFn ods !Olbr e.':2 ard Morsu and Niehae Ma. datéed vh.tD.19Msuitla .111pelsg Dhe 'i m~- "--i s. i m. lecre'sOfceo ouI" fM s', t A. D. 1912.. Dtti y' c f c e c F '-b -b F il I a S F a b F c E k P h e! Il il b F s t. ci