Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 13

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w ger ]B&rgains are beingoffered asiït- Continues==Don't ait oLooR Aroun Red Hot Items Red. Hot Prices One table odds and ends of Coats and Suits, worth $8 to $10, clear- 1 ance......... $1 AUl Odds and ends Wamen 's and Misses' Oxfords, and PUDps, worth $250 ta $500, clearance69 sale . . . . . . . . 9 Women's Raincoats, worth $10.00 ta $1200,37 at.. . . . . . . .3 7 Phunes, ail colors, worth $5 and $6, clearance 1 8 at .. . . . . . . . . 8 5111< Pettiroats, a grand se- lection of $4.00 and $500. Petticoats, f or 19 cleaance... Umbreilas, ail $2.00 and $3.00 values,98 clearance......98 Pancy Pins a 5 and .... t........25c $250 and $300, at.. 9 8c Boilta, ailatdnds, i O Wrorth 50cet..... o Neckwear of ail kinds; worth 5c.... loc Auto Veils, ail colors and very long, worth 49c $1.50, at .. ... ... Hair Ornaments, worth $2 and $3.00,50 at . . . . . ._ . 0 Boy's Pants, knee length; ail 75e pants,35 at .. . . . . . ..3 5 A1 at A1 .A Little of Everything for Chldren at à Clearance 50e Childien's Bai- 5 lor Hats .........5 25c Children's'whitelO Petticoat.s . .....e o $1.00 Children's Un-4, ion Suits.......40 7Ue Chldren's Night35 Gowns .......35 $1.00 Childreîi's 35 $3.00 Bathing Suits .. .. 25c Children's Hase . 1.501 loci 50e Infant's and 3izc Children's Gloves. q- 75e Children's Straw H ats ..,.. . . . . . 40c RanCapes ..... 9 5C $2.50 Children's $ Rain Coats... $&.00 Infant's White Coats ... 98C 15c Handkerchiefs, 5 for . . . . . . . . . .5 Hair Switches, worth $3.00 and $4.00, ahl sari- 8 tary . .. .. .. 8 Hair Switehes, ail shades, $6 and $7 goods, 1.9 at.. . . . . . . .1 9 KUl $1.5. Pants, 80C Infant's white Dresses, Lt ..............slightly soiled, worth $4.00 ~Big Reduction On- Ail and $5.00, clear- 15 Bay's Suits. ance ........15 sha.f ShaaaI The hoat thora la Children's Barefoot Saudals, ah 'sues ta 12, for49 clearance .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 Children's Barefoot Sandals, ahl sizes ta 4, for69 clearance .. . . . . . . . . . . ... .. ....9 Infant's and smail chldre's High Shaes, $1.001069 values .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 Chiidren's Low and High Shoes, ail leathers ta 9 2, for clearanice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Children's Low and High Shoes, ahl colors and13 leathers ta 5 .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .1 3 Women'a and Misses' White Ca.uvass $3.50 .8 Pumps, for clearance...............8 Women's and Misses' High and Low Shoes, al 25 leathers and colora, worth $4, $5, at .......25 Wonien's and Misses' Satin, Velvet and Buckskin Pumpis AUl Reduced. ISchol's Foot Eazers..........................$1e IAil 10c Shoe Polish for ...............Oc" Ail 20e Shoe Polish for ..............l c Wo men's and Misses' Dresses At $1.50 and $2.00 the display is complete, women's and misses' pretty voile embroidery and lace trinimed white lingerie dresses. To buy one of these dresses at its value, for what we ask for them la like buying a gold brick for $5; you're getting 8o much value for your money; take .18 theni at ....... Those $1.00 Wash Dresses-We have put out aur entire reserve stock o! wash dresses for house and street wear, and you eau now take your choice froni about 700 of these dresses, that former- ly sold at $1.50, $200 09 and $2.50, for cemrnceO9C Neyer, Neyer Be- fore, and Neyer, Neyer, A 'ain! Wiil Ladies al Vool Buitt be handed out to the public at such merciless reductions inipricel Women's & Junior Sizes The fabrics in these suite, are good dependable fabries that WMl give satisfactary service, wMi stand pressing, hold their shape, and are properly flnished. About 2W0 Ladies' Serge and Mixture goods Suits, plain tailor- ed and trinuned models; aur $10 and $12 garments, clearanIce price, _ 4.75 About 175 Ladies' Fine Serge and Novelty Suits, ail this year's Istyles, plenty of plain black and Iblue in the lot; $15.00 and $18.00 I arments; ail of themi at clear- ance price6 8 About 125 Suits iu materials heavy enough for f ail wear. Ail aur best Suits, plain and fancy trinuned, $18-00, $2000 and ,$25.00gren, Clearance price 00 Boys' and Girls' Coats and Suits Cbildren's lightweight Coats, in several light materials, izes up to 6, worth $3.00, at clear-98 ance price...........98 Children's Mixture Goods Coats, serges, pongee, etc., ail colora, fully worth $500, 1.79 clearance price ........ ChIldren's Black Satin and al our most expensive Coats, worth froin $7.00 ta $12.00 26 Coats, at ............26 Balkan Blouses in plain white, white with red or blixe colars, ai- sa striped colars and many in colored materiais; all , I$1.50 value, clearance...7c IAIl aur best suits in light mater- iaIp, plain and faucy 4.50 tailored ....... Talle these Coats Out of Our Way Quick Choose from about 150 fuit length Serge and Mixture Coats, forin- erly sold at $10.00 and $15.00, and the people were glad to get them tao, at these prices for the sm ail and trifling suni which which not pay for the niaterial alone, 2.A98 These AI-wool Serge and Novel- tv Mixture Coats, full and three- quarter length; eau be worn un- tii next December with eomfort and at the sanie tume they are flot too heavy for the cool evenings 110w-a-days. They are good, serv- iceable, ail-around garments, that we formnerly sold for $15.00 ta $1800. Ail we want now is to get them off our hands. You take theni at r- 4.9. About 75 Coats, al aur best Ail- wool Coats, right here for your inspection, and you take the best ones at one-haîf of what they cost. Remember what we need now is the maney. Look these aver at clearanice pnice, 6,75 Wash Waists and Pretty 511k Waists LOT 1--Several hundred slightly soiled lawn, voiles and shirt- waists, ail regular $1.0029 waists, for clearance ... 9 LOT 2- Consists of about 300 waists, some new, some slightly soiled, high and low neck, long and short sleeves. They ail for- merly sold for $1 and 5 $1.50, for clearance ....59 LOT 3- Our display of $1.50 and $2.00 waists cannat be98 equalled, for clearance... U At $1.49 and $1.98 the display is complete. eut8 mefuily las the price been eut o u or extra fine chiffon, lace and silk waists, 1150 Chldrens extra quality galatea, gingham and lawn L Dresses, sizes up to 14; only the best styles; also children's white lawn, lace-trixnmed dresses in many new patterns, elbow and fuil length sleeves, sizes to 6, $20085I dresses, for clearance, only ............... 85 ALWAYS THE BIGGEST SELECTION AT "TeProgressive Store." Shirts White pique, linen and Repp skirts, also tan cotton ratine and linen, button trimnied; sold regularlyr at $1.50 jqû for clearance . . .%J; White pique and linen skirts, an extra good quai- ity, $2.00 skirt ..... 12 Good wool serge skirts, black and navy, full and narrow models; aur regular 22 $4 skirts, cl'ar'nce.25 Beautiful black and white checked plaid blaick and navy serge, also mnany mix- ture and novelty skirts; sanie draped models, others button trimmed with beit af - fect. Ail$5.0. and $6.00 skirts, for clear- 2.98 iance at ........ eau show you something ex- tra fine in the way of fab- rie and style. The skirts in this clasa should bring $8.00 +-, tiinA.We, haivemarked Snowy Wh#te' Undermuslïnsi". Not ordinary sale goocis, but beautiful, fresh, new' gar-' ments. The mnost extensive, display, too, we believe, has ever been shown heme CORSET COVERS-An ex-, tra fine quality 35e mualin covers, ahl lace trimmed, nrb- bon insertion, etc., 5 for clearance .... 5 Ail 75c CorsetCov- 35C PETTICOÂTS-Nice cdean, fresh stock, mostly embroid- ered patterns; soine very, beautiful lace trimmed , also '" ribbon insertion, ail extra. deep flounces, clear-98 Ail $2 and $2.50 11 White Petticoats.. Ail $2 and $25015 Gow ns .. .. . . . . Women's Drawers, 5 35o kind.... Ail 50eand 75c 35t Drawers ...... theni for clearance 45 Combination Suits,89 at .........4 1$ 1.50 value.... ALittle ofEverythîigfor Womeii' At Clearance Prices.-Come and Get Them". 50e Corsets . ....... 39e 35e Women's Lace Trim 1 $1.00 Corsets ...... 75c med Pants ......... 19o $2.00 Corsets .....$1.50 35c Women' s Wing $3.00 Corsets .... $250n. S leeve Silk Vesta ... 2 35c Brassieres ........ 17c 75-cwomen's Lisle Un- >1 75c Brassieres ........ 35c ion Suits .. ..... 41é', $1.00 Brassieres ....... 75 $1.50 Women s Lisle 35c Rust Ruffles.......9 Union ut..... f 75c Lace Corset Covers. . 40c 25e Women' Lisle j $1.00 Lace Corset Covers 80e Wing Bleeve Vesta .... lc $150 Wonien's Colored 35c Misses' 511k Lisle Petticoat ...... 90c Vestas............. 170 > 1 $2.50 Women's Princess 75c Women's Short Silk slips............ $1.75 Gloves ............ 4cý $1.5. Women's Black $1.25 Women's Long Mercerized Petticoats. 75c 811k Gloves .....8k' 75c White Aprons .... 35c 25c Women's Hose .1o $2.50 Women's Combination 50e Women's Silk Houe 3ko Suits 1............ $175 $200 Leather IHaiidb&gs , 75c White Bib Aprans . ..35c $1.50 Women's3 Dressing 35c White Aprons....15 Sacques ............0W 35e Gingham Aprons .... 15c $1.50 Women'a Kimonas 980 Children's Dresses--aUin cçn Children's Gingham Dresses, sizes to 6, very fancy and novelty designed, ail worth $100; your choice, a.t39 Children's White Lawn, Lingerie' and Party 169 Dresses, ail sizes *and many styles.........16 Women's and Misses' Dresses ALL WOOL DRESSES AT ABOUT HALF TUE COST 0F MAKING-All serge dresses, that were formerly ma.rked as high as $10; take your pick froni theni, and any dreas wMl only olt 2 0Q ES-Linen tailored dresse tan, blue, white, purpie, lave and many ather shades, and for ail, at $3.98. You pa~ than 25 per cent of what~ ta manufacture them -Toi get three montha' ervioe Q- theni yet, clearance q pnice ............. liere, a LittieV l'5an sseMisses' Pretty -Ff - 1 1 )£M-e

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