Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 6

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(Continuai Prom Paga One.> Not you. Hie wants the higli courts to pass ,upQn it. Sane Cse u1Cisgo. ed "4The case of Joncs vs. O'Conneil i owpning in ýo m ty, and 1 have papers to show that an important it 'will be taken Saturday tnrnignext." - )Mr:aûlé»reas4 ýIetter from'Mr.Sheprdwho Oook eiuntli the action taken there to recover Wrest fram County Treasurer O'Conneil. David Tone qppearing for Jones.. Mr O'Couuell bau $46,OOO inheri- lu t« fées and $200OOinterut mouey on baud whlçh touttuds belougs to hlm, but wldch Joues, lu the suit « trim e get for'the couzty. Thus, the case la sintilar that suggested for Lake county aad that is wliy Mr. eaubien urged Lake county to wait on the C'ôok county eWson. He predicted that an appeal Sould becniade to i Supreme court there because of\ the conffiet of' the law d both sides wish a final decision on the imiportant ques- SAttocney Beaubien f cit Lake county sliould not incuri ke ese of a separate silit, seeing the sanie points werei ý ini Chiicago. And, it proyed later that the rnajority of ie board )ncmbers feit the sâme about it. Other Watch the case. Mr. Beaubien feit that other states are watclihîg this1 hic'ago case, that every treasurer in Illinois is watching it pM that therefore, there see no real reason why Lake qÙnty should assume the initiative until Cook couty lias kiuied îts-action. , 8 upervisor Èrooks later made the point that Lake ý>ty wouId not be any more likely to get quieker action 4n Cook county, therefore lie could sec no reason to start W'o suite of the same kind as botli would likely be appealedl U. r. Beaubien poipted to the facts that the Lake countY liard, by its action a few years ago, .establied a prece- Làtt when it voluntarily returned to County Clerk Hendee V which tlie board feit lie was personal1y entitled to, but kew yeaks later, Mr'. Hende feturned it to the couînty . gan. HoWever, lie feit that this indecision indieates the ýàertaînty of the statutes in the m atter. I.le sliowed how the law was enaQted in 1895 on the in, Mitance tax matter and re-enacted in 1906 witli the lause a which Westerfield bases bis dlaims, unchangcd and tl Mes the interpretatioxi of that clause whicli caused the ord ta return said money to Mr. IIendee. "ortwenty years Lake oounty lias permitted its muesto retain the inm riauce tax fees, this being upnd4er the statutes which 1 have read. i*"vEery aet on the statutes is presumed to be valid un- e it lIAs been proved unconstitutional," lie contimued. H uey oR Sand. S"Under that law, Mr. Westerfield bhs retained as hie, ba htan * tax fées and the int6rest on funê B, e was t ,v t as bis money hy lte fact tliat former treas- lie, p t it and by thte fact that the couxty boards per- thmto retain sucit moneys. BUT, lie's got the 01YMn a fund-lie lasn't spent it. He's kept it entact, 4 bat if this question is deeîde against him, lie will be »eta, turn that money over to the countv forthwith. Ile M4n'wspnd it, s0 that in case the decision sliould lie àâhnlpx. btis i bondsmen would have been liable; lie Mr'twant ta, stick bis bondsmen-lie bas protected thèm >f keeping thesè funds Intact. That dôesn't show any in- Ention of wrong doing, does it'? J'"Il Uic lamw is deelared unconstitutioniti, continucd At- torney Beaubien, " he's readyT to turn that rnonev over-weL Watatest cas made of it, and that's being doue iii (Chi-' cao now. No 'friendl%, suit' caxu be started in WVesteîr- Ied's case liceause lie lias been rnaligned so terribly. The 'bèts.are not disputed by eîther side; w-e contend -we lbave »éma riglit to those mnouey others feel we have îîot. Tlîat's 'the question for the higliest court to decide. Attacks 'Were Venomous. -"No 'friendlv suit' can bce leld beeause Mr. Wester- field lias beemi termed 'a grafter,' f4iat lie'lias stolen eointy moneys,' and that 'he lias been a scounidreL.' If lie winq. bis contentions'in these suits, this saine ncespaper w-ou' corne back and in glaring lieadlines, tel bow it vras mis- PO YOU ant Cows? We hlave New Milkers and Springers for Sale. IIORSES of -ait sizes and ages for sale at ail tîimes. Il you want. to bave an Auction Sale see us about the Auctioneer. Col. E. L. Downes & Son Phono 290-e-2. cis Fim. LIBERTYVI LLE. a e t i I c t i acter, -when; ~ ~ b In ro eeytreasurer bam ln-the ty and every .treasurer but a foiv' 01 are, now eg Hea3u1iveëd haretbr beciuse of proinimenee he, bas attainedî t ho is, entltléd te credit for havng 'gotten thOM e handed id straiht forward manier in:t)bis te beho mome& asking you to look at it in ae a r'a save unnecessary expense teC".by ithIn tny action until fbS county ,which jnolveit saine issues, i. deeidedi" Brooks of Waueonda, Who, tavoe4'putting the 2fatteil wver to Septuee,=nlg~! Ch.icag' ,said: i ion't 'beIîevç that Westrfieiti that .money if it loesn 't belong to him. And seeing 'there ia a similar s9t in Cook county, I can't sc hôw.1Lake cotinty can <et any qjuicker action* in 'the highej courts ian the neighborlng county-therefore, what's t4~e nuse of incurring the ex- pense 1 "It seemis that, if we take hastydetion, we are doiug it to benefit a. certain newepa per and not for the b>neft of the county as a whole' Let s Wait -until the case fi de- eided in the neighboring case; let's pot go off half-cocked on the niere suggestion of some newépaper. "' Mr. Dady wound up with:, "I wish to bc understood rightly. It lais iaterial to me whether the board takes action to begin suit now or later. 1,arn ready te aet on orders. "1 Supervisor Kirsehuer mnoved that action ini Îhe Wst erfield matter be to September. Welch of Wap.. kean feit inunediate action should ho takeh or a delay of a vear made and Eger agreed. The latter jnoved to table Kirschner's motion. iEger's lost 19 to 7, and Kirschner's carried 19 to 7, hence the mattér was left in that position -no action being taken until the second day of September. on Thu.e'day vent to the bauk sud IIIl'Hcheckea op the ;mlance thora vith DOIIV ~thosa whlch 51r. Westerfieldr hoouks ~ FR g s iso r nnthat ubored oue>'oand itduurmngtatth Ay n iR 1figures tally exacty,. This la saine. thing the audtor neyer dld. lu ather -'vrdNI'f. Westerielda books mght LETTER TO SUPERVISORS!, have shown a hilg baiance andbi FROM K LOCAL BANK banlu shiow. nothlng. la tar as the SHOWS COUNTY TREAS- coipletOlessî ofSms' repart vent. IJRE'S BLANCS W r.l Westeril todny pressnled ta URERS BAA14ES W RE he board a datalled statemet t fal NEVER CHECKED BY THEltiie mono>'. ou 'and. hls plan baving tae I issue. besides hli& yearly state. AUDITOR... WHO -CLAIMED meut.,naniauthly *statainant hwg TO HAVE MADE A, COM- uhat mays are on bknd la the. va-1 J ~md8' Bas al @ut val WINS IINIILY MI gine ThÇ W aukegan hase hall teaimn base; handily train the Racine aggregabia' i 'ma on Sunday lafternoon, at Electric thieri Park, by the score of 8tbo 4. Con- Durii' sidering the swltering condition utfl'ight the weather thora vas a good slnedt crovd of rooters in attandanCe. W One of the. features of the gaineW vas the stop inade by Burge lu theTh tirat ln vbicb h. mIsa succeedad lnwo throinqhisman out nI the plat',a. Pulse ade ûe !f .ie beit caý Kt. s of i6. sesson ahen hes sieared 5aline PLETE AUD)IT IN ALL THE ndriveeoeth. luS e nsnois s-- - -- - muet oI bis tha muvolidtura>'n COIJNTY OFFICES. FAVOR REBOLtITION FOR WEST- Sud Vasa wss Thelr *Il Through thse ýrI ERF991L.. ame. hîbtil FRIOAY, JUNE 13, 1913& Supervison Pettis-, of West Dean- tbrough him. *'Aud" vosa vas thera Ti Illuatrative qf the desire ut Count>' field offerei a motion ta, the affect vltb the big moitI as nuui sud could base Treasurer Westerfield ta ho "on the, that the. Board go on record as baring ba depended upoù i a ail -Ulme* os .i square" sud eaoivng bis deaire ta ;no usines la the Westenleid mattai',stop pretu>' near anything biat came Nea saie bis reccsot as near penfect as! téi position merel>' being a point uf hls 3ay. Hottau Wlsyte brougit th bal possibth foliowing ltter, vas lav. He also sali that la bis opi-nttera ta, thai eet viien ne clonted Wal read ibis moaing ta th. supervisai 'on aut anaexueber af the boàrd vas tiI,. bai for a bôain m. <Note-the frain Mr. Westerfield: la tavur ut tamlng mmatIc measures. bail vas bast la tae grass sud itis "On June 13, 1912, J maie IL raquest The. rasOintlon vas for tie purposa ipdd cansldanably.) Gogglns va. for an audit of the booka and records ofab howing the public th.eisigh regard up ta bis standard. He vas it iras- l o r l i e d a t e t h e. u n d e r s n s d t o o k t e 0 b o a r d i n e u i h r s s u d t o ff s e t t h t a s t e a d y i i s u ff c le n t l y t a k e p t h e~ office, saine to end Augnet 31, 1912. inallclous anli scurnilona statameuts duvu the tailles. Jackson. bh*e colon h i asa requested that douee *~v- slcb hava hosa pebllahed la a local ed pitcher ior Racine, had the. ahllity h ery year thereatter dnnnia Myt. paper. Buprvlsar Welch 0f Waulce- t bur hum tentaven the pan but tht pqis of office. gan movsd tu table tuis mation. locale van lun possession ufthteln "Your Honorable Body Paw lt t Neltiier af, the motions vane put he- batting .yes. Nsxt Sunda>' the local.e y have an audit mnade ufthtei bookesud cause SupervlearI' ettis vlthdrev bis play tha Walkover abuas ut Mlwau- I Sund ou axamlnlng saea tntfour Iolgnal min, kee. The gaine promises ta be fast records whlch a7gregnta ln the .8Super.vl.sor émk1s apoke ton Mr. sud lnteresting. nelghborhood ut $13,000.00 do not ap- Weti' la~ltlng that suh i ' The score for Sunday's gama foi- pear etaial in the Audttor's Report measura shunt, pass the boar$ ln lows: thev are ai toiiows: the mlsceiianeous =rte.buvlnddte Mr. Westerfiald and Racine r.h.poa.e. Fuîd* account $2,863.02, helrsip fond show thatt the supervisors'. action la Racine r. h. po. a. e. account $8,M38.81, lustitute iund ar 'fot based on animus and parsonallty Bark. 2nd b.......... 0 1 2 3 0 rout $121.6S, inheritance tax tond ac-,. but hasad un the laterpretalton utE. ickmbb ........O O iO10 00 count $î.37. These are the figuresa i hs vniaighu ri h ubuqu. d b . 1 1 shown on mv records as at Secein- scuýrrIlus atbacks that have bea" Hyeck, c ...........i 1 6 2 0 ber 1,192.ma4e on hlm by the papar down on A.' Dlck, . t........ 1 1 2 0 0 'Aliso ttfnd thai the balance on 1 the corner." Larsan, ct .........i1 1 3 0 u lîand lett by my i#adacessor vas not Waeleh, Waul<egan. lnsistad tae Jackson, p ............O 2 1 3 0 mentloned nor thte total balance on board should talce no such action in Nesi, 5. 0s............O 0 O '2 0 baud Jt my own account as ai De- the mater vitereupon Brooks askad MooneY, r. f ...........O O 0 O cember 1. 1912, nr as the bank bal- hlm If ha wouid guaranitee chat sald----- ance questlonad to ascertain If thte paper would cesse its virulent reer. Totale............. 4 7 24 Il 1 mousys eu iand chacked' wth the anceb to tha integrit> ai the treasurer 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 sas'arai accounts lu this office. vhen bis ntgrlt>' vas ual questionai Racine 0's. O2 0 i1Oi0O10 - 4 ',l would thank YOU ta have this by the hoard but the viiole thig rast- Waukegan... 2 2 2 1 O 1 O *- 8- vank doue ton my owu satisfaction no ai on legal mteprtatioiie. Walikegan . r- h. ek. a. e. that 1 ntay kuow that my> accouaIs ara Welch replied 'iaI ha had nu lu- Pulse. se.............t 3 1 2 1 rigit as weîl as It la vîtiont doubt terest lut the papal', therotora col Wb>'be, C............t 1 1 O 0 the desire of >'aur Honorabla Bodilanat guarante guythilag. Iluvaî tien KCig. . t............i i 1 00 mnov tiat the accouats ltuiis office tiiat Mr. Pettls vithdrav bis motion. Lutter, Jet b......... 2 t 7 0 O are correct." wih lwnaprn adI euBgk,2db........8 1 20 0 show aime, 'Audit F5MtV. put. vonld have pssaid almaît unn. WUIklason, r. t. & c. f . -O 2 4 0 O That Auditar Bina, wvi as5 beau lmonsy, JUdgiug ram e«pression. 0,f Bunge.Id b.......OO6 3 0 aummoed back to apper befOrathe bakrd minbrsWhoailaeeinto taire Vose, c.............O0i16 3 O bord to xpian certlbiain lu t shethesame tlvs ai M. Broks. Goulsa, P...........O0O0O03 O audt, did notbalance up tbaimniauy Ir Thebou dede not tu salie, Wlliams, ........O00O0 O0 O the baak tinss vhathenTreasurmi.bry hba 1Ga al h - - -, - - - Weserfeldrealy ad;on andW lgt acres tor $Su. owOiig to the Totale ............ 89 27 il 2 mmiii mausy as hbisbooksa (no tMr as qfen he a d a cording bt, the -Summary-Hume rmn, 'Wbyte. Tva b. examinei tieux) ubavais' W"raommendatillonf. lticcoiniittea. tiase bita, Jackson. Il>'ek-Sacrifice proved by this ltter ta tie miParvis. Iu lathusawanp laid tract no loue bit, A. l>Ick. WilhlnSo. Stolen buses, ora trous Cashior Fariner r 0fthe SaW iscu*sad, "shbt>"'bavnna "an. Lrsn, BronkteWilknson. Base an enrt>' gavinis Bank: talad s stimuner batboU5a ounl tfo an le, offJackson.i,5. 0 Off ngimp, . "Mi'. Cal P. Wmtefieli. Connmtr .Btruck out, b> Jackson il. B>' leG- Treasurer, raquestae stoas>' ta-lu. >'s. farin yon that et a racat audit af tich epor aT ooaite rcon bookus petaiuna:te, bis ofa,, as'mandai certain IUpVOYUOP±I on the Cauty Treaunar, theabaance ta bis berna. etc.. snd ltah* s.5ýSlu5t of K. C.'8 WIN CAM&. cradt as ehava b>' hlsbooks --- Charles Apple>' a-.a*R at deS u- --the nov»'orgaisai Kulgts of neyer compered i.vmwthe z. ofdér previonas tso. TI# h bd" -&Coumbus base bail eau tartai aff this bau la vbicb bholias *0 Cana»' -pied the report and' Ura ls Tec- flis m MMsu4r anspiclonal>' on sun. tunds depoated. toa 550*itaix, ikoler ommeudablons eagUai01f l>' "vibjen ltraveii ta Lake Paraît bis balance agreaci vld balannl luiPolice Magttte" ýTaYWof aWalmiii and kubled btsheux luthat db>' "a tuis batik or BOL. Ad MeIbas gotega" presantai 00 »oDtcate4, ag. the tune oai-13 ta 1. casa, wa bereli>' lail>' Wform ->'ou agatiag about »Ua> 4*-tabit ard -Molianaolafor the local besa that to oui' mowledge: such b ra vitlt a requset t4aft»ty ho allovei, truokr out tirbeen men sud permait- ilation of Mr'. Weterfiaii's accoua It bbqlug touai tjâalfisoet>' muet tedl eely tva bits. A good crovi vas wibh us vu as wd. stand fon sucb ooasi,,tis bord or 'lu attmeu5ie. Lakce 00 Unique nam$e-foraybody. bat, for A mait, tt'a reali>'a handIM san m lietiO*a naome laprom»iàoed »îat lité the ahove meoaiflgaine of gards-but ho spellIalit dlff.reutiy. 1"Rar. Mr. Youker." la the.uamea ofA Congregatlonal mintater at Lae BIUIf Lt a racant nina.lg, hastated that his naine as ratier agaiuet hia for s& mînistar but ha ýcouIîdut hbip t bacanse, loioen ho vas silan -that naine, noue mev ho lnteuded baing a inuister. Ha and bis ionda feal tha t aIlsast some. constderatlou vas *uha uhlm viien the. naine was spelled a lttle differenîl>' tian ia the satne oaI carda but the question tu. vas hf ienoirg- I mail> aler the.gains, la auber wods, vas it once spelled "euebrc" and vas lb changed later tu erder ta disassoclate lutfraontthe výorld-iamou erd gaina? It ls ot kuovu viiebier Mr. Yocker kmoaa oy taplay' ouchre ornont but the lechannes are,. ual. balns a minis. ter, ho daoon't. a ine iwth Ke" anld the. na- station. The. local aggregatian i À I E I ta 't Play a aucceasttillasol. MUE NTUWnNE be Wsnkegsu lina-UP vas; oulsliurktn. catcher; 'Henry %le- 1The GandChicago Hafsdicap shoot maman, pitcher; Rd. Durlsin. flrst at the Chicago Gun Club. Sunday, 0;1ouis Glian. second base; Bo.) drew over 200 shootera wbo lgnored rn, short stoP; "Babe- Momn. the bollg marcury. and when th-" ,d base; D. Flood,.;,eft field; Tu,"i amoke claared away J. P. Caldwell, et ,in., eenter field; George Tiernan. Concordia. Kani., rajarded as an "out ifield. aider." had anuexed a les on the. $500 ilîver trophi' put up by the Associa- EPIIIS DEEAT ENOIHA. tion Of commerce. His score vas 98 't af 100 largets, ebootina tramt tha .e Wepeaanine. oft WsIukegan, tw.uty-thîrdlin. itheir tourth strataigt me, S>un- 1Caldwell vas a "dark horse- lu rby deteatlng the Yale Cirles at the shoot sud the committea whi"% iosbuh on11.sdFý,I seure Of 12 dealt out he handicap* set the. "Out- i. The tNtures 01 the gaine aider ira eat ahead 01 scratch. C. se the fiue pitching of Hsl O'Far- Clark, Bchook aud Harris Kennlcatt. 4who allowed ouly turss hitP. of ths Chicago Guo Club divtded sae- ilug out tan men, snd the hsvy Opd plac. e. ah gering 96. tins of the victors. a. a. Graham Bras 100. rwo base bit-R. 0'9'arrll; three- A morulng PlIctice shoot conlîsat se iut-Malcolim. Durosen. R. lug or 100 target sweepstake* vas Farsel, 2. Welcb. Struck out b~Y . won bythe. retmra ciael bustier, E. iaen, 10. O'Farr.l. 10. Bases on S. Orahain.1aI Jog Lke. Ill., whoi s, Nissan O-PrWII, 1. Umpime s t te trpu ttiia erf score. itarsand Jensen. Grahiamx v at the ,Eatcb ytth 46 _______________ veugeadra. datermlued to show the, asquniseaAttr at.d Dy un" club membera that iia vas uot a "11a, l a so ue p a rts of in d ia. w h e re m a b e a ." h m b s b o h r, w o c r 1toe abonn&I. lbla inpassihis ta play ~ rhibs rte. ocr a iolin because the munie attracta nied ave>' the honora aitheii Stock- lu Isecte lu great numbars. When holissOlympie shoot last nohlmer. vas »at notas amn heard, the. mas set davu son the. twntY-tiira.Yard toal swaru lu oloudu aruund the mark lu the bIna ribbou avent and ayen land make the. movîmeuts et vas unable toc oouut more titAn 95. ,b and lmpo.sibla.-Harpet's W"e. Hutton. Waukegan. scored 87, Mcý Dermott, 82. udepeudout sils-nesd by 15,000. Lakes bit weeI1-DiDEPENENT. liq Y. Our coofdnej om Stgad.b-tk awr mekàbavke trw d o Pmouo a "fu ~mou- cu& w o'tdtet'yti.go uet.0 comstum aga 6kioa t.~dç wsaa.L humdrede q tdoussndatof farinea .11owes t4 lwoel Stadîies wagom e ebutot t estCaIOa s woa vniyday.,t.stadup mmDCv Itose sud minâ sud t. mal.athe sma=» dboe stand fior 1 Domt accept snY atlawa 78W paetd ta b. lumse s adàaad"gal ny be cliespt. but if, Is't up ta sfdebaw mondardau snd pou iwt.sS o d iy it , Fer bail... or pleuse m is aJesSèsfsIav"Lii aaIbd teacncwquemeseo. Ysuiagonbe.teladmmaawaguus. outralbu 16Po uJk tIsa~r d@=a m s- aMU t.o , m . 1 hlt The nom'e Unoeda "-stamped mn e«ey blacuit-meenStbàttif a million pckag a of Uteeda Biscuit we ore xmyou could chcýoc,, ~oacracker la that ackage -o-.11 bêasUoomathe bestun]teda lever bkd Iecns NATIONAL BISCUIT Copom>n '0 ,FOR SA tou o el l FOR SA Ville $2. FOR Su W. La Mlii, 111. FOR SAI là6ts 191 me e tJI FOR SA S and O W. Bes»] FOR &AI '-FO JSP 81a.1.1, h ClOs e t i ron$40 Ho iete lu sud ar ed pot MCNFILS. taro, X FOR SA tables. 2 dItlun. eta)re-ti III- FOR si Bnlek au bas. thea soed cous FUR SA POU si ahap on1 mnAý FOR SA FOR SA an moi sui hai the. PC <lotrslloi ratiier rampons take uo minIste: River pallty li the vi tvoa an N. C. bande departn aI men deparin Da ertyv tirda, f rom f rom §11 1

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