M&tNathof aPrairie iev, dlte. u Moud. hrs thie iwons. le .umfl e t tii .luetyfra samuo courge. g t#OMd mal20People. ver. bw ir roal sanday. Fout giï *rvareue* la alditios *Mk tu na tertaine the g4«om matber hom. Thurs- e. Juge Io. »We Wm WiI.oa raeeda d"yalsiluR thal onaiS mter el. maal r aierich aid WaýdRbe dltelsWI fouaibn ".todkoIut«.d0fSarÉ DtO5 04 Imm.IL Cuîtlng apectel th'. #llSiWreceilli. Bar. gradusted froua the Elgin 1ue12. " e 1. p.diîg is vacation mafecaheal exarclsee hallal mI lat Mondai' igt vers qaf ý aei5 IL E. Bastig ngdal aughter, lùwaof BandlAie, th., SJ. 8l.ScMerdlns, rahirming aai.Jun. B e.J. K. Schffiewdn enter fflwi Jeu.20, il belog the M" ofîhéirwvedlug day. Offlg WHO f-iwEo TO SUICIDE. Waluiegmi. Jus.2. zO1Oim gi. W"a ai"18> let lem la cmmt suIcid »Mat viet unlasai'i b 1* i bt iteetZ aqsiqd tq bavo al- ut Cary, Lae Kualel t ihe bail almber .'# e.bratlo W tir taiday, of y ut Brs la tise oves- i~ta-Md Ib>' MASO- bbtime'in ini Bonds $1 be pleamed to have yoij THEtCW MaehilA bers »st gaula B, .i.4 va. a boslnsaa vilor là him go Tue. 9. L. Prebm attendedi tIidirato umting oi tbe railroad at P#W»o~l Ur.. Mort Hooft, whi;ha. bons on lie ic But the. latitwIo vest à le i lo be arouad agau. Lait Toei YMara-ba l eiuMd, * th lai vi i le.4im *i O 'lu [aalvswua a goud Wésk for ac- IL LB. Detier a"4 Cmllystymfflaugt tbuwty waighlng troufourt tu pounda ea pi.... Do't tav ta attend tii. Fourth oi Jbl elbr&*1loheM e. TIi.rlroal viiirua1 sI letriits liat 1ev. Phllllp Touse Wii MAsu' i.bl lunhon the lotte. Eveiidyasivs&gooltic»i. lirm.Carl, Ernt aid: hll4s.e vise relative. et Narrnston lait Tusea. Mir. sud lira. Loule Kulgg. ai Liberty- ville, upet Sioday with the latter'@ pareI.M r. sud lir@. Bns.hug be.. A nmber Irm 'boe.attsuded the. gralatig earcsi.et Orrlmgtoii lait Tbu=edy.l:luNu.tile Billin ai ib is place va a graduI. Mise. Rom oUbos, vho bai beei sici tie past t iree yeare iii tuherculoole paassd svay laut Friday nigI e b homne f ber papoetiboe. Si. spent a year ln Colorado montais tuhopeta. regein ber bealth bet ta nao avait. The fanerai va. blid Snnda.y t the 9St t'atricburch, Lv. J. Eelutlch officialeI adhurlai tu tihe iaiflliot lu the aike Zurich coentry. W'EST FRMONT John Frelîrick aid felil>' @Peut asi.v Isys 0i tb. put ves la Chicago. , lir. Umpbry o Waicaia, and mli. Fra ?ordmoeiet cllalon lit&.Unîmire ai Lthewlvihlký4 se aY tiib wyul Mine NnaBoule gaveo9 ien éoIirvs lait Spurdai'leeooSi for ins Rther Beutav.ld', a Joue bride. Mn nohiiqtaeller recolvel a& nimber af beauthINI peff.ofI Rien sud 019sa@Orme van Coud ad4lco. Among bihoaspr.esi ver.: lie.. Wm. B.ciitoeller asotisi Jane brideanad lir. E. y. Gusilli0o LàbeutvilelaIbo- huablen marris. almot iv. ýear. Tb@ ahbers beasie lut a bacolr girl. lub aid 'lA. lad #bat il kept tus "Imnoodble oas' bumy bei's*ti. tbraItou coug "lia maltisa itIfhey cau iep uiim tbroug lb. moti ai Joue thor are@00afor ad"Otber yoëhn. .91 espatTl0tiCtt-4-d tus abuspiraci the Womma's oclty ü tb. Ivambos cureb st ibe borne01! li mmin.J3 oeeaoi Peairle Visv, hb" vdigbrdaghts lireB. L. krpp the PM1 001L au Otttip ta Limeuil part iagu"lay Ôtso T**nejoe smade a business trip ta Chassl a dme.Sy. P"au Ba Md daigbter lIraI of Llbesta'vlle hisie viii ir.m m uiam He*rscuisr Sandai., RobertlAyneley 09 Highland Park, là speadiuhis vacation wltw bis grad. paraem i. »ad Mmr., a. Ayusy. Wm.Loo.o reternel the. Bret of the vaei Imom a sort visilvtb relatives at BlIbert, Wl. lira. . A. Luei aid daugbter Muriol oi Libertyvlle, vlsited vlth trionde bers Tuene.diy. lir. Welaiapi, via ha. been vislting wlhh ber daubter lie F. C. éItuckel, retorbed ta ber hame lu Chicago liraI ai tb. veok. Theodare Jubr.nd at Cicga, visited tii week vihbhis moîhor, MMre.A. Jubrend. Rey. J. &aIt Carr loit Mloiday an a tva wreeks vacation wblh iowl sPeni at Indliapalis and T.rra Hante. L. B. Amis aid famiiy ai Luberty ville spent BSndi a i u R. B. Doolittl home. lira. Oei. Brodbead weit ta Kenaubu WeduiaWay te visit ber danabter Edn. lit. and lira. LB. Kiggo01ai MHeur. calledon relative. boe. uiday. Wedoesar atternoan, June 18. Artbu v oang of Kenosa an d Min Eh, Brodbselof ai l e e.marrioe Llbert.vrviie. Tho veldimg va. ver ,e quiet. only the Immediste relative. bein prebsul. The brida laitho daughterf Ns. aid lin. Oeni. Orodbsad. has live *ber. for a number of yesw andhbasmam inofrnda ta vrieh ber happium. Ti 'agroom fla employed ai LKenoaha vii., ibth your« couple vriiimai lie hbo. le aaèoing. ne loubt, liai If thoeaes] or ir atcb h.e i.wormiiithe mrly Dlà ongbl ta catch the. f"b, a parti 0f yaas 01lad"s. Gertrude flapie. liargueriteaia ed e" is vard sged Seaaid Ethel 1W adBrlde aratm at daybreak Sunday mos d lug a&d vent 4a Diasond Laie ac Mrplecatorlal coîcnest. AtWrcuioiigv' .atiug a ratber sanly breakfast on t @bsow. of thé lake uhey apsit the moral rb haire la more or lmos ce»NalttemI for tcoax the Bis i ront 151w alumbe Tb@ restît of ubeir combilned efforts « mix Bhvhbtey brouglil born 'Ipiovi the. aipldition va. a suce.... J " W. ILKslggebuamaile quit. anm 01 - ::-1 7Cporôi AM the beWkÏop ad ilî baaetcisio 4. 1,war tlareuw. 4hoi *tIud* norMaS tu coeoa jCF»t 40ld se-19 pun"Ipovr tuOb whiepeta Base Bali R1 ai110 ',--vltb &score lue that wouU 4gé, owidles ji opid ui .bl lemus uÎias ad & atibut alla, M Ibom eoud m*pop iodU noi e .woMd> I 1thare veo. un amids thal baS Coier- gouseje couplaeu O s. AI thal tbey 01 wsrnl*0 bel wbon tbey Soi their ti bad ou lbhall, but vbat coul tbey P 1do vbon mmalater mau valle& op ta1i lhe plate aid pockehe albal on the borasi fôracauple al ball" or molt Xi as'i beeunfigur& out fet vbetber their pltlb- ervwuaterribly punk or or " a llethe J htthng lever, bus lhore sure ver. oule corpulent batting avroas ,fstu the- part. uidai nlght.1 Fifte.i mon ai the. bome tes. vt oià batlu heli.secnd ioulou and Diii.ranIs j ver. .ored vii ti re. sfit tréanledon5 tus Male. Mloe ual everybodYt1usd l: àpteb andisje h naulng tare the vWb.la Ilvere prentel wlîth îr seven roIl 7 and let us hope Ussby vere mare proiid 0a 1 hem th"i w. ver. oi aur 31. lire.lethe vay tbey rained lu: a~~ re.3(S1830 -31-28 àtî v sie.O0 50 00a0- 7-40 y -baie hile. flapie; 2-ba bite, flapke g3, Knlggs, . DoTiler, Ring, B. Roues, ol Oiier, Sitih.BOses. on bale, Ares 9; id Rivewsldee 7. Bit by jptcbedhball, R. yBoun", Knlg. e 1 Notes. il. B lack, laIe ai ur thrivlng hamiet, ~*ofielatuIsa. anbiter ai the. combat.' fy A Pretty double play vas puliad off iu 'Or the .lth visi avlslîordravea écorcher ig &( J. liarder, vho, a va on the maunî. id joe grabbed tie baliland donbled a de- . amier fiat footed off firet. l.The. junior. isad a game lu tis. mornleg i ad wi on iram Libertyvfikle8 IW 7. The ho fmsuof thé, gan» vas tb. umpîrir J.. ofiBlka. Me' Agies Peysseon lisee veus ofJUIZ -y ý Posté. lira.mBinsinanetttanl bier brotherý Abrtl SciofàOseile, W".h, and ber 1 elst.1 mWrLobraan a! Chicago, Wed- 1 "~j< ~day sil Thrdai. ~fl5IV 'OOaB. RalIte oi Prairie Vlav, tool Wr. G ~n lireM. Wmx. LImksr and lirs. Waltr Limieaildon ta Ribae.t, W.ddmi'a la hie auto. Tisey ojoied lis ride lumnmiay. iii 7 gWei offer with our 'fulli 11sMai r i P etric b i eoflle eCUritI e rygooA» W*isalier Lt, iie lit viber. eoM lSret is areOIL ter Wpaile L vlh er learelre u inuireregaffin tliraM. H. Kmanad ion ALOoyver. ýX John Gaaavlller l ateauma' ie 1,fR. lra. DoranaifCilcaga, Ie spending a lts «* Irvi g E. Payne , 'emidnt. GmbIe. lir. Tavier. Elle. Rusell, J.rry aid Will gtirsp vers Palatine vistara Soi- dey. lieure. Craie aid Palmer bave a ffloline iaunch spd lRay bai@ a maIt boat. M. Garnier ai Cbflag, le apouding a iv laye At . . RaY'&. Idra. W.. rocimai hbu returnel fwam lisbospilalin Cilcaga vise aish unerveat asrlaaa operatian. S@le t uuci impravel lu beali. Tiie liamailLais remetery a.aocia tio WoI i mit viti lira. J. J. Rouas ai FmnThirelai, July 3rd. àA are lgvited ta allail. lit. »d Mis. astImai ver. osai ta fI. Oocimuaai.la tisir enta unla,. à,,rM M d U. EMiutebell ailMin CWaeneout taoea". Mitchell'a un their mta Susday. lu Liela returnud lit. aid lita. Sr*ioievand in Timie smiIl..nAlbiertie aIl oi Oleaga, vereot tao 66. lIlWichela uMr. Jarhhoan'o'esio Guidai'. lit. ail iMe.Bay S.yuour amd lauIls Ralie Mr. ,l litMm JOnHat i. eagaaaabook l»« a.tlh lie, un UXa.lPsr" H.sel .»4faby, h ieiug beabbinbe ofg 1ibsir Wliut*s NOTICE $&lsauStMr"ai, Jane 28. aud anti further natice, I1UIII grind on Otrai aniy. FitAxx S. DoLP.. e 4042 Ezz~zm Wr. anl lira. E. .1. lImiiIe.a.tock arE ursu rou paren. aimbby boy bara laut weei. Min Alta Thouipean ham gais 1 Chicaga ta peid a taw daye wthbher ster, lMra. F. Dichean. The finsmialit.MmS. Caisoar vaà bell tom the St. ilatheva Lutisua churci lait Thnraday, vîtih uril a Fairfisl cemetery. WIS. Rofuaey«a ilMi "Mai lbie o e sgroou'a s"ra, lir@. P. Slcis, lu aitulrIa! eveuimg. Bei. Estiriie officited.1 lire. W. Ritter suaileI!was Barland, retumuel ta Milwvauke lea udai alse apsudfa s vee-. ili ber 10k m. i Philla Lotz retirnel villa ler ta $end a lev laya. Lait Sunday evesing pglU se.rvlCe ver. beld as tis Germai LaUsan ebirci. Abet EH. Gubvrmak. wba b.l accepiel a cati ta Aberta. Cuaau lelivered the sermaon.- vith Mr. and 1fr.. Loue Sebumachet luti Sunda>'. Mils. Rima Pti. speut uidai' vlth ber mahher. lira P. Aliesnof aiLefittn, calIledon ber @iter, Mms E. J. Umblenataci lait gaturlsy. 1fr. EBugelît of Chicago. apeut Sondai at Tretes. lit. inhecier ai Clalcge. Pet lait Sondai et A. Wagiw'L. Kate Hîtonîmue peut a feudoys laut vesi at Waikegan. ~ u Biabel ERiniaciar ttusl o4h i ater spendins at.v vue il ireUt. A Wofflr. Guidai et home. Asiare. Wagner oi Waniaas. va.si h mus..mlaber. omSUA«s. Wilam Ilr. Joce ha". obaied a lo mm ! on 0 .lmi tu-un hmfUi tu tfi.«t oe prtof vestia lwiisi. acondtuns MWMta bssle ale 'ecord- net.M ofie Wdem a'Yd1e iortange nus te he elis. lý= "id Tria caupsa ai Chilao. loeI.Lei la saM e atuee. Mttue JUlwt aieSSi'bui ics "y*ve hotu lWood for lI "l. euh éCowlas iii *otoebhte wmne té»eine cihm WogIe, Jobn moimwn. Wbdf Md Oagi enti- -bo teeW. a L g o -Pmbed.ra 4'Almeba, ver. ruaiby NsmdaUes afli., Mss Woaa a *polistlS Îeusmer tlt aàdyleers boérd 01 the. obemaflMmssdIMno! Chiessud Rumb ~ebsl W% or De"ab Monday wr hoi w&iiiattendl thi.e simer Ai tii emèi.euwe u ir *rcle.01 theii 3.L B. . fsE.i", tb.atre Tredag &V Rutulaion.Alvin Neyersud- goth RéebiloméUertlrecelve dpbom. Roy a.tCbl.oad.llvsrod a Upifld wrallon cmn1li lW. rea me," recelvi tbe-moeliapplan..of the. ev.mlmg. The pSfflffversea pateloteaou. ti luinole for ite thon..%er. ver. btu- a gadiates, au eq" ual mber of boy@ and girié. MWa.Dorothy Supplae ,atsrtained tbe IEel Club, FÀM&vdaltemnon. AmuSemeflinlamadeo0f a #"an roctai tobe glv.îby the pupilà of Mie Fran...Diedeetadt saWlwtd by Umi. hiargaret Caroisa, eader; st M Patylole b1 a, Evratt &&ardas, J une 28th et 2:15 p. m. MW Birtadt ha. prepared a prograin whuehioqld prove .ptewteang lu ti. vr. mummer musal. The publie te in-vited ta attend sud thune wehig t dç ouviii mnd tbe train leavinx Déerfield ai 1-.85 p. in. Alvin Moyer hâd a. hie gueet Bandes Win. Schasb 0f Cblebo. tir. aid 1fre, lRein' Octermen of éhicaga. vere the veek end gtta of lir. and Wr. d Wiilmsn. Sir. aid Air@. Relebeit, Jr., and Misa Elizabeth EMehait, attended the. iwenty- fith anlver.ary reunlosi of the. claie cf 1888 of the Baye. .c-bool, Chicago, ai the. home ofUtmsaMary Charte.@nif<Oak Park, ÉSaturai.Misé Barriet A. Ranny th. e achar af thecdam.wuvaa 7DeerBii girl and bus tmugit In the amé eluol farty-ond-yeats lits Oraborse of Union Milei, lad., fi thegnueet o! ber maths?, 1Mr.stanger. A baby show viii b. thse specia attractioni a% the pieute giron. by the. Si rau'?b ut, 1 ~ia'd.Jnli fourti in Knickerbocker grave. 1). N. Lidgprwaod returnad Tueadm tramn a trip en%, havinu vlited relative 1 and fiunita las W'W teb l. N. Y., P tiar . 1. Y. and Tii&udrojio, Vermont. ien. Margitret Vedder entertalned 10w of ber friende rAI lunchen Tuéedoij m1Mr. and lire. C. S. Todd of Foi Wayne. lud., vbo came ta attend tii fumerai of bip broI.r Rerblért, sre.epeni 1iig a tew day. vllh relative@ aid friandi leMises.Miidred W bing sud Mar nKree. I.! t Monday eveihg for a el weeka trip through lb.e norubve' xi stjppiig st Winnipeg, si, Paul, Mini er spolie and Fargo. M r@. ay Ra.iei. afiWllmette, vu ià the gunét oi ber'paenute, Mfr. aid i bu F. Biederatadt, blonis.' atMW inLllia Egert and 1frm.Robe Egaost aiCbipagao, ver.the. gilee à& Miss C1aw'mEmdew, Thredé Ilt nlmdy éeuhla ltheUrntedEviff iv rom India, gave a vers lnter.etl addree.617o told of tb. vork carri id on lis the mimlonary in a mo.t I r preeelveanier. Sb. eaueeveral moi lu aid worelihe Ilds costunire * Bey. Jordeu, preoldig eider, spolie the Evangficai Afeaclatlon gcburch si Ce day morninit., e Alvin M.,yer lait Tuesdy evenlux 1 lu Alberta, ýrhere lbe will vori lor I là,nle S A. Raie. iha la a menber ise Forent City Paving CampaiT. the Laie Bluff sclsaol bsnhi red 1a leach th. fifthhsudaid tigrades. Moulay alternoan tis bady afHerbert Taîl, viia passae' SalrIai vea laid ia'* reà a hetifamily' iot lu lie Deerfisl cemtcwy. Lv. itosebra con- ductel tii. IMPVOeslve serviceB aiviifbJ yen# a peg nimber of reistIvis aMd friands. The -W 1bearesi vers: . P. flutconF. P. LMeyer, Abert Anses, pe«l Dsffr c. 0. petîl. anl Theodor. OHURIDAN AOAD BILL TO DU"' apwgieIS. 111,,Juàa 21.-Tha - lad' et. plac"ngtise Shenlin bolavrdProJeotlas imh bnde o! ib l'incoli Pari board of Chicato, bon. bil 781, paâLsi tic s-ete, il z- tennoon. hy issanliona vie. If e&- prfvel b>' lb. gavetuor Wnb.- coin. a 1ev on Jul9Y 1. Il vil! nov be posaible f h é ieLncOIB Petrkhourd te, have a *bolevaridiltram làii0. drive, lbroe thlb. a*. ad cr waa to10theWWM" Ottt flu1e, liait above Wïuiegs.. edadnsaOf Eog enu pari tmula" *. oui>'oppoib- lien aagbm Ssaa. Wlal 'f~~ i sut bn ~~4 spmd fer vbatw..uli 'Uffiu ax eonly 14 per _çtispxjnâd for ua4aI.W TItue'. s, US, hal la dth ouomsolparce., But tmtutu hàipurs«» 6a &Bd youlls p&0hs. I lgo-a lon siiiy& towarm o 4ing ibm !ip om pvlg oorljitbla WC m am I.ma inhima.New Thn.4hey a" su"ldng lia .0. liaeihet *d -laseter Florence have beu ,latlmgrelatives ai 14k. Zurich the puasVeni. 1 *Mms. . .ueller sud eon WIam vèe Chicago vlatars Tuedag. . 'MinOliveRtunbbi.r laepeumdimg ber vacastion vltb ber parents@lMr.saidlits. J. P. Elttentiaisr. lit. sid ira. Aribur Wietmbshlm sid cilidre nd i d li m r and ei- dru ai Long Grave, vlal'led aItlihie s of Mrt. allMe. Wallies &haron Bundar ';h-.. prmg. vipleentîy rpl. Who cme ta belp celabrats lits birttday ainive"rir. A vtry..4Ieamnst ,veaing vas @peit by aIL. Barvey Coon ieut Suay nlght Mon- day viithbe gonWiIi aidliamily of lire. A. C. icheards client Soîlay aid Mandai vliiig relatiion la thicago, Seig by automobile. Mmte M. W. K Dadier ettrtaiued tels- livra fia. Chicago, IRockefeller aMd filaI land Park osu Wedaeaay. The occaion belng Wbrbthda snivermry. FRI3ZELNq3~ M-SSURI I SSWN Kansas City . CommissInu aMakes Ruling ln Conneotion t. With Free Lunch Law. KansaCity, Mo., Juna 21.-A prel sel hi efod00. go decidedl lia lal in police board today, ai d liai artil? Win uat beL bantslied troan slooni visai tisestate lav prahlbitxig, lb .erviug of frac lunch., becames et fetivo atter IomOrrow îighi. Y* Befor. tsacbuug' thc Iccislon Coin 't mislner Reynolds put tisa quetioil aý 'One moment, gentieman, la or fa 1î6 d. a pretzal a food?". n. Commiailouer O'Dovd replied the le a starving sman voul ual eve, ix glaice et a pretzel. Tise Slctionar ve as resontad lta. le, "Pretzelm-A brttie caka, twists aud salted ontolde,"-' the delitio read. O'DovS agreed and permission1 i earve pretzels vas accordsd. The Conntie est iwrp vio l g@- àamiedta S.cdb i the nisftWO O ty bog, vlh ithse parti.. boluu NeveU M Cartby vsa . UItumsll. v.. unèl 01 ta agrea, aosads Persans dlsmisel idthe J=7 odai. '% ' T 10W, ANOT YOIJ*FumieflJ isITA--LL a IOOdIeP I do sU kÈnds of ftturo Repair WrUpbolatudn&g VarniahingetSc. loBi%" urvitun Ùise to ordow \ 1i 1 victiuNsFrun dd.,- tliug la hO~lu*ln 01 suen rplrdat a e& ua bve f~iWeor sis, and mak,,to ortier. Tise Libertyville dablaet Works la nov under DOW nUagpetl a Mr. Hary E.lis bas sold put to me,andlIam lfull eug- df lhe bop. PiceOs ca*l of-laimpone 1-Rsud 1 viii gladly cat.- Youwe forbuea MARI4Y.CARlI, Prop. ~'WINTHROP HARBOR ,ne,' WlnthroD Harbor gramusar gchool held lit commencement pro- gram, Tburday entng, June 1tis. Mugec. The Great Stone Face-Ina Soren- King Pbiliv's Roply to %,bite settiso-Paul Ferry. rom a Fr County-Edna Graves. Mus-Soldlers Chorus. ,Address--Comnilosioner Clarenc* W? 'Diver. PMusc-Gertrde Kapr. C Mary Elteabeth-DaLgmar Christen, sen. Jeniins Gos to a Plcnic-Mercede,& Gibson. Musie-.-Scbhool Long. preetatloî ot Dlpomas-Co. Supt. T. A. gimpeon. Amortca. *Cultivate a pmm rso iMe if& tour k abilty to write W=mI "a THAT AC- COMPLI@UR TENGU. 4t11 of JuIy -PAVILlON et Haif Day, 111. TICKETS on 78, Cnts. ai. sM eDcklcinq on wSATURDAN EV E., 11gh Grade Percheron Stalliou Uce . N. C3M. U tuoe wM Ia isis *141913> MIKE lue beautifîl cool, black 3 hors, vith saell ihite str an fore- head, andisI in àl. ,t7horae ai inusuel qW lesieauaideight. He is live yeara uld, perfeauly ound and vewy genle; baî ptaved himmief t0 bc a unr foau getter andihbis opus &eaof the Mosl desirable kind "of draft h rs.. WilI tandl for publie service at the fawm havi se "Rolnb'e Farm"P itiated, li mile sontis. of Yitil. Vlaw eti 1 j mile nrlis a! Bifale Terffis:S5 t Ibe tipi.of *riit sries anti $à vheu colt tand@ anti uchi or vili make terme la uit, ovngwaof marua. WhenAnare¶w to b. sold, paiis4 vitb or removel frou thesighborhod thsersovioe fea bcoms dueai ooe. Ail séci- dente at ovîeer"-ra. cu 1) Crs Col] aw a viol ot .mg Tu hec Ibo D, tii ui oI 913 is'Indian Summer Eveir Yiiwig Man ýWants<An Wbo We have the Agencg fer jhew8, of Them Ail. ~e U! AZIe~DUUONSTR&TION. $ID ÇI«WPlEY 1 ýf C