Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Jun 1913, p. 9

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IVOL. XXI.-NO. 40. P",rTwo the I'w lad@ gr Se&r tetA tutt loe Bina Graves, Witbrop towship 4-12. Waruer Carlson, IRussell, 46-11. Daniel Lewis, Atoch, 46-10. Oliv-er Johuno, Atioch, 4"-. liarisor tonuship towusbl Aonubip Max Emmer. Nantis Chicago, tAn- slip 4&-12. Edward AKlen, Waultsgan, tAngnsbl JaMes Leonand. LLke Villa,.ton.u ship 4-10. Afr.d J. Dowe, Fox Lalte, tovu- sbip 45--9. Ruths DaIs>', [alteBluff. Aonu- sblp 44-12l. Mgaret Effesng. UAbes-yville, ILOaship 44-AI. Rachel Hocketawslsn. Rocltefeller, k Ovaship 44-10. jMatAe }9.Igbe% Wauconda, tAn- Esthen Boenu. Deonfield. tonship Esther tocltenbac, Fi-ais-le Vev, township 43-Il. ElizAbeth McCarthy, leke Zurich, township 43-l10. tUldned MeiurAcis. Barringtou. bosn- slip 43-9. Oroduatec of Gide. Gradutesaof Abs commun Scbools Who bave Abs Ma>' and June ieceivod dtploum f rom Abse count>' superintend- ont as-: Bush Scisool--Edna 1. Knox. -. urray Sebool-Anna E. Bedenike. Dl2nuond Lakes Scbool-Myrtio Brockman, bMtarill Weikof. Ioclfeller Schoo-Be sls AI- Svomi. Rachsel Hecketzwoler, Oston C. Bavereax. Llîlan C. finyder. Ibri- mani Tegtmeyer, Mable Heclkeiavoll- cr. Foi Lake School-Alfred J. Doue. Emma M. liorsan. Ames Scboo-Emma A. Cookt. Lakte Villa fcbool-Jaunem Leonarui. Ruby Leonard, Cara Sbervood. IRay. moud Bai-AbAt, Es-vAn tnyder. As-on Centen Scisool-Wiuifred Ma- le. IKateise ue sedon, iBertha Ses- baýts, mi>'Bsetsai. SJobuson' fichool-MIste Paascis. Grass Labo Schoo-Oliver John sou. Grimm" Scbool-NellAe Cobb. Antiocis Sehool-Elmer Harrover. Is-a SticbIes, John Morley', Jannettei W&aSo. Viola KukaUPt, AdolPAi Pe- mat, A-ta M. Hucber, Gi-ace M. Johonnott. Elimbah H lasrover, Jeu- aeWAilett, Pearl Harrovor, Ivais Ilaitie, Danici. Lewis, Vincent Dupre. Masiden Scbool-Maga-cA Elfering, bMs-y allagher. Rena Milles-. EvanB Scbool-jIrnest Pfannenstill. George D. Raibe, Pearl Dryes-, Es-ma Dsyer. Isanhoe Bhool-LeAuise Ransoun. Dcerfield Scisool-iElAzabeth Reics- ci, Esthes- fosoli, Hpsold Plsgge. EImes-Tisesrien, Doîbent Moyen. El- fiasKnaait Chster fichuita. Ralpis Paerson. Henry Jobumon. Clat- eoce PFoie-on, ElizaboAb Kfcbos-- BerlasIKrsa, Rivas-i t. îWrght BSol-I»ude Helefer. - BoutA Sobool Nos-Ah Chicago--Ma&bel Bhirllug. Florenc. Vaughn. joseph DuOBiAI, Niis Luoaiase tsid. 1eulah KleAAb Mas-y Wagner, Anunie 1ael-cb. Plos-euce i*ns Raymnond $*"lu. Lily JOn5e5g Josephs Atkiu- Mal4 lrie Talict. Jcàhn Wllm, dwuisire Broca. - atm".a Uhool4Oariotte Bs-r, ton. Neya Toyutou. Vase>' Schol-Rsby Feterson. Grayalake School--Harry> Dashen, Heurietta Krumr.y. Harold Druce, Truman 0'Boyle, Katie Mareth, Linda liihein, Evah Carfiei, Virgia Mul- bort. Fannie WaIL. North Ochool, North Chbcago-Max H. Emunor, George Nelson, Norman Nelson, l)orothy Jackson. North Prairie School-3>sLul F. Ferry. Spsuldln's Corner Sehool-Irene May, Omrna-Caruau. Union Berne., RthAbDocker. Winthrop Harbor ScAool-Bdua Graves, Dasmas- Christeuseu. Mer- cedes Gibson, Canolya SorensoI. Labo Zurich chool-RIsaIS&ethbec- CanAby, BiA Kohl, Robent Kaatau, hfArlon Jeumou.-. Hubbard ScbSno-MfAtilda Sasidman. Avrett chool-Cbari« Gose. Porter School-MlIdred lieinrich. Yorkt Amuse ciool-CatherAne Dooper. Gilmen Sciool-Estier Surma. Archer Scbol-Lena Wolt, Ous-nee Sehool-Viucent Mccann. Cribb Scbool-Lottie Quadenfei. Gages cornonss chnol-,Floreuce Waters. Town Line School-Eivard Klein. Wadswortb Scisool--Arthun Porter. Dady fchool-Manganet WbiAe,Cas-- ris Anderson. Higbvood Scbool-Artbur Kahn vald, LesllieSmith, EMiAsWeinach ýI- Frankt Walz. Irene Slofert. Have Scisool-Estison Moughmen. -Raymond SîulAb. Lakes Bluff Bchool-Beulah Shaffor. GerAs-ude Grost, 14111e Mlkltonen. Ar- Abus- Wiltstand, Leoold ,Grost. Linus Juison, Eina Dais>'. RutAi Da- loy. Arschie MAllen, Frank Goraglit>' MarI Chasleston. ado-um Lako Sichool Mabel Dan- rail White tichool-Henr>' Rieke. Holldigo Sebool-Dors tibrey. 0ftAbsonue hunirei fifA>' candidates viso receis-si diplotnas tis May' and June froun Abs c?unty superintendent, Abs folloviug are tise ti-t tIrAny At order or as-rage; the higist aven- age vas ,A. AstAust>' vbnwse narnes a pari-beiov vers vihtu Absnext teu "rn cent as iAh.,as-rages are dom, pared. Daniel eLvis, Antiocis. Ruth Dals>', Labo Bluff. Aunis Jairicit, South Scbool. Nonth Chicago. Margaret KlferAng. M'sdou Scisool, Libertys-ille. Esther Mocltenbéch, Tripp Scisool. Vernn. Rachel MedkstzvoAler, Rockefeller Scisool. James Leonani, Labe Villa School. Esther Bosoli, DeersOli, rb odi.« Matis Hughes. Waueonda, Scisool. Elizabeth MeCartis>' Lakte Zurich Scisool. Mai Eminon, Nos-Ah Sciool,, North Chicago. Josepb Atitinson. South Sebool, Nos-Ah Chicago. Clane hrwooi. là"t Villa Selo George Nelson, North School. North Chicago. Gertr-ude Grnai, Laite Bluff, Schlo Linue Judson. -Lake Bluff Behool. Is-aisRadt., Aaiioch fchool Lous. RanimiIsanibo.School. Os- Rockenheclb, Tu-tp schoel. Ver- non. Marlou Jansen. Laite Zurich Scooli LmEIRTYVILLE, ILL., FRTDAY, .TUNE 27, 1913. @EflINO MMID TOO RIualIFOR iUR* NEF M N; ftF FINTS George Winter of Gurnee Faints Shortly Ater Ceremony Was Performed. ]POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YE4A1B IN AI)VAI RFI'. QUAYLU SAYSU HE WAS OFFEI À BRIBEOF $50,OO Says Saloon Men Offered Vast Sum if he Would Bring But Three Votes to Them. SITSÉFOR PICTURE, SWOONSIRETURNS FROM CAPITAL.1 16 LINIIY SCIIOLArSI ORAIJB OtDUATES,(NU" FERI3NTTWPS.,IN COUNTV ARE'GWEN FOR THOSE STANDING HIGHEST IN EXAMINA- TIONS AND ARE 0000 FOR A FOUR-YEAR COURSE AT NORMAL SCHOOL-LARGE NUMBER 0F CHILDREN HAVE GRADUATED FRON THE VARIOUS SCHOOLS IN THE COIJNTY-MANY 0F THE CHILOREN HAVE BEEN NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY. The followAng pupila have b'n Lur orns, Waerner Carlmon. a*ss-ed Ahe Uadley ficholami;ielu WilasSciool-Willam L.Mur- tU dRe- nAAvablops of Uic county. (ie, Genevieve Foulon. Ida Oliver. 1$« mêse soaaip.aegsen tanAbe West Newport scboo-Jessie Zali- Ilbtb grae- h aksAb igietder. -*rue ini Abs examnuUon; bese Tipp sehool-Ora Rocltsubaoei 4molarships am- gond for-four yeans Esthser Rocltcbacis. ChntiUne Aisier. ls auiy othAb normai scisools lif tbe Wauconida Oebou-Della I. Kirvin. muai". Mattie 1. Hughes. Gertrude Brougb- IFIX THE SALARY 0f ASSESSOR 0FfTOWN 1. TiseWaukegau tovu boas-i beld a meeting aithAb court boume, oAi>' ýr sud fixed Abs salas-y of tovu assessor B. A. Duiqu at $1.000 a year sud fOued tise psy 0f hie assistants at $6 s day 'For a tov resions yeans tiseasne- 1. son bas dtàvn a lump nom of $1,800 i a year. psying bis ovu assistants. Tiser. bas besu a question abouttise i ntespretation of the lav u Abus re- gard, boucs thie boas-iddiied An fis 1tise salas-y dcfiultely. The total psy for Abs asscasor's vos-kviliiAbus ro- 1.main about Abesane. Miss Mons Quayle. isugiier or f Res-. ThoIpas R, Quayle, vas Ah ies-t[ girl n mialliomtcs at thc Unisersty1 o! Chicago. <nýom visicis acool sse grgduaisi, At. yeoI. Sbo also von seond honni'la elocution. Miss Quïyle hâte becu offusel s splendid poiinla Cicsg as temoches- but h~~~sa b« u od pLs Miln&. Question is Whether it Was the Heat or Excitemnent Due to Mis Wedding. Getting marrled on a bot day ln June was too great an effort for George Winter, 01 Gurnee, wbo, Wed- nesday atternoon. was united ln mer- riage to %lima Marguerite Bottger at the BaPtist parsonage. Rev. Mr. Mc- Ginnis officiating. F or, witbin hait an hour after being marrled, the groom fell ln a faint la Zion ity's pbotograpb gallery and Zion water badl to be dasbsd ln bie face rspeatedly to revive him. Atter the ciremony, the couple weut tu Zion, wbere tbey found a mt- tlng in the photngraph gallery. Tbey mat for their picture and, just as he rose after baving malntained a grace- fui pose fnr the cameras click, be droPped te, tbs floor n a feint. The bride at once fsared the worst and began An cry mont pitifully. She feared ber busbbnd had been pros- traâted by the beat or that tbs act of getting mrried bad proved too gireat for hlm. She herseif. had flot been ef- fected by the ordeal of gettiag mar- ried, therefore t was bard te, grasp the feeling of ber busband of a haIt bour. At any rate tbe gailery folkas ot buzy with water. threw glassa ater glass of it An bl@ face and acon the groom revlved, said he feit better and smiled at the bride. who was stillin tsars. Aftenrsmaining quiet a timte, the couple lefA the gallery and returu-j ed to their borne ln Gurnee. thîs ba-i- Ing bad a rather excitlng experience1 durAng the tirst bour of telr wedded lite. one whlch neltlier will soon for- get. Tbe question whicbion people wbo1 heard of the Incident tri-ld ta figure1 out wam whethsr It really wa& Ab" beat or wbetber t was Abe exc.itemnit of gettlng married wblch caussd Wlu- ter to keel over. Those wbo have passed tbrougb the ordeal insiasq elther appication could be uqade witb conslstency to Wlnter and be bimeeli ls willing to attribute lA Au the heat rather than the other possible cause. ELKS AUTO TOUR ON SUNDAY NEXT. Sonday mornlng, next at nine1 oclock tblrty autos leave the Elke' Club morne on Sberldan Road for thie1 Mineola Hotel, Fox Lake. wberethAbs Mlts are to speud the day. basting. etc. Charle Armes bas planned a big feed for tbcm snd Indications are thene wli bc 100 Mls n thie party. A plot car willi be asslgned thie job1 of leading the others at a moderate rate of speed sud any fellow wbo dares to dasb past blm wll be ilued $5 and be wlll bave to pay At. The Elks expect tu, have one of Abe blggest days ofthAoir lves. SALIENT FEATURES 0F NEW IQHIWAY BILL IN ILLINOIS Radical Departure From the OId Plan of Building and MaintainingHighways. VOLIVANOW PLANS TFSTJN4ILEASES AS TO SMOKINEi IN ZION Overseer Admits He is Consid. ering Testing Rights to Smoke in Residences. 1COM MISSION NOW DIRECTS. IPLAN USUALLY FOLLOWED.1 By the New Law, té'e Township Highway Commissioners Are Ousted. Admitted That Many Persons Are in Habit of Smoking While at Home. Because of Abs vide Importance ut Overseer Voliva. ln a statement Au tbe new bilA whicb lassonon to ise ef- tbe Sun. decLaresa tA he ntends. ere Feels Satisfaction That he has Helped te Create Dry Zone About University of Ili. Waukegan. June 24. Rev. Thomas R. Quayle. secretary of tihe Laits county Law and Urder League . was in Waukegan today, beyv- IDg Juet returned trOUI SPriisgfild, wbere he was canqed durîng thse ses- sion of thse legisiature. He express- ed dîsappointunent at the tact tliat thse tive-mile dry zone bil and tihe resii- dence districtbil wem-e defested, but sald tihe dry forces wouid continue Abe fight In spite ot everything. "Local option *Il oves- thestate wili come-mind wbat 1 say," sai Rev. Quayle oday. 'un mgoiug An lve to be a bundred, so that 1 cou tee the whoie country dry." (Rev. Quayle Ls 110w 69 years nid. altbnugbh lIcit "The bil wbich 1 personaliy foster- ed was passed and that gves nie con- siderable cause for satisfaction. I re- fer An tbe four-mile dn szone about the University of Illinois. This wili wIpe out every saloon within a radius of four miles, of tbf, uufrersity and wiii malte t a great ohurch achool AI- ready tbree den minatins are plan-1 ning An build fine chus-ch near thse '*Whou the mtter tiret carne up I went Up tAn Campai a ad Bouillt te, luclude the dry zone bAi about the uni- veraity wlth tbe fis-e-mIA. dry zone about tbe naval station, but tbose Aers Who favored thse dry nons about the University were af raid Aat the op- position An Athe dry zone 117ound thie naval echool would deflat the ontire mneure. Lîltewise tbey tnld me Chat thes- could flot corne out opeuly for Abe dry sone moeurs because hey ver. afrald of offendlug he wet meto- bers of thse bouse mIgAit affect their yoariy appropriation of $3,600,- 000. Tbe tiýAn hlls alreasiy bad been drafted but t vas decided An draw two separate hlls. At tbe roquent of people Aers wbo tavored Abs dry zone around the university I went to Spring field and remalned Aers until the close of Abs session. My regret now las tbat wo musA vait 18 montAis before vs can bring up our dry legialation again." Ros-. Quayle ezpressed considerable hitsess Anvard Speaker MicKinley because Ae smid ieiad beon a Asatos- tan Ahe casse. Mr. Quayle aLM tbld of Abs figlit h. made to defeat Atue bl whicb ;would bave permltted saloon- keepffs An ake out a icense tor fis-e years Ifthtey on desired and thon If Abs erritory became local option Tt would b. Impossible to close his par- ticular saloon. He satid be remalnedl up ail of one nlght for tsar Aat Abs bil would paonssasneUAime during thse nigbt session. Lobbiysts, bie aays. of- fe i m a bribe of 160000 if he w' pdecure Aree votes n tas-or ot Abs meamure. He says Aat Srfngfield mwarmed with hrewers and salo>onkeepero and AbaA money coutld have been receis-ed on almont any baud. STRUCK MAN WHO SAID MOTHER LIED. Wauksgau, June 24. Allie Payne vas arrestedl Monday afternoon on a charge of assault and hsttery pseferred by his uncle, Dan- tel Thomas. Payne vas given a boas-- Ing betore Justice Bals and vas fiued 93 and contas. Hs appealed tAiece An Abs Circuit court. Payne defended bIs action by say- lng Aat ho did no more tban anyone eise wild do vison a mo~n called hie motber a lar. He did flot watt for pro- omas of law but took thAe miAtter iiito bis own banda. Ris attorney, Arthur Bulklsy. made an eloquent pis& An wbAch ho said Aat Abs sacredues. of motherhood musA b. protected. Ms-. Thomas di fot deny Abat eho ail aid Mrs. Payne lied, but Aers vas a siUlit diffeuuS nc.thAbsay Abe tva mei% relatai M tacts Aat led up to Abs en- couatesjj Attorney Welcb nspreantedl Thom& long. An start an action in court An test thse legalAy of the leases held 1by persons- who continue Ano moke lu Mion City, even tbougb tbsy may ho smoking An Abeir homes, on qsroperty wbicb tbey dlaim Abey owe. 1 IA As recalled Abat Abs decisions An Abs ZIOn snolte cases. so fer have Au- dicated the rAght of people An susole A n Abeir own homes but denAsi Abtent Abs rigsAoAn molte on tAbs mAs-etsos- lu public places. VolA va InsitAbat, as aIll Absland Au Zion CiAty As beld under Abe 1,100 ryean lease, plan. Abat Abs boliers of asaid leastes are mubject tu Abs pro- f isions vAilol are coutaiueilterein. Abat Abs>' do not suncits. etc. Mahde- clame Abs Asase doe fot gis-stâtent Abe rlgbt An amolto even lu Aboi- ovn b ornes sud accordingly plans testing A t An sejust boy tan Abe leases dmes go. May OnustTheom? The tact Abat unan>' of Absanti- VolAs-a people are sug>kiug nigist along Au tiseir boumsmes-en Abougb Ahey do flot BMolt on Abes sAs-ets or Asublicly Audicates Abs possibilit' Abat Votiva, may seel t Anoust Absun front thein bornes by canceiling Abeir Issues because of violation of provisions visicb be bolds operative as regarde smoking. The tact Abat Vollva*s people have cornte baclt Anto power et Abis tAnse An CiAty affaire, maites bis intimation rathen Important beceuse It means Abe revival of a mucis-discussed subt- ject a matten o! interst and imporA- sncs.- Ten special policemen are nov patrolllng Zion in Abs desire tu pre- vent smoking swearing, etc, aud, sisortly, At As predicteu, Abey may b. tuAi to Auvestigate actions of rosi- dents even An Aheir ovu bon*msuad cause arrests Af tisey fiud Abs provis- ions of Abs leases rererned to beiug vinlsae. ILLINOIS CROP OUTLOOK(IS600OD The University Experts Report Somne Damage in Corn Belt, However. Champjaign. II., June 24-llinlas crops, helped by rodent nains, are thriving An Abs northeru sud vos- toe-nparts ofthAbs tate. The great tomn belA ot central Illinois bas sut- fered. especlal>' in Abs counties of Chauxpeigu. Douglas sud Pait. South- on Illi noie bas been dry, but neyer. AbelessAbs cropo are abead of last year's. ,Despite tsars occasionsi hy Abs drougbt, University' of llAnois experta > iso gave the above report ane An- clined An believe Abat Abs cr008 An general vili corne out veil. although TA ma>' be. tb531 ay, Aat ltAthe Absptsand corn bas-e stffes-si la cen- exceseivel>' varm veatiser, folovîng Aal Illinois. Protemmor 0. B.LFishen. Abs vet eprlng tisAt là responsile of tise soi tes-tAlis depatmeut re- but t le a tact Aat Abs hugs seom uns es, toas>, rom a Anus- of Abs An corne ntu exstence b>'thAbthons- stats. ,ands ever>' nigis sud Abs>' go rigist "WAmat An southcrn IllAnois la Abs An vorb. AIl of Abs nId fasiionei best I es-e? saw Aer.." he saAd. "t remedies are beiug calîsi Ato use. lastar abead a! last ycar. ' Conditions sud Abs grovers cf tise uers are An Ahs noansd vest ver. ai es-eu gettlng bus>' for fMar theAr drap vii before Abs.nain. The corn beit bas Le detrayod. been thes groatest et b If the bugs are alînys tiroi- ay raintaîl. nne-tnthe of an Inch,. on Aer. vili be a slilunpotato crop tisiAs RtmaYay"sii unda>', dii Uucb faIL-Exchauge.Agn, FOR THE THIRD SUCCESMI5 *YEAR, VANDALS 140E COMMITTED THEIR Di- PREDATIONS AT NRE DADY AND THE WARREN. TON SCHOOLS, BREAKINO DOORS, WINDOWS 'ANOD" LAMPS-SCHOOL DIREC. TORS JOIN IN EFFORT TO. LOCATE CULPRITS Stirred by tbs tact Aat on Weu$.># uesday nigbt, Jans lSth, for lb. 4 tisird successive year, lceu broitsotutuAbseDmdy andi Were.i Grove cbool houss. commiatalg ac of vandallerm disectors of h* Iv» districts, nunIbers 62 and 57, bas-*. Joined forces by offering a reWaM dof $25 for Information vbich will led to Abs arro0f Abs otfendere &W each directon basnipledged haaUW belp and locate -Abse offemides- if pen bie. Damage An th- client o!f010 or 1300 vas created luabtheAt»- schools and Abs tact Abat t las e Aird successive year fer such b ,a dations tube oqipnUtAdb h. directorsAn toa put a stop t A u-w-r actes- and An o vlit Ah.efe m Abey can he omcted. The acta of vandallau n flacas hese Muige: Droits in doors 9t two ,ulidinge. BSnuhsi water rom whiel chili-en get di-Inking vWti' Tos.up mamy.>'of thede"k Eroke several lampe. Stol. oues-il lmpa. *roke man>' windows. Broke ouisidea hutters on wingelm Worse a Vemr ^go.- Wisie Abs vandallAm t iis ymas vi bad, It ls admitttoiit ia not s» bai as a year ago. vhen h. lutentme t Aise buildings wene wrected as MIf cyclone bai bit Aben. Suspect Wouksgsnies. lA tg adit<ted Abat tU i iteo..' bave Abois- suspicion as tAnWhob",ls committed the acte of vaudiiiu Abat Abose suspicions as- dis-cii t vand certain Waukean iciltls. Abey dan b. locasi Abe>' u a. V prosecuted An Abs limai for UAb eoi.- bave gone beyoni Abs poini t f «Wà' sucs vitistAbs is-ctors. IlA te ed Ahe offer of Ahe revari, hobbb pears elsevisere lnabâte ssué, noir birng tise AdentiAy o! tise van"al te - ligist. Juat vis> anyboiy shouli ma»a1 a point An commit &sh atesets n boi *articuler scios ois Inbs-se ymssgt- succession. and JusA afler ibmmobol yean closes, Asa aunyster-. UtImm due during achool es-n6, oue mïg , AikilA vam the vos-k o!atudeats wh4 vlAhei An eecs.pcthe tiilu tact isYs ofthe summer monilia. Join Thoir Forces. ecause h. tva oioole ln que. lion hate beout made lb. object et tbs vanidaIs' a«tacit for tbnee etAbs dinectors of h. tva mhoolsboue -, [Joinsi bauds An locate the offeutsr. not anly b>' offéring the reveiltub. PaAi for Joiutly b>'thtAAoistict&. but tAie>'bas-e ach promis" oi t e votebAhiesautefforts An islplta.k> çate the miscrimehvo bas-e o- mIttsi thoas dasias-il> acte. TAie Dai>' cbool laslocaici abOMt £ tva miles vomi of Wauitegau. on l& s-dre street. beiug Abs brick t is ur. on Abs nortb .iàs o! the Meto The Warrenuton scisool la jusi sagt u Wanrentou station, sud la & ommob tain. Tbey are about Ave au spart. Artisun MeClasity, theo Uio lmj offc iceren nPoint 09 MisO ta Waultegu s ctuoeboa3m là gis-on estappel t m u i appointmest vau M"a*s W N fectivo uIlîlinois, governiug tise maintenance -f mros, etc., tise fol- foiu acts are nteresting sud irnel>'as twAn vssAAie bil viiipro- bit signature. Tise bil: Ruai Building- Pro vides for tbWr neonganization of Aise rosi building SYstem of tise state under Aise dinec- tAon ut a ointe iigbvsy commission ofthAres members, Au be appointedi iy Abe govennon. SaisrAes $3,500 eaocis year; six year terins, Tise commis- sion viii bave cisarge of Abs main iigbvays of Abs state. about 20 per Cent of Abe 94,000 miles. Tise st*te viii pa>' 50 pen cent ofthAb cost of constnuctlng Aese ronds and h. counties Abs otiser 50 per cent Tise vonlIt A be doue under tise direction ot tise stâte conmuission sud Aise state vili talte os-en sncbrondes as state biglevsys whiseAsy are once constructed sud wvili maintain tsern. lu eacis cnunty a ouperlutendent of rost sAube appointsi isy Abs cou- ty board, after exarnination by tise etate bigisvay comntAssion. Tise conuty supeluteudeut vili supervise tise state aid rosis n bis county sud viii co-operate vitistise towntsip hisgisay cornuissioners n local roi vork. Counties are enipovered to lo- sue bondt ton ruai vnrk and An gis-e filanclilassistance Au Aise tovnsis On ýpetîtiono f property ovuers, Abs vidAis ni roastmay ha cisanged An 40 test. Imurovement-Appropriates $400,- 000 out of Aise sutomobilb fend for use ufthAie state ligbvay comisissiun ton Aise yesr beginning July 1, 1913. lu Abs construction of state aid ronie. UÀkevise $400000 for previoue ysan. Mantenane-Appropriates trurn Aise generai tond $300.000 escis for Abs yesns 1913 and 1914 for tise state blgisvsy commsissionnAn butid sud maintain stats aid rosis. Shseridan Road-Oitves Lincoln Park conuIsstinners control oves- Sheridan rosA tiste Wisconsin state lins and prov ies unlform eystsm of policins. Streett Prtnit dAy c-unciie An open streets Arougis tarks. Pus-pose las to open a street Arougis Hum- bodt park An Chicago. Autbnniziug Abs empioyment of cou- s-cta upon publie mosde. POTATO BUtiS BY THETIIOUSANDS le a great plsgue ot poita buga go- ing An rein Abs potato crop of Illinois? Farmers wbo bave been An say Aat Aers serns a great probability of tis as aithtie pressnt ime Aers ans millions miore of Abs bugs on the Job Abats Aers ever bave serned An ho be- fore.j aN--, D- WAUKEGAN4 WEEKLY SUN liat ly OuPlete s h r5e &te ou, k ient. F s <Coatimuai W pa.. ¶iiree~ 1

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