Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 1

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CoUNTT INDPENENT' WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XXI,-NO. 44. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILE, LAKE tOU-NTYILFI)Y, JUTLY 25, 1913. ONE TO EIQHT 81 50o PER YEA-R iN AD'ýANCK - r URGE LAW AGAINST CARRY- ING CONCEALED WEAPON r Peoria. I., Juiy 16-The sheriffs lrn atedneta the twenty-first annuai convention of the International Sher- ifso association weit on record toda'. as favoring laws lni every stae1. the union against the <arrying of (on- ceaied weapons unless sperlai pi mils are granted. Tbey alsofao'T NAME 0F FRIEND APPEARED ON HIS COLLAI< AND FOR A uniforin extradition and pàrole lav'sT Alte old officers sera re-eietçed for TIME LED TO BELIEF THAT 'ANOTHER MAN HAD MET thie ensui.,yea * Tbey are as foi- DEATH-VICTIM WAS COOK 0F THE FIRST GLASS AT D:ven prt, la.; vice pr:sident,T.G (aider, faakatooo, Canada; secreTLry, NAVAL STATION-iNQUEST PROBABLY WILL BE HELD Paul, tiauer ilimA.Grer t AT CONRAD & HARIT MORGUE THIS EVENING.Pa, i. POSTOFFICE RECEIPTS AT HIGHLAND PARK. Waokegan, Juiy 19. rougligluens that Hieidmonri bad heon, Cari iieidinano, aged about 35 years, dead two heure wben found. G. T. 1 iiglland Park Postoffce reoi ri for met death nesar midnight. yriday, on Helimutli. daim agent for the rail. the fierai 3aar ending Julie i the treckeo!f lite Chipago and Mil- rond. ln epeaking of the mat tlter iR.gistered lttera and ('arei dI-; waukee loictric raiiroad at the Six- sas iodiIned to think that tii would latl'bed froni thus cle, t.1. lie teenth treet croseIng. Nortb Chicago. lndicate uat lieidmann was murdler- liumier recelved froni othorofi-- He liat beauen t he navy about twelve ,cd and is body plared on the trarks nand delitvered liere, 3,Io. years and was oune of the band cooks 'ta bide the traces of the crime. îfe The nurmber ofitnsiired parrils di- at tbe Naval Training Station. Ti. aithte body couid fnt bave lisn in patchedl froini (is office ein(cp Jani- tact that lhe vore a £,allr bearIng thé position on the track for twa uary 1, 191:1. 22'i', the nurnier rccVil te naine of George Haslg. one of! bourg liecauae cars would pass during d fom otlier offices ani ûelî'cr.-d, the petty oliC,ýe ai the Naval Sua- tiiet tigie. t. tien 'et Ilrsi caulied the authoritlesi On the stand 'ir Helîmutit testi- Special delivery Jettera u an crei ta tlink iliat Hassig vas the vieil ied simily with reference to thie 1 reeived and dellvered, :,4th- s tiis sas the only possible mark movement o! thceialctric cars. numbler of domnestic mnoney orders is- 0R o! Identification found on lits persan. Mrs. Hetdmaon, wdow of thie de- oued was 4,876. Communication wth the Naval Sta- ceaséd. iook the stand and testltied tion developed the fart tat iassig liai hae had bean in the navy for tir- waealve ndwel. he ater p-toien years. 8he saidliie ieft home AuiltRESTED N E penred atithe Conrad and Hart un- an Tbursday morniug, savlng lie sasUN R dertakimg romn. ibis morning, ani gotng to vii: relatives ln Chicago. At positively identified the dead man a& te tine ha bai totn dollars ln lits T E M N C ; bomne or Frday. At tuaL tise Har show wliere bie vas troin Thuirsday A ~ OM SO R utg hal loaneit Heidman a lînen col. morning umiii FrIday niglit vien lie À",NT #M O R far çan which bis rame appearedam ws as killeit. a laundry mark. Il vas ibis tact Cari Heldmanr. of Chicago, uncle or whtil causas!theii slight confusion n t(ha deceasedt ba the stand and tes- Man Named Strike Admits His Idenification afler the body hait been tified that bis nephew had net riait- GjtadRtrsWt foanit. a ihm in Chicago. The members orf ul n etrsWt Heidmn uait nothing in bis poch- the Heidmauno anilly are very anxîous Missouri Sherift. Cia viien ternit. There was ro imoney ta learo Hefidmanna itareabouts 0ai- or any articles o! value. Il vas tiis the tva days in question andit lteaD IT HEN USOF S. tact whieb et tirai causaitheii. uubori- cPosted that ta case they finit hoaD ISH NO FES. tlen te think taliai abail beë e .vitain la asaloon before the. fatal- vi eil.0foui pay but uxon a cloer acodent they 'wiii tart suit for dam- Young Man Dediares That he invesi»Uan litas the conclusionof go$5. the. atiorijie that te vlctim fell off The Jury dit! not taire omciistoc Pandered the GiIl-Wife ose of the lent cars runing ai niglit, lnthe t. uhory thai Heidmanun might Returns With Him. landlng on hieistcs ait stdlng a have ti.on mnrdered. Thsy are ln- short distaelm. Hie fane w»sbaiiy chaued te, tnk titho Avois fli Nssuu eun am masheit sud skIluensd bi let les suer lu bourdtlig or leeviug aabsirt AcéitronX»lieootýà w«s smcoci oensderably. A pby- car. No trainfim a eh found who ta Waukagan late Thursday night with sicltn atter maZ . suezramtnati of omrmeMm h artug sMeRthe»aior out a Warrant for the arresi of a youang the body docided thtat Hedmn hbat, th named Strika who lias bene tov- sustained a broken ueck sud probably At the cloue o!fithe iuquuit IL naval M di.d alnomiet suty. station suergeon performed su autopey rns on tiheSI. Paul rmait ai Rond- Tbhat Hidmam eln rn a sreet ta finid] hetuer or noi deati vas due Oui fer momte tUnisponttihe charge bq- car lis nrely a supposition sud the. ta internalinljures or ta a broken ta: a violation of Uic Maun act. chances are ltaitheréeal cause o! Dock, If the former there mglit ha Witit Officar Hicks of Waukeau toi bila deaul viii netlihe brouh ou u*,Il a possible case gatuait the. treet car ti he hif vgent ta Lhhertyville arrlv- af the. laquaettu held and Ih ia harely compeniv.,as Il oltiuict hta possuie tai tiis vili net brin: ibe vas siruich y ts ar r tic navy lng 5 o'cioch ta themorning. Tbcy teb out ailtih tact», autopsies are lield la neariy ercry lmmediately hantait Up Marshai ennis wi The body as dîscovere It ying on deati. Limherry vho vtent vltb hein ta lie Fe the truche by a man ranci Moran5 -ma'@ haine in LietyvIlle, vberp tuey , Who vorksaon the North Chilcago rui~lC1C'U fourd Strike ln lied and arouaed hie.'l séwer job. He vas rturning homne ['WLER SUES I.)lE Teyepaocttlr iso n Rt ia tune ies e ~d bi 4t~ ~j~fl Strike. ta the surprise cftte officers, vas lylus on the vesit tek. The 1Fl4IliUi1I e FOR sait ho would accampany the aheriffdo perty notifiait the Norh Chicago po- .,..teaMissouri, ai one maklng the state.-e lice and thUi brin of Conradt sud Hart n JfI IIvu . ment that lie s-as guilty o! the offense ol ad the viciim vas rernoved te the Tasuicharged. îî 01 Conrait and Hart'undertaingmn roins. a- He vf, teue utec ita a-bancte iaquent probabiy tvil ie i ha eue iteconr hait this :veing.tuiHdm nva Former Waukeganite Who Has gils, dld rat sean ta gasp tiesanar- tl assyig atndayle' rio b eing, Farm at Third Lake Begins mitY of!'the situation vhen hao l néonn off four days. On 1-lslay ho, fig ActinmCourts. berchho "oàlit he ta o b ak amon'dl visitait ai the Hasslg home and f h hi ol av ag akado was et iis dlime tahon ieborrovfi MN BRK NT OUE.adju L te Iadslieshewalidaccompany t the coller. M NBOE_ NOHU S.h oardtshe vent aiong witb thelo Heldnaun le said to hava a famly oficer. ai living an Tvanty-econd aireet. North Charges That, on Pretense ahbfia saa it h on Chcaa.iThat he Owed Rentai, the girl Striha la cbarged wiii harboring ah I trTOFJRY l is~isouri, vas not oniy kepi lu, Linean Tespased. for bis ovn use for a long time but ha El theUi jury flnd that Carl M. -finaliy bagan ta pauder baer ta otharp Heidmann cama ta bha deati by vi-1 Franir T. ll'wler lhasfilet a suit lu men. Ha finally iteserted lber afiar* lance prohably causait ly beiriz drag- Uie Lake cauflty Circuit Court for Pramisingto marry lier and came, ta s geit ln attampting ta get on or off of $10,000 damagea aglaienatthe Chicago Waivortli, Wls, viiere lha vas station- 1 s5oue car an 'Uic Chicago ant NUI- Tlaphane Comipaniy, the allegait dam- ed for saine une.l Latar lha marnit vaukeae eectric railroad, and -as agas conssttag of dastrou A of o a girl et Waivortit and thay came a a foun onther tuck etSixteenuli property and treapastng on ie prop- Rondout cameo une ago, taking up areol, North, Chicago, III, about erty ar Third Lake. terhm nLbryil re l 12:30 a. in.. July 19th, 1913." The attorneys areFrank D.,Fulton thaîr home ln Ubartyville. Sirike le and ohn . Rnktn ofChicgoand 26 years aid, lits vifa 20 and the girl cc Withthebar, pssiiliy tat ai rve anir.lafthe lcal at. le is accuset a! pandaring le about 11 Welhh abr on Sshetlthefavaritorny. HreyCu22,teteloa e- The vife, according ta tub>offi- wl tîainn, htatin caahaiemt ih h uthin naval asiaorna.ofcars seemeei ta feel thiât Srika wauid ra tralirgstaionrna bae mt wtb he uitIs tareitas reult o Ble out oa! lits troublas, but bits E foui play lintaad o! havlrg been kîli- Mr. Fowler's décaration hat. orn(lia admission of gulit Indicates halie ilgat ici ait as the reauli o! a street car, tha prtanae that hie avei the telephone about 15 yars ln the faderai prison, coroners lnquent hait Saturday after- compary rentaI for phares, thet- sent as ha le being prosacutait roder the hoorlInb the Conradt and Hart under- (bair mer ta bis thraa bouses ai Mann white slave act vhich charged El taklrg mrom failed ta itevelap any. Third Lake farine sud ubasé tiem-tatibe took the girl frain Missouri ta as facts o! unusualIinterast. plyas brokre ln douo and creaied con- anotiier state. f Wiil m and Humer 2,aioney vera sidarable damage lu gettirg hteothe e the firtvitnessas ta lia placet on bouses ta cut oui (ha phones. Ac- h th sad.Thylie t156 ren crlnlFh bs rugtEut nTh ifciii avenue. North Chicago,.and are groundsts ht thcy trespasset ardtFA LS 15 FE T amiployed or the Northi Chicg h eer aitno break fonle hie bouses. FRO They toit of ieavlng iagasevor. Theabilldéclarées ilai on.îaruary AH Va J tha It: 10 car ad a! gettir: off ati Ilth. 1913, art ai aiher timon em- "ON À "'YL v Sixtccnth stiant art vaiking direct- ployas of the conpsny limit lt the hl ly 'wst ta the main ire a! the lec- bouses and wlule lnio"aaa C .Kat 9yasad rc trie roait a-lera tiey saw Heiâmann's great noise art diturtance an~d fariner raslding near Gurnea, recelv- Hl body, hie test on the east rail of ta ýtayad aStnued thercîr for a e ai atfia Injuries on Tliursday afiar- soutlbouot!d tracir. A car vas a-log ture; at tliay braira ihrea noan Whon ho tell ta Uic grounit from nt proaclilu: andiat seitng tbat Uic maotor- doors, braira tour locirs. and four the top of a latd o! bap a distance of pl man apparently dit rot untersiand it uges; hy noans of tiis noise. Mr. fificar tact. The acctIdent happencd nu - their motions for hmiteotastop. pulleit Fowlar and ie bs amlly vara graaiiy lut u vicutty of Gurnea. In the body liact no hat the vheals o! tlsiurbad and by titeir action Mr. Kraftvastte rita:a&long vben the tha car rouît rat panseover ItL ThaY Faviot vas 1prevented frain carrylo: horses liecame trightened ai saine- thon telePhonat ta Uic Nt Chcago an litsbabuie»afaitre. Ha aita al- hirg sud tarteit torward suditanly, D poiceloges that theoamany lias greatly breaithic biffe trac. Tho driver T P>olicemanGoei l id of ncevng tajura lbis crodt sud reputation ,andsitloung or ta the linois ard vas lcrket CI Uic messages ai 12,.80 a. n. art of go- brouM Inthto public scandai, infamuy forward. Inst O! iandlng on bis a tag ta Uice cene vitti Dr. Hersc-ai- d 4 disee acaitu:bis nelghbors by boad as vould lha oapfciat ha fell fiât le Ider. j esson f the comIpauny'a actions andt On list f acXi addition te tracturin ni U 0. Moniy. of Uic naval station. attitiie" .one of itheminaitboues tanlits bas« w t«teth bt Hetituaun bal beau on 'I»e unit as ieg=muste tinoge ho sustaineit nuan' brul»ssabout tUictu 1 àto dyW trOi-,lWbu!bce" etn 4 -ç114U0Md.44 lb il à ta L, tacisa"d, boil>. Dr. Kuslbt, or Wauhe. < à ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t basd>V!!4U n 81%st.oflkuttie0 i E g IMMMioned te attend the Mue. THREE CHICAGO JUDGES SU)MMER IN LAKE CO. AI9S' BONIE9391, AI judges o!fithe Cirvuif, S'uî.eror ant Apteliate courts, o!f( county, lie ga n their îuin-ncr .îattono, Satu-B IAPO W N 0 M day. The summer addre-. . or .hidges ure , Cooper artnd Irv u li eI Antocli. 111. .udze Hurke arud ÈNT-uaîrs Rv'runrrNDSaî EN FFRDAES HEmR faiiy bave a isuinnier borne ast lîakce.*TW ~ ~ ti~0 RE MS TEFR Marle antd Judge )lcGoort *v 15 at - Citsrlie, Latke, wblc .Jude , o. -r COUNTY TREASURER, HAVE SMALL REBATE RETUI ahi eîijoýy LS sacatio i l ts arni nerAniionli, wbere he o-ans clii ED TO) THEM OUT 0F THE $600 WHICH EACH I4AD acres e.nd lis mosrilakee l s tc ked i S DAY-AUNT AND NEPHEWrîh;ferl DROWNED SUNDAY WHILEI1SAYS CROPS ARE AHEAD FATHER AND CHILO WEREý 0F LAKE COUNTY. DROWNED SATURDAY - esrF tor: -Ms vbrother al THOMAS SHARVIN, NORTH i tertl miles ,, o f theDls o i-,(on-m art t iliou;,hlt perhaps sou' CHCAO1DONýS TUutd lke nto lar frin \'tkga CHICGO, ROWN 'Ti,(,'IA le so arcesitar stsiting. Thea DRUCE' LAKE UNDAYcrop,.Up licre are far aliead of the DRUCE' LAKE UN' cYlrolbsin.ake counts. Tliey haseý WHILE THERE FOR OAY's!had sone *pr., £evere elcetrjcal I (amp ouki., iceethe Wisconsin O UTING.- trootir ot National Guard are camnpet. T1he govcrnor of Wisconsin sas tiere and lus-ected tlie troops. ROWNED IN LAME CO. El IE HIGGINIIOTIIA. SATURDAV AND SUNDAY. Grac tree;ocaught in unLOTMAC INEoI et Highland Paork tryingto save EJI dsughter Eva from rnIowOig. LAKE REUIUII SAID Park, neph~ofe Mrs. Howe; trled bo sase hier and wa. caught in OB L U IH Ni underiow. SI4ARVIN, THOMAS,- Northt Chicago; wlmming in Druce's Reports Indicate the Several Lake.Rsr wes r epn JOHN ZIMMER AND CHILD eotO nr r epn Drow nei t ai lghla nd Park Sat, a SmnaII Harvest. uritay; falur dl.. tryi t basycOi child; bath bidgeo recovereit. SOME MACHINES IN C1TY. TIlli. KCUED. HOWE, Mffl tVA, 18 yearu ' * Id; saveit b> relatives afler her Reported That Rev. uuayle is mnother snd tcousin hait bsen on a StI Hunt Seeking Evi- drowned fr Igt ce ho, etde e tV lain Highland Puits. -eneofViltin PITfe~. -~ AD MtS~ Reporte tram rsorste a tue Lake 40#4%retosl. rot ta mention Wauirogaa îî- huabait cuphitWy *Ing ast are dota: a bliskehbustaas. ed by à la1... lt âa nd thle At tth aiereorsant ile clait tit4er wlffe was saveit b>' àyêei-m an are more machines titan over bcfore who dove lto isk. e ~ hon. art becarse tiare ta an unuaually large numbers o! resarters titis year, Waukegaa, July 21. the proprietors are reaplug qntte a Lake county waters érove the grave lttie harvesitram the machines, )r Oive persoae mince t ait issue Accordhsg ta reports. severai o! thc ( ha Sun Saîuniay the blggest toit saloons In Aauegan have agata pro- vr racorIntth te ma» periot ta tuceit their &lot machines art gradu- le county excaptlng thcuose time aliy ara lacamtng houdar n lutir use, han sevan persoas vOlecapetzed t a The subterfuge o! gtvtag easci man I.ilaka and seves U1ve..vare lait,. a-ha plays the machine a place of gun The ais eath amej»trous rtier Ie saidt (a le foliovet ta Wauhcgan nusuai accidents wviii.pensonsa reslunte balte!that no long as samcthirg ibatuing: simguaniy, noue aas tua Is givar lu ratura that tha act carnot a boat upsettir:. ha construeit as ganbUng. The re- The masi sensational o! tue tva sart owners di4ais ta adopi euch a oubIe tragedies occurred Sunday a!- subterfuge ard tontucu (lia machitae rnoan ai Highlandt Park when a open and alova board as usuel. iotiar sauglit to rascs. lier 18 yaar The fact that na arrasi liave bear td tauglitar andt n Otibebr mata for oparatlng slo( machines tls fe ta tue attampi but hei 14 year years ls beliavedto th te reasan tha td neplicu vas aIairoun.d In try- 'lractJice Is bcbng conitucteit su opcnly, .g t aIt bath: andithte Isuolanit, or Ir other yaars tiare usualy have ore, (niedtut exterd aid but, lu les,: been severai arreets and confiscation 3g tato tis a valr vii bis ciotie o! machinas by this tuta. u ,ho aiea ncarly bt.- U. Notitrg has blic e ianto! Rev. A MOTHER8S ACitF!CE. Thomas R, Quayie, secratary o! the A nother's herote, uareaonntrga- Laire Cauoiy Lau anit Order Loague rampt tuasnatcbhalir Eaugbter tram o! iste but accordlng ta repart ha le ai ambrace o!fIlie underov Irauglit conductîrg a quiet canvase ho the bari tua irst traageity of munitay. large regton, getblng evitence agatnel Mns. Frank .Il. Havee stt upon tie the operators o! oiot machines suit bare near Highland Park preparhnga aise thosa a-ho sait ltquor ultiaut a ich for her hushant, lber thughter license. By vorirgtunder cavan hn :va, 18 years att; bar n"pjto, Eari tuis mariner it la sait lie expecti ta . Sturm, art seseràl otuets o! the gat far better results than aven lia- turin perty a-boni shie ansit batfati- fore. [y verg vIsIttng for the day. "î Itendtu,~ malte a tborough tn- Eva ran ort Into tua surf, itarcet sestigaton on6le quiet tis year ant momnent I the waves art cailei t(o 1 expect to lie aile (o cleamo p tue ha others uo comns. The s ie dis- conditions In tha iaka raglon as rayer ppeaned. before," Rav. Quayle declarat saine The mther droppeitlier lunch, She littie f mue ago. lu Is said thai lie bas ouit nat swtm artdsailvas ganlet securedthle sersvices o! detectives ta a atreet clorlies. But lier taugh(er tîelp in getttng evîtence agatns( tha vas In ulie clufcli o! the taireSite law' ilolators. If reports are ta ba n loto thie surfto10the spot vhare creditat W'aukegan may expec( very ,va bat beer ran ha, to, wer( sooan 1to ar o! progresa liai bas beeo sa-fl. made alorg tii lire, Cousin Aise Sbnke. Others rurliedt(o tue rescueanar ,va, uncouscian-. sas tassait aimait DELINQUENT TAXES ýshora by a follom-Ing breairer, Sturmn otoved bis aunt itth le vaves a-hile nk thers o! the fanly, avait, retreatet E C E $l511 ielpiers (o bihe-stand ta revive the KAIIE 2,8~1 r. Hose aiso nanty lost bis ltfe. AT RECENT SALE 'han ha sam- (lic troublabils alfa id nephea- acre In, lic rau Ina the 'atan, (hrowirg ut!fuat o! bis ciaili- Report of Auditor Shows Less g as hae ran. Ha ha no sa-tmrnn rit ahmasi went doun In a baie but Property SoId, Although nally savet hiniseif, There Were More Sales Tic battes o! \irs, Have art lier kepicu rame ailiora houri latan, The Waukegan, Juiy 17. >uotan a-hicdi liai avt8va a-as County Cierli Hendea lotay for- inable to reasakan a spark o!lilfe saruled to the state arîditor the suais- s either. ment siowîmg the amour! o! property DRUCE'8 LAKE OAOWNING. soit at the annual telinquai lex sale While on an aîîthng vitu friands at titis ear. It shows aas folove: utuc'c Lake, Surtay atternoan, Total o! $21.584.14. Lest year tic 'liamas Sharvin, agait 25, of Nantýti otala-as $22,217.35. ,hicago, trank tue, intcu h tirey, As Total puaie!' sales thîs year, 2,642; trosuitt althaug lieh vas an excal- test year 2,460. euniculminer, ha vas drarneit. Wit. This yean's tetahîs: oaies au the Inquesi' aditteta euy GareraI taxas--$13,292.88. gi bat drank heavlly art Sbarvln rne- Specil"à-I,291.26. irneit saverai tiinas ta get a frsi It ts hbus sean that tiare vera more Irick. ility bcoing r ttlated a la ses (hie ysar but tisa total delta. quant property sait uta year wu <Cotinueit on Page Six.) $733 Isasu ilest yaar. PUT UP FOLL OWING HIS DEFALCATI HAD TO MAKE UP $13,80U, OR A LITTI HIS DEFALCATION It deî'elop s tliat, turing the past tesw day s, tlie bondsmnrof former roonty treasurer Fred Aines liave el osed up ali a tiers pertaining ta lita defaication b tc hocourts o! $27,- 0s0 in t9it, and, the folloNtng uin-. portant facts are olitatmed by Ibis un- TI0N- BON OSU 'E OVER HALF FIRST-Each of the 23 bonds'. men, faiiowing bhe defalcstion, put up $MOOin ordur to setlie the ahortage to the coust>'. SECONO-Each o! the bonds- me" turing the part few days hion $23.60 awaits hi m n lho,!bank ibrough which (he buiness was domn so h as been notified to go and dlaim tl. THIRD-Which moas te tact apparent ltaI Ames' defaication $576,.40, or a total aof1,80 FOURT4-His defalcetibn sg- gregatet $27,182.39, henco, il* ducting the arnount th. bondenn but to psy un ta square matters, ut: leaves ut balance o! $14MS8.4% -which represenîis whist the bande' mon realized t trough the forceit W le eak tintj- sasies of Ames' vanîqueasRsets. W oedfleint The figures abova st5ow that, liait countY to the SUni 01 M. Amea dhsposat af ils assete himseaf in 1911, ils Tecalled bv tbe. not at a forceit sale, lits assola voulit bave nattait aimott orougis t, osetnouneement that eaeýh of - his iefalcation for, hlati a irnovn tact- 23 bondrnnen is vo that the bondemen, tlirrogi tue !arccd rbt tales, dit sot gaI aut ot tue propant>' ing ' ,%liati h voltbave broughU Ifdia- j1te $600whichh le was positdof ta ordtaare -a!aa.j ; Oio Amos' total cornty bhtuYe vis Ifa. 300,000, alguet Nov. MOi, 1906, by county's Clam]. 1 tisse mes. togetuer vtu hinsoît: i lost $3,8w0, Âmes' E. H.AaSbit aue)aggregating $13,382. Wrn.S. Wctiake Joseph Westlahe Sermon Bocli à«tUe of isAs isNe4 Wallace Dram Sthesott ses[ldy laA4 ti J. P, Crubb ttsAtony ad Richard Kayc tanrboore tue gras 1 jury si D, A. Willamsadictientifor outbesleàm -E, B. Williams und Giden ThyerHowver, befora Assise uM Jerome H. Burnati restait, ie haitl ofi tow uts L. B. Gulce navet hees lioard $ta"1 George D. lu la taastd by George E. Webb tuai but ane or tvo p«9011111 W, F. Ziegler hasard trou nsi i*-asithte>' a John Rugutan viare ha ha. i. vIte bIs George Brouwnlieart fro. hilma atnd * Wm. Kelly vara that cii. qontouutlte Jas. M. lseeter a divorce action, all. nover J. M. Hucker gun i. Sic tîves tanE'sasè» B, W. Amneban motior ndut orhe Ih* soi, La Plant Bld PallierL0»00 te After Mues ahacoadi, tue bonite- At theUe thte seessi alwsa merllvans esuhJect tu tue ditaun of lb vas neporteit tuai Dr.-As tbe couniy ta settie for hie itetalca. O!f ruit Am, alie yv thon andthtey ai once 100k lagal pas- O! lits property t tebo9g0o csession o! ailhils assats, hcluitg ins ifaicatIOn O! l1As- son but litvas home on Hickory sireet, hite place ae -orteit tai lie vas notse Charnel Lake art uis pcraonai affects' sunrenden il. but Raa i nesii abtalning almoct ail o! tien except.: stand hie. prorata 6itar@. HI' Ing tue automobie In vhlch Amas tue tatalh aci bondsm 0nalsIs lefu tovo art whtch vas neyer loct email. as e on*erué ta ubsi v et by lie bontemen, I raît>' expecteit,Uai t isosmu When the value o!ftarns as. stbility tuot sauiabod itaepuel sets hat been ascartalsait, It vas front viti certiia"asWvib fount that il vomît take about( $600 e4 t tu t O'n tUeatotal loos0 froin aacb of tia iventy-trea borts- bontemen for It wvos battu' mer. hasca eacî was taidtet praituce tiat Amne' poseauesst as5 (liai amount art Il vas basket in & 113.382. Hovevor, lu tay lhetuai Waukagar lianir, Thea isdtan'is vw ue case. comittea, lietet ly William West-. laka tien proceetat ta maire seutle- mente wiuh the county antdI ha nov 1WOMN C J discoseret that they have ail beau A1'11AL nmade ardthle ansount remahning fan ta eaci bontaman as a relate fran hie T'iç,J FY~~ Il ()0 is just $2360. iThuiiIl is sean that bontsme uhl hîave about one-tbirtîath et lits facte- mu turnet to hlm. Na touit came o!f thte mn inllia ctatafuiA'ar the estiCnUuinEpesyFrl fa' or liecause tliaylbat beievelat Cnbui81Epesl oM they wouht losa litail, flot feling that IS oo ofa e Aines' assets wouit lie sufilcianita toCrn ofm nR mnake a big hola Inteamaonunt tae.ti d iations. fa utted.I Aines home on Hickory street ai Bcuatapls equail-'meL sold liy tua bortemen ta Jerry ua- eas lapiseul ges', a-li te nov living In It. but , -corrty as Il does la Cool', the bu' cordtrg la Xx, Hussey, Mn. Wesi>lg.e ivg Item in a Cicago paher te',, bas rot yet trarefenrei thte deed ta day ba interemtirg an dttinaiy: - the place ta hlme. Setag that tue ConePtr lfm w Ied Y bontemen have bailthehr -"balance",o, tn(cirHtne vsi0~J reurna tt tein, It ls quita yenotl tvlset ]lstt night tisai uniter ttha Mnr We8taiiil -timoan iransfen Bleue constiution mni rycm" the tact. Thce iiouseeet Charnel on a coroners jury. Hop e16 Lake In a-hIdhinass" pent litesquin ac- ht tane 1 mars. vas soit e lorg lima ago tla ace ihtene fv Chicago man, via nov uses iî sum- ters o! apoiagy and exb osplath#'ý mens. Chicago a-onces lie ba" s Witat Aires [id. acte as jurons a et te 5< Amas' laI.racailet, provedthtua ieatu of s.Us>UPgm' the btggast sensatitonaf the kmmd lha Soti Asiléadi avelse,'P caurty bas avenliait. A young mer killOit by a a 5 1c iuk late vihiibigiter prospects ihan any atieOoUt. 1. otuer man In the cauntly.lhe falleil tea n'lofte>' GsolteW. Dblti taire atvaulege o! thain ant, hrstead Oi11Ltb*t CbàpW5i'$1. -UUit 1o! livng vithitabis ncomne, ho ulili- $ma Wit#^ >~ p~ oit cournt>' unte mill]te audbt5ern U *utploYed b>' tue couuty rncovtd* fi" a' '* lit

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