Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jul 1913, p. 12

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TI"VISIONWIIEREBY THE CITY CAN, IF IT WISiESe ERECT PUBLIC BUILDING 'REPRESENTATIVE F. S. MUNRO OF HIGHLAND PARK WRITES INTERESTING ARTICLE IN WHICH HE EX- PLAINS HOW SUCH A BUILDING WOIJLD BE 0F INESTI- MABLE BENEFIT-EXACI PROCEDURE EXPLAINED - SPECIAL TAX PRO VIDED. 'lBy Representative P S. Nunro,.) Ilpon a vote i lu e affirmative, It it bas long been the desire of our shal be the duty ufth1e Mayor tu -citzens wbobav bee seeintappoint a Board of if rectors of three ,tfttens whohav bee seeingcempetout persona and under the law wayes ad means of securing thie gen- the Board of Directors may purchase oral veitare of Our people, 10 obtaîn a or lease real estate and erect the fonmunity Flouse. Nowadays nearly building. orrow nioney and bave gen- every clîy of 5000 inbabitaits, or eral care and supervision of the prop- more, lias lis local club and club erty. grounds ln some Instances the clubs Tbe omnîunlîy Hlouse, when bulît, owu extensive property sud make shal e for the free use and benefit large Investments for club purposesOf thie inhabitants of the city sud for bat for filancial or social reasonsa f ree letures, concerts, public assem- large percentage of our people are bles. aud tfree amusements and en- uniable I0 secure the pleasure deri'ed l ertiluments. The Bloard bas power froni less institutions Socil agth- tu Inake sp)eclal arrangementa wltl Oriais. heretofore so colpuson, are privais parties for file use ofth1e »Ow a thiug of the past. sud the social building, or a Portion, sud ulon sucb lite ofour communies bas loftisome ternis as tIhe Board may see it. -of our people without auy commun This law contereplatea Ibat the cty Meeting Place. il la 10 suplpic is shail operate a place of public amuse- Wat tOit Flouse Bill No. 2,0 became nient. This would Include blliards, -law of the 51810 ofIllinois. dauces. bowling alleys. as well as TMs nos las b sa large stop for- banquets, sewing circles, or public er. ward tu the progressive movement, iltures. aiiowe any city or village havIng a Ilu ust cities the varlous lodiges Moulation of legs thonu 500,000 10 es- Sund IL difficuit 10 obtain roomas for tabuiis and mistain a public building their lodge meetings, aud Il would -for the. goueral educational sud seem îhat a building might contalu -Mneemoaiet purPoses of tho lahabil- aPpropriate quarteras hich could lbe enta of the city or village. To se. leased 10 sucb institutions. Ibich a «M er nauInstitution a petition of building ahould bave commtes moims mne handred logal votera, or mors., wbere the citîzens of the tbsn wbo MhoIld te addresaed 10 Uie City Coun-. are interested lu the varlous branch- cU or Board of Directors, asklng for es of city service mlght meet Sncb M aail al i for the purpose or a building ahould contan a stage for -bhInt the grouud and erecting the private theatricala, 01ghBeahool enter- y'Iliing. Thereupon the City Coun- talumeuls, graduation exrcises sud tg..r Board of Directors. must sub-. other Public gatberings mure or les -M the question lu the people ai the intimatelY connected w110 the affaira SoxI anunaI lectIon snd the votera Ofth1e city or village. *(bicling the sameDi bave power to1 luothor words. Iis would 0e the 7 cImle upon the proposition, social conter ofth1e commuity sud If the election sbaîl l0e lu the af- the spirit of the institution sbouid 0e -Ormitive. It becoînos the duiy oeth1e for the generai welfare of ail the ',Cpaciite levy a tax of tbree milis people. The expense of maiitaiig on the dollar for the establishment auch a building would 0e comparative- of theb Community Flouse or Colisoum, ly slight sud under efficient manage- 9Msu tbereelter te, levy oue miii on mont 0e neari>, if not entirely self- '%b dollar for the maintenance of the aupportlug. bwmbig. FAYETTE S. MUNRO. 7I1% ÀI VEAnUS VICTIM SUCCUMD AT lUS 10BTJURS. A. M4. Tank W. Purdy, Weil Known RALS DOWN E16UlT STAIRS, lIAS LE6 CUT, TIIEN FAINTS Wsukegan, JuIy 15. Thos. E Gray sustainoti a bai fali ln hie home. Suunday morulug, il 3:00 oclock, when ho foîl dosu eight stairs. lsndiug on the pot at the bottom, cutting is leg sud ljurlng himssoît 10 aucb ,an exteut that ho faluted sud îay ou the floor for some lime aflerwards befors his family dis- coversd is condition. Month Ago, ied Today. brute sud sent troin bis room t0 an- ollier tu close the window. in alIt- Iug back hc titi nulcs e 1etarsay ANTITOXIN' FAILS TO SAVE sud teit eadlong dowu the fligt ut igbt stairs. Ho struek the posl aI ~ ~ the isudlng aud lu somoe manuer cul Ptîysioian Mtminsered 3.>,OWAIbis leg quite badly, The fait causeti - tnits of Anti-Tetanus Ser- blul te flut sudhos ls unable te figure bus long ho lay proue nthe floor. um Durlng Iîîness. ,ludging trom the losa et looti ho - - suslaiued. ho must have been tbere Frank W, Purdy, 60 years nid, a somne ime before biesitle discovered Weil known MWaukegan dairynien, wboi bis absence sud, golug tu searcb. dis- bad been lu business lu the cîîy for~ covered wsial îsl ad pened. a Pumber et yoars, died Ibis. Thura- 1 My. Gray is limplug sllgbtly but d&y murnIng. et elght o'clock ot Te-! otherwise lias recoversd trom the ex, tanna. comsnunly called loctiaw, foi- 1 perolouce. lowug a lilgt Injury whicb lie re- ceived a lithoe ovor a moulh ago white workiug arounti une of bis b'orges, Dr. Kuight, who atteuded Nr. Arsenic TOit We Vat Purdy, denlea that lie deceaseti sas RIt k th a t arsenic existeauni, bItten by a borne. mslly ln 10e tismues of the bumana . lu a tatesuethos decared that Mr. bodyotiythout doiug bhrar.u-l la a Purdy received a slgt injury whie, constituent uf pos, aimntsud hocsas biîcbiug tisebOrse. The ln.bneu-s etue huhrci -Jury censisted ut a slgt abrasion of b8s. eh ettceth loghrih a thc back of 10e baud but sOther i . ser cmpred iOamni u sas iuflicted by cuming in contact bss rvaascarcely besoss are vt son ee outhIe borses teetO or mero- The foositufs poorest la arsenic ire ~Iy a Portion oth1,e iaress trimmiogs 1ha h anane, chesînut sud eLk-lai tu Dol tuosu. 1pre Weekly. The lniury seemsd go trivial a et____the___ ýItime Uit il saà uegloctod unlil about & mnout0 ago sben the ToIns symp- Net Over-rominent. $UM toa icame 80 prouounced thal lise I"lIesdos Dorilng smand la till DlmysCian sas caîbet inluHo made a ICOMMUity?"'"Old Bill Dorfigr 4*kdgaos o f LocIt Jas at once sud I 'Vs'" WbY, hosmakem about as 81-- " osit gPossible wsidoue for the much conis ib tis ommùaity as the -rbeUm. For ovor a seek prior o bis ler 'b' dos iludebt' "-B3irmiialisu 4dc behohad been unable lusallow 1Âge-Herabd. foo of »a sY tint, Tbiftylive tisous ________ a" i nataoetanIl-Tetanus seruiu sere -,dagnstrod in au effort lu save bis Her Derast oestre. IWtO bâtheba isease bati advanced 10 Nearly every woman sauts ber bus sncb a stage tUat nothing could save ibaud lu mate is mark.nt, 0 lia l liii.may amnibe derislvely aI ber relative Soral Piser oteoccalenauy. 0e bo)ugbt aBoieres herselt swij Ilim Flo r Pt* ccaaonaly s-heu ahe became is site. Kees9îamall stiuhruh tegive the 11o1er isola of bouse plantsauanocca.--- INoMaI god scrubbing. EHyc hoagi Q» vh ote are ct in jardialere. Ihcy trict Ohedence. Qh, Od CclOaning once ln a shitIe. The. Lady of HOus -Wb'amtcaused 7y« PM MarePorous sud hecome eaaibly tO b-cMe a tmPr Riggsd Rogers 018 I Dissii ot waahed occalonally, If 700tOamly physicien. mus. 4W]PotIM kOpl l«ne soit0. ecliI eep vieed np ta 1k. bong Isalks aller me ~a A" sut ver become soir sud' l've hocavalug aller sm rt" Pais eersio ~amuao , b, asalo MEWROAD PLAN à Commission Catis Attentioni Neoessity of Filing Road Map Early. to1 MAY CALL SPECIAL MEETING Chairman Tompkirls Investi- gating-State's Attorney is to Answer Questions. HOW LAKE COIJNTY CAN GET SOME OF TH£ STATE ROAO FUNO. To »ecure à part of the appro. priation moide by the *tâte Ose- inlature which la nomeuthin@ over a million dollars, it willho noces- mary for Lake counsty to be.imong the. firist to gel if& application in auma nuguher of counîlea have mlg. nlfled their intention of going af- ter thoir aharosend the appropri. ation in flot enough to go »round. For this remion the legielature tacked on the amendment Ihat the county wishing te, mOire in the gond roade appropriation muet levy a rond tax ln that county and the mIate wouid furniai a 111<. amount from the appropriation. For examPie, If the Lakte couniy board would asmes a $M5000 rond tax for the coanty th. tate would turfi over a lik. amount 10 be added t0 the lix for botter ronde. TOe malter of Lake county tak- lng smre action by which it may gltI it hare of the tte fund, lit now boing conmideored hy Chair- min Conrad ta isome attention the malter wam catled loday by the Sun. -v, .liko il other coun- ly chairmon in the sata. and aien th tOcsalom ttornoys4 have beon puzzled ovor just what course to foilow and 0e plonnod 10 have a tait with $tltlom Allorney Dady today regarding the *toe noces. mary for Lakte county. Chairmin Touapkina. 0f the WiII county board, WednessiaytookItolit- lai stepa to prspars for the putting int effeet of the uew rondad inl Will county. Word was sent 10 State's Attorney Martin tbat the board de- regular September or at a callod meet ing witOin 1he next les seeka. Because a number of the counties dowsate bave callod speclal meet- ings. ind filed their maps silO the newly appoiuted higbsiy con»nission several days ago, the chairman, bas instrncted the slate's attorney 10 In- vestigate the malter, To dite, Lakte county bas taIton ne stops ln the malter, New Commission Named. lu the olicilnotice seul ont sat. urdiy sud reeeived in Jloliet, Wednes- day, the nasses ofthe0.nos commis- sioners appeared for the tiret lime, Tliey are Edmuud J, James.,.Josephi Rl. Fîlîkerson aud Lafayette Funkt. A, N. Johuson's naine appears on the siatiouery as the engineer for the board. Iu the lbIter la sas etated bhat Ibere was necessity for early action. sud Chsîrman Tompkins la auxious 10 tues if Will couuty chances for getting the co-operation of the sIgle engineersq office will 0e com promisedl by a six seeka' delay. If ho Sunds tbat lb will 0e necosssry .to cal a specl meeting witbln the .next fos days, a majority ufth1e su- pervisors sîli 0e isiedti lasigu a caîl, The state engineer's office bas tur- nishedth 1e board silO a couîy of Will coUuty'a mileage and thhre ia noth- 'Ing lu the say cf linw&date action. Chairman Thompklas ilaWted tt OXY*ACETYLENEr t WELDINEi We can Wald auyluing silO il suc- ccssfuily <aud as gondi as nos,) Springs, 91haftt, cast iron. alumnusm. bras. copper sud steel. 1 Have il seldedt lnstead of bnyiug ànew Parlas, andiBave mouoy, NELSON MACHINE CO. iSheridan Rond andIfadimon Streel à WAUKEOAN, IL. , lm Wan1 th Imm50. @»0s u.nm 3s~ U WANTED--Oeuera tirm had; agea $36 a moa10. Addreaa Crib Tre Pirsp. Lite Bluff, 111. s-lt FOR SALE OR TRADE-Any part or jail of 320 acres esaru Colorado 4)Pand, Atdress J. J, Churcb. Roudout, lit. 'W-lt+ FOR SALE-4 15e year oa1 theiters, 150 et thons heavy epragers. Ou. gooti sort borne, 5 years id; seil about 1.400 Ibn. G. P. Mauser, Laite Villa, II1,.sItly FOR SAL--One car load of troili cows on tihe oIt Harris place, Belvi- dere street, A. Gonyo. Liberl7vllle. RR. No. 2. skly-21 À illsu perisors andt taI - -- aspeWfi~hpIIg ingot s uooe5 Thelu mont Intereat nelters, bowevor, th e - Ui ý îg t o nt e sc o " nu- th e p erso na itty f h o n ew ro an d te 'Prote« theuteroisoîts siluopcriiltelidenht, and the amount of ty aftlau ttes Attorney Martin bîd bard rod 10*1 le toho bebuilî lu ocb go». over tho les sud sas prepared tbsn. Il la the pueraI vies Uhat thei to mUses qustions. new eounty officiaIs M05 et saIbor- Tbcew la Conaidorsble doubt as 10 ough road man, sometbiug more thon the amiount avallable for une lu Will a bgbsay commissiocer with per- eouaty. sud Iis eau 0e determineti tuuctery activitiea. okIY afler the amount at roati sud Want Compel.nt Suparintendeul. bridge t«1 la Igureti up for the entire lu speaking of the malter y ester- st81e, and divideti among the coun- day .one of the supervise?.s taleti ics lu proportion to,1te money appro- Ibat the board lu al probeblity sould priated. In lufîver of appoiutlug Home com- Mâiy change& Comîflg. letnt man, who was not necessarily That t1rie s Is w e revolutienary an engineer lu thoneume Iat ho cbange» la &Il parts ofthe 0couuty In soulti 0e able te trasiplans sud the Mannar ot rond hbuilding, sas zpeciflc!tious for bridges. This sll statoti byy aorvîsor Paddock, et Ho- he handieti by 10e .state. engineer'5 of- mer. Me eilareti that lu his tosn iice-Jollet News, tbe COMMIiouus themselves wore WINNESAGO COUNTY ALSO UUSV. dtscnaslag a referenud te docido The special meeting of the boardi IIONE 630 waysYluBiiiIs couafty ln ai i'diliceKellog'»suShridan Ro" g ubdlYlMOf wit0 the Tice good rdkds law wMici er Wintbiop Harbor. Row.?.. Mop- was pasgadedt the lant session of theie tcLit, Sidewalka and CltY Watol state legilature will be held in the, 111 be open for Inspeoction anid pril supervisors' room attvle courit;! cate sale juiy 1t0. on Saturday. House, Saturday, August 2. Juiy 2010, there will b. anDatictiOn - sale on the promises. Every lot and Quleic Mustafd Paier. acre muet be sold regardlesa 0f prie.. A lrained nurse Baya that if og. Sma ayment down balance OU ln. torgets the exact proPortion for malt- stailment. Opportuulty of a lite tIMe lIn a iuiard plater one M"n >* to secure cheap building mite on the. quickly made by cuttlns a Uilck .ell e* 1 u hria ad Nvrwl of broU. dippingIil for Juat a second euiiShrdnRa.Nv il la bot water. thon auMaing wîth be wortb bass and can be sold altor white of omuan d îprlnldiag thicitly ýat a profit; btter and saler tlian witb mutrd. Tb@ egg VIW IPrevantimoney ut interest. Henry Sine aue- buii.itig.tioneer. wkly-it i16M Fe C. Seidel t Coe The ill iedknve105-107 N. GENESEE ST. Children's White Coats White pique and Bedford cord coats in many nice styles, al l Q beautifully trimmed, for I clearance...................4F C ChildreWs White Dresses Beautful white lawn dresses, in sizes to 8, trimmed with $ laces and ribbon for clear-1 .ne. . . . . . . . . . . . . Suits, Cous, lackiets Ail odds and ends of discontinued numbers and styles, spring and sununer garments Ai râur Owil PPIoes M"es là Women' s White Dresses. Voile, lawn and lingerie dresses, lace and embroidery 9 trimmed, for cleare , tomorsow only................. Silh Waists Most any color desired, and some very pretty styles, messa- .50 Jine waists, also marqui- M sette, for cicarance...... ........ Novelties of AUl Kinds Two tables full, there may lx somne you can se Look them over. AiYetur Own Prmioes Wash Suils White, tan and colored suits, in a nice selection of styles, al A.98 Lnatl trimmed, for clear- * ance...... ................... 4 -- "mie Proïm".sVo Store9 Waîsts Slightly soiled Ten Days ~wlll 'slf ail the suits Iu tesS l Ten Days in our Great Trse sS l If the'record of Saturday and Monday continues..- It's a big savlng to ail whbo cao buy now-...whlle they last prices are $8.95, $11.95, $13.45, $1 7.95, $22.45. 511RAW MATS at Cost and Less. $3-.00 Mats $2.00. $2.50 Mats $1.50. $2.00 Mats $1.25. $1.00 Mats 50c.* As OUR %wontinues, we are addlng more and bigger batgains to the list already on display and sale. A Few ExtrauoodlnairyOntefaim 7 Tomorrjowl u NAMI N A Carl met di, the tI sauté teenth lie had yssrs tact t liseni tIse v lion' asi thI of ides lion ti sas a feareti dertak positiN iHeidi home mig hs lar in s linx wteud Heis et& wt or auj lies tg thb. ai ane ai laudint maihe USi a gustai: diod m car in chauc bi. de the Il The Who i panil Party lice a and t Cours Ha enjoyi visite, was i the ci living Cbica Heidir lence getith wauk- Street 12:30 Wil loldtt traini foui 1 cd as coron nom takin; tacts wi the f tise a inelîl empîti They Sixte ly SE trie r body, South prcac man ' t Ieir thie thec tOmn polci PO] thUe I lug Ioder à tt Full. Length and Three- Quadr Leàgth Coats, Linen, pon- gee and wool coats: a veiy 198 nice selection still her, o clearance................... i 1--

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