Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 1

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J' --WAU KEG ANWEELY SUN VOL. XXI.-N9. 39. TWZLVE PAGESB 1~BERTYVLLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., ]FRIl)AY, JUNE 20, 1913. ONE TO EIGHT si w0 PER YEAR iN àDVAI 4p -A 191 nux- nds. Bc 8c .rom 5c 9c oc 9c 5c Oc 5c .89 leu 2c 85C 42e .. 46e opl. hata $148 ed in MISI < 8MON M Boy is One Who ToId Such Re- markable Tales to Local and d Chicago Authorities. FATHER 0F BOY 15 JAMITOR Youngster Was Arrested at Libertyville When he Tled to Buy Race Hormes "Donneiius Guuanne." allas "Wil- I liam Sullivan," 15 years old, Who vasE lait veei in Chicago examlnai atheUic detention bospital for bis anity and Whc profesedi a vonderful knowl- etige of goofraphy anti histor>', vax found yesteriay la be Cornelius Gninan, 8:;t; Custer avenue. Evan- ston. aho dIzappuareti front bieborne ejahi months ago. Illefather leaa janitor. The boy vas taken horne. Tbrough te efforfa cf Cousit>' Phys- clan H.1. i.Davis and Nlues Elenora E. Thomnson of the Illinois Society' for Mental H>gic.îîe. the boy vas taIton before <'ount> Jutige Owens. Tbey consider the case one or the mout re-I markabie on record, as yaung Gwlnan telle of trips around te vorli anti of historicai battîe bu mays bu bas nit- 4nesset. He le thougilî to have a ne- mankable power of assimilation oft tacts from lis tudios 0f geography1 and bustor>', according te Dr. Dvis.9 andi can thue Iicture things he bast read and heard about ta hîrneoif as If the>' ocre reaItties whicbhe bai gone through. The boys rnoUier maye ho suffereil a biow on bis head ln a bicycle acci- dent aid fro t Uit tinte dates bie vlv. Id stories of miventure.t Ansosfl tei bL.bertyvlle. Gwlnan vasilfrat arresteti at Ui: erty ville vison he made everal efforts i ta purchame a strilng of race borses. He ba been employeti about the ra- ina Stables. Upon Uie reconmoenda- tion of a Liberbyviile pMysica ho vast brougbt te Waukeglanda gven a bearlng before Count>' Judge P. L. Persons, He laid! man>', vonderful sltoies of aiventure. Ho »Id ho lived In Mtontana but that ho bai ridden ta Chicago on horebaci. stopping on1 Uic va>' et the boit botels. Thring exploite la gambling ions la whlch ho sai ho bad l bunoreis of dol- lare playing euchre and poker,causing the ansest cf notei crImi nd mire.- celing large rewards wcre a feu cf thse tale is th uhicisho regaleil bis boirons. Ho sai Uic remmon ho i«ft Montana wuse ecasme ho eimade fun of Uic loilas a e»of tsma had emtrailm esla tise Suèhsmi viw a toMfaavi. He o ucld of wcrkllsg for a Ut,.- r ertyville man and smli that If this min dii not pay hlm $75 that ho oued him that ho wouli 'get hlm" or et a "Una=a" la do the job for hlm. "That tise va>' vo do it la Mon- tana," ho maId. Hia descriptions vere me vivi that the court offleitals couli baril>' doubt < bis str and Ilettere vent sent la Uic cil>' in Montana where ho sai] ho liveti. Taer ho vas laiton to the de- Interesting Financial State- ment Shows Surprising Busi- ness in Zion City. (Special Correspondence) zuon City', lune 14-Tbe total arnoant of business done b>' Zion ln- »Miutions for the year ending Janu- ar>' 31, 1913, vas $582,473.90, with a total capital Invested lin landi, build- ings , machiner- aidi merchandise of $263,891.14. There are ln aIl flfteea Institutions ccntrclled b>' Wilbur Ol6np Voliva, as tihe at of the ZMon niovomeal, the employes ln these In- stitutions nov aumberlng 252. The Iollovlng 41ns.nclai statemeat gives a gondi de fthUe magnitude of Zions businecsandi mre'inking of nitat t menus for one matn shouider the responabiites of such a large con- cern Amount of lasurance premlum pali, $6,072.00. Amount of taxes, $3210.00. Antount 0< alsrlomanti nages (Pro- ductive aidnon-prouctive) $132.243.- AMOUnt of lnterest, $22612.00. Amnuofmtetdepreclation, $9,458.00. Fuelad maiot, $11,417.00. Lit Msow eer, 14880.00. Prelgbî and irayage, $22,256.00. Mrchandi sailes forcoeYsear, $813,6206. A W(UN CAN VOTE FOR SUPERMVSRS UNDER NEW LAW WILLIAMS' CASE 1$ CON.- 1 TIUDFOR E Y9 Waukegan, June 12. The came of "Duty"l Williams, a UAbertyfvle garage man chargoil with a serioums tatutory offense, thia moralng beorl police magistrats Walter Taylor wam continuci fôr ton days. Hia bonds of $5000 wero re- movai and ho rotalrned 10 lberty- warrant sworu out b>' the father of a Uboetyvfile youne woman. GRAHAM WINU MIGH AT BOSTO.N 3a>' R. Graham of Long 1Laie, the Olympie Champion. uas the high gun at a big gun shoot at.Boston a day or t1Wo ago. It was held under the ans- Vics of the New York Stato Sports- mois Association aidsmeorn f the boit shots In the United States and Canada participatei. !%Ir. Grahami made an almost perfect record. KICKED IN HEAD BY IIORSE WIIILE ON DAY'S OUTJNGi Mother and Sister, Together With Physicians Hurried to Sie ini Automobiles. Waukegan. IM., June 14. Robert Porter. 25 ,ears olti. son of NMr. and i urs. J. 'il. Porter otf auke- gan, sustaned plainful Injuries this rnorning when bu wa% kiclted ln the huai by a horse. The accident tock place at Gas saIe. lHe was broughti to ý%"auke9an andi placed ln the Me-i Alister hospitai. mr. Porter bai ridden ta thu laite ln hlm bicycle thîs rnorning, lntending to spend the day there.fishlng, boat- ing and swimming. Afler ho tired of tiseme pastiases he strolled Int a pas- ture where eesorai horses were feed. tus. Hla attention was attracted b>' a mare with a little colt by ber aide. He te fond cf hors&,and began tn stroke the Bank 0f thc animal. AI- mnt beore ho was avare of te tact, thse mare struc out ad oneo0f the steel shoma struck Porter over thc eye. lnflictint on ugl>' vouai. News of thse accident was tel.- phoned to him relatives la Waukegmn and ln a few minutes the young man's mother and Dr. J. C. Volo>' vere mpbeeing la Uic scepe of the accident. Miss XarJorie Porter, a mduter, on- tered another automobile and reached the laie about the smre titae. It was Impossible to tel met how serious thse young man had been injureti. The Lerson & Holiand automobile ambulance was smnmoned and brought the InJurci man ta Uic Mc- AliSter bospital. Fears are enter- balfted that ho mmy have ustainmd a fractured *911. At an>' rate It ia bellevei that he yl i se the sight of hie oye. ,à &M tS 0F1 TOTALS $582,475 Il le put la popular Language-for Presient: anti thc righl to vote for ail officers of citles, villaesc anti towne except police magistrete.I This last limitation does not concera the nomen a! Chicago, as there are no Police magistrates here. This moins the voman s-e for Presiient in (bu Unitedi State îli bu precticaîl>' deubleti. The statu8 whlch alreai>' have granteti nonen the ballet Include amông t)ioir vot- ers over 1.000,000 women. Rougir es- timates places the Probable number Ot Minois vomen et considerabîr over 1,000,. 1 There nilI 11e no limitation upoîl1 the priviheges of Chicago vemen, a,)> fer as cil>' officieIs and ci>' affaire are concerneti. Tise>' -lhl be privleg- cd te voie net ont>' for the lessen cf- dciaîe, but aise for the mayor anti the mombers o! bbe cil>' ceuncil. The meisure futher provicies that the>' mi>' vos "upon ai questions on Propositions submitteeC bt a vote et the loctors of sncb enunicipalitios" -vbich means there 111î ho no ques- tion submlitted taelbh, ?ty et Chîcas. and ne o0fciaI 1te b ecteti condom-. luig vblab (he o, noama>' not cx- press their opinion b>'moins of lte bahloe. ad#-reai b>' 25,000. GRAHAN O1"S THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE VOTE-)1 ROYAL NE16HUBRS Hee' hepoiio o hererse- VOTE DISFAVOR TO taIvsfrmthsditi(ton the IT womn' surae bllmiho passed WuMAN SUFFRAGE th1e bouse at @Pringlleld Wednesday. Shurtleff-Votd for it. ,Munro-Voted'for it. OnIy Dozen of Three Hundred Graharn-èftmnt. but fld n o oe. Neighbors at Gurnee Meet- C. 0. O. PARCEL POST. ing Voted For It. Washington, D. C.. June -1.-ln- structions to postmasters were is oued today for bandling of C7. O. D. OTHERS OPPOSE IT IN VOTE. parcel pont paeIêges, effective Jul>' 1. Charges on p4aCIfe i nu 1e colet.11 d ao dde. 0" o and alter thatI'Mfl, That Tley Were Interet- date.-provlided th. BlMount on a single edsSow byRfait parcel does flot exceed e$d (i s hw yRfslt rTe tee for collection wil 1e 10 Vote Disinterest. cents ln parcel post starnîs 10 be at- fixed by the mnder. This tee also wnll Inctre the packtage against Io' Out of a gatherlng of over 3(o no- to the actual value of the contents mniho attended a Royal Neighbor not exceedlng $50. gatherlng at Gurnee, Saturday, Juno 14t11, but about ten women express- ed fa'.or t0 the W..e.,. suf- OWNERS MOTOR nt when the question Bccause f the a tio tSpringfield BOATS p LAKE RE~ during the eee, the question wae UilN POYINGi FINES'!andi, on sugg stion, the presidlng o Interesting Facts Concernihg the New Womnan's Suffrage Bill Just fassed. CAN'T VOT E FOR CO TREAS. Town Clerk, Assessor, Colec-1 tor and Commissioners Also In Their List. The municipal suffrage bllI tedh- nically known as senate bill No. 6:, which %,as passed by Uic bouse, last week, and nlbecome a Ian as soon as It ia signed b>' Governor Dunnc and which pili maie voter, out )f the Illinois vomen. gives ibem oni>' a pjartia] francbise. ThisabllIIdoes not allow woneo b u vote for governar, menibers of th- state legialature, congressaien, ,tat'- officiais or for most of 1the couoîy oltlcers. The count>' officers lnciuded in the list of titose for whom womnen may vote are countv collector andi count. surve> or. Attorney General Lucey holds, however, there l2 no officer holding only the title of county col- lertor; that the (ounty treasurers ar-! ex-officia county colectors. As th1- office of county treasurer Is createti by the constitution, Mir. Lucey be- lieves the women cannot bu gisen by statute the rlght to vote for thpet offce. If ii office ls removeti, as la possible, it wili leave the vomen the rtght ta vote for onîy one distin'-t- oly count>' oficer, and that le couuty surveyor. Tbey may vote also for members of the state board or oqualization, clerk of Uie Appellate Court.,niembers of the board cfaseseors, sanitar>' dis- trict trustees, and for the following township ciliers: Bupervisors. to-en donr, aassemr, collector aid highway commiaioner. The bill provides that women may participate and vote Ini ail annual and speclal town meetings la Uic tovnshlp la wblch such edec- tion district tu locatei. Whon The>' Ce Vote. The anly requremetit for votlng far the offices specilied leaihat thc wonian be a citizen of Uie United States, above the aie of 21, adt it sbe shaîl have reaici la the claie one year. ln the county ninety days, andinlathe election district thirty day, precedlag Uic election. Pepar- ate ballot boxes and ballot, vili be provideil for Uic vomen. Because the state constitntion as oaly Malea *albaîhoallowci to, vote for thc offices pravideil for in the con- stitution It vouli not be possible mn give yomen Uic tull franchise ila Uic state vithout a constitutional ameniment. The present measune, bowever, permis thern ta vote for practlcahly ail other offices. Double Vote of Women. The tva most Important privileges it gives the women are the rlght to vote for presidentiai electors-or. as ed th1e owners eof hasto, toling themn what the>' miglît expect. This appar- entl>' did nul suffire, for h. fourni 5ev- oral usiprepareti wheit ho swooped down upon thenî i te lait tvo or three Sunays. The owners of mntorboats in Wauke- gan al hasve conîplIeti vith the govern- ment regulaîlotîs anti am perfecti>' saie along this-.line. With regard to lite preservers th1e govrament re- quires tbat une lite proicrver mueLt ho carrieti for ever>' passenger on the boat. Overloading is nother violation whlch le subjec! to penalty, The Weîîconti electrlc roati of- ficiaie have arrangeti viii the North- wester-n for a trafhc fnigbt arrange- ment, aIe for througb tickets via tb' Nothwestern to Wanconda, In other vende, one cen nov - purchase s ticket la Chicago via Uhe Northnes- terna ciar te %Vauconda, changlng cars at Palatine for the Wîuconia line. Somsething vhlch ron NI=. but visici yen do not teel able t0 bu>' "nov," mi>' ho aivrllsoian>' i.> Dov in the "FOR SALE",charn. tirer salot :,lion mans 111ru are lu tas or of wumen' _ s uifge and of -the action ta.1en at Sprngfield~- stand up." And aboult ten stooti op, çnly ono ot the Waukegan delegation of llfty belig in bthe num ber. .lion nany are against the sut-ý frage lilan?' asked the ofIcer. And. according ta members, aIl the reeit or the gatherlng stooti ul. *How msny have little interest ln the Iatter?' nas the next question. None arose. Thus, the, deduction le that La:i count>' yomen are interested la Uie movement oni>'an e fr ihat the>' are n01 keenl>' for h. The Royal 200gh- bors are the auxillary bcd>' f'men affiliated wlth the Woodmen and about faurteen camps vere at tha Gurnce meeting. Drille vere given b>' Uie teame of Waukegan, Guruee. Antioch, Lake Villa, Grayslake and Uàbortyville. A fine banquet vas served by the ladies. NO CHANCE 0 5 MILEBILL BEIN PASSED; STAFF MA4ÀN Special Representative of The Sun Investigating Matter on The Sun's Request. Waukegan, Ill,. June 14. The Sun bat a epecial correspond- ent ln Springfield vho loiks after Im-' portant Lake count>' natter. vhicb corne before the legislature. flecause o! the vide intereet la the proposei five mile dry zone bill1 nov betore the lcgssaiure. vbich bas fa- vorabl>' pessedtheUicbouse committe ant i jenon up 10 Uic senato. Thc Sun todey niret ieIlscorrespondent ln et- fect as tollowet -Waukegan le much interesteti ln the proposeti five mile bill1. Wi1I you please inform us just what chances exist of the bill1 passing the senate at thîs session ofth11e leglslaturu? No Chance et AI. Anti heres the wire The Sun re- celved backt There im noe llhiood of bhe five mile tiry zone bill passing the legisialure thlm session. The bouse commitbso on temperance vote tomre urne mgo te report eut the bill favorabiy> but tbe bill wili flot be brought up as the advo- cates of 1the moumure bave no hope of ils peslng the bouse. Agrees- Witb Shurtleff. Thus. The Sua's speclal representa- lise bas th1emamne opinion as to the likelihooti of the billtiying a naturel tieath as sas conteineti ln the tele- gram sent b>' Mr. Shurtleff this week tn Nlayor Bidinger whlcb vas priateti la The b.un. ln effect:That tho bill ilikely sill not emerge fron te coin- rnlttee anti bas ao chance ln case t does. Chris Duffy, present donr of the Apîliate Court. lehIkel>' 10 bave op- position next year, vwhen bis tormu ex- pires. Walter M. Hay. circuit court dueri anti recorder of DeKalb count>', hae announed bis candudie>' as a Progressive part>' aspirant ,Mn. Duf- f y's district embrace Uic aorth< Mhrd of Illinois, ave Cookt coult>'. IUR I9IEI8ISI c SUPER VISORS TODAY DECLINE TO BE FORCED INTi INON TREASURER MATTER, BUT DESIRE DECIS COOK< COUNTY ON SIMILAR POINTS FIRST IF POe ATTORNEY'BEAUBIEN MAKES IffERESTING ARBI BEFORE BOARD-MATTER NOW LEFI OVER TI TEMBER MEETIN, Waukegan, June 12. ..... Beeauise of the pendiîîg ~siits ini Cook voountv -hereini a eitizen naiiieîl Jonîes is su- Àug ('oîntv Tri-asurer O 'Con-. n1eil in hehaif of thee otintv tg)ltriîn whether a couiÎ-- ty treasînrer has a right t&, K-e p thiliîîteî-est <on Publié tîînds, and(lthe jiheritane tax tees, the Lake count- board of. stpervisors tli imorit ni by a vote of 19 to 7,, deeîdî d t(x leave the miatte <<t CoitîTreasurer West le-i(1 I- Position openî tîntil- the seeondc day of thte Sep--' teniber- meetiîlg. This actiont was takeni following a - leiugthy talk to the board by ýAT. Attorney Alee Beaubien, as, Young attorney wbe *"y,I representative of Mr. West- the superVtIson ab~fiij erfield and short remarks by Tremaurer WeeeýWln,.* State's Attorney Dady- t argete *vr mo or*spma Mr. Dady stated lhe would 1 heos ',efr. 1 'lot advise the board as to what action it shouId-'j garding the starting of a suit, but said ,be *o begin proceedings when the board hsree '%Vhether it be now or in September. fie sttd 2ta the county could recover the money i eac cse,»gy feit the Supremle court had passed upon the *nte1 ter, but admitted that the inheritance tax mattr ba been passed upon by the higher court. The consensus opinion and expression ( board members was that they felt moet<kIIWdjy. Mr. Westerfleld and that they believed hie wua the fees in question because hie feit the law perI to do so. Nýone cared to take radical action andmýi it known that the board was friendly in its u*tiop,- Mr. Beaubien cxplained that a "friendly"su not be started becatîse of the necemity of bIa li=1 to retain the stigma which a local newspaper fo place on hiun, elassing hhn as a eriminal, seowid robber of the people. To this contention, IFormr," man Clarke of the board gave a trite reply whe üar to the opinion held by others on the said in substan ce: "I 8i VSe brla ta* sean fit to make tho eOMous attackaupoa * fieid that it did; it waa unfortunate asd b o.-1 was uncalled for." Mr. Beaubien replied:1' 'I am glad to hear a man prorninence and position make a statement of thM coming from you, it means xnuch to Mr. Westerlîd me."e- - U. S. Custom Inspector Arch McArthur Finds Many are Volating the Laws. .Notorboat ovacrs ln thP Foi ris-er reglon in Laks count>' are finding out ihat it le quite a serlous mattur to vlolatc the goveroment provisions n li regard to their boals. Wilhln the tast week or two several o-ere of hoats have beena fined from 100 ta $200 for vtolaticias. The followiag iahtes are incluisi la the Fox river re- glon: Pitaise by, Foi laite. Long laite. Pettis aie. grass laite, Lake Marie. Bluff laie ai Channel laie. Foilowing ans violations vblch are qulte common bk tie laits reglon and for nhich sevesmI motothoat ownens have taon fmcd: 1-R'unning atisIgist vithout ights. 2-Not bctng progerl>' oqulppedvlth lite preservers. 3-Not having pneper lire-e xtngulsh- ers. 4-Not b'-ing provitici vith a whis- tic. 6.-Not being psoviiei -wIth a bell, Arch McArthun of WaLu]segan. Uni- ted Stateg customn Inspecter, ha. maie several tripe lno tUhae regIon a]- ready tbis springaid bas boax-deti may ofthiese amalI aratta. Hic re- ports bave been sent te Washington and la cases wbere he toua ioications the ovners ofth11e boata vos-e promptl>' linci, Each of the abovre nami vio- lations constitoies à sogiSate offense for vhlch a penalty ci $100 ma>' ta made. Thus. If the ovau of a boat bai non. of th1e equpigmst requirci bhe lielave be voUl4 )* uhIsalt l a fine of $600. The most common violation, ac- cord to Inspector MeArttsur, la that of not having proper fi>'. extlnguish- ers. That boats are not no squlpped anything else becanse a, good le pail o! at anti sani, labellod "o lire extinguisblng purpomea." coastl- tutes a proper extinguiber and le passed upon favorabl>' b> an>' lnspcc- tor, This equipment wouli cgt but a fev cents ajîd the fims-o to have It mlghi costth11e boat oua.>' $100. The custonis inspectos- pmid a visit to the lake reglon lait filland varn- Attorney Beaubien'as Remarlo. Mr. Beaubien :W'as asked, as Mr. Weterfleld's ney, to state th6fsituiatioil fromn their side. Hie siid î~ ilot wvish to advise the board, rnerely wishing to . t*~~ facts as lîv sa,%N, them and appeal to the board to be ar judgmieît and to aet solely lgpon their own feeling, rt than permit anv of the seurrilous references wbieh Ii hen made of lus client, to influence them i their 4eeidý lie showed hiow any action the board night take was, U- extrelielv important to the board members individtiaU hîît that àt meant mnuch to Mr- Westerfleld whose narne hI been besiiirelhed. lit, said he kncw that al members of the board nod realize that there is a confiict in the law on the mte a treasurer retaining inheritance tax fees. Hie felt~ the bo ard believed Mr. Westerfield to be honst, con8diE tious and fair; not a scoundrel, as soine have painted h4~ Stands on the Law. "The reason I read the law to vou," said hle, ' show vou that, in bis contention, Mr. Westerfield bas st 1 on the law, on the statuttes; it is not lis place to in the statutes ànd decide whether one part of them l)s and another wrong; that is for high court to dé and we ail realize the eonflict in the statute' feature. -I hope you îvill guard the interet'- county-I know y ou will. Dit, at the saie mo you will be considerate of Mr. Weatee)<w. stand in this matter ba s been based upon bimh 'f the law. Hli swil1ing to abide by-the proper tion of that law, but who is to inQterpret itfo U* îContinued on PaU* Sx.) tention hospilal ln Cbcago uhere for eeveral daye Uic officiais vere much puzzled over hie etorlee, Among oth- er thinge he bil of bie lntumaatp with the'-royalty of Europe. VACANCY IN POSITION IN TOWN- SHIP LEFT OPEN FOR 0000 REASON. Do you want a poiical job? If you do, go t0 Newport township. Theres a vacîncy there la the job of Constable andtUi stnange part cf It le, t tnoboti>'ecun hofouni Who1 vante the 'position. Thr. les non but onc conslable ila the township, Edigar Ames bulng that1 office-houder. Henry Âmes was elect-1 ci as second Constable at the last choc-1 tion but ho din't-vint the job andi vouli not qualif y. Therefore Uher. e a vicane>'and ilthough efforts bave beon maie te gt somobol>' toaigres to 4 aie ltse position, non@ ban yet - b een foiduho viii consent (o quali- t>' laneeboels electeti at the spocial, eloction uhlcb muet ho clIied la or- de o n mes a ma. Sunda>' at Wiuconia. oves-y otl of lte sevont>' lots la thé"At boxae" subdivsion»M at public anc. tion. À mont unususi record. M ý 9 A6 1 r

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