tJAiS.d25, LAY HHiILN9PLMA interest in Dpioe I# Assigncd to the AtwaterManuactur- ing Company et City. Georgq M. Mayer, et Highland Park, lis elwd ardthat he ba% beeu gratel a patent du au eletromag. nette matoz. Ho assigne is ilaerest r, 'IIi.hedeviceèr Msas turing company, a campany whic bha. lits plant on the west aide. The. d- [ vice la nald ta b. ans that emtbolies principles 'vhich mairefit superil, te ather similar devices ou the market. The Atvater Company ia manufactur- lux thesfe utotors. Fpilawing 11s a tehulcal description of Rame: 1. An eiectromagnetic motor comprisiug a ingle spool field nasa- net, projecting arme secured to lhe ends of the cor. afi nid magnat sud 1~ tenmln»ting lu segmentai pole places arrange lin a plane substa alaly par- ailel ta the axis af said fer magnet .sbaft ln the place a! and ai rlgbt1 angles to naid fild magnet, sud àa sere of radial. single apool arma- ture hagnets fixai ed anid ahaft aud havlng segmental pole peces aithIeir1 cnter ends, subsatally sa described.1 2. An eiectromagnetic moton coue-1 prlsing a ingle apool field nugnet, projecting arma .ecured to tue ends eftue core off nid magnet aud tor- S mlnatiug lu segmeutai pale pleces ar- ranltlu a place substantlally Parai- lel ta the axis of sald fiel nasgnet. a Ssf; la tic place of and at mght angles to ald iel magnat. and a serles of radil, single sPool arma- tlure megnets Oxed tea nid shaft and baving segmental pale places at their o>sier enda, the faces af nid field pale1 pisces adjacenit the pati of movement ef said.armature pale paces heing1 siigbâtly divergent i rom such patb. substautiaiiy as descrlhed. 3. Au eiectnomaguetic aotor com. prling a single $Pool field magnet, lateraliy prolecting armes flxed ta the ends or the crr of aaid Inagnet and I erminating la segmental ple paces arranged in a plane, parallel ta h. axis thereof. a shaft arraugedlin 1h. place of sud ai rigit angles te mie field magnet. au odd naîmber of arma nied ta naid shafl and exteudlng ou oaeaside of and beyonl naid field paie pleces. colis au mIanusamesud segmentai pale Pace* an the enfer ends thereof overlapping the outer face* fs! i el pois Pe-es, sub- atantlaliy as desrlbOl. 4. An electrouagnetlc mtar cou- prlslng a single spool fiel magnet. lateraily projectng arma f8h01 ta the culs a! tue cor f af milommet sud termnintlng la segmental Pals pieces %ragel tu la Plane paIel ta tethse axis tuerecf. a bridg, Plas- et-illut betvs.n the. ends Of am ild 11ma-- ]lt, a shait Jourusied at one end la sald bridge place, and a sertes af radial. single @pool field mmnets ilied oun sidsait, aublanttlaIlY ss lu a.deacribed. 5. An ciectramagnetlc motor cou- xrl&nasingle spoal fild magnet. I adaly pnoJecting arîn fixidto te h cula o! tbleýcor of sild magnet sud', teruinatlug in segmentai poie peces arraugel tu a plane paraliel to the axla tbere4 a bridge place extendIlsg betveen the encus of nid fiel mag- net. a sbaft jaurnaed at anc cndlnl said bridge plece. a cammutatar Ou tb. end of snid sbaft. brushes manut- cd oansnid bridge piece aud engaging sald commutator. and a sertes ai radial. single spool armature magnats lixed ta said sbaft adjacent ss" cou- imutatar, substantlallY as degcrgm&l OXY*AO3TYLENE W13LDNNi Ws cm f eld anYtbing vtth It asuc- eestifully (and as gond as uev>) Springs, shaits, cast Iran. aluminuin, brasa, copper and steel. Have It weided instead of buylng pew parts. and save mouey. NELSON MACHINE CO. Sheridan R.adc and Madison Street, WAUKEQAN, ILL. Mr. nadi Mac Ward Bain avae.Miiburn Mm .martIsa Safford and daughter 415sd steaidais iu Chicago abd '1rand Mms.Wo..Cremins aàOrmys fatsml iostor-from Nw York. spent Thursdoy vitb 1Mr, &aM s. Daim Muslaus A. K. BShin sd . L.voy apdt rday ai Kenub. Miss. Mary and Maud Andersnonfa loia, Kaso.m. a visting ubir saint. Mms W. a. Stewart, The WamrsaC.extrj.oIety avili holl a Lava social et M. 8. Schry ver's Fni- day eva.lug, JuiyT 25, 'ilun. e. Tb5bm ef NorfhBRend, Nebras. la, te CWIIi noafriesaIsla ctis viciai ty. Mfr. and Dr.. Ralpb Wbeton sud sono of Wbaton, lit.,are vialtDg ai the par- sonage ibis veek. 1fr. Skinner aud famiiy, formeriy ai Miliburu. ecaiid ou aid friendi the pait veek. Mits Mary Jaca eutertained a numbi r of ber girl ienle on ber elevknth birtb duo, Baturday alternoon. ,Mws. S>iohmand ater lMn@. Stephene. and Idro. Chaos Webb ai Autioeh. at- tendel lia, lAadi' Aid society Tbursday. Tb@ annual Thanike.Offerlbg meeting of the Woman's Mdis.onary "elcety wili h. at tiie cburch Wednesday alter- noon.jly 30. iss raSeJosselyn, six yeansatuiisionary lu Porta Rico, wiii b. lb. slaker. ?Tipý"teug iii begin ai 2:30. Bupper vflJ&eserved at 5. RUSSEU Tiie soclsty st 1fr.. E. P. r3ivers' wu@ Weil aitended. Tii. Ladies' Aid met wiîb Mfr*. 0. A. Siter. The àce creaisamiable on Pede's lawu vas vsil attnded. Mir, sud Mf.. C. M. C-,anham sud daughten of Waukegan, and Nre. L. E. Garhama sudmuonfai eueo, rîeited 1fr.. A. C. 'orris. Mir. and 1frs..Smith and deughter ai Bristol, epent Sunday vitn lire. R . 6 Murrie. B. C. Melville apeut Runday et J. J. Crawfardsa. 1fr..sud Mmr. DeForris. 1fro. Hasiad and Ira *peut Sandaz est Lincoln Park. Ail the Siter ladies bad a picuic at Everet[t atutrday. 1 Sonday oebool had eghteen puails Snaday. They are daiag Woodi vark. Servies» every Sonday eveniug. Edwards botai wva. velrepressuled st Limais Park. Suaday. Our rond commissioner in doing goqît sad mach ussded vark on the roads. iver Brons. ad tv.aiy-tvo for dianer ai aboli camp vbile fliabWIng Thas. Yone's houa. st Everett, Saturday. Thanka ta the. ladies for sveil este. SIiNAIJN(iSYSTEM IS INVNTED BY A IIIILND PK.MA Word irom Washington la ta the, et- font tiat Charles A. Larson, of High- lad Park, had been granted a pat- ent on bis Signallilng System. He as- signa bis Interest to the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply campan>', af Chicago. The application for a pat- ent vas flied lieptember 30, 1911. The device la one that embolies several nov principles, belng quite diffdet than tuer slgneiing s>'.- tent alsready 1.1 he market. Wbeu tue Chicago conoerat aas shown tue Invention ho bal no trouble la dWs paslalj o! IL flends of bis aho have seen tuh* device declare that Il -alîl supevse ths naalorlty of similar devices siready on tue market. 1 60C package Dr. lien' Pouiltrg Pnacra end 1 25c package Dr. HeWs'lmam tL<>se Kler for~ Meu's Oxfords priced from $2.5.540 pu Paron sale at per HENR' KUEMlJR (lraysiake -Iiit ptWNeB5.j lirs. Lésis. Palmer of Wauksgan. l Anotir comp l a engerte o $PsmdImgthe veet vitb Umssuniie th@ eeUîabOol t 4)rydlake. Thers Whiteead.probabily iii b. sevsral others belore J. Jf. Longabongb tranaacted business the -0 oneloqo. ta i..& Villa sud Autioch Monday. Fmi Flary af Sound Lake, bas sold M, " in hin urhad an he brbrsbop latbe4>ank building ta Mae.ath toUm nate buinséin The Wedn«ey svsnicg dance gitan Cl. Y. lios tna ct usnes bY the Booatar Club vas w-11lattended CL.ra.oWhinyo lu tvllh s pite of lb. The Boosters are L. B Wbtnayof ibetyviiebasgfving dàâffsse'ery-WLedubsda.y evening purebaeed the hardware stor mrl tiirongii the nommer. coniducted bv B. A. Halmu.Thhs veek endsbePea caniug for th!@ Thou. Waaisu ad Henry Kuebke e acon. Tbecropwavairi.v'goo)d tbf. transacted buosinesin Chicago the fore, vear but flot a. the previ(.iii year wbich part o! the week. wa@ exceptlonally good. Fred Hulbert sud family motored to -Waokegan Sunday. vili El 1 aur, in Rd Gut fori bin, A number from ber. attended the Ne'Psîaseree Lake Villa Cuîniericai club dance lest U- J-Wightmau nevy i., e'cînted Pu t- be Baturday eveuing. mnaster taokehan e so ieluiises Iday. su L. Y sies ad fmilymotredta H Eiq asistat vi 1be. Adams, wbî Waç L.ica. Sikesandi iy otrd bas been ageun.for theC. il. & St. p. goln Chicao Suday.raiinoad for the paa teti years. tir1 kigt The Atbletic added eallther victOrY tO Adems hbas reiguol hise o.mitlon witb Geo their list lest Sunday by defeetinaz Vola the reilraad company aand wilI gîte ail ran. hy the score of 9 ta, 0. Ray lowel. bhis time ta, lie postoafice. Both .11r. emi pitchier fur the Vola tesum had the Wightman and Adam@ are eniongst our who mifortane to break bis knee cap ýwhiIe foremnsî business men and we feel th. siiding tu third base. asqured tisey wili fulfili their new dutie ho, lire. Emil Lindmo nd son oiChicago, 'to the seatistacilon of &Il. &top are epending a fev veeka Witb Mie Dr. E. F. Shaffr, vho bas been aur necul Eugene Rendes. 1fr. Lindaten'. hais posqtmaster for tii. peut four y.ens and np. baud and father, John lngrish &pent his son, Id. E. Shaffr, who bas acted In 8unday and Monda ititb tem. the capaitY'of assitant postuîaster durlng that dîme leate off their duties The Gtrayslake Cmetery oeblety aili .ith e recomîd o! bving .u,.,utened th@ Ch ueet et tic home of Mmr. Engens Hendce, buet pastoficias ur village evtr bel. au& 1'huroday, Juiy 31. isitors veicome. With sucb blt exampfle We have ouijy ta I The Onayslake Tango Club went to expect thet Oraysiake wili have e ho]d Gages Lake Buudayifor a dai's uuting. postoffice eupaassdhi noue ot its aire. 8<4i ___________________ fe RôUND LAKE John LAwre nce tram Frauksvîlle, vis.lted C. W. Bush. the areck end. Mfr. Alanzo Grande and famly from Libertyvilie. suent Sunday at Loa Hendeeca. Ed. Hendce matored Maude Eating-' cn. Mfr. and MIrs. Stadieid and Stan- ley ta Lakte Devines, Bunday. tao se M1r,. Stadields mother. Mrs. Phanen- Stili. 1fr. Neumann spent Monday and Tuenday vitu frends la Chicaga. Isabel Rlnckt from Nules Conter. sud Lucy Hertel fram Fremont, viit-, cd Mrs. El.Lahuy, Saturday after- noon. .%I. Hawkins aul son Howard, ce- ment contractons are daing some vork et Richmond. %frs. Shoher left Tbursday anorn- lng. for Prespetertan Hospital. arbore she latanla ta unlerga an opensition. Leo Heudee 1.11 front John Dryeras her.,arbore h. was working and sprainel bis vrist. Wili H'uson stepPed oNu à rusty nail Monday sud moite bim very sick; be is botter et present vviting. t Mrs. Frankt Vogt sud Carrne Vogt from Weukegan. spent Baturday ulght ut Will ltoslng's and Sunda>' tuey ail spent the day anth NMp. and Mrs. Hos- son, at Staffel's Lake. Ilr3. Joe Rosiug and baby are spendlng tbis week et Peter Flary's. Dance at Amans' hall every Sat- urday nlgbt. LZZ HILL Ralph Davis bas a uew motarcycle. Mrs. Charity Raugbt. of Waukegan, visited frieuda ln this vlclnity this week. Earl Davis vilteê George Davis tu Wisconsin, Sunday. He made the trip on bis notorcycle. )fts. Herbert Cowden, who ha.- bea vlsitng Mrs. C. L. Thomson for tva weeks returned ta ber home ln Elgin, Baturday. Mrs. Burton Sn4th la entertainiug ber niother and sister fram Fermer City, this week. Henry Raymoand, of Elgin, visited bis niece. Mrs. L. V. Lusk. tast Thurs- day. NIrs. Harelft Davis was ln IUberty- ville ou business, Tuesday. Ulra.,£has. Teggart and a lady friand of la Orange, attended the social and entertaiament at the Round -Lke, FrIday nlgbt Mrs. Tag- gart favored the crowd witb two solos. The social last Friday nigbt was a grand success. Forty dollars wau cleared, Misa Harriett Bush, of Round' Lobe. received -tbe prise for selling the most tickets. Mrs. Miller and George Beuwell, Jr., entertained the people iii violin music. Miss Parker, o% Michigan, and MXs. Tag- gart wlth songe: EyerYone who' ha. ever beard R.ev. C. 4 Miller preacb kuava tbat the. place ta, go ta hear really good. worth-vhUe sermons s lata the Fbrt Hill cohurch t 3:80 p. ai. every Sun- dey. Seohi Sunday the subject for bis sermon vl be "Wtt, Attend Church?" Sunday sehool la at 1:30 P. m. Every- body invIlal. , Chester Crokef Lancaster' Wis- cousin. pet' aurÇy and Suuday vislting aid friends here. M rs. Allen is vlsitiug relatives in WVilmette. tIrs. Gmeen, of Chicago, la spending a few weeka aithe Stagg home. Mr. Hughes, ot Gurnee, le spend- lug a fev day. a i te Âme. home. Miss ilIel Wbtntey, af Waukegan, le spending the. veek witu Miss Ber- ulce Allen. Wil111O'Neil irsacted business la Chicago, Wedneder, Mr. and Mga. Babl and 1Mr. and M re. Anderson ,odrObkoago, spent Bon- day vitu 1Mr. sud i"i. Oaalavsoa. William Brady', 44 - lip, sud Frank Morrison, ai Tausa, lowa, apent Sunday at tue Kelier houa Mms. aPuikner isa'vlltng ber as- ter et Fox Lake. . Fred Butterffeld, aifLibertyville. spent e tew days iast vasa vituMst. Phaid..1 Tarent yyoung people trom 'Grays- laite beid a picuicin laWrlgbt' Grave, Bunday. Dant forget ta core ne thte Sunday Baaol picnlc, Prida>', July 351h, at C. J. Wrigbt's Grave. Mrs. Flood, of Warrentown, spent Tuesday witb ber niother, Mr. James. JIAROLD M'CORMICK IN À CLOSE ESAPE Harold F. McCormlck and his chauf- feur nerrowly escaped a serious acci- dent eariy Sunday moasing. Mr. McCormick was returning from On- Wentsl club to bis home la Lakte Forest. The motor of lte automobile became staiied at the Northwestern tracks. Before the chauffeur coul start the motor or moVe the car. a train rusheri by. The steps of tha Caros truck the front of the auto. The. machine ;as whit4ed about ,Ilth Mr. MoCorick and the driver stili IÙ Il, bat netiier was Iuiured. The train vas stoPPed and baciied down ta the damaged machine. The automobile vas dam- ed so it could nat ho started. Mr~. McCormick walked borne. John Turner .a negro barber living lu Higwood, wbo wus bound aver ta the grand jury on a ebarge if havlng broken into a bouse onL May 7, *nd stolen goods ta the value of $17, was releuse today on $300, bail, whicb va. turnished bhy bis vite. Turner bas been occupyiaig a ceil la the coun- ty lait. lezgetts qtocolates "A taate and you wsmt mor.r wyý«m 1Our oadie, are aWAm9Imiey frest, C~sOWaq1 of ltheanet qulity, A"d very box b. amteed. '-Put up la atiractive, ,0 .W. e aavariety to coc.. frou ~ ittaise sud bcodulp mve MeA Ulms Ba.etlsCarroillspont Sunday Éti lb. home falks. B. Doolittle entertaiued friende over idal. Tho@. Rodd, Jr., vho vas praetratsl h the liast Tbursday to b. ound again. lr. sud 1fr.. John Kelly are etan. ta omaber ai relatives frnmChicago. la,: 1%lonce Lodeeki @pent a -f.v s her. vith ber sister. 1Mr.Frank iber. Edwin Carroll ha@ returned ta Chicago Ous dey lait voek Tho@. Rudd hired a age man vha came &long sud a.kod rvark. The man vorked for a 1ev le sud thon departedji taking vi ti m $65 vhichbeofIliched from lMr. ds' poclet. The police were nctiiied ias jet Do trace of tbe man ba@ been und. Wm. Butchison @pont M onday ber. ih bis son. Henry Beckmau ie peudlng a few dais ,e ou bis farma. Suday marning au auto truck tram *agkegau ioeded vitb îaaing men aIk tu the river for an auting, gbtied e spirited teani driven., by irge Chevalier sud they boitcd sud ,tiirowing the wagon seat aud apty nîiik cane ont, 1Mr. Chevalier ou ia quite aged, mauaged ta etay iu ýwagon and piuckiiy heid ou ta the sre till the, frlghtoned animals were pped andt quieted. Fartuîiateiy be eived no injurie@ but a eere shakIng WARRE Charles Lamb, w-ha basen sick I. zn able tu be erousd. The Warren Cemetery Asooeiatiau wiil Ad a lavu social at the. home ai M. P. Iryver, Friday eteniug, Jnly 25th. e reamn and cake wili be éerved. verybody veicome. Tom Champuey bas been lu th. Ja.e eAjuster bompitai in Wankegan the ut week. There i, bot littie Improve- ot ln hi. condition as jet. Arthuir VauAistine is eîrk wîtb the a-îles et the home af bis gster. Edltb Clark. tMr. and tirs. Franîk Clark and iamiiy af Weulîegan. calicd on 1fr. sud 1fr.. C. H. Lamb, Sunuday eveniug. tir.. Stella Sponenbnrg sud daugiater are spending the vees t the Bpononurg cattage at Baud Lakte. Ounlest Frld an sd Baturda>' theI. W. A. of Gumnes camp vent fin the home of Tom Chamupuey sud ent and put bis bey in the baro. ,Mr. Cbampu.Y bes una&bla ta do any îrork for quite s vhile. Buch neighhboriy deeda are ceràdIy much appreciated. Mia. Roth BRacock ofi Austin, Catrit Panser and M1r.. L. H. Miller attended tihe dedication exencies of tih. Mausoien et Spauling cemetery Sunday. The exorcises ry very impreesive sud largeiy atteuded. Mfr»..Mary Lakre, wbo basbeen slck for the paat tva veeka s sIavioy ina- proving. Lest Sainday Lorelie Hook bal a lx e ta dnav and put up bis bay. idaster James Gerit> and sister Louis. of Virgil, III., are visitiug their oncle, John Eichinger and tamiiy. 1 The Warren Cemetery Association viii meet aith tMns. Florence Brandtetter ai of rayslake. Wednesday efternoon. .Aug 6. Visiton's areiome. HICKORY Frazier Bollenbek bas recovered trom, bis reent lînees. Mfr. ani tMrs. A. T. Savage2spent SUn- day at the home of tirnest Wells. The date of the Hickory Bervest picuo bas been change to Aug. 15 lnsesad af Auguesi 3tb s tated in lest wsek'à issue. Cari Holienbeck and famiiy vas enter- tained over Suuday et tiie Corner.. Mir. and Mr@. Chri. Panison vislted the home foks Sunday. The Ladies' Aid wiii meet Juiy 30 at the home of Mr@. Nettie Edwards. À good etteudance le deoired. Mirs. J. ticOuire entertlied relative@ and fionda f rom Zian Cty ncently. D. Pulien hed a bee Ibis veek ta drav lumber for the. nev barnu uat viii b. built soon. Mfr. and lira. Frank Webb of Kenoeoa viaitsd the. latter part af the veek at A. T. Bavag'@. Miss Irene ath.. returned home vllh thein. BAINnoRIJI 0 CITY DESTROYI3D Wiukegan, Juil 10. *A harn belouging toa aM1r. XM-n wba, oonducts *bat va. frmerlythe al Joha Thomysan far4 u. on1*wi avenue. near Gien flOro av«es caught are nesr uilgbt, r. nlght, and accardIng, ta refM burned te, the SgRoud. NIho tumeno ut a andfrffsd a bu gae rta teOths tuoae tbéir ar wemm.tvla. bt bora ers SrsmoY04 bloflte. he, sain" agla@ tarit l'h the b" r@" vote *q $ILoo Opens an Acc It requires only one dollar to open an account this inlstitution Start a savings account today for one or more cg your childreD. Can yoir think of a more desirable Chrisuiùa8 ipresut4 You and the boy or girl co-operating ought t& inake ihie account big enough in a few years to pal for a thorougli education, or to provide cash to gi into business or buy a homne later on. Do soinething about this now. You have everyo:. thing to gain and îîothing to lose. kt N'ia lruCit & à a hu lu" A STATE BANK Capital $25,000.00 Lake Villa lihuà MMRIN ABBOfl SO LOW fMlSClIDREN HAVE BI3EN CAIJJD City's Oldest Retired Grocery- man Lies in Critical Condi- tion ai His Home. Mlartin Abbott the man who vas la the grocery business longer thon suy ather resîdent ai WauiceganIlies ver> iow et bis bome, corner of Ash and Juliean trecta asý a resuit oi a siaiden sick speil wblcb affected hlm a week &go. .Saturday. Wblle at fir.t1 it was believed h. bal sustainel a stroke af paralysis, tue attsnling pby- airian now deciaes i la nat paraiy- sis but general debilily caused byî advanced âge and a weaking ai ths entire systent. The fact le, hovever, that last aun- day, Mr. Abbott bast the pawer ' of speech and bas nat spoken since thcn. lHe la la a condition vIer Il la teared tue end uay cou. suy min- ute. TIaIt bis condition la most erftcal la sbovn ir tue tatedtuaItva0forbis cildren bave arrivo_ tfololg a Message explaing bisesicines. sd likeiy tue alter vho la avay, vil ai go arrive S-n.Mr». JeWoe Puce, vlfe of HaZ 'Price, arrivel trou ltyett.svllls. Ark, Wsdasady nigt s di also tue sou Willam, cof WusI- iugton. B. C. Cbaries litas at Sioux City, la.. sud he vil Ukely an- rive soon. The oniy other living cNlI le Mrs. WiII Mackey, aifBscO' street, Waukegan. At lhe time of bis etrement fOai and one-haîf years ago Mfr. AbbottWU#, hy fer the oldeat groceryman la lb. City so far as age ad leugttiof aé. lention ta that particailar buoala 1 vent. He bad goae hâte, tue groy businesln 1864 and bal been fa- S ever aince up te tue lime h. hlspoW ai bis Intereste tb A. I. Millee viio previously had been bis auA for several year. At tue time ho vas -atu ebulg. Mr. Ahbott anu lB. 0. Greealms 19 tise distinction or being lithe ma mén la point of. years engaed Ji tive business and the aldeal M tinte of service la' particaslar ine A h tue City. Mfr. Abbott la 88 yeams of ageag previaus to belng a grocer. he vue U the painting business. Ris vIle beau a careul vatcher of bis -àud tion sud la nov, 1couatanly et beosile.( 1î1, Mfr. Aibott vas a unIque caaU ln the city'a business laterineli many yeara.Hoevas lbhe lal * ani vbom everyhody likel amU canacientbana sud bondePr ~t*èý fault, no far as bis oava iatesaW concerned. Ianr many year. tise Abbott -- mite gocomr m sore of 09p Prcefbldag vItIcItstaciuhW" present Globe leparxtment stands, Il vas silsi iir. lqoh au iatametla ue.b- aa- . the building va» a Imbelae lh. amr of AbbotF aýMd movel te lte locatimOn f lt atare on Q.aemseeet. 11&. more a Iater btwing Mr.Ai inlemdat als-r" l iy UIM. ba ed %m uswy tobUtm Weald advis., evsty seues.' batid et eau-, aate bi sEl obImIuoAa noma gs HOME LUMBER CO., LlhetYvM H, L CiCGO COAL & LU CO., North Chic D. T. WEBDI Wmà.gan, DL1 1OS. CO., Lake Zurich, HL LAKE CO. FME & FUEL CO., Rocdudl«,' DL Do You Wont--CoWS We UHave New M 3êeand spragers rSoe HORSiEdS of ali sizes anýdages for sale ai altlmes. If you want to bave an Auction Sale 0" uW about the Auctioneer. Col. 1Et L. Downs Shauck Farm. Phone 290-1& the lution ng ai com- it day om the Sprob- MI be ýrcular stand- )bave s have few dler of head 1 parts tuat more Dra af mèp* in l ove 'arble ajority other ta be es at eferen- se tu ander rate& Cat D. but ta buy 17 day ~KS Mer. TIJRE? ering, ide to 3veIy- 8- LWn- gired.> L at a re for ire to Workeï~ neni ". otI¶ b. lephous m