Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jul 1913, p. 9

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LiAKE L»uNr INDEPENDENT, ______WAUKEGANWEEKLYSU__ PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FR[DAY, JULY 1H, 1913, h Close Quite et. MRES. ioh One ~With uly Il. e history >% years t at 8:30 uterested bout Il - evening, des et the. Wasblg- was Im- bie age t e was Ir a imost th. sboe t a few vith s00w and iark- the way l appetIte the on this .iae tbeen ,t paso up 'g1 whIch .lly froc, enjoyed Il borne or n 't wbat 1 eaten a iquet , for. and hav- ged guemt ling meal banquet, est to bis, !)uilding, Ir. Green- nd floor ig shoes. bhat. atter *htch aoid n he had shouid be i the very siness sa ihouid b. ut. weli. It 1perhaps ywhere lD It proposi- ing pro- ru' pension course, It ive to b. iefose UC onetjioi5 le ...4esin i the pres- ture. One Èh Cilcago, .h Peorta. e that the~ ension and tried out. ere te the. renient and 1 out hoy tend the». lvileges to rIct tn the. Press But- a been de- the. annuel train ta Chicago. Hie wam standing 1111BYA AK COUNTY MAN near the gate wben the accident hap- 4AIN STRUCK B SUIT FOR 1m end h igto oen dm TIED FOR THIRD PLACE; TO BE INfii'iUiTED up his tnIpefor the time being a3Sud HEN INE; A took a later train, Springfielid., ii. V~ ' -DrR.W A6AINST taILROAD out exprsionTOsIOSPfT L i, or this city. inade hg cr M AIN T R ILRO D oinin ontwoor hreepoits K N T HO PITA toayIn the 150 Larget eýý-ît ai the the Ohtrientai sigauswers tram -centralIlilinois rsglstered tunret: hO rietss asl he tai oig aslreakiug 146 target. A. IlC 1.1<o nor Attorney Welch Says Relatives Howdres it a thestai o in e Ernest Chymme, Boilermaker, aof Sprîngfild. James A. Gro%., .ack- aske. nù h Kain"h souville, and A. C. Buck]<,, f Lake ofO_ A lred d a s.WII S u e b n ju re d in th e N o rth Y a rd s ork ld for second w th a r4(' r c o -Oh, 1 dont know that-the 41 neGn-Hae oar Jh Recover Dam~ages gierofrma knows more about of North Western. 1.,adO .HlLaii ib wa. hé aswerln bokonEng-luoannen, of Kelvin, an d F . 9 thatl. Ga h uwri roe n ____ raharn, ot Chicago, tled for third tar rom he iaceshenî~ lth là score of 140. JURY RETURNS VERDICT. twfr rmte lc hrowf HURRIED TO THE HSIA.wereI.Daig fSiýhvIe swas strucit sas the HbPoA.deogeh Darn, f ile througb the air,' sas the neat ques-___w__on1 the ifty target baudi a, aitlî a score of 49; John Johanun.or<fmei- Witnesses Testify That They ""Oh everyoy kuow tatt i cau't Engine Knocked Him From the vln second, 48; John Mor4lcv, loatni, Saw Adams PASs Thtough tell," retiied te sitaesl.d s , Ta kBtWa raein e h 4 7om Theteaun rare ai Gate Which Was Open. fool brquestionsi' suppose," smiled Slow at Time of Accident Wili Sue Railrond. 1 Wsukegan, 11L, July 16. Attorney James G. Weicb, reprei ASHTON TELLS 0f FINDiNG OF JURY, setinug the Adams estats aud aise WIlaukegan, Ilii. ulyIl;, 1-Thst Alfred Adam& came ta hi@ the iteil indemnity Bonding (010 irest (hy mnie, aboerua<na* d.ah >,be.g trCk >,a ha agopaY, of EVrlngfield, shen ssked ne- heuw Plant of the Nortb o NOr{ 1 R1TtIWESTERN'S aOd Northwestern train nt waukegan Piied that undoubtedly the Northwes- <OialiY on.hfilsas orth of the 2-That the train wa drawing int@ damages, the maximum amount aima -Ille Sas stnuck l'y a saltrh englue in P ANS NEAR CIT'Y the local stationl at meel>, un ordin- cd under the Illinuois statute lu case the Northaestern freigbt yards junt P an>, rate O ~SPed utt lme the accident or a death. notb o! ('iaYtOe street. Th"8cldent Occurred. Tihe tact that the Honding comarnyauybpPened shortiy b.fýome seen o'siocik. _ 3-That Mr. Adams, the viclim ot took many pictures of the raiiroad (thymine was finl bis way ta work atVIEP SDET0 NRT 1h. ciet s lteecs u tracks, fie depot, the overbead via-te tiole the accident happened. and Ordinhr>, Precutian. for he o I duct. dcc, and allia mauy measure- Whetthcr Chymine sas aalking on 1 ETRIN RPY T cafet,. romins together witb a photogra ph o h tracks, or wbetber he startcd ta ETRI EL O 4-Reconnndod that the Noth. t 119" iu hicli bas been piaced aun c)roa tic tracts itu front or the ell. INOUIRY 0F THE SUN EX- western railroad inetall waichmantlie tance for a warniug, but wblcb 'girl., la a point that baa not hecu de at th@ gale sfter dlarkto ta wn pan la practicaiiy liegible, and that nouelterinitied cleaiy ase bath version'. PAN HA ADNA 111ng.r0rflot to cross tracàts here. o! those were iutroduod lu evidence b ave been PLIiron.LAD EA _____ at the inqfflst indicates that tbey are Itl ..ded.ared that the switbcf IT IMTSeLnB 1%8 toregoing was the teot of the ta lie used aben tbe case la taken lu- glue sas traveling at a nrrderate rate CT IIS WL E verdict returned bh the coroner'sijury, tho upper courts. of speed at the timo the accident UE O AD PR Tuesday atternoon, lu the case of AI- bapî.ened. ('hYnue was otruck iu n FR YRD PR frOdAdas, te Sringiel attrnesucb s way that be sas kuocked fr0n fre Admsth Splnglei atarey betracks Instead of faling inth Tbe inquest was heid lu the court NE L WpliCi iatb of theenglue. To this tact bc PSSECLSVL O 0om f the nos City polce station, Ufi TO VUAO IÎoses bis lite. As neanlo' as can be THE PRESENT, FOR KENO. owing ta the tact that the basetnent I ftU O ~JyIe-arî,ed the vres of ftle englue are 0f the Conrad and Hart undertakinit ______tI e ct.ledsaor thaven sepe rooni s atili looded bywaster as tevci i adt aesepd SAADW U EA C a resait of ftle lire lu the DoCham- The toiioalng state as sent into upon the tract very auddeniy aseIf COMMODATION pagne shoe, store nex t door. The lu- efectin llinîîois Juîv 1: bceicther did not hean the approscli- quest sas et&arted on Thuraday ot îast Ceiebartlon of the*Fourthb b> shoot- 9n englue or sougbt to get across the_____ wekbtUscontlnued orutil Tuesdav lng a Pistai even ioaded ouI>' sith tcks lu front ot It. The englune sas of tuis ssek lu order that coyewtuess- .biank cartnidges torblddeu. brought ta a jarrng stop wlthin a es of the. accident mlght lie piared on Gasollue imust be kept lu a green very tew feet. In vies of the side putflhi lv gîven the stand, van. bearlug s red "gasoline" label. The inîured man was îlcked up and the deals ahereby thie Northwe4tern *.ubfoenae New Wtnessea, Ilerchants may not sein total stock placed lu the englue. The throttie rallroad han acquired sityareso Tiihe se, nesses abo testihled on of goOds lu buik sithout glvlug Olve 555 then opeued and lu a remankabi'lan blnoii f the a(ga oft Tuesda>'see day.' publie notice, short lime lthe vctl. was removed -WILIAM H. iiAST ('hicago, lu- Fraternai order members mbuetflot fram the engîne at the Méadson street lirits, the folowing seif-explaoatory structor of Player-lpianos. gîve proiles for tioir votes. crosstnz. The Coiirad and Hart a.- lettens aill be lntenesting, showlng as JACOB DO.A-Waukegsn, whole- EmPloyes must be paid more otten bulance sas summoued sud sas ou the one doue, the hrst coufirmation mie coufectioner. than once a month. the scene lu a rerniartably short fimie.of the deal belng rosumnated and AitTH I'R NEISi -. Milwaukee, Hotel kee.pers must equlp buildings Ch>nsme deciined toalie carrled into eodvex)ang acly asiesan fr Aruour.of three flors or over wltb tire es- the ambulance upon the stretcher but scoi.ecuaon fitivjuet LO H-E WAi-Wsukcgau, proprie- ca pes, gongs. extInguishers sud emer- witb thse aId oftwfo men climbed lu. wbat the land ilata present conîema tor Chinesecrate gency roues-aiso bedsbeets 6%xg% He ws rensoved to the Jane McAlis- Plated for: of the tour situesses Mr. Domka feet. ter hospîtal. abere Dr. Knight ai- aolu-u îiwar ofe told the curet accou nt of the arn-. Mason contractors must undergo teuded hlm. His head sas rut quitl e psanater>1 dont. i-.te tad 0f heiug On the east an exaulntion. badiy sud be sustained soueesevere lntr patorm et the nortli end ot the lttie Sbpruilifaolnsd musbuses about the body. Il is not WauSikegan, IlL, tIl' 9tb, 1913. wligrooru shen hie accident bail- muet paiessrosfor eton i ht b a bri.intennally Vice 1'nes. Ashton, putntdme elativso.thtraien.ot ployes. aithotigl i Iwai lie a few days betore 'hicago and Norlhaesteru R. R. Co. tintmorn reltive ou he taIn. Salar>' Iran socleties rnav lie for.- thîs tact cao lie determined positive- Da î He sas Adamastatf0 ti et ndrtate carterforheipplirig1>' aukga Sir:-ar mc Pwor :d lttoar te at d ndr ttechrtr o sppyig >Chymme bas blinluWauitegan but Wueg'bipear uc fterý atoof sudtaittoar.te se roney at reasouabie rates, ta combat sie0 ii rcsThe gate. h. said. boau shants. tso days, coming bere fr0. Michigan. ested in the tact thast Your Company W"s open seversi loches. Adanias as He la an Ameican.balte>prhsdsoesxyacs carrylug s traveling hag ln bis ifot Chicago msy proceed wltli plans for ___________ b!asnd tlytprg b a in ith est> baud aud punbed the gate open fur- su outer barbon and purchaso su lnda v la keeu as th. ty Her with the unengaged hand, At oeratiou of public utltes E N l ioi nd1Pe ualion sk; H... . t this tîme the train sas harely sevent>'.o Morgan Park and thie triangle saut,.h FORLINwa ouItnddig lee fooded with the rays of the powenful ta Chicago. M'Aayt1e atter. if lu nbosapeo electrin headiigbt. Seemlng ta lie Oood rosdsfià Illiinois started b> ' "IH LE F Rthe at uca erhi f 0 um nas o au preoc uped sd n ver for a moment one year stale appropriatio s of $40.- tuirin UYA(" M A h E reatdeus' tbiuklng of danger, he sayB AdaMa0,0.$700,000 lu second year, countles aL #J~ VADE rJents? lcaTae orpnhs turnsd bis back tosard the spproami$ funiEiuPile mout. setaawaat pis onan lo uhate Iug train sud delilhrateiy ciosed the West side suburtis may be anuexed o e c tg * Nri-an nepanrh a ra gate alter hlm. Tien lootiug straight by sauitary district. iO I RueSm o r e bv lobadrecting crrpars Poa s ahs.d ic tarted ta cross the tract. Linicoln part board tiay ata er, 'enu nelp, Ru' Sm on I' ae oulmatedbuildin a rep- Whou unlenmure stop souid bave Sheridan rond ta the uortberu state i'esaePice n he higeel oachnea bildigadpreclate tabsu hlm la safety bcsas troct by fine on assent of msuiclpaiitiea. i esg rce nSet Igselcahs ilapeit the englue sud huried a distance of Forest preserves msy lie created of Paper With a Pin suy Information you ma>' forward us what M. Doma es_______t__b outadefluamis.O ti matter, and. If matters have shatMr )oms esirnted f0 le otale cly lmIt. latured far eoouglî ni you can give The irst rosi point of contentionE sud b as arisen ln Zion City' alne'1r tle Zion Counrîl necenti>', ou Voli',a's J request passed a nesalution b>' shicli fhe cît>' gave up ait dlaimiata contrai sud osnerahip of the part an the ales shoro sud also Shlloli part, came this seel sIen Overseor eais, couteuder for Volivas thnone. set up lis tent lu Sîlal part and alne as heen holding meetings for Ils tolosena. t And the outcamne caunut ho pnedidt- ed. Wben fhe round! pased fhe reo-i lution, alîch hlas been necorded ln1 the Lat. count>' caurt bouse, It, stat- ed dlstîuctly thaf tle cit>' of Zioni gives up aIl clainis to fthe parts lu question, recoguizing that tho>' stand1 in thienfians of Voliva absolufel>'. it la recalled Hiat tle ValIsa counci>- A. CORONER MUST CONDUCT INQUESTS IN UNUSUAL CASES Attorney General Rules That Unnatural Deaths Must be Investigated Thoroughly NO ALTERNATIVE GIVEN Kane County Coroner Has Been Violating Law While Lake County Off iciai Complied C'oroner iugene Nortuon, of Kane rounity, lias hcen avuidiog lie holding o! Iniquests silicebhiseelection tao!of fil"", whenever posslihle, leelîcileven hie shîoîld suc areti'.Pe tir the couoty a liereven possible. Coroner Taylor, of leet'ounty, lias not pursued t his polir- e han îe Id lurlucaslu ic vry case alene deathsn were saddeo sud where no îrbîshiaîî sam abie fu give a certill- cale o! deatb. Acr ordirg tuoflic -opiniIon of the af- to rue y geerail haidr'd out a tes daym ago, toroner Norton lian cen violat- log th e las Iii au doirîg and Coroner Tayloon evldetîiy lia-i lieei complylng jwItl the las in holding Inquesta on ail sucli deaths. The attorney geri- crsi stat en that Il la the dut> o! the corone'r ta hold inque stîcrieever the cmuse' of deatb of sairerson la supi posed tu ie unoiatunal. Thc foliowiug 14 the opinion lu prb e cases lu wliel an huquent lm neiaîred are coîitrolled b>' paragrapli 10 ut chaî,ter 3i. Honda RevIsed nStatutes, 1908. Hy fUic use o! the phriase, " 'violence. canuaalty or auy undue means,," lu the above statute. If was evidentf>y the manlfeat inteut of the leglalature 10 require an lo- quent in aIl cases shere .a penson ta upposed to have corne to bis or ber denath l% i lence, caaualty or auy undue mneass aateven. The terras "-violence and undue meanas" as used i n thîs counection silgnlfy au unlas- fui or crîmînai act. k Webister defines the teni 'casuai- ty an a fatal or serlous accident, ac- cidentaI.tor inevitabile accident or event, fa to lie foneacen on guanded a gainai. 'Aillg thia definition la the t erni 'casuaity' an used In the aliove sîstute tlie coroner wouid lie requlr- ed 10 lsold an ioquest in ail cases wbene deatb la suîrposed tn have Ireen the resoît of violence, tatal an- Cideont on undue oseans. The rlglit of a coro ner ta bold an Inqueat lu ar- cardance sltli the provisions of this WNautegan, Ill. Jul>' 16. us tacts, wsîu a aso Sun suon >'ou Tbcîr attention attraction ta alat plan starthng aort o! construction, appeared to lie a pop hottie shlnIch w many men a il Ire eropioyed lu lias become lodged betweenti taofu construction sort anid bas man>' the pilea ou the nonfî puer. tîre mien sil lie emplo - cd shen your Wautegan boys. thîs moruingli got buildings are finilslur'd.AI se, bus Possession of the liottie aud upon arge la tIheliestrîjeot hich you heating Il sf11 a stone, fouud thewai mate in Ibaf locali>'. toiiowîng message ou the inside: Yours, 'SENO HELP ROUtfSIN iMMONS" EIIITOR TUfE SUN. ThIisterse message ahirli sppeared MR. AISHTON'S ANSWER. on a aheet of paper tam tramn a note Editan The Sun. botk sas not arîtten but sas pnînt- Dean Sr. Ackîîoeledging recelpt ed lu thc paper wlth a pin as If the ut yours of the nînti, regarding recent one who sroto the message dld ual punchaso b>' this coospaoy of about have a pendil. The names o! tle boyaslxty acres of land ring nortu of the sho pirted np the baIlle are: Maur- dit>' limbîs. Your Information as to tee Van Lauduyf, Envîn Legbuscb and punchaso of praîlents Is correct. Robert Anderson. The prosprective growth ofthie ton- The ouseSimmns l theCh itar>'Ilu Waukegan and iyiug betaeeu TheRouo Smmos l Hi CrIst- titransd Kenoaba. lu oun opinion, manu fr00hoast shirb ls helieved f arut i urbs fîe rpn> lav snt u îditelu a str. ln question lu order f0 tale cane of some. lime before hast Chritmas. The tne business as Il develops. Our schooner sfarted tronm Michigau for Pbans are nut defiortel>' matnred as Chicago st a cargo of Christmas fa the use o!f te propertyr-ethen (ban tracs sud nover reacbod Ils destina. it wîîî b. used for a train Yard, bath tion. Occaslonali>' Cbristmaas trees asneadfrih.TInotc. have been fcled up lu the lbansd tepaege nre ight It inot on-v oasosimuarboulethatndb>'thecar repalirng shops or an>'lhing of messge imiar o tat oun bythethat nature lu canner-flou sith Tl. local boys fadai, bas been picled up. tWe sililibe ver>' giad f teoep Yom A Wautegau man sas on fhe boat. sdvised shen Tt is determlned ta Whefhen the bottie fouud toda>' "'s mate an expeuriblure lu Ibis direc- genulue or one pnetiaied as 5a tra'5- tion, but the prolabilities, under ex. final job ila not knosn but front the lstîrg iandianditions, ara agaust description givon 1>'thie boys Il sus expendlturea lu tise Immodiafe fu- souid Indîcate hiat the InItIe sas titre. one ln shich thie ces ofthie boat Yours fr01>', seul adi a pies ton heip. The crkn R. H. AISI-TON, sud l ad been aedged ln the hottie Vice Prasident. has become rotted b>'thie action of __________ the saler and thie hole bottie sas Wautegsn attorneys sho have sev- covered sltb savgreun cuin. eral tines appeared before tIhe Su- > The boys sas if liobbinx about and preme court, are lnterested lu the tact pliled Iltuin ltb Ibeir finit pole. that Judge Baud, a member of the Nearli>' îe>' damthie>' fouud a sec- supreme bench, bas tendered bfis 1ond bottie shicb conta&ned usines on reignatlon sud ITtlias been reluetaut- Sa slip of paper but because ater antI>' been recelvea by Governor bail soaked Int hie bottle it sas Dunne, Judge Hsud hbalad poor impossible in decipiier tbese nammu, heatis for nmre litle turne, about fifty foot. Mr. Dorota express- Board of trade broters ma>' agalu ed tue opinion that Adams lad not trade lu putBansd calis, autlased uoticed ils approacli of the train. thirty yrears ago.E Mas'. Star>,.1 Mn. Mast taîd of standing on the PREACHER DECRIESt @esat patton. aise, descrlblug the NEW NOTIONS AS1 place be sas standing as simoat op- SEEN IN CHURCHES posîte the gate abere the accident happeued. Mn. Domta shen ques- tioued about ibis point said ho dld "Nes notions" lu Methodism acre Snot evenosee Mr. Mast on the pat- sarpi>' attacted b>' fIe Rev. H. C. form. Mast tbld ut bearing the train Mornîsen lu a sermon yesterday St whbistie as It approanhed the station. the Miethodiat camp meeting at the This sas another point ou alun îlhe Despiaines grounds. tsu aitueses disagreed as Mn. Donita "Apostas>' of lIe miulstry, the declared postivel>' that the train did death of the cburch sud the damna- not ahistie outil a secoud on tao lie lion of the worid" sera predicted as fore the accident. the reaiut feelng modern voices. Mast said le sas Adams leave the "if Io not aorfb ahle, sud il is sisu ticket office on the wst patform aud rowardi>'. ta evade the tact that man>' watched bîra,,walk deliberatel>' lu the thintens beileve that the churdli Is direction of lb. gafe. He testiled not accomplishiug as mucli as it uiat Adamis rarrled bis traveling bag ougbt," Dr. Morison said. "Somo Bas> lu bis rght baud sud opeued the that thîs la because the cburcb la lu gate alli bis ieft baud. The man, a transition stage-I. paLsslug ftonm aid be said, thon reached lehind hlmt and notions sud doctrines to ea unes. closed the gate slth bis lett baud. "Tiiere la a question ln lhe m.Iuds Botb men testhfled that the gale sas of mauy mou shetber or ual the gos- not locted at the time sud Adamis pel as preaaced loy our forefathers ia bad no trouble lu gettlug il open. At- adeiluate for presont-da>' conditions. ter losing the gate Mast saya Adams "Mfan>' a>'tbat the cburch must totk one @tep in the direction of the berume mare lîberal; tHat It must ar- sat piatforni. The uoxt secund the repî the nosuifs 0f the hîglior crîtl- train *as upon hlm. Tii. alfnoss rlsm. naid that as neari>' as ho couud mate ont Adams ieaped luto the air juat Thc rosorts lu the ate reglon are asthie train reached hlm as If lies a il doing a ruahlug buiness sud their trylug to get on the pilot. The body weslanth Ibsbe wor ofthie victîi, hle id, sas burled tosuoyrs i th I bas been aoo past hlm througbHie air.lreyorsîc thabsbonO OhrWltnessea Tuit. oiauy resorters. The ?uneoia Hotel Neias ws.slUling ou the aest plat- tFxLkIoslt hfulamt ~mi udny l ss daa tort to to the doars. The bot woather lu cTrossaHie tacthos aib uhosoidthe large cîtîes le belleved to ho fhe noýho urehowho gof thruugb fhe neason ah>' 8on many bave sought ne gate. Hie sid ho ditd not see the train liefinthecountry. bit hlm lut tues s tes seconds later tit son.etiug bad happened bocause The village trustees o! Deerfleld ho sas the train ces iooting under township have awanded the contract cars sitH torches, for a $20,000 scbool building, wors rip- la He Wah sas saiting ta talethie Ot. shich sf11atsot ai once. FOUR PAGES $1,50 PER YEAR IN ADVAN(CK men dld thîs, fthc olposlion protent- ~T1Vj& A log ioudIlv. YAL1EUA1 IN . M BUT, the dlaim of the apposition now Is, that, b>' the act, the counnîil bas not ouI>' gîven fthe parts to Vo- ESCAPELS FR01 TUBE livas persona] control onis. but bas the position of belng unabur' te on- AYLUM AT EIAiI force cit- laws on flic park tracta. _____ lUnder thc las, cit>' olficials-nunût contrai a lînîvate liant, arîd, ln thin George iahnke, of Low Avenue,, case, Voliva la the onlv<rue aho c an W ueai atrdi na>' aught as te abat goe'r an there-, W ueau atru proyldlng the act of the courui lu iy fMiwuk legai. And Voliva neyer yet lias Ct fMlake shoan a desire tonlie a policemn. Rebuffe CapI. Walter. Thiesept Ab en Leais put op bi HE WAS AWAY FOUR DAYS. lent, ('sut. Waiter. chie! otf~le sent tbere sud ordered hluit t nove fi of. ils Young Man Who Was Sent 'lIy alat rlgbt do you Issue thej oEgnaY rAoAfe order?' asted L.ewis, abencuponiCa pt1 oEg Ya g fo Wion. r ad A ,iro oie1, Trying 10 End His Lite. 'i1 recogîîlzc no0suri, authorit>' for fIe council neceuntl>' dilaiied ail contrai oft he part propent> and Seat- cd lt ln the ovennseen of the Christian L'atiîolrc y'burcli-snd i anm averseer of thiat chanci iy the lpower given me by Dr. Doale,' Raid Leais. And Calit. Walt.r sas stumped' lie did not tnow abat to do. He dld not I-are ta foicily eiect Leais, for, allelie la a Voiva man, lie la at the Rame tîme a atates ofilcer and muet art althin the las. Therefone he lef t and Geais' tent la atîli there. Whal the Pointles. Opi.oicoitn ta Voliva deeiane the courîili had no riglit ta do 'abat Il dld ln the matter o! turulug the parts aven ta Volva, their contention b.- lug that the supreme court bas stated îîianoly tlîat a rît>' connût give up clime to part propent>' sbich bas beanuaed for public parks for an>' lengtb o! tîme. Tbey coutend these liants arc platted a rît>'parks sud that for four yesrs rît>' police have supenvlned Ibe. as sucli rit>'parts. As regards the late front part It la furtber argued that, when the Voliva punchase of the estate sas made. $25,- 000 sas deducted froro his purchase price hecause o! the tact that It sas shosu the late front land sas luthie name o! a clty park and therefore not avaliabie ta hlm ln the estate. This, If is rlalroed, sas done, thero- fore the If. S. court piaini>' placed that strlp ln the bauds of the cît>' and, once havlug doueseso ccordlng ta the supreme court, it bas no iglit te give up ownersblp ta ItL While the. couneil appareutày ti- ed the parts over tu Voliva for bis personal coutrol, that It la admltted something Is wroog some pince Io evident fr010 the tact that Lewis bas been penmitted to continue holding bis meetings ln the teut ou the land wîthout ling oiected b>' Voliva. Vo- liva bas no love for bis rivai heure Il la argued that lie aouid bave ousted hlm long lestons nos had he tetse- cure ln dolng se. Under the statue of mnatters, (t la poinfed ofut that the parts conut ho directed b>' the clt>' admluistratlou in the matter of police protection lie cause under thie esolution, al daims to it seno noinqulshed b>' the cil>', thenefore, VoIlva, accepting the tenrns of the rounili, la the ouly persen sho bas the rlght ta stop In sud order people aif ands>' abat eaan sd abat conut lie doue linere. TWENTY*EIftT STUC DENTS ARE TO BE AFFECTEDBY LAW New State Law Which Provides That Districts Pay Tu- iition HeIps Many. MORE STUDENTSFOR CITY. Under New Law it is Certain That Many Outside Pupils WiII Attend W H. S.. As brlefly> meut".oued lu the Sun a tes days ago, State Superintendeut ofj Publie Instrucýtion F, C. Blair cails at- tention ln the Job>' Issue o! the Educa- flouai PressBluletin to the nes iree htgb arbool tultlon shicl passedthie asat legîsialure. The las sf11 proli- ahi>' affect local conditions cousîden-i ahi>' sud ma>' bcrease the bigI ýsclooI enroilment appraciahi>'. 1 The acf provides for the payonent1 ut hîgh achool tuition -o! puplîs shoi have no bigli scob lu tleir district, stlpulatlig that this tulion muet b. psid b>' fhe district lu sud îlte pupil lves. A las tu lis effect sas pans- ed in 1907, but phrase Iuaerted ln il rendered It uncoustîtutional and ln- effective. But nos each district tHat las nu 11gb school must psythie lti- tion of tIe childutu sho are attend- Ing higb school ln anotber district, Wautegan Townsbhp Higi Schooi bas approximatel>' taenty-elgbt pui- pilis paylng tution gurIng the yesr lu thiehigli achool lu thie future tlelr tultion all b. paid b>'thie dis- tricts. Thora isa no high sclsool lu several toans ofthle count ' and Il ts ver>' possible tbat nos Ibis expense ut stlending school le talon tram the lu- dividusi, thal a great man>' mono children wahI come 10 scboi lu Wsu- ILogaur-lrom fbis district. Wltb the proposedl nes higb school the addi- tional numbler ahIinul belie lel>' tu enoharras thie achool facililties, Milwaukee, Win., Jul>' 16,-(S'tpeeki ta The Sun.)-George Jahnke, Wai.. tegan, Ill., wha escaped from tise asyiumn for the Insane et Elgin, lIL. four day. ago, was captured her. IMo nîghl. He.le being held at Emergeooy houp itl. The aliove telegnaro today froM Mlwaaukee to the Sun bears thie Orsi newsu to WaukegautHiat a Waulkegau lnuste at Elin aayium bad ruade bis escape. How Jahute evor got clear ta Nil- sautee aften gettlug away fror thse aayiuîînla a myster>'. Jahuke lu thse sof of Mr. sud Mrs. August Jahake, of Los avenue, Wsukegsn. and Uwa sent to Elgin about a year ago ater lie had shosn signs 0f insanty ia vanlous ways, inciuding an attanujtto commit suicide. FORMER W4UKEIR COUPLE OBSERVED GOLDEN MWEDDIN Mn. and Mrs. e. B. Taylor, of Au- roma, but tormerl>' soit tuowsuroi- lents of Wautegan, ceiehrated bise> golden seddlng aunivemar>' on Tue la>'. Mn, sud Mrs. Taylor sf11 ho vo- uenbered b>' man>' ofthie ~ig residents o! Waukeguan sd 1.eah mnmt&,he wiM extéïad telicitatio.» for havIug attained eUch au ltigoet tnt muleatane lu their rnarrhed cuise. The ceeleatlon ofthis fitets weddlng anulvensa'rnsmkes & romari- able record. Mrs. L D. Castle, aàatm ter sud hnsband, nos ddnas A. A. P.Johnson, a sister sn ud babo, ot Crystal Late, sud Mrn.udNUrs laS, Taylor, lie being a brother, reotalug a tes miles soufbet of Wauéjqý bave ail ceiebrated golden lwedla annivernrles lu recent yearu It la the on»' famul>' knawn of la sudc aIl]hie nhidrau sudtHioir mat. 'imonial partuer bave iived throi 50 yoars or marrled life. MnI. and Mrs. Taylor are la go heaith. Tme bnsband la 76 yeafs .11 and observed bis binthday tHusa"*ou~ TIe site la 71 yoars nid. Thoir eg sigît te gond anSI the>' both =aae 'emarlabie utemonies Plis. TAYIoo s prououuced viess as to womaWs place sud she la not au asdherfflt a! wornan suffrage There senethirae childran by t:11e union sud tao are living. Tise>'ame Frank Taylor. chiot clerk, etthe Au- rm postoffice sud Charte@ Tuplos' assistant cit>' ouginear ofthie aem City. Mn. Taylor sas bora unar Ciere' [and, Ohio. Hi@ eyes liraI opeod « a farro near the Ohio City., later be becamo a resideut of Lots conut. Ob tes roies tram Wsutegsn. Vbea 14 orears aid le sont asa>' oWsork Wo, Baxten Taylor, au uncle, wbo eSSaI and operated s nespapen, Atter bearnng bis trade be sent te Aurora sud sas supernttendent oethlie composlug departrueut ofthe old BU,- con and sorted for the late Je"s Hodder, abo laten becarue thse OUs- er He resigned bis position Lt 710 Beacon plan sud came tn Waulgaa abere ho operated a ptiotograînb ler>' sud lnthe year 1870 retuffleI2 Aurora sud operated a gallery ai te northeast corner of River aud DOuet, place, oser Kemp & Gilneat'. a nNesf sbop. Affer a tes years ho rnoved tethie northwst corner over shat la soW Bandera' drug store andsisICIS sas tIen i-lrds drug store aud sau kuoan as "the checkered drug store" Ho nef ired trom businesa aboUt a "Wt ago. civil War Veteran, Ho la a Repuhîlcan poiticaily aad a veteran ofthe rebeilion. Hia eatY Injur' during the ar sas a siiot lu tbe beel. He served witHithe FUSi Kansas reglursut. Mrs. Taylor sas Emma Raifunide' sud abe sas boru nesr Locispait, N. Y., ahicli sas go near 10 NMOg*i Falls thatthe roan ut the satoi5UfS beard at tue borne. lIer 'Iareste came ws nsd iucated lun là" MM t>' en a farro nrthe TaYIlor q* ent>'. A romance started bel»Ob*'~ served as s echool leeniser aMd years ago toda>' theY sere i tBarringlon, iI. - None o! lhe Uitueeaes tai k dIng ara living. Mrf. s&MNieM D. cestesb Wo so i ttuo&e. - dled sînce cetebttllig hèbi ié'.'ý weddlng 51UdiMpUy$. The cellebeStIi .su qit mazl>'friema I ie ae g offered ogt1h VOL. XXI.- NO. 43. atatate -naf lie q ues nd ut tiîs power muet lie exerriscd parsuant lu flic rtatute. 'uIn ai rases aliene the dereased ha su p osed 10 bave corne to lits or lien deathb b> violence, casuait>' or un- due menus, lie la requlred to hold an hnrîueal aod lias no dîscretian 10 act or nottoacat; the dut>' of the crnoner is absoute. lie bas uo irower ta hold an luquest lu au>' other rases exceîrt liose comlng sîthîn fIe stat- ute. The prîmar- abject o! a coro- ner's lust Is 10 huquine loto the cause o! deafli of pensons dyiug tram. unuaturai causes and srtalo if deatb Is the reault of soine crimi- ual acf ar negierf on tIe part o! seme one, and ta lix fhe reaponsiilit>' up- on sucli penson or pensons, 'NVlere dealli lu the resuli o! acci- dent the coroner ma>' have tuowl- edge of fIat fart. yet lie bas no niglit on poser. shoîpi> because lie tubas the cause o! deatb, ta refuse t10 ld ao loquest; i' lias no poser fo de- rIde that qîuestion. The las re- quîrea htu lu empauci a jury sud the jury, nof Ilie coroner, mu0sf Inquire luto aod determîne the cause of deâth. Ta permit a coroner 10 pasa uîpon the -suîse. a! deatli aithaut hbld- lug au huquest ho cases comiug sith- lu the statute. abere lie bas irersoual lnaaiedge o!fIte tacts, wouid apen a doon wlun uiigbt permit au abuse o! isoafilce, and do vhience ta bath the letten and spirit of the las.' ZION PARKS TAKEN OUT OF CONTROL 0f THE CITY COUNCIL NYI - 1

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