Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 11

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TJAK1É COTJNTV iNn EKDENIT, FIRIDAY, JILY 25, 1913. Mag hEu LI6JJp~ÎCE$M00O Poft OLD MAIDS' HOME. Y~N E NÀHONUS WAGNER RICE WAS UNABLE r ok uJl 2 odof $400.- II1 E NÂNCE ro flI~~~~~~ Washingtoni .C,___________ Pu . diacovery f a new couterel 1v: L b I maintenace of a home here for aged V V UIf4Msu Dretr atst Iu~ft~faie wu aViET ratetoday .by Chier Ylt' deT the -1a1s SrTOP.- INay THEe CIT ION mu &fiUAmff in o d u I~ F m E 1 Iu a a ~ a F ~ i'# M E T4'W . j .e se rv ic f t h . U nit e B a te s 1- W O E ' S V O E r h e w o nl bat( is u a U e. S TMI S En i i r s ~ i U i f r n t u ~ AU ~ - pretl i prvite d frUOUoté arue Gardner waS the lat ort hree un- - noetched plates on fuir qUatity banitd apnervle t R ma rie ------- -h - . Cd Pir. ~itrreo s a ION. nance Before Eleotion or th note, gras' green in color. titile T ei W ok a P ls.c t n ~eOf S~ERAL CHAGES ADElathe work. ERCTZN NAUTOS! A INT UiS 2 TRAVELED 4,000 MILES NOWIMJNTO TUND OW aut*î Bnon IIAloSty Dy- u~sun stoWete A-Trip Wili Take Them Through C'ir MananYTa o Everyn State Which Bordersr i.tig of Movrng Picturus 1* Scores of People are Not Aware yh Unitedo Staes _______ApPsse yConc cf ~~O OaNGoiFatrsj, S i~IIIM U Fair Sex Lines Up on theten Shate SetaPo-Pssbles.onol riding the New Ordinance. TUESIUY; PLE SED Opton motio orai Coptiina__ kOdil - Wotenvotra asttitir ire balotOij ih tiet apf a 10,000 Mile turelese hreafer h im WR' tb. Waugnpot lahv xrs-u i ~anuOfcasWr nlt e n PT CI VIL SERVICE BOARD hike araund the countr, which muet mibà i veig~nOo tt h or ,d a d e a tab a v e express am e n o s h~a C o n Y O f li l e e i h e n dr y~ fig t i n i lno a m~ Yb4-e conclud d I n de a peria d f th reeI p ol ar a it h a a d u S natter niwaubae lm«iee rairoad iranclu Delighted with What They terdaY. Altuough for tram unanîmOus years, two young men, William Wehr heretoïore. t(~bAe tatdesrea e4as Swath Inttto. 0ieliurneetsb in their expresaion, the women rout' Ol One Member on Board at and G. Eppeler, residents af liamîl- Bort M. Rice, manager of ti tieCnaqbv htdsr Swa h nttto. e h iu r nenêtesvliea mavigt reYl ton. Ohio. stopped ln Waukegan, laie motion PICture ehowhoUse @ id ex- Myr.Ir iitranuedt of 17 votes t ai pneoil.a ilg rsd Turne and he Dis- Tuesday afternoan. Up te the present Plueté W AmersuPoeàoatn iyfte una aOi" w .ta - d a y th a t th e C ty In te n d a t a a v A s ix m ile n o r th f E lg in . t r g , lik e s t o i A c t o n M a t t e r . tim e ih e y h a v e c o m p ie te d to u r h o n - i n r m J d e C â l numueh of th rdn an prne in ICNIDRN SANI-Il"" There were 332 votee cst. mls fth ari aarge ___________________ 'on. tam ug esCai..g i) suih wbaev orn n er t all the number than wae ever known befoire ' dri îe t taî ro ad a s rî , U D an BASEBALL1 nUenellil saclus- ~ ~l :se nsD. The ordînancea Probably lnete village Or twnhp eiaction, Acvlaic xuîîto a - tathyrewodyaha!othrm '" un4efm itrarn wIlI ule h kept ln th e fc es and D ecla re T h a t if T lhey d o B U ild a nd! 152 o f them w ere t hse a lote o r w o- have been hel d oda y t o fli the Pos - 1 acheduleue.un s ta G o H n sm4rOne lit Wîil be Lîke the Orle 12v tes1teno eaffl et tl11e water workng, One of tue young men lie anfiron Carnegle MusUii Wnt taGm ian t-lt.. &tien ofd crier ot. th .nt .wt n rhyar MIdt a Borli e a til tso eur IL h u pii e e n T î ,y again t the salpon and 155 b a o y ths resign ti s uto e o h n i w th a . T e r alking partie Pitt burg , a.. July 23. - Honu I ihin iece ne s o =h a Il' re-e in tThise ria c i h ap ro t Oni>' lv e ballots ware Usrown neer s a short urne a o The examina- for the n veity of the thing a d part - Mg er'a uniform u an! hie Palm1e s"~ w ti ts n n li o es oion fre a ! heun res of cablas an thbe paper o tb>' tisa J dgs tion was not heu!. os eser, belng po t IN for their healts. They are backed 1gove me>' e piaca i n tae Camneie Vo lera paolroam, r usnnng ai of the were distributed. Stace thai tinte a A numisar of praminent Kenoaha VlaeemnsDy ocduUAgut2by tue business men and nawspapers imoseuin here whan the famoua PlaY- Star restaurant, where tobacea Beea nnr ftlehagshv enPeopla came ta Waublegan on Tuedtty Cari>,nt-rsdlîa alwav" has been a Attorney' Jamies G~ We, cretqary er retiresn Orhtioa.ln.D.~ wss~t.wa ls!a i.dd~ an t-he nuale. la t o Canes rhae> te afiarnacti and palit a vlit of Inspec- dry village. ileceniY at, Elgin saloonl of the civil service boari. wbien qe.- Ip to te present time they have , rret H rolahe direod f. hie musum clnc wiih orders u di rocea!-roabl theIon te tae Lake Breeze Sanitarlunt keeper avulied for a licenee thera. The t-oe bu hemte ii atr oaveraged tiwa nityymiles audauyhan! a beliesa basehaîl la someibing Worth councqlt, laeaa )pihmost Important ls t-bai tisa Company an Grand avenue. They wera loud vasg or! y aai-'o bae n dciae tha e thepne sme ha!et- tisa Ifte ep hspc teiling posterit> about. FIa u h lye«c'ý in required ta gîva te eiiy $15.000 la teir praisea of tae Instit-ution. Iretuse, tre requasi. Tise qutiiot na ,en as btae ther te aa aoe wil tisa ushes.Sbe Mn nletr hw nZ iy it-base more La cashb t-han waa pravide! origi- 0hs b ehr rm~ah ref Ut IdeEa T--usiobc.ti usio aasastî h ae conditions, are againsi t-hen tey'e uemsutb'Iteetn eletr hw nZo hy u as, ln nal.Ti.ohrcane r ere: John Yal, chaimman of t-ha rafed yesteriiay t-o popular vote. lsioul be ille! b), promtotiont ar b' da1 he> m ai mu- arbe. ut Mnanat ans red hepaet n a rance p rtr ovi ha rail- ara-ra u ecua~y poi canai>' board,; Thomas Scott, super- Hein t-ha lai t-a wek5th vnt cmptiiv wth the coim- oeie ofo walk thaitam fea- Dr. Hallan a, nazc!Ueb as!arsltnrvkm euis fim-. wish ta know exaUty wat they an, visor; P. C. Tarrey. register of deasn an drys haecnut!acmag a f hctcus hi o The conditions under whic tay s tutution would lika Wagner's base- qansa aof Mr. Rica and tend U1ta ntae City ofielis wtU mtek Russell Jonies, couni>' clark; Fred of streret corner speehesana >'tauer!nin'onh je~s.i on Gpato-oe avs- hi al a net 1 foîlowei, but authere la but ona mem.aemka t trip don ne pemi hall accrment wh e retires. litae uastn aas a a itan hlit P le fr them ta resi the stire Dunnebak antd L)r. C . Gephari- ana. orthige ise larg bro iilsriecmiso ae Uan th ace monay or cltin eleighu s .tham an laordinance and note tise changas tbILa Frank Schnart. of BPristo>l, Wis..a- an oeigo poain, t-hievllg la alr e er onte aii a t-hvice amsn a em r chritable ban Tie>' ous nat- fuqlyraa kon aa uetion deWb*a )i! wiî have ,.~n ~companl! (ha ari>'.Aithougs the voliflg of tae women ber dialiked ta take the eutira reepon- beg. They muai support tisemnelvas ________day. as to .whathe ha( ail~' mise. copne tisa paerto eak loms. "W r ga ha epa r ho- i- suiarto! -a- aah waa, strongly divided upeni tise question athilit> Of mtailing sucit a dactsion. Tisa on tae trip b>' tise sala of postearde Kilied Golng ta Doctor. te t-werme redvoand rava ide de a uha neei"aaci> fiiIcui scni!ring the plan of con- If as est-mata!l b>' Max Baldwin, vil-i rasignation of J. W. Barwell. prasidant of tisamselvesý The>' are iravelingasth me Xprda vis die a w aut t-hen t-o rnad tae or- stmuct-ing an! ownlng its avis tuber- laga clark. an! ana of t-ha clarks of o! tise board! an! tise absence from, tse ligit et possible lu ordar tat ta>' Holland, liich., July 23.-Eari lion. ilecassar>' ton !aye notice b"1 va dna inane s Uta Ut>' my vta it-eli-culosîs sanitarlunt. a plais wbich vas It-be election. tisai t-ha woman'e voies citY o! M. H. Hussey, anotiser memo- May' ut be isanpare! ta thair welk- !rixsou. rive years nlid, was kille e&. Theodora Fars>' City' ganl>ther vteons-hsfrnciserecni>' isuseRo>'btertae oun-y vn te ithre fo tha ryfore brf! ae ommssonlevlnRobrtîng aen -b ahel ofa ago iDwhchSeocprtue onecl 41,1 ta isaha noeffcio(hr ianta malta it board of supervisera. The count>' of- I Woman Win e aB erton. Lindsay' as the oni>' member ou tisa The long waik bagan aieit a ha was baing taken ta a doctor. posé- jsiatute reiating to te pOvw«l set Possible for t-h. people teo express ficiais ot Kenosha carety ara much Worgeaas votes aise are ireparte! te 1 commission in Waukegan ai tise pras-Ohoan iin!iCacnti ,e!vrheh!>. aia!hemt-Ici'cucl.Tescio se fiit teir wiah, in t.e matter.- Intaresia! ln the proposition an! for hmave beau rasponsîble for adr vie- lent tinte. Oioend isy edmat e hati> llln'e or is aoy oo r t and the waon.ict oun il da is sectudoe drIhnteyetmt thiat' have tane ocpe aloe to the on on & otisa li> onc in As ana waiks dav na eStreet ha (hai reesen wiehe! ta malta a persan. torsy at Be'n. [Il. Oui ut a Possible 1six menaeppaia li Mr. Wec' aecoverai! the full t- houaani! an! when theao» he borna shici bononUttCt cuesl -Sada that malt> people bava a hadil> al investigation tara la ori!er t-set 700 womieit votera more t-han W0 ex- office toi!a>' rua!>' tc Lake t-ha examîn- miles. Their itinarar>' takan tain ibrown out. a f Illinois have tae povwer dietartai! conceptian of tisa proposai! tite> migisi get ta at firet han!. arcîsai! thair riabi of suffrage and o! (at-ion. The>' wera John Morgan, Byron aroun! tisa Coast of t-ta United! States _______________te supro frnh".Te akd an ustosabout these t vas ouail nissa-tantha vote! Orvia HUMi Cailin. Jao Simon, 'lc- lan! te conditions o! tae t-rip are Fire et Sing S#ng. isibît hawkers, pedlers, va blrd "i'd ho for It If It idt. giva t-hae cot f maintenance par pattant, againt t-ha Saloon. A proprose! wat t-ar Maison andi M. isristtanaen. t-bat tey muet toucs . aver' et-aie Ossînlag, N. Y., Jul>' 23.-Thrae ot-isar f exbtine hw n rea!s: ~Troad contuana>' t-be use of h e th. ou th' p rzrit ustr o ordina nce as daefete! by 26 votes. 1 r W alch delrs tsi M se. hich borders t-ha cou try. The>' arae hp fSn ig pio u e u meter axios! t ra , 11,eu ite! 0111atreta for tItis >ars," oaa an satl.ifurs t-h reatmn-.n svro- If us estimata!l tat- oni>' 14 wmn (irrina.Smna!O~saaa auîgceeîasl ahci'ti,'abstbtWrtnJ ne M. t Clhe 1laue iai! ita Ho dit! Dot know tat tae tarm o! r qusos tt oul! tend t-o brtng us tii- in>' vte! or tsa orhnbnaa proeneampia'ei!as ean aJt-mevisM..n o!ar isaithereme>'ha a an. yoste franchise haeo ien ctdown te oui informatin wisichis tght comae in watar varce station aus ail ara anxi- qusinaotteputseta $160.000. The tira vas !ougbt "Yeu flie! your bill on t-be -hryya . anyieut-pe antru ouý c, take the examinetlnqeon n bu ierhvn enmati>' b>' convicts wbo show,! great tai tis place vas a place 14, uIdo ht on nM . tela thougbf' thai safor Augussi bravery. ment." sait-il Judge Whttney 19 ita!>'la aseUta'ERTA saRaitl RlnM cit hiiiave acte!t on tisera.v te Mr. Pape's defense that bufr tIfI peraite sof Utr. W. H.Wtesn ha ftet comntaotbu i tiesite tise long biSatbyhvk_______ ote ho forn ite ifnitermthe! Cima b ut w.H atroi.hb fts UE Tr ire resignation an! w l made aIrea!t ytisa young mais appear _______________ 1, at-be omP n 10 en tse City but- u>< hntltio eev!th uave name! tise nov civil service comn toe t Itfresh. Tise>' ara ent-bus. *p p,:.::1;e moving picture vas acf anohe eau!. Harva ini cothne sntain ac-II ulsi lus. o for je long,' ano -e -ad Heddcip ed t-tam e t usairum Ission This bd hnc id a e an! say tey exec tuCiAI @e1n or ul. hejdg en, liai ne seat te k naw t-at utl itae". bisre he sisowe! tem through evr jst visai action shani! te taken in ter no sariaus diffIcut> %n tlniehiug SC'5 yU binl"e Bie W tocirt,~ Iiy )et-U lt-be ____________ ine nh orraisai place 0fatet one ottemn h mattar uni!er disputa, tisa trip on ocisadule. "f1Re jrp"paeo Mogn yppp*00 taetrtisiye ol iewics bas ever elace boe M it y c t - I l . t a d c o n a n > n n A i t h ea u n e o t e r ca t i a n i a a U t a m i ! f a vomacl c o i n -_ _M_ _ _ _ _ _ Me hmtesntrykthnta a§ut-ion and Nt Muiton. NATONAL LEQUE b>' kii as euah. 1 doa't Miell. l'c tacn! eeg thtUue a!iirIel! totb cmsc fvral cp Igh b r slt-la Zd t-bat a pheep vben !a anything coul!, h. moe Michll Tenon fns thrswh d nt etth arageen oaach is t nidy t-m lin ut-on, aIl bVrt lt a FS IV POWE W. u. pct W. L. Pet. tse cin c1ofn t stauta ai.A[crclal aFern Utadng cli>' ho the age are o! i-lae fer, white asking frashaui-ule teCtano triisau- Miail Tno waa portia ofthe vso do ets auiding jusi lso aver Ut>'ar v eut-lae dent Pi' is hft . bad; OND N" Y. . 60 26 698 Brook. .38 43 469 ta roe it aiteauc' the~~~~~~~~~- tini h idso h itoso Piil. .. 50 32 610 Bat. ...36 49 424 ",you cannai ýd privea lNlo nwn htec muton'e ea. But theon la a fruit EXPLOSIVE I aiHr bjecttons Ito i owi nd t-ate for t-ha efficient manner in isicis tae t-bat changest lits nante sill oftner; Pts Ch .4 42 512 SCmI . 3 53 38v th is o lauaiti an to Wit, obeycIon l he o di ancre. for satitarlin la batog coai!ected. éàaegocVUwhnfeh.a h Pt. ....4543 511 Sln. ...3 65389 wateihstoi la rti ad w hl ve>'creui- in iardace B-.The guëst-a are more thn daligi- NYVGEHN IE OU trpledid.-dpumwe nM.Po Uteore are man>' ho ed it the coiiton an! asea e.___ a pnciagar ila the _____ dontudrlumtetrisoeodton n sete odn More Powoltul and tiss Dan-, At Pbulaiepbla- I. I. IL struet an! ta edtit omplinttefacieltBeeta t1 hti aeKnsacut eie Chîcago ...201002 000-5 7 2 "You ara noet tied tO li e r a i N o v e r y g oUt . nfr a n h i e i en s t - ba t t r i a a t e b i l l i a s a m i t a n i e s i s t h â i a i l b e A l a r m i n g S P it - s R e C e v e d i n W o o h . i d l h a . 0 1 0 0 3 1 6 9 1 t e n e h s r t arainb st a. pt tlnphlet rinac or- imlar lînes thes verio par Ingtan ot An Approachuiig Criais in MANY PEOPLE ARE MISSING gerous than Dynaite. Lavendér andi Maa!isam, Alexander main vln expasti aned tma ,k ing ba u d e m th at- e v e r >o n a m e>' a v e a n o up- th e i ast it utio n , sa 'in g It- a s ju t - fu r A f a r ! M si te C ity - P e s a dKdC flt-s i e s a h h k tt b r p o r t u n t > ' t a s e c j u s t - ah a i h d a e t o n - n u i v > f r e i m t i e l a i n e t e h a v a M a b e e n M r i n g b u t O n e a S i a -.i i a o P l c S s c i f Ti- N a Y r . J l ' 2 T e s t S c o gainoe -0 0 I 0 o a 1 0 ~ t n e t a b S i p . a 1 ab t-tain. Tosa vio hava nd te rd- tis Chicag Prolice tenapare an! fary-lfir namboe e gan dea e ttlwhe would" enougis lu t-b countrys t-o get fresh Wol erRbl.Man>' tran, Illinois Points. isg-oe8xistatb at a Philadelphie .. 4 0 1 3 0 0 0 0*-S 12 2 ne>'. addresaing Pir. Pope. fara :Ie ai Ii.s Th>rck'aen1t sean. an explosive aqual ta the Humphist Reulbaeis and ihetil ufudct idti e ebv agia odnni hcs oA i t iled tis iaiukgra Wasaînglon. Jtly Z -.-Atermnn re, Chsicago, titi> 22.-The Cictago po-1 Caurt an Paf@gulid the Cii>' ln a more efficient conducia! b>' tise pet-lents aie wva Il.a are searcîtifg for ttîrîs persona strangasi dynamita mae, thse 'elght>' and Bresuahain, Needham: Rixe>', af the statuta vich curag.* t! tisai a ilannar. AppiaranU>' tae cli> han metý comnsnae! upan favorah>' b>' tise P' f 0 aPPrOaching mrtats ln Max- hoiae isper!tontirer ceai dynamite." bas been perfect- Chalmereti Mayer an! Killifer. uatlon absoluel>. ibut lI ivi ut a! sal! avrs tecfoan!'tetr.Io a- e,,rcte tr vbg bouses. teen kiduape! or lie! trous in- ai b>' a lieutenant of tae NoverwtNaYr-R ..illTeaa't iSU eddfd- itl«-hrrncie o Bond Patients Hore. gosvriatstcn otirtal. il vias sutonri- I tltuiomr' rs.centl>'. 1 natuanal gurd altr three years' orlt. Pit-tsburgb ...1100000021-3 7 3 stantiata hie argsaptet." ofdakeo t-ha A tie tak a h UtmattisectO av eîelrio uîpahhe5 ('blet o! Police 3. A. Glay of Sprtng- H-e aîî gîva it to tisa Unitad States Nw lorS ...00004040--g 9 1 Amoag tisa indpeta < unt House ais runiuu EdI antaisg thahava an!e aIsepmnt vît- th ilIitgahdte(iro e CamIt-z. Robinsont an! Simon. Gui- Ctv visa vre pisnt- ta1W F*- I T W M m ngtemeKe n cOaing two -eelii ara regarde! as Ivea lain la akia hm te acls govromnt varahah l dznn- Bn em re ee ndW lo .ý Marinil Bell, louty.onvan! (Caurad, cont> elairmai o! tae tetlf t ion s voul! psyr front $500.000 up for Second galne vart. ]Fabry,. BllInyrle, er. A. D. board!o a! erir of Lake caunt>', traugisi vilti trentendolle importance for tise arristal o! t-he Stdnapars% of al t-h. secret formula. Mitlogioooo10 rad tisers!l U.a and ticisN JHN DS PLRU ai! opa biauggestion, practicalî'la te huerta goverismeat. Isevantre yeer oh! bo>'. The nante o! Lieutenant Haroldi (base Wood- Pittsbrgh 0 000 0 00 1 00 01 2 0 tziole nglt- eetng t-h , WAY. ON JOhN OS. P doded tisai t-ha plan o! building a Sa deilrteta tihe Information tha>' tise boy vas nei asentiona! tn tisantes-: yard -ftb TNet-awoi Ynorkmm Aes. (bsen tOI- an Sion Coletea pitan sh op le gi t WAYcoutyiubarculasis saisitarioi lis ronialn t-bat an Intimaions eftihe ad- Sage. wish set! ha vas baing takais. Ntoa thr. e rte td gisare tete, ibevk no an! imn Cea ; afcr t-ha w raid b>' i Ua .lIe C l ark.slîcrsia ioator., N e o r , la t e n D19..Kanaa hI hc abandona. Tittesrbacae ktown oI>' ils tise ta Ciiforia bY bim abductors ais! vente oftotl tisa newst an! MAt Boonl>' a nd eyr. H f th. daylid bc t-tainPo ; ollt. D Id~U .BIk taes r B.i lias vih tae action decida! utton stipsulation t-bat t vies unailcil an! tisai tise latter ntS> pas t-ireugb C'hi- or o!okyn R.H.Erot-olt N ttm -8-le la lAke coulty>. It vas deei!ed tat tisatitI hotal net ha repraseais! as cago. -ioet d..dl>' combuistible.S. oi...01 000361hwerndhrtl bn». l-Aigl S.. une B r o s e z s a n i t a r i im a n ! a r e ! f o r a i b i n g t i e v Iew n t a n > ' o ff ic a i o ! t - e O t i s r a r e p o r t a !l In tu a r e : C h a r l e s W . B rovo kn ! i v l e o u c a c d n a l ey an . . . g. C u r t I s , - 1 1 t ac a v i - h t - t e v ad a p l at alu noBf s usit-nt-ecn hiaile oset Pcit t-han "n bieaSamt etroae l ae te>' coul! ut tisa> ovne! thirnavl AutbnnaUve publication of tha n. Iba! ie wpelali ago front hlm ncle's orler ai ieata s ua etane tBto-R 1 futse IgSt. e -qe Ta to , N.Y. Jttîv 27That a sait-allant titra of the ailvices, il vis sali!, prab- foai au Antorh. III.; Peust Hoaro molbe cnitos Trotol can ha big ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sae la viahe fortor yeers an!ar han as iptbsfrou.Temai apae y9 Boston ...00030000-3 13 IS II I IffleT'a~~rtcl Alway5 la Densê! b:p ofgnasee.Json BrwauseKin: Dr L. H. Tomiaug b. presideat o ! b a brouglit t -o ps or. wha i as t t -o finit relatives o ! a nan beltave ! t o n ardn stinl t-'vra. ln t a t wo diy, tis o , an!, Ranidoeteis. oad yw ib h rdctdeet er g T e pliese en skd i rye: K s a atf iemtuipr mae n h, îi i-v.hen he tise Laka Breaza Sanîtantta; Josephs folow vers net butte!t t la te lr. bava tact Anton Scot&, vibo was rimatro tasI Omn.Scodgm- résidente naa !el bat liso Rotke- Hingher. member ot tha board o! di- port-, wbuutb no. fer have foun! no ai-r an! kile! b>' a train on t-e Chi. More paent-s are granici! for bote Cincinnati .... 000 1I20000--3 6 1 À R ItE T 0 F retr f Use sanitanltm an! Dr. W. raflectian ini militàrs' or naval prapara- cauiote a traIinm aro!-hnfrn>a-brrile0faa-Hs-n12 feller staisle!' ,sr-- on lire t>' a B.attereca, manager of! t-ha mIni t-tons 1' Use-ýUnit-e! States. trot-s lanuel.ll -r.IOic -e o adnSafie Sn-n ry n lr;Jms1% A*Ïl Vielitof Abàauo.tisai masquera!. as samethtng aine iln au! Whaliag. * a~ho lIvas il 1 t hle asiate, ne- lt'l'm Watîkagan t-li Pari>' vient te li t-be administration te CtALTe LOSY OTOS _______ ttredhmeeSr atraymonn g bte horns' pao n lanreLINLWSA OTR AMERICAN LEÀAIJE. Considerable eecree>' Je beta I.i -an faon! bis bouse fuil o! asoke. thfuhtecat ui amHr nteMlenpolt1t-aIne! b>' tise R. J. & .a --Again whe a trs. Se burna n ami tr riil. again te>' ore deligh ed vih con- P o4 , n bi rrival or Arbassador W l- stla a ra e b o o drer vreoutfo an outtiredittos saoua!.iotlrunse asGî-y roucntde.OclaW. cL.!WIs laor îW.l lII>-mrPeat baregarda . . tt.W..tPhrearharUt gcargs ai,~ sasoeort-n i oaa ectedby Tburaa or Fite>'. Neter Rouech ht-ai> Alîve. regolar Institutuon. Tise>' have pock. Pil. .. 63 27 700 Beet. . . .42 46 488 bae praferred againsi 4U adt caunledn teO fi a retileli, aliéhio-- i te aie erey-iyN.J. et-boabe tille! wih t-Se manies of mr Clava. . .54 37 693 Dot. . 39 67 406 F. Barkem au! Brakeniarm K ,-,rd.ùOfe hsl heVe ?kn adat- d aitani ula to5n rs e li-.N J.Ju'y ?2.-Portsr riaigeasle midellns lns verious ranka ot Wa. ..51t 39 567 Si. L. . .39 58 396 phene, Wha viare la!gedV - ~men. crier a bard i 011e o C-nTiast-oVa ki.saeo*eut .t colcniin Chant-att, whu le ln jli heine aviatinS Ie ntg bu-trigt rag u. 1 457N . 65 2 tatnysa!y tr t»e blase. vhcb r- - !vi tl tIig. -1 t lk te çchool touche" in t-bi ln Ue >'bthitio -toim repuhic as ho did extridtofl ta taty for trial fan the l aicre, han ab u tha>' ar rangce efuil. .6 4 3 - Y . .2 59 3 2 sa in y te d tem « V . m t te>o" "Wbae putot-et Mn! 0fhan tacts. h t-bh e f mdntlai t-bai ceari-eu ega, lae ao flu b nove vî having contîsiatt. Atten t-bh u ~ .' a oS ub agtmr tnyUa al seBP hop l! g-,a ith monder o! his bride ai Lake Coma. t-bs> receiva a commission, an! very' At Dett- R. H.. L The mais. acüodn fgII Mr. Roc, itIllOll ,îbl> te5thn extra dos. ut valuiai Novd ofS.0000 0- fatt 3o verne ttohes lotolé amtii.yasao l ail unvrw veeà oui ths., i - i îa Idst lista Four h.ea!?" 'WbY ebolld W« bolle4toi t-o t-he capital. He réalise$ roacb fiiai he, aciaring t-O C @tata- gfiamthing t sio a vl ita ew rok... 00000000--2 3 I lt-ellro h Dateetivea Îý Par! an! Ftisher an! Gosati an! an! turne!l over t-0s

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