INDENE WAUKGAN WEEKIY SUN. VOL. XI-N.41 TWtLVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, iLIý, IDAY, JULY 4, 1913 ONE TO EIGHT Si r~o PER YEAR iN ADV~ LINEtyVILLE MOEN TO VOTE ON SATUIWAY -DEVELOPS THAT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPARY HAS QUIETLY TAKEN.OVER IMTAfNT IDRM>f CIGIAGO h MIL- WAUKEE LINE-IS- RATItE SM91ÇIPANT IN -FACE 0F MANY REPORT S 0F LAT!E.O@%PAUY SAID TO ACT MEÈREL.Y As ÔPERlATlISENWEERS, BUT THEY HAVE ALL, SAY AT THE PLANW. A fact of interest, importance and xnuch sigxiflcance which bas not been known general7y in the city and county is that the Public Service Comnpany of Waukegan bas been operatinig the Chicago & Milwaukee Power Plant atHiigli- wood silice May lst last and that the electrie power coin- pany's officiais have absolute say as to,,what is donc at that power station, whieh is the main one of the electrie railroad compafly. The change whercby the Public Service eonpany took over the power plant was nmade quietly, and until today the fact was iot nmade public and offiially adritted. The offiiais of the company, when interviewedl, ad- mitted the truth of the facts, explaining that the electie pow-er eoxnpany really was acting as operating engineérs o f the plant for the Chicago & Milwaukee Elcctrie coin- pany. It la explalncd that the officers if, take over the entire systcm eofftie thse rilroad compauy wsbed te get electric rallroad company wben the new sale la made by tOce federal court rid of the trouble of operatlng their io h atta hyhv esg power plant and ýconlned their cf- far as te take complete charge of tOc forts te running the trains only. power plant. indicates that this may tiherefore thse deat witli the Public be the frst step In their plan of ab- Service Compsany. - - rptlon. a course wichb las been Thse Public Service company lias sxpected because of thc geograprical notIing wliatever tu do witli the con.- location of ihm Interesta of thse two ducters. moloriaii andi train crews IcorPOrations. of the roand. coninii ibir energies [ h bas been known for years tht entirely In machins carrent ai pjgjh. many of thse same men wbo have big Wood.i.term tbey have enUire "Y saholdings ln ibm Public Service Cein- to wrb@a I ilb hlred or fired an y s55 iebolti big bne, aiofstock naturally. s"ce tbey tocit over UIc la the elecrie railroed aad tlias wrork, abta bhave beaui made wlerehi always beau conchadm ta ibe mind o! theIr own Mme bavebon plaetin the public Uai evet( itty the two la- morne poitios t thm power plant, teresti would cota uniler the on. Thse Publie service Cornisay for heed. Thun, Il would aplsear ibat a yeura bas furnisheti powerInthebmC. stop in ibat direction haa been quiet- .& M. Elactric hM"ttlol ai North ly elecnied wtliont the public gener- Chicago fromn ibeir Waukegan plant ally being aware ef ItL and under Uic new irmauernteuiy In ibis connection a reporL te ont do ibm serge ibing for ibem nai plant that eniployes of thme service conmsany at Highiwooti, ouly ibey ire using the aise bave been granted'a big favor hy mrad's power plant. - helng able te get round trips via thc Tii. power cornpany lias been f urn- Noriliwesterfl to Chilcago frein Wau- tihlag about 13.00 volts te ibm rail- kegan for 20 centsy a remarkably neeti out of thm Waukmaan plant, ai- climap rate elien 25 ride tickets coti thoigliIL le transfornmdin 500 volts, $1 round trip. Investigation shows wlilcb le the maximum carrled on the tblm le nt the tact ouly no far as trolley lin.,themservice comrniy ltselt la concern- la signlficesit. d. At certain mlctrcal meeting o! However. white ibis explanation la ibm N. E. A. held lu Chcago, ibm rom- niade by ibe Public Service officiaise pany wlsbes its employes te attend. anti gemme qute reiaonile andi Therefore, 1km any Individual, lhiey logical, the tact lta b m hechange fnrnisb tickets tote bmm t noninal .wbereby the pover oosmny baiena- coul, 16 cents round trip. ibm coin- tire chfeuefcthibmpower plant, la pany isom p'orchsing tbe 26 mus quite signlificant. For a long lime ticket but giving ibis cbeap rate te there bave heen ruinors tisai the workmmn la order te gt tbem te ai- powr conspay. itockbolders betigrati- tend tibmeetmmings and thuga iden ually placedthetmnielvms la poition Ineibeir knowlmdgme! their work. NY ýDMSSYS 1113 MRR NIS fA) T FOX LAK1 Little Lloyd Hall Drowned Sat- urday Afternoon by Going in Lake Bathing. Baturtiay, LUoyd Halle-i hocycar olti non of George Hall, e! Fox Lake, ask b ic mouises- If be could go doue t esthelaite te euhm. 0e to i bu lie muei emain ave-y rom tise water andthibmtbougbtthiai tise chli ould abey lier. causeti ber te dismies tise me-tien trenhler muId. Latver lntise afierneen, tise bey dt]1 ot show' up ai hie isome anti 'cieni supper carne bhe-msnet tisene. Ai teD o'clock the parente becaew'or- rieti ant, alons, tarteti eut to e aci for hlm. They coulti gain ne trace et ibm lit- ie !ello'c, uobedy lie- seen hlm. anti, me-l', tbmy 'cent te iheir home te 'celt for rnominng, 'heu tiscy notiflict uiglibore ant i oficaIs ef ibm Village. it vas Bot long after'cartis ihai ivo fimbeMen rowing on tbe laite, nu tbm bora bodyilas gandt iey pull- d lulie ib.fer boat and t ob *t te shore, 'cbere ibe pprenta laies- Iten- lifidIt. The Verdict o! the coropte' JOHN TOWNSEND sU~NdbSTROKE 0 f 1PARAIYSIS First Report Was That he Had Been Overcome by the Heat' -Condition Critical. - Waukit. J 2. jI h' developeti today tisitlosteati o! havIng been everceme by tise heat on Frite-y asu'cas report*d, tise- John Tewnmend. mraster .rnerisacicai the 'cire Mill, suèered a piroke et paralysha andt thiebi condition la regardeti e- muItia. Inquini et thc Townsect home tis atternnen brougbt fort tise, staiensent iliat Mn.. Towesend w'as hofldig lbis o'cn. sho'chng perse-pc a very ullght mprovemeni. M. To'cnîeat Iu a member et ibm local board of education. For 50 ycars be ban been engageti lu ibe steel mlii busnesnevue sarcuse. ."S'-1 Liburtyvslte Women wil be given first 0pPortuiM.tWtub vote under new 11llino;& Womans SufFrage et sgecial elec- tin' that City Saturday {iomnorrow). Sas *tory on page on* of part two. HORSE OWNERS HAVE THEIR ANNUAL ELECTION Wankegan, lune 28. The Laite Count7 Hiiae Protectiv-e Association beiddlits ennual meeting. tnday, et the council rooms, electln; theme officers: President-Martin Lux. Vice Preaident-L. P. Hanna. Treasurer--Cbas. Cheever. Secretary--Geo. aBrrlstow. The asociation tocit Do action to change the by-lawg wbereby the no- cietv wiil, ln future, lueurs autos as Weil as bornes. along the Une destred bo sorne of the members. WHO WAS THIS WAUKEGAN WOMAN? A Waukegan woman was arrpsted and fited $10 and conte one day lent week for sPeeding ber automobile on* MeKJnIey Road past the viaduci. Two daYs later the sme woman was ar- resited at the sme place for driving 33 miles an hour. Sbc was flned $2ý) and conte for the second offense. Next tine lit sould be 30 daym added to a doubled fne.-Lake Forester. ACCID1ÉNT NÀRjOW. LY AYERTI3D ON THE MAN LMNEOf ROAD Limlted Car Narrowly Mis=e Hitting Young Man Living Jusi West of City. LOCAL MAN SAVED HIM. Gave Washout Sign toeb'Mo- i 'torman Whieh Brought Car i to Sudden Stop. n Waukegan, lune 28. A young moan 'chemeneme Io nid te be flod anti 'hie lu aid te Itveln ihm viclnlty et Warrentovu, lie-Oan P mxcemdlngLy chose caIl te being atrucit anti khlled b h im miteti traion ibm Chicago ant i Mlwukee siectrlu ne-il- ' roati Bt 7:46 o'clech, Fnidai' nighi.t Tisai heecapet Inljuny 'cpi due net te is own -bhhity but te ibm quick t 'ti -itin acion'o! a bystandmn. The latter, 'cho lo employe t u n groccry store on Gousnes e tremi matie a report of tIse maiban te Asaistent Chic! o! Police Tyrrell, todaey, anti auggemted that miore casm le es-ch..e md la thm people ulie crossUsahe ic- utr- ne ai ibis point. Thie lôcal man nild he vas near ibm railroati csosslug visen be se-w Use youing man -vis e itUinkm Vas Flooti, tiniving miens ai a good clip. approacb- lng ibm iracka 'ciUs appe-rently nuq ibought et danger. Hi@IUes 'cere tiangling leose anti bis herse 'ces nom autier control. Siepping minoibe mîidle oethe rndt tise We-ukegan mati 'avet isiaarme ton floodi te stop bis herse, gesicu- lating lu the direction et the ap- proacblng streci car. The driver o! tise berce pali net tise mligbteat ai- tention and centinueti toue-rd thse trackts a -pece ibat 'tas aune te Orhng bum about thc center efthtie tracks justi ebout thise te i aifi- ly nrovlng llmited train got tiscre. Tisé only ting heft te do 'tas te stop tOe train. Loaping mietiste mîid- cils of thec trackstsheiclocal Mac.,ulie tentune-tehy he-ti spent tisrec ye-rs of b ie Ilfitel rahhroe-ding gave tise B"we-sbout" signal, oee 'hicis is con. s fîderedi. tise ment de-cge-nous te rail- àree-d men. Tise metorma s mew eansd ,undensteooth ie signal, altisougis ie atiti net knov ibm cause oe! h. Heae- aplicti the ernergency 'hratcs andtihie flier came te a gratinz pause, luse me- emoenticosin« lbt te alhde e-long on .1bm e-ils, tis pause givlug the 'driver a! thm ris timie te fret acrosi tise trachi* not Usrem test &bodeathebmce-r. "Nov. ter, Mass. formani'.'yeani lie bas 1uppoie be 'cïi leame ibmrahreati been employeti la thm Waukmgan nUll, Ica mpey b o wtos-menearofl stering'cuIs Ibm Wahbumu-.MOen '»revetIagU t acident requeuteti compuny. geo. la rtd "asone o01 h51 .liS affle 'chtibelt.i. bm PO- Ib' mt tvaluai mmpioyeu orthUe coin-1Me M y Uif Af moom*n o ie pmny. vaWestuc eicf" wuld d 11vubetlqi H1i ie-sa fetmm Ua lecause et>151 v ie'a roi cum g ativmeeiagae a'ciinot be. able $01 timr. mS * e ~gDOe4o . iawvli Ibmet~mi, duto, RURAL MAIL CARRIERS f PROVIDED WITH SCALES I Ib AT C E T Tliere will be ne more guesing at weights of rural parcel post packages 'H i becaueail rural car-1iers are te bý DR iLE Supplfed wlth tested postal scales wb iwll bereafter be Jsed. The scales are of the dial pattern and wclgh up te twenty pounds. 'rhelr THREE AUTO ACCIDENTS IN LAKE COUNTY OVER use wll prove convenient te hoth NWHHOEMA WAKLLDAND OTH carriers and patrons for thic formeL cgive the correct welght of packt- CLOSE ESCA E-TWO CARS DITCHED-I"L FIVN DCHIO 0 aes and the sentiers wilî Oc able to ACCIDENTS NEAR LIBERTY VILLE ON MILWAI FRA I~~ K F MR- tammwiliot ~it~ t~m i te NUE-JEMKINS 'KILI-ED WHEN RUNNING. NEAR KETSTEU~FOND EAIth cty or band the money te the THOMPýÙN FARM-DRI VER WAS ARRESTED BUT KROOUND D-EAOTHERcarrier te boy the stampe at the enl RELEASED. THI M*NIfG.JURY BLAMES TITANIC MEN. AUTO ACCIDENTS OVER SUNDAY. Waukegall, june 30. London, June 25.-m satest cas,, 1. Charles E. Jenkiuis, killed Sundav morning M Thc terrific beat wa' e tiat ha@ held brought by Tho..s Ryan, s farmercf of Libertyville wvhen auto is ditched; conipanion, Gei the city lnUnilstrasp for the lait sev- Cork. againg he'icte Star Eteam- Robbins, eseaped -,vithout injury. cral daPs,, Leffct~dsfitrst death ton lp pn e eoe amae o 2. Machine owvned and driven by Chicago partie unSudy ibtwentO -mnii-the bs of bis on ln the Titanic dis- ve ond iunadangt wetheMr. an n. ater, a Jury ho the lOngs ench dl- pluîige over cîîlvert just north of Libertyvile; drive Frar ibfa t aofrkand tr*e. c vision lianded down the following ver- thrown through v-indshield and eut; other occupat e n bd . T h e e ft ron e rs i <u e mt w l l d i c t : b y l a n d i n g i n g r a v e l r o a d . e held ibis evenige at 7:0 o&clock hlnI the re vas t nethe fl p.gen t-e re w ard n v. L ui o f tto 'a k g'0vt ev r l the Conrad & fLuet undertaking roomm. the lookutote IP ut th ee es gt5 i îman,5were severely shiakeii up whenDIA~ ortd glour of a Uftile cottage whlch la show If the message front the steam- ville; occupants escaped injury but machine is daiÊý onrssi 5l . ht ,,eauseof he.dreht-anS..j ý - _ --ý -- .. h - U rayset be sn bajin don tPOfllisrespnsile fficr e tOcTitnlc min an automobile accident, thit drlnking, ne evidesce was bu roof. As the jutige beti lefitOh court,' wae the tilt over Sunday ln Lake te show h te bc tbm tact. in tihe middle ofthtie night Sirs. judgment basnet yet been entereti. county. muai bave heen driving Àt Oblacit wam aweksned by a pitiful lit- Divlng an automobile Ithse darit, rate ot speeti was Indicatei LIe cr>r troni ibé Infant snd awoke te I A E M ID f alon., an ,ntamllar country road, led trn o ftio e i accident tend Ils lips parceti with thirmi. The TWO À£5ll5d AAIJ IID F toe cdeath of Cha-rles E. JenltIns. Jcnkins taber toikthib cOuld eagcrly draik a lîttie vaieet- of. -t l ' J r, alOO Evans avenue, Chicago, Chicago for hurlaI. tered Ih by them oiber. The latter tOms I A FREf t LuUILIY erly yesterday mornlng andi abruptly AUTO GOEIS OVES CULI wcnt bac t 0aImle". enderi ahat 'tea pleI te bave been Wbat might have bani £. This movnintg wben Mrs. Oblack INI IF 'iI T ;an outiasg at Fox Lake. oe automoblile gldeut aweke her frot thcgbt te-s o! ber ION I ZEUS W'JSl i . jJens.inm. eccomspanied by George Li. Sunday afi.erneon ihoglY a cblld. BShe stoph ige0er thec utile cra- -Robertîs, Jr., 4805 Dresel boulevard. o'clock OnUs.he lwap.hes 5 die te iniplamit*a bison thechcIda T O #~T-nî IN * Alle fi Chicago morly aftmr midnlght on. d anti bhmile i* brou, but recollai aitishe toucis anti R1 "' Sunday moruing lu the latter'*auato- ville, wbena a Mwilm-i starteti haci wfth s 4zfk. Bbc gras»- CRASH AT ROCKEFELLER mobile te moae mdrive te Po% drive» bY Cisiego S$«W md the child il ait,# and b hegogtt '-TRAIN CREWS LEAP FOR Lake. The pair speti along te ib ty laMesCOI b~< e Ie l~o pe le 7to& vuIn-ibe TER LV S EIA boulevards and: littIe mite Vag th tbebheai. A physicien * s ummoned SOCIÈTY HOLDING M1EEI- a hait was matie te purchase a irmali andti e tbsmahInl» eoê &once by tire frag othor but be IG TL8RYVLE s 'supply ai Md. Kelly.$ plage. able justalsit reembol !ound'tIsai lite bad bcea&Oxttct soma N TLIE VLL E Asth i bm ahne approacheti Liberty- Asus.het c f *IbMr humte tîme. Tise inqumat Ularnerely a REPORT THAT TWO PAS- ville, Rabbins. wbo '*as diing, la mige et thé tllvrtt à" matter o! totuEGRTRISCL.LID. Isoine manmimr allowed the autosoubil: irtm r àaUi Ths ornIn ranrie itaW m an ED ANO HURAY TO SCENE taliglii emnaument. unable te gs i a t Uth e ihsd* . ý * e! 25 ycars et age. vas f«d uncon- IN AUTOS--TERMINATIOM. tam roati le tirove alonig Uic aide te 'cey, allebolg iiiSe scios l tie 'toti ner lib mmci a ONSIERE FOTUN thé~ tbigb'ay for 250 tati outil them ia- dtilo, sveai %tOM :zým scios i th wods ear13t stret COYSIERE FO M AT.chine sioppeti 'lb a endden lunch luaMiaface andi ach waa'l pesmhng wire 'torks employe making -a deep dtob. Bter aeting a'coôden cul y hé rIbm 9 111$ kg, Larsen &t l-olland'm auto ambulance Two monn wors, ljured end à num. rI bc xedt coiim -e.Taohrocpnem isuritihlmtaUi isspla Vbreheber of othersameapd possible sert- Woocd Strikes Seau- Asie, ailer Ma"n, Va 'cmm:, hurred im e te hspIal her heou& Injury by Jumping iu a rer-ond Jenkina Vas ibroun froza ibm front vere hurile I lbe o Ib 'cas i a sertous condition for corne colliion botwebu 1w. froight trains seat bacit over them toea nof ibm Car, wheftm hey VUZ ai 041* à Urne, but atternnen bella» te regain lu the villge of Soakeellfer, Thurs- bis strlking ibm reair asie, cana- somew.bat. The m meoIn las aeuses altisougis lieVil yre-lion- day nighi, shortly ater savon ooclock. The two mon who recelvet inuries Ing Instant tieaib. md cossiierably. A al ai day. 1ranke lives between l2tis recelvmd thom ln jumping fi-mm the The accident occurreti about ibree temobie 'c isehat flu a-nd lIts streets. top of oue of the tniiftý&,Thse collia- o'lock anti Vas net fan fromt ibm ville a lra andtomhtp* Branke Vas a victîi cit ihe ata T e in o pause r 1h. depot. 0 home o nR. Thonipion, and but and ibm occupants tea3 while hie condition la netl ikehy te -joSEpii C. WEBZR-I-lome lu Fon labou 20 e fron thibmortfôr- Aisout ibis tinte Dr. 1"a prove fatal, it is fet k I* ht bave du Lac, Wii., hat! bakernanou train mer supervisor W. R . iller, Thse Wankffln, calme abaq 15 dWi bsqd ho net hc, e*oenna~N.24 hu dere lait ergs bedlylatr% iirhp.. eho h.9 mdb,î_u 'chen be 'cas. itlusued a»d bruiss s ~ -h n atirq lrbenst er becs' Ibmofe etilia a ýE. J. JACOBON-llom. lun Fon'cabat alm irboisVs liRU Bailloyer Ov.roome. du Lac, Wl.., couductor ou aime hasimneti outalde te ose wliat liad bap- fnot bati enonui 0 oUi Sunday atterno<5n Vhite »laylng ai train; kuse vwreeched; Okin tom from penei. lie arrivait Inlete ta land was anioisa te et lb ai Electrlc Park, lRay Pulas sriltop o *i elbew ; bruisse and caie &Ili ovir Jenklns breaili his last anti l ie ud io h. coult Mve loch ta ibm local team, 'tam overOossif y thse ehowI ap.e.sortly afierwantis. Rabbins, surpris- flusitay fl. intene beat and 'tas unabîSé te finish Bots trains were procectiiug lu a Ingly, alibougis tbrown, l practical. THE MOFPakTT m IM ibm gazon. aoutberly direction. One of ibm trains ly unhuri. LoeMbeffetI cf Waâo In may plaes wok whih wasbati been on a siding. It consisltetif et e asn atltaope n ngafabr 1W" W In may plces ccrh huIsV55 enely an engine anti one car l Aobr amn atlictpeani u dubse! dkid sioppeti on account eft iheat leat 'itb tee. The engincers b5 m>ing ofimeed aid. He phoneti frornt the out for a ride lauIM 4 etnsday bas no et b ean resumed. 'on te thc main trgek 'lien th othier Tsnpenbreantiig ooe Sniy GiImNweli* Labres ae-nt isy vl!netvok l Ifrelght train, golug frorn t Yity e Taylor, at LtOrtyville, of tIse acci- machine nîn»asti ves- t» a Uaese so tilteeY I Dtmose rell Inforty miles an heur, came alongsn. etwk le ar l littudratis still ied relief at Use laite collision until h Vwas tee laie te avent Accompacieti Oy Marabal IÀmberry. ville, but fortunatsly as 'chlis15a godsend te thm pon pepe It.Tise train on the main Uine con- Dr. Taylor bastenedte t the scene antid ry'a njrt.ah sIsted et frern slsty te sevmty cars. toot charge of tise reminsn, taking sa-ing up. Thd front axal especlally. Me-ny et thmm a pent thse TOmee'as nothlug te do but see t îem te Trcptow e-nd Taylor'sme- asbn dJ'ntIlca sntire night on thc beach. Isefety hn jumping. The brakes were ' o-w-etbal n i a applieti sud tise englncerm andi remen gue,. ubere the Inquest vas beld , Sun. cut' hâ ibt Ilvos haniedc et betis engines andthIe braktemen and day. Jenkios' tather comlng eut te iib s. lv-o i TOWN WIPEDOUT conductore- jumipeti ton their lives. attend It. dth lr lvro h rhy acIns. IlOu tinse % eRabin - std.tien bappenetiauta hil BY INCENDIARY FIRE. Tsy aAedl ilbt cîthe ,log-RbieAret sbove-snntloned esce-peti Injuries. Robises tea peced lu e-rent hi' nti a wiere fibm d lcetim Joliet l, usnm26.-A ire beîîev. I Was a Freak Accident, thc marche-I. pendieg developmente aetkgaage -il camIlat N cd tebe-ve been ot lncendlary origin le corne we-ys tbe accident was lae tiinqucci Ont tise evidence thoeOigrgi l at Ia ibis mornlng. destroyeti vhat renie-e-the neture etfe- treat. Wien tise thc traedy, te-eduse te an accident lintendse hoaitem up theniat md o! thm village et Cas-bon HUI1. A train on tisemnl Ue crashedti hie de-c wlia'es releaseti. local attoney te fad oui tire twe weeks e-go tiettroye theibmme-- the relgisitbt te-a jut comlng le off Jekst-ierheplyia btint1.ostyuîlhmti jor portinofethtie villageanti la aise isedring Jamsîedti iis train bac 1( Jnls ahrl epoe stedntth nay1 1et tbengbt te isave ebem i ncendie-ny ente thc slding andt ien. Insiead of o!fea deperment for Channen & Ca.. dent for net liaving hat oigin. Tise village la locaieti near taklng tiseidring e-s 'oulti nature-lly Chicago, siip meteriai suppli dea lens l Whetible ithe constrnu CeaI City eand la eaprospérons mnlng Oc expecteti. hi ceetînueti on tise me-eintoibns tonka lu ibmhe te portaient vas gales on. iluseId al cosssnunlty. Tise bas front bots Oires ione. Had it token th is ding tise la 160,000, 'thIch meane practically tise chances are that tise greaier part et for Armour &t Co. The boys'ces-e clIs eesmi uuty la flel1 'choIe City. tise train woulml bave gene le ibm nhidlng lu a Oive paseuger National saige o! thm culvert ha not Pl A fm et ftwo weeka ago starteihIn 41tcb. guecar. owned bhi'Rabbins. Whie r.- a rafinlg. amileen. Tise lire o1 this mpurnn-9 Tise one ce-r attacsedti teb engu _____________________________ sateihn tise onli' saloon lmIt hn tise ons Uic siding 'tes jansaneti forward village. Retugees ere stelied In Cee-I wtb suLl force tisai It pileti e large md on ibhee Une et Rockefeller- 'ca rs. Fleelly ibey foUR41 Ciyquantiy o! tee upen tIse tender of senti aU Use dotera yos cmun" 'cas mwo victimae ofUse acch«Me Ct, __________ tise englue. Tise ce-nspli le haitandthei etdmsaeta aeovrrmvdt h oe« i A.J LO OCthe contents 'tere scaitereti on Uebcm-littehs ia aeaerro-t e U e lloreo Evenwit th Ailes et he ona h e bmlecture 'cas for-1 rer in Use hotub5j ONven 'lb ut[)A. etten e-u tb. Information 'casiven open te ibmeinjreS ON 8THntuTHDYetishe long train 'ce-a o te the attetiding physiiens. In aI- 'cere attuitied ho -. ~greaitIset it proceedet et leastat -mk hre ieiinI ae esrie !ail.g Bute Senator A.1.0041, blo- ock befone Il came te e- i0p. tellllit ine auomobile 10e-dme!tphy- rnetdt. Uiey W vas Ucheulo bwo et ocoaAr.mmes siclana voe.raclai; liha mati lu ibm celient aaih jarivan te t!ett'rpftu o! It se bappesie tbat the Lehe Cocon- dIrectiork o! Rockefeller between tva0nsar hatilà,," e Ua tikn lgn hsv, ILIî;iclBcht ceahlIn tslIand b m miles a'my. T se consttfrtmlIdi an4Marngo b~ 'cteonmonhy meeting lanasi -lflnLiérlU-9to flas o ir bornasgave thesu the The condudor4s thêrad~ t etr IIs jct etô!vile. A notcti physicien vras i il tbi rsit of 'cay andti iey 'cere on the Grayaltk e lai 4> $lg%. -Ieuee'hoc, W4a Biermidet of a learnetdislcourue. scene et thm accident In a remorkably I hoVing tuaiU 0,OW- nobe Theevet, 'as snatr'm Sqtdenly ibm temphbone ttinhheti. sort liane. Then i 'c«necessary for that ho i_» W h sa.àhi .>rbdy an*aary paumer erinls have colle tieinte0 cmmb ove s everai freighit tkolit ut 1 5.~ Itb bi4 o-" i e.01r IN" ONE TO EIGHT si rlo PER VEAR ÏN ADVIM, 01 0 ti il CI ci d b g. ý ý, 4r4mL ir 1