LÂCI NqT Y LNDE DETVJUDY,.JLY 25, 1913.________ WORLYS FAMOUS ATTERACEI-RACK Auto Contest of Big Drivers Ar- ranged Under Sanction of A. A. Association. EXPECT WORLD'S RECORD. ÀWHAT SHALL BE DONE NOW?1 Louis Disbroyi is One of the Contestànts and WiII fDrive~ Says Situation is Deicate One and Wondeila lust What Fin- WOMÀN OIeS WHIO FELL-F*TY FEET FOUEIT INDIANS IN INTO '[111 RAVINE; EÀRLYLAKE CO. NOT HURT AT ALL Mrs. John Garrity, Who Lived, Frank Gennett Passed Throug West of Highwood Passes Rather Unusual Experience Away During Week. Here Few Days Ago. FOUGHT INDIANS YEARS AGO, WAS A NARROW ESCAPE rWjth Her Husband, Mrs. Gar-! Ground Where he Fell Wa ritv Went Through Many Covered With Piles and Mis dSimplex Zip.' al Outcome %Wvi Be Attacks Fom Redmen. Th ratet automobile rare mett Te the People or the- Tenth C'on- John î arriil, living one- il!, wet t-verhboide on the Libertyville track 1gressionai District: I; i ighsOod. on f the- tiraiantid wag asaured last Wednesday when Atpcaicnesainbarsesdtateat-iîrn Lake county> ioday ini Di-tMeMahon slgned a contract ct.Il- îil ara-s tlItIrisa of its dearly blovei ai! lng for thse track for a two-day race frequently about Washington ie , cîl. ho has ht-t- separaît-ti (romnr mett Augut 9th andi îth. tiow, bath among meoshera of ion hlm t> the- cuailof death. l'or the- ai The Liertyvîlle truck la consldereti gress andi eligewhere, lm the Mexicain Pat 6; years tht-y have ht-en insel,- 'Oi eeaO the fatest tracks ID Ansrica situation. That the situation lmset.n arable anti durnnt the earI rils il and Howard eWtb repreaeting th., h ca eonduh tîis'hen tis aection of the counrrv cas Officiais of th misei.han romlei Oum, there cnb odcb tbs ild alitIndians andti htSs ,f prey in sone of the greattemt gesogneit liIs han for somne time. The t-venta of h- fortifier] th-mît-lit-s In a stoc-îi h, the- Profession today. Tlhe neetithe paît week have madie It tili mort-'ale foi protection agadit ladian at- am will hae belli under the sanction of ae, , tkK Tht-vy worked unticeasingl>, Il the Amneican Automobile Associa- Alrpra rmMxcoaet hI and ln hand. through tîmes of bard] a tion, the- controlling body i the- me- e Ail thepo hts rm ei oar t te ip, att a joyuai heurt, bopîtat u tor world andmairtw wouidt thr coutryla tireluy-k. gotoworiantficail.rcrs aiwimrlized. Railroad tirafie bai sufer us lien, ,y studos u l,îitosb go don asoffIcaI. d a comjlcte paraiuaus. araudin " !artrk. tutui ajianItti-itiusrt iOIofe diest os-l!tt andis oi guerrllas ai re iylt prini te>, haveIliveti lu pt-art-anItiapi part ln th t t-day' nî ahI t-urnehe titiproperty and etvert ln ruant ca-'ei l direct te Libertyville front<alveston 'h tos o.oeges.l i md tdy Àain eidt aheit- th-y wllItains part la the three tt ps-n.offretnea Iidl, ounti IarrtyL eatg l th(, i u 1 thettrn aiion arritan dr-atb 1%.rthIl nau mlet tthre situatIonthetCoatoncrisaiDgenrable aId hitlianti. Johii Harrttî ta Oanay m oret tht-r- îteiyre 15 otto) n oficir a rem, dayg; at-e.list- ot liCme futni ith cge, totteriat- stei, remb, Crz olva lm or alo'r-. )iibthat Il waaîretrorted that the Ilio.ýli- g baud. icadlnt- the- procession ofth Iriemonte abnt- Up h wllcountry waî ln sut-h a condition, thai l 4 chiltiren. four lîoYs anti Lerugirls, mont - oth- it-dves Bachoracespractîcaîîy ncropi avoine beitit-rais -grn hle ad2,gptget cm oe (rom th ,T-Gleston Bt-cIrranes id thîs sason--operatîons lias iri- ti - rand clildren ad cua -ta h oisd'isru lait slt-Tarcroaned do wlrh te raiiat- or gatîterînt-of Nir.ant cblldre bora la Irelanti Kinds Crcul a flt rckSeti food jroducta Io1rartlcall> at a stand Ti tiet-b, 193(o ant illae slth ht-r par- r Kia. fe ebdlwrdo t-bt . Such conditions spet-h min. etiiisyFgnt Lk on out of ton dîrt track worldas marks. lietreeniatives of vtry large caiD iilt u-a olk ony Dols mi lelmtkth o bat-ptht-American properi, lat-remsalan5î_xîut tIre at-cof t-l-t>ra,usb-tahd corl's ile iîr s-th bs Smî e ort-cetls ,re-,i itedthiîr sit uatiotitremainêd. At tht- at-eof 15 tht- met1) Zi, nos ht-id b> Barne> Olduleltid litia. u1etr-tr lî~ antimarrled John Garri ý,Tht- fi gidne, >l4eker bai contract-i te ate Ir. bar rstlie rtr (I _a tretGarri-tvfanijî,t, 10the oli -ililtrs-.10 'SBkia"'the- mle circuit frttrri ent-a rer!hnia srn.nt e cdIlunîlt- emetiloned 10nht, reh st couldti. birnitabout arttintrvetionitt aelrrtrer o h- ugiru te fence -and put It In tht-fasteat co-in bMext-o lit oar oitrament ahicliids naîta-! >m a nhta let ittion pssible for tbt- aorld record 1 I ar od- h-t- niIr teetia anupon tt-jrfacs -Corrîlîîttis drive eacb dey. srut-r inÉrerit-rth ,aa rtt o t for1 tmaI opetration antd develoimtran of theIrgîroîîertlea. 10 sas 1rotltiilg of in CONFISCATE THE .surin thte afl,r If thir r lssM AN LUIS OUT 1115 1; %Irfiran eined te lake any a, 1 tien ai this ie Il duuliless hll PW L BÀLLS AND ýtoonanttar marks af Ltht- i)oll:r O N A P N the- îreî'nt adininstration t-crI>ail- CUES; LOCK 'EMn J> l)tlOiC' ittt, IOî Okahoma Farmer Establishes!, Sedit-rI enatnd as e e h-n ii a Record Which Few WiII ' Zion Police Now Have a Fineda Ine ht Snaeartils t- TotrE ulte Equipment for a Pool Room 1 State and to the Prei;idpnt, rt-tînt-stn as esut 0 Rad. ng that cetriin information as 10 tht-a as esut o Rad. .Iiuatlon lanlexico lie iran.amitit-I Goldth îî a ounzer fermer,cirrit- d ______taton-rt-sa f nt incompatible aith cJ nhmeffrsap pedi ai tIre public lint-reta, ilapparent>lt-lu'- t-i on brtneif oratte e aîientictt 1 150 DEPUTIES ON DUTY. tht- objett of thoît-mile aho ure sma ,ds nite Ws24yetorevovery. I __________ i~~~~~~heme rt-solutions. t0 empliasilatantimsclrarot ca Trs0s'i t-aIl attention te tht- seemint- setnous- fo sur atrkof anTits.wshi neaIfaitht- situation. So far no f.t tako pedcts Tuesday Evening Saw Indîca- acion bas t-ht- taIt-n b> tht- exteu Tht- lin mas se agonizînt- that û Goîdamîtîtmscoasinr eeti lie ainsin t ions of Serious Confliot Be- ativfe d ernt 0fthe on Th nl rled-ti rnitiki>.flsp h,,,sicta n oI tweein iyFlk. -iStates h ne ecg zd tht- ýntfor, tut tht- time rquir IL lam t twen Zon ityFols. Huerta governmeat t Ibha nt staiet ing the trip to tht- Goldismith farnl. rabth calt ao doso a tt- eanseet-d trtonlong te tht- aufferer for ia Tht- arresto in lzlr pori-ime lrat ticalîs t-very other cortlitd iasfl loat-r bsformal rt-coîgnizet il Cl i hswfet i esd tor of tht- Zion tityIpool oont. Th-tiîniraio1asad Gid nloltinîth tld hert-r10brint- dean ! noted inlathe Sun, htednt-stay. andTi eamnsrto a dpe tht-coninuace f bi cae unîl aitînt- policy. Iliait- ht-ardti ît t sloths. sarru watt-rati a Itottît of- tecnIuneo i cas fot ti ttth Vrsis t ntkn alolit- aci.Thn lhe cîketi fora Tut-sday nextut StI.1ocIck, w laet dtht othat R e bsoultintat-oe arf tvn-asrn-lltt ll voiti of i-nsatinal featunes. lntebieta twudnthcm knf vngasrgbate iha neeessery for ostri b ake au>actîiontrazor t-tge. 'Mrs, Goldsmithi itood bhi- Vlt-tr *asiaresteti hy Capt. Walk- lan te mater until afier tht- tlt-ttiens sîte it-rel anti lent sucb assistance tr anal 150yotîng men aho at-rt-whlch aret' t ake lace l itlcit asshe i ttî playing pool at-rt- almetaten n mb tri t- Il bas lit-tn botter] that lHt-marai an incision four loches cuitoti, Tut-y gave tht- names Of tht- result of that tletion migbt lihii zghroîigb i abdominal sali. Tht-g F'rank Niore anti leonard Riche>. s.twh as ot-nable thet- Citei States t îiing causer! lt-s i an than tht- Tht-, ctrt- reesitioni.$Io>ltni10 osaî-reonz iiatnrnsr i Goldsmith gre dizzy andi fairit tach while Voglers are $2W. Tht-y lion tht-n putmb o er hy tht - tr anti li e tanti he mît-t be unable ta are ail it jle, aithout any eruarrassirneai f0 ccî'ntnol tht- htmorrhat-t- Tht- patrons are chargetIl th plat- ourielves. rlite eperation camret abruptly to an log- ahea tht-y tnt-wthat VoglItri ht frt1n t1sea as- a ntn <ut hen Godsmth fainteti anti t-l ceose hati ht-tn revotet Tht-y de- viTha falîtî ore hat- par t1wtt-friitbs bcd] laithe- oor on bis fatc cloaetht-y thontght tht-y hat a rigt et id t aluohthfipart t-f tie raCGoldsmith (teeJhonietinto erý to la aslog s lteplae as t-îttes.rt-te frlt teco bas hat ne, ighbor'i for ltlp .Tn minites te pay s log a theplae wa l71,laster tDr.Rosastluit-n arîvertifronn t-e rt-suIt of encotînatint- tht-te l-'n r-- h-pl>scndeat Antn.Arresi a Negro. ment tht-rt- wiich ta aow ont of poer t he woitnd. Tht- appendis cas reniai Ango, nme oi George Smith, rn- tecontinue ihelr oetrageq andti aei fusedt t lest-e tihe placet anti he aiso brint- about tht- prispant demoraliza d aas arresteti but lInt-r releaseti. Ht- tion of tht- country. Tht-y have Teai Meup. threatenetedt'ct-t up" tht- police but patienc'e with tht'saut uit t As for ps.per (alt-ns a tongring- tht-y tarneti im quiekiy. abich se have folowt-tianti ba,, co tte on nohrc h Tati Pool Balte ^long. santet in ta dtlu andtingcabnoutiatrwie epin nte fter cTht- officens toot 6:3 pool balla. 36 4aate anti onder in Niexict-i tnm8t-It-tî utilittes : "Tht-rt- ln, t timon. In, a ees anti 3 bridges anti tht-y are noa At ltast Bomne of tht-ni have. Butinuit151 company, egiptcially, a scarttty lot-tat in tise Zion police station. The t- tithispoint up tonasiht- morurop,-ofitomaitelinin. Anti shirts. IIs officers couti00netet tht- billiard anti Doctrine whiclî prattically lers Io te Kiig ehD'a trefesr, tset Tot or pool tables or tht-y sotîlt base dont-rt-t of the- wolti, Itantis ofiretut- rilait I n tht- wsh. You are play- so--tht-yat-ne ton cumbersomi tu Ameriran Continent." it- a dudte part, say, slli nauglt but bandit-. Finally It ls reporter! on gondi au-a flananel itet go wlth your tintsm 150 Deputlen on Service. tltority that Genxany bas tlein thte ceat. Taite a sheet ai note pslier or Tuesdy ievning ait s t-n Initiative andhias trans;mitt-ti enote iooaap. prot I t undrieynnr tvest, andi came linge for tht- oit-kit show te te our gonvernmnent. shich transiateti where tht- cen(rtl stuti shoulti le Ibý open('aI. Wtte hai 1 deuîyloto plain Ameican language rt-adi sert a rounti-hiatit-tbrunsapapen fast rtice-Ts ln service as c rt-suit of the- Vtry at-il, do tht- job >ouscif tht-ni cerr"' hn.-"ssty mtisari n.". Word bat-tnt-bt-tn passeti that tht- If t-ou tion't. we oignit fiel conîpelit-t houai woulti opes anti that a hnnch te." Thus muatters bave bt-en brougth oi outsiders woulti slosw tht- tolice t na bt-ad ant i Arrbassadoir Wlst o i how te do thîngs. The- officîrs tht-rt-- bas it-n sumnmonedtr (oma Meice 10 flot pursuîd citer tht-y came fore prt-pant-d cnt. ahen a but-e crowti Vashint-ton. Ht- Io expecteti 10 ar- loto power. gathariti In front of tht- motlot-ice- rive aitbtn c fis' days anti tht-rt- sîli Hoat-vir, a sort CE a sylioglan ne- ture bouse, il looketi as If tht-ne wac tht-n doubtît-slie a very t-crocO con -1 mini frmnwblch ai cannot escape. te be a iot. Howîvt-r, cbt-a the- ference hbetween tht- Preaitient. tht- AS a major premise ai bat-e tht- bouse faileti teo pen. tht-rt- acano Secretary af State anti tht- Ambassa- Nonnot- Doctr'ine. As a ininoer. pre- trouble anti eteryboti ,- itnon at-t dan fllowint- whf.ah tht- Cabinet ai mise c-e are tact te face with tht- home. formulate thse course which tht-y LdeeM prescrnt itolerabît- conditions In hlt- home lie isont-nefor aur country to take to. anti tht-attitude of tht- foreigu andi elther announci ta tht- anrîtion Ipoaet's as expreaieti in tht- net front I'-.r protecttl nAgU&It AutoS. poisibiy iallow the plan that smore i GirmanY. Wbat ahi tht- conclusion 1'bat petiestians an rural rande other admiistrationsi have taten anti fit- Shaîl we aurseivea step over in- St-ai' aite patiseS ontht- bak b i tht-polît-y tht-y proposetetoIt-xit-o anti force entier pendint- w«rwbie atoes n he ackofto Cangreis fan Its ajîprot-alIte October tlt-ttiens altîtout formaI- théir clothing t' at itht anti that the Tht- situation lva adelîcate onet- i 1> ecagniaint- tht- I-uertcatdministra- aOe ofaiwagons i paintei l ite all preseats a nutrilier 0f extremeiy d1li- tion on shali sa> te Germany anti &poettèn atainsi automabils lbas cut probît-me. As i have stutileti if, the t-ller powt-na 'Wt do not cri beaust-roisly propsetu i l ssiud. Tt bas îeemeti to me that tht- ont-In- te inttrlere," an dadd. c ai; emuet, ___________ ur-mouintable objection teanay action "if yau fiel compeleti te. ai shaîl net e-nOnr part shicis auld amaunt te a objett?" Tht-rt- are Possibiitt-s ln That. thse Question. recognition ai Huerta ant iei admin- ttther fourse shlcb ont- dot-a not lite «'Rare I a -tory. of a Chrcagoso& istration li a ht- e tact that their to cootemplate. I trust that tht- - nn, w~oe~y dii pehpî svrisubandes are mliii tiippint- aith tht- tventa af tht- near future may lie lias lsse wosss t t- S ave I- l blooti i oiýJqnisr fe4itent Madero anti such as ta mate tht- profI-leii e iquare-j iem tte gaetr baetrai otiien members of his family difficult af solution anti sncb as t rip ron tht neipapr. » son tt-y stynet dowu ln ast colti clearly Indlicate ta tht- country th.e bi-duda esties airniardera as et-et' scadansi.Ieartily supportint- sue Ht-u a e-'Bffa Witrte oiettII I leontthat Iretean a soul'ae as iray flnally hictitcideti muetly aioti Mn - that-couiti reagionably upon liera la Washintotn. milieu le constrilotiils endolWsag or upisalti- CHARLES M. THOMiSON. - - - - ag guo £ oouu-bs »Ue "t#aB heWasington. D. c, JuIy 21, 1913. Timbers-Walked Away MIaXKÂNSITUATIONj 15 DISSUSSI3D Bi C. Mf'TR1OSON, COE. Representative From This Dis- trict Says Conditions tlhere are TruIly . Alarming. --- m i --- ------u,, -- U u - -- - -- - - - -- - s-UIJS and SIR AW~ F Going for less money than you ever heard of'bêfore at our Great 1Trustees' Sale Sale continues for 10 days« only Ail $3.00 Straw Hats, $2.00. $2.O Hats $1.25. $1.00 IlatsAOk. Fe Ce Seidel (e& Co. 7'" Mg Ig -I.h1 g.fl- z N:;u: -----b-------- -----u--h ----b-eqI ..U I1~SS OO R~AY HAVE TO CALL WOME N AT LAIE SdPPO.'S~ lI MEN OFF BRIWIE AS FOREST LEARNINi Mme, Nle J! A NUMBER ARE ILL THIE ART 0F VOI IMi1E»-Y F h Unsanitary Condition of Creék Suftragists in That City Take Shows That Faise Seouftt Has Caused at Least One Lessons on How, Why and Waukean W~smot Justi- Dozen People to Sieken. When to Use Ballot,. ie by ICÏb"io. E. WHEELER IS DISGUSTED. MUCH INTEREST IN SHOWN. READY TO TOPPLE DÛWý as Says it is the First Timne he;Prof. Halsey of Lake Fqrest1Has tobe ReinforodSO Was Ever Called to Work University is One Who is Thatf ridgeiW t'o s His Men in Open Sewer Teaching Women to Vote ed One Minute Too Soèn. y . IJ itt s i so m e th n t- 1 î d o n t- a h o n c e 1 If a nO y b o tyj h ln s th t- su ff ra g e a g F o s e r i y e a r s t ie b i etp r m le Wlieeler may hie otîligeti ta cal off aitli on ahi woulti bttt-r ceaie ta t-n. portion of tht- Gentsaeatileg en. lil men anti temtporarlly abandon bbc teniain sucis an ides in tht- future. was by fan thse itiofflr oi thé lys centk on the- nia Gent-ste street via- For in tht- cily of Lake Fort-st la an car campany discontinu"iedthse s - 1o;esrnest gnoup ai samen sho have lgcbils 0Wà'iue iI Sdut-t. Tht- ueanitary condition a alaiOif lis men and ti b as only Wîdnestiay tht-st-hot tiays, are attendint lt-c- commission hati invitiit4 it me tbs îa ssttnI-kantitue. nt eadint- pneicrihetibooksts uneanti reported t tiela M'ura ta hall ta go harne. Mien are taten st-k on 'Tht- Vote-llow, Wby anti Wheo condition. )U daily antimoanme aintady havi bien ta l'se it t.'Jul oa really unafethse litaid ta gnuimite about havingt-at At tht-litatt of this club Io Nîrs. neallY sas, ban corne ot Wh1U.," r work so nat ht-putrtid strearu0f Ht-amat ('battli-dTrylor, et aboie lost fis tays, durtot- excuvatime ils liteworthahonetht- meetings are ht-Id. proftes- that ta gains; on umaner ies'o4 "Wh lt, lkeworin Inan Pe me a hauty. aho fluidestht- chair of Tht- supports are go0 mit-dire tisl t Why b an elten Economît- Sciences at tht- tlntves'sity tht- -rtatetst onder lu-tise woilu.! lasieweseat-n'Mr. Wleelen declareti. te eeàlabliu h lk t' S'epraI reasoas haveut-en gîvîn oh Lalte Fort-st, taîts to thetm antitty e hI ahat p tis =w4uu me 1. a(t-douaIformthe- condtiton. Bornecossera tht-irquestiaons anont po. lot- sotS. mlcsles remoaeth ie SN te- I, se ld me that It ha tht-fr bte Iilcal happenings anti conditions, fram tise biridt-e Itielf. ta that tht- sewage s bit-h h polintint- Tht-ne are BoneIlifty members of Thet- iittitir flo, plaèed thé~~ t-ntht trt-tk ctint-s rom tht- North Clii- tht- t-asa, amont- sho are: irlgnte iesre a uba, t-r cago district. dont tatimut-h stock Mn,. Von Wagnt-rao Ailint- Mj' se rdeaest aebe.îU in Iis for I hase my owo opinion Harry l-ubbert. Mn,. Robert Mc ly ceaiesa about thé, way tht- sW ai ast hr h oltintkspae c as dame. as e aer th- plltIo taîsplae.Gano. NIrs. E. S. Adams, Mrs, Arthur Hia nm smrey dut- down à,bout t t oiced partiuarIv lait Suotiay Nlet-tir. lira. W. P. Màrtin, Mrs. îloth and fmb ait~u~s dýa Th t- tecm of W cal er adialtttlst M-Brnt-y Johoston. -M rsa.Robert awdof hw e -det odnesOn Mnabh-olicni eatherbie. Mrs. EtisartiPope, . silba bfni'Ing-w li ion rîturnîti. Te me ibis tndlcates Ezra Wernetr, Mrs. F. R. McMulin, aumber et yàw& . - utttp e Ind but ont- thint--some manniacttrint- Nrs. Hobart Chctflit-d-Taylor,M. iilte-t*dwuiee ch cslcbliahtilm ah wich dio- ont run on Howardi Shaw andl ttlN'. OrviUt- Bah. uo w Bi urnleyayhto bami for lime condition. I tat-. dation tht e W~ Lt- Idont lIte ta complain ans%- opiemand Tt--mt-In-eaIekPntiy-Il~p~at tb itlias lit-tn bt-tcuit- of thu that Iet lb a. m. This lait Fniday. Miss bot"tomsee 4Uds.aottwly4. on- iapRait-dctinothint- about lte malter Rubh it. Denis, tht- famaus danseuse, ai th. esaed4e ut fni)ta te h-ntsent time." -adi at-utst suebise angoiie thm>t lbers I- of 'Intidt-ntaliy lb may lie saiti that Meetings Are Informel. they dit! net mm et* hen t Sy t-r- Mtr. 'tVleelt-m tiltinet palitator tht- mat- Tht-mettint-s crimont informai " w pis ofaeeti O, -* , Ind ter unthl (jquestioneti as te tht- report tht- diffeent members bringint- their Ais M n 0u bsotor WbsSl~ an IJuc a number 0o! blisamen liati bt--e rcittn-o esltMHasysoterlarv iefoo etuo ,ti adaded i ft etl> tmtîiIinot la tht-lt-ast îîadantic, Hia Iec- tisya evsasq ndat ttiet u altiionglilie bas solr-t- Inns abeunotiwitb anausint- anecdotes,.h ae uyu-uevut ae nl Odi aicte liih e-nbstnt- point ttron shicli It-laid partieu- on tht- isasdu 69ishie o. it- vorkedtila stitlianunasanitan> lPlace Ian stress sas tht- tact that sa msny bt-nse ~' lat-id le u- S rs- tIdtn el o.People consider lb thetr duty ta di. tiey sagid tendte ta elp Atcontingt- 10 in W'he-etr lhe inst parage the fetierai jutiges, "ýTheyca'e structure.To e asilb tit led noticedti ie nausîclint- otorittront tht- int-st lot of men, latin as a bhiy sert- bglt u plae. ofthe t-rt-tk about tht- limaI of iuly. le choie. In tht- soriti Prafessor Hal- bers stand tise baget patt off ca stylng et abot-I ahilh: B-ety assîntt-d. er-is mît t-att- on tue ravine anti says that jConBtit-rabit- agitation sas occas- I-.EOH.bs ct' aaoé sei stveral tint-a lit- cas awaked tni d tt- atn Professer H&iiey meu- tise sort5, potated Obut a lreu igttit hytIte'ail prinîctiooon tioneti that tht- coroner sas baSIng orithe . bà4 » Aumblgsetideu --lb siaulti net te s b fortht- -hty fonsard ta havînt- somen on bis SIn rt-puLBrtfdB tItd I neths- stc-Jouttottrt unts. There waia asort ofgent-tal i jula>d-Mw. ons» "W iti tugi lit-morme ext-ust-for the- poilu-ap, anti samt-ody-l couldti sonalset- uSly woz*, bo«ma n len liti.'huit t-ert-lat an tfinakti na st -ote s'tl. es5jl ou ctlient st-st-nht-e-ont- of tht- betat Gootintsa. professar' Wtl swe lua ntt, doe" vsas rosa ihat couiti tie laid, anti tht-eanei, hatlve ta serve upon a coroners jury9" you sIIit'fh" 'et a iis tht- sigltesi rt-ason why t-s îyont -"You mn aitcsi'ediy wtlI," pro. salie ta ut ta-a ebs'e eCt- stionitinot cennect uiaith Il" fcsson Halsey repliaitiamusetily. andi hun4'r£p i Ifs'..have ýny At lt-ast ac tetn ien havt- hten 'But se tant tnow anythint- about iii lu j .Q>.*y&$& rsiiet are rentiereti l11 as a rt-suit of sorting'-sut-h things!" cameIin a gent-rai lm W oit d 1Il. t th , latu sut-htloet-proxînit> b otht- st-st-. i chorus, Proit-usor Haisey laut-heti asderlutht- wstidble a itr lot- Soase oi tht-m have bt-t-on b bîtbut he nepîli- etmailst-ssebtuSvw t-rt a day, ailier 150 or timne- tiys.Inla "boldies. you itnas euactly as rge ucissth rçOt«el pit A t ht chtast- tht- mptoms are tht-animet-. &bout Il as any man. This fis part ai sauldti al#hii* tisatI er bt-y. Tht-s stens te fie bloateti as a rt-uit tour nea nesponslbtty." sauld thi1slknd ai t-rs o rîtalinrg tht- poisenoni fumes. 'Sure la De Dutyaitl uie, n iféosil 1 . 1 D>r.iras ford ftt tt ue Tht-rt-sas silence ion a moment, t-d atthée ù te rooti l)pantmt-nt wasa la Waiitt-n a tht-n iornihody quat-eneil:soiintbv .li t-w das at-o anti reiommt-ndt-d that "WaII I'nesrehsevhaH ai do no i neans Itc taten tl e r-ety tht- condi- duty-if that la our tiuty." *tion latht trt-tk anti thet-yt-i>o- Evnhdyas-ntdeansle î This contsitiou tsofadlrS wis * bmials Int-udta0leste n t- einaet- not enthusiasticatly. ' tt-ised wWUIi se ,e 0ig. Another point whicb seemeti ta gaan people as Mer et Ue vinceti themmeivlIa s corny tht- ladies sas tht- tact that nonedhumg. he ___ ___ ___ _E_ _ a nco A m e nîtau girl b rn andi r aenti ed ft « IL " t5 h st re l t -e Fair Comparison. l ieUieiSaeat brfr the bridge sas "ut andith- 2: a citizen, shoulti mcrry an allen. t-von out tisa Iif sisulur ,daf "Do yoen an t0say Ihat yOourm. ht-n rhome ihapîti be hart-, sesouit l -tdntt:t 2 mpae ouni'f a hatspar?"Why loet-lien cltlzenship. As sanmeoa!tbisestructure littst 1 sId lÙ e t-no)t?"' nquînetitht- manager ai tht- mieru ai tht- clasi (notahly Mne . TM -'trnMINelO'en Ciuthpiltni fBurlesquie campane Onville Habeocin, sho sas tht- Ont- te oser tir au'o.dt yIB ~~"Shatespeanr bâti pretty rnnch my ex lnn-uî h-srîot aemri-lu ats in bml U - perlent-e.Tht- cnties rasstedihlm dît-n u rier tht-se monduions, Pro» permîto ari tr lbse, Attanti tht- anhorîties wset- lwaYo fesser lihat-ey promiseti teaokthtie contrac.ter. If peogle 11111. Anc tlr-tatening ta clase biss m'. atter litu ant igî-t-al details at tise neally ilemre ieboel# . -, Washington Star. nexi metting.cace etrt a e .23 _________AI tht-conclusionoof tht- tlas Pro- caredtaiias5lbt ride sagoes.- ______________fessern Haut-y sacît '5 LaiItICs andLogilt. "Now. lant thct wontb shîle? Wby arese s tilI indolent anti negll.fltopn l lmaite yoîr proudta bste aIl On' tise third day aif i aU 43 t-tn ant luggish. anti siy do se 11<se inîtelligt-nt. splendid somen t1k- ,qu"eabM ab. MrttîluaUsMd set-t prelenseps for ont lahorng at-sd mg tbis loteneat In their new ne- odsi isl a ielmm net lising aatchfu Iin cultlvatlng aUI apansibillty? 1 dan't tnos shen ifIebulne ik yh~a 1 ntasoo?-Epidtt-tha. have etrjoyeti a set oi lectures as i1k.le, e&7, Co )bgkWlii ondersi .241 im menjoytng tti.' orW - -w 81s..,'