Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 7

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FOR SAE-POtaOOe gl suaI.per bisebetlots. k ro m v ori m CLaMer. 'c-89-I FOR SALE-4vwevrlu. fui four or .lb$ headavusd tai. t'e y. Vin@h, hsdaUmaer Pas'.. AuOTES FOR IALR-OoOd rad bora., bar-. au a" oe«, si». Ehe .Ltiy Ville £2. 'p1S>39- louble îýutoe» Eé the- des-but me of a Lake e tatati net hlm h'eip sl -that di being At le"s ta him a little' of 'carde me orlg. a*me, la spelleti later tu Dm the Yomker not but a mlais am rie ' elmtre ieotlAb ortem.Cn v= fest. 10famIlIseoros. Tt phogs 215&L 4 -2--- 1- - - - - 1I mO SALE-HoN.. for &IlwPurouu; sio iro u~cad itad bulgies Mmd oMe harums. tma fl Liber Ileh, q. q q.q4.ssqs.q4s sje- + pou a=REIU + ..q..q.4 .. ..... NOTIC-lu aiulu-for Coule "md tend v.r. leuipber*eu Titi PhOn. T»m SBrn.nsStUOeL, L.brt lll. 63 -- -- -- --e 9-1- MONEY TO¶IOAN-Ou lmproved ceai etaI.. J. 8. OiaIol)[.Y, Firsi ?StiOnat Ranik. <'.20-tf + WANTED + WANTE-Pouition bv marrls-d man witli famlonoulors lentv of piperi. Pnc; bandy wiili hors,.. Addi.P& -*FI" i!iliEP'Ni>F.5T OiCe p-.I P-9 WANT ED-Sittatlon a@ loreman on tain,.or wul1tatke (nlil carge. hy u.arried mant îbrougbly exoêri.-need. Itd'rpFti Boiuioe. as.aee anti farine for i. aeIW N E -uîfo eea iueo la ald&rounditi lertyvile. Diisi' N E -Gr frt, &iboe.W A-:eTîs,--354m Iriquire ef Dus. 0. F. lit £OR SALE-A qnasittYuf Eariy (<ii.. U cNit CI. (-&aske. uid Oqutre Shleduîn r.taro, , mite st o0iRolling -32-tf FOR SALE-Hait dezen-a m ater tables. 2 dozesi chaiMresrt clama com- dIttion. Cheap. Macheuzie'. drug store-thae Rexail atoM. Wauke,, Ili. wkl!ttf FOR SALE-5 pesuenemi 2 cyltaderj Bulek automobile. 8200. Thi» cor bP ben thoroughiy b.-rhauk-ded antltuI good coidiiaoa. LiegaryvîLLa COA"iiE <.2*-tf FUR SALE-Varm ut 65 arw ut $100t r ar. iquire ut PÀ;L MfMiiUFVU(, yrfllec-24-tf *hop on man etreet oi- voutti litre «,Ode ni». Atidreus lBex 176, Oiayslake,.litI. e-lu-I FOR SALE-My' ceideacSon Mlia-ouk.-e aveuue net te Stmuîb'd ivecv. E McDeismLn, Liliert'-vilie c-20. 1 FOR SALE-10i-oui bousm and barn.,1 anl modems conveulencee; Cloue lu the MOTE3L PLAN IS II3SORTEIO BY VILAGE BOARD> t as elecutuu that position Mondai, -* a 'meeting of the board and hie dAlés WUit begin tomdorrow. ý_Tlu. ew. business manager wl bm à&Wcharge of affaire of th sr ae tbey conceru public b He witt be ini charge of the. police force, department of etreets, educattonat division-in tact, evers' branch cf the village admîn- tetratlon wulli b.under hie contre], rather thon the board. He wlll lie responsîble te the board, but wl ordersa--: o bowle healI ad- minster local affaire. River Forest la the thîrd munici- pallty lu Amerîca to put loto practice theb village manager idea. lie other ttc are Suniter, 8. C., and Hickory. N. C. The sclîene Ih te put toto the bande of on. persan aIl the varleus departments. instead ot having sever- ai men. each looklng atter a certain * department. Danting schùtl at the Lxb- ertyville town hall every Sat- urday night. . Instructiotis Imom 8 to 9 p. m. eception from 9 te 12. _-- I WANTED-A bIlbet. Inquire of CHAS. SE.-Li.Lbertyvili.,-.. e-36i-0 WANTED-i3jirts ru work jst hh. Ideal Laundry. Libsrîyçille. Aj iy ntathe Laundry. e- -4tf WANTED-Oilifor gentrat housework. Inqoire ot iLake Counts' BanLk. -Pli-tf ........... .. READ THIS. Splondtd opportuntty tor yeuug people te niake money tume. At home or la near-by ws'u. No canvassîing, ne Invesîient e- qulred. Wnlle tolas'. D. Kennedy, Box 11, Waukegan, 111. Wkis' 114 W. write a conibinof ion peihcy aI roetin atwi e ,bprutetfseu gani fIre, lltuig andt fmnado. Jaoç& At-tns. _c__ _ - - - '-4m- NOT ICE-Those owint ime for colt lee wili i-a efs rBor b y oacn'Iisanie 10 W. G. TBoui, Northi Bend, Neb.,738 NERS iap ehoot Sunday, > Ignored hen lbe ldtell, et s an ',out- the $500 Associa- ce tas 98 tronm tha lurs.", lu se thîi Us. "out- ratch. C. lCnnicott. cided ti -- 96. 100. ,t cosat- akes tas buster, E. ll., Whol $et score.' eh ytth 4. ahowt Us mot e "hal veho car- tise stock- umer, vms Athre-ard event and s titAn 95. bd 87, Me- f4JMER, DEVIC Frank T. Fowler Has Received lnuitiiS From Hait The States ln the Union. FOR $ALE->orS e J eBd boer IFOR RENT-Pleut> 09 _Posture for p<V 0 de- wue niod. choite.. 0.0stock. (fondiwater. W. B. APPLST. st, i fr sa mi.eais cd Lake Zurich, Ip-88-4 W. L. sxgois. P. 0. addres eBee- hhr IL' F. D. 1. P-830-1 Mooer te toma onra ttat. ueurlîy. ________________ ~____ DYOIiD & Ausrit. e-15-4m FOR SAI&.Otse4hb, P. PtixesIalr 19.-C. I LU FO HRET - 1,gf. 1911 modal, boit drive. Own 7 h.WLLEA FRASNNTL P Trwtna Idla, 1912 mode]. Cao b. For S O? 10 ysors te rlgbt Pozrtaýli me et Jur Umo.Co. .3-9-1 ofIlmad, lua IAke Couay ooniting ------ --- -----MDo about, 1100 acre«, 500 are. blghIY FOR $ALE-lO6 CEtTApue a 16115 PW5.Improved wth modern bouses. barons ô aad 6 wee&aenid. lPhone 278.12 G«adilc.Fee ndrostcd W. BSggis. c-89f a4als.Wnu mdcu. ie _________________________witt s oven wtre teffIcng. AU iltled FOR SALE-4 fllitbond PFox Terrier sud eiiltable for truick trmineg.Ait gDupieu . 6 week otd. Phouu278.12. «pensive dairylng. A. F. McKeown, meutO%. -SPtf 4711 Lake ave., Chcago, 111. Wkyty f si -1. mi« tiranli T. Fovler, formerly o!flVau- hua-an, lla ust sot about Use liuslesh nms luChicogo, due ho Use tact that bis Lungiotor bas reachedth Ue stage where hé le about remIs' le place il oun the market., lb. minute detaits having been adjustet ln Uthe wnder- fui Invention dumlng the past fet day. A representatîve cf Use Sun bap- penedti tadrop Into Mi-. Fovier's of- fice in Chicago yesterday andti Iere saw a busy force aIt oi-k on deuils conuectel wlihtheti. auneblug of the' prJect thicli la 10 revolutlonize Ithe methotis of atinistering artificial respiraticn Uroughout lt.he rd vitti an invention which promises to.lie as ranch greater and more eflicIent over the pulmetor as tltter Inven- thon cas ever prevîcus methodes uben il came on lte market a tew yearn mgo. Mn. Fowlera suiteofe offices are le- cated lu tbe Chamber cf Commerce building, Chicsgo. There h. bas stenographers sud experts at viork with hlm compietlng details of tilt Invention vw*tcb sno tieult, basaat- Iracteti moelunreslt roni etuttts anti members et the metilcai profes- sien thon anytbîog that bas corne Le- fore the publicetoice the pulmotor witI tlie possible except ion of the Dr. Ffiedmon aerum. Mn. Fewler bas tinee lange moone lu hie suite. One ta devotel te hie experimnuliwerk ubîch IolaIluchange cf Dr. James M. Bootien. uho lias bal charge cf ail tIte researchi work lu conetiîon withh e lunirmolor. Dr. Dr. Buoher fer six years iras lu IraI al wonk ton tueI Carnegie lileel corn- panysaseil la seen he ta a man et ex- peielnce sud onuyis' tweck fa said t o have receivel a lucrative effen le enter service of the goverumeul aI Washington. Johnu'%I. GIb.n a yeug au wbo Io saId le base haudîcti 226 pulmeon cases, or mare than sus' oller man lu the world, ta Iocklug siter dealîs in conuection wlîl the donrs sugges- dIons. liesîdes tiiese %Ir. Fouler bas a tool-maker, a nechante anti steucg- raphers. The. tuqulrles uuicb %In. Feuler bas bal trom ceai compactes and olher mIing Inleresîs ut Ibis cou- try aud Canada, have openeti up a fieldttiochlm ant iebtsco-werkert wbtch Uses'bat net tbought etf lieture. Owuers et mines se. lu tilt a-ntier- fui Invention, lbe iungmalor, an ap- parallia wbicb they can ant ill use lu alvantage lu their mines. Law Aide Hlm. The tact thal Colorado han met passel a lac wbitch makee ht nees- sans' for every mine te maintaîn an anlîficlal espiraler 0f--sanie sert. op- eus up a fiel for Immediate cork fer Mmr. Feuler ant iebt agents lie- cause bts machine unuiti le usalile ln secludeti districts uhere tucis na- chines as the pulmelen coulti li handîc-appel Ilimougli the necessits' et havtng ta use the big uxygen tanks wblch. possîbis'. mal uhen Uses' scoalti b. eeffd, coutti not lie ol- talueti. WiUs Mr. Fowier's machfa*, thse oxygen tank la nol esentl- about al Ibat le neelcl Is fresh /oir and au odnary penson te operate lie machine. Many Inquiries About lt The biggest argument as le Use wcndemtui nature et the machine w bîct IrM. Fouler tealbout le market,. ta seen ilnb.hepersonnel ef the fi), qules made about Il anti the e- questa for lterature explalnlng lils uonkings. Mn. Fouten bas alvertîsel thc machinue enis a feu tîmes lu Il medîcat journual but, lun rsponsEý te that one olvntlaement, he bae ai- ncady necelveti replesansd Inqules tromn 24 states anti. i1ail.peshape. PO0 letters troni sem:/ f8the blegeel cencernisetfthe country fon Immeli- ste expîsuathen of the wonkings e! tltuegmeotor, ameng tbemn betut sîtdt conîpaulca as thiý Westinghouse, C'arnegie Steel Company, Illinois Steel Cempuany, Dupent Powln Com- paniy, Amenîcan Steel aud WIne Cern- 7pany, Jones-Laughlin Steel Ceompany, tue nequesîs tram lise Untel States geverneut, oeefroni lb. lu-asuny deparîrneut anti eue fnrnibhe De- panîmeul ef the lutenlon, Geucrai Eleclmic, Billalis'aouICompany' (wbicb epematea 54 gos cempantes). Showtug bac tbe machine bas ai- tractet Iintereet, ebhie tbeSun epre- 2seulatîve cas lu Mm. Fecler's effice, 2 a messenger 'brougbt Ibis telegnam to tilm: "Mail at once Ou-ni carIs antial data and Informiation regording s'on! tuugmator ta Embemacu A. Waiker. Royal Alexander Hohel, Winnipeg, Canada." When lelegrama et thil Isert arrive, Il. shows the machine la u surels' attranttng vcrid-wtde taleront. s Mr. Potier bas corriel ou bie pro- i led qut. dîfferentlis't3an Use average man cho le seeklng le launch o thing LakP. C" Ias adie Tut ir Preliema: I. 20 ft. W. 100 fi Lot 159, Ravînta. W. [D. $400.00. 1 T. H. DUlet and WvUe In H. H. Beach: S. E. cor Grand avenue and Genessee st-met, Waikegani W. D. $7500.00. Chas. White a"I vif. ta A tou Lu- kanekos: Lot 4. Bih, 12, lOashburn Springs, Wmukew-aa. W. D. $425.00. W. H. Fabrs' and vIe et ai îo Heu Jensen: Tract of iand In Sec . 3, en- ton Tmp. W. tD. 0.S. C. W. Tremain and vIte io A. L Parker et aI: Lot 17, Block ', Ridge- irool Park Sub.. iiigliueod Park. W. L). $2,500.00, 0. L. Simîithto Alice E. -niiii: lot 13î ond istp adj pafiSi-ts AdI tu An- ttacb: Deede O$11.0 A. E. Smith te T. W. Smith: Lot 12 andi N. 25 fI, Lots '"A. and E" Spaf- fcrl'e AdI. ta Antigcb. W. 1). $1.00. T. P. Rafler te HeMnan lieserman: Lots 17 ta '38 Deerffid Park, W. D. Austin Clementandtife ts lJohn Griffith: 287 acres lu S. E.. Sec. ::4 Ltlertyville Twp, W. D. $1 * Thorne Oison to Jeunne A. Youn g Part Lut 7. Merywooti Point ie Sec. 3, West Antiocb. W. D. $~s bligo Tille &-Trust Ce. te Ro iMc- Williams: Lots 6 anti 7 Fcýrrt Fheld and Ferry WVods, Lake Forc. lied W. WChurchuilanti suifs le T. F. tiuîert: Lot 12. elock 1, i;I.ndaîe Sub., Waukegan. W. D. June 11, 1913. C. N. Durand and ifeIte u F. Aý ihshep: Lot 6,. BIh 3 Woolrdes SeL. Lh'ertvvilIe. W. 0. '$2500.f) Spirit Fruit Society te C. A. arpen- ter: Tract et landi ln S. 1--,Sec. 23, Grant Twp. W. D. $31,0001o C. A . Necceml, Jr., le Peler lait- rzeniskh, sud vite: Lot 3,. 11k. 9, WashburnnPark anti Lot 17, BHIk9, 'turlphy's AId.. to' Wasburne Park, Northi Chicago. Deeti 84041Jffl Lhzle N. Carr -anti huslanud fa James Gainer: Lot 8, PIerre. Sel., Wauconda. W. [). $300.00. Everts Wrenn sod cwffe uo Chlas. Henning: N. 40 ft., Lot 2, [iII. 4, Wýreun'.-Atd.. HilandalPark. W .D $00.00i T. W. Smith anti vif. teuJJ. Nioore: Lot 115 Sha'* Sel. ou Long Lake. W,.[D. $10.00. ranut Fessa anti bnsband io h. S. Waage. Lot 22, Shavs Suh. ou Fox Lsk,. W. D. 11000. Mînule, Pape andbamband te H. E. Patpe. Étt., Bik. 3.IMbdy Neak SeL. Lake 'Marie. Q. C. $LOO.1 Chgo TitIe & Trust Ce. te Cari 1Schlffmanl: Lots 21, 2I-ýtnd 94, Wi- sou's 2nd Suli. at Long Lake. Deed June 12, 191&. Estate et Elizapeîh B. Vanderkteot le W%. J. \ suderkleot: Block 9 sud tand adWecnit Lake Bluff. Deat $S,- 000.00. Mamie B. Keiman et aila John Oli- ver: Part 1.o1 59 llhghwood. W. D. $10.00. V. A. Rossacansd tite te A. J. Witlbelt: E. 83 ft Lot 16, AdI. te N. W. AdI.. Waukegan. W. D. $10.00. Emmna lSmithiand bushan t teWal- hem Harrick: Part S . W. N. E.% Sec. 8, Shieds Twî). W. Il. $1.050,00. Esh. et Elizabeth B. Woodbrldge le W. Andracka: LoAt 37, Block 6. Waah- liera Park, Nerth (bicago. W. D. $250.00. B. F. DeMuth andtIfeite o Elizabieth D. Demiang: Part Lot 1 hock 71. Riatiland Park. Q. C. 111-09. W. W. R. Nixon te E. V. Orvis: 5 lots in Oakland Sol - Waukean. Q. C. 01.00. Mary Hart et al ta J. W. Hart: 160 acres lu Sections tý anti 19, Shieltis Twp. Q. C. $1.0". June 13, 1913 Est cf Juhn Wooînidge (deeti) te B. H. Miller: 971i2 acre., E. and adja- cent Village of l.hberuyvillte. Deel $3,500.00. June 14.,1913-t.. 0. Wainwrghî anti wirît 1 P. W. Pelersan, êouth Ive- tIrds lot 2 sud norîl tiro-thirds lot 3, Wanwrght'a Subdivisioon, Waukegàn W. D. 166.00.r P. W. Petenseui aîd site te Martes Redbre, seuIl tiro-thinds lot 2 andi narth two-thblds, lot 3, Waînvright's Subdivision, W'aukegan. $200. B. A. Undrwood aid wlte, et al ta A. D. Underirool. loti 3 andi 4., ock* 125 and lohs il andîi12,.block 88, lu Northi Chicago. Q. C. $1. William Tonycu et aIle John Tony- ou, weah 80 acres. noth-wesl eue- fcurtb. section 1,Grant township. Deed' $2,227 Christ Hansen snd wite te Anna L. Anderson, west 75 teet. lot 16, Higli- wrol. W. D. $2,100. et thîs sort. He bas'purchaisel the Inventions bîmacîf, bas palti fer the c) experlmenhai wemk hîiseîf and bas .~FOR SALE-Fata adU fam land. Spelal, tand, Imrved oir unimprovsid. CtO"e to Orlayae. lIviti dPMAWx, Boekefeisr .1tii. c-35-tf e W.bave a tong liat of improved larmu froni $40 lu 475 per acre ln southeru uinnuesto Bed Hiver Valley and Wiaeoeetu. for Cash or troid, If iii- tei-vlted m'it ou uè§. Dliîomi, àAi sris. ArfSALE-My piaweon.Il îiir aUuèt, modem. l[tr$4300. U%% -i lrc .-oa terme. A tbaorgalu. Acddr.-e.i ta SA RA i O Dis egim~,Bouldter, Colorâdît. MARRIAGE LICENtiES Robert A. Ocholte. Chilcagoe....31 Matida Wilgen. samle...........21. RImeys'lclunlîl. Wheeig ....28 Marry Slephen. saine............ 2 Dan E. Johnson, Chicago..........38 Ehfizaliell Belltate, Waukegon ..5 Wm. WttIIn, Ch~cago...42 Helen Olklu, mjllaukee....31 Roht. lrriisby, Waukegaun......... 27 Walter ffiebel. Ralamazoe.... 4 ElIx Zeus ..................... 2q Myrtie Stough, Emlamazoue....2I Arhur Drummer. Milwauke...23 Della Wociske. Milwaukee,...23 Walter C. Haynes. Waukegan ...24 Beulait E. Waters, sanie....18 Auguat Ruete, Milwaukee,........ 3 Anna Rttke, snime............. 7 Emîl Ser-vals, Waukegan..... ...21 Lemhi Jarvi, sanie.............. i9 Anianda Buachnian, Russelli....18 Harrs' C. Bac, Lement ............ 2 Victer H. Strangý MilIlium.........25 Coma E. Dawson, sanie ........... 28 Arthur V Skencer, Milwaukee....1 BenglitO. Hansen, sanie.........18 Raiph G. Stewart Chicago....25 Marie F. Teda, Chesterton, led.... .18 Wm. R. Londou, St Louis ........22 Besle Mîllateati, Ralcine .......... 19 Herman Milliratit, Milwaukee ...21 ElsIe Fa.ký sanie................2l Ras' Guckel, Deenfili............ 22 Mînnie Hutcblnson,saume....317 Nels P. OIson, W'aukegan........ 29 .Mary SicCanu. same .............. Fr-ank lieu-g, Waukegau .......... 28 Gonds lBerg, Portage, Wie.. ....... 1 Stephen Pelelaka, Chicao ... 2 2 Lîlîtan OIson, sanie............. 2 Oscar Wolfe, Fl. Sheridan.... 2È Esthier Nickerisen, Hlghwood ...l John Packlen. Waukgan........ 21 Marie Johnson, sanie------------..24 -Have en Objeet andi Work For Ut Defne mn objeot a erly a.s'yeue and go aflor It. Slip. up a-ver stclo your lIe te ltmad ( ta luiinit. I1 s'ou find Itlalen«ot bu you reails' de airs, discmrd Il atter glvina- the nmîlel nificlent thousht-but net untils'as 3are cSnvIxeed liastnmorn ther goal Il 1morée cuary te "lu thon 'ou mus selnk It iti qual seat BED BUG TRAP. Beat. noveits' lu the U. S.; catches 1000 biugs a nîglit; abselute househol ne- cessîts'. Bs' jnail lb cents; 3 for 36 cents: 1 doe. for $1. Agente, hlgh commission. Las'ton & Cc. 1416 North Anierican Bldg., Chicago, nl. vk5-21-2ti Poultrj, HidesEtoe, Butter and Egp. This ie the oldest house authe sîreel. -Tige anti p"i fnmnisued on application. COLt) STOXAAE FREE. 5fel à 55d 3. Fute St., Wbeleeata Matet. [BOAT FACYORY WAS UN FLAMESg$I fI1r1 ~ ID #!I WHÇN MIS WIFE PLACED MA. VAJILI RIlEIR Il W M CHINERY IN OPERATION. E W. Rtley, assessor for Coblics. ntaeteiloe Hiermun Meyer@ ai Fox Lake, owner ltôwnship, has completed bis work etaontaf usenttd Socie. l of the Pletakee Boat & Englue coni- and returned the bocks ta the ccunty toso h ntdScaial- pany, attributea the tact that bite plant clerk et WAaukegan Tueeday. Hle parts of Illinois wau reachuj vas net totatiy destroyeti by lire a bocks show the total asseset value day At the>annumi meeting MdI tet days mgo iargeiy tu lb. tact that ot personai Property In filet township of the association heid aitI w U lie sane ieule time ago lnstalled a t0alie $343,527U7 as compared with cale, Cicago. Leopold Neuah. force pump tealie useti lu case of lire..$317,757 ln 1912. a-difference et $25,- He aise giveBs hie f.greet credît 770. organiser, tu hie report a=b.,le4 because If ah.e bal flot been on the Hiefis also uthority for the toflow. resoluttonc ontaitng thie rée~~ scene and abotu presence or mnin nlin teretlg Ifiiures anient the dation that was adopted reeoÉIYret starttng thse ptmp, fie plant probabiy érafle, liv. stock and produce of the district meeting at Ibe Northi 0" wcuid have been blirnedta t theI townsilp. Concerning thie graine th, .rd groimi. nmbr ef bushels rie atya e all hcgaddb T'he pump là one. Ila i r. Meyers ub asdli eradoption hîghly desirabie. 1ý nain invention. it le flot 1k. th. or. vere me tollows: Coru, 123,420; sun. President la daudla hi dînai-y pump becaiise Itflas ne valves ter wheat. 1,2111; sprlng whea,8, rfre alte v arions bille bst to become ciogged Or leakY from dis- oIsna ,7; ple,2,5; . ,65 egelare luthev;ii l ftziiUam use. An enttrety different prtu dpIleg t,6,7;ape,270 Y.205lgaaurlnwih MUiedI invoived. The.lire flzhting equloment bartey, 5,470; Irish potatoes, 9, 67 (. cieties ta luterested. He oppo.multh lu flei Meyers' establishmient fla said Off Xlhe sy thie tons praduced wcre :1 residence district samoon bih nV te lie witbolit question the most et-, Tixotby,.1,326; clover, 1,2SO; wiId, icteent fauuy ln a bn of sîmilan size 575. There were 2,000 cows lunthe 1tng on the around that lit *ouS la ln the ceuntv. 1prietelcto f6M»o»t The machiuery lu th. biuliding le Iownshlp Ibis year. Lest year 1,78 iai.g i o catIn01 aoom mun by an etectrie maeo. the current 600 gallons et nillk wene sold and thCe lag toe being fur'sislied by the electrie coml value of the pouitry sali wals$3158 Relative te the voman suffreE pany lu Waukegan. on. of the. many and of eggs, $4,147. The numben of passed Wednesday by the 1 lied wires gcing ta Fox Lake. The If a ugse httesceis pumlsing engine le rlght next ta the herses lu the township ivas 59ta2.gstdtaI1.soite molor. lu case off a tine the belt troni1ceed ai once toward orgsbelng the allier macitnery la slipped on ta Pubuîcty Wanted. 'of woen favorable te Ilie ItàtO the puming englue sud ailthie power Soubrette-Whlch divorce colony andi adopt an aggresslve eampttn, i lm usedlnlupuminlg. TheplIant 1 1hi lsInls iecin'i near the fakte sa Lut a short Inthize is 5.10 701»g9ng 1? Star-i aven't;linevent II lt l l ieto e uecessary. o b been able ta Ad out yet wbicb bas îthe cnfranchisement of a large ânî lu th cseo tlire that devel- the bout bureau of pubcity.-Judg. lier et votera. oued ln ithe plant a tew days age. thi. blIaze- tarted ulienMNfr. IMeyers' dres __________________________________ bevamne Igniteti. lu beatiug out the fiaies a blazîng fragment telilInI saine inflammnable mnaterlal andi siart- cd thé lire. Wltli ber tcloig an ire tIrs-. lr- e-rs rushed tram the building ana Ieaîîed lu t1e1 ake. \Wheu she S s e enierged the skin sAis hurned tnom lS s e lier bauds and lier body ira-. eleelY B l tbe fIre hase loto the building th e 1 11,-du and skia on ,ber bond-. came,-ff lu layers luit silîl she did îlot tjans,. She connected the mater wih the en- gîne but s as, 10 toa ne turiber. .About thîs lime eneployes o e i, plant h alebleen ln sueiber pari The E se-Ène of Suceess eftûý hts urrled te the scent- aod ln a remarkal 'lv short tîme wltb tb, fine Is the r p r U e o i e iraner pressure irere ibis ta catie- gîîislith.etire betone great damagei badl been doue. Betive en tIrtv and tortY motor i'oats wers. stored lu the Every prosperous business m'ian is aiug. buîilding at lb. ti-, the lire Iroke -- ait i_____ en terprising and aIert. He estimates the litaIs of Illlnois, Cauut3 ot Lake, es. lu. minimum time required for every transaction, tlie Circuit CeurtIo Lake CountY;_ October Term, A. D. 1913. lu Cbanc-- then tries to finish the work within the Edward J. Umbdenstock. et ai.. vs. aiiotted period. Lewis H. Todd, ci ai. Generat No. 6L277. Satisfactory affidavit that certain de- tendants lu the above entltled cause T q eto ou due and diligent lnhiuiry cannot bc To the mind of 5Uu a man, te stise, louait, andt ta the place cf rsîideuce £. . . of sai detenda-nhe. or any cf tiien. cao- irequently recurs throughout the uay, 'Can- no e leascerlained. su lIaI proces canotbcseve uonthmor say not this bce don e by Long Distance," atd, of tliem, iuavlug been flIed]witb the under8gned:upon consideration, he often decides that, Notice la Iherefore bereby given ta saiii7cendants Lewis H. Totil, Alonso the telephone method ýi not only practical A. Webster Thomas Bawson, Mary P ltawsoti. Jacobi France. Mrs. France b ut preferable. (wf fJaceob France), Etitard W. Joncs, George Vowler, Unknown beire or devisea of Alonso A. Webster, de- ceased. Uuknown bhteInormdevimees cf Thomas Rawson, decemeet; Uun)rnUwu CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, belre or tievisees ot Lewis H. Tcdd, de-A.P dm a ceasel: Unknoot heirs or devisees cf A .A de a Mary P. Rawson. deceased; Unknown TlpeuW heirs or devîsees of Jacobi France. de- ceased; Unkuowu beirs cr devisees cf .%ra. France, deceaseti (wlfe of Jacob France). Unknown bistme or deviseva et Edwanti W. Joues, deceased; Un- knawn hlilmeor devisee cf George V'owier. deceaseti; Unknowu heire or devîsees ut John Aynsley, tieceaeed, sud unknau-u awuens cf emi ete lu tbe Bill cf Complalut descriliel, ta- M U.NI uit: O VI.51 y L The South West quarter ot the North, East Quarter anti the North Let us interest You in One of the Voflowing. West Quarter of the North East Qua- ter (being the West hait ot Lots1 1 r-am tm eii;jrort.rn new houte on 7-mteuBOUM. ou s li and 2 respectiveis') et Section 2% Town- Park Ave.. al]eiS.Almproveimntas. li Ssrosed. las a sblp 43 Northu, Range 10 East cf the cat a sesuiicnue8,1 aild. Part cash shale. L'a" P v . " Third îP. Il., excetItng tiseefroni a c e ... ta...... . . $.........Fric,.. oemBuew l certain part Iluereof conveyed for rail- smo Moem uH ojon Park ~Ave,..ot minrc oemionsl. àvL road right-ot-waY y lsdeeti recorded in lu leîs. .aîi mooemàrnî ln and tresSl a th. 2 genrs enus. aasv4~ Bock 91 ot Deetis, Page 223, in the £ssrsnrnisaid. rrai.$ C0 es and elecîti FI Vais. Town of Ela; Aise the Roufh 24 rade aiiceCornarst sser l. ua as, tu..iasee eftIhe -South West Quarter of the -roonu Modem Hounsu Licoln ,Ave. Cordear ln. nd tes, il' vie AU lumrovement4. llioti ,501,e2l7l8 sI sslue South Easst Quarter ot Section 35. Prices...... ..... ..... ... ,t) Pric, le verv resoMob. Township 44 Northh, Range 10 East of Bouseeand i lois ou,2Mill Court C)80 sron ous. MaSluion Dtlime- the 3rd P. M., ln Use Town of Pre- Thislàca baris. u, te rice,." net adnti iicuy moemc mont; ail subject lea acertain grant iBrzsm Ha, andsfd et.. i.moduemr b la.iven en eti45 c oifi0 ta the NorthiShone Electrtc ComPans'. Oda «dTid re ocn Area ....a..n.a...s........ rcorded lu Book E cf Incorporation I. iiiiiu frit ad 25u sl ti-rous Hau6e an mleaute. A.gC Records, page 315, ail sltuated lIbmte -mom andlot wih barti sn bath. ciofiets ehanoderp iuareu, Couoty off Lake sud State ofIlilinois; corerr !orih Ave. ssd Second Si.Asr a ae sssu ui that fil,- aibove namcd compinants modm.Easy Parmn.$.. 00 lots 49x250 il. tek. iu£eiassd=d have thîs day 111.1 their bill of coni- rc oueji otwt au 1 itOrh . os et M ielbU e~ plaint ilu idcourt ou te ,,ancemy Secs, d Sit.. velliproîrd. 400 Slnd. ut fruit, besilui...... side thcreot. and that a summons EA asy anuet,. ...... 1 -mmmwDbl ahsueo thereu pon issucd ouh et sald court ,9,t. oom oue adSot alibi h bem. us Park Ave.alS al modem lapmne- aglît the above namel detendants, Milwîauke Avenuce.i1tmile north ni mentsmand aIl soeela a fsu fSli returnalile au the iraI day et the terni 11s,iklnd.i cf Critodhde lil reao far miEh Cu on-sscre ii an ise en siItrer, ilura boul. Boie trft and essais ofthIe Cîrcuil Court et Lake Ccuty, <codclqiecu lias iiihonte . $-)o fetl wé tw ta le heîd at .tb, Court Houa., lu the Easy Paîrseuus ...0............. t and lov City et W'aukcgan, Lake Couuty. 1111- j nais, oui lhe Finst Mondas off Oclober.ijl A. 1). 1913. as la by lair requiufl, and - sec f iwîîici, suit hi silîl pcoding. Daled aT~T3 Waui.eganî, Illinois, tluIs 23nd las'eta Of.u . ., . Ilay, A. D. 1913. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Cîerk. Phones { IURTYVILLE. ILUNMO%! Penny L. Persans. Solîcihor fan Coin- plainîaîts. wkybMay29Jutio6-.3-20 pîulan apProval la sure 10 tolloW, lu the rak, of menlt, and Il ceuli e truttifulîs said thal neotiler car even H L P AG couic othlb.front ranka se quckyL I A E 5 andi bell Ils place 1ke lbe Rambier. OENERAL COMMISSION MERClIANT ' Sibles' & Hawkinis, Lake Ceuoty AgIs. BellAtningvnt h aec Phone Waukegan. 215. Antlocli, 272. p"AtninXv tteSae0

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