Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 3

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Ui. edmi Uts Viatous ouet of ava.elon, «maI i. »ani Mm e.rt 4?rotter o Obloao. viasida ew aye wlîb Ur. andMU*'. IL Selu. CWarm u Via v 09nox.Laoe, visiteti Un sborne tolie lg. Pm e vee Ur. and Mmlr a ** et Rool ag.L*@, @ pent Sieday lsbé s Gaâ» e 's. M. ien Roby Clevlamdan d trlssd of Chicego,@peut Soda i vh thb.bornec folk§. lire. J. . Deou I entertalalug ber father. rnothei anti brother f ront Colombe Juatul, lova. i m.%Sui *Gnaysake, pet Sundaî wisis ber dagbter, lir#. Warren Hook. Robt. Boumr of Chcago, @peut tb. woek sud vt, his pareut. lise Helen Saord Je apandng Ibis.: week wth ber eter. l i. R. L.. Wbeaton et Weston, [Il. 1 ., pn ,%ri White of Madson, s,@pua lev dala vltb tbe boume fok». 1j Sauvrai fron liii, vlenty atte'sded the. B. N. A. meeting a (lurig aturday. LMR yttA, Tise Royal Nelgbbore ail replsi a1 goodtimtie.on thir reuis -fr ou rse..t, @ïtnrday, Ju.. 14. On Joue 12, anotber lttle <14 came fo aejïden thbhombor fSrt gouiyo.1 FPriday,June 18. 1913, wvoldto trally lie 06oiudered unluc.y but dld you bear about the striag 'o!f "b caugit .arly tbat day? Thsy &Il tel l te ame .tory ao il muet b., true? A. Asola vasglveu on JUDO 11 sa-tfhe M. B. chuieb. The crovd vs mallM bui ail enjoysd a good tImo. Alter lfgbt refr.sbmsote à"d been servedtheis erowd although tell<vo wo, dfecdedt obe "klde" m'd and.... eni,. a- 5 .,kilAhood gamf Wdmoday, lus. Piel, ai ihe bos» ut Mnr. Mary lisicai, 201 We.hlngoa Park, Wauahos. PIute diw, teîa Boue. A# members invitai. Lois Hoob ai d Pr ver. la Jouée ville, Sundoy os buslasse. Mr. und Mms. l. H.poubturverà caiedin 0Cuaautseswehi tlb dous Mra. Jese Orsiebi oiite ifr lal Chicago Mm v.k. Mr. sd Mr@. JOUBa D gessN 7. labo, vlateti f uede bers gaturday!aai Flue hundreti Royal Nelgrbbore o! Lako couty met bers lait iatmfday a. g-ete of Gurnes camp. A fiDe upper va. S.rved. Tbe graduationg eieteleesof dut-e bigis aciool vere bWltiTuesday eveaing aht tie chureb. atturo N. a. Woecb 0f Cicago. gave thse atdre. Aà susber of Our people attendeti Waubegaabigis acbool commencement 5ertlas Ie sk. Mm. G.T. Smith returneti Saturday trous a Ivo veei.vilit Is ber daugbttr. l. B. Dzon ie carrying mafIlfur Le Book, Wiso le laklng is anunal vaca- lion The Gurn" eb cool viii bold Ibeir anual pîcule aisG0"«sLakeb siie.k prinay. RUSSELL The slravberry sociable tisat vs. annouuced for th. l8th va. pottponad ountil Wedn.sday eveulug Joue 25î51. on account of tbe scarclîr of bernie.. Semaboaec3 a-----ince r- -The Ladies Aid eocety vili el with 0u théise avu About midnlgbt tisey 1Idra. Dlxun on Tisurada alteruoon,June departed for home.2ih Mi Oive J n leoo csoo f or tieyi .Th.Annual runion of tisa Siver family Frliay Joc 1, lt tsasyea. a. ield lImt Sunday vifS titi. C .lavklne, viso 10 I li as be ome Young, at liebrUný of bs so n Engene. le not improvîng. 'Mlr. sud M r.. Wl Melvilae attendeti R. 0. Buefl,. vio reently retnrned Commencement exerclsee in Kenosba Last froi Caîfoil. bai ordereti anoîber Frliay nigiî. lMay lielville vs. Cue of oupphy ci laimber lo be sent te th. eile of lb. gradusfes. i nsv rasdence on Amerdam avenue Ausa and liyrtle Corrne apent Suna and ilisso. tem. Itl e reportef tisa i vth cousnae iu Oak Park. contractnre ara uoou ta iegin vork on.a fiue nev bars. K. 6. bMoitie and family drove 10 Cizldrenle Day exerr.lees viiib. beld nt Bristol lai Ibeir non auto Sundaî. tb. Lake Villa Mi. E. ebureb Soudayr, Dr. Lewin apnt ioD,ay in Kenosha. Jass 2. Rev. Lovri annunce that lira. S. J. YOU09 01 Gaines, *Pent lai# baptkicg aof chldr.u viiibu.os. of tih. Tbutuday vîti lra.A. C. Corru asti apecl m etwmusfthleasmorab.g. caletion Rumiel rebsds'iu th evenlng. Rus 9.géeg ba renty prebedOn Frdaylira. Yonug, Mis. Cornu anti a be u y bue baase.typoeae Lautra Corne spent lb. dey vilh lira. R. Mises Idatsee semi Doolàttie vers -A somber of tise Royal Neigâbois vistore boesthe latter par 01l.the ee.veuttola unte lat Saturday. Th.y re.. [tla lefrepotai t ItMa C. DsyUt;, port a grand time. former' barber brs eantulilcisg apr. Ella andBestier Carlson andi tvc cbs.iuglandi ou a large écal. We vlsia young laisesspont Sonday eltei'noon at Éhlm Succes. %th Carlson homne. UmseGertrude Mililer speul Sunday st home. Infl5dOP5 a d&--rmd by 26,000. l et eobn.we ou',oluteviandsak e forccp tof by aefl.L. Meier1t... bis elepab . ddto e b reH.i - 85W~ 95 la" C le e s" uri tingoodsimd t . NRHCAG@bado CeoL LUMteER CO, Niorth D. T. WEBB ofWuMqai srntsd DLrmm.Dopl LHEOM E D & FUEO.,LmCO.l, oIILer NOT HCG OL&L*E O ot hcg 1 60c package Dr. heu' Poultrg,'Panacea end 1 25c package Dr. tIes Instant Louse MWerifor Men'. Od<wrds priced front $2.7, 1 ta84.00 per paire on sale at pe r HIENRY KUEgKERý -Prays!ake PHIONE 5 -U o .,. i su z FvMm"2 T1eo. 4 Je Woek Adws.*lsg J ptphoma T.erlor va. a Labs Villa, bMark noroie bu atlpted a position at the eal Pmu$S%0r. vie %s1 Mausyo! Vilmette. epeut Sendag mi Ion&a.y ltb lfriands hers. Dr.Leaaileo!blcso.&Bd bis» olive Colueto!Evaubon. rvesgaieté of lir. sud lirm.Wm. Elis@ the putstvk. Try a bottie r Skoot, Is wvI kep oqUlé frous yoo. Satis-' factio louJf at boe .!nded. f ~ "~Il'Dru Store. lireToyiolcf 4ber parents at Booth Bes ýd, t$bse k. NI r.i liUnb18. Afrel lait Tuasdây lor Les rnmi, 6. bsehy Inlend to aipend îhase MMOWt.. liMra.Ruby Gl3ainýle itgrelative. tand f riauda ai Long Orove. Wauconda and licHeury Ibis veek. Mfr. sudé Longabaugis sud rLamont Allen motored to i.isicago lion. Frank Laveon ha. purciaet a Ford @ rnabout. 1Eti Wagner, Lake county saloman loi thse International Harveeter Co.. reporte lb.h macbineîy busines boomtng. mi"s Joespbtss Pecis of Chicago. la *pouding h.r vacation bere vits ber Buasel Moade of DeKalis, bai r.tutsed e t Grayslabe for ths amnsr. à Jeu. Sisermas and lamily made a trip àto Wllmot Satnrday, ralurang SoDnay. Tise lucky tilrtaen dance giveu by lise àlBouater club va. veli aîtendsd, and ail ereport a xood tIme. Tboir neit dance viii be July 4tb. 'I. L. Hamburger @peut lise latter part of lise veek vils T. A. Reynolda. Henry Davlesao. Prouty apd mayor jKent aJI of Waucouda, and J. K. Orvia tof Waukegan, vers reliera bere, Satur. ,fday. Barnion Smith, who bas heen attend- ling aciool at Fayette, Iowa, ln home for hie ennimer vacation. F red Kralaer of St. Louia, la employeti at lise Canning lactorl in lise capacity of tlmekeeper. Tbe Grayelako Csmelery society meb vîts lira. Bd Kapple Tisuraday,-Joue 26. Visitore are vrelcoane. Grand.. Boit of Fo« Lake, made a 4bnusIes cail bets lionday. Earl Loltus bas voiti bis baksry and 0confsctlourerstore 1 AI! red Audroon of >Chicago. Ssii bai beaunuonfo!our mont promiasut bonbsons monlt thl.elimt four I. -~ L GAGMS 1K Haroldi Anis.o! Waukegan. spent Sunday at home boe.. bii. and lMe m al entertalned rmm- pany frot(irayalake th latter part of tise week. 1Ira. Thoma Mo99 is)tertalnlnog relative. hro. Eranelon. Mmra. ardin of Lake Villa. @pent Sun-c day at Geo. Kapples bome. lira Ed Ajartin and Mira. Oo. Kennedy of Millburn, epent Friday wilb lMr. and Mir@. Amea. Mis Allen of Wiiinette. l i leling vils Mira. Allen. Mir. Morton received word oneday lait1 week of the destlb of her father. tir.1 Ferry. Mis@ Sylvia Sears lias relnrned froni Cu)necticut a bere oh.. bas hein attend- inz sehool. Mr r.Fred hard us entertairling ber. mutierand father. Mr. and Mir@. Hutehicon. MisesEdna Kappis le upending lier vacation at home. John Carey vas taken lu the hosptal Tneday for a lght operation for tonellitie. lir. and lira. Bawtborn are entertaln. lng Mr. and lira. Hawkins ofIYork Mfr. andlira. Ontaveon euîertalned compail over Sonda,, Tise party at Hslfer'u vai veil attend- ed and everyone hati a good lime la spîts of lthe toru. lire. Dita Payne bai retuned alter apeudîig a veek vîtis relatives lu LlbertviUe. Mri. and 1M.Dsvld Watson of aio Cty, speul sundsy as tbe Qonys ore George COombe of Oak Park, came out t,'ada.y b uped bléeautmer vacation ai Ise umr homus heme r III 14àrnri guohe~ An kinda of .feed & GrassSeed a~ lovut- prionsu Lk ýomtr. Lot us quots FORTZ îmi"s Frances 8.11h atrrvi home f rom De ralb Wedneaday, vbereie hma been apendlng a veek vigiting Menis. Xis. Nehrlich of Rockefeller, vlited at Ira $mith'as unday. Mr. and lira. Herbqrt Davis aud Mr. and lira. lobt. lioctchber speut Wedneo. day oflelat week in Ciefcag. liarrieti ai the Fremont Center churcb, Tueed4y Jua 17th, 1913 liarcua Bebru »id Kate Lenzen Thf groom le a son of Adam Behît, and tise bride la he youngeât daugliter of .'Mr. and lira. John Leozen. Ail theirfri,,ndsextend congratu- lationa aand wislî..' for a longr and happy flfe. in loving mo.îîr.t of little Franeis Vogt, who dieu o. .iitr heo, Joue ltîb. We but a lutile ti ea.nare .iice se i. ui j-n-d pt. We lovet bei, il,ei -hap ton Weil, Fo ot 500she 'eliuand lied. Aile uit . lthiu -,do l, , Loue are Sur hearts 10 laY. For the 0ne use i- el so iearly Ha . frever v-aed a- -Y. DR.' La M. COILSON VETERINAIAN Offie at GardhuioeMotel Phone 53R GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS Paris Green u.li1ty ini Paris Green as in verytbung elge counts; jmot. Use a good.grade of Paris Green an& lave time andl trouble. The best at the following prices. 1 p 1 2 Ib. - 1 lb. 1-2 lb. g0c 50C a 25C I Druce Drug Co. TEEï REXAIII noE Graysiake, . Round Lake Mle aI osi Catroi oeo.p.uled hi bot' Ut. uepbew, Edmnd Lyuc of Cbicago, *eut Suday boe wish Mr. &Mam r.Bd. C*mpU.1 Osiego noenhy. M; Marie Kelly clo**d ber echool st £Tm" ri rtay. fruit Lo.des.ià I.vltisg boe w itb bIeso lirel.. Frak fuber MIUlm Mary C'hetaller wu" a ChiceO vietor llonday. Ur. mai Mie. Ekdahl entertals.d a sumbet of frendeSoud.. a«;;y Bail la lu Chcago for a fe, dais tbis wSek. The Wsrrton scisool cloua Tuesday. Tie lomher, Mise Smthbhas retnrned to ber bomne la Vroqua, Wlsconatn. Mir. aud lUr@. Barry Tilloteon visiteti relatives la Wautegan Snnday. lira. Nelle Rarmer add lirs. Frank Noeeu vent 10 Mchlgas Saturday tb lako tb. bath. foi rheuna«Om. l<lleeeSavage and 0. L Hollen. huit aad lanhly atteuded Cbldren'* Dar exeudee nt Welslsy Cbapel Sunday.I yeare und ve " rZ ob wb liàsse News btro soi Doolttle, vbo bai bese employsd la Los Augelee, latoirne De thai bis laon u hievahome, 00su1 expeto bou l tmelatter part of neEt Mri. end Iv. *mn. Huine of Ciicago, Miss LucellV ebb of Waukegaps, and Mir. anti Mi. D. 1P. Webb were vlilora at tise B. J. Loflue homelait wsek. Mi« .Cor Viste of Waukegan, la apendlng ber vacation vitb ber parants., lir, sud lir. Anirsv White. Miss Ivais LaItue v&@ a Waukegan vi@ilor SU""d-y Th Athletkce dfsted the Round Lake Marone Suuy by a ratiser one.slded1 .cpre. Tias a.fthe ral finie th&$ the Mapronébave plmaysd togel ber ai a teani und lack O piactice emiltu be Iber veax point se thi have an asgregatlou of gooti ladividuel bal Dlayers. The Aliietics are back la Ibeir ouild oti, visicb vas ebovu b hle acl 15.1only one mas reecsW thiri base. "Stub" Munrie b.d Ivo_*"itu tobis cradit by lisrovlug Ivo mes ou% at tirat from rigt fieid. galurday, Jue 141h yl ha a day1 long remernbered by tise nembera of ldizpab Canmp Né. 2M6, R. N. A., viso ver. antraivitthlie other Camps by Arbutie Camp of Ournoeecliseobt entertanmmt for tb. day beinir lancy drille gises by thése llowing Camps: Anliocb, Lake Villa, Waukegan, Libery- ville, Graylabe suad Abutu., visici ver. greally enjoyet by aIl preoent. Graye-_ laite Camp vill entsrtain in the near future.. vili S an aIl day inâtitole of tise W. C. T. U. q tise Grayslake M. E. cisurcis Tburedgy. Jus. 211, beginninr at 10:00 o'clack vlth tise couuty oficera In chsarge. Tiera vIlI h. a boT, lunch at noon vitis les andi coffee »e rved by the Grayalake Union. ln levlng remembrance of George Thom- @on, our beloved Rusband and Fat ber. iso passeti troitblu eartb one vear ago Ibis 151h dayof1 June, Ilitil Goue but Dot lorgottene, Ms.. LouisE tTiioNsoas VS» Sols EAuL. ANNOUNGEMEI4T. 1 viuis o anoum o bthe people ol Grayalake and vlchmiV thet 1 bave pur- chud the bakery aaMd coakectio"~r store formerly coudooustibp E. A. Loltus. bout patronage vili ho flgly ippiaci- sted. &A AttEaOu. Il ELHANAN W. COLDY Attoîney-at-Law Mouey tn oa u n Good Approved Real Estate. Office in Luce Building. LIDERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL H. MORRI ATTORET-AT-LAW Libertyvilie - Illinois Re%. Phonie 152-H1. Office Phone 57 MARTIN C. DECKCE 1 'sTTOR'OET-AT.l.AW1 <Ottice Opp. l8ta St. Electrlc Station 'jIfce Phone 848 Ref. Phone 1860R N02TEI CHICAGO. ILLINOIS DR. GOLDING DENTIST Houris 8to 12 a.m.-l to 5 p.m. J. Eli Trlgga Building wîts Dr J. L. Taylor-Psone 19 eLes. Pisoié1092 Ltbertyvllle. Illinois DRL . ILH.SMIH DENTIST. 3VELAIE CVOUBTY SAVIOSAL EAUX.L oums-8 tc 12 a. rM. aMd 1i à P. iM. DAIL!. UàbertyvUb llinois01 PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING; lng Mame. Ail kinde of bons«, wagon@ and haines.for sali or ezchafge at aIl tînmes. HENRY SINE Phoesa. 148 or 48 ZIO CITY, ILL Telephone 148M Sf Setter prpared thau ,y expea. . riro do yu4015i. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Eluvood Ave., Wakusau, luole S« e ubelore masiue your daee DR. 0. P. DUTrERFIELD, VETERINABY SURGEOY. &48taTAtfT aTATU vEfUtEllAIUAU. LîbertyvIlle. MIlnolà. DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, OFFICE OVEIN LOVELL i DRUG STORM. fiouR--rom 1 to 8 and 6 to 8 P. M LlbertyvllW lB inl. DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL. PRACTICE düur, i lo 10 a. m. 2Sf0 4 »d 7 to S . M OffiCe oyer R&Y Furniture Store. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE ETE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1, L TAYLOR o Fricz OVES J. Eu. T5.lé D LDe. aoua:-7 10 10 a. m. 2 t0 4 Mud S8ik S P. nM. flesdente q-) Broadway. opposite Park lIo.artyThAi. 11"010l. PAUL MAC GUFMI. ATTORNUT AT LAW. UhertystUhe, IllInois PROMU sa DR. A. H. CHURCIL Physician and Surgeon Oince. ver Dcker a Eoud'a Due tore Bours a oi10A. M. 1 t. 7 Ioa P. M. soimeca steutoto 70te er s.Ne» aMd Ebloa fiLASSES PROPERLY FITTED LUbertyIlle. - .. llinOlS Je La REDI>INi, DeVIS VETERINARY Sl.R19t4 Graduats Chlcago Vol. C081098 Off Icet e audoa,779 Grand" Ave. Phone il8êW. . Report of It4 Cendises f located at Lake '.111.a51.1. of 11c",. belore 15e comummel f boutfns o clair o Jue. 1913 . uade f0 15e audit.? of Public Accointe of ma el. . of Strlsuotft0lai. REBOURME. tLoess LOoars a. rfal atèe ............... 0 IJ.. Lusn..on o1 il 0,1r . Aii ,11rlans sd 11,l U797.1! ,U7.U 3. IVYsasairi Publie serlce cor'poraion bonds....... 35 a rate NlMIcBLL&UwliluRMUIYEC purniture sud Fixtures ................aM u0 Oteresource... ................... 45.* a 5DueaPaon N mm:E Ste ............... ... ............ S.00.00 National .................. .. ....... tas 27 4.50.1 6. Case ON BAND. Currency.................. .......... I.0 8iver coin................2.10 b o t rcoin .....2........... 12 LU 7. ORE19Cae aRiMkUaeM Check% and otber cash Items ........... 99.17 Colltcio% ln transit ........... .. .. 71 ____ Tý,Tîg. RmotcIscmS.. ........ . .Ona LIABILITIES. 1. capil sItock Paîlu1.f..... t. Dz"om: lime Ccti5~es.. ý.... 17..6..7..f. ga'ice.. aubleef ta naticze, .... iiemand. lubjectta10check .... ........ 15.750.75 15.fOO.M T,. LL[T t.....................1,0 I 1. Oco. A..Mtcbell. Vaîbier of the Laike Villa Trust àS aina, Bonk. do aobre 8.1artIsaIt e abuve statementlalutrue ta theb est t f yknouiedge and ballet. ORO. A. MITCHELL, Caible. $TATE GOt ILLINOIB. i.omuty .1 Lake. sa SubScribed and s.uru fo balaye 'me this 1tb dey of Jun.. 1913. - JAMESKRK. Nota,? pueh. RKSULT8 OP PURTILIXI#50 COËN. larmr5*eaI au sa'o Esps1%loi& As a 11111e upselia la eftsaWorth scoreto zaa vho&$ balleta et th.ory. 1 vWin lve a tsv&0"aua ots lu re- gardte tfotflicsag t . Nov I"athlb OrsI *MatiýissMaioossequst r.- gotIum t en ~ vow aest Ily visv Our ftaresa"d ad. ads e bave for Ove ruars mades stala testa. cen ton1 prttys.aty fthe velue o!f f0 tWitaonOr oitolle. Droeastig s5M t0 o etise popular mliod.but tisis ges *0 buplant food Msofurauaa thse corn doee not eS«t il vbn Il souda Il mont. . whlle vheat s.ldom neetis a cols- piste fertiliser on oui cloverei land. Camn duoesas.thse itrogon linusuuuar to elve Il a quick utarl.Wonuse a formula ianalsg tfnm 16 t- u S-104s, ua" mai potans sthafor vissa. Anolissi diftursuco te, wvocsetise smm formula on U ai agjisexcopt black,. visere vo Incruase tise potai. la for mois g iss M:M rythe. formula la suit various Mach ysar wu lm" ve vral rouvb unfertillseu l or10 oprove out nOma vlifsi or musreia"iedil: paroi wu theise oaumiser o! 1011. bsa rmm sjolaba, 'lh.remoustafur lis. *»e ?mis 'w taon meote tou, tom b"ut sishper!1111114s. 1 luarvv u fer lm o ms. ma" as0phg tb e wmms - - wll a dm &Utmm. 'Pb. pte'. ce a hiM M& slvao usWoê.-e bm cesse f-e fusis0,s1bube abpaO- 2%. Ou' eloum' usamâ Mb. ci« tau ftiulnO umm ubuaià oueseta by n se u5l. Tit epuer - fnilbs Oeu velah mm ts osab ab setel IsMaxi faruecs hm à ovilibi Ibir us m aw sees êiov b 54ssasa ldM M Mdwéise cop - u 0 - g Mad mu bes Mui eua nodehoso @*am usw Ilu. Un. fuitilmsi mm muetims Seches ue ID hullâit of et@&k la Atoust.Md Jmg' isg mersy by aw-srsss ouli piol es muais. But mgg Ove ypssz u tell 11 me tisat appeaace aan ecvins. I have fertlliseti coin on vartous sotie a belove il viii pey onn son.11th"a mattre yul, Au old prejudlce tiaf va *MI como aoroue ocaaionally la tisaIfI you beglu te fertilise o u viihave te ksep Il u. 1 dont eue visy fiis ariugnst vii Mot aieo appiy 10 naine masure. The bisi of tact ln It la, If you butin. and ma.k caretul teste, you vii kesp it op. If 1 cen put on. dolala m my coru drill for eacis acre. and sisucI tour dollars luto thse wagon this. suitfail. von't à k&8D.JL uat- An&DaVhIlAogmla ia 'j LENZ, N i GRAYSLAKI Wfiàr -I.m te-a-ha " leur Emma l malm sLom thse mm UmmrueMs lie w, you bm a toai IL vux, m glve iloodirumi% or ie 5 satisfyleur Bulai us 5.11e. ouf a eotroi ecut plat e121130,mOIt quhwky ma a sM"te voiwS" Msa. Mdi pu va g* hê tell& t. aw l me Talents as vus om Ou. tewt itlnsolu for it nse t th Ieni tea absovl# rovrisi. oxcopt vissa tiasc' soi saspractie thaïe WM Goetheo Ail lise a DtY. Uvsy mam or wmeua le ese ,bnd% 4Osr puseos eb»J JUsI brai., a" ieii 'es s hâxda, makblul luireIs»M.1 hopos fr tise future-R~ba $0 to egsStar 91* lé 4994,'rooord 9:19*. 1e.4 ladiag Aegon Star linlb. lHa 9 hso by_ Nutvood 800, rooaof, ý sire if 168 uM thoet. .tAM dam Gypey A 2:251, damao. thse list. Antigo Il. la a very bu* black witb a amail stla nfi broken single and of good d ition, la Clever lu harosse.a square opeu.gaitod trotter. Will stand at our barn. tS t0 iusure live colt. Ail aolb st owner'a 'risak. LUSK BR(*. Poe12-J-2. EOUND» :, iLL5- We can give you Fsr2gT~q at Cheaper p ioe hsi ' houes-andw. .tmndlack ot th HARDWARECso" U»e HMDW»R ad Sp«Udi We ane exclusive agit. ln Grayulake for tW DEVOE PAINTS9 VARNISIq ou BUSUIESO U»fl Ore@ormous stock. Tou cm 90t what you wfflt. NOW'8 TRIE TINET OM' CHIAPMOER TRAN u biaok n fore- hors. reight. imoelf Lcoitâ [d of îfce as. Farim" Prairie 3ufaile f iraI. re la te oved srv"c Il amoi- k- Profuslomal Cads

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