Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Jun 1913, p. 8

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- wo«« Wrnkmu lOat - bau liIIThe twcnly-n'tti nuli eul0 aaTv*i tiioéWubca eoAtlbt.m.We t.ntha *a - I Il prov e Onte béabcd ver I" Wlba si hie Was Long in. Assessor Du0nn Figures NMoto! Maa p ýU een adIe rosa Ceremony in the huit by ths e oiatlon, bt in l(. -ploagns. , for Work , Ho Car Lous;urng Year ai Msèé C.proom 1Ib8s1 -. st C h oi- ednemtl t~ttraigpo FoW MffSO #W Mput'. 11,day Sermon... Rua0' lespte li MW.8 SWyMothy Abut F fr en.Thom awere ,a uambcr of Ibo olitervsne4 -ACTION. botFlt frCet AKII _RAISED Sl ,NGE OCTODE R. oabnte rnatadlu th*etotal. ha4o attelid ED. ON POLICE FORCE. PI&#"c in luvalue of auto-obilestis Tu.t Wankiuçsa Sieditina»- baiact viacthe. Motist ialae tla< bu Watukofan, lune 21. Aueceor B. A. Dun,. TiecinesluciTssoik, mtiàe 15tic *Dokllat« j ý ma yiy«bMadcnee114Y4 o ga ist a anember of te purasee4 Iis esasn wii iteptéellate boarit on'ailaides lu W**keuda. Thfe ; 1wo hm prrt u> etiitlsi oapeepél e ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ piclo poicmorefo iclatan-ai u eueCalasonnones attoomlshdEnd. ome la evei repect.'the.table.sat Me pzvple tora me rthevaleastic hal laau ef i h piino pewo érto#MD&t»8 'M a" PUttil>'aiTSfleit.bouquei camV twiv yuopasitswyetth asssr eor tesesincloses. destiWye&it. tai am l thé tlacWaulcegan. JUai 28.- Of 1mOwe appouaI'ôtfl ou ucia of tbmlu W"a T no au Wet Washington miats, Hieoptnton tlascorauce wth atic Ion Waukchn bai md but I=wta T e abornlag of a $1,000 morIgage oùu neveu table. vilc e Se S ddnorIa .Smithb and maln borlitbefore ton vievu of lthe assesore of Iis sec- ta b ohbff émk tr&-te ptlae.of-te Oc* otM.liisu sa outh moro e lia mo.Ti ia *cl>lftlu* a ratier ltngturiilion of lie étae. pcaanea yod orco aduitai. ciurci vas thec rater umpreselveCaore- laiecolora, red sud wile, haitbeau ,«f ps> and heurt trouble. --i estinate liat a machine tin ait onianytire«o appear tg be aimet mony h' loo10kplace Sunda>' mofiiliags OUili tlfestonne trou lie Conter Of Theesainte de a vallaunt fgt pr ltfsud cait 12,000 Ibis »sinon le not vorti aile, viti thue. Wlicru le>'came at tic cl01 th glor gr iiLthe room andt forida fl a tiiHalic *oUd admit. even'ta btmself. more tm l.000 Dcxt ya,, alittith rain noboit>'sem e m ua. Local hdbe bte u-oyoe h tbe.Caec eauieno c i biS selt regain hils belth. aseasiar. "I mat la seasusefulit d aple via b hO ave baxprteacu vii Tie serinablisuuo lecl. 17oerletbls lruca Wect. auce I Nia550hiepbylCtS lfar- cnfrtale s a>' ut ic alu ~tien luai.ath e d oiug ait lvlin Ject. ."Agsteeuive Cluri Work" suit ail. 0f ticexacutîve Comiteatco ancI vIl liI tai S oi>'a ana fit l ti balstiair power l tetroytlbe*pacte bbat lie burant o f -lie mortage 0 fo diveut ta gréai part aofIvo itays o-v9ir en it *#*'tât dath as ol . T h lare th bar eof a!taxil.up n latic prenant Utlcheur fforts- lmanctltely. Tic raising of thei le . l tti vaanSthlie sfeet vue Most The Valed ot a foi ata. Even tleu Tee r 00o mrnacinueain bave not becu produtive af vert 5gond 000bas befau acmpliaedeit incethie beautiful. xMise mhabp etmedto lacleva liaI iie con- ticelbooks <hil e yar and Probabl réuit%. Ail kînits 01,chekiSais hast Tie Iadie. unite cdirection o! tic Ploasur oaurn cions. lUt>' ncv one bava beau. purciaeeal vil i njurethie troc uitudetili nitent Of lRv. Wduton. licDo n sc- M aasMrosre h a- gbrouglit île Iinea is usieait lom IIfi i uoilit haveLan affnch on the nanthie jr, lst Otober. OrIginaliythticmort- hie neeMra.sevi i an- viae hie unée hain ttedsinc Apil 1 bae beu tred ut wthot -uh gge, as oneiitcrabl>' larger but quet vlth precision and everybodyt>' e. M paontunlth. uic Li An etimate la e aalc i baaceautiiti iiil ah joineit beartil>' lu the vote of tianke ungil uol b !turion a eek for lia lant people of lie tovnehip cbedullu au. Nov su appuai la ta lc maite tial e ei a o h netf« ientto i h ls.Dtapr ïl*or.b boit imWSIed dito laUtomoblica anit no alier prolartY. 14the C itcy>sare tice saite treas Of tie decreaOse. The menu: Mi ;k.sld fiaonds.Hmaebit 3in ne u onscases viere lb. fanllY y l'b>'turning treane of vatcr on Suai-t yafter Bov, Funulasuoncmmilt*Frutaters W. B. ael ~4Aosl tc idtlea!ticvek.ti ei l Sasut la utmobleàetien. lu lic pot in Wauka<a. as thc rein&. la lie churci the vOrk f CousgCiscilkenoardpoad I~~~~~~~~At ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e uli .pse airtcpact !uctuivnuo uas lu oti* cilles it. bas beau raisins ltae 11.000 as dîviteeit uis.l>'Now potalae aceeu Pasolloviag W Obatth si l aahh foetyo heYug m o ndliW bvrt bat vay t oa lescalCrlte uoi ole"hsl Màt bis morning, hbeIn- tic moter o! tic fanll> or In smre rit of tic mtis vas la bave vaten aanblc ocalChre ltciaerr h4M niqlt h iig ulne fabig broiher. Tiere iirecteit against tiche train omahIlgi Aid anithlicOfficiai cburcei bar&Tic SlteS Nuts bi i a *tsmh tl ih rafsare men o!fameaus utiase pogausmoilflpressure.houa tvoadefltie aal dthetr portion 0f Rdae n lvsgauating aroturnuitelathesliving roouaamare ivestedin lulocal Corporationse lu otiier years thc nembere Of tic tic anomal b>'concerts. sociale, etc..,eatb. alitpagrs ti inv l sOfre or slrcet iteParlMnt bave perfarin vile lis ourch board secVedit iteCieau Bal.e îng, We b ilorala u a& thir Tst uninter vaYs iercin tic>' an t ttitaak anit tic résulta bave beeu iliu m bvril On tic abla, not taxblesuitd vio àseeule h fulit «eatisfactor>'. siare b>' aubecrlptlon. Bisque Ibe Crean Complaluts a evmeane atr.fala tuhmoi e tcouly avaia- Tiie plan folloveil thutlb. a t ust1heticclose of lhe sermOUon aun- AssorteitCake ntetrl elFphscon vas ganmn>ciable property. Otiarg avu ntitug bave people jwba v ere botharedit Wtidat norning lie pastor callei théis Çoîce Paltles ducteit and ut b. vaso ws oc lt1to a labutcuauombie.themahslevlehertien ndmd.bordofsrleavendthepliieneuednantiie orhetsuit xpct bu s atooiadiramesitilaCitydît cmclals uttcbarta aenedn ipetiet etlcSntsocser uscthesmen îpsoai hai nIbqn l goti- ît nplys vse eullatii lcation O! lb. tvae sctles arouni thlb.front music itnring tic banquet. Cmenonor e vo;b -ngn iti a secton o! reaions..This borne suit announceitvi w a ___________cp »0Chn, I» >-. esu lied lou» vus attaciei tolaa fIo pins ae. theltela bdonc. I eeodta hr a onta Ol aUfeTches bou i OS ater WUs iiaecteit gainst tlic ItO TienMies ita Powell, Presldent 01 one davloI LaeI utierebasisu ia I v1scof o y Tutoyardi. Hc avcr v ih gréai: force. 'niis siens l0 looumen onocial lCI*bcconît.andayMmr vtmMe0 taWi.5S ila belli, iaov.tle motlis Irqalat elhica O ad l"in oil(roe i re ac roun tic béat. A Nortivesern sas- lie excelle l t luanit, o tii. menner Itees _are a& e . n-Mori0'W. iresleal o! the PUeBAI&ars o band it i glandtPark vas ave,- progroee1 hidtoune homeeMore loue sontiLnag la donse Mosbunitreds stoppei! upon tic plat! and uitlaScome b> lic huaI, lant Baturita>, and Sceeol lua0 ÎL7è mO! lieSuait $hade ltui thelb.Ctythliamehal ha>' upon wvilci lia 10 SeS a few bonis later. Effarsne o istheon vii,* oIii 1aiu e teitupon or l and1_su t ha Taten gage ba l beau i place . A tna14_i aMa In o cate relativ e sup pou d t ola eaool l u bu"bde laboi. Smatrustons, stppait snli e 'b*pllfori tsu.goft orka eda sui SndOSA80kh> d '~ztappliait a matcha ticthepaper. . t rehalMetl"mefor a -Suppot In KenlShi blseS troeiysuit acon lhc inUstl 5001 4fl o tal ai tre -ment vilcia toi! beau lie cause Of Con- 'liapita tutis aisor" tonlTir l Iliipo tiat cern for no mail'years.-W"vu. e esié tcbiPa hr ub arositvy bila tenoa enuit pile of smouidrni aae. qiéc lis ian. aso rfaeivast ro i lswai uete o! wleThuse 'aies vere not tbrovu ava>'. 'fils lhe mm s Il hsso il>PU!RKuhe ai Ancv etorpithe- -Th iat iihapreserreit careful'asud. et À snew orfomu çl iui O or Oouaieiil" la forma' v it t suth themm f eter Ermekoîn a e crtn a cReFnBlOn1vtiebu 4 y apprelle thle aa gaaI*tà'o n it e up O O-Suit. Againsi fài fllUfl burc vcutic conpieiatiau idécidées pictoem ever>' Ciltyalong tic PM For Five Thusand Doflars Io tak.e t.lstolp. mamer M. Davis sot lie luOsd rouita. Thc orMUsUvln bas 1* e eud ai a~gp etmSd la Chicago andit.ilbas- The cerenon>' closedit vithlào- -tm ihoCutltoêa rp aedarosd i runiniaul lie va>' TI-UftAY, JIJNE 19, loi& olais. Wliîle licrevae loud Mnt-4 liaI i. béili vuld, fr n icpteMlwaukee along tic Tiraugi Attorney' A. v. SmDith. fentation on lis pat of the menibere, I A tVwveeks MgO a beute- 8 f Mlà XchilganOne O! tic lira Au"na EnIçkeoD, vliov o!1 Petiathre vas a .1gb o! relie! On ailside bui fr naisui aaulpu&501er5 of lie avwremit vas lu rav i. 8 as planning m ann u l on suWeitueday asuithipar- Erlebsan, tic Cumnuinge aVOvnu. j ien the. motgaga vas" burnei. 'niem ta& ewa ln instsiouj tiluethei. Planhvia eiotanS killed it blansf.Mat Sile eatifction ou the Part 0 a! rtr 111e time# ast Il hit prustuan »sitisue iiiin g t t lldsi ais MMin luKeosba.. vWho have sm aslieca, a saioonkcepcear irte otesucneint!llrat upe vci <tet mma. sbau Whoarectire gtaas, tis' liSat glutDi umoer mo! tic cflInterne Inuitta repuss entflcorganisation sagar refluer>' tan $5,000. c diingt the. sansservie@ vaWl»ttiae,lu bcfor im, t10nein ahem.. 1Wlis epan or lb. assoia- tuiatiber usband gs able to spport euKiien mone o band st t iores- r,ýidiue ~in'.&tammarecaiu'rod traM Chiel c Mlwiaukee. I ber beore ho tartait irinklas coun n i@t on hýn@pg n bi bead ou a table ladmtie t. m au t d s cntrafoii curt eutlIn. paithes fiiump.-e ,puecQo si lieravitut evoa a aith Ut& - hticmaontu e~~lu le to n.. ~>'lae. orIvo>' buuav cll. 555lUthine Ù1hi be# iband "llt hi "bN"PA PT U WARE 0OF IT. ---___ y«W& F« wo yeum ]lit et'os wS joeal sEhIn' theiêinklai cantlnual' aI i heion lu AET Rw l 0 ote go onliep. olieIbisuPo, nsMuvaikee.OurMlcote be lctcon-question for tme seraral rure. had il. ti asmOatshuuolce elutlis iltlceu n rge a! tié rosit vorktartedit uladrink ver>' iUM" a few DoWad Saylo Iad, issEliza- At O wn aITI711 fàrl" t t u»mu lache dSee>minaidtot.ImpTvean dae bfore ha killed it ilcf. liat. beth Kroutzr ShahAwaY ta abaftg ofbils dtya nd ode niai. ,u la Intih*vet o!al lthia a resait,.blindolut e O.15ct o mieu vhbevpr ia voul. Tiae la ee" cic.e. i Mlauke dadIndsai add sue, Ciqùt àm :a pmreaIn theclty but thaviwofaut dte o: beal lu itsl.espar sitis tnac(scicato Iboa-)y saym" h! at f"Biii" and guting liebusiness il uMl- beususe of lie effcct ltheitquar Pu- iacat 'iSu. Mi, os ha Sus fasllarl>' kiovaw ake i nauI0 a fac casci t athliesaloon t!on h ile Jbue- Cli agent 24, W8aOeiUId W r,' avis luiaes eidaes hle vite a ltb lite lavus bave éaovn nO luleret -t bn' id h a eudi e okot ai emati« lfgIl urle at linatre ta* a l e can ot- rcmnl i i b h1hm tye- i,* psitii' Holen, anit a sonFloyit. lublie pn lia lie the cvu r uot-ofbsupport., mis ba beenitepra m arSali,5 y <,WUmn190 vi memier o! lic Modernlins eiplan la the pvlanouseo!o! bis supportemn oabthm bthsKmreutzhera.>'Mle il teduin. ~~~baud sroait ubîci viiihbeof value self in tic pt-snce Of liv. Vitlang, New AI sy, lii._____________________ Xr, Davis vas 64 years oit. He vac 10 cêvrn>citl ilrecbes andit v oihiSer- - TiitCurhwO ftecinfi>'vorituteofapey uat LaCreaicent. hMin., Nov. 18, ever posble lie rosd it viileat Intao! i vds ate hri i ftcciiauicatro iat' r'- * Ha lnS alarg par o! isthe mantateteliéIls, lIn-.baplucuiitotahbea coller at bis bons. lîltie romance liaI badiîle InçaptionZ' -- i.laCreseat. lMr. Davis more al o amaI' v.halas 1 bave a COUl- The uBlt id nol kill i aîntu til>-l akgn a faw yacks 5MM.'n ~Vnan 2& yeare agoansuithas tInuatola a! lic sierlian rond 10 be ied alter îeing ncmovei t laticouple sllppst ara>'la lag Ii Inei-a ver ince, lifswas esu-uut iliLaeSaera 0oImkntorltli ko. a uMW A utli emnlite nani o! ae remdticcI>'hosital. Mn. Sayier le lb. aidant s#0o- C L ce. iar. Davis leaves a b-oth .- Kenoha meun bave beau booitvluk- %V ia aaocretaolaxE.Syapeiei fha ou I gh 'n pinDais o Cliaria e d no ten viti. tiese proposait rosit moulu aga. Wm. Iao comalitîsit Chicago tate batik, présiet OtheicAI Cia Davis,_ ofconforme. organizations tliaI lil eemn i tmcuiit suicida b>' the g î oula. Hie vIfs Nionliteu ilne f t flu tils as oia ta finit au>'ose villing tla tkeadcidrn hoiltonyS ith n lue ravuer 0ime rct s a!9 up Ibis laent savemnt lu KenasaO utctte.lruiAtre'Snt aubern shalal oI bcs Itlalupossible liaItiihe plans for tic ouedt Charles folusiton, Who cou.-suit repted telabe'one o! tie freàlth- ,B L G M rond viii lie lait before lie tîrse- ditas aonupeal lis Sieru» anlt resideule of Norh (jidcego sui IIIIN-a.II111tors o!f te Knosis Aulamobile Club.ifHouse, akn 500iuaebrWaukegan. lTh e SEIeTrse t I < KiiV~L'Zida su tintIbis00gnuzalio viiibeka633 Noti Gsne« alrqet.Waukcgaua. T andphltie robeu luaucln w l a rmitclaima aiea being tint tic dinXI*liaDonad Saylerteg s, psSusthe i Ibrougi Iis countY.-Kemosa obtalued the lamme lon Ca s-Waukegan Township OW gti ciaoai A" Çit, June 21.-A vanrant vas News. et ils mind la be sfecît. créent- lua aleader et tb. juior sOial sel. Î0jjý-nMy,ýfor lis aresrt a! positione lils ftiershobas l' aire - 4j.ý veiby justice c. rk. Howe, inn ïuaIiy brtnging ou suicide.. bis ttbWsle tuit halA a h* Sivl fF.kBîie. 141~114I RIE -WOMEN CHASED FROM busigiess.ta Tt thst, lis pool tables are main- Me ruzrl 4tro ÏM ad oome b tedqen- BY À SMqÀLLBOY TOWN BY'THE POLICE-EmoKetzr pyiAIltu lu. *et~:~l>'~nancc thacpolice - o! Wsukegau unepoiea aand> igi a>1e I êÎ00 lm assa club th as aine Norti Chaxr. a re canslterabl>- en- chascitwIo vanen out of tie City. her séter a rlelt saS eh liY s51hi 0 2M ft lew cu bsa e t ad ven n case thtintevelopeit Tiase vome, hit been ovyki 19 Il arrivine.uc t i-55 - la* e i Qbpu t ay al=Oune uIotic tleartcboundary lUne o! tic tva lir. Tie>'ungepleW iOe0006forn-« rý d Ikwverr. Iis spPiesue la ites. thifs orulug. vian a fIve yarTurbtsiCoffeelboum .On Saturita> e4 a mutue. ltEOtrdmom forescta 07 ~~usubterfuge, for Il cliii con- old bot sufferet cmanculatton att lngil lic voincuvent out valkbtus Nutier of lieu*D% 9,~alus MU~C~B té bu a plaue o! public rusorl iaih o!Oftue muli compnlous Of viti tvo foreignersOfa ndfférent ns- puabli uidus 4 ft t Sé,, . sma etom prévaute. Noabout liahsnee &g. 1 ifsheassatilste tio»Utand suthle Turks 5di alof p- tmarrili e aow **Yan>' a90 vira oit enongi a charge of mathiesar voàlg= io eOItuimietke sp out voud a i> ladSagalil tbus. No roy oft liaian n tatt a renlis. tiI rclai W W f5005 fthe lt.~ la#" enoter lie aunu te kutua for the atlit.Tii Tbaies qe ie *0vopacu0ou&a strfet tblreebois vire piaylng loeglhtuiur etLUi els u-t mlinfor-hiso UOl *ia ue of tflen ebit'mh biii. è W6,r1,dQ Wuf* 1-P MU*- t.u te eu w *M 'IS ~ oii Sft~W~i4' I'4Of~ orJa f. ue oidbcl' y n*t ferip 5el Wa bidiobt mu tha ar t qulêae stur eVu bAs ipuit hmfrsitourtii buseutsofhtlre lam -St ro~vutthie#rdi- Mmd b~ttequipped le th«a ours- adby, W, i Simith l, 'aaouhloa thé,Bw4Sfior - théi buoaid0f dIcal-tiOl <owl0k 10 tlo tt e ii u ftst 1hs1 thc avualalea 1019 ter the slà ,ktsmdlug iv, ur gly *arm flte,«*SSwork l in.he ur Yca u l 9dehoo'. mse Of rltle Md iitVerr our mca outmahob.inthe etudente alade a Tery' future w. truait ,loti my Met ut PP " o la huitr o n- lthé bh Oaay f se lea.>'tbat gck ces asa *oe" ThIo hm e bdure &Md nof achtc'v bwib tâ liipIoPIurmaa * u1Ms eMOcsa U b. ave attatie * eJsm et he dehmu. illiu Utale UEr '- AM laàt but DoM lia it itO .itvols",, Wbile Mise V lis mwiacýi9 la Sedu pro. Mlba*gouu s lp pla- fosor Koukfor lb.e e.. lu avlalu. tedano Othe.moacsftr s year. the, Brovu tulaeitl Bya l a I ow ssein." est manie. - Principl KaoMik.o!rfthe121Ht Sproe, ebool. t*ho délilid lhe aitdre. Of tOIZ vs ivenir the evenllaito thb. graiunclasi. Ator b iMda me 0 lie bout hali ver bhourd .i. Dual f 6f la m- alamcmettheicelty. le dlais uhc greeted thle. lt a e<tom~ exoien ivle lie eb ractrteal the gaduel« whv il t! profilait iL t; ui thi.e tartins on a ln mua mc b 0t i en lU ib Uuig m aId t l op ocsu e i u Y to h a t e f M e lu thc otiide.worid. iiMleo1f. lioto Wbvasdelivereit by Pti lcialet. Bbl tlotitO 70 and yt e rNIs atbe- expreeei thle hope tiat apar*tltiitere miglal bu hofpr long and CertalnlY Ar. Smith,@ 1.1k. auli. proeldent of thc lucatiali tu preucutlng thc lite gradautes nudet.hei adresst the tlirtrimthau lah ave >uer ni'presuntins ta the. clai their iplomai anit me pleasule 10 note thes Mt Our Hlgii sciaci le mak- ber ai dIfforent thnes maite by those Wia are lob our sebools are ccii- T liais la no more tiauv T wel4 Pn tfor, there lu no body ofd.bii WI .Au iet an Institutionl as large .IffoneBy aon! syatem lu a msnner b. lu aecordanee vltb tie Our seaumlm osu er.aOlmcb m»dcoe ail, but villi lie able a- ti .very wa e p opect maetnuIt re )f our sclaoal .facuitY ait a&fls e gWa ud our uon le umak ie 01 est services rendoers& th le mrovua teae a eelsea. of thc Waikegaui bgi qu l la an>' anS 1 10 111 J .ie m- e ln tevenltateofl. L__is Yem_ ecomaru vih ali. ugs ~IGOPflÇMN couducW d ompares ftavos'- & A I U N w k ýib oiï - I3"'ETWEIEN TWO OP eoTINa-EST TIAMS,- Of 18 the Nèw OPDr4 ffGu O$e. 1VOL. x HI AREGOW -TIONII NORI HAVE THE1 NEITI Tie folle 1$«e aWho 1-0%lt grad in ae. f township 44 Werner Danill1l 46-10. Oliver JO Mia nEain bip 4&-h. Edvmrit Y 46-l1. Jameas Le bilp 45-la. Alfred J. milp 45-9. Ruh shie44-11. Mgaret townsip 4- R achai u touaciip 44 eilp 4- Bubier Il BulebetiR townmhip 43 Elzaeth, ship 43-9. Onu Gradtuâtes via bavei Siplau nfr ont ame: Bu"sh Sd Bruikan sort. Racis lisycrax, L * uai Teglua or~. Fox Lake Eimma lM. AmnsScia la&ke VUII Rab>- Leone mont Barui, Avon Cen ley. Kahi Jab neaiu' i Grss L. Antlach à Iran Stickli Wallace. VI, Jobonnotl. nie Wtilett. liaitke. Dam Maitten E Mary Galle. Swan SOI -Georga D. 1 Dater. ivanhoet Dserfielit ait, Estir £Imter Tici frieda K». liaipi Pote, ence PeSer Suti sa 8iuling, 2-1 Dunakin, N "Ueulah Kali à-~I1omc, ic n 't a'

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