Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 10

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Nvdki~ byJ. . ctumwhyet the' SucoessfulNew Pla ~yUntPer " wyJ. O' &Dot>eNWilim J. lotus. ta WbU lIlrd la Appearlm. -' lies iq. Mata. 'il look bitM " ow the Tolvortbj & Moud pet- ý e the moilng peper." remarkei o, "&ni I thonghi Il mlgbi hal rp elcv, but ter mur BOtLTbey reIme ta j'ot." w." Kurtan -nolisé tron uti. X, euffliMl ffMe. Yl'a"c,fti ap- t»tinta 'Ni.Argj's ie'evii.ravu ~t» ci hmala!fUithelua. there le wiguctea ami" eulie.Mamba. Io 1O4wI.A<.nov lintaiai- O'Iti"e Nrah. pl'he infofaion «Wy rute oniy vit olA Mr. TOI- W, &MiMr. AigrIe. The irmasmu- i how le locate ber, thlutlug there h. aeorenc csL" Kaytau t00k ibo bIh 'frorn 'btin 8a. cxumlneditaicrtcaly. He bal teseý el Jsr chirned lu Mr. Hurloy. , sdabastr concàebsi mgernem.. mifor that rmo. continuel bo. pparentlj' vithout noalilg' ptbe' meunier, "v. oued on»' the bu WU. DiI jan ver heur Mr. rgjl. I1 Ir m ut?" r. HIe airokd bis chin. t l'il te rau about tut. th j~elelvey -Wtou vo vere r te nov .111 vo iall't gt e iétnalarge aa unm ta baieK a slmply a boquemi ta aldueri- c "ro tetaiKarton. -"Ilu e ei ta tchauoi." th Vdtý lIâic=»e" saId 11r. Ru- gr vtttaut Inioreat. "thc poison yul tH lbMi. 'te expecttng ta b remem- id yr. Argye and showup.» id )R y*a&" agree layton. '«Thue" ge iblng may b. prect]j'lune- t, bto tavol anyiling umplomma be famln he Imlavycrs thoughl b~a botter b. ou the sale .et" ti» var. Mr. Harlay'.jounatnter- "-,~c~' b& c ot ara.. that iis te stictlu "y ~ et eourue-af coumer'l orclalm- Wle luvyer bmtily. The tephvona Mis Face aeammai Geai Natur'e. auguni as Ksj'taon ixrned tet hOfeomethlng o! au ex brt an bia orlie toatMr. Hriq am. dajs un ho couad apprecste art. t 1!i h on't tae.Up any mous a!fI"How do yuu suppose ibey ovor put rtnni. tesSi. ltogethert""lho murmnrod Wonder- >mhg go m on? Well. cama l tnl b4 Mr. Hurley," Invitai the itec' "Wen,,- Ils a phoographic procese- il Itbatu a cduch! 1" iea Colt. "No 1 wl .'0. vi," ieas thé band trier tommheo that plate. Look pe. "I ahli b 0temirled btabour euthl.ltho work!" mgelsa auj'nov doveiapment lu ibe "AnilntaIetb.helut!" OxciEDIeL &>" ~Kayton, 'lil ksP j-ou p0td." KsYtou a11- "Perfect!" pronouncred the gavera- $r n i d wtb a na Mr. HurilYej'mnt agent soemaîy. "How'î you bama @t ver gel aa ta It?" ri NI. Cot ta corne rtght t,"hi." au ",Wh," replei Nanan modmmllY.e tio tata the phono. *,nom@ o! Ibeso silhlibehrastruck me au 'b.lng off coar CI4APTER IX. "Smyr" oxclulme thie fuitestslmon lu "le it a c et40t the fedormi govertmmuot. wltb a lugb '.COT prv1dta ho large ave, "tlrlesmort o! tblngIle ginu te lid o! a oueronsaun velb kukctihe curroe Ita acoctol but! folaphoauue. o v, rety soou yon won't b. able 1ta t. la clrcumu'ru'nce. Ho vus under & a moulc gm-ip wth IL. And yenu meail liresmed vol!, uni hle face ta tell me that yoD fonait Ibat bill, l nature,.amtllonano'm doclk?" ell, Colt!" exctalmed Kaytou "I admit t's lmpouutbie," amlal Key- rosi corilullîras be enterei. ton. "'butt1di.'. Ilb. rau ohd plutocrat!" hellawei, Colt stared luaroeduloily. "Tit a -POvcomen. vtibau eupanusive prin mon ln Arryles pollitIon voldimlxt rolloi ta iéio dock. Ho gaedhimueif mp vIîh xa ani of crimnels bila appreelatlvel>'. "Yomiveo <1vh'bakmail hlm fr the reof a bohre liko a bloatoi sonator. arP:ntil' bado th Iht, Kayta«n noid mand tnmggei bis1 hui a onefî? prilK>- ouliers.4 ft a counerfei"Horhmîythave heen lnon coapfta me- Yuet pain irz'"h omt ima"r dclarci tir. Colt onthu- <anîlirgî>- holdIng up the bl. "Tat , a ho sank loio the chair about maere.Colt! Thms late -Vated by Mir. Hnrloy. theonouy rosauamyîry 1 evor met" *Mylj brtekiuqitstaprotesta. "-l's "Have yon got sà>"Y('10v?" a mlgty gmod cônmaerfeit ie s Kujion loaaed hamel. "Weil, l'a t&i"t fflea:l O'u'îo gathte playlug a long r ht," ho returnel vi- O a 4ddnkon lDàiau. G0Ouot 0on avly. *"Coulnt any of yamî empesta 2mererr duse uni atub rour tue davu t the office mIve a wviiigusu athtag lIte tiba" tir. Colt shoot whosm work tiq N w a?" Umugvie beai monraful>' over the Colt shook his he'rd gloomily.. "No ai 'lb. world. " Mu te Tbere ant a "ountomfeter eou ibm lesila t*b unier the triammit7l b.ooko cauli do It. TIhe mani t <01S cedn Washington uni tbj"ie thut togetirer hama 1.é quloUy expert- %me souot abl i1er thse Country mmdLug for tara Up ttaxmian Wbomie Ibis Kuyton nodd.-d again snd culoi tau ca cb aveaYtblug Lue 8"I aning tu huiid Irinl the lilmIbat ho e ya.pu!I1 lit-er thave 5May tocO bai ireacouril1hg 'FThechie! glancee t." ovehI. -'-R ~M hiqat 'ls .noo." ho ~ ~ ~ l a ccmu May ua. Kéajte Fogi ti $e mt ,,won, l'va got IL binA ortlaid iat Itra On ai tb t Ioobunebt liat *0 "«Wbt uamu? qulreA Colt uufjaqcuýlelmgoier hi eb 10« lig e4to. à il C0 Lyt & .&Y- waa onc Ot lmetfesmsets. The fat du *soi peettu tabis braum. "but <S"lt mah t"oe ' rluço Whrm u» glanot #v« the bondie of tête- géams 4" iwet on. 'Tbmý wa 'a voman tno"lmaima fftio vénm-nthé hucbgrcmmi t tue Arpi. mude çéim. Ste' vsrd>' pémmé ta te dem.i. I .li.ifeonfrmm- tibu ad Sun mte'd beensetaita pris- ci witi a gang of counterfoitere. Here ,,'vane Marb mmenocei ta sen Quentin tor thym. 7ars about tlme of rqprti d«b.'And thia on Baye: tqe& o. Mo rt r reord bers.' Nair, Yeu tuar.. clt. ibé Mikaê t made tâe paéfor teWebter sant-him néim la -Erêmler-flAbômre ptetty cuufty voit.and b. hani heen huard audble tçeiafh, un hW big ij00 giuMnm& "2e~o t'st0" hé declari. '13y gui! Tha;Wboitiosw p wtb lagyle and AagoIe wit tc'voméuin mibm vom- 58 witb the Webste OS ogmaàto Ia nes 1kM aa ctqN doWianI ? I1ivua rava've eais»' gai 1h. luckr' "I baien't gaitte wonAU Or thc m=n."- reurnmi Kuyton gr"17l. "But you'd get lem" vecurmi O09t. ««M'e oi 705iAnt bave -tb. -bol* Unimed Statea secret @seICta. mmm SaObtte olp, 700."AM i via beart baàdmhmtc te bat tbc rooM "Buoinesuet eu.dag iheotccf," ho voueoimiaienu ho>%Md Qiou KuayWa lel op the reciver of is G«< me Tolwe'by & Mead." ho mudt thttc outpieceauthon glanesé p t Maning, vbo bai as- «Jas, we'i. goai li te r*acofytng it tut counterfelt. baîmu ie? "Tua. 1 wam mmi t tlnktag.", uided tte Young Mon vhimutcatly. "ta; murde wam bard on tte Argylea. but it wue a great thing for to gv- ]Kayton tied tao okreproving. but famd hlm dlgulty. " Ttw he ybmjounger Mr. Talwortby. He tuforrmd Ka<ton that tbe quarry bad rlee thetclors f tefaie *pr-0 »na." Soine ton minutes before a i romaf bai callol op the law office on the telephone sudi tolAMr. Toivarttj'9 butatmhowu Nellie Marah. He.bail refoirrm ber ta Karton. and Laiton nlght expect a cail i atolumomenit. There vas a triomphant gleam int Kmyton'a orce as ho thr" the re- i muier u t the book witt a rush. t *"Joe." hoeocmrnandei mhérply. lt the ôuter office if any voman armos from Walvathy & Mead 1 wuni te mec ber uiglat mwuy." "N. M. huard tramn, governor?' ant- ad Manning eagmril. 1 "Weil. nmre wamnan callmd top Toi.' larthr & Mead a few minutes mgo." , .j'M t tr flurbcy Ieft?" muid Man- long aigirlfcantly.t Tbea ozcgd <lnces. *'Uuacty." IMIlI Kmyton. "Ho ovallowud il- book, lUno uni sinker." Manager Lelâcbmann mieppel mmie tb. otUice.9 "MI- MMuureti-to se rau." ho maid.1 "Show ber ln." «Ma Kaytou, iu mat- ter of tact famblon. but lu ton«u that mli sncb an oulareurrentiorf cagOt'- MuM thait teY emusecibath Mannlng ilé the -anagr te <lance aithibar chief curloomîr. Nor wu tborelr coatyilemene Whou, a moment later, ttc Yoong ladyi aqteNmi the rooMFLor Laiton, a me-q Ilent before th. Cali. collectidmon of action.,semli s a cbarruesmiau a1 schaalboy ln the glrl'b pruamee 1 "Gaai mornlngr' ho oelalmel.wlth rather nmreanimation thon usubis vontasesite adatmmed i wttoutatretct' odbtni. "Ah! How amreur "oid morntng," the girl returued. sud shCootbanda wlth bhlm politely. fier manne v l rconatmaluc mmi i M ýSot luroporUtlaael>i,.t baie ople ettt ocutratuc be anai etle, t1ta bis OMMic ]eié ufgrftY &- surgI hirnsef thai b. vu perfoectlret eue and te proieol Inqoirci wltb nmre nervoUânesu: "%dli'Su baire auj froftis ge0*ui aim voheu' Thm girl toot a seat untidien, and z:iyon awm4rcaitbmumsâtfoèftgttiig the ost atul pomtmée..-tut hoi wue somentbng lu the glrl m miner 'thut vaunmlutalkmbly Sorblding 'No," she repliai coldir. iookElng lave et à lotu vhleb mie bal et!ý off Manutne -lh~"Tm rer. thee- otes ot lu front, mo I let bxthe Moanee entra1kg ou ttcuif5i AA&'on e c. I 1mu-t lémt ilwrlf 1 vas afral it vaull attract atten- tIon."1 KaYtn ou adlerrnypatbeically. Ma ttcï gil ooîéa np ai; hlm vitm a nev "Ni. Kuan." ! bstlud quletly, e"dldb't jYou Promise Me thut 7IonWmld Dot make publie whai 1 mail about .PBr-uecomtng tocktbat ulgt" b luàsMuitant Keyton underutool ber tmanne Mid dina aquict brmtt o! .relief. "No, 1 iidn'i promise loti. Mis a.u i uret." he repliai as quictir, "but i edldn't mute Il public.' H e vus more than rewarded by tbo kat that leaped te the girl'& ores ani [lie roui lINO il vs. ac0lu~to big oyez. I1a MUf," ýwul sowjmaUt aO W~It u~l go edo. eliéuerteber' «I t011Uvu outlet utbtat. bMd tn 10*0<.T ho be5Mta t0lm ai eîue e. 4thï »:= "NWisMtiiret, I autln ouac UP KMdlrIi if 1 do anyihlg ttat poes ldint uoduhlaud piese don't beot tMi lé .Tu'.' May ho mvritii about' <hiecase ihat Iii noier h. ÂïMè to' til a' te you. Iabue bAi eàéîglm fer y*o ta bava e om. ugl tu e4t 1 w u Ivai to »me e<u mau I en." eOt"exlalmei the girl cofli «Thunnit vue Uruoesi" aimadolarmd grauiyi. "jou are no taondln me! 1 lait tnov vbat l'il1dovtteet roui" Kajion caught bls broutt vît ua lit- i. cup. "Doa't trto do without me." te mm*g9ed uvitUr. *"'m OalY toao gll- Ne pullid bîmmoîf up au the girl drev ivur ever no slg!atly. Whou ho vent on bi e voIi vàà,plemant mol *Il bue .mprsouu-tat o! à mat. frimai. I "l'u 10ev," ho expWale. i. vltta muei.9'lire eMasl ploumani Purt e Our voit that vo are UMLUal te la ielp soe one lni trouble tila s. We're diufereut irarn the<alce lctec-7, tives. Ther're puld by amiuety ta pu- osh te crnlinals. W. are retamnel tay thse vidima of théc tal, for pro- tectIon. Thoj' are punMlahln the mtraugt -vo mie pîotectlng the veut."l "ýOh, 1 Id remilme tint!" exclam- ad M&lu Mamuret, wville ieinug. 'YOo love your voit, ion'l j'0u"' "Well. Fra lite a doct.or or a snr- geon." he repliedi.MahmtWg. "I go tram eau. te euoéor trami aperalian ta aperutian. telplug people and flght- lng tuediseame of crim, uni, litre ail doctars, vhenlthe patienitsare Woi mni thc"îe petit me ibey fargel Me... lu spîte ai the râtlrj' of tIr" ol muaË varia there *WU a mubintie oS bittereu. o! iancllaem. thai vent amtgbita tote giri'esenSitive.houri. "Oh." abe erled anli l"baelely bilA oui ber haid, "11aoi nover forget Kayton tro t Ilnl a gcuti. gremp anA lemilmiforward. "'I veh," he béo usrnestlj' and droppeil the ban ud oielmg ibthebof dlleteil and Mannî ntereA. "0Oovernor. thé lady tram Taivartij"u la here." ho unnonucci vlthout cere- many. Kartob. I*4ariiy amusiait vtet he imnmglued w anid b. the mini. o! bis aiorlngiscipbe'a mini If te even remolelygmaeuaed l the baracler a! the conferonce ho bail Intarrnptei. naiodeh rlghtlyj. "luat s minute, Joe," ho muid. Thon be tunnei agalu t he. girl. "Mies Maimret. thia maj' te trpor- teut," ho s#li, openlng a door ibai loi mIa m n Inner office. "I vaut rau ta watt ln theo fflce bore aud b. sure mlid ual go Otitl I 1se. j'on."1 The girl murmurmi ber wîllingucie ta obey bis commande and passei lu tbrougb thb. boy. vblcbho epromptîr ciaoi dattor ber. "Wher'o thut deep iutvell. Joé?" Kaytan demanded hrlukly au If ho bait neyer heari o! a girl. '"Haie vo anr closE blotters?, Jas vam tantlytoury, und lu a i.v moments Kmj'an vws ready for ttc lady tram Tolvortb"e. CM APTES X. «V"l'moMllie Mm'uim. th.' icar cloamé nolaelesaj' b.' h lidlb.evoàaa mlii Kujion vas leSt migée .tlt ber. hc lniii ii amie e,' ut hm& qulctoned hlm, vt &',itriIiaI vu flot mnal witt Mù-tt" etéaOS tfoc tmin variby ba i sw«.Tll na Ignorent. , rty bu9tIUgcrUiMie teée'm. Bbe ** d teuibiell. bot ast expennlvely mmnît la-cDO*ittnt ue. Her eyes voie, tÙOsand dait, and Ka'tonsuamy l0 item earnetbhi hat a Mde hlm dupproosu a Soopmof surprise. àlu mansor undi mpporuncëo h. *Ua <p' ou sbe*hem. refiél tea ho," i Raid oowwli" olnn wtt bis ivrtlu 'éÊ It ber erni ver. oi na ceoel tapo o ;,"yT Wvob& NUL? "Ts.Obe*npliol quitestuditag hi. Sue es h bout over thé les".0" Kayton vent on Wvhie bts wwtg 'au hui M',mre Information caucerut- tas the person mloi'timmi torr, ."Thcn rau tua. ttc name thome tai- iaîm stand Soi' Thm *OMM iiit irepli et utmne abdhi t isl, ii e hui&uniloolcéi il- rOctir ut ber for ttc 0.1 l ime. "TYOD unicrutund v. indictbat MmRDS or ï1ioling pobtditr"teésald cour. ieooul. "You'rc uota n uv pepr vo- "-Na." vus the la. repli. 111m Nelile Naut a rtpple o! thc iluleut mume le . ttyajei Kajion'a triomphant uagacu& «Oh,- li cai vitt laitctoo mýur. pleut mnd boni oiehie vrtiflgugéit I Supposej'on have nmrna rocS oS - àjdJentlty hesldésc jour tuovlaige "N»y usmu le nov Martin," reliai lb. ihitar, tmtlng a cari out oS ber bmg sud lylng l on te duat. He glm.ced ntit wltb mlii Intecat. "Trht le yonr mesent adiresO?" ho inqutred. "l'es. i roui furnlabsi roama." eh. "V'urnluhei roamue?" .Tel." Kaytan laid dovu hlo m ndnlot- ai up. "Weil. mmu. artin, Mr. Ar 871c bas let mConsiérableImum oS rnonmy ta NMe l Maub faorem>a. thut y00 doobtlesa tnov undn ubd aise ppcare ta. ao vi haie iakecOU~i ruther unusual MORS ofagcult gla taucli vitu raU." mmMe Mrtin ludlim Ibat euleuD- i.raoiuani voluntorel aunexplana- tian. --The logmcr haî bueu laitI te md te' cause o! un obilgàiton Mr. Argyle' part ta rmy desi tombani. vbo uaLui- ai hlm ut a m re wten hs grmtlj' nimiel money. are peruonal icama vbr"-ihe tellatci and mtav. tione-"wbr 1 dou't ivaut t esr udf knovu taete fauhy. AnA if I He Picksd <J, a Difttra'mid Cioofuly Drl.d mer Fingeru. eau recel». Ut. mneywitot guni Inconvenlent curtoslty I abouti bu very glad of it." "1'hat eu ho arrane&i" dectared aReton. "~Ail w. ummi ta a proof of ldentity. Have yen recelved soi inon4r trbm hmbetwofe? 'Tee--foa i <00many jears" "DId yen aigu recelptu?" «DIA yeu over writte aMr. Argyler' The woman betated for an Instant betoee abe replled. 111 Alk bocagse It May Bave a peut deal « legai rod tape If we could es- tabnitithibtdenttty by signature," te eisaned. "Otberwlae 1 suppose rau w111 bave te abtain à ap of yonr hlrtb certificate. mâle affidavits and procure wltnmssem te matin! y Abe ex- entgra and the pm>bate court," ".Wooldn't that laiche a oAdei of expense?" see nqufred uneamly. "f suppose Ih woïtld-yeo." mdmitted Ruyton. "«Do yau thjnk yor aigna- ture could b. found amnont his Pa- Mrm.Martin ibought iln silence for à moment und iben exclalmed eagerly: "Wby, jeu; xmi lndorement 0f ectu-If b. tepitbem." "Wefl. iben, If 7ou'll louve yout signature with me." sai Kayton, rem magIng arouni on the top of bis deut. "l'il t=ro h ovor ta the lawyera." 'Tbmhnk yeon," site replied gratetuly sui toat off ber glove. Kaytan puh- ed a ped towurd ber, dipped a pen In un ltwmhl and offered fi ta ber. "a1 tbokt te,_pen ad dropped Il witt a lit- tle etcldmnftlon of dlmmay. Hur Au. giru WOere covered wlth lnk. -On, 1 bet your pardon!" exclaimed Nayton ln distrs. "Don't <get It du your glOvé. Let me." 'Ho pieked up i(bMotter and cmref0ill drIed ber Alngora, MurMUrlag aPlO10 getlcaly. -i alwayq f orget about ibat lnkwell. R"rp, try this pen.' tra. Martin wrute be.r signature, and à"roPIM&si. vibDème Ta"ser;pilelund bit brU irle aau It OMMaes me imiPUU' W"Oi for a moment au tmus 'wu lI'm la a îîry P<cellar Poalt1at m Maris n m ltmgacua aMuth"t MMa Marinawone uuftty 111W. Kujiton leanai boick, ta bit cbRir, Pot te tips OSt h iflrattur ai 'We% ,ta this vau.hi tubehs Pmettur aucufarythut Umia u@* et *bho ota epoitfflfriltethe PW' , - of airuporters un" Pbomog' aptoe. ma ac thecommunie of le- t"stf -a'mà . Ste ntut ttc 'tat et a00ltbg 4"-MU. NMattain em martllats eamtion Oet 100136 -«nd70" »M0WoiESa anoceut otit Wdéhtuopttapeut* ber, sofit If o'SalmaU barmUite liait et ber strensmt. 1"tes. y1»-«ScorPemmedmmed Urs. Martin tu a la.. tcuuc.-Votce. Rota, qutit te tmpooe.for ou ou set ber avar anyvbomie vitcont lie bal«~ knovn. More ihan ttt. v ha" aviveaut a point vheve t t auno- esair for aur pmrposmm ta moatec mal.eckmdnal confident that we atre o9 bis trau. TO te fren th iib ,0."bh "vo ao"esupcti a former er of ttheicouaol&. " "hma4ed" mnrmurul hie vMtor. Kuytan pmueed for a momnt au lif tu lot thia mucb'sin% ltauimoiétie it. oeff4 uaitbcu veut on. ,W. vaut Mies Nauiret ta i0.p. pumr." buoicclaimi. "uni te ieppear » eomplaeiéy tual eec a mom0.erof ber 9" hOno'Id vil unle mpmct tuat ve have unjthingtu do *WltI "ny flight bj'train wvolulin ataaly !oue oni. Iluetaiho ,sc' &aasec- sational. Ber cloumat friensida uaiteh la a autio of ttc greatest alaru. Do rau folio. mer' "lTes. yses: bei"- utammurmi N. Mlartin. Kaytoù <aid na attention tu tb. doubifol. hmuiiatthe m»»«erof ttc toiumatie. Bd apparentiy ntecit fer graniol that Nrs. Martin wv u ilu lad almost essor tao o-Perate. âwdte%.$bée, efor ,êàîdf. Nie. Mlartin."*uommi, "tuat 7yartmita olm tc siglt pa tu thp mV. Tour ru- éto witt the fatillme*»aboduteir satuou Iarnmmsoiecoulé trust in J01lacein No one connecicé watt bu, w.i e erconneet teevilla <oS. sué jen retive ber, vitétom oze- . ntiotea intoau um atomal t. Smr lttaon. 0f jOur foruiehd roome.* m . itatar hotu ahmait alarai. OW.ii. Ni. Eàyt» ab vateosilimoper- 7, y."tbr h a t I vonlt t. oeéetske vittaut»Mre- "Why ot?' te taierruptel sharpl. 0'IAf 1 SÊ&a b moecy Nm . Mutin moietenai ber upu. «Whou IMd <onu wni ber tacoa?" st Me uly. "Nov!" echaoti the voman ta dis. u. "Blgbi mvayT' Egyto noddaI. "Ste ta bue-watt «gère 0 ewsmel MM a.urtin, it. -5~Sb@%n hmr? 1h*m toa er?" "Tusi at Oem"retpUmi ara uwatt ment ameng ta notice ber emaon. "1« iwoli Ut tu arrange il em ste coulai go h" m vtb j'o naov. l'Il me ber trot *Méexpluin everytblng." Et* preusal a butta. on hie dock. undi Mnninlg aPlmuae& 1 "Joa. vionau<lie i. Mutin a chairtauie autel offie-ta litileof- fice-*" une tiat ibm 0ttiturtuif" "Te& *Wli. ,I *Wbt ho wu& lieMM uatin." Kar ton aumi 'md lier. ilta one tua dresa.utc mi ia t- fa olle- Manulu aout Saut mter s tew steps ah@.boni- tié and stupped. "U. Kaloa.' tse muid, viii more firmuesu thé.bte huil laialy catîhit«, 'rau.know 1 coaehers coMMUfInilP. 1 idn't erpect i mmi un'ofitef péaple. mnditil ould ho ve i cun. veulent, lt-If Ulm Mamuret ibould by Roy chance buar MY nam*--memn, tiaumi l thn ibm 1." "ta' thete auy one Ihat the coulA lieu it fi'otnexempt <ouraéif?" autelKar ton ke.n17. "No. eh. no'" vie ttc bueiy prommi "Mr«. Murtii" hb."Mt ray.y"tfau inteicourse vtt lOueisa zrot cm u Jutal s formol musj'on choosa te mat. l." B3e noide ln a manner tait aicat md thaltIthe discussion va" over a aimait aig,âlpulber vi ii te abeiLntt foalood àNmningoui of ttheftoi Whou soh. boabgoDe yton emman sa humanager sudi tïndeA hlm '1hd curé oeot ué<iven hlm. "hâisbmma. apot Nash la charge ai mm, eubkn au thls bon"e nul u*wj." te éhrecicd. I"Gsi a raom oeai dunogitp take wlree from ttc edictï griph. 'Bave them n: rut ta everY body' tiat connecta Witt the place TolIit tem ta go slow amdétep uniel cuver.. "Tii. «ir," muid the imanager. AudA i 7huieb'd,butits Mannling m'aminci. "b, . Careoful vl thlai woran., ord'èredKaytan. "le it lh. mother?" amtei Mannini -m a: tem . m"mm thè - ýpw ýi -" ,*NewI" @sateed bruthmoay. lm' 011 lillug tl m*a?.o! dIbe miut et hie ummuncne»t bultthe "M sur edllla muA coorugmoné-lme arts oS a t*s uand loyal vaaep. "I bav. Do retenufer thlntlng tbet the woid com mitici ibtherder." ho MMi eioWir "h.MoMy er laSolune cu i p Prmmchmeli m&Wau muech a 'llmo p erea. But ahc tuova Who iiIl, uni vo muet fini ont tm'ough ber.- Ttc #ti foIlovmd every word. If"H*hout.sutei bresthlcasiy. "rm geing: taumtk on la do sme- MUSg thot yul lt. ail jour coursgle" MIm Mauzurot mmid notitmlg. Nb. oolj lookel. Kuvion n'slaled apprrlugli. "And I tuew 1 i-su vely on jyon." hm saul. "limon Pithe eeintif a!uli tii whole Investigation dppend on The gIrl drow a lont breatti, but the was enfin and ,.'olle"tod. "'Wbat eau I1udo?- mIlie mmkud. "Time peuple who ore re«Iuîommlblu. for tb. death of lir. Argn'le." explmiuut Kujion ulowly. '"mre aIl, as vo u, mder euver. Tbey're tmoepltig mwuy !ram esSb other. And promu If ve huA ait o! tbem soparatel>' under survall. sunce,u a mauni a! abandowlng iwauii conuect item vhiim ouih other or vltb the crime. W. nmuet put ihcm a off the,r gourd. Do jou undorsal" "le-ru" midthe Ugieagerly. Katgi proecedei avsu more slovlj. "W. muet de momtblag ai once to confirin mil a! the»e uuplmasiffaint rau. Wc muai mute il appear thut yau baie pructll aximitttod your guhit" "«Hovi",seeilesMissazuret. wlth- ot tlnclug. *'De gltgbt.'be replîed. "I wsnt j'on ta dimappear." "Dmpir"echoei tbe girl. "TIhie vomun'a Dame." ho vont an. tupplng te Couger nartei blatte, 'Iu Mis. MMuin. h. teemma a fuiseo room bouse. I bave tlId ber thai we wtah y- nta dimmppà,r. and thi'e are reonwbu vhee bas 'oneamted In tatai yau s o l ôger se'rptly," The gilrl roml<l fot rc'm.qoi. a pî'slure a! repugnaitu-e ('l'a bc Cound.> MLOUITON Ftki The Ktilibts of Columbiw, ont Mon- day atiernoon. closod a cosatract for mn aeroplane fllght tin Waukegsn on tbe Fourth aa the principal foauimre of the monster celebratlon that 13 heîng arraagod. Max IAlle. ans of the clevoreat. meat oxperloned anil mont dure devil aviatora muin bmworld vitii pertorm ibtheailevolutiona for the edlilicatton of the thomaands who yul gatber bers on wbat wiIl un- quemtlonuhly provoeIobchothe hiéglét dur Wmukegan evor had. UBilelol recelve 11.000 far bis servmiu. chiet Wiii b. entirely ai tbe disposal ai the local organisation derng the Frank L Albert, or the Albmrt-Ui. lie, Aiutan compauy, et ChtcaMgoiwan here ta close thc demi for thc 'fl5htz Albert .la nieffed me 'lb. planter aviation promoter as ha vue tourerl' wltb the fumone Wright brothsrn. The oompauy of whîch be là i00* a puttier lae oueiiert6d theOMMtudu ln Chîcago und heurs the mnique ds. iuatian af havlug pmllied off the gant eventm. Il vus the Amu i tne Pmuny ta b. arremte i orcriug Ia pumecger aven the city af Cblcugo. Th'e ohurge vue tisat th. urlutor vas needbesalîr rlklugithe fle of ibm 3'oung varnan passenger. 1' the bbu boùse. T'h. od eo T'he 1The Amos houri ttirty 1 T'he temed ,Insuri 4Wobul 0f 110 a others i a brobo ourance. Bil v wet fa ai vlth praeticu S Thell: muniel publiecmU trvelm ne mitlt Chicag vor Public ho arum uireu uni ut loai &tep the by the 1 of Baudl Tuomiday. The te City cou the aue- diane s "aplaya, T lh. pi "hopp'aai sorng, a The lé RuameIt1, tu fiset CI t"mo! ni aidmato amie af t] lIme noîl and it ln tu stage The Hc Wilmol, I auba cotu day nlghi panilally ehanch w log the ai Nemriy a ,'hurch vi log. T'he Vc for monda dicatione affalr. C dopuiy W. to epe Tapic c Mn. A. pcak. me ers' Hall, o'clock, c aniditJXrý die for ai aIes et tb Manilly lm bitimmi Anq ta tlipmni devlqo mc at.,condit tUldren's vuy,. for Aitr-lL. tion. Wha qlgtio ml vorîi oeve a» , "Thé (Acta 3: 1 Bible s, uni hones

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