;,ýT rlgS' i~iSjw i3endt Coffee ilos Ildom . .er 'aned .. Doont > it now. ranteed itluse .E, ILL MR. PROPERTY OWNER: Your Roof May Not Leak very bad.- It may need smre repaire and now la the time to do the work-"after the showers." Our Shingles axe the Best and we have a splendid COATING for composition roofs that wMiliat longer than any we have ever seen. Corne in and ose it. P. S.-Remember we make a stnong bld for y.înr business by elling better stock for ieqs money. That's visaI beepa us bnoy.. We.caunot Corne to see yen but invite yeu n il b ee us. LibertyVille Lumber, Company Dôwn by the. 0W Depot. Phone 47 Ben Nmga 20 Yoare. *1 .. ., ¶ WIIBN-%VOU WANT TuIE IBTi BUY Tbs lutter 'ilu ho Ros azd lut, d*hm lde. Packe4 .xprouly for COLET& Y VILLE, AM~ PERSONAi. MUNIIO% 'i A, GOO .D TIIINO ON, ThE W4 a.uIlcatt- inlathe Indepen. filbaSstooieO.SatElswrt' dunt. efflmuset beInUeoffienOIatOr T. A. icot lU sectlng afine now 'h"a V.e"V Of maCh eeli. Adver- résidence on hie lot on East Park avenue. U.q.e, uu otce ally gu ecta. 0ta Dr. Eari H. D!mond o!fDesiiolae, p'"~tali~ otie toiMaoltcI. Iowa. ln opndng a evw .eke vacatjOn atet b» hore.« i«s.o.I Coin aietEUvortb's. Tirla Cbampter of the Wes-trliater Gnild ~J. T. Ayres tranoacted bueiniesie i " met Vlth Mise e..Wright Tue.- Cicago Tueeday. day evenjag, joly 1. Little Edith Maie 'iaaderpooi la @pend. Ar. and Ars <WaJin F. fto'.eof Chicago, log ber vacation wlth Mr. and Mrs. ep= tg ndAaathie 11-1-i(A Mr. and Duebler. AMrZ.1317L. Hbbard. Tbursday night, Jue III. marked tle Ms.C F.Dorand and An Noel. left bith of a fine baby boy to Mr. and Mir@. last Tuesda.y for au exten!e i viait wlth Henry Wersnberg. relatives ai Audoier, N. Y. L. E. Rtay le beautlfying tbe interior i V'. W. Burris attéoded cmrmencement C. jotti & Co'* fruit store with a treeh exer'ei at tb. Wisconsin state Normal voat ofpaint. [t 100kmirne. as PiattIlle, Wis., last week. Ar. and Ars. Frauk Eger are rejoicing Mr@. Lee.Uuéon and Iiiti" daugbîer of over the arrivai of a bouneing baby girl 'ViIo, visited a short tin lamt week bora Tbursidai night, Jüne 19. wth ber parents, Mt. anl Mr. Fred The danday echool classes of lire. Croker. George Follette and Misée Bazel Butler George Qusntin lait week -Ad to C. F. *njoyed a plcaic at Lake Bluff, Wednee- Wrght a 1913 Mitchell turing car, day. tkidnig in excbange Air. Wrgtte 19(19 The regular aionthiy business meeting Jackson. 01 the iM. E. Ladies' Aid wiii ho beld nt Mise Elizabeth Hoft@rLau1ý whu bas the home of Aim. Daniel Lee on Tueeday heeni spending te ai w.k with Mr.0 afternoon, Juîy 1. and Air@. Doobler bai returue.-d to bero Thte WomanîsGuild oltbe S. Lawrence home la Springfield.E Epileopal cburaja ylmeet at the ArtY. B. B. Ifirle bt Tue.day eveniagp reoidence of Air. E. Aicbonald on Thur»- for a short trip to northern Mnnesota,B day alternoon, Juiy 3rd. leaviug is ieOMMi affaire ini charge of Ainadeee Liohtnlng Houp Cure for sale Atty. L. R. Mort..N by ail druggiste. 50c and $1.00 per Monday Frank B. Juet leivered top bottie. c-25ti 't! A. WoOdIn 01 Diamonil, lake a ne Mi§s Jaunette Itoscot' le enioylng a Paige-Detrois fivePamengr turingcar, veek's vacation from ber dutnes at the and iaet wmek One va. d.lîrered to Sheldon tichoûl vhich ebe le spending R. F. Rouée otf tûekefelerý wlth ber parents lan('hicago. H. B. Eger let 1 esday fr Morris, Ili.,e MIr*. George Boehm, aceompanied t'y to attend a meeting of tie electire c Otto and Marie, left Tueeday alght for couimittee of the 8uper-ýr. ounty C Phoenix. Ariz, having heen saimmoiied Conimeioners, Coutity f'lýr,-.Asocla- there b*v the meriouo ilînje-e of lier ion tion of Illinois to moite arrangtments Aie%, fur the tweaty.seventh annual convea. MW@e Ida Neaw will take charge of th@ titi to lie beld at that city this fail. claie of Mie.d Addle 1Miller and wil C. A. Beevlck viii pargonallev makep ail continue to give piano lemone. MimesmIttings aBt hie studio on \l'udaj anid Neauf l ae e în wwilltreeB. Tu.eday neut. Jane SOzh ait july jet aakeber ome ith m. B Il.W@ bveome ver,. flnet,.11, tvl,'eof!i Miller. ca rde to show Ion, c 40 1 I 3aOc perpound J. ELI TRIGQýOS. PHONE 25-3 CLOTHING FOR THE FOURTH Mf couroe you are golug tO Coule Out alnd help celebrate aud you are goiug to meet a lot of welI dreilse<1 fellows. They wou't be any better dremsed than you, thongh. if you ]et us fit you out, for we specialize oun îi's wear that im really fine. Anytbing froîn the top of your head to the' sole <of your fet't, and if you look rlght aud feel riglit Jet 118 fit you out for the Fourth. Wut find that it pays to pattern our bus. ieum after the sky rocket 8o, w" iake QUALITY the part that go@@ up and PRICE the pant that cornes down. J. B. Morse & Co. s EVERVTIIING FOR MEN : TELEPH0NE 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILI. Monday at tii..Wecier itospital, Chicago, occurred tii.'deatb of George Hedicki', foliowing an operation for caneer on the longue. from whicli be itad hemen ffering for the past ix nieulie, Air. Hedicke wae bora la Grmany on Augusz 27, 1858. Bela sarvivcd t'y a videw and t.a cbeildren, four being by a former vilfe. Thei luneral wae beld Weaneesday vlth interment at Lakoide cem)eterY, 5ev, . . A.AlibarI ofillallng. LIFE INSURANCE. Apprsaelelng d"ehMrygive Yeu maY W"ozy veeianla"velt.w" for a liii Palier, buta.Chance t. #et one. DiehetManage 'Oi CebayLueouanace CeeMPaq OMM ina Sm* 8.18et yi My work your head off to inerease your fortune? -It in just as imnport aut to know how to invest au it is tû know how to earn." Why not use a good, at«% inve8tmOnt to force what Money you have make more? Why don't you inveet t enterprises in your own town which have proven themselves gui1t-edge? Why don't you conneet with the, best, safeet, most healthy and prosperoué institution ln the country while you have a chance and booet our týwn? Why don't you luveet your money in au institution which bas nover reallzeê. lessi than 8j per cent. on investment for its investorà? Why don't you make 701W-, money do the work for you? Why don't yoti look around you and See what opportuuities really lurk 80 near? Why? Since the beginning of the year the Meredith Flower and Vegetabls Comnpany bas already cleared the regular 7 per cent. dividend for the year. BuOI-' neos is doubling each year. Net profits for June $2, 100.00. Stili a srnall amouxkt of stock to be sold. Corne and get it wbile it Iasts. Did you know titat the company guaranteed 7 per c'eut. ineome on aill stoCkýI and did you know that they ha d never realized for their stockholdera less thaC 8j per cent., and did you kuow you could get your rnoney 4I11 ack with seven P«; cent. at any tirne if you were not satisfied? START an accouait at our bank and get into uh< habit of adding to it evoey pay day. Y"u iCNOW it is therigbt thins to d. Lot US handi. your money-do your bookkeeplng mW relieve you frou thie work. It is a good plan te know what you spend froma moaith t. 'ponth. A checking accotantatour bank wiill you to a cent what you sp.ad each mnath. W. kq> a record for you. No man ever trie. tbnmïdI~ ALL bis business through a bank and regrettod iM CALL TODAY. Proctor*-Haven Nupliais Friday svening, June 20, at elgit e'clock at the Methodift parsonage occurred the marriage of Miss Marie L. Haven and Leitcy Procior, ouly lb. parente of the couple being pressai. Rer. W. L. W hippie officiated. The bride le tbe eldeet daaghter of Air. 0. D. Haven of thie piaceand ie very popular amoag tite younger people having ired bere ail ber lîfe. Tite groom is tbe uldeet son of Air. and ire. E. W. Proctor of thig vity and bas a large circie cf iriendm wito extead congratulations. Ailes Irene Bulkiey served in the capacity cifitrldesaad vbile Mr. Benry Carroll acted as beut man. Tite bappy couple lmmediately started bousekeeping la the Appley boume on Milwraukee avenuje where titey meili hpeat honie to tbeir niany frie'nde alter Jaly The' INiEPENDESToUDilles le it 8iag :heuîî ail tht' happinese and proeperity N@wg eeîlîie ner01gth@ reîoaret Ut. roneh Pl»neîrlandusof lteatit @ban i ie ou Tuesdayv, Jane 17. Slr. Freebman' James K. Schanck Dies wiliiho rememitersd by many of onr dde From te Lake Elinore Valley Proue., residenta, haricot made thie place bis Elsinore, Cal.. dated Friday, Jane 18, home for many yearo up 10 a few yearm ve cip thte follovlng concerunn a o ago. Be ierved for everal years la the time reoident of Liberty ville-: capaclîy of village aimbal during hie James K. schauck, ocf lte bit a esideane here. knovn and mcmt hlgh!y respicted bail. V1 As an ezempllficatioc of the prompt- nusmon ia Elsinore died auddenîy on ne»i viit wiich thb. Rodera Woodmen Tusmdai morning aud vas burled la of America pay their dma*h daimq ve Grwenwood cemetery yeterday aller- chroiie lte facto nagardbh tedaIm ccu. Of lh@b .ficiarY o0BoROI Uik. Titi Tite deeeaped vas dova lova on lbé desti of Air. Hierrick oenrned on Aiay morang ulofbis deatit aad about ton «Sisatadthe payaient la full oette daim oclocel earted 10 drive t10 i homo. vas made on Taesday of titis veek, juil Wb.n aI lite Lauier home on Beald Ivenly-loar days luterarcne he stopsed hie horse@ad vite On Saturday, July 5, th# votera of talilg wvu seized vitit a heart attacit Lihertyvîlie will be gfrma a second an3a" edhfr mdcladcud cvportuaity te express Ibol, ivIw on be secured. the Prcositiloaof hoading tihe village The late Ar. Scbaack vas boira la t0 the estent of $10000 fur lb.e rectlon Lihertyville, Ill., la 1845 and came ta of a village hall, w hien a special mection Eleimore la 1887. He. had been ianlte vili ho held at the town bail. Tits eaui. ewelr, ibusinesi ine that lime. lng cf Ibis epecial election le made Hes le ourrjred hy hie vldov, a son. aecceeary hy the f act ltaI a aligit: Raber Scitaack o! Pasadeana; and a techîncal errer wa a discovered iante daugliter, Are. Samouel Pearson aise of proceedinge aI t, lat regnlar village ofl'lasadena. electton. viten tit. proposition wastir. Schanck was active la charcit and aabMltted, voted limon and carrîed, musical affaita anîd hybis kiadly manner viic, il 'lhe malter %i as talon np vouid and loyalts endeared himeel! to all ito resait lu prering tihe Whole Proceedare knew hlm. Hie loe@ will be feit t'y the filegai and titroaîing thefinancial re.catir.' city wiîc gave erideaci of!gil spoaslhility upon the lireoeul admînie.resp)ect tiy losing ail busînees duriag tration according zto the' Interpretation the' iourm ohlttaerai. of thte law. It i, t, avent juet sncbh t'lwie a a brother of George H. poéiable resuîts thcepellilal election Io Sciai1 k of titis îity. caiied and ]et uslime titat lte usin. iterpretatien o! thiiaw witit regard lu St. Laurence Episcopai Church lte tirât lectiouî wîll tiol influence any Re. t'. Fitii, S. WHITE, Pactor voter vite favori the bond isue to Mornicic Prayer 10:30 a. m. v o t e o lt e r us e e t t i ie S p e c la l e l e iti o n , S u ad a y ech o l 1 1 : 3 0 a . m . badiy as vs did be'!0,. Tara out and_________ vote forl and inulucuice ye r inde te .E hrc evcs do lte same. M % ic evci 2:00 p. ni. Bible aehool. Piano Work 6:45n p. ni. Eçivertit League. I PianoWorkPreacilg service et 7:30 p. m. by lte Aldena Pano Shop ai Waukemn_ le1 pater, Rier. W. L. Whitpple. the piaco 10 hve -yen! -pIan mnIIo rePaiMrs, mfaisiag, nov action, @e. ThIOY ssiithe Siteuinger ulano a«d sehuiapian. 114 Norteit idanRoad, WaukigA. n.28.tr INSE!AU INSf lire. lhtlg naum atd cyclone. Proliciourprop. anl vitt a poliey la Tite Cammtut Fine htmîraac'CloCpaaY Of areford, (ou*. Caab capital, $l1f,00,0. sixty Imare oprlsaco c er lavamacbinovy U'ru ritten. «W. C. SÂmuoaN, Agi.. Libertrilbe, Ili. IlSi. ,..- j: , mi For Pire aind Lité Insur atice. CIIARLES D E COUPA"Y. Fresbyterian Services 10:30 a. ni. moraing service, subject, "Excuses." 11:45 a. m. Sahbalb Scitool, sabject, "Th itislen Chrit."ý 6:45 p. m. Citeian Endeavon, 'Our Nations 01cM. aoad Perils." 7:30 p. m. eveaing service, mabject, "Thei Future of car Repubîle." H. U. ALLBUIIT, Pauton. Wlnter Cwulolila'Yukon Valley. Tiser &m no blissards la lthe Tulcs valey tu vinter, aMd thoer a 1 tb w" . UOm about tiroeoMdeep oui> en. everyIbgt a h rr yOoI*o Photo Studio labho Opoi On Mcnday and Tusdaya 801h and July les, C. A.%:." itavm hlm photo studio open for and b. viii ho tb.rm persenallyc tva days la make.&ai ltinge. Piano Tuning Leavo ordere aI REly's Furalti Work don. by Mir. AkIde. bmn c-01W. W. Carroll &s n NORTHE STORE PHONE 29 BOUTAi SYP Lake County National Bu LIBERTYVILLE. ILL Capital Surplus sud Undlided Profits. $9&1000 We are FI ONLY TEE B13MT EBAN» CF FERTILIZER CÂN BE OBT.INED RF&&. We can meet any price on TILE, FENCE POSTS, ETC. And ail Building Materlal. W. are mialing special prices on aiH kinds of Feed for a sLort time only. Home Lumber Company of Llbertyvllle. S UMMER UNDBRWEAI4 Ladies Long Sleevd Sammer WulgM VaLU, pare white bleached, alun Dravées 10 match, per garment ... 250 . LadiWs "Kumlort Mesh " n Suits. umbrella style, lace trimrned, Bt. .............................rw ' ladies' SieveleS Vesis. sevoral styles, excellent values, at.............................. loc, 15c, 250 ChMiden Sunboamelj white and colore, neaiiy made, at .........................................150 Thon$os New fren Lace Corset, the most practical gaz. ment of ite kind, priae........ ............. .J OUR SUMM UNES OF LADIES' AND CHU.DP£» SOMi~ OXFORD8AN!> SAHMUARE NOW NEADY FOR 7MU The Libertyvilîe Cabinet M1 orki has no ,'onuiection whatever with the parties wbo had baud bills dislrihated arounil tewn a few daye ago. BAUtRi CÂIn. Mies Elizabetb Kay of Aberdeen, Wasbington, visiîsd et thte home ofi]disu Kate Carroll during tite veek end. glsu Kay @peut the winter la Toronto, New York and Piiladelpitia and le nov home. yard bouad. 0. IL Churchill, havjng receivsd his tranoporiallon under the mt of tite Illinois Legisiature, villi bave iaturday for theo Getysburg battlelleid to parti- cipale la theafltiot anniverary cf ltat battie, July 1, 2, 3 and 4. Mir. Churcilfl heloaged tb Company C, 101h regimeal Vermont lai. and ie tbe onlr (Gettysburg rat at prent la Libertyvilte. John Welch, the only otiter veteran, nov being in New York. Besvick's Photo Studio liii be open for busIness on Nlonday and Tnesday nez$. Jouene otl and July 1. -C. A. Beevick will be there boti1 days and pereonally matie aH i eings. c40-1 lira. Byron Colby and daugitter Amber retarned Aienday [rom fouston, Texas. where they had been making an etea.q ded viil villi Lester. Mr.Colbyremalo-i ed la Houston te look alter te erection1 of a tiat building on soi@ poperty hei purcbaaed ter.'. Tlîey were very favor.1 ably impreised with lb.' cty andi vei understand ir. (oiby invecltei qmite1 exteuîirelin lareaiestatettitere. s . qp. "I 'éfi WEEK 11 Il t4'.11 ) ý la" ý: 1 .*,