Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Jun 1913, p. 1

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_______ AUKEGAN EKYSU N LIBERITXVILLE, LAKE CO1JZTY, IDL,~lAY, JUNE 27, 1913. ONE TO EIOHT $1 50 PER YEAR ïN ADVANCet, j e s s s éVeéyeué'a mmd ras: "Con snch an epormous projeft really lie hacit af tire zysterloua rmal éstaté deais nhich - bave beau progresalng ibère for sev- - In ans*er Thé Sun adtita thé ta néné egiven Inafithy men rira are 1ffl el4tainthé promters and-i rsitl - positlvely tlrat thesé are the plans. As ien wiethén they are cotraumnuateti aiorig thé fines planneti, reoains ta hé INSIDE IFRM T O S1TAINEO R W CNViw PLANS ON s-en. hIfsIosaltithé rholé déal hinges îN~W~IAîIN R.I4IW ~upon thé rillgnens or a few Chicago LAJE $#M MJiOTfH QF- . O STUPEN- men niro havé put muili money Juio 0058 fi WLL tie Project, ta permt the publie ue ÉcLiftEem y.-,MISES proJet for buling thé ten million dou- Tû M OE tew. T.. iRtaI&ramusement Parkthieré 'It ta saiti TO E VTE~IE T ~ RA~If~OTAANIlÉNiN TO If tluey neulditirnt ibis poêrmission thé proléci noulti hé maturéd much quicit- IT-NEW YORK AID 5CH1CA0 MEN INTERESTED IN THE er thoan peupeea elo PROJECT-LÀNIO TOCOST OVER A MILLION DOLLARS. FrPtair Sonorcew(aYri a _____________Wintbrop Harbor) Thié Sun leanna thé papers covrtng thé options, have ail beu sent on toi Nw Yorkt heré thé There lias beeti considerable specu lation1 for somne prornoters live,ad they are non con- weeks past as tu what is behlind the options recently taken sidérng thé datta and ontiining the the akenort of aukean.plans anti attempting in réacb. a de- on real estate along h aenrho W uea.cston., P Surveyors have becît at work anîd lake souxîdings have Lrquor Fnturé Consldered th b.been nmade, both north and souti of'Ziyn City. Variotis ri- propoethasie wîleerely uwîscoh- r.mors have beeu afloat- sin, Jmat ovér thé Illinota fine. Théré Throug'h the clevei'est cu the reporters for The Sun ls a néasan: If ia that thé promaters ('4)11)noiadoubi have filunmd in hé able - have pulled off for soutoe titîje, it lias been leaFflQ( froîn a bé ber, et- la il - ranit, and.Ifi reliable source that bebiud ail this is Soimethuig so far'- Cie landi Iay 15sine 'liinois. it cculd reaching ini its scope as tu praetieally changti the map of lasdry tenitlory. hoving héen vatéti dry the whole north shore betweeîî Waukegan and Kenosha. unden tbe local option Ian a fer yéars ago Wisconsin lias no local option An a use entcom any ls belng formed, compse fr lariti, no doubt thé pronrotéra fig- tbomootmu moinNtrlork mpuvise bawmado e n Of- ure fihntonce the park ln estabiîtbéti tisemoi p at e Nov' téersidents rhom they roulti bring ~from Cou.y Island amusements, wtth the assistance of thene.ra ulti neyer voté thé terrItary ol p capitalîsttS, frAu pr poe fSrectAAa tse moat dry. even If Wisconinlu re ta adopt a ~~ local option lan. hIs latire lquor f e- gigmitro rt MIPonty ever m ,a' n heUe tmW' .lt in ssait, lias causeti thé Thse capital uecessary la $1O,OOO,OOO,of wvieh » om atbougb ihey are rilllng ta put mucli tUilnç lke $7,M0,OO bua aready bUWfIM . money fite, thé projeci. Elaborate plans have been piepared show ilg inagni- feitbui1diu il, ineludiîîg hotels, pavilions, gigaxîtie roller FÀJJIR5 A SERT eoater, neeaitical swvings, ete., together mith a bathing, beach two miles long, with ample protection front the lake SCARCITY "IIELP storms, and means for irnpounding the water in such a j nianner as to ta1Je away the lake cuill, whieh bas So fart, EXJSTS AT PRESENT made Iakc bething a little too strenilous for the average- person to indulge in. em oi on amr iig Na There is 9bIo plaütied a inotordoîne, the mnosttcm id-Sm am iig Na ous yet dcsigned, and automobile raeing track, also han- Hiere Even Havf Tatoen Pr!- j g ars, for areoplaines, hydro-aeroplafles, etc., -%hieh at this soners Out of Jàil toWork tine are fa8t beconung the popular ineans of locomotion over land and-Éb'ter by the well to do enthusiastie sports- FARM - LABORERS SCARCE. merl. LAND TOro t' 41.=M0,00 wesétern lias beén ai bét only indu!- Police Say There is no Excuse Thre land Io10 eta s$1,200000 and ferentinluencoui'agIng mruatnn o beMnBigUal la mosth nuden optioneai Sis tilnte, lans tkéNorth shrore. They have FoAbeMnBigUal The poJct Ibu go»en se t t ie ibeen arerti énougli te lok turthrn to Secure Employment. completion ta merely a math' of siréat anti anai thé tinté rben nomé-- Uie; andi résidente alona thé norili ttilg lautd eevop'ta brtng People Farmene fron t alparts o! thé coun- shoe havé e metitgnantir white inta ibis s-ry deairairle résidence iy are contpîaiuing hecause of thé ta- ta loit lorrard ta, aisnit suc an m ttsain.,and bring ibent la snc balUlty ta get aufinciént tarm bell,. entérprise lu opratién, ibta district qiuiti' as ta lare more tran affset Tbey claim tbéy have tiit every *and even p»aces nilWn a shot dis-.luntoney maktng ta thé ralîroati any conceivablé mans ta gel hlpérs aud tncé Wn b tu demand for tauris-ts possible use o! thé vacant land au a in the maJoity of case havé fatilet. anti excui'elOntista, as Weil as stimleu uanuiattitg district. As an inducement tbey have offéreti Outilu parties and nommer homnté Thé train service Wn no doulit lie igber rages bai évén ibis dos nosheenekiy tnrn.btmuin hetiér ront éveil'stantipint nat soementtagt thé desIneti résuits. h May Dtb eeal nwb t hauataipréenttla avallahie ai Cancy As a lat resont santé ai thé iarm- ta a tact tirat a preont, *Cory la Island, i.ltb a traight i rr4 tracit ens in thé near vlcinity of Wauitegan landtIouau on thé dry plan., Threa'theruan iou> Chicao nill nat taket are ntakiug an effort ta get prisoners foré if muest e h ndmlgStd tiramore -tran da ut«es aud wth a frOntthé cliy $11 ta nunit for them, théeslémieofiquor la ccutempl&ted lu spécial st'et rails, trins carn le Whiletirey do flot expéct munI r c, ibis echéma. rucloscie enough tagethér ta trains- ibis closes ai abar ihéy say It Io bei- Commodioui anti up-to-daté boltl port thosmade evéry Ijour. la New ter thon nothina pend evéry litleirlps nIl !furuiah accomnonctilns ta suit Yorkt the people rush te thé éleva,- W natbey are no badty lnn eed af thé porse ai thé public, antinilu lok bout anti a quarter ta geitaeCopey wrrs. Ih bas been yéars, tliey * more ior thei' patrons iront thé Ont. Islandi, standing up mont a! thé say, since ibère bas béén sucb a aidé than front Chicagé. ray. 1 carciiy for fanm liélp. it la n net tor tirai COir e.a , Anotbrihtvéry Important advantagé Only a day on tra ago two men lr. andi ta rot dePM410 Pn p thé New lu this location la ibait Itcarinérne rearrésiti on chargea of drunit- yont public te ay grsât étent; In éd lu a sethiug mass snd spendi su énnésé. A fariner living near hère tact ih as ben aisrtédt iat ilcouli approsohéti trou>elfhernronlior PrévIaiialy hatilefi nnrd at thé ta- Dot éit éxcepi for thé outside southiteI .Caoy Islandis dépends thon toelié iniarmét inluail casés nf -sight-seer, thé MMn tram thé néat. only upar lévatéti or local trains thîs kinti and ti aino tîme inri akailng ibe south anti rorth. outshde people front New Tarit, For Instance the is ray ta thé station. it'len hé ré- w outti sonneér slay nt a resoit ean nman iront thé rorth oi'rééet cari trans turneti home thé tra necent occu- Chicago than in thir eantloIse hotel fer ln Chicago dépot or ai Milnaukee pans ai tIhe jolirnt nth it. la thé close confinement ot thé cul', anti arrivé t thé grounds wiih ia--- Acardhng ta thé policé thére ls Transportation la thé Important gage nthout heirg dlayeti an cross I rio excusé rby any ablt botiléd nu-i quesion ant luibisresect hé d lint> a local suhurban train. canriottfiriti wank ln or near tarkegan Noriliwesteri ralrcati have aîréatv PLANS AR19 pîc" 1 If e ta 80 incluet. They aay there «red t mitea atevey mch Illîttrative, ai thé éxtén'ivé plans is no reason rhy Waukegan bousé- boné tha eve dramet a! élae éng consliénret igtatithé reler wiés shouit leeti tramps, because irot Cicga a trégronts nih roastér, for lustandé, nilI givé a ride thèse nmen are nt working sinuply fromChicgo e th grundslf itteeri miles*for a nckle. This is becausé théy arenet nirclineti that bt ains.urlgsellntotso thre imes as gréai as thé average waY. Neyer. théy say. lias ilieré bnatt e ray d fre .féature ot tihe tinti. luen sucli a démant fi rtarnt bell In faci thé rla rate Bas so in é. It le furtirer reparteti that, proviti- asiioa. pusitiaé p«Ilan a t a t foy ing a deriain man lni Chicago whoia la "Yeu hear people camplaîn becauaé -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n Ofu uaséca eri takfn~. the prontetera, nill permit lis fart ntachinéry te putîng farnu la- tit5trame e nly. riante to li eti> lu ùcannection rith boreOut ni emVîoyznnt,' one po- w cnt aneFrc Cî>'. thé proJéct, tirai mattées il lie clos, lice.offcer sald. 1:1 wish you would One of thé biggét Items for con- éd lnsiantày anti rorktaiteti an itik Me rat théelainiers roulti do idrtiion lu théevirole deaé lis thé thé big pans. if t w nere not for ihis labor savIng rý illinas of thé Noribetern rail- Tu sproect ts only anoiliér evi- macirnéry. rSdtinteco.oprate ntI thé promt'a-tince ai thé ropld gi'anib ai Chcago "Thé Sme ani s inéoaiherses. Yoî ers of' thé amuSement place. hié 1 anti thé North Shof o the utiniate béai' People s"y thai automolille 1 lunderstooti that thre promoténa bavé Ouuantiua Of Chicago tri évéry en- have put tir osés on the récit. Try réereti assurance of thé Noribrés- térpnise. Travel atlong thé laite la toeliuy one and fnt oui. Gooti hanses tomt ta théy wnI provIde a tirty hote anti va'icua types arilfylng neyer have cot as mucli as no.' cent round trp fate héineen thé craft liq Itéit! pute thia nonilishore Thé Policé sUageat tirai any !arm- t-placé andi Chicago, ruunlug througb section lu. a cliesliy itantf, as ihére e r ho nislrta IntPloy men nbc trains theté. 1lu ony one North fShore anti one uay hve béeU oCtéti up lni thé Jail The-train front New York ta Cgnéf Lagke Michigan touching Illlnola. Lt to leavé théir Dameai thé polie Islandi have silwaysber credt, thé goodti v o .mit Thé Sun sentis station andi tiéy nIl hé notifled bl md t tnté rite!iytaletitataie cngrtuatin andi good lucit vlsb- téléPhone riten ibèreare any met là- 'u ! con, .aWhoiremit ire nulng'ýtO accepi ént it e -e>l !bawh t, ~thre Notih.,TirhetUgrsi question vllicirarose lu ployntnt Mr'. Jones gase a very viviti a- caunt ai thé affair. Hé s0it that ai- terais Ircar bati crasaed the slate Une BIta, Laite caunty thé condutai on tiré tratler rang the entetgéncy bell. Thé car ras lraught ta a stop anti ie1 hurrieti bacit ta séé sshat ras the mal- ter. Hé out iliat ilirée Itahas hait bcoté unruly and ti-ao!fthuan bld beén put off. The third, AdUlené, t- us t eof.Jnsavm i ithat tire bét îhing for hlm tM do ras te Cet off anti avolitébê Wee "nOnt, hé says, Ardilerié caught boIt of bie caét anti jerkedétim off. Thé ibrée men ihen jumpred on hi=. One fuls héati, Ifliictirig a paintul scalp' round, About ibis tie thé thér ment. bers of thé train crer antinmeofna thé passengéré carte ta bteaassance andt thtre talians tartédtu tabacit aral'. Artillerie, lie says. pickeéti)nl sevéral rocks anti burledt t ien uthé direction o! bînts-cîf anti thée other aPProachungmer. Wber i ibta iléti ta stop thént le tres a gun anti open éd lire. Joneés se' s- that ai leasita-ao ai tbe abots rere tîr-ti point bleitnt a bie dhet. Alibaugh wéa[,mned b ie bsatr-uggle anti thé bina- 01cr tié beati, be itpt aller Ardlené, s bu ran dow tbte tracit. Thé Italie ti ret agalu as hé ran. Tbreé iunîirQti yards frotthé car Artiuiéri souiglit ta climh a irigli rIre lénce, but thie liel of hii siros hecame cauglit andtilié rae tuck, A iew minutes later tié coaduciar anti Hlndérbattz rusieti up. This time Artilleire i nitt lléni t SiHinden. holiz. His gur NssDon empil' anti thé ira meni jerleti hlm bac t tathé grounti. Accarding ta Joues sevéral af thé passeriger-, iushéti up about chié tinté anti saiiîed ta 'string up* thé Italien. He -ayé hé pérsuadéti tirentthé besi thiiev'ouldi hé tu bnhng hlm haci totaWaukegar sud turu hlm iovri'ta bheupolire. Boys Tell Sory. Thé stary tolt by thre tra Kénoshé yaung men roînritéti uvi t ttl at 1hy thé conducior. Théy teatifiédti t lbavlug notlcéti a dîstunhancé In thé réarai thé car. Huirytng bacit ibéy twre.In tinet t go ta thé conductor's assistance. ilcbneéliénger say tirait ar kri- placet one armaraunti thé Itliaans0 rieck, ai thé saemne grasping thé a-ruita!ftireliant lu rbicb thé gun was ciritcheti. Hé gave a iug andi wheri Artilene landeti on thé grounti lie nés on top of hlm nb tiréh agtlity af a rat. h ras hé nho dizanmeti thé Italian anti turnédth ie gun overta t thé conductor. ' Iri speaking ai thé maiter totiay hé admltied It rouldn't have takén mucli ta cauée tire crord ta lynch Ardilené. NONA(iENAJtIÀNES AT IS 0014E-9,LIYED IN CO. MA"NYVEARS I. S. Winters, 90 Yrs. OId. Died Wednesday Night at Ton P. M. at Wadsworth. 1. S. \\.intera, 90 years aIt. arie of the oldest anti Ilét knossr reélient s o! Lakte crunrty, as-éd aay. Véd rues-day nit, et fls home Ini Wat'- -sorth. tolloîslng an lîlnésagaf several nionths lie liad beén seniouily iII oriiy for trio eeitspreredirg itsh death. Mr.W inters bat ivet tIn L.ake roîlltythe éréater -plant a!f111 Mie. leiesammrIn Vermntntbut carie ta Illiniois ini184.-A shiort ie latr lite nîoséd ta hat hm nos-Watis- iortî and lbidi out s farni. Hé en- gage In rihe !arnulng lndiuistry nîary yéearstut for thé lasi tweuty yeara liai leeii retired.. h la éaté ta say that no farter un thé raurty sas tiet- ter kîiown thtIi Mr. Winters. A sert- ous break In lits héalîli became ap- ptarent, lait,,Novémbén, andi fron t tat t nie 11) ta thé time af lis déatb tîrére ws a graduaI décliné sa thai bIs déath lias not urilookéti for. Be-Jdes a wité, %Ir. Winters leavée thé ioliowing sans: H. S.. C. V., anti W. A., ail o! rhont résidé In Watir, nortb anti are engaget Iin the larm-1 lng hntiustry. Comtrug ta Lake county considérable, o ven bal a century ago i'. Win- 1ters hati a splendid opportunity 10 MEUS LIFI: NOTES TELLIES 0F I 1 eefireti ai lhim that hé crawlei un. der ~~thé streét car ta escape mare bujI-j lI ets. Hinderboliz, however. taok up f L MURR i thé choase anti nas ln at thé finish 1when Ardiiene was cauglir. IiNIII! mail accoufis Artillerie titi n UIIJiI hose livés hé hai erdangen and hé BF - rs very meek ébéri placéd an the - 1 streét car and brauglit ta Waukegari, FRANK ARIE E, A LAKEjhére hée ras-tirned ver ta théela l ice. Thé gun whiéh was taken from HERBERT L. TO BLFF >A4 h1A2GY iniIttéisé ras turneti avér ta the HEAD AFTER -M BECAUE- AS EJECT- Police and Mnu héieuseti as évidence. EDeéFROI- IETiCAR, 32 callber Harrington sud MENTAL CONb OPE > JUZN CONDUC I Ardiens Testifles. WELL KNOWN TOR AIDfA E1iRS - Andilené, aliha)ugh warnéti thaianry- PURSUD$ , AL HUN-thuiig lie miglit say. roult ieh used againat hlm, insIsteti upari etéit>ingî. Thé ultile village ot DRED Fm 0 0 R FINALLY He ssitihé and bis fl-tends had n gom1au M-4API ý- GIVEN A1 éd thé car et Kenosha but that rhén w nirén hecamé kuibnt ai& 0 _$ BONO 1v* hey reachéti thé tate line thé con- L. Todd haed taken is HEARNG' e.8 UNI OV ductor wanted ta Put them off. Hé lu the early moruing hoi ETO G; jRY IJNOER'say. îhéy insisîed upon mtaying on. loig a wound from a .32 BONS O "$215W isaý irg tliey wished ta returu to tixeir Ner bullét lu hls brait BONS V,,qS'b omnes iri Lakeé luff, thé neapon ctoaély préss -i le Béss ser thé, aéré îput off rlght temple. Wauakegan, june )3 -that sameane trucit hlm tItire face Thé deceesed bati s>it with a atone and that It rew his gun lifé ln Deerfield. ras Angered i sim, 5ho 'as ecte and merely firéti at thé grouritilnrian échoals ai that village framn a Chicago MW5 Milwaukee. sien- effort ta prélent thé crowd tramn foi- tri thé aid homéstead w trjc car betwaén Winthrop Harbor las irg him. occurreti. Hé ras thé a anc th sie is léLae cunY, Thé Kenasha young meni who wero Lewis P. Todd. an aid Sunday nich, et 1:46 o'ciock, Frank nixed up tri thé- teisire an ihéir of thé village, and onnéao Ardilene, an ltslien. living at Lakte saY ta W'aul<égan ta attend a diance. tiers of Lakte county. Bluff drew à ,wéiver antiopéisét They havé béen naîllleti ta appéar hé- Théetieceaaéd ras 40 tiré on thé CoOddietor and a0nme Of fao-e thé grand jury thé irai Monda nHêalth Break$ thé paaaengérs ili. i bild gcneta is October. Thé ta-o comparions ai Ar- About ibre yars a, auhitancé. Aithéqo igi red from à tiee ere not caught but an éffarti epoe yal distance cf ton fout the shota vianti ~ili e rmade ta apprebénd tliér. Ar- then eulydb a wild. Ardiene WUs Cptureti aftér a tulenri a asectio an béaltrithé li- poin n Cicgoendtail' chase of throo hidred yards, while ploy of thé Nort hwéstern railroati orut. aufferéti w4atsa( climhsng a fence. t rus wth dif- He ras unabte ta furniali bail andoti ain, Ih vd fiych h eng tÎl'e rai ene ut eanlnji nltegrandi roatis upon bis heslth Di a lnchnq ilsthé tefuriated passen- jury sets. suh sarlea géra were ready te wisak aummary Théré ras cuiîe a Pantcon théesothe rtt asa remlefa vengeance upon thémonwho had tir- tîreet car aliérithéeialian bégar H wittngtaemaintbile éd the, shota ln their direction, ta shoot as thé rhuatiing hulais Hpn argi i Ardilene sas artalugeti lr police were iylng la ail directions. Wtth a ceased retunneti ta bis court hefore Policé Maluis-ate Walter leader II rouît have been very eas engagéti in work. which Taylor, ibis mornlng, anti upan thé lia have causeti a lïnchlng, abundaucé of out-doon testimony ai thnéé Fitriéssés wai Fred Moréy on Job.féhar bountiavoir ta thé &TaM ijury in banda Laten la thé day lh déeviapéd thai I Baody le unlw ot 2.00.Th ch>~- peirred Pred Morey, a weil knêwn Waukegau arrariged for sleepingq againstt hmné seastu it i niésit mari and a? officer of Batéry C, ras mit o! thé "tfresh air t ta kilt and assauli Vith a déadît an thé stre'et car andtato active partl~ asfud an wéalian. ,ln thé capturé ai Artilene. boyg o un bd Sn Those wsua testilled wre:IrMae a unn ghb ygonteedltei David T. Jones-Fflgbwood, contiuc- Mr'% ryra unn rgtle thé revolver and an a loir n thecar. - bhud thé conductor when thé latter hédaide, a litile plé aif .Mati Hindrlolz-19 yéars aid. caughit up with Ardiléné, who w15 ti7- a détalleti statémént « 560 Grand av enue, K*nora ! i t e oe h ir ec. affaira. A stateneut c Qioré Shnebérer-l0 jolis aIlené tuIlclutchelà thé gun ui isghlm and a notinh -.-org SNantb }i ge rt, Ke osha, hanti. Thé conductonr as holding h inlbi ta tinone nh 1G4Norh Rdgestrt, enob»,la.hlm by is le; s0that lhé could Dt nat b a moe h Conductor Telles Steay. get over thé ferice. M r. brev ___________ ln Bud. qIrratme opet'- treatmen,' thé Sday afternoon, e igbr'baati ras a tablé at thé Ipapersgiving ot bisl business of amountu fué bat hé ras rot Ievér. Au open tightly garae, lutheé Sutb I#4 coiraivéevideame to thre ,, Paselltiby' CWVMner aplir. ver: iér lacideste hame eva placé lu Dééritld ceusiatcu m anti sorro'. ai theé deeéséti nep gardeti hy thé ete .Pqutap, man of exémplary habuiàiM~ Tihurlai teet plac MédaF litilé céu>tery At Deerfiti, thé parents cf thé de.esséd, s hélng h.d at théeitou>.. ýTELEPIIONEGCOMPANYIS TOSPEN The Chicago Telephone compan, tice contatnlng the lateét apparatiamýZ wnu apead $8,000 Immediateiy upon The nid Lakee- eounty companys lis long distance service lni thé9 northward to Lakte Zurich wri!nq soubrest part of Lakte and thre sas rebutilI yltli heavy 30-foot pelés, - têtu edge af McHenry county. Rince carryiur the absorption of the Laite cauntY Lakte Zurich te Waneun" m system hy the Chicago Company, tast new lUne wn hob.built et I fait, a plan bas heen matured for the poles carryîng mo oerma.m unification of the ira long distance Pour ner copper circuIts nu systems. strung from Barrtgteu teLae The telephorie company now bas whieh nil hé arram et« tzwodneetéë twa heavy léatis tromn Chicago t) additicnal phajutom eircuIta Elgin along paraliel routes and one physîcalel liht» et copper wtt!bceMW"" et Fox Lakte. tinued te Waucenda andi two cft In the angle between these the - il hé armageti te predulsa American Telephorie andi Teiegraph This tbrough phantom li M M.- company bas iii lie Mirnésoa néctedte tothe 614N M r~Ité, lime, passing near Barrington, NMc- lainbtOgépah«é for thée ft Henry andi Lakte Gerieva. Thé exitiutg Chicago omp&tWOI The Chicago cornpany bas titres cuit over thé Amerlen Teleléeat excellent Chicago-Barrington circuits Telegraph compauy's polo line nUl over renteti cortracta on the Amern- splIced te thée nid tee céuuy -éço can elepone nd elegaph om.panys nartheat circuit. giviug gépi cariTelîîhrieant Teegrph air- larringtoir-Libertyville service. Two cf - pany's poies and a single circuit from thé ,nely circuits over thé uer polo ~ Barririgton nortliaestward to tVaucan- null bé stled for Barrington-Waftcoade da, louching lit Lakte Zurich. service , fthue for ilarrtiton-Lake Zur. Barrngtn alo bs tw copercr. ch service. Barintor aso ia tW cpçtrcr- Thé téléphone Compa.ny basl mai cuits west to Cary and an élit andi complététi thé stringing of ira addi.. wesi lune from Highland Park, Deer- tienal physicai Circuits witir a pharé- field and Wheéling through Bar. tqm tram Chicago direct ta Lberty ringion ta Dundee. y Ille, over which It expécts, to haadia On the other harit the Lakte con- businesa amounting to 100 Calle t day Thèse new circuits Pans to th* îy Company bati developeti the toit easfnard of thé Milwaukeé aveu» service riorth of Barrlngton lni a Y route where the héavy faîtage and shapeti plan with Waucontia ai thé thé trolley are bath Inimical te aé, juncion oin, Mcenryai he nrthtransmuission. There a-ère alresdy jontio pontMcenr atthénorliphysicai andi on phantom ciet reat, Libert3'ville ai thé northeasi. treen Chicago and Lihértyvilles vie th Lakte Zurich ln thé steam and Bar- Highland Park route. Thins UhEçtp ringtah at thé foot. It ta practicallb ville wnu have ample faclittés ta a continuation, of thé Chicago sys- direction@. tem. Thé proest $8000 estit* ±eC41111 téili. 430 cross-arma. 3&000 lubUIa *BarrtIngton fias a bantisome riew or- 73 nmiles or copper ii'. mark thé gréat developments oai tr'-hunrdreti other tuvelatiélua .et hé" or ixty years. There were na rail-flifty yesi-s.' roatis ln the early days when lie irst il pte a fer mSte o leho Ilocated lu thé eounty and ail ira-el excellent héalth sud WUa*Wb"" - vias on foot or by horse. Mr. fflri- get arouud nIt CI ccZpat térs bas seeu thre évolution oi th-é for a ma* 01 bit adooléé* ag.0Le steam ratîroade, thé eleclri<t Interur- up tei a fer Vos" 940,1Whé*1 bans, alrsbips. eltrtc ligbte and alteoumok bbwsa bout OD0 0F DEERFIELO SHOOTS HIMSELF. WRITING GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF fe bITION LEADING UP TO THE ACT-WO, RESIDENT 0F SOUTHERN LAKE C0UN *t EDeefleld was, pocitet memoratidurn biook containa4 uIday aitérnoori the tollowling paragrapli,ritten pl*~ , that Herbeért sumahly ai intervala o!f roni a té'. lif neétimé) minutes ta a few banna. tin, hy infiict- i Leaves Strange Message. Ucalbre rêvai-' Oeerflld, June M0,101&. n, having held 'lit la my désire tuai my mea.y sed againei thé andi aiher things b. gîven te pmy brother, Charles S. Todd, Of 01Ï wni mýoat Ofbts Wayne, lnd.-H-erbent L. Tédd ducatei lu thée and ras bain 111 amn wittnng thi a ti 1a m wbere thé ded June 21, 1913, 1I ink Ia." -I son of thé tatée 1timé résident «"Goodbye. every"ec-, i caot. of thé eanly st- help it. 1 amn wrlting whilI. My mind la élear.-llrb, 2 a. sM-. years af age.' dune 21, 191V." Deun. q 1I ago Mr. Tatit, '"What surprises me le that i1 rg commission cn éfaée daath without a quaver." lilng a clerclal- Bd close détail --l hati net plannéti te do tNé.1 ac ai nervilua untîl ihis a. m., June 21, 161&.» éntly matie la- Thé aboyé datln f tihe aomg antit déath ras paragrapha show tré- 0iin 4 wili hé seen lu béloré mitinigIri on théelOtir dr m efi by hlm thé lant sométime aiter thé dawui«l ibéalth, thé dé- .luri 21. saId home anti Thé, coroners$ jury relurneti s hnoulti give au dici of suicidé. The rritteniil4 exercise antid érta aboyé aud the oduia. hody rhéu fonad. niU théru 1

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