Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 9

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~3CUNT~ .NDKPEND EN T WAUKEOAN WEEKLY SUN PART TWO ttf or UIBE-rTYVILLLE, ILL., FRIDAY. .1 ULX' 25, 1913. E!GHT PAGES *1.50 PER YEkR IN ADVAS(38. Herewith is sho-wît a Itueture of Mrm. John Richardson ôMVolo, thc wonuan w~ho wvas "riddeîî on a rail" by two doz- enwomnen of the village whlo souglit toe) hase lier front the community because of lier allegcd relationîs with WVill Dumnli, who married Riehiardson's sister.( Mrs. Richard- son%' picture iiisltown in the foregrotind, toP. Below are shown eiglit women who aided in ridiîîg htr on the rail. These wonien poscd for this picture ont Thiuruda.' eveîing, procuring the identical rail used -i the sensational episode, the rail being shown ini their clasp jitst like when thev înarehed on their deed of daring on Tuesdav nighit, Jîîlv l.3tli. "lite captain of tîte "vigilanîtes" was Mi-S. Peter Stadfeldt w~ho is the' fifth woînan readiiîg f romn the left. The tiaies of the woaiîen, froni left to right. Nrs. AI- bert Miller, Mr8. George Bobir, Mrs. A. J. Raymnond, î. John Walton, Mrs. Peter Stadfeidt, Mrs. ('bris Sable. 'Mrs. John Stadfeldt, Mrs. Jai-k Frost. (The latter twvo are sis- ters. DEVELOPI!ENTS IN VOLO SENSATION 1-Develops that woinen of village lîcld eonfercîtees Suit day to decide on riding Mrs. Riehardson on a trail for alleged imtnorality; tltev chlose 'Mrs. Peter Stadfeldt aiid %trs. WXilliam Ditunili ( R. i ha rdson's sstrii-l b lx inarriage) as vaptains oaf the iicar-lyîîeýhing. the womnt did the following day if the wvonen liad itot 3-Deveiops that w'oiten had ohtaiîied pail of tai' wlîhi U vas to have heen used Wednesda ' - iit tai firther ex- paress thevir dinand tîtat Mî's. Richardsoni leave to-wn, but slie evaded them nd i eft town Wednesdav. j Riehardson settled with Itis wife for $1,500) oanî asis ¶the ' -hlad tafked over for yeara rtîortgaging bis store tai a altain the money; Dunnili also inortgaged his home to get nîon1ev With whicbi to fiee. 5-Wonten are read *% to defettd ac'tinini éourt, Prosecît- tor Dadv ilI 'ause ino arrests lllless womtai aai'buis- band tisigu warrants foi' woînen.ý, 6 TwNo of the w'otnen woare hlack niasks: one ivas an un- knowmî wvainn wbonm none <of he vigilantes have yet jdv'îtified ; bei' I)es('li(t' îroved a deep înYstel'v. y 19. ho nov mndi.W Wilson k, took ukegan.. Vhitney zo Stes- resasa- of land! molegt- teTèe. éode or ere vas 1. lr>t: charged a bous. iv roda 'ns was ey took Sup the, ad the charges- batter 'Sts wiiI I,e triai! e lttle % about wned by was put Ith the ime. the get Bs, of the th vas (ami lni claimea! alto the Igh ha, ew the ldlng the, was Dot sale., irey and! and! dez nding ln aeantlafle throuch, produced 4ie trans- venu got that b. big case ourt ln 0 about a haut a Durlaa à"e verem , pcevent tbrougb The. case ng every Ka&. la ýe coUflty ands. H4e bis ie big tu forty aMteen ils father Ir. Bine amuudent lins vos- H4e vas irayslake. "àu many toiing se- MRS. JUST IS hURT WIIEN SItE FALLS DOWN STAIRS MON. President of Federation of Wo- men's Clubs Sustains Bad lniury to Forehead. 17 sTriTCHES REQUIRED Injuries to Head Occurred as She was Aiding Cîeaning of Congregational Church HADAM:8 Women's Committee of Vol Admit That Mrs. John RM&- ardson's Sudden Departlu - Thursday Saved Her Fr0. Tar and Feathers. SENSATION STIIL STIRS. WESTERN LtAKE COUNT-Y Women Gloat Over Their Triat- ment of One'of'Well Knwp Female Residents Wl,., They Say, Slurred Them fMr a Year. Tht W.~ aukegan. lyi7 kg- - ThtteàensatIonaý episode atS Io, ln western LAae coiaity, &S (-ouited excluslvely In TbursdsWl Dll> Sun proved an affatr of aq 0ev. Importance vas evident t. Chîco n o.rningia 4ratda the tlp froan the 8.v rtce big front p~age tonesn abofflt 1b" "rue Of thean beins illntwat<'" pictures of the 'partlienltr..,~ tescandai snd aiso of ith* wbo conductea! the"rl-e, Il remanea! for the Sun lIosp« the blggest neya hast of ltffliu credîtea! to a newispaper ln the. tV, for. the Sun carried tihe fiait UM Of the affair to the public at ea~F A staff representative of the sisted Volo. Thursi!ay evenuag. coptes of the Sun centaining the of tiie sensational affair grabbei! by the populace, u.wbrt'à'< they beard reporters bad bit t"7 Ieft their homes and! velunteerea!1î1 facto about the. sensation. , Jobs Richardson, whose vite 'WUO ridden on the. rail by the two dqq, a nanen talked freeiy o! th ii.fla while expressing conidenc e W wifs, si!mIttei! that there iiad bi talla about ber and! bis siater's klIi' band!. Will Dunoii. But 1 have al- hearai the vomen ofthe villfl e g Jected to the. way ah. treatea! 4- thev feit bhe vas cruel and a! u54. 1 guess the. two thinga togethar ed thein te do wat they di!." OiF ari!aon la a crîpple.' a nheuaitic tari several years ail; cau=a te use a wheei chair since. la bc makes bis way about bis à store, waiting on cuatomers as be<I5e co, a clerla asiating hlm. il vas b..> cause of thia helples. condition tbiM Dunnili'a attention te Mms ilicist.- son coula! net be blocked by the p' band! ana! iherefore the. vomen et <Sp place i!ecified to heip hlm out;.Ud: they dia!, with Interest. Speaking o! the affair, Rkqiiiiil saii!: "I had to mortgage my tittie abaq in get monsy for ber. 1 neyer boiV, thougbî anytiiing vas vrong betveM ber and! ni>'brother-ln.lsw. 1 aloffl tbougbt w. ver. Just a litt. CoolIi Party. 1 gueu alater tie i; la bttw If ah. i!oesn't corne bocka. "I reacbei! an understandlag with ber before abslieeft on the buie of what ve havebeen talking for a long time. And site left for Chicago. 1 .Irs. C. J. Just, presîdent of thé erneback. and. h. addea! hi Wautaegan Federation o! Woen'a car. rnucb. It le underatot tlubs, promrinuot W. C. T. IU.anenihr Richardson gave bis vif, $1 and! penbapa on.eof the e5ery haststtlrnent. tanoni omen of Lake cont>', au- "Vigilante&" Lay Plana. Btaine! s ai! l njury Tuesay after. Tii. "rail" party bad beer noon vile assistlng otiier vomen of ternplatei! for more Oian a yes the Coaigregatioaial churcb ln atralgbt coril; te lina. Peter Stai!feia 1enlng up the cburch, cleanIng lb, of tb. village iiîaclsmîîb. vhi cbanglng location ef various pleces o! 'captgie" of the band! of Y*, furniture ln the kîtchen ana! meeting Oie relations ieta-een Mn.. Rick moinis. Mn.. Just fell backvard dovn adbsn brother-li-lav ha! tw lie bassinent &taire, laeding on ber matler o! comment for soma ferebeai! ani! Inaltlng a gasb vbich Suaptobons ver. lirst dîrectati4 requireai 17 atitchos, taken hy 1Dr. ltaenaie said, because liey si Tombaugh.whvia vaa allea! te attendlnked amnis on lie bencb il ber and vbo ruabea! ber ln bie auto etftthe getieral store Practically te hua home a blocktaay. nigit. Si.sald i tchardson 00 Wlth th.e tier ladies, Mn.. Jmt bai! viti tbeîî been venkieg &Ui ternnntu the on Sunday a..masa moelle cburçb, le lie besement and! upetaîrs. heu AiMrs. SIadfola!t Was &0 Au alva>'., sllevas vorting Dmuet lot te pounce ution Kv. NOU dulig«etly andl one tank vblch shc on the. porcb Of ber ho«a M started Intedo atone vas te carry alevn her te viere I thet venM te Oie basensent 0one 0f the blc- -ila" vaula!ho ta, uatbq boardIs ussi! for the. Infant cOs.esnta. -men folia of'lie lva. vion- she vas proceedleg carefully vhen îaa! tllaho ltnt Am aiag îC~ttm'aijn i'a ourx> j coaUausi o ia.o se diiu't od liaS .50 la M. A&' ho wub wumio 0f Bey of the offenders. Therefore, l n lbrn Tfat as the roiizh roada would per- h e affaîr ta the Exam iner,- lhe facto il eena crtan b vîi bgiane e-'I~î1IîIIL y mî Arive In1o village, il vas about the. sensatienai matter being tion And Mm.Richrdso tg onedusk but they ]est no tue ilu gettlng îîboned lunlie lnOhe atternoon, mast PL NR O ACT.s Anae, Ms.Riaa onae gene Pflf aN nimb-r f Oie oaen Who ai!ln im, for tletediitotr hi aulenedpthe PLAIi~t NO A~I frei ti. îîîg~~a paceviire O F [EWSrAPEth ibeped lnai rd ng !rs. Richardson on piîatograpbt-r t i tPldpto body agena ho w, ani! the chances tUYha rail. They readliy taltaed about tihe run oe catch the train li ques- are &a. vilwsh ta forget the. affair E V'b4 EAlIf the affaîr and! aillingly posed for two tion. a qaackiy au possible rather thon U II~ L IJaR; picturea.Ve ulataioOe Iiir'vs UE JJ~1Nreturn to ÀLske county (if sbe bas left) ____ On. pose stiowa'd theni holding the. story in Thursday eveningas Sun vas. and ______warranta. _1 Identical rail ishici they uaed ln gis. no doubi, on. of the blegest neya Dady Says he Will Not Prose- Interesting Facts About How ing Mnaa. Rlichardson the miemorable beatii aeored ln Lake county newsaa cute tlnlss M Recives DADYS PL NS A E Su Devloreiin.heTVleopicture la shown ln Meuala- pers circle in years, for, aever be- cute Uless H Receies DÀD 'S PLÀ S ÀP£ un Devloped n the ovas!staofeteiSun.tiiwa foreonhathefore as sensationalion affaîri Form l Cmplan .ts. Efm E9 flashlight process as a ig creva! o! taken placee. for. while ca...sviiere ForaiCoplins. M1CVIJ aI HE maV Sensationai Story. 1 men and! vomen stooi! about the only men have rldden men on a rail and! liga ~street of the village laughing ani! even oceasionaily women, it lo not w..ama.stalklng about the viiole alaîr and ncorded where a bunch of vomen MAE YMA R I WF I VE T6ÀE* À EAIE A CHCGO e ooorlety waieh hai! been sudden- bave seen it f0ta ti, malteia loto !A155Ifl~8Z5l4 ~IJI4ly thrtist upon their cemmunIty and! their eo hands and! rescart tai the People. rail niethod bln hem destre ho Impreas Offese ! te Woen oul Stte'sAttrne Decare th n Vey SortTimeFlahes thon thi. piotograpiier vas hustled upon one of their aex thelr alapleasure Offens of th WomenCould tate'sAttorny Declres th In Vey Shcriaime lanhsttartheRicrersbu atreceree hn actionsn a stins mayem baveaebeea be Prdsecuted-Wouîd be Volo Incident Has Not Been Were Taken at Volo and took a flash of the extenlor o! the. following. little place, the reporterasrnanaged Wien one coiisiders wiîat la accota- Disorderly Conduot. Laid Before Hlm Yet. Hustîed To Chicago. to round up lîltures o! Mira. Richard- plîshed bli newvapapers te satlsfy son andl ber liushand ais they appear- readers. il lg natural, ln treet par- ~tat's ToIllstrte oa-neaspaersvon ui the day hhey vere married, a pho- lance te feel: "lt-s golng some» apeatl te lcnly fAttorney Ralph J.Dai!y. ail8rt ownwppr o tograph o! Wm. DunnitI vsaaloto- Word @rsii he cnt fVolo, Wei!neaday nigbt, sala!,- that h. bai! rapidly ln getting neya and! features cabud and, armed vith tiiese pic- today. titat steps versbe tataso e n en defiite plans reandlng teV to t make their papers live, the. Sun tores, the. auto startei!batik for Wau- THE AUSTI LM N cause the arreat of!nse.,or al of mrai idng party e»ceptieg thatvo h ga ssoefct NCLM N ha onieedbiaigthe.malter 1gvîîoefat ertainlng ho the 1 kegan In onder ta permIt thOe photo- FARM MAS BEEN SOLO ths vornen vho took part lnthOil- before the October teran of the grand bi sensation at Volenviierein vomen Chicago, there being ne train tai the riaing incident of Tuesi!ay. In fact, jury altbough h ha id net mai!. any of the village rode onu of their own ~City on the Soo lin. or t. Paul vria Papers were recordeai Monday morn- the report van that varrents vre ai- deinite planls. la ex on a rail in order ta chas. ber Grayalake whiviî aouI! get hlm there ing sbowlng the. format sale of the ready Issusi!. "My action la vsry inéaSnlte be-lout of'li than tbe Nortbyestern eut ofAstnCe ntoiteDadM.Hn Th atrvsptu 0Saescause of the fact tat 1 bave net beard Asi lm n h ai .Hn The attr ws pt u taSWeâ asingle word troiniBey member of1 il was 6:20 n'docki. Tiuraday, Tauuganh itrshdbentkn o am ouho ietvlet Attorney Da!>'ana! he denisi! that any tbe Richardson !amily, non frm any 1viien theedîtor o! theCicgo Exam- thus. tnhdhepicues bI! iiee t dknosn Gfath ou f LFoet hell-t raquant bati! een madeta 0hlm te ot the neighiiera. la tact, there lent 'mer telephonei! the paîiers rupresen- h ee cause aay arreats and a! bblmelf bai! a persan ili te township who bas laid 1tatîve ln Wautaegan (a-ho la connec -~pla toInbgaposessviinthe rsvelThe frasaeln hVu ernonyaasLiberty net considerea! the nister, bisfitrst oie matter belons tae. AIl Itanow e! alit the Dalîy Sun,) înforinngpltsnbipoeslva rub!Ti.fmsreb erîîn!Ller- knevledge ef lie affair belng a-hon la a-bat 1 bave seen le the nea-spa- hlm that Oié Examiner bai! sent a ptessautea ntond, aoari le te- ller.Gffths nlaon.rpae ot ha real tueThursdaya Sun o!fist pers. Ait 1i tisasy la liat 1 probably staff piitographer eut on the si.the p.hostIah e!rloto thoverE, n.Gifihletrn iceia o 1lad taken place. vili bntng the. matter before the Oc- Paul rallroai! un route ho Volo and!e i rll onse i xpn gage againet tiie property ln fasor ef 0tepîctures vire transformea! mbo the Northern Trust compaaîy of Chica- Mr, Daa!y statei! that the. action o! tober jury. lutcsse anyt ing vouli! stei! the Sun reprosentative tai get cuta for the liaper, ofa-blcb are print- go for $100.000, heaice the. conaidera- the vernen vas plalnly a violation o! arise vbicb rnlght necesitate a asiec- an automobile an! basten tai Grays- eu!bts su the tii 1 but b. ada!ei! that he voula! lai jury. vhy lie nmotter might then lake ta mi'el the photographer and dlniisIsu.tien vas much more than thia suni. irks no action unleas Mn. ana! Mrs. be lai! belons lb. 1 knov o! no ra- hostIe hlm oser te veto, seven miles Fromntihelime the Suai represeota- Tii., e frns, Ilb la rePortei!, are W elobarison- made. a formai complaint son for a speclal grand jury ana! yl eat o! Grayalake. Iris train vas due tîve recélsed' Instructions te procesi! among a numier wblch Mn. Griffith te hlm ana! slgned a warant. The net asit for one on lie yolo mater.' at Orsysiake at 7:00 o'ciock. te Voinedliti the îuoographer vas bas been purchasing for utannn par, offense veuld.bha "dlsonderty aonduct."i aboarai the train for the City, but a ties, in Itn. vîth a big deal ln that Mr.Rihadsn.Thnsayevnlg.The Sun man book one o! the, Sun ltti. oser tiiree heurs had elapsai!, sectioni. te a n11orsnTve thyeis paerPly Upirit. autos and! atartei! for Grayslatae 51 i!uing vbich the, reporters adi!cover- ta eprthat ia! efth p povo!te lg...hCai a «U 8lUUSft&L l 6:30, reaching the Se' Paul depet bat ei! about 50 mlles ln the machine. Mr. an! Mn.. William Daael ana! ha" tiasmeat Io omen accord- SêaOliie«s' islor 5&Pl"for aili tifs a fev minutes aheai! of the, train. Tii. over roughb roads soi! at night. lb son have returo. froan an oatlng Bt wt hie vite buta md!that ho bai!onot »Pf"1-Ts so0; t ut v@li 8179SiV& îaolovnnluher vas liesîleil ahoîînîl l ii aîlgl i'ma-ailliodI-,ncldeanlaly thtua i ili'. MrI. ain!Mrti. lRoy Lake coajierea! trylac te canas Oh Mie et Io sud tionthbuy made for Vole s a tire 2" uraldhed tihe ftst neya o! vure viit LIen. I s I A 21C, $1.50 PER YEAR ýIN ADVANC&ýl ----------- -4-zý VOL, X±L-XO. 44. ZIGHT PAGES

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