OfftcW Paper for Lake Oouaty, li Teioti*e Number 1; Cty Edi tor RlIdence 'Phone Nuraber225-IL. Lîbersyville Exebcuae ed as iii. Postoffice at Lltwrtyvttfe.- Ili., as Second Cm.e M&U Natter I EVevY FridaY. Aderdtt gRat.m md Kuovu on appttoetla. bCRpTION PRICE. SI 50 PER YEAR STRICTLY INt ADVANCI, SMITH........................................................................ SMITH ........ .............. ........................ Manager 4. HUBSARD -...... .......... ........ ... .... - Ctty !di4or BOTH AR)C SERIOUf$ AglES. FINDMNOQF, -NIOENTIFIED, DECOPSEDM UODY 0F A TRACKS BAFFES LOCAL POLICE.1 INDIC gBoD HE The Circuit Oourtnow faces the petition asking for a MJ mWa session of the Circuit Court and a special grand TE 7 to mvestigate the mutilation ef the taliy shoota in IN va Cty. The general feeling is tht a mcml serlous of- ». and insuit to the ballot box vas comrnttedl wheu shoits vern taken frwu hgývalt at a11, tho reur~d tuiriac, jil g4fmore ltaI I" gitom )iand bad tatdthe.iron door of the vauit d a 99mmittod the o mu. ebe Ilégrdleus of personalities m in ZMon City situitlon, *mes usthat that n:farious act in Zion City la',ort1y ~ *MutgaýionandtheonMgally o sah a par go, #x' he sacrednesa of th. ballot -box uhodd b. punlsk- oft ào U atte ho il rnay be. If the ofrensd of Voliva in ed. l e*Iepd perjury case vas 'of sufficimnt seriousm s~tic1 m-bs caseheld in court, appealed and ohpd id WW , rscutor hretaf ta ý.ting hlrnfor sncb n iÎu leof-. os Mmdtoiiqtally shoota ad rutflttlnw thom and thug daion ICATIONS ARE lIE WAS MURDERED. )Y WitH BRUISES ON IEAD WAS PARTLY SUB- IERGED -INdPOND 0F WA- 'R--AUTHORITIES SEEK- MG LU.E. Waukegan. June Z1. MAN IDENTIFED? ae thts atrcon it was belteved 'h. Identity le the man found leeldi the raiiroad truea on Fri- ntglit had bien etbil..Il Ieved that hle Andreede.. A$ ytusaold, à aiadent of Chf-. wlio was eniployed by the western ratlroad at the camp nortli if the city. A short time Andersmn appeared in the office r.Gavin, physiclan for the rail- and had an injurcd finger t'est- rise afernoon Dr. G"Vin vas dt. the Conrad and Hart un- ikig monta. The dead man w»a àta have the saue finger %vrap. M a baie. £19eW«a <n -1 ul , t remci relalives in Chlitgo abfteh a more poultive idene n.Andereon was neot marrIed. 511eitire City amnila in of eql aid ap- The flnding of th. dicompoaid imprtace ndserclu ée Or boy0f an unidentified mac bo- aidIF1UUEUU. luOUF aide the Chicamu a Northwoo- Srmulùtàhd the effet on thé, sac- turc raîiroad trac tk a point ,of the blltbox ini the vo instnc sFnInconi J.« t of the ttinew plant of 41; WU the geate eVil dd ange, lodged Bot thre NotiÎ Shore "as Oompany the relig loseder, but against t1h. mutiators ofI about sdve o'cloclc. Fruda>' night. ~ta&tort an invetigation. 1'hey are of the opinion that the victtm oo.ualo Ohm naI Sprngftld Monday, whezi the dis- - udrdn hr nn n of liâdtng the working houx. of vornan vsbeoe dction tat ho wacstraick by a insistod on haing the lav mika ide dOJieSIC ou d vthîn twnty-fv fotof ofprvate borneS. n.stthesflttkuS5 railroagi traUicaThe corpai 10 iei. en tht ho vas joking but, at the vas lyicg in a little pdnd of veter .suckI a coursle vould be jusl' *araMe wajs ~juat veut of tetracka. Hi vas *9 hours f o*g vomn wo ve - ome iyinuon lit* face, hiea body betng ' ~ doublcd up in such a va>' ltaI IP ours for voren merely tb.he o"ccd eanI par- » * fM *ël W 0mthodwVes.There's sorns-e- n of hiebody waasuhbmerge&. et ~ Y= UEWVNEN. Tho%- 'why make omu SDy>Tv. e o ~~ g gre M mtob=s Thse resion 19 The greraoydlXaM oeie -a,àl~ t. d.~W, t voeud aftect*0horne o c har i-ts juolna. .atuant yar4 Ibo oeu 3he nrphy b"redhm jjmaster for the orthwesteauratt- - h ums.btisaI lmmoof w UL& a ri rondanmd Edrard Sheridan of Camp 4&. lbey' rre ralkbag aloeg tu.& î_ tyncta, PrldY eventag, about smvZ ociock, rires glaacug dows tirse ffl, pblicboe of th.eSearchligb a gazin- eabmnk.t u thre drcct or threI - - *...4 ~.Lt1 ê~. aihypond ot rater. tUmys e r ai £w 'im *ei801Lanpesred.t. be thre My o f a MVc. ~~ clouer tnrestigation Convtnc"d tirer re*IMof Gàyààâ% b«tàd tatthatr auumie woa <orreet. dédan b v belh a csa ite for Cuo Dejiaty Corne E'tvard Conrad 14w 1111111111 oùthéRepbUM tc.waa oUtae a»MthecCour"i und ~& ,,~uzukucoott Eepb Hat bi.k wagon n» on t» ware ________ 1te;cheacena. The body 0f tire dsad mas ras rernovcd ta Ibirma un- 40 uUTpIUd la RoIto*t Umer 19079 Ugb@is ertaktsg mrne,. here tt la belag a$ QUyn M JWt f rnW o thnÉélam ireld pending au ntestigadlou. 'sMukag. Ana ht uva a pe- Was à WoriucgMan. 7:vrnao liu ny e .oto teen a laborer. As nearty as can Vers pleaad Ovlb. she top takei n i Iisb.jdýed. tir ,,a, bout Z5 r-crs of, U etht vomen as a vbole are'not enthusiati over 1 andseiglurd about lj pounds. lie swore no coat and lits other ctothinc j asbsncb ai an oniitnary sortrin>',uan u-tvegraduatesof the. schoollhisweek mlgbt sear. Near titi body lu the 011 ey ater ras a black atiff bat ýw ý" mnchtfie t 6 ng ut ow heyaue going1 A number of people gathered in oo lulie as they are on boy mPh pleasure they *roundtot sec the biody' pufled froîn tep out of Ibis veek's ceremonies consequeult, t gradu- the rater but no ana ras able to i*['ýOxi, tbmy vould gel more laatlng resuits; resulte vbich tdentttr- htr. The authorittle are tncttned Iota iui that the fetkli ail oldaid tbem more in business lif. Ieen emptoycd -stiether the new gas Plant or et the raltroad camp 3uît 1%eh names of men mentioned in connection vi1h Ihat; narth of the Cityr. WntdroP Harbor deal indicatos tisaItbey eau do whatever! Rad Braise on Mead. lu l. mlte of aun1~' a r~stt> 1 The tact that there ras a bad wishin he atte oflaUchin a rojct, oi ar s 1brusneiîehlnd the dent! man's car and n.oyisa concerned& And, front lbth details, amay mmmc>- or articles of value lia =il appears as if there la really somethlng stuIsen- Imiglit have bcd In bis pockt es r Oaeback o! the ichome. mIsing. la rhat causes the authort- tics tio thlukthte feltow ras murder- a d -A;though thre body appoesrata That EIGHT vill prevail i. sheed i 1>i y the have becs cxposed ta tic bot sus. tisaI Voliva's pevowre doclared victors in tho elec- andI ar for a bM gttme It lc the bs- subble. 1ay Independeuts feit Ihat thoir aide nef of tire autuorttes t th. lmacted wisely, fairl or discree nthule election toi dbea lie.ltng lu tic Vter abt ntersa in their cause. athte ratléoad camp noeth of thea Ilty. 1 ecttow lbcd rccelved it 'ragezanSid la referrlng ta a Waukera' bo being kIcked Batur- waa *&",'-g t- waukegam tuavsesdi "I ppertea.rfÙ17IlsT te e"vas )cckod in thge a Porto. 0f tic m'oue>' ie.ho wes amothor horse.' Wonder if the aaccient vould rayl"atc rbbe.-The>'amit wreahadit een leapal hosé?tha homight have apent the oeaes von. ba il bee a "pap" bon.?In uWankegcssat andw«onshie way back ta thsecaaUVwhcen the et- Y his ah chool graduate now muât face work or fur-teckramde. A brokea hottU. o.Take the lte yalmuibt fY l btkey ras (ou"d tn hie liIp poctt lb. former, then 9.150 carry vilhyou thé desire and tuis gires emphssIoa1 uter No CIcw te Work Ou. t~f~sk Cunt wmen aro W btak. part lu voîlng for idnti can but.. bdy,' mtra ,cletretc., there viiib. a differest. linoevienîtl r in bis at..whiet 1, luls uue tisauinutle.past. BUT', WILL mlastng Nthtng titat could aidlta tdentif> tng lu ha.s bea ond hi t-' ie ~poctetid. Thc*lbodly Iol na uci a st that AtI oidouittiif aveu a reiative eaherare finding il more and more dMi- outdcstabiltsb a Positive Identtflca- ~BhapTbsrbmuark ia made oach year, and, fromnt .,e IVa ~t.bu ach year. At te Potot whers tuhe dy wu OZ eQ4 OIlM*0beateaMi bsu ILIta bod* ro etdown thce sbmnt-. L Z~~q tesa athe t~ uncooam" whenrotied Oowu thc .mbqnkamt ho uoutd haye drowîied îe mit By Tan WIma th* body firat »wa& found It WuI bbey"ve that death had resulted from beê.g truck by a tratin but au exu"lttmor 0fthe body shows that the. broken boues and brutaca tilat woutd bavé reoulted frout auch au accident wq. untstng. TtteP ata lt. tte imigncor a face Teft but If a beieved tht. was caused by the action of the water. That the vitttu mittit haYe been a tramp who tell frori a passtng freght tratn tIo ue sofltton, but the sugges- tion tainot given mueti credittha. cause of the-attendant ctrctimeta.ce3. Every effort ta being made by the police ma" the deputy coroner to gel soute evldoee that wttl resuit lnn tdenttlattoa mnd the cause of death. Very ltttle loupe of thts ts entertatuen. ho.wever, and tihe generai t er sOut% 40 be ttiat the rtcttm of an vident brutat lourder and robhery, wtIi be buried la the. Potters field ln a name- leu grave and the cause of bits deatti wttl forever reomatina profound mys- tery. DRYS ROUT WETS, AT STATE CAPITAL L I ti tl ti - t Bill Proidng for Ass nment of Saloon Lcense Deieated by a lie Voté. Stpringfield, Illt., Juno 20.-'Drys*' roUtcd *"rota" i thbous iues, yeB- terta>'. In tue hau.-e after an hour a of liaobte acn-te "Ili No. Sol, a ."wet' mearure providtug foirite assignaient tl of saloon lcciues. -as defeatad tiy il a te vote of sit-lx. On the son.- aie aide the "drys" di-alked op ie dauWe vlctar:-. The> passeul bath tue ri realdence diitrIct !tilt aud the bill c isolâtlug the Unit-c. x.i of Ilîtuole l'yIf surrouniiins t witti a four-mlle cald- tm saler zone. The latter, chîcti now gaies ta the gascruor. threatens the saons luUrbaus and (?tampatgu. as tue universit>- practicatty la mtdway lietreen tue tro ctes- Arind Rîiience District. li ttLispassage throus-ts the ienatea tue realdesce distîrct btil ac- cummlateai an ameudimeut. proviing that lier, rIner or Ilquors Inquan-a titles of mot lesthaon ane gallon uta> be "od or dellvered In prohiititon reitdence districts for tue personat elof tue purchasar ap bits tamlly. The. home a. nadeetini te cancur ta 'tire s.thadment Inb viicicaae.tue bOt rU go ta joint conférencc. Thre. eddal opnion, however, la that etrir the bonne wstuteoour or thc senate rAil rocade, and thc prospecte ail tai tue bll VIIIgelt irougir mtnuit or plus the onea-gallon axmend- Tite vote b>- whisthtie raatdence district bill pastedl te tenait stood nii te 17. , 'he four-mUe-ltmit bilt for the unreroty rouit througli 39 tu 9. 'Senatar Clear>' led tire flglit for tire rostdcmce district moasuro. whtle Bocetr Ettelson ted the opposition. The latter arguad that uniier tire pro- vions of tue bll a square block nul aotutng excepi business bouses an anc @Ide of Il could lie classed as resience dt.trtct and It wautd ha passib)le ta ote ont of busIneýs ait Ilquor dealët-r, an ttre business street frootaire. Figlit Lice'ns Assignment. Th irt-st agaimît Banale bill 501 was led b> Representatives [anc and George H. Wlson. "Eî cri amendmnt tiret waî maIe )esterdaýy,' sald Mr. tllme, "la a folie and a fraud pure and simple. If A bac a Ilcèn.qe and B le a diareputabto mas and tire lcense lo iransferred ftrmA ta H there Is absolutely run ene tn tass upon Bs qualilatlon.i. Tiraot Ieievil In tire bilîl. Thre hodv- af the bill malles a caoon license a rested fterest. and thon In anotirer Part the bill1 says that thc bill shal ual have that effect." "Tic ameudmnent teckel] tu the blU." satd George H. Wilson, leaditir of the "dry,.' dosa uat do avay rith tho perpatuat .franchis.efMature. Thre billt merel>' pravidea that the ait>' council shatl have the power tu pro- vide titat tue lite of a licenhe shahI lie euty one year' Adroçates of tue nlmure spoke lit length. On the roIloei tire bil ras cle. votes short of a majorit>'. The. muMCIa t ae tood alxtY-slx for th~e monture, Zoubefore. ilt could ire as- nouzced tire "rets"' moved ta post-i Dtomc recousaderatlon. ADJUDICATI9I'*NOTICE Publié notice la ieby giveu4 t"rt' tue ftbecrlber AuImultrato rIlt the rAil annxed of tic catate Alée W. Rchardson, #4eccaaeW attend the Co uty ourt0fL Count>, at a tatea tueeo te, b. hold at tue Court Honte 'la Waubegai. Salut Count>-, os tko"fit Môtnia>' Alignat net,1913, wVLen aUl rhcre, Portons having edimi aZangt catate are otlflelani rcqueebsi tê preeant the same tu salu Court'lor ai& Judlcattou. Edrarsi W. lMoDulttott, AdmWsltrator ritir thre Vii;, .Waukcgan, lIE. Jua9S,1918. ccd moue>'by gctting lime facta cé cevtag Rambler <ara.Ton lIa~ ta"r a chance on oie ai a loYer prcç Or On another eati te ie 01,bu norbere rUt ro sget tas mucirta wotlbas you do in thé -8aUmblhr Mile, & Hawkiasl» Cet;;; ; Ptons, Wauk«gan. 118. AnStici..87e3 Nàaand bte ml-lei mc < wl bo 4 t F nearaca vi wruts i ,ther hlgh tc..crthtia it l ~Uei.o ouet> grsctly eteuS. es hci tahken *& rotnta part In. ail Internai cvtpon uae.Lotd tn th* vuuuuy and abroad and btic has won tuay victurIas and lIolIhe holer,of moierat important awrtrn*Iectremide. Tu re thi. dariux birdiutu.pliit sbis eraft iitu the ltue ekyi' aweti Worth ;guug Mani mileintvriltlas. tnuaddiion tu £Le meropia,dtstlî tblral altt io tata plaçu , cisscItu ua inubile mnd motorcycle rat.w wt ome ut the fastet fli; crsdrîcc by gmon of m a mdemotu, raclmua fau.ooa.* duclicars as tha National. Apperson Jsrk-rabbtt, Vette and scierai othera ar among the entrka .1 the, automoleeraat. The niutore)cee ient. ViIIlieLaas intervartig a. the bane01fthe pur. otriiiane,à. ine ult bu craek rider* lt lhis viisity baia vnsored in the. mobur lteaosm'i tund apood kt.-c aid ibc Liberty ville mile traektelu r taes euudiou,couma 01 the uté,e *aqWrd' for a lmobileanmd matin. adi-cap match re«, bhstwe torse, bicytle. motoreyels aîôoit=i and aroptane &Ilt raduit mrouise:fme track si Ibo èMmeLIme. Tu iea "atue@a&mt&@. t. wortb the Prie O4 adiusou. This wîtt dellewaatrata tI tie @peetat)o sthe dtleratffltagceo epied baglaetnuwitb a pitiretueama mebiîul b-h ati mau cm lîsi w= ng aintsi;the mut taiventions sui se automoblmsu mdert>pians. T event@ ara sctseduta'd un the prograsn anid uwimîg to thb large îîuoeba.r ut 'venta thc prforniance. wttllaart at tbre o'ctork ad tis@ a tbree-ring crrens liera wttt be aonueihltix iolt: ave,, minute to tilthtte pectaiorp. Aratigement» bav. bie(à made for the ratlway compan! aiea îthe eterle conuiany for tratiopurtation tuanmd ront Ltt*rtyvlle mmd ait aurruimdiig .uwnd for neat Sursday. aquab lents Quats. Ilany prefer squab ta quasi beý esua. UCe menutot et dry. sd tif aays ire t,, bc tender *The ctîtff adveutage, -oayer. l s thib.fa.ct thali triton 10u et IquSi tt lim't necesami ta pause scv.ret tim«a nul. plcktugf out a buuici of bIrd abat trou roIss' more te«b.-W*tttngton f Kanj Mmii lb patta.. un apastuly te mmot gela@@ %""%M, ik -~ - T - Ajr-tht. vin*Motrotor birw dowo. UID lnulstock wlu. c*. 5mw Po*& dege ir. Ceu 'mnd mtd gl Il UIS.watuntil you want Ut. Doitom. Tm-ista cd ib .To. filwork retnforced and gudranteed CumBl..te ~ Irot <lass. Ltlus furAish ou stinma* ofcou. LUEEYVI~I*LL~OISPH4ONIE 185.ï LISERTYVILLE, ILL Solid-.Ce-fint Silos M ~el IyDeOnce-. Why not be read ? A man works a long time after death thlough hiB IifeB * race policy.. The poor'becoie independent a.nd the we<hy naian' estate is madle -miae. Thrift and waste don't travel ini the sarne wagon.. Insuraiice builds for mnhood- and chîaracor; it strengthens credit and protecta enterprises. OneDijlWaaDay Saved' mneans ten thousand, Twenty Psy L Iile In- éurance at age forty-thrêe. The wife nome- tuiies objeots to. Làe_ Insprance but the widow neyer refuses a heok' EveyU'FapcstLe to b. -i hty-. ndhav apt of;,,goIld Th~ ç~I~e, ethat h. wifl do nofher;for, nn~oici utdrtoku« gsbut of eveir hun. "raaefS1àùùre, iWly e-ov i na ndi cIei~ ~ oteiu Man 16P fflg I i youl bobtter Geil JON4ODE, isr11~7-7er - is.~ . -- --- --.. - -y- wm». Il