Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 14

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t, y - RM TïELLS! - AR lT SA EVS1 MAN IN TUE NORTHI vlocal Man Just Returned From flambeau Country Tells an lnteresting Story. .WATER HIGHER THIS YEAR., Says it Would be Futile for Lo- cal People to Attempt to Find the Remains. Thsomas J. Kirchner, uho bas inst I«urued froni AI Seifert'is place, _bkceu Lodge on tbe Flambeau 14,r tells a very interestilug tory Oft havlng ceeu loyd Robilard and 7 *A" Hall. thse local youug smen be- 6we ther started on tiseir fatal trfip -*wnI the river toward Ladysmith, CrOm ubicis Place tbey fintended to rotea thome. He lrst met RobIllard on the train eM the way to thse Flambeau coutry. INe train was 80 crowded that they ,vere obliged ta stand up for about tee lOurs ot 0f NMilwaukee. Ac- ÇÇ'ding to Krchner, Rabillard hap- PSed ta meet a young man uho came ison the Place wbore hie folks re- 8ie. Robilard made inquirles about -Ils brother and gave the young mien t» Of bie carda, requestlng that ho mâ bl$ (Robllard's) brother to corne '*MM tbe river and see hlm. rY-4owulard epent sorne littIe Urne no Fambeau L.odge and filis .-pter mu hlm and Hall several 0& Ust flday tihe tua local Mon Called et tise Flambeau ~'ieta my good bye but ft go bap- thUai Kirchner was away at the told me tisai the river waa OrtfOve fot bither tisan usual * yer. due to the beavy raine.' r si. "Naturally ibis ma: thUan fit uoUl< b howen tise wsu lower. Onîr the moat ex- - guides evor shoot tisetalla. Indiana are quie proficent t but uboy use blrch bark canos enare mailent enuebbta give a lle ubenever a rock or ah- ia bit. WiUs codar canoeg. ta theOne .ttobll4ard gui ll * lu amnsd 1k. the maJorty Of Ûmes for ordlnary river work fit Sdagerous ID shoot talla be- thie thui'od la9crushed ai. mas osaitas an egg aboli uben a Dose do niot weigbt more * NxtY OruAeventy poundeansd fIt % ~ot's gret dei.. 0 of o taInpor- aroint se ofals. you viii no- *a the ether tua roung men lu pUtfy did mot take avy chance preftereta portage arouud. bave beoti toi that severalmon Waukogan are tbluklng of torm- a Part, snd' golng te, Ladysmîis 4»WeoPt ta, locale tise body. My wVould hoetisait tey give up Alan fo r tboy can do absoluflely If thor walk lu tise woois the river batik they vîhi gei OrwUl AnduI ft Impossible te, tlaough thse undergrowfli unles <0110w the Old trails sud thîs 3Mt ake tlem nr the houka of river. EiXjeM'enced lndian river- are PatrôlUlig the batiks for the an dtbey yl findil fitianyone ahre laILabg doubt ln my mtud ta vwetber thse body ever les foutu. y n ca4sth!lae the way the rmots m h res grw down mint he river, 'ObtOrtWiulug Into an interminable net- *" Yepu vould see how easy fIt wWtd lie for a body to be caughi and -beii tat. Juai now the water of Use river fis black with tise muck Tt takosi ijpo solution" it develops tisai Robillard and Hall WèVe on tise river ail, or practically -Sbl Of the trne froni Priday until Sun- da" aftemoon about three o'clock. Whi the accident happened. Tt vasq t#bk UCeabry for liall and Use two #Jb Young smen"in go ail tise way J tadysiflUs teget inie cOmmunicaý vlth Waukegan uPeople ani tisey mot make the (ir l 'mii ihey hanf overy positle effort to locate biody. 'tb.e otiser iwo yoinz nien fin tise bah tudents ofthtese Univert;lty Wscousln, çvere hotis expert ca- @s tis fIa one et the requirfe- Of the unlveraity betore Usey teilwed ta take part In any of *Mstevents fIn vhicbUse yousg .lvays took a leadfing part. Tt ted Oui that wbon tbey consid tiiê fsis too daugerous to shoot RkobtUlard snd Hall should tnt tideo the chance. One ofthUe"e 1" laeoxpocted n Waukegan ETUAL MOTION RIDDLE 10 TO 'HAVE BEEN SOLVED Jlars II, ub>, 22.-Teste bava pe nalÏbetore aclentuats bore of uainoventei b>,as mechuaifiia S*iFlorla, by 'ahch. fit fis clainei. u mLl fimotion fis demoutrtai. tlbo be principles underllig Use' iStdemployed fs Use contraction:i expZ«n f egas. *machine collecta Use calorie , «thes.air, vhble inexhansi trMOrgIEu infoo necisunir- 1he Air la supplIei suie- agi'Use ppeatusisln hisPOMDIos f Use Austin Totiordale, Gazette omploye wbo waa dregi out of the ciy coun- cil rorne Monday evenieg afier ho lu- soleusily addreased varous inembers of ihe commission, ia busy eiplahils to people bow I ail happened. le'u telling them Juet bow it feu ta be taken by the seat ofthtie pants sud uap of thse neck and draggçd down tihe stairway and, escis time he adda: «I have been waitlug for eight yeara for the chance to get ai Orvis-and. uhen 1 diii, -to think that Atterbery came along and pulled me off! It's toa b.d ho didn't let me finish fit rlght thon and there." If Atterbery had flot lnterfered we're afraid Austin wouldn't be ln rhaPe just about now or for a few days ai leasi, to make any klnd of au ex- Planation of how fIt seema to be chok- ed until ones black fn the face; he wouldn't havq oeen able to relate big feelings ai belng dragged down the stairs. In fact, be wouldn't have been able ta day to niake his report to hie boss whose instructions got hum into the muz-up. ARREST ZION POOL- ROMMAN TODAY. H. Volger, tisenman ube operatea tise Zion Cit>, pool roini, vas arreet- ed fn Ziotil tiiafaterisoon, ten daya uhicis vas gîven by the council fol- Iowlng tise passage of Use ondinance prohlblting saloons lnZMon baving exprei today. Hoeua taken hetore a Jpstlce and tise case contlnuedl when ho gave bonda. Tise place vas flot raied and il fis undertani Vngler la sitl ope> ating fit. TWENTY YACITS TO RACE TO WÀIJ(Ei ON SATURDAY P. M4. Jackson Park Yacht Club of Chicago Will Race Here for Trophy Given as Prize. IS THE SECOND YEAR. Provision is That Boat Mustl Win Three Comqecutive Yrs. to Secure the Cup. Tuonir boate froin Use Jackson Park Yacht club of Chicago uflu race ta Wankegau next saturday afflernoon lin tise second snnal race ta vin tise $100 lovlug cul> viicis las been haing nP by citizens oft tiis clir as a prize ta tise Yacht ubîcis shall vin Use race ibree successive rears. Jusi visaitinmetise boafls vinbave Chiicago le not kueun as yet, but fIt fa hlievod Usatit Hvii hoeariy in Use atternoon. In al probablliy vus fair weather sud 'ai dconiditions ther vin reach Wsukegan sosieLtme beieon 6 and 7 'clack iln Use ovenlig. Lasi rear tise Jackson Park Yacht club sent a large numbuhofe boafle hem fin Use race sud the eveut provrei a vol-y succesatul eue. Tise membena ot tise club declarei tisai Uer voli mucis prefer ta race bora tista c soine Point ou tise otieshOoreoaf the1 take.1 Notice tisai the club veu race1 bore Baiurday vas not recefivad iuntât toiayan aI dosde tnt givo tise ciiy mnucis Popotunlty ta prepare ta vol-1 cone tise viafitars, but su effort 'flîl4 ho maie ta, give tisenisaute sort et a1 celebration as a welcome upon Usir1 arrivai. Wien yacht clubs race ta, oihier citles tIser are alwsys given ant ovatfion soi bocause fItfls ceuslderod1 a signal houer to ho Use objective point et sncb a rae, tise duier alays are eagerta do vitbin tise power. Net sncb vas dons along tiIs lino tast year ln Waukegan, but fItfa probable that more attention wfil hoe givon to tise iatter ibis rear. Tise cul> ubicis bas boon ln tise &*-t seton ofthUe ovuer of thse boai uhich 1 von at Yer w vilishobrougisi tu Usîs dury late thia afternoon or tUsa ven-1 fing and placed u ilplar lu Use vin-1 mu efstie local jevelry stars, ILftait a very handgome tropis>,asd tise mein-f bers oI tise yacht club are very anxfiousa l au anes I. As tise conditions provido y tbai tise saine bsoat mucis cor n fi rai iisree yosrs fin succession, I fi;is h- li-yod tisat If it lii hoseveral reare before tise oup sf11 b. flialir avanied. CHANEAV NOTICE. î State of IllinonisCounty of Lako. as. Circuit Court nf Lake Counni>, Oct- ober Terni. A. D..1113. Elmer S. Faulkner Yvs Lydia Ed- warda. 'orsMeKenzte, I.sra Haramy,a Frank CremInn, Alf roi Rosi, John .h Reai. Edgar iRend, DleLng William. and C'hiarles H, WIlliisms,fIn Cisancor>, No. 6319). The requlefite affidavit iaving beens, led fin tise office of tise Clerk oI sai Court, Notice fi; iberefore isereby giv- on ta tise sall aheve nsinseid meeu- anis tisai Use above named ('omplain- sunt heretafore fled bis ui et Coni- plaint fn sai Court. on tise Chancer aIde Usreot. andi Uîat a suommonsy iheroupon fIssnod onut of sali Court0 againsi Use above named detendauta,1 returnablo on lisetrai day et Use tarin of tise Circuit Court1 o! Laboeo'Cunty. ta be bheu at the Court Mouse lu Wankegan in saii Labe«omturon th ise rt Mon- da> yt Ocber . .1913, as le hy lau reuirui a ud utch sitil e euh Pend- fIeg. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, ('lot-k. V.aukegsn iiH, july iSUs, &. D1913. W. C.Upbou, CojUL~L-t'aS olocitar. MANY FRIENDS PRESENT. ls Stili in Excellent Health and Takes an Unusually Active loterest In Life. Mfrs. Ch 10e Bron. visa resides uflUs brar ister, Mrs. Winters, of 211 fflriiew Mae, celebratod ber 9let blr"day today sud preporotia dinner for several of ber rottves Among ihose Pressait vore: ber dangbter, Afr. Amazeen, of Mi-ý yankee; ber graudiangbter, Mrm. Wright, of Boecb; and Charles B3rown, ot Guruee. Deapîte her-aivanced age Mrs. Brao stllI eujays excellent healtb sud does al ber ovu houaework. She maie ail Use arrantemonîs for enter- taining ber relatives today snd even Prepared tise muner for Usem. Tiser aIl declarei tisat "Auntie ChIne" bhai bast none of ber culiuary art. Mr@. Browni bas Uved lu Wankegan for a number of rears and ber unu- usual vitality bas ouablod ber tu got sround uflUs the aotli fli !a voman matir rears younger. She taises an active fluemat lu life sud fOnde as mucb plemsure fin observig ber hirtis- day nearly a century ago. Mach yoar se obsforvurd wvus coidlerable anticipation ta Use Bp- proecb of ber .birtisday and endeavors ta get as matir as possible of ber relatives to ho present sud belp ber celebrate. Her sisier, NM. Winters1 la about Use mame ago sud alwars as- sista lu ibese yoarly celebrations,1 They are always Use big days lu Use tear for UshelîttIe fanlîr. The relatives o! Use aged vomen realizo tisatift la a signal honor ta attend Use blrthday party of a wonma ,&ho bas atlafiued sncb au advanced age sud still fa bale and hoarty. They always try Id ho preseut 'aben ft fia possible. Mms. Brownti bkes a great deal of intereat lunlIte. Bshe ioiighte ta look backward te the progross at bas benm accouWliseod durlng Use lait ball! century and admits Usai manur of Use present day applances are greai labor savon, 8Sh.sasys she féels as weli as abo over di d dox- pects, tu ho able tu celebrate m-ni more blrthisys IS TIIWN OUT Of TUE COUNCIÉ RWOM That fit te somotîmes daugerous ta fsitnat. Usai a mati fiea grater. usa PnOvoi concîualvely ta Austin Touter- dais. su office Otiploye o! the G&zette ou Mdonda>, ovening, ubeti lie va saaeti untul bis teeth cisatterod, us bouncoi uticore=tniousby oui o! Use ciii bail. jrbai ionutUe stairs tUsmo aiaUm aatnsd eJecu.d bodîl>, luta Use street. As a partiug sisal ho vas Uret.ned uuib arnesi If ho enterai Use hail agafin. Tatterdalo bai beau ooklug for trouble an durlug Use meeting. Bey- oral tinie h. bai lntmerrtheUs business session O! tisa couvicil by ris- fiug ta hie foot sud lnlpertinently ad- dressing tise counuil ufitisent mablng tise requesi te sPeak. Ho vas orioea tubce ta aoit doun, sud oui>, pariicalfy [su bîsivison toli tisatIif ho diii ti "sisot up" Usai ho vouli bc put out of the bail. Thse rosI trouble came ahotir sitar adjournuneni. Ttterdalo fallovod Cornnsefioner Orvia luto tise fce a! Use ci>, ougIneer andibogan ta #&Idebi Iuusginany grievances. Thse commnis- sionor taod Meisand smlei toleraut- Ir. Thon, seeingttgUai ho couli pro- robe un querrnell Iis marmor, Toi- terdale cisangad ieiatactuos sud ne- fermi ta tise motter ofthUe Chicage sud Milwaukbe e lectic rairosi ondi- Dnce, inafiuaiing ibat Mr. Orvis nigisi have been gnllty ot gysfi. Sisook Insulter. Tbfis vas sdilng lusui tatelnjnrr. lt vas imore Usan anyone couhi ho ex-i Pectei ta stand, and stridlng !ot'*ard Orvis gvssped Totteniale b>, Use shoul- dor, abaking hlm as a mastif f iuhi a fox terrier.Ie dii Dot stribo a1 bleu-ho hadfitac mucb geai sone i fer tissu, fan evon tisougb ho vas In- su liai as feu meti cane ta ha, ho baud! hîtosel!fin couirot. Commisioner At. lt-rber>, sud FIre <hiet <YParoli Lt once Isopet! foratvan sd oullei Usei tua mqo spart. Not uspe d vifg nations' as they voe, Toilflei songisi ta break ses>,, atlag asIfitho vouhi Ifike tla:DIX Ilu ulfu Orve i Il vas aitUsesjunirtur uef coin.- miîsaloner Attonheny cavfIht Use »rosit.1 wouli-be tieuspaper minu hé secqhiar o! hie coat sud lerkod hfi mioV fuie slairs, Puasig hum out tpoai Useide- walk. "1-t me hack-l vaut tao utile fuis vush Use mayer," Totterdaho p#XWdg "Yen lkeyabo dv ico and o on1 home or 'I1 labo yen arauni to tiset poire saiion and lock yen up,» Coin-1 mIasioner Aiterber>, sai.r eu. of Trouble, Theseatire trouble grev oui of th@ tact tisai Usa cli>,council bai airer- tiaIfe r bise for su officai nevaPe- Per. Tise bide woro onbuUtted Mon- dai night. Becane. the COUnc id ffa io -!0 l bO tooleSbp pedl tg I. Of 'àebwe tu tlahe c y -i&âthe ý Cty Ub aoyou tell me w»y Moi, did t- atezdale demanded as ho mam t bisfot. 'ltdwi tecounc'îtlafln session. Whtuve et ead tohear tram rofi w. wli lot yent know about fit," Mayor Dldinger s@Me «WeO tbp' -Gastte submltted tho IDOwet *ld afid-" ho began, agatn. né oGacette di not submt the lowest bld. ýWhen we got ready ta bearIMMrm nwe'IlItell you al a&bout fIt. Nqw. *Wftmor 1tell you t a it do-u" re*W the maj or. "I dont me how you n oei clithat a fait waY to--" once more T o«dd broko ln. furtiier'dispiarin s hi Nk or ooOlprobenslon of parlimenary etiquUe * Thie > oIOira <iii Wa wearfug on the nu"or. as well as the othors pras- ont. "If you dot it dowu PU bar. rau throwu out. Now BIT DOWN." thie CIty's oxecutive crfied, hie patience at Circulation Discuod. TOtsedlefiually seemed to ilder- stand Usat bis&venud-be oration us not aPPrecatei and ho souk bock lu. ta bis seat 11ke a schoal boy ulbo bas bee t lu ta recue a plec. ad fofgflt bie wor« bofore ho vas faikly started. The attention of Use council thon vws iirecied hack ta Us. matter ai circulation. Comissioner Orle mli ho Usought fit vould ho mueS butter kfor the Mayor ta inveetisate Use@ris culation 0f Use tva papers U» li wouli be for Use commission »as whole ta do fit becanse thse wvoUs, wbile easy for one vauld ho rallier cumbor- Aolne for Ove. Ho said ho tthotf Usat fit vonli se an excellent tbigg ta finvestigate Use circulatlion vor car. fully as ho dld tnt tblub that giglad circulation statemoeaSisali o ae ti inoaconsîdoration. Hoenid fIathUe «iY abouli taise flutoconldovaion onîr Use number of bonslide jiapors belng delivered lin Waukegan. "That willI nclude too, qasea uhere twa or Usmee papera are belug lot t one bouse," Mayor Bîdingot- chlmed ln. iComsnisslatier Orvîs ssii Usat ho did not Usinb that the council sbould tgive sur cotisitloration ta Use lapera Ustai are holug sent ont of Use clty. To Usis all Use comssonoms agresi. It vas decided Usaitishe nouspepers sbould be givon torty-elght bours in whlch te aubenit their circulation etatetuont. Maites Soggy fstoment. AftorUse regula business was ils cussed, Totterdale vas informai that If ho bad suythiug ta oar. fui Use couneil would Ilstest tahlm. He ieaped to bis ftet lUs bis bnazeues revlved. "I'd Ifke ta knuwbat buoluom the Cfity bas ta Insert tUseaper iaus about circulationi." ho oxollaed. "No mention of tUss as made iuben bide veea allod for." Mendiera oftishe commilssion taler- antir explained ta hi, that User dii tiot bave ta mentioji ibis <oct wbeu User called for bîd&-Ushat Use coin- miSion lau Sates apecillealîy Usai Use mtter of circulationshall ho laanInioacoualderation fin Use dis- posai of bidaetofUsis nature. Totterdale blundored on. «Does .he Honorable ghar t(ho laid speclal stress on thep edjectIve) tisink Usai circulation of a paper cau, ho luvestlgated ln tort-ebult hours," ho oneered ?" You nVàst ripnember Usai yon cau't bolieve' Use sworu otaiensent cf Soine newsuapers. Borne of Usein-" la Completely Squelehod. "«We quit. agree vitS Yeu about ibai," Use councl chmed s a unît an ithere vas a gaiersàleIuh at Tottordale's oxpetise.- 1 -Me apuiflerod arouni and irlod la make a furtiser statemont. 'Mlotion toadajourai lu order,' the uayor exclaimed, and whlle.. up Ga- zette mnu us ryiag fte mie hlmn- self board aboya utheI&W*lter sud jeers, tise meeting was adjouraed. Tise average inan would bave been squelched. Not se with Toitatnisle. He vas looklng for trouble and ho procoeded ta huit rtgist lata it i;itb boUs oes zopen fin Use <oes«ofCoin- nâssioner Orvîs, as recounted fin Use Birai part cf ibis artficle. How Matter St@nds, As a result of ibe couaClis action. Use maifler of circulation of the ivo nouspapere vîil ho favstgated by Mayor Bidinger, wbo viii mako hie re- port ta Use council. Tli I. ater body wll thon labo action wlUs re&ard te awariug tisa coatraci ftg auc pater to ho Use official utoper of the clfli, . fi use efact(t s. heCfity coun- cil aalvortised thtbr bs f-or tUse dur Vrinting Usai orocioftaWtad Us, sack upon Usonibv Use, Gasette ont- ly lu an effort ta liuudt em. That tbfl. - as ntinthUe ~ e as Oboun b> tise action taLken Mondai nigbt. The Incidents ai Use coffulil roomé created a sensation becailo Is Uteh Oirsi turne tisai atir psi$=bashoui taun oui bodili trathe COUnchI averao, reason idSu'ppn' Mose tateaiUs iee Use oibeal board eft t#' y uben before ts thé fitnlnsmi' ~w PARTY FOR cIPN Miss Elizabeth fDOu ugSi tutous4, a vert, plesut sutbisww f Tuesiar ovetlng, hibel Ifit»ffleneds fin boerorfaber r rn roM New York, wbere abto bas belon ylsllting relatives for the peut Thampromeuât r:lU- lob, NoelenoMrdnr V le Anderson, Ruth Meus Oaorat, Ethel Obober, 0lsTqq RO1 Gray, and Noil MDio -Vaue Jehlopo, eÎ.- Blo CONCERN 15 SuIKIfl O (iET A LOCATIONhURE Head of Firm Here Al Day on Tuesday Seeking to Pur- chase Forty Acre Tract vive CIIILD'S TESTIMN CON VICTS FATIIR 0F AN ASSAIJLT lnteresting Case Heard This Morning Before Police Mag- istrate Walter Taylor. CONSIDERABLY IMPRESSED. 1 SWOW MAN CIHOKED WtF4.1 Desires to Bring, Big Material and Car Storage Yards to the City at Early Date-. Proviuing a saifacior>, site cati ho securei Wsukogau 'aflîlsonoi homaie Use 'site o! a concern abich is fi em- PIOY Probabi ytuo or Use bnndred men. Thoes eaOfthUe coticoru, a 'Chicago man. vas fin Wsukegau ail day Tuesdav fin Use compauy et At- tarneY Claire C. Eduands andi us abov,Wbtva or Usmo sites. He seemed ta ho quit. tavoably lmpnessed sudd vilI returs, fn a day or tue tolaook over an>, other sites usai mur ho of- ferai sud perbaps ta make s Bnal decîsion. For obvions reanons tii matis Dame vilI ho vitisheliunutîl alter tise deal bas been dlosai. 1 He Informei Mn. Md uards ihat ho needa tort>, acres of land as asaite for hIs matenlal and car starage ),srds. Hlm conceru iseue uhicis bulide nafirocés sud do«s business fin ail parts of Use Unfied Sistes. Iu tise yard uould ho locaied conairuc- tion cana, derricks, steant shovels, on- ginos sud aliltise other inachîner>, ueeded la Use constructfion vprk. A largo farce o! mon fis kePi On baud ai ail timos. Ho adfmii Usai heho ailookod over sites lu Indiana Itarbor sud visile tise prices vers cheaper tisas, tise>, are bore ho ibod the local sites boiter.' net only becans. of their hou- ion location. but hocanso hoe holfives thaI Use 'City lalefn a hotar financlal center andilla located aivantageously on ivo raflreadas. Mn. Eduaria ln apeakfing o! Use natter taiay declared Usai Us, pros- pecte are very brtgbt. Hoeviilse Use heai o! tise conceru agafin ou Saturday sd Moîke Ibai ai ible urne ho vl ho able ta close a counrci. Tise coticerti la one tisai veuho Usanougisîr deefrabie fin evor> va>, sd Ilfis ta behioped tis ft catinho brangisi iere. No bonus or conces- aion of an> kîni fia asked hi tise con- Cern. lu davelopa tramn abat tise SBn.bas beeu able ta learu tisai tise iing 'ahicis bas basa holding np ite-o susiption o! verk on tise postalice building fiatise refusai or tise contrac- tors, Use Anterican Construction Com- PAnY ta subsît to the demni aI vshlklngdolegate Wm. Lumffherg, et tbe structural Iron vonkera et Chi- cage, ta Itar ovor te $150 uisicbho clami a unrepreseniod as tise amoout o! moue>, aimeai>, pafinoue-union firanorkboson tUe poatoffice job sud visbci, he sais tise contractersasould pay biza nov. ffbe conupan>, refuse dia do se, - Ab~<Uae tise union mon vouli not tsus <9t aivaütage o! Use mono>, sud teriujngi eastand takep b>, Use Chi, çaaga as a .koldup plain sud simple. Imbe rt'Caie ta Whnukegai laie tlday ta castor vitli the suporliteni. ont Sudn fit *Ms hoped su agreement co on uai. h iaght. Mi'. et thUe constructioni coni- iayIbfasked s'bout Use abovo !a4*s, * dbismufu 1Me a clam aniu4not diseuse Use point but flic tacts areunuderstoi te b. as abovo sflsted. Union mou lu Use clty vore as- toplae ieuhn tli of ubai Lumbei-g1 ihihaada4 hb"ape edli nat ntiMtI. tfat'â 'lrA non vould gpet avanttgo af sncb s "ldonaiikq" their dedoction1 befingtUsai Use dolegaflo bimmolf -voubi gt fit, sud; soalus ho fls a etratgerj bora, sey <Oeuli not apprye of heUs. Both He and Wife Denied This Fact-Child Admitted Wit- nessing the Attack. -George ('iudy, a North Chicago nusn, uasa Bned $10 and coatis, ti al about $20.,l'y Police Magitrate Wal- lon Taylor las>, qoascharge of hav- long choked soi bosten Mniq. Raii Tai(yor, avouin wv isaîeosn nWanke- gansjs ma roas tise Nonth Chicago border. Tise evidence o! Cisudysa ton year old dangiter vas visai causai bis convictfion for tise chilisa testi- mon>, vas In direct contradfiction ta ihat givet b>, ber father soidtoother. ht appears that one et %Ira. Taylon's boarders vent un tise Cisuiy bouse lasi Satunda>, nigisl and atter a ltibe isîle Mrs. Taylor horsoîf veut tisore. Jusi ubat isappetisi afier aise arrivai ihere fis rai her vague but aitese ba- fied tisaI vitheut provocation, Chuir gratsbed ber and carriei ber boil>, finie the street. She says ho kmtock- ed ber doun on tise sfiioaalk, grah- bei iser b>, tise iroat sud choked ber util se vas almat unecensci- ouoansd thon deliberatel>, biced bon as ho vaîko,,fiback loto the bouse. She burriei ta tise tolice satioti cullaturia>, nigist sud avore oui s warrant for his arreat but ho couli net b. ioacied on ModjW. Heo use 'arrostoi laIe Toas>,afirnonand use given a hearlng today. 'Rh eliansdlists vIte declarei tisai ho bil not touched Nirs. Taylor'a neck, altisougis ihere sere esilîl deep finger marks and bruises. At tise - ginnfing of tise case. Cisudys fitile girl vas put finie an sdjoining rooni * v bre se rouli tnt hear tise teati- mou>, given b>, hon fther and matis- or. Afier iisey isai tlId tisoir alan> 'Use.girl vas brought fin sud selaId an entIrely diifforent suer>,, ssying plainl> tisai ber tatiser bai grabbai Mrs. Taylor b>,tise neck. On ber evi- dence Staie's Atorne>, Dai>, recoin- mendei thai Chti>, hoBened. Chudy refused ta psy his Bune sud vlI board ft eut aitishe coonty jall. Bots Mrs. Cisuiy asndtihie chili vepi bîienpl>,. irso. Taylor declared tisai ou Mou- day afierneen se wusarrested b>, Chundy on a cisarge o! disorior>, cou- uci soi vas Bued $3 sud exista fin a North Chsicago justice ceurt. CIRCUS CAMPS MI4iIIT LOCATE NEAR WUKEiAN Sites Being Sought for Winter Quarters for Somne of the Big ShowsOf the Country Tise Uited Soisaet> ot America have a represenliuiva fin ibis pan o! tise ceunir>, bookfIug over Use grounds foi viter quartera ton several cf Use ig siosv. Tise circus vinter camp la muci sosegiib>, mati>,cies aud fIl fis expeciei a large numrni of fovua near here alîl ho fIntise rnn ning. Tise reprosentaive e! tise big cou cern vas fIn BleuIssuantvok sud vas quit. faverahlyi>, essevil wthcon- ditions tisene. Ho Intends ta caîl Usera agalu, but befone dofing se aI vîsit other places uhish are api la offer boiter fInduceesents. ,Waukegan sisould ha maklng an ef- fort for Juat sncb tiigs as tise vin- ter camp sud fit couli 413 ifut îu uli, a atrong oppoueni -for 1habIt soi ôther cilles fIn Usi mile veau. Tise river, tarin land a feu mlles veau of Waukagan, thse geai ehtpping facilites via rail sud 'aster sud s hast o! otisar airsutagos ufil hoe abowti the ropresettive shouli ne core.ta Waukegan ta look over tMe grendus. Tise bdng cf sncb an on-1 tçrprise vouli do a great ieo negond1 tor Use oit>,. If vonldI moroasse. f population for several moihin the 1 roar Sud sonli niaise Waukegau a in01t cf attraction for, People Ila niefserintisansd southerai -WiI, t - LLOYD ROBILLARD BEFOI!E LEAVING WAUKEGAN ONi ILL-FATED TRIP, FELT lIE MIQHT NOT RETUAN ALIVE SELECTS FRIENDS WHO SHOULD CARRY BODY TO THE GRAVE IN CASE HE DIED-'TIS SAID HIS IN CLOSE l -AT RIVER WHIERE MASTER DISAP- PEAREU. Tis afternoon . K11. Orwl., loft for Ladysmits, Wis., ta tmke 3 charge of lise sea-ch boing mode 1b>, friends of Lloyd Oriva fin the effort te locale thse Young men's body,. Mn. Orvis wili romain tihora and spare no effort tla taeohie ftarch frulitful, Lloyd wao Mr. Orvie' pottoge for à numnbe- of years sud ho negarded hlm aimait as à son. WVhan ie ses prepariug to leave Waukegan fer hiseuing fin northeru Wisconsln, Loyd R.ohlîard bai! a sort or prémonfition tisai héo iais nover conte iack îlive. Boe strong was tise premnlfion Usai iLloyd plcked tiseYong mou oui as inal-bearera fin case h houoli b. ifrougisi bock a corpse: AI Mirbo>,. Alie Payne. Owlgist #dotrow. Lyoi. Gent-loy. Otto sat-voiia. Roy Jones. lie mouiioned tise.Youngmon ta îMrs. J. K. Orvis as Use one& ho vouli viish te carry tise hier fin case ho sisonli 1hé laid fin Il. ',Neisai>, at fi tiime tisaii donet kuov abat tise f 'iof etdeatbIâ i." rsid Ilovi followl. , ;sarecent sicbuess fIn ,p,,klux 1n tIrs. Orvis. conulnulsg 511h: listent t 1eu seoclose ta fit that I could ajusti»e it several 'lva?" He vent on te state Usai ho aeeotid ta feel tisat ho mlgit flot mmmur alivo, tis feeling being tise strSiger, noi doubt, from tise tactthUai bis pisf- tlan bad uarned hum repeatodly tisai bis bosrt uas fin sucb a condition, a leaky valve being the trouble. Usai ho muai nover gel exclted or oxert itln s9elf to an>, estent. Theretore, Use feeling fIa tisai, nsteai 0f bofing caught ou the rocks fin sncb a vs>, Usai ho couli net sulin ta shore, Use chances are Lloyd, vison suimlcig ln tise river visera hé mot his deali. n doubi vas stricken ails iseani rail- tire raiber tissu succumbsitig ta irown- ing effeciesuad tisat, bIsisoari bo- luit becerne exisaueted, bis efforts ta suini were unavailing. Il le5 Useretoro possihle tbat bis litelisait paaed bé- fore drownlug effets manIfestei them- sel vos. Lloyd bai beau alck mrnny timos, close to e doallinluact, talce, once foîîouîng au auto accIdent. viien bis hoani became affectei materlslly sud when Ift as saidta ho a tannap eitiser vs>, fer hlm. Ho Bualîr rallied and fit aas shortl>, atter tisai Usai ho departeid for tise sorts a! pot Imu thé open and 5me if If isoI>eoi hm. lu vies of bis reqiresi to bave tise Youug mou lu questionacftse hie pailbearers, tisere fis no doubi but tisai,IftlbIsdbi>,fisrecovorod 10el0,w- flop tise arch now belng made, Usey vii ho aaked to comply wvus bis te. quest and boar lais btody ta lits rstflhg place., Dog Remaina Tisera, ýitle istaiei tisai Loyd's faitNIsu bull iog visicis ho tank on Use trip and vhich vasfflonnderlng fin Use 'ater wvus hlm aitisae fima ho irovai- ei, but visics lator suaanislire, r. fuses te leave* tisariver hanb neai' visere Lloyd veut dovu, go attach- ai vas Use canine ta bis master sud ibose vis e rcaîl bis actionsa remoin- ber hou ho vas alWass ulUs bim. ibat ho viii net sud cannai b. moved fros tise spot. but constantly vatches Use 'ater lu bopes et seolng bis mas- ter, visa, ne doubi, lafiata douai aiream, by ibis tîne. PEffonts ta get tise iog e.vy, acording in Use i-o- port reachiaig bore, have fafiied utter- 1>, and the 4og romains on vatcb as If hie@lIte déends ounfit. Aceari- lng ta the report, frfiands have takteW Use anti-mal food whble he keepa bis vigil. L. C. B. A. ELEOT$ A CHICAGOAN. Atlatic Cltr, N. J., Ju>, BL-Atter a brisit UgIi( Use Ladies' Cauhouo Be- ilUzabth (<tOUsBpemSe audito a bîoctd Lts. IlasOor*&y S Chicago ou 1noharla ba ~t tri" Gil. ci oe X0!' to n, T. TI CI 0 1 1

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