have n.06"~fiv pEas-os t.accom- tboiumdêof peogje 4#we «e prep.redt..t#A Ssneej fl nO'Mttof theiw tw U qe, «e - i uu~ u s Many wand InteVë %Fàês Graid Street Parade at 10:00o O'clock. GAMES -SPORT- AND - RACE, 3 8TAR VILLE ACTI s Lare ispayof Fireworks at Night Corne ods pçud tie 4dé# with as. We wiiI màke good. OP-4 GWjNYSLACLUB Hughs Dongîise oLake Villa, PlaYed t Z' h. uedding mareh-. BRo. A. W. SaBford ORM Mr. nd m AK.Bai MdDortbyoffciatud. ,Ouly relative sud a fe-u h on " omtr oit e Mr.an Us. . . ainsu Droty le felende usesprement. A bounliful Ti on etcmtr olt e flestSuqday villa Mr. sud lMmeWm dianet us. erved l touJiieh Sa idds~t the home of lire. tirant Morrne. Crmin at rysiako. justice. They recived mauy PrettY Sud Thursday of tile ueek. Mis. Mande leveland ef Whetonuseful preent@. Theyilt ou b.eveanug Robert ellng ha@ returued frotu College. Wbetos, Ill.. homue for ber train for St. Paul. hion., to vlit two Canada uhere b. bai been for the pait ,vocation. veeke uith th. bride'@ sister. Their tire. ueeke. Mie. Wu. o. of Rceter, Wis., leuiedsexetend cougratiiiationn. Mi. Jean Welch lef t for DeKalb Su- ývitiàa ber daughiter, lirs. N. LeVoyl dal uorning. She expeets toulie gou.ý Mr#. R. Pantali 0f Chicago Laur.if .9 ESSEýLLdix Weeiâ. out for a two weeko' visil uith lMr. sud The Uti. liut Cemetery soclety met ouiMn. C. Gi. Northrop le opeudisit a few Nire. E. A. Martn. -1 Wedne.day with Mmre Alec Muryl.. day. rit:b ler daughter W iiiLerlYVilie. Dr. Jamison iwdi A. K. Bain vere rliAez Munie ha. accedapoelion Mr. sud UM. Tom Edwarde calied ou ('hicgo buaine..visloroei.pet eek. lu Kenosha. lire. Murrie ylmoee.there fiende in Pikev ille, r3uuday.- lis. Pead Clveland eti Wededai 900n- Wiliîielliig, uho ha. been ver> eick to vlit lier oce and family, Waren 'lh. Ladie'n Aid eoclety met ou Thure- wuiti a severe asnack of grippe ia loily Chttenden cf CAtm oni.Nbreekla. dsy altornoon uitb Mrà. Allen Diou recovernug. lire. lbie Padiast bua.rstorned t10-MiseS C. Brou. ppenit luaday uith h e inetlml ilbl lier home lu Chariston, IdI. Her daugh- lier moîler.Te eut fmy ul odit ter wil@pend the estame ulth ber MlrdMras~~fud~ uniual reunion Ibie veek at th home of MilddmaMurrayJ*poatlaeoew fays di. John lBennett. A pieute dînuer ulil b. .UmeoeS"Nord retursed houe Minule RLive. has reîurned home froutsrvdluleMrmad Satrda, e r t.ao. [ aIl. su uor 1anaccident Mondai eveaing ubile play- ai«r s W oegon [I. lmi.Aua fiasen of Ranney, WIeor- isg. Ber ehoulder wva. esverely Mir@. Jaunete Mtheus bu gon t f a ot e odsy vihh ire A. C. Crvis. iured that itwuse necoosarY totke ber Kemouha to spi.sd ith sommer vihh Mis.VrS Mtealf Of Oursee.,*Pont& &0 Wankegauhere au X ray examiie, relatives, couple:& ofj . ith Ml ire rris sud liôn vwu made. Mm .SsralaDodge and deoghter, lire. funily. Rbr etno 49FrO.b anadRcans d yul esud .omelld *ltrou Ir. Mon lesunda entertained been viiting s:tith. home oflMr. ,C»M md Ui pen aonetmp *th ousn*@on undky.Northrop. Mlîbura reorie. Mir. and lire. John Bosser @peut lais C. E. Desaum oSlved word iODdAl Wednesdey at Murrie Bron. Mie Blanche Oliver attended the. ual of the. disti of is mothet, Mvs. Joue_________shOol alumu' banquet is Waukegas lut DeU,s t s, a Unoi. I.L Mr. Dhsman veek. toit for Useolti. Tumsditu, attend th. MCORY Midr. aud Mire. M. Eddy are lu DeKalt fuserai. John Kalu ulh.rturned to hi. home sttesdiug tiie commencement exercios.e ,Mr. Victor Roehek sud lir.' sud rm DeKahb, uheère hie wus. ttenndiug Mines.oeephiue Eddy le a member of the .Mrs. Ueo. A. stit of Eraston, $peit re.iiol te point uue mouthe. graduatiug claie. Tumdy wtb r. ad M@. . K Ban. r. suadlMte.. L. Voigil ettertained Piana are uow under uay for s biig Mire. Thoma Kdd gave a blrtbday company frout the rity the. latter Part 4th of Joly ceebration and pieute tu be party Thoreday, ,Iuue 26, lu honor Of of thie veek. hld iu Ame. (irove ati toseras. Diven Kidd'à thlrtteenth birthday. A ver, pleast ime wu reported by ail,.lire. F. Achesn and sou of Kenoeba, The Volunteer claie of $ond&) echool vitied vii tue home foks lait week, wijjli l8abuneeo eeting Saturday Thi. Ladi.' Aid .ocipty lia.@ieen puet- MINISTERS (IVI3 at te hme f Mru.W m Mier. poned ta thce ecuud ii.duecday of the. Mr. an:d itre Hýut f om bù mnt. hemetngw l e e t tih. ASSURANCE 0f AID A very pretty home wedding wus. lre. Stewart of hiurnEe, lm vîeîîiug lber TO THE Y. M9. C. A. *lmie hburtqday, Jue 19, uhen dauxhter, Mrre. B. Arn... Victor Ougiie Straug aud Cors E. Tiie Kidd fariiy visiti'd at thii.oni. of The folio ing re'iolution w as adopi. Dawson ucre married at the. home of D. Pli.n Bnnday. dathone...,heLkCu. the. bride'ý parent%, Me. sd lre. J. . p da iýmeigo h aeCu Dsuou i tbigi Butin. . They uer. 0. L. Holimebeek endl familsv viited ty Minlterlal Association: uuattended except byJe ... n, .1.er jsuadey terooon at the boume of C. \vbere.a, thieçe ha. licou comuplet or the. groom. a. louer girl. uire.Etwe AmesM Gags. Corners..cd lu Waukegan a building to bE ~used by the Waukegatt Young Men' I 0cpackage Dr. IMess'Poulthj Pan8cea i 25C package Dr. Hews ntn Louse Killer for -69C Men'ri Oxfords priced from $2.75 to $4.00 per pair, on-gale et per 1 8 - 0 - '. ' . * Illinois PHIONE s UrayI%~ke ;h bt ib a. le la je L. iroper equtpment ulil prov'o a tlgbty force for rlghteousness aud practical servicee 1 youuk men aud the eom- munlty a. a whole, along mental, moral, social, ph.sieai sud Intellect- ual linos. Thenefore, Be It Resoived: Thet thue Laie County Minltenial Associa- lion give tu our Bloard or Drectors sud our efficient Geucral Seenetary, Edwin R. Gobrct sud hisasesoci- splendid service the 'v are reîîderfng. Be il Futher Resolved: That wO piedge oun ioyalty sn u -operative ouiprt for any messures that may ee prosented fon the hest Intereale of the Association. j Murrie'Brothers Ail klnds of F~d&Grass Seed at Iq'.*ut prlem in IMMk o<IiflhI. Lut, us quotu e s Su ifl Ss'nbf Gss z.aimir à.r - Otie Taeafc Jet, Wo' L. TYh. gM u.ore1taMonlasafor s tvo vs 14q EBNeville le takiog hie plame if tlWkS. Thée ev gf<s vhicb i. beiug added %0 the 014 Ijsrl very i. r*pldiy nearlflg oooàpBtoo. Oie 0[cemi mode a bueinieee trip C. A. MhllerlPgeuttlng toge thber a band o? boy scoute, W. hope t', se thera in the parade oh hie tut. C. O. Loagsbegb haud ait.e"pentî 1h. ueek end l tu 6y&lsýe visitiung relative. sud friand». Tii. Hoh.adleeafniiglstory etarted lait Saturdal on their s.'eon of pa eanl.ng. There w Hbe a, oru canaued tus yeat ais Shemewu s t. F. D. B&terehalI and faruîly motored to Hs.mmond, [lu&, uday. 1Aetaffblte le homne fr-,ruMaison, Wis.. uhem .she :bac beeri attending ceool. Misa Katbtrie Taylor. who has juel completed .siseeoiulyear in teacbiugt st Berln, Wie., apentlelat Thureday sud Friday ultb Mi»e Florenee Dru:.. Mine Taylor urne on ber Vs>y to vleit relative. lu inAlabams. finiehed a very- socecefui yesr lu lhe orrngton Ave. echool at E caneton l.11 ber@ Baturduff for ber home.in thebeta. Sl h e va .ç c o U p e n e d ly bd i :.. F lo re n e J. Drue., violea trvelinig through the meta sai outh. Mies tColeman silis Atux. 9th for Bloa Paulo. Brazil. uhero te ha.saccpted a position ais privae toton. FIS troubleebeve begun l.'rotect your âtoek frum fi9i1ý lie beet and simplest uay 10 do IW lelaé oue linRobert@ FlS Oui, *$10& par gallon. Kreae Dip. *î.:,Po er galio. Krecs îp eau no:be bea: for aaSofnaIbarn dipefectaut. For bons. 51w Klan Fiy KlLers, Dais> FIS Killers, Foisn Fly i'aper, Bieky FIS Paper. Du= tez Ditut. -The Recail Store@, ryslale and Round Laki'. R ORpD LAKE --ii Vau,eville a*t te opera house.Suuday sight, Jue 99ti. Three setts, 4000 feet orfilm. Tii. bet bail 5m of the oea.on took place ou tiie local ffpunde lait Sondai, hetween tii. liaroblue sud a tesu plcked up hy "S-coty" MeFOrIane, uithhi019 i son la heboi. lge.ulltedin a 6.4 vie- torl.Ior Seotty'oc ean. lMr. MCFauias. le soie manager of th. Maroons Ail thoee uisblng gain" yul p"»eassddress huma et tueplace. Frank Cunuinaheai0otChicago, Ie building a reeldeuce on Ri"ng Helgbtc sbdivision. Dancing aI Amausle hal every Sattir- d"y night. (lood floot. gond musie sud a good time. iii.Clara ilosiug la vlitilialier Mater lu Chicago tlisi.week. A large chureli picole Wll h. given lu Rolugie Grove Sunday, Augut 7th, under the aspices 01 tb. St. JosepheO Catholie churcli Raeelgafles. hauciug baie bail. etc. Bille 10 follou. Dr. Frederekk Martins pent the, veek end ulth his laîni1lu i, 5Josepb, Mih. A. M. Whitelia@ made esveral trips to Wi-couuiu iatelv. Main Vu TeWun made a Iflylua rllco licHent> sundatl i:ght. An automoubile owned by C. E. Brown. Lal, u loest, Ill., waas trucki by au Eîaîîu:oil svenne car at Soutîl Desyboru sand \est Monroe treets, Chicago. Josephi Tadell, echauf- fourua s slilitiý,linuied. Brown es caped lnIurý. Independent ads-road by 25,000. DR. L. M. COULSON VIETERINARIAN Office athGarirjerHoe GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS Paris Green, Qualitv iii IParis Greecj a> ini evelytIii g e1se tuoiît. m11ost. t,-. a good lgrailu of Parisî;.î and sav'e liuî:e folloîuhltý MAdirtlngRates Os Apoileati AugsflRanon ad vle. uer. isitoU et the J - J. Logabaugh homle oday. À Boumier of tiie Young people of thle villagegave au invitation dance la HMuok'a hall. The. evenlng wu.@pent te dancing the.ne w popular danm a nd ail replort a fine time. mecoruick 09 LlerIyville, fleied the. music. àAboul 1tuenty couple uer. preeent. 1Tii. Athietîce were echeduled to play tbe Beeley's 0f Waukegas, Suiiay aI Avon Park but the visitor. uer. unable »urlng the. abueuce of Mis@ Florence Drue@ ofthe, Lrue Irug Co., H. V. SCloveland, uo bas been withbthe lirez for tbe pais four year., za competelit youug mnuand gradua:. pharmaclet wlll take charge of tbe store@ conductedl by Mise Drue@ et Orayelake and Round Lake. Ed Wagner and family. John Morne aud fatuli, and Mir@. L. Y. Sikeea tDored to Lake (leneva. Sunday. Services wull b. held et St. Andreus isscion Beit Bunday eveunau t 7:45. Bey. S. Edward White of Lub.,rtyviile. will preach. Everyoue invlted. Kodak* snd su pplie.of aIl kînde are for sale by the Druce [hg Co. They sleo do developîng sud pristinx. Dr. John Turner and ulfe of Wauke. gan, uere cAllers st lbe Joe Turner home. trip ta Chicago, Tueeday. J. E. Bixier sud J. M. foonL motored 10 Kenoaha, Sunday. Mn. sund Mn@. Joseph Tikrner ver, Chiago vietor, Tuedday. Dr. L. A. Golding sud vif. o? Lberty- ville, veri cailers a:tihe E. B. Nevîlle home Suudsy. Lake Conuts Old Soldiere' aud Ballons' reunion aseocation ai hold tl'ir thirty-fiftb sunuaineunionat Waukegau, Auguet 20 sud 21.1913 C. C. Ames trnusated buine.. in Dr. Cole entertalued Company from Chicago over ionday. lir. sud lire. 3. B. Keller speut Tues- day lu Lbertyville. Mies Anna Banesu. epoding tiie ueek lu Waukegan.- Mr. aad Meo.. lienbeck of Hickory, @pent BuNlaY st the Amen home. Mr. sud lire. Kalleen09 Waukegan @peut Bandai et th. C. J. Wrght home. lir. sud lire. Bmall ase.the roud Par- cote of a heby boy. Mir. sud lin. P. Lord of EvastoB. visited vith Me.. Allen BundaIY. About thirty people from Lîbertyville, held a pienie lu Wright'@ grove Wednei.. day. El. Coombe aud fausily« are SI their cUmmer borne. ml@eeee Beoele and Martha Protine 01 Zion City, 8peut Sundsy a% the Gouyo home. Evelyn lteak le vi.ltung er aont, Mies itruce. of Drue', Lake. The. Onu ThIng Thàt Mter.. When youucou, dous ltever? fiedrock of aftafre nothlng maltent lin % nation exoeptIig tite healti s0d number of ils babies. ýJust Rectived A car or Buggies and Surries, rubber and steel tire, prices'and styles to suit e'verybody. Side Delivery Rakes ai $45 while'Jhey lest. 2lbs. *- 90C Twine ai 1lOc a pound cash. 1lb. - .50Oc I12L. 25C DruceDmu o ED. DRUCE e" Co. gsaeIUmI ç~a~Jmk. . ound Lakel The New andSmlrP Currency Il i. oxpect-d tlIti uhin s mouth or îvo the people of United States wyul vilue..a great revolution in lte fi» Ï appearance ot their paper moue7. Each one of the tw9 bI* note. of that kind nov ln circulation wyul b.e uppleau1é uniformn piecett of uurreucy about a quarter siz.e mllei t ÙM- ueed. The change lu aise i. not the only one. Amy ote» Waahington's portrait on it il b. on. dollar, Jeffereon'e, dollarsLol', five dollars, Gnover Çlevelasd's, tes dous Alexander Ilîmiltoru',, wenty dollars, eud eo on. Thii. Plsw rendit the raîiug of bille by crooks an impo.eibility, aud96eil have the mifem tnsi.mpleet eyslem of national curresoy lhe uorld. However, thc eu ru oney will b. juet as elnive-jutmub t' get sud kcep-ag the old currency, anîd your need for-I services of a good hîsuk lu carng for il viiili e juet ase gw This strong institution etanda ready t0 serve you in tuas coaxiept A STATE BANK< Capital $25,OOO.OO LAMIS CORNBRS Little Helen Phelpe bui gone 10 Dakota to viil ber parent@, Mn. sud lire. Fred PWepB. iuieuma.aomnpsnled by ber grandmother. lire. Emili Phelpe. lire. Kat@ e oi, vsited tie paltuek ylihh hor brother, John HoU man o? Waukogsn. Leosard Burge. uho le .taying ulti his graadfatber bs ha.emumpse Arihor VauAietipe o? Micehigan. la vl.itinit hie cousin, lir@. Saraih of? mas and othor friend@. Tbe Warren Ceetery Aoeacation uilli uot have s meeting ou July Ilud. ou aveount of 4tb o? .ly belug go near. Mn. snî4 Mr@. Chanlee Lamb sud Mr. sud Carence Wooiey and dauxhter lt9by, lefi Monday. Jue 115, for a tes daye or Ivo veeks outlsg sud viil uitb Mn@. Wooley pareut t aI iausu, Wl,. They macetie 1,trip uith lir. Wooley's auto. Mr. aud lire. Ney Lamb eutertained Chbicago Company iiie past ue.k. Eety uer. WaukLegsu visltores atsrdoy. Mrt. as ur. E6 Drue@ aud dauglater viited Buuday wulh iMarons BoUmasn. Mri. sud Mim George Panser apesi Susdey la Wsukegan vlsiting Henry Wedge. Mn. sud Mr@. L. B. Miller and daulh- ter Jume spnt Suaduist a"Lke Villa vietlsgMrlit. mdMr. H.P.hMiler. Tb@ comeer! meting o? Jue 18. vblch vas entertained by BossDelap et th. Frseman Clou bow ue aquite Weil atlssded, about tbinty usubsis and S.veral vietors vers prmee. Tuse bolng lb. yoarly meting tbe foovilon oilicere vers @eeted: dithaClark, president; Cors Suder, vies preaidesl; steilas ponenbsrg, secretsy; Ethel Bonnet; truste.. for Ibis. yssr. Louis Shepord, Ett& Brogdhn, Cysîhia Polter; auditor, LotashOepard. l'h. marriage 0? George Wictie Um Mary Bottger occunred " 1 needay. They viii reide behm l future. Clarence Crauford le hock 04 big position viii h. Bouman Dabi O Van Secs Tonag le uorkiaàg leW Meclune & companiy elng maél sud repainiag motor vehielée.. Mmre.8. J. Young vieittal Mmml Hebron, l., lie latter part 01 4F là The dames Frlday evenlpgu InW large-ly atteuded but ta..' pressa joyed au dexagond lime. C. J. Wiglmam ofUrsysiake, ue on busines s esveralday.Ibis u.sk-' Tbe manal asýhool plenlo esb* day aitGage'. Lak. Alarge 1110 attendod sud spent an eialoyehle lire.Hoyard and children 08 1» Lake, apeut lie fremt of th. uest friande bers. T he »e igoht e o= 4 1 =1t kegen hui as heenh1. 1.r the rlght tlme-.vefllflgs aretlnngtîmse, 8lte dosen't loterfoee wtti h ad n* tu im toAýegoaStar 2:l1 J. lion i15 ada higla, eSid~ 4994, record 2:18j. s.fi oloding Âqgon star la the a* ho by Nutvood 600, no"u~ sire of 168 in the liai. 4 à,ypy --à À.- mm li aeyteDafy lvii SpirIte. elit The Maisse hlleve ltai cvii ur.- tt lieam areale te, mov, oni>la .trmgbt Autigo H.i. j li nsd Ibsi they canot pentrate back wiîb a saia ltrougi solId malter, îien.fore lhe probîcu of keeplus' tem out or à broken single and duelllng or a gardens.eems to teOm ilion, je olever ir s simple mtter. squaru open-gaited Why, 01 cour»e. Will stand at c -Rau ta Attraclt te Brdla he ~to iodure ive col titi. of a new bock b> s uqil knun a w e' ik author, wth a profound kueulodge 0!1 vOr ik naturel histon>. But vi> .11 tii oruitonWealwvye supiiosed then, LUS K vas lust ose simple meitaod-toPu sat on their talle.-NoveLotter. Phone 12-J-2. IR a very b* 11l star in t id cf g9o in hsr5te8, i ed trotter. lt. Aiarn GRAYSLAKEs 1ILL. We can give you Farminmg Tooh*ý at Cheaper prices than mail-order houses--and we stand back of thein., HARDadWAREafi&#ý We are'exclusive agents in Graysl'uke for t1l Worlçl-Famous DIEVO! PAINTS9 VARNISI1E and BRUSIIES. Inspeot our enormous stock. You can get what you want. NOW'S THRE TIllE TO Gr- LAWN MOWERS .AUI. CHEAPER Tu, 13IL~ Ilion black for- sore ight. mond umlf îdof ce ast - &' 'i irrie Dfle >uit moed aèci- p il --- - W ----11 1- L.ake ViII04 sil