buPerlry Trial at Rock- tordI Po&tpoWe Until Fri- day Normma. MES 0F JHE JURORS. potant Documents Admit- d.to Evdeoc at Closing Session Tuesday. ucitord, Ill., June 24.-The trial Wilhur Glenn Voliva, overseer of 4 Cit, on a charge o perjury was wanaedoutliflday noon late te- Ïbeuse of the. sudden death la Ipgo o John W. Welch, brother lames C. Welch. Who la a juror tu in e. Judge ffost admtted thse lndlct- W*t tu record, but reserved the tt tu instrnct lhe jury as te what UrI etofit were te ho connldered. a»e Couty officiais tesUlled t lb srlug today. The only clashes Wcr on admissions of publie docu- bot. Ihe deteuse dld net cross examine yrer Cty Clerk Chritiason or ruer edter Sayrs, whe werely tes- led te articles appearing in papers. iy recorde, etc. à anier o documents wire offer- I as exhiita lu the case te wblch . Moenuse objectbi, ,lndge Frost pcrrUUng the objecti.on lu a nunihor ai adgnttlug the others te rioord. Ot temr ibs decialon. A sharp WMl atle ras raged over thc ad-, ttlng Of tb. inditint Wh"chwas oturued goint Voliva te record lu il, th. defense msklug a motion bal oati certain parts ho omtted. >. ceurt amitted the Indictineut to ecards but eeenved thb.-rlght te Mt the. jury as te what portionsj b t b. usod by thein, leuis 0.t iway, circuit elerk of l.Ake cou-1 Wrt, et Waukegax4 sud 1. J. u, deputy clerk, wre.the next vît»»u.e.clid dthcy Iden- 1 t. affdavit nhicb wap produc- &tetune, oilied sud swonn te bt m for whlk lis h ue ng Loa a charge et perjury. o IBisoit*as redad sudies- a the jury. It cotaiued a state- alogmitu have beau sel dbj a luwhlcb ho dates Ibat hc ras W hfore the spoclal grand jury lune 14 but that be ras not in- ici by Uic cat' attorney or t A '0f& QI hlm <t h . ol etlmn trial I làae. COlty. At the tMe. the stIe n ouaht tào prove that ho ould Set B tair tria in Lake coUnty, but the court granei the change hence the scons or battie shltted train Lake to Wlnnebagc coanty. Voive Hopeful. Voliva, white lnterested keenly and watchlng proceedings wth is plore. log eyes, does flot seem worried. fie, boele confident ho willI ho able te prove, that ho was ul gulty of a serions offensa of perjury, hie can- sei planlug ta show how mountain bas been nude out of a molehole. I Vofivas councel Inludes Attorney Welcb, of Rocktôrd. sai ta be ouao! the greateet lawyers luIlîlinois out- aide of Chîcago, Attorney Charles BamÏes, of Wood8teck, recognlzed se eue of the ableet men et the bar la the tate; ho le Volva'e persiLia ceuneel; Âttoruey eGemge Fleld, Wau- kegan, oeeof the county's brfgtest lawyers and one of Vollva's array ef lawyers lu hie varions battles. R. J. Dady. stateso attorney of Litsk county, le assleted by Attorney Ferguson. cf Rockford, also oeeof the big lawyers of the cItyý Fourteen yeare la Penalty. The Penalty for perjury rousnp te 14 years ln prison, lu other worde. If Voliva shourd be fouud guillty of the offense charged aginst hlm he faces the possible sentence freon on te fourteen years. K. 1R. Chrstlanson, for clty clerk cf Zion City, was the tiret Wtneae te be put ou by thes tate. Mir. Chrietian- son's testlmony deaît wtb articles and notices that lied appeered ID the ZMon Cty papor wltlx regard te the case. Dr. John H. Sayrs, former editor 0f the Zion Cty ludependent. gave is testlm.ony, hie tatement bong as editor et the paper t the lime the aUeoged perjury le seld te have takes place. j'i Un de Tt th * iethat bis own couduet ras j spi aaujet ea ,veUa Chase Webb. toreman et the grand Jry rhlcb beard thse evidduce et the me and Edward ErIs. a grand jury- man, hotb of rbom beani the evi. oence, rere aIse put on by the etate. The testlmony ras a repetitlen of th charges thet already have corne ont Mise Stapies, a steuographer,1 who took the minutes of the grand jry session wae on the stand glving her testlmony'et three o'ceck. Thse rork et puttlng on testimony la progresslug rapily and It le gen- rally beleved that thse state wnu Ofn- eah its case either tonlght or thse fit bhing lu the mornlng. The defense will baen gnoceedinteput On litewltnesees. Attorneys on both aides efein ta te satisfiod niti thse way the case Wa progressing. ne the jury , the'oe " a The court reom lo net large but ad Uic iudictncnt chargins con- there are e nuniber cf people lu ab . l'h. jury ras secured Ite tendance rIsc zoem much lnterested 4V~ atteruoon and ta comuo- lu the evîdence that le belng brougt th tollonug: eut. Thora le every Indication that . Mlaly, William Roberts. Ban the work cf taklng evidence nil b.o &, Hecnry V. Mrits, Jamies C. finshed ehortly aud the case tnrnad 4John A. Ou$Wà!Ou,' W. P. over to the jury by thse rdddle of the rSmeiLndsay, lThomae Wicks. reek. e M. Pluken, Frank Shetk and FILED FALSE AFFIDAVIT? , OhWrti. The opacifie charge sgalnet Volt- MetAgo coutymon umii»nOi va le that ho conunlted perinry when gbýu lu thc case bai littie diffi- ha fied an affidavit befere the grand la oeeIlylug'efor service, na jury whicb the snote aud grand jury as bavlug beau formed ln ad- iatar held marked the offense of per- .lu the celectien of theatOret jury. Tht. wae lu connectien witli tia juro nly one ras excused hv election fraude eithtIe election beld t.Çtnepu nirsted, a rtier ti previnus to tiat lime. ticaliest lua acrimainel Pro- l'h. addavit lu question ras on ý,ÉtètUticiolneeoft 11115Offl.hicb Voliva elgned wheretn ho bc&1 va rcqulred for the tour, swor tu the stateinent that ha di lyse minutes for the second nt kuow, rben ha affered te testify 11n the balance cf tbe afternaou heore thse grand jury ln the election m te the third quartet. ln ail fraudIinvestigation, that the jury ras bsun four bours rere reqnlred aIse to Investigate is own connec- cure a jury satisfacteny te both tions wlth thes aine~ alleged fraude. The law provies that a jury cannot Iph Dady. prosecutor cf Lake Inmuet a nîtuase whlcb 'appeare bo- ty, la heing assieted lu the prose- fore It sud iLlea ald that boeuse a hy C. W. Fergusen and Gust Veuive voluutarily bocame a wfnius wo, of Rockford and J. D. lu thse election notters betore the îof [1". county. Atterney Fer grand jury which Iter ludlcted hlma a coninctai the exemination et and IlIed an affidavit declariug he di §Ma elght jurors but ras rellev- not kuow liey raere about te mv,.s- a thc iast tour hy Prosecutor tigato hie onu connections wlth the. r.Voliva la repesentei locallY nmtter, that ha comineili erjuri. IL FL Wclsh, rho examlned the Accoringiy tIse elgntng et -Iis sf5.I m for the defense. Other attor- davit le the bastset the proaccution for the daeese are C. P. Haniieln thie çerjury procedure. (Iru elbd, of Wooilsteck and Veuive Insista that is offer te eu" - tesltiy hetore the jury lun1the eleclion mrs woee questîcudas 55 1fraude ras net made Ilanaueffort ta P religions bellef hy the defeftse malte binelf a wîtuoss and thus, hie tact diiint resuit lu thedils- hmuelt escape grand jury inveslIg&-ý ai or suy sud ou the jury as ac- thon for the sae offense char«ed iamc mon et almt ase nan' agalust thse othera Indicted. ls ase licre arc mnembere. Second Trial ln Aockford. ob jury ras securai more readlly This le tIse second lime the Oves. t »7 liai ozpectei. lu 110,seer bas been on trial etiltncktord. Mil ventre rere sanubar uf Five yaars agu ho wes on trialinl the »Ma theniejorti t r hOnirare samecourt tor allege i llegal pubil- »Mas they are busy lu Uic fields. cation cf "Leaves etftfeallng, the of- peMffe ageinst eearclty of jury fical organ of ZMon. Hia opponeist W, a neccois venir.e ofIront>- brought more lien oe action soeklng r am orierei by Judge Fred, te recover control ert Iis publics- W»ibe <orInediate service sud lion sud the fnmes f the enhscrtb- ère te he heud in readine.. If ors, but the court ioclded Voliva wsac led.th ne euand only editor aud rulei the case out of court. tmy zioailesearc bore lu court. l'he Ovenrr lookeplacld mani a of ceurse..boing the conter celinsud vîll ne doubt enjoy the ,Me s la boing board lu vacation. altiough his prononce wnu "- s' et cangesaietf ancdeuhi b. requirod lu the court for Im ai-caMMrmu ** he fl r a r 5t ofthe rek v J-L11 a WAU sis w IRAI DEATH DEPYJIGI BWNU Stunts to be pulied off in Midair, Thousands of feet ahove the heads of the people at rmmg OlkA MN lie q'I Max Lillile, America's most Famous Army Aviator and the World's Oreateet Biplane Operator will make the Flights, carrying with hlm one of Waukegam's prominent young men and women. 19 iuuk YOU WILL REGRET lT--M IF YOU MISS. IT!1 35,000 VISITORS will be in Wauke-, gan the Foutrtli M1m'~ M.' When you see ail the"Attractions that have been brought C to Waukegan for the Fourth Uand,.Concerts 'y 'B."Dancing, Speaking 8. me - iOO"Other Mttr-.ctW#ns and Shows Ptenty of *Refreshiments and Everythlng Good to Eat! 4 mci ate«a"i Spell euvlee m. OU SpeclalC*r mand Auto.' va *DEVE TA wJ mi whicl is tha open. wood pan>' powei comp 1] over the fi 1 mitte pomwC pany. it tg power torts t4 tuher,! e Sirvice T'he notml melton of the ertirel: Wood. te, wbe iroek.Iý thoir c mom e1 T'he chicas aud us st Hig 'hie thoubl whlch trolley HO" maie vherel unre 'i quit. then. power ually 1LI MAU ALL PLANS NOW, TO * q Bat be m aud 1 obe>' -Matt not 1 ton4 for Ih Th tle fi Inail watt neigl It the , sor abfer