Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jul 1913, p. 3

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r s s M». . S JJ osaïf MiAàtàecydignlt t for th. vtersah. *111 speni tha somsmer. 1Mr. andMr J. A.Bennett 01ai OyO- lak, esvbu.b hmS Uae. à, pa"yoft»y iSsjouogpoople vilisi ' llvercvl.w frii. Suay. The WN S.1- -a.i .5. ane r attadlu somer éod aIDoKalb. L0 0ock leooeu maltrout.e&gain eter a Sire o ookamtion. A OsIegailon of Ilragakie business mon la agis pasosi throngb hber V-I devcrting their cesibration July James Cau.pbell and vile aifChicego, are vlutnt retives be. Roo1 NgboresudmiWoodnion hl thoir regulr meeting. catnrdsy. c R. W. MicClure va. ln Chicago an M business Frhdoy. Bers-y Hasard, former aup«d-ntndent oft th. oler place, hm. purchassi. th O&ea Surplace and taePseaosiorn toit# ws.k. Mir. and lMr. il. R. Spaneoburg ars @pudn MIsorsît Bst e .ret"bnd lirn cottae, .s h a bo .tadn LaF chouoaW. .U Il da &U Me stEitusstthéLncbai ie ge, Bolsui he muet enouaro wlUt hi. greudpareto Brke aslr.e. rs- fo. lira. Ed Gjibbona la hildog a new haro and lmproving theother building. onber farus. HICKORY Ia and John Grfflin viated 0,cr Sun- day et the home ai Wns. (riffin. Idre. Curtis Weil@ and' daughtes -uet the latter part oi tha week with A. T. 8avage andi lemily. The afrkoryr Union Cemeten, soclty yl bold an le Creen socia lu SIr. Am- bro.oColgm-o'. nsw harn Tnedsy aven. lng. June . Al cone ani belp tht'good cantes&long. Frazier retunüdt home Sunc. day haviag spent cuverai veshlwlth bis greuimoUber, àMs-s Holle.bk etaiWalkes- Prairie. Unre Stewart sud ater Frank Sled- mau reatecfne 1 uher homes la Guravse SnDday aller spiagg~s wevau t ng9 tire. .Ama. Tii. Ladie' Aid met I ednedisy.i J,.. 99b. iliram Jmalne Pickles. Ail ivt.d to Cone. Dr. and Mrs. Oasdîne r ai hîcg, vi- ted aver Suniay as thse home ai . A. Edwards. EAST FOX LAKE The Ea.i FOX Lak. Cmelr er ol$tY wili muet vsth Udrs. Lilis Hok. Wsdnes- day, July 9tb. icole uppursesrved. The Ea.t Foi Lake tCsmeter soclti wili have an le. craem SoclelW@eday ovenlntg. J uly 16ih, et the omorn0i ktr. Aib)ert Dougt. Murrie Brothers RUM11liiflinoie AiU kinde of Feed & Grass Seed at lowet pricS in Lake O3ounty. Let us quote you pries. TalohlesFaramers Une, ring orn ahtou q entlae. i MI« Anal. McCradis e hcher of te Nosti h imagaeboul returned home fisc bot vato. Wm. Uffire transatul buailal Zian Ciy. Tiiursday. Pont Os-lus pet Suniaà wth bis. percae la WMae.. â«v. 1eocg. alas-i vu.ordatssd Wdneaday, JeIy 2i ai Presport, 11, wbhre buviNHprsaeh. A cor"dIa ita- tlarn va.give. tea MluhOra aga-1 tional chus-ch A. W.» Salord bis father ottundl. Uven Ktdd met vltb o esvicuaaccident latrlMay vbsn the . viffiîrae- bsoh. on th ey las-k andi bit hlm lun hie aide. lir. aud jis. Davit Young ssdii bliren speut Snnday wlhh Ms. Yaung*e sîstes, lira. McDonaasuWlnntha, ID. A lar-gs tank as-s-ved tuis veek for lilhbnrnce.metry vblch wyul he placet] aaoan d valt iii sun iront pipe@ aIl oves- tho'grenais. Mies ie Woffbrt afRogers Park. Ili., le Wpun"a a weh wtb Mise Heleu Slord. C. 8. D.rnnseares-net homne Thureday fromtLincolo. Ili., viiera h. vont ta stist tb. lunes-ai ai hi. mothes-. Mesdames Doigo and Bock errIvet i and are eayfng in Ms-. C. Matbevi honsse. Ms. oni lire. Wrn. Hellman andi chilti- mu of' *eokegon, and lis-,andtIlis.. Thomsnon Wwoughbî aoftins-pa, vera guessI.o!flMr. amidlira.B. Edmnond@, Sun- day. If yau vent ta, go ta Chicago fur an a&l day'. shopping take the 0:25 e. mni train at W aiwo rth. Mr. Sis. aI Chisago, i. visltiog lire J. H. Bannas. The Latile' Aid saclety vilI halJ their regular monthly neesug et the cburch Tbursday, Jnly 10. Suppes- will be srsel hy àlib. liattie Jamieun and1 Miseos Anle andiElla McCsed e. Miens eila ie -Dugeli in vieting ber lîrothet au Highland Pas-k. James .ntAseon af Lake Forest, vas e IIIbus-n viitas-Tus-edey. RUJSSELL Tbe stravitasry sociable mibteochus-ch on Weneaday eveung vas well atten- dd. The young people are planning an ica creens sociable lantho near future. E. A. Revee and son and Bon Scblo.aer bave Dmev automsobile&. SevaralI ronsboea ili attend the pic- i et Roases-ene.the4ttb. Ms. and Mrs. C. E. Baqper af Evanstan,. and K. J. Banner ai Chicaga. speut Sun. day et %iass- nles, the Mdus-s-.Bsa.. The, Bonnet rannion va. helti et John Bentt hanse on Friday. Mrs-.. olland Dlchenson del Buuiay maning. S5ehlai hoeensick for nom@ tina. The. lunes-ai vsbeli ai 10:30 at thbout ionsn Te.iey. J. J. Crawford sud vile sud Spencer Crawford ami fansily @pont Suniay vitb Ben Melville& family. John Crawford anti lamlly froni Racine, @pet Suniay et HotaI Edwaes. NOahs trgae Tl wa. only viti the. utmol difflcus -tiiet Noah vas ahle 10 controli hlm- &dau the tve moiltos o! the as-h "tai rei andi corpulent on the heet bi bis baud, gaiging tisemmelvea ta ru. pletion. "Irit vamo't for the grudge I bave agmnt ymy poterty,' b. rasped lbrongh bls clencei teeth, 1Id anisai yens- Inernai cascassai! "-Puch. Neone fluied. Home la a miagie- word. anti v. sel- dom try ta analyse It. A uittle Polgu gis-l ln a publIc ichool vas asked e- cesty t. vs-te a deflition of **homie.' AÀ home," #ie vs-ote, "i. vhare peo- ps live, and vhera a mon or sanie- bcd d0ILd5 home anti finds peope Ibes.anul heu .tata!" 1 60c package Dr.. Mess" Poultrg Panaoes end 1 25c package Dr. Mesa' Instant Louse Kiler for Men'a Othrds priced [rom $2.75 to $4.00 per pair, en sale at pe pair * - o AiIhNRY KUIE3KE3R Grayslake - - Illinois PHIONE 5. TimfrJbWork Adveo u m i Pl.On Application ucaa M-. Ear Thomson bhomme Archi io.rceïld.ejoying a tva veek U» ptoud passaI of a baby gIrl, Satur- v acation a$t h. me aieceo the Publie dug .oeuleq. ServieCO.., la vbou.empluy ho has Mir. IgMoungb, propritor of the Iv fo i. aOIv en Graydaae botel cmaie a isuinees trip %0 On laod rlda IQ*rteen automobile ChlcW» olodai. containg olslsas 01orayolakpe maa i jéïeLontbaub bs aded ne tour of th.e umronlg ro wu@ for 1h. Jus ougbauh bs adedC 0w purpose ci edvestialsmg the Fourth of esani vuleunizes ta bisenta repair 1J~i n ~ l~ u equipnent.ofai&bout .ighîy.mve utiI.-Mpa..log Jamse Brahazon ha luet returned; tbrough the followlng townt.: Guru.., after spendlng a e iw vekQ tu Deleve,. iadsworth. Mlihura, Antloch, Lake8 Wi. Be reporte .nucb improveinant ln 11 ila, Round Lake, Vole, tlcilenry. the uÈreets ai that clftymanY o! theni Jobnsburs. Waneousde. Rckefellar and i ara nov heing paved vli brick. 1Libertyville. Wihh the exception of D. G. White and farnly andi Jeu; an Thomison the tauri@tý met wîit no Langahangh andi farllY bave .ousght tre Iben the averace tinount 0of refuge rans the bet t»' moving ta their dfiist.Ms. Thouson lias the mis- t camp an Thind Lake. fortune to badly dmnage his car when 1 be wac bree ut1,the ditch by a largo Arong tbo@eeWha bah In the auto wagan load.of til.. lu trder to keep races et Libertyville Suodar vos-e: P.irons îurnlng tartio h. vas tiimpelled ta W. Newhauso. 14k.'Jensen. Jet.. and sun lototbe eer aàd, w fih va.aia e Franik Bowling and Hi Wagner. damag ,esomue nent. Itmecee chat Mir. and lMrs. Tayînraf Buffalo, parents@he t m uusd tu give up eny oi oi F. J. Taylor, are vlsiting et the home the rosi. AU the cars heuR compelledr ai the latter for tbheuDet tva weeks. ta basve the turn plke ln ord.-r 1 paoN. ROUND LAKE Cal vin CabonW&@ va. ean wlth con- vulsians .uddoaly let veek. HoeI.ese-1 portei much btter as prsent writlng. 1 Workmeu have heem huey repairing the loggsd auvor in'Main street. Dance st the opera houées July 4th. A ignod lIme a.itred. The itonad Lake hall tean dfeatet Fox Lake ln a one-euded, game Sunday.4 We 1Ot ts-ach of the score.1 blisi Claira Roslnu ha. retus-usi ta ber poition et the poetoffike altes- a veets stay wlth ber .1,1er lu Chicago. 1 i41si Florence NMeyejes-1senilng a fs-w (lays wth ber Masterlire. Chas. Ianson. 1 Dancing ut Amann'e bail esery tlatus-- day nigbt. The vaudeville show la.t Sundey eve- ing va. e suses. in every way. Ne't shew July 13th, andi every two weeks theseafter. Agnea andi Elizabeth Dorfior of Racine, are viaitimg wvtthrelativee bore. Mir. anti lra. Rai Graham and son vistai the former'@ parante et Janeuville recontiy. "teph Ltwller hbhred out a. chauf- feur 10 lir. MeFrland ai Talar'@ Lake. Elroy Blahop of Somars, Win., la riait- lng bilé cousin i>aali Bush. Roaad H awkins returnai froni Chi- cago aiter a tva vweeke visîl w'tb Monda there. Ben Peterkort and vile violtad at A. li White'& Sondai and Mouday. Fred Jorgeuson ai Chicaglo, in vîsting bit. hrotber Chasles for e couple of day.. Margarst and Evaupelino Mttinsan oi Evaoton. are vi.ftlng et C. W. Bush'@. TWO, WEDDIN4iSof NOTE SOLEMNIZD WEDNESDAY NMOIT 26. Letton .1 lb. ilav, viien atuire. sa as y vis- ce thse au ta t once natter g. that tg the pro- e van ino he bas e lav. fg con- e 1ev r ntt reos[- m thay etion. r vere spring s tva à, va- natter. m vlt!s tend ta tkinsion It andi r tva bte on s-alurn L. Ho gn lb. a and n muest rmailty matur- a vote On, lu t Sonte- socount thse vo- las-g., vhlch antîie- tet, and itnation lites-est, te thei iii g veetly-II4DEPUNDENT. Tih des' IWAld aiGags- ILake vill holi thals- umslig witb lir». Ueo. Kapple. Tbursday aitornoos., July 10. V io- raelcome. Mr. and lira. Sils Wnîeit anti Mr. anti lirm Thon of Liheryville, spent Tburstiay at tb.Amas hom, Chas. R. Roger le painîting anti do- corating tbaeParh.botel set lrucos Lake for W. 1). VantWood. Mr-. ant i lre. Davidi Carlýie ofaWauke- gau. are spemig the wes-k witb lis. andi ls-e.George Kapple. Roy Ps-actas- ad bride es-ut Sunday et the Lavrence home. Etivard Vuee ts-ansect-d business lu Libos-tyville ona day thie ws-s-. Ms-s. aid citdren oi Taylor Grave, and d Mo-s-ii Cannon .! ZDon City, apent a 1ev dave last we"k vith Mr-. and Ms-s.Anses Ms-. and lira. Ggstavton entes-lainai canspany fs-an Chicago ove- the Fous-tb. Ms-. sudlira.Norion Kappi. @peut $uiey at tiseUO. Iappie home. Havas-i Beh antiHaroldI AnesaIo Wankegen, ipent Sundai et the lattes-' homo. Ms-. Small Iseutertarnlng hie mother andi father fions Wlaoondus. 'NEW SKIM II VR Enters Into the Construction of Many a Piano--Syrolit is a 1 New Invention. It ls a littIe knovn tact thnt the mnat delightful munei the. pros- ont 4>Ly 1leproduceti by plaYing an mllk. 'TIe supply of lvory noaays ioesj t, ta a great extent, ment the do-j mand. Strange a.s 1h )ày souni, ekîi milik forma a substitute. It la useti for maklug tIse key boarsofaIpianos, and lu appearance this harionoti suIs stance Io hardly distinguiuhed fruri lvory. Wliet le more, Itlale nuch ls.aex- pensive, and its durahllty nearly double. Syrolil, as te- skx# n? lk tvary Is named, la a îratlcaAly nev Invention, but et the present tme thonsautis of gallons of se parated millkas-e dally tsanformed lto une ai the snast use- fui mnaterialsai ou des-n Invention. The nilk la flot mxei vlth anï other substance, but ailes- being Puni- li, It la compressed,. n tint ail the inoisture le extractei, and the sub- stance bacomes hand and dry. P-etically in oves-y part of the globe chie product le nov 'used. It te tunnel luto usobrella haniles, buttons, pbotograph freines. etc. Tii. eomb nsaldng iniustry espec"iiy appreci- 1 aisees Is os-tii,ae il eaU b.maie te 1 lock ii. haru. litsnon-ut imunablty le another of ts lie $tt.-London Angves. Where Ame You GoiM th2 4th? To GraysIaket ofCorse. The. Pountain at the, Rtxam ONEP m E N OWN i IIENS ARE WORN 1 -. Overseer Makes a Statement That he WiliIMot Permit Des-. ecration of the Day. "I dont propos, tint viiiho ans' more Sunday labos- ln this clty." bail Ovorsees- VaivM alst ntglit. e e if there viii b. anyone go- ing out wlth a hoea nd hoing lbeir gardon on the Loi-d'e Day. No more of iis carpot beating elthes-, an Sun- day. Outiehdof,! MZon City they b.- have lîke heethen on the Lard'e Day and gardon, moi build liouses, and ruse tehatres, but ZMon City le nat golng to bo ron like Chicago, and other citie of the eus-Id. We dont propose ta have a mas stop into this clty on Sunday w! tI a base ball bat in hie hanti anti a quiak on hie face, andi theres holie nu more picknicklng ou te lake short on Sundey. "You wan't to ho careful about yauir eating tua, this bot veather," ho Ove-- ses-r fustIer exhorted. 'Dont emb toa niocl. And dont tuf yaurself vlli a lot of riich pies anti cake. looki ont for this ricli cake wlth Icing an It, It gives people ehehogout. 'I want you ail ta tay lunZMon City on the Foui-ti of July and attend the picnlc ln Sbillh Park. There'l bo îlenty uf misqultoes te go araunti, and If you dont corne It vunt be fair to the othicc." Oversees- Voliva left for Chicago, lait nlgiit, on th. 5:11 train, ens-onte for Roakiord. Tie pusjury case como. up hefore Judge Fs-ast et one o'clock tuiay. The case le beîng cages-h wtciied hy nseny people lu Rociford. but fev unies-stand la viat vay the Overseor ha. perurs-siilmself an. Juet vhy l shouli engro.. lb. atten- lion aiflbhe tate's attorney oaILA&e county and six lavyers, Use. oe each sida. A cuaul vîis t che court rocm mlght think It vas a mnus doer trial, or lb. holding op of lhe Nov Tortk Century Llmitei. The Overseur le net et aIl sure jut Dow vhelber b.avIJI escape tnilctmenîtao chieken tealing, because he ays ho 'as beau Wloitei for se many lbings equally as grave and ho vouli net be sus-prtsed ta have sncb a charge fijo againet hlm, aceoniing ta bisi statet nient teae reperted 1lnZton City. Work liard. Save part~ of yotir income regularly'. Deposit your savings where they will work you safely and profitably. Strict go'.ernmant supervision, upright5 ai respousible and couservative management and la financial resources make this bank' a safe depoal for your savings, and it pays 3 Per Cent Interest and interest on the interest every six month@. flkt lima Rnmt Vutlnp A STATE BANK 1 The Sun Discovers the Coldest' Place in Town Mwhe Mer- cury Showel 5 Below. Waukegn. Janme 80. Wauhegfan continue. toay ,to svel- tes- usder lbe terrifie rays of th. Sun, lu fact. many persoasbelleved thie really vaa th ,e bottant ef lb. geverai iays' spoîl the clty bau passee thsough. Many repasashovoti 100' lu tic sbýade lu vas-oous-parts ai the . dIV about noon anndsanie aven xenturei ta shave It up ta 103 and 104., And, while on. 19 thlnking about tii. bot. test places In towu, It may be con, sollng and com!ortlng' ta hnov thet there laeat lemet one place in towfl viiere If Io no cold lbat one vonli have ta vear muEfs If ho renininedthorbaa very lang. The coolest place lu tava. as prov- oti hy luqulry made by, the Sun, vas Dalen and Brocker's ireezlng rooni, viiere, et tva oclack the mes-eus-y registered FINVE BELOW ZERO. Imagine It! Flve baby zero! And, Just outside In lb. roomviiere the mon voseenaklng tee creani. lbe niercury shaveti 98 et tvao oclock. namevhat dîffanent lban vas faund lu theor omvere creem n sstored andi kept cali. If there vas any colder place In tawn, the Sun vas unahie ta find it. The employes wbo have occasion to go Into the freezlng rooni lu tht.sert of veather muet protect thenisalveà by wearlng ovorcoats, caps and mit- tons, hence It ls a etrango alght ta go Into the plant wltb the. mes-cury ai- mont ezplading outalde and se. thé vonisuan ententng the fs-eezing s-oas covereti up asIiftt vas mid-wlnter. Soma of H-ot Places. The Sun made It appoint ta niaka lnquiry et tva o'clock as to the tom- Iteratetre fountiInbthe different places elîli the foliowlng resulte: H-ositltal oporating room, 90. Cltv water works oMfce, 90; englue s-nom, 101. City- wareliouse et harbor 98. Pearce's corner, 1M0. Nolleteln's corner, 97. blackenzlo's corner, 94. Frant of Sun offie, 91. About the. coaleet place In th. cfty vas found in the. court house, viiere vhat little brees, thore vas tas-ced île vey lbs-ongh lb. vindova. 'OBSERVANCE 0F SABIATI DE"AI ED-BY VOUVANowý FOI6UOPERTES RENTI3RS DEM»ê MUTISUVCESS ON MODI3RN P1 1, SUNDAY EVENINEi SUPLYL Young Man of Thirty Years Real Estate Men Delare f Gets Two Forged Checks Bungalow. is the Mod NP Cashed at Stores. ular Residence Hmr. Waukegan. JunelïET Tante of WaukegaiCs rentera A Young Mnan of about 30 Years been modernlxed tiring the of age passed two forged checks Sun- three yeara. day evening on two local druaglos, Such in the consensus of op"i usin.g the National Envelope colnpany local real estate agents. wbo d«4 as the signer of the checks. that ln order to hae a hoWe At 6:30 ho entered Holteina drug readily nov days it has to j. store and made a puschase of articles In overy regpect-even to outwe# d aggreggating 81.35. Feeling ln his pockets ho fouud he diii fot have enoigli change and banded .%Ir. Holl- "Modem-nbungalow.--rno5ie of1 stetu a check for $16.50, made out t o ld fiuhoed cottage sttff-c*q Howard Johnson, signei! "National the rage »nw," reaaned oms i* Envelope Conspany1 It was on a Se- mnan readuly novadaysIit Mý curity Bank check. modem bungalow you cuafl ,, The amne Howard Johnson and the seut It easily but commaad 0s.S signature of the. check, dit! not ap- for it. W. aimply canso t l'id pear lu handwrltlng .imilar to the. an- of thon eJind aofedrn,«o1.j dorsement which "Johnma" made th. dernand." vien lMr. Holltein agreed 10oeh" lime waa vheu larg", it. Thun, t la apparent, h.obadan hou... arnd fiais . vesanl qM accomlie. in hi. forgery stunt, At rentera, but those dysa" a - any rate, Mr,. Holîstein daducted bisesetâte mon ».y. EaUg of purchasea and gave hlm the. change, fer as their rentinrdg 011? $15.15 and ho vent out. ed, lollowa: bungloUws, It vas later evident t>iet the. fel. tagea, large moera bobe, low went divectiy to Jewell's drng date. ohd residenoos end 0M4 store, !hore he prsented thc marne T el Inl.thmit thèe ea" kingi of check, but it vas made Ont for ber 6vant houle. ta W $6.50. He follovcd the samo plan, vas the. atatemnat of a ifI .l purchaging mipor articles and ».king man wbo dace coueMermbhe-,à to have the. check cashed, Mrv. Jewelluienn, 'but v.ry fow oftiétho i accosnsodating hlm by glvlng hlm i the ht are iinreutted are ýmào«Leta . diffee-ne.,are, they are ton large ft t4é When thse checks wero presented to ag. famliy of today."? the bank today thse diseavery vas on. resaon advanced by rmi 0 made that they were forges-les. Mr. men for-the decline in thc po#< rHollstein swore out a warrant fer of large bous,.ilethat tii. ,M LJohnasons arrest but the bellot lahoh familles ln Waukegan la c ha. sklpped towu. There are few large fenilia 1 Il le bellèved the saine man va. In vas polnted ont, espec"all$00 ilth Holletein store last week, viiere rentera. Most o cf e fMUss% 1ho nmade a purchase of filme, similar sald, aves-age about tour Pa"m~ to those ho obtained Sundmy night. Outlying, or . auburben" poeeo This tact would indicate that he bas itla 5caonly tes-ied. rete r been Iere for sanie days, posslbly ho- readlly, uslslally to faminle *log a resident of the clty. . cudren. Chlldleaa coupb IQI 14, f It vas reported thes-e vere othlislwhhteear victîms lu the city but the police have dren, book »e«"ecs cI ano otiier noame.. downtovn district ae a I e S a s e t, e s s i I. Store will b.e t yourservice Ual Abbtrsl 388 ¶antvuefsxon aviam e e.c. where everythlng Is cool, Lit rd saniessu.vuelb me dean and refrtshlng. .eure.j peloaw pail *0spii lama «q W. invite you ta Grayalake the tth. oLeau no le Hamvlhas o ut Our- Soda Fountain viiiinvite yau th" ty ms«e gatieu l a viui ta aur store. wrova ul crs-luhao m mlo beI Druce Drug Co* rom& TH EX ÂLL BX TOM Cqltivat a poccfalPeeh ges GrasI.~e, Round Lake comflJ5R THD<0 LENZEN GFýAYSLAKE, ILL., We can give yÔu1 Farniing Ti at Cheaperpicsth* aiI"Os houses--and *~e stand back of diu HARDWARE Mduni Lin We are exclusive agents in Orayslake for Worfl%4mous DEOE PAINTS.. VARNIS#* and BRUSIIES. Inspect Our enormous stock. You cm #M' what you want NOWST TIE MTO GWCZ jLAWN MOWERS - ,A> $à Wauik gan, June 26. Three Waukegau young people 'ad one former Waukegan young voan were the princilpale ln tva pretty jionie wedings held on Wedneaday nîglit. One of- the weddlngs was helti boresv.hile the other was held In Evanston. The contracting parties w.ero: Harry Thomas and Miss Caralyse Burnett. both of Waukegan. Eldor V. Johnson, of Waukegen. and Mise Ethel SanjOmayer, of- Evans- tan. Johnson-Sandmeyer Weddlng. The marriage of Miese Ethel (Ted) Sendovayer, iaughter oi Mrs. Coa Snimeyer, ai 724 Washington street, Evanstan, but formerly of Waukegan,' ta Elion V. Johnson, son of Mn. andi Mrs. H. E. Johinson, ai Wankega, toak place, Wednesday nlgiit, nt alght o'claek. at the home of the brie's molies-, Blehop W. W. Toîl, "osmaly rectos- ai Christ chus-eh, W aukegan, officiating. The vedding vwas on. ai the prettiest andi mail elalsosate heai on the. nostii shore In1 same tinte, Gueste ta the nuinber of about forty vere present. The com- plate ceremkony vas useti and vas mosl l.mpsesive. The home vas prettily decratai for the oecuason vith roses and terne. Thomas-Sus-nalI Weddlng. Mise Carolyn Durnett. iaughtor o! Ms. a»d Mr. George H. Burnett. of West and Washington treete, Wass- kogan, vas unici lu mas-nage, Wed- maday evening, et lght-thirty o ock, te Ras-sy Thomas, of Wan, kspna, but late of Neenah, Win., Re*., Cftsldeer. af thseFis-t Presbytes-la oubusc, oMfelatlhg. They were nnat- tenled. w .nsu~v..xv ~ .-.-~ .- ~ ..,0,.~.,.P f r.cks'e Capitsl$28OOO.OO 4a 1 Lamke Villa,

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