Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 6

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.4,-, $4 ~ETlêIOf S FJRST IN DAJRYl CIRTIFJCATE WORKISRIPOT Law Of 1848 Relating to Governrnt Reports Show 1 ~T oe's Certificates, Sus- That State Leadt in Dairy pended by New Law. Business of Nation #MNn CHAN - D lscoas>nin lae .chiamtpion dimr> GES PCHANGESwproduct tala In the.union, miii, 1111 noie bas fehien to fifth Place, accord- 1Law of Interest to Every Teaoh Ing ta tatietics for l9Ô9, mate publice in the State Goes Jnto non > h es\,b a sun his dîsplacel ew Yor whc "tifeot Next Vear. uow la second, whle -w ean "eecounty Is intereste inuthie tllinois. Ir, lu fo t aca. tact that Gov. Donne attaciied hua alg- Michilgan iba rse froni seventh la I nature ta the new 18w governiitg the. slxth anud Indiana front alxteenth ta lsulng uf cert lfcts to s hool teach- flteentiu rank. 4.s. The hureaus figures on the pro-c Th mt Important plee of educa- dm-ion o! btter, cheesa and con- tbon.1l lgislatioui lu Illinois nîttuln the densed uulîk. !ollow:d poal tveiit>-eiglt yeara s l te act pro- Number Percentagoa -uling a aew and comureensii'e 5ys- estabîlli- pf Incraea tomn for the. lssuiuig o! tesciiers' cet- State mesula Amount 1 904-09t ttficates. Wisconsin . ..-261d 1,4324 7. Supercedes OId Law.. New York ..1,2 42,45,345 36.7t VTe ld 1mw giving county superin- lowa . - . i.. 12 25,849,866 tLondents, the power ta lcense temch ii- nnuuesûta . .. 7,3S4 5,287,462 96.5 ens upen examinations ln the couini liinois ... 2ÀIS 1749-27 34.4 branches dates !rom 1845, and while 51Ichigan . . ..-415 14,287,499 7 4.0 mmre adîtionai branches have been Indiana ....132 3,958.600 a Xèied ta the lit in mhiel candidates , Figures nt comparable. iÊre examined. no other change ha, 0f lthe 8.479 establishmentst report- i tknplace ln the systeni. Furter- ed for 1909, only nlne had producîsq =et dere bas been no recognition o! valued at $1.000.000 or aven. Of the. tbo professional preparation obtained total number o! establiment re- la lhe elate normal sciols. portaI for the lndnetry, bth ln 1909 - f.h new law provides count, cen- aud lu 1904, 15.5 par cent er. un- , tilcates of threa grades gool la e- 1 er .crporate ownersiip. Whila con- Meulai'> and rural echoohs, hlgh pehoel poratbone thns controlied a compare- , tiflcatas. conty iigii scho,>Ol cer- tIreT>' emali parcenlage of the total t1àcaas and special certiticates. Al nunuber ot establshments, tth. value ogual>'certificat«s are ta h e nel b>'of the prolucts o!flii.., ostablisi- 4h. county superlteadant but hae cen- mante, represental 41.3 per cent of!tha f ml lsue aertficma ta an>' toucher total of the lnlostry ln 1909 and 36.5 i UW lsem 18 yeams of age atd bas per cent lu 1904. - 9 rpmsse.lan axaminatleti given Co-perative associations, as report- I# tbiel. e eamlning board or bas el. controlled 32.7 par cent o! lb. as- ltued c recognisal normal school. tabliaiments engagel lu the iodnstfy ln Effoct Next Yser. ln 1909. mcomparel with 27.3 par Ibo nom ct milI go Into affect Jul>' cent la 1904. and reportel 16.6 Per 1:1, 0134. Teachene holding centlft- cent of the total value o! the producte. e %de e uthdi prenant law mn i- in :lu1909 ald24 par cent lu 1904. .t nde-ifpe!crtficat«s provîdal CHANCERY NOTICE. 9W5 la the . em 1. - 1 Pfflvlsione eft4 ~eLaw. ltatea!ftIlinois, Count>' o! Lake, os: 1% nfi ey 15w. vhich as hefore stat- ircuit Court 'o! Laits Count>', Oc- nto t ffect on July 1. 1914, lober Terni A. D. 1912. !* ofls, fret. tat t tha option o! John Holmbeng vs. - Margan, p1k ouah>' euprltentont. certifi- "unknown bhien.on evîsees of Ss force 1,r . 1914, mili ha ._ Mrgan, dcease.' Mary E. Jeffry. ton oorifiats o eqalAuna Jeffer>' Prenties, George C. 'hne epresot teachîng feffr'.1JlaHJfe1Rbue 5n. iboril> a.oguiaii. Joffan>' Poacock, $lary laffor>'Chie. for 'CeunI> ' ceitOate, tdan. William P. Jeffer>', Henry Ppou- *»e of holding axami.atloae and 1W1cm Iifmk. Peaacok, Thomas J. ÏRd U t hoe pars ilI ha uni- Peacock, Amanda W. Joffery. Eveago- *9<Oabut them atst. line Jeffar>'. Nsoul T., Everte. Sait suporiateadenta bll lie ex- H. Bostmink, 0unknown hbe or te- sel leoa lb. trlfctO& vrleaeoetSarahil . BotwMjk.,decea-i doa> tpreoot. ed." Robet E. Jeuilas asigneo, "un-' -~ geprov »IsIn l male pou- known haine or devieooa of Robat E., hoé~baeblding a fret or Jenkins. dacoasio, "Joepb E. *,oOlfcate to hava titear Buciali. as trustes. Benjamin . la floer cot>' idiut .lAobs, asItute.,unuinowp owmser i Téaceors wmllT«091os-onore o! note securel b>'TrustDk 3h10ase OlsMiet advautaga la Itedl n1lot. 1878 and ecorlol la I&di the onSder's Oce o! Lake Couit>'. Vdshi scbool au Isa sjwar. Illinois, 4a Book 64 tof Mortgagesr, on 6ount>' certifcata of lie fret lPage 28V' "unknomn omnan o! note a pninan>' certificat, mut a securel by Trust Dool, dataI -Auguel ,otficafte ,Atso a thrI grade lot,. 1878 snd recordadinl the record- te valu la ishécunt>' of te, an s office or Lake County, Illinois, la Col. )Book 73 aifNlrtgages, et page 9V,' E. 'inengeililn pplying forAeiley Meare. "unkuown lboire or do- la gieforavisses of B. Aaley Mears. deceased.' malun ia enwal0f heMargaret B. Maars, "unknoomohire 'l~ fr peparmionln the gradua- or devisees of Margaret B. Miears, de- ?s rnsanO OgnIeO higi sot, easel," Eliza D. Measis, "Uaknown. ~ssal univeraitlas. boire on deviseos of Elisa D. Meam. i 3h-tOasita tranng le enceiira- deceaset." John EL Betwlck. "un- known heîrs or devisos o..ion B. - - Loirgemn>'Cotificaesn. Botmlck. lecameo,1 Catheine 13. .4Çoenty suparintandauit la authoniz- emat "unkutown helre qp- devisees Il a&~ auelimiltations, ta issu, "pro- of ustieriae 1B. Lambant. taeased," b c"ild emerb.acy cerhlcote&. Cornela il. Meare, "utikuomo hire or ilt aaminlag board cenêtite o! daviseas of Cornella H. Meare, de- -4wè 511 upointendeult, on. alduca- ceasei, "nakuomunnra!fnote, se- Stir cipoe.ieiiby hlm a endtiti'..coin- clel b>'Trust De", dael litI * eup.rlntondeute. ~A. 1D. 1816 and recorIoldu the.Re- 'A crtucatas are t eaunuml>' cordai's Offieof Ileke Vonul>'.Iti- d ea*ma t. te. paud, as no, noie, la Book 50 ôt Mortgagas, on. ~~Ttbi.acbns' natittopago 196.' E. AehI.y Moero, trustes. ,=th lý berjistiute und HutintenW. Jackson, reclver. lie -F initgrad crtificsaat) e le-City' e! Higimoo. a municipal cor- sud1 grnormalntîadcatos sandbe Ird pratian. Frank P. Hawkins, maria s. sul e oraleata n iilHawkuns, Charles K. l"oter, "un- mml second gradee t lia Option O! knema haire on devisees of Chanlas K. ha county supernteadeot nia>' haie- Poster, ldqcesol."Alexander Hender- geaI ta undergnaduales. possng a son. "unnooma hire or tavisoos o! certain amout o! etucation sot train- Alexander Handanso. deceased.'" "un- tug, al cradits fromilracogizal col. kuema ownar o! nota secunal b>' loes ansd unveraititt shalho accapt- 'Trust Doal. dated Anguet It, A. D. et la lien of the oxamination luanROY 1875 anul reconddlaulte Recorera 1 s.ublodte requirel for ahilgh echool Office O!fLaIe Count>'.Illinois, in cermicate. Book 46 o! Mortgageas on page 313,, Qualificationis. and "unknown omnar or ownere o! Teechers muet be 18 years o! go tha North 50 fest of the South 531 sel boIt a certficats ta cuver the en. tet O! the Eatlbai! o! Block 27-sud tire periot of ceatnect. thie North 100 feet o! the South4311 A leciel sîvatage le gi'en o tesfet of the Enét lbat! o! sd Block 27; Vet>' teachare ta hae recognizel al tn Plat "E" of Higlimood. babaga tb>'eugbout thae tate, and ta grom subdivision of Lot 1e3 i ald 14 'of tmuaoua cenificato ta anothen hîghi- thi-oo, accring te lb. Plat throrecordaI Augut 17. 187, la htOOI A of Plate, page 30, stualedLnl lae.Cortîficales. lhe City. o! ýHighmool. CeunI>' Or Provismloà l mate for tha suptrtn, Lake and ftat, of Ilinois; il ofrsId $m lclet o! public instruction ta holpromises helag etuated la lhe West qgaminatiOc for the state certîflcatee liat o! dia Souh East quarter et Soc r mbgmese !rcenello- tion 15 Township 43, Nrlihase 12. te - gradv, ellesof es mt uli'5ttlSS.East o! th. Ird Principal Menta. "W"~ae crUt@g e rvaliu four lu Chaiscer>'. General Numaber 6306. gt milcls ime ta>' re «dtors- Tha requisîte aMdiavit havlag beau ]No elt, wim tik ufrtiier itamin- Iiat in the oflica o! tha Clerk o!fo»Id =evlioanceoro! ucoosefut Coo -No teeolatharefore berefil ~*ib<.To aPPI>' ton a "lte cen- g=van th le -cmiii cve namol mn, noui cao mut bave bat tro uaknown defendante that the bOvi ~>.esui aiuonimcebils Bilo! ComPîcnt ln aiaCourt, os the Chancar>' ida theroof. cnd tdi ADOPTION NOTICLI a somamons ther.upon suel oul'-e TVo &It mhom Il Ma'ay" omisait Court againel lie aboya name Te~ notice tat on the S2ad dla>' iifntcnts. returnebi, on the am a i>', A. r.1913. a poiti : Ms BldslY O e i.terni oftho Circuit Ceai %y gauber Beeb la the Cout ofo!Lake Cotant>', td1 ba iald eaI l cet Lai. (outy Illtinois, for lie clehit- 1court Houa.4 un Waukegau n li ___ Liurs, Otto ." oNerth leke Thre Con ofElýo Fil irom Pe Oe drn mi riend at the NqotCtaoar oti Wakean .uh ~t,s odtht rvi etredt br e plslt p fr oi MATERtMOR TAseE. frai lsau d chy oolnued drini Anthr enatcul ov aanm d all o oly en he olept g&W og, The ouioti. se lm Officjof ayor CityCler ondM an ensmL.f ~ody li ionmUgrawlin, u he %o oI frtiierasaneln t à is friad r n o m n o aIî r i Ciuty Aorneyak e u ty. acn ln ere W&r e lmbut hetheedldthNwyr n e ic i ae ni flot omis a ai ~auî smutaeosî b' ii Ileen eu tv.Wen lu th e aet o wtela ......j,..a lisitetr.ond în th New ov s"hmeewa ga"erathe lnl ud dlceaof- erssi ptsur111 lentuo!ZionCit whee y 9. e tfe dd tiatho rtuhd tel$butrenonmieem reginconra ofth cI>'adinî-te ertnes aâ lete.tinuait>' ro- Fivesodacents eryou fferepeni J epeir»tofr ai rAntin hlch wnal take fronmade ,m ord wam pbohnd ho- Ilandoe f h *e boLil ret.y Ziènaaroshhe stanthen by ouefrConr an md athr i riands wlth. An a a+11V4Ulrm-iflIOOI waueeve b,~~~~~icd --nem curtahn t dmmdecrack- "'Avies laer~"~ b>îtie Pt courtsf1 a kine haoue reardions wrewtue ithat t-hadf ao h e Od tne n . det fZo iyweeyte ek ho>dy mdny a e at gaplland hooa J.s a ke n n =W. i ay o liier o ia ta r uit corofthCtydaJ.D on- ith e udobtigho ks bar-Steanrt ae tion wh hwas upeed ted b W WHobrd.masr Laen pact asDpteaoo- -Pieced jeywxre nthe ind eeLoani Ceenas ayoug te(ti attaer 110 nelaonradH. mad ho utrrvlngout wtiiitr-rofpcae v i mg4@ laiyrm cutwe f e add ts he dwaon. oA li men aer a rn _________________________________ bttii. se. H. ctai hngi bagn n on by vrinthe c orntii. bcd>' foitnd t an rd t. hoe à-.ja . r ter a I îuetios ii.rlgt ! Cendni tawe fo t pudaset at se. îv.ngbouleso canold ofice he lege taelln. entrom al Ntho evidner at ti.BSCUTlCMPANWtmheson er of rote Crct or ClndeniJ . n - oci qet.Itad .ere crting ok t a NAT aSteart avenue odnwot hav eetited; thatW. SHar i md ferLot enlacelcatend hoge u '<>SfPE @tofCn 1n ClSei sm yr(h atrnwt u.Hevq>wlod wth iinmoithel _______________________________ ______ >tioc Od te cet erefaieate Shv nes poyh e eda the - The0 r. aceîome.. Dn Mmllfarew 'amng e i>'ark re an action byw jhh ob thebody r.qurd hyl ifdtng 38oscnin. bt Hncatl a b>Ediaode f qetostergto ldei tawasae xc utioave orulyuse. 1U eelo ffscnd alet1 Bok. relaive. mad fil îsaiastffcuhomb gent J h D. T âIoa m an. he ovwaepnningel eain. 3 A etBud1'WuegaWllp a tson ofvIeitrns votes wee cast fr Clefor a waidequbot. Ia'ndeN.e YertafnuuatmmI md ~ ~ ~ Sari R.Htar orasottmect'hm nny b u motho sad o lm:Baur 2ofal St...n îttoraey, aebe«or. th e rese at o ns"ow. ntom bhaav hear rowne.J ahotGatu la pmse. - l e tt aul for: Thaoal'ob ywlc .sea1 h, vi'm sve trongana sa ood s nwfim-loalOd' coucced fornhy a cain o i>.~ yUgmna acnt nlteViîtrortmhhiag LseaiRcagob......'o Biî ndallarw ti.l aun sanie dimlea m ade W rian w.o moe te . tae G rntIiV rks......... e Mal. tBar- il go Ien lCo oty court t hat sb. i te tlouFocepltanDuae .ls the coe 0 DvIs cbf...... 3 ia O O imre lous ait Attrnya ooe.Pop md opeMr ad M. atreo bd One StLUBrl. f2 b.........4 i 3 in2O acit>.wm loto tii. lako nd eaRvî in. eg -Kerin.c.......n OS 9 i arer mttrn efrk, t adeed ans hi -.rod daite. Drty ltan bailon wm H. 4 eaut r.bieng ti. sub TJe actma a oites 1 ao pnd aîyugon eti. bacli. A eepy lepof secondud b. uppoetd teetly b>'- - fin agin la curtwen theTecaaemn.nvidonn rekae eeI hbnb h elnt Wat ugalWua payAtR tÀE oilratien ewo ae B. .arfaction aîD B. Tho easian. Wgbed ti.on latting i a hag Ean-ofbelte'aeptiau lg .f.....2iiIOOcUrnwr m wh9 lsthordeene t te Cr. y homaie daor i& mbite. r eor> lietthy spoe on t he NvalkSon tic. f. 4O 9or aba, mnd N. iaity . b ui laetoneynepoet h aitrenlatoffice mmd*coln w.Tm hos beu. en thor m onasn thoti.tem ths Wllam. la r. . 4is Z linrt. Pntaul o tbre Voatv e oleg n iona the>' he waoterbyand i e. as Ando lopo i r Detii het te Lt OS e 1 .Cluib6ABi tiH 5POMIAan re' ehlIgI leml'wna -.h l'm caugiit lati, d g o m d lann.t .atKp. T s luiPe. s... . ..45 I O O 23 2 y aV. woo as on tiimer .mpler sel'Itheinallig s ai dmmadah umn-SO TNO lI- Vs , .....f . 3 1O0ioil 4 O ptae de,.à su cod omuey oas con hufir the c t i. pair. Tiiman sboMnmai je te(S' o y aiio'q 1-.- and - besloMt.eW boueluti. atér0fa 10 ilno gasl kiat1h ahl sn i si Atlough Wm Ciauoko m seoathut Tozt Ls.........35 0 0 0 7 0 eàid g vordi. T0hoan bulal a mle Cath e wo rciens ho puiJal i ng 10tipanort Wm 1 a > t~vfoi~y otale1 . ........3 4 10 2105epo dmtl men nulre isourt tara madut.te f atean tim Des.ngdCld oe 5 te 4. he mScorectiaf.CoDagesclub1. .*,...320 1 0 00 brL4 fircuit b.cios egcare vts, latc. 'Seabo Ni bmd m I VieUdtES. Fblo y our . stilna . no o waurega1. . ....... O 1 0 x2 0 >0 the I - uet >' dorneyg@tut sitke. Ppu d Popeion me t he. r aina ah ina, ing Kadtorhieeo.bon adubehv T o e bits.. on.. Brnko 30b2 9vr 10 n ion asoneyscosrytheICasee ts tÂI hlr 4-yeuho he auhber en tg. h rui ttot akilbi t t ea T babt, pWO..... 4ec1i1c0bit, 0i enz. -e ub usitactt t cdtstlano pe d. ly n i m hebac fbisA loty h ý chulaso upno o tse atlbu- of-tl-ba-s H-dc-tl.hav e id in iocortweri te hocat rhonilan d uaiuigmbrho vmte. csla sbt merothelucky In iitting I an ABag R W kl PO A Eillauets iD ewmou hav sartd cton ganstB.S.Lov lzgrmb hd the of Mr giPltarsn.ho gwhe bfa hat ras ut tomm op uble pis>'...... Pse 1 hy1 10 0 Bas- nw a comliaton teth mttr. ov ls oten iq ad hoand thon tier s mi- e mld I a>' ff n ut eldlcng eud cf let 1 be..on U... off.l4 0 n0mmrt th ul 1dpet loft in offi e lpnd chlat wbmerry berot, h hothe am t . vnsitons co tam ittlg Be ff gi ne 1 . Sr.c... ont1b>'1 Re0 ROh ist toI the.VIFJIpopleinzst teY vIR waof utia . Mnd te eofndfte DrIt- n lacethedboanheg asavec G o n rt 2 b>'Go. gus..... Passed2 bell apprtOB c the asecores e t ial. bo~Tii. n th o re As comvemns . at noi theo*ents c ntf m it 00kte aue gan 3 5b. .....4 M14 3.iifo d y w the sud hoUe n ouParken- S O T G £ I e.r .. . .. . .P 1 i 4 0m ef - D M ^TO CTO . Hurlgland d d octor aola-te GOR.s tnic ot in mn pec W PEM.S.W........R.3Sit .d0M1 ýA cndeaaton ctin has eauthepadi. he htb. moman abul ae aclvated e aiea.) -- --br.M.Wo th h buit gar he athlie hurh fabe a ns. th.rmn*n t hPe eo d abt w e n e o e< vnaisitea ope-'Tiile....Weaa a.d 02 0 5 poe ttef delre aid hateronsteon 0f n themeaie alYong aid hnmlin-opg5 tea. Thiug wmled.wonpýtlknon sraIcoght Corb'.S.n0a2'0men thay1d- olriUge tYIL elShei , cordenes Bec aet-madatrecIn aover the. iDROW .thean o rWht faned. King poulfer.d fe oat e its, Kieo Cols 0f oors.h3Clii. O 90m ton B-e-y-Ca- 1 fe Au- AThhere e ANO ea sacM o rok*, .safey. Wlliamtsoute to c1ase. 10t, forks ac5 fle btKug HeI Is't aedd. ire Fao i; m mar f bsa-wa o sea staea eng Kiag. B aegrundhfoed baes. armus l a vin. - houteiaod.she wenglot e wa b, ont seondta 11T5t u lnhitig tark ba Uieslojedt e , ocale assumat a Jo c.,netian.vtt lie dep rtoe bd a heol d f stiPtern. af9 he vbit riant une. Iv ao us e De ouble Pulsea Wh e y e r toaytrmMFrt hrîmeo tafurcmp oa t h oreb Limteho tffl te oo. of n .theont goendof tat.5Rean ble.ofd.tbt1 fan neuersMbffIvi b . ,lerfu ch.r. 1r nlbo tii g ardstherouade and trr ulvtaOfstag !tii, 1. ntoff ouatt Ri-i. O an fr a Inefitte orid, t f Ead in t. Manrly ofMnd l Bi mi istte rnd ar egolon c e .ong- pate9 m m ne 0.d Paep ithe hort llCi liI imanuantmt er'hanorebend ithek iif &boys ellgon sawon.ietodeft Hoard boeling Ncage tna s ,co dalu9 (xcfln.f tioi o di pot wxieb hgiaing pul!.amor as aa isUmon.Le s I Olu d aik s rd u. Btac RI s tol sand. Ourelsu Lvndsi atceII nightlad.arkas onildose uiluai H- omanerd cknedotB in aeceaU gWg EPll I NTE "bod% daye lel.eft 1h the VaRils o tWabvt and cm she. IMI a ig e tdn m. The >slgll Wpm nxe teR. lth I mbgr mo. ebers 0. t eyuertnoste Zîme tok a ploheeeenge a to oho t Weantesco ne ng.theumrton- t. reih lg. se..................i 2 2 TYVI Ti.potw~ rilmu> bct ui t a t theraoloa.- o andbrl -ln na ingaut 1 BarWilkinsou'te.R. the r 2h t. pron teasaes a <Use. ac- shore d ook bs tuoaId d0 W huitgeaned. n l . hrd.TSamyr.b.....i tivi>' o ut' Chcag Aascimlen ! Booksin Ie am. 80 mdol0111'Goglusmmeaafeon lad tmba. aion, - o 2 aide.. ...... Commrce.mhiii delrd ut ~ a aan. SER ND Hly DRmtcOWs eond sanfel. Wiliams 10Brutn Kup H.O'Fni ell ----------in ol- ho lp hant' Chtce e e -ti K ra. ra n itieire. tia iumertotmhl. Wlkn moKn'g. roe ualer. ct- an I- ----------------ei t ile i lion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ utr puchse haletma gv î e liroho lnn cmbrh s-gout gisecoind ta tair. a, scn nIDni, ........ ta lia govnlimnt an tii garraon omn. e cae up lthot hO hilI di. atcbe'ethed basest e.cod ted W.eantmacrtsf........ 1 2a tnlon l orPtti en idm t h mti b1 agath r su d aton font. ca irT si ota toplg o te l Ith e e. - -adn tn hihws e Tio .t he fh, nd onh.wetor u bt oar Kta theteo Colt site. Trnvos heia fte orln ahor, latr hay et Bel aru. th bal. Davis a lied cnt vasout fastr dub.................i i torheuo.t locateb n.crciicg a beler o!uri.chilre wPo rtyv itnnta eom d? ren Homardta tage oklsfl.tieb---------------2ne Sltde enatfeta as nefo! alatlhla l o!r a rk hemoutryairpalnd o ale e o tthe swngs. latSandck slagodhe sudhChi chago.l amuet. lte dsmeoer be r ian ta f. To a wl>' oftvas ouIsingle alft oadWe ao ton. s cf...... ..... lie oldonsmeu ho aud' t li.tsthr a sdon latghjonae>. M. Le pt ha gMoe ond.i . ndrms, cf...............bOth Ni voed teie fthe t h , tea i ea- Mnmiosa iaeci0 t bOliov t iti. Wyesrc u o i.~Psae f------ ~ ~ ~ ~ dey, laIntoite.thmate. bougeulofn wlun50and celol.' . oi u BrontL Ko t l d R. lb. ment lib es. y .t th e o .0.111* m e t ut ? =16tuth ais e Me S okfioivat ct laW. rse. Loi.. .... .....1 sud ea d a ae o bclu h n themal. hlm 10. 15l am o boa.ik t anc e laniitcte r orIo a Oi. Toarle-------...... ... 4e1 C25 Tetit ps dt sonlaI rocion. îai shoreandr To r hallslt.= Iqi onts Wlltle ae vsc oni p i e hiOl Tho scod ere b .........ogi1 theprenant ite oearuont «1 te ntse- oer ienfous' bo lmi gi d Parkout G o nsop ie. roîR l m e o at. olmbs, 2 b 4........ . « . RIldON1 lS- inlt f h ia o s ociai oln o ain . un da> lmoo e Dopt>' (10on51King r ne d, re t B r a iotd ul H . as O O O .........O ... 2-2O sommre , u dsre helapot e s horId wh o inquasl over s. arner aI e dig. V o n'a gloud te r Goit K Cof s......00.. 4...... 7:S140- ho ads e hi gor el. T e asoi-ad r te r L.k w ila90 gla. ing taro sd Pulse. cd on u mmsxy-1 b ... e.. .o.... a.. 1r tIl lauraget ithe a d andae o lt antia.o! Boolly thsne thelhaIld. -v ete o d te 1IWO'F nmrro. R, f.... qProl li. . v-.B i h goverment and he garrpot o vsttagHn c la thIosF e ti id l asoI hr efe.Isdek.Hr.Sre n > Wr ra c a iothon hon, e o rmti- mai11.a Kn pfleet Bla n . gn. ctho iisit era teatana 1Wilinsont up ,4r ...14a nos3... Base...... alls. tie a i t ermhou e ridb l al n wa l ia-tm tcsro o.lur in ciegoae. up tuo. B r tI.Toa sa bits....... . . an.d1i -4 iA e L for tta ol ush hdat io n ot .. sop n etw crid-h hl oote Tevstr tt h oel Ke izk olsRWL . rno caoprcee aepn.Ati.n oiltek.' te faiTenh l@&oP UeasmalBothe nurtel aratia oue Çn sorR.Oaoi.Toasbt. îar't anes ito roscind hon.' edfrtrobe igmsugu ektr s ........ te ~ o o T ohusItrth % dPr teoshl. i s *wld e BradRwinal o- Geri, Lovab si.......... geThe arguethfer ascatioung Phd ort ycofiv heg n ir oepwaiub m inov utsslow a~Itura owrdels tkt e e tal 2 1cits o i 0 1 h pu Si orl acoel mid Cicao o tc ttn om 'hI a partall aeni f heesae e ùflmu Stockd vi i b glie an- Mest.No2hebn.....o.. la.....t0i0 thoro ln e euof labrtooubl sl le'C hi- t bavewitbeaun, fo.........i ......1 1 1uinuiiheV f an e ln n te e c . la C i a o b rie ha m teli te m . T oyof> i el 'm th e. are c iout a pa isel vm l o s A n r ewîs , t fgoo e ...d ....... 0ver 0ir o eS monde r s- sag ra i wb e t hos ey e ro ti ent b ab herb onai ng s l t Or t ui he 15 bt Im WaoI e ffal p$70. he For on lie nlani-jca. i ifune o f. th otr ope it ecanidlahote ,puls dfooio l tu W lh.m l ligioe cihoow . Pe% u ta O Ifll .......cbati...... . h1ottr Dhn e t l e sîlne nth reoNId ~t TMen> o »a he aciet a mmi No th i ttons sr e t t ou ut forcthe dîrtec......but.o ......e ..i. 0build ing olYu, k.mahos 'mpoa e r avm-iYo- tht Zgimmetusll ofthei v n>' arl Omlana taWihliame. Il mlii ho haut m etd. i>' hse aba hrt ime ot hoacuellu. .Oda f01 ito-turi 0 iey0fua nd nammèdP cf... ta......m1I2t0oM okr m talc, deep water. Tbe suddo p aleffvand ue mienaniaroosbit lath orlon-se.Lo ot o mi dyso\nk ontlu dti ho d . 6 blshldBDte oy *e te n kol scunter fo to, aone.a tled......te ..p.vis7ion 4 oft Cont fnd rmad aens bctetigs B Tyo o w S - l the t .4 W. nta s.soig up drPe h cr yla oth astand t or iii. retua. tt l, hWuM Io o glawPak *ý», op u*hi Ban uit e nOt , Cls l ubsOoet1 35 47ctIhlH.lB PHONa10s dlu p hegoeamet ot nt e-ouamm.vla.*a imlthes ho ar ian t , 1 WIICIICa:suyomSoe.fm0 £wasSp' qf u.., PU Whl»d Wier te i'Bl5il ysuk sda u la- Tdic. gpeolals0 Iam.2un10n0m0-cit0o1 te dset Imfr o-isa.tW - . k -- a-. pg U an Puleoê. - <oct emiS.tereWpeo&H woe'wSh trs. W. mg4 baOll »d Mr*. A. W. Làekwood 01 lxg . qd Mr#. Dobt, Io the 11.g a1dustry Bl. Blryant loft riday week for a frw daye' 4 Idru. . 13. Edw &rd@ Bi Wilson moved bis the. Proctor block tu, uldinge ut J. W. Butler tef W@§ tak.n to the. IlI Waukeiran Tiîe#O av aie w»e 10undergo au îmndlcltis. nn [oup Cuve for sale 1.:Oc sud 01.00 PPr c.25-tf au lsed bis property ADivision .treet and to Charles Traynor, tii t iret of tiie week. dn and Kat. Carroll few friends Tuesay rof M ro. Clareuce E. t, Mlb., and IdsmEdith ikti, Ohio. of last week a nuniber r.îîows tendered C. 0. pary art'ie home near St unday. àeompenied Win. for m vieis ultii odain Egilad. Tbey il Baeo and Ithowa. bilui on %be Amerlcon southamnptoo. w of M.oredithFIower stock fur tii.ebhidren Uvatmmt ta groW ai 7.ý is<a.ood intereet. ry, a repreetative of- drett'e Home and Aid Libertyville let week ncriptioc*ottiios Who ,the.Coud work mmd Dee, A total 01 2759i ared for la the. deport- neduring 1912. Itislaa in and deoerving aifail mul give It. ind @on of Hl4er, Neb., lesat week wItii li. and ldge and otber tiéode àwll bè ,emiembeid hi -rcitins. bai.g beoo loiber vaid of Wright thi. place a ,uaber of Ymade.htrip, *mue ailve, by automobile. miI-isDEPMDUNT. M13 RED eGlS ly) I4ALF PRICIE. 1" and P.msl.sf w. sb Mote igLwt fa. gs Rçd Yarde. .E ILLINOIS. IagÇl & Cos Bulîdors of kment Silos 011 flot rot or blow down. mont t0 us. II. Do ltnom. Wovc.d and uarsntd bus furnlsh ut tlat J. USegRTryvLLE, 1ILL lACTUNtiA OF 'ndGranite nmeis rWork of EVP.ry , adence s01ct/ Appi>' ( FOR I Polond stock; i Ibn., an Iyood Co boutbuo * $25; 2 $10;mim FOR Si mil oi land. .j ï FORS8 Goms 01 lere et IL'R. N FOR SJ two ô good mu about - Villa, It1 FORS iipecil, Rockiel We bha troua $4 aMinnjo toeeted ta »md s EOR SA e.d Po NcNL. tables. dition. stor-t fi. FOR S bolck au ben tii, gaod col FUR SA POR a @bop ou as" u à. FOR.Si avmen FOR si r eletrir renient FOR S ma tu' liarnem. 'q. FOR SA bouse * Inga. ni Scott j. E Mooey I LIBER* - L R-, ph. os'eic ceusa 7'7ý,

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