Co-u-NÏ INDEPENDENTI WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUSTY, ILL., FfilIA,Y, AUGIJST 1, 1913. 's mu J. K. ORVIS, WHO HAD DIRECT CHARGE 0F THE SEARCIIJ FOR THE BODY, TOGETIIER WITH AXEL HALL AND LEE MINNIS 0F WAUKEGAN AND W. 6. WATROUS 0F CHI- CAGO, ARRIVED WITH BODY-EX5PLAIN JUST HOW THE SEARCH WAS CONDUCTED AND GIVE THE COMPLEE DETAILS 0F THE ACCIDENT. Waukegan. Jul>' 25. over tire talle lu aafsty ls a 'bateau,'t lucasd lu dou l hrmeimily a Canadian riverbhast. Trs at seaJet metal casket. tire body of Lloyd are bult eepecally long for tire pur- Reiiltard. tire Waukeg&u yunug man pose and reaci r trm tire rest o! oe viro vas drowued lu the Flambeau wave ta tire next, virile a canoe. iretg river aI"t Sunda>, vas brought ta ushorter. bobs about aItirhe mere>' o! Waukegan on tire 9: 12 o'cloek train ever>' eddy aud wviripool. tbis morulua Tire romains ver. ae- "Hall himsetf," ire cotinued, "irad companied b>' Attorney' J. K. Orvis, a ver)' close escape. Wiren ire was foaten fatirer of tire vlctim. Le Minuta, tors bIorne tram tire buat ire vas brother utf im. J. K. Orylis. Axel Hall tirravu agatusi a rock fully 2o0fotinl vira accompanied Robllard ou tire trip teigitTire. as practIcailly no foot- aud W- G. Watrous of Chicago. owuer hold snd tire rock rose almost sireer. et Flambeau lodte. "Pat." Loyd's lie akinne ie isarmsairadli lu clîmir' bulldog. accompaulud tire pariy. lingta safet>'. Robllard migiri have Body Found Thurada>'. escape, for ire vas carrled luto stilI Tire body ofthtie local youug man watur irad ire fot started tea svim vas found at, 9:46 o'ctock Tirursday back tu thre cauoe. My opinion ta tirat rnorning. lodred on tire shrore about ire tmueit have got hiets trrat full of ivo mtes above Little Faltu and fousr vater tramt a big wave or else bave miles ahave Bg Fallu, wlsere tire ca. stnttck a rock or orne other obstruct- non wasx Ort overturried. it vas .1 ion viricir causeit ilm to stuk." ratirer pecullar Incideut tiraI tire body lad Secured Dynamite. was found luit four days ta a minunî Mr. Watrous explains that viren pa- alter tire drovntng occurreit. Tir' trllîng lied faiteit to locale tire body, vIctima watch. found linibis pocket, Mn. Orvîs, viro took compete charge hitdstopped t 9 1:45 oclock. tudicat- et tire searcir as soonaselire arrived tng tiratIlîî as et tua imeni that ire On tire scele, coferred ithîtr M. Wat- sank ieneati tire vater. Il vas ai the roue sud decided te use both dynamite saine heur az*i minute ou Thurada>' sud grapplîug hoaks lu an effort tu, mornung tirat Lee Minuta madle tire dialedge tire bod>' from île supposeit disces er>'. restlng place on tire river bottom. "I thougirt atfOnt tirat probabl>' Asked as ta oy ire explaîne lIhe Lloyds heart iad glven out sud tint tact iliat tire irody>'asiredtlu sud ire- ire iait died betore ire sank, but vs came lodged ou sirore, Mn. Watroue found t ldff~r iren hv e examln- y@ ir, thinku It muet have beeu ed tire body-tirere vas valur lu ghn lu one o! tire mauy whiripools unuga. lndicating tiraI hbad! becs and a! er belug virirleit arouud sudi drovned ansu irs ould flot have ireun &round for a time vas tiren hurleit tire. iad ire died o! huart trouble.,, oui b>' centrfugai force luto stiller Mr. Orvl@ a md Wh=euquetlosed b aa s flfrai vrwacaIl ficaed-up tu tire Suu reporter a !ew moments afier banuI. Axl Hall aud ivo men trom aighitlg tram thre train. La&dysmîtir, WIs.. Walter MItchell and Othîni *ae.searchlnq William Smithr. wer uear at band At tire ime Mr. Mlilis fouud tire vreu Mr. Mirinis discovere thtie body body ther memibuns o! tire party, lu- lytng partly en tire sirere sud partly cluding tire Indian rîvurmen, ver. pa- lu tire vater Positive Idetficatton1 trelllug tire bauka np sud dowu for vas pessIlty ont>' by certain articles1 several mles. Altirougi arrangements of jewetry wlîtclî ere fouid on tire1 irad beeu made to secure dynamite body'. witir v.iici tuabIst tire river lu tire Take Body Down River hope o! aiâlng tire body,'.M. Orvîs As soofi as possible tire other rnem- decla res ttrat th ireIldîug o! ire ibody tets o! tire searching part)' vere no- made thisteuunecessary. He. InuI th ie tilled tiraItire body> had beeu recover- boed>'was carried toward shrore sud ed sud a large "bateau' vas secureit. cat up partly upen tire binu by tire luto IbIs tire bady vas placeit, tagetir- action e! tire curreuta. er vîtir as mariy menîhers o! tire par- Th ere le a drop et 35 feet et Big t>' as coulit ride lIn tIn safety Falls sud It vas lu siroottug tireze As acon as tre bhast coneeut loto folles tirt tîte canne vas overturned a clearing, eut efthlie vilderriese one sud wrecked. "If anyoeeIn Waukegau mîgirt su>', Mtr. Orvis teîepiruued for telle you tlîat tirey sirot Big Falls, you tire eheriff o! Ladysmitir te brng a can Jut tell tirem for me tirat tire>' are launtir up tire river Thiewas doei telllug earnetiig whirch ts net true.ansd tire launceli vas sent as far as Il Nir. Orvis said. could go safel>'. Tire ibody vas tiren Watrous Confirme Sior>'. placei In e large basket sud trans- M r. Wtes uepr guide sd ferred tu tîte power hoastsud tire r.- rtvernîsn, bears eut M. Orvis' state maluder o! tire trip down tire river nient. "It vas a ment ;oohiardy Ihing vas made. for tire bays to attemptIli,"iesasid. At Laitysmitir the body vas placed "Even tire expert rvermen do not in s capper lied casket vici vas attempt tu shoot Bg Falls. Tire Iu- iermetîcal>' seaIeit. As au extra pre- diaus vire iave lîvedith ie nelgirbon- caution this vas placedIn luau outer ireod aIlt tieir lves also are afraid o! box, metai Ilueit, wviîciaIse vas seui- tire treacirereus currents sud svold ud. Tire body was placed on iroard s gelig over tiretaille by portaglus. Tire trint Thursday nlgirt sud expreseed te ouI>' bld oftasbhast wvidiever goes Wanltegan. WIITMAN SSUMES 'TWO COUPLES WHtOc GRAYSLAKE OtÊFCE; WERE DIVORCED LIz PICKS ASSISTANT CENSED__TO WED Man Namned Somne lime Ago Kenosha and North Chicago For Office, Took Charge of Couples United in Marriage it Wednesday, iuly 23. For the Second lime. Clement WeUzel, Kengeh .45 Ou Weduesda>' mornlug ef ast Litie Wetzet, aUme ........39 JL eek C. J. W'Igirmiar becaente post- John B. Hunt, Nantir Chicago, 45 8 aster o! tire Graylake posteffice suc- Anna Hunt, same............. 45 ceedig Dr. E. P. Sclieffer, vire ias Two couples vire tîsit eeri previous-1 been postriister fer severat years. I>' diiorced have evîdenil>' iecided totn Uniter Itlr. Shaffers admnistr'atli, nie-up" and ireglu lIte arîew. for1 irIs sou Mar quis sud Tireo. Smithti marriage ltcensea vere issued Saturita>' vere lire assistants. te the above couples arîd, la each case,9 Mn. Wigitmau la a native e!f'Avon thie>'iait been divorced. but sîrîce Vien township, havIug been reareit on s liait decitei tote ry innrrled lfe te-c foi wveet e! Graysteke. Sînce ire getirer agaîi. iras grevu te maniroit has wonket Up Justice Masori un*ted tire KerrstîÉ for hlmself euee!ftirhe et lfe inisa-, cople iu marriage ibis merninig. Tire>' suce business itire state e! hllinos, irait been dîvorcei t tree yearsansuit as s district agent. - vît returr te, Keuosha to lie. t Hie many frîeude are congratutat-J Coored Faîka Wedded. lug hlm on iis soccese of îeudlig tire Tire Huete are cloreit people. Tte>'1 feiteral lobinl Graylake. To outsid- ver. dîvorceit Sept. 19. 1912. Muni ens iris ma>' sesm te he a emal Balar lstire man vire. aiorîl>' after tire dt-j jobbectis o!tir eraîltev, bt vorce vas granteit, vas arresteit on Job eci of te aalltown bu Itcomplalut o! anyouug coloreit girl vîîo, pays btter tran $2.000 per yesr. a! er tire evîdeuce vas Iu, vas glveu Et. t2. Adas, thle assistant, viro le a verdict for $660 wiîch.tire deteutantig se snative o! ire county cemee i1v11Ihave te pa'. Me iras paît part o! fraut Deerfielit townsirla. ui , nov tirtoaine suitirisvîhave made up agalu suit are ta ior e-mar- Mi ls race Deiaof e Beacir, aud net, uo doubi. sire vIl aId hlm ln get- Mr. G. W. Young, o! Detroit, Mcrtîi r emstit stols a inarchi on thelr foIesudnid fienits and wve.marrleInluChicago, I Il 001 et village o! Barringiori $1,. Maonda>', JuI>' 2lsi, t tire Presiryter' 427 ta 011 ir etreet tie year. The Mn churcir, at Manrose Bîvi., Sieri pa>'ment cf tire il vas mate oui o! dut Rost, b>' ev, W. U. MI.ughil. tire vllage fand. F w b Ji e] el B w a. PERSONS TO SIT IN CHI-"-~A If ~I CAGO MUNICIPAL COURT.,U urf~ DrIIII~ h FORuNEke R l \'xtw sa ueJIV2 f-x l.ake Conn U rwiI sudefes of ak cout (ii<gt DAT ASeCR TRuDnTI pato! lisos. n vi atiia n Lk H 19T -otil>'y trî ng tire Chlcago - -ases vhîcir rave treen appýeet rout Irle îarlîus judIges oet litIcourt. He îîîî tie tîtere nor tîte grea ter part of LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, CIRCUIT CLERK AND PARTY I lhe week. Judge PersonsMIAULUrECAENERKOOMIN. Td ,lie meSea ge b>' tetephone teda>' aek-1 IA UO SECP ERK K M ,IDfl ,g him te presîde at tie court ta luesle.______ MORNING-ARE BADLY BRUISED AND CUl BY FL MAN KILLED BY TRAIN. GLASS-FACT THAT TOP 0F CAR WAS UP AT TIME ALL THAT SAVED THEIR LIVES, ACCORDING lO Au uuldentifieit men vas Iristaut>' LEFO HO EI T EC R ktlled Fuuitav lgirt et Spauldtug. -4e BE EF0 TH S INTECR l'ors SUNT FOUND HE WAS NOT TAKES THE WMEN INSANE, BUT DELERIOUS Waukegan.' July 26. TO TASK OVER THE Today Frank Klave ef Wauconda fl run ot lnr'ilnCounty court. AL RAIL PARTY 'he vilîlage nia rra brought him to VOc tan, but Dr. Daniels testified that h- -Pa ellIeved tire rpa n was verglng on deter-c lu tremens, but wase fot ln salie. Chicago Woman, Writing ta c udge PCtrsone tien dismissed the case -th nd had tire victim placed inu Jeu tor Sun, Asks Pertinant Ques- w àUrne ln thre belle! tirat hie condition would Improve. tions of Volo Residents. l BUSSE GETS WRONG CASE. -i Fred A. Busse, former mayor, got COMPARES LIFES 0F ALL. )f a St. Paul train, Friday evening,___ tl lugleside, near Fox Lakne, wîti tire wrong suitease. one belonging to Mrs.AksTeliiterLve r Henry rlekson. vIte Of the City k Te if hirLv a ' uilding commissioner. Thre case con- ~ ~th taued several evenlug gowus, oneof Eflirely ftuove neproach it whicir Mm. Erklesson planued to une t t an evenlng funactlon. Busse dtscov- In Ail Things. o red biIs mstakren on reaching homeJ.u ad dfispetched the case to tire Erles- 01 son Cottage, tour mlle tartirer on, by Chicago, ,luly 24. epress. It reached tirere ln time Edtor Waukega Sun. lusse and thre Erlessoni ver. In tire Several days ago a frlend sent mewE aame coachr an dtheir grIps deposited a copy of a Waukegan Daily Sun and in tire sance section., the front Mge@ vas devoted to tire accoant of "Kow the '"omen of a imal tovu cailed Vo iead revesged LAKECO NTY 15themaelve, or threirusbaud as they saidt! y tsklng one of tireir numbe.r AS and rldiug ber tirrougi tire streets ou BI3IIND OTIIIR S a rail.,' of cre . v, e vîlitake It for granted. that ever)' oue of these otir. TRers ver. ail good. pure, dean vomnen. À F RMU R N ER As thre paper MMi some of lirem vers - upward of alxy years o! age. Have atroase year been so true sndud C.omparatve Table Shows This dclean that no one not even a just Count is omewat Bhind Cod could callilium to account? Look Couny i Somwha Behnd et tireir pltures as porîrayed ln the Neighboring Counties. paper! If ever malice. bats and spite faces, sehicir no mari would care te FARM LANDS WORTH MUCH look at a second tîme. n enîar Do flot think for onemoetIa trylng to condone tire offense-At le Nl County Stands Next to terrible what «gr country le comug to but ou ae ging ackte the dark Cook County Which Natural- ages wh:tt you tak: such stops as Iy Takes First Place v oul ie to asi thosevwomen a fev question,. Has ail your lite A comparson of farm values a.nd been virat It ouibt ta ire? If lafd ire nuusber of farms lu Iis section open ta tire vorld would tirere ire noe of tire state shows LaIte coumty toa keleton iu tire ciset-o! any of youra he sauteviat muder tire average o! homes, tirat woi db«y jour liesa1lu ire oirer counties lu Ibis vlelnity. Tire ibamne If knovn la ail? Hov mucir followlug tables show tire fasrm values botter do you teel te tink you haveo and tire numnier of ferme lu thinsec- broken up that home, even If au un- r ion of lire state lu 1910 as wel a happy one? The papers say tire hus- tire number et People engaged lri band d Id not know otbisrI ites lu-e 'arming. anad tire number o! cattîe, fidelity. Vss ailier vay you s herses and swiue lu eacir counîy: could have saved irer for hlmais hire Genenal Farm FIgure.. evideritly loves irer yet biy tire way Popu- No. of ire talk ed te reportera. evèn If 3 our bltlon Ferms Value stery le true? And Dot sent a vomian' Kane.. 91862 2309 142.381,366 out into thre world perhaps ta a life j ilcHenry . 32.54)9 2.960 39988,944 or open, ebame as ire eatines that [eKalir ... 33,457 2,481 58,047,143 tire Sucer of scoru vl! ire polnted etL 7hPge .. - 33,432 1,599 25,174,987 lirer wierever sire gnon, If kriowu. or ('0k..2,405,233 5,663 91,648,602 muet bide ierself tram tireee of Lakre..55,05S 2,250 31,631,567 ber enemles.F Soone . ... 15,481 1322 20,849,153 Do ariy of you profae sIn bec('hrls. t Winnebago . 63,153 2,241 34,44.174 tiens ? If se 'ou have but yourselfa Will....... 84,371 3,588 67.538,743 aboie your Lord, for ire said te thoser Rtesîdents on Farmi. tiret eccused tire voman taken lu Foreign adultery, "Let hlm that la vîthirotsint White Borni Negroes c8he ir rt storie." and te irer, f Kanoe...1,7S 930 1.,Netirer do I (ondemu Iiree-go and NcHenry .... 1,927 1.032 1 sin rie more. DeKal...1,772 707 2 Oh yes. You have doue s noble DuPage ...1,032 -- 575 1deed but remlember you vîll ail bave Cook....2,906 2,746 11 to stanid before tire Judgmeut bar et Lake ...1,514 734 2 God and answer for tris Iribumanri Boane ...58 464 0 treatmient of this vaman. Wiluneago .163 56 2 Wirat about tire man? l ieen %%'lll..........,5ýO 1046 12 cdemuatlori for hlm or inIl: tagaiu Farm Lvestock. tire.story of the Salut and Sîrineri <attle Horses Swîie He can corne hack aud I vl halor Kanoe...57,030 14,212 45,341 forgotteri after a few moutirs viile, sire McHenry .... 77,477 1531 3,09 vauders an oulest from brer homte. DeKalb ...43.830 20,5a51 82,153 Was t your hugbaud or brother sirev .oP ..e. 30,828 8,734 21,811 euticed awvs You cosld have ireen Cok...44751 18,W9 26341 btter emnploi d keeplug jour homes Lake ...40,786 10,.170 18527 tient and cdean as tire> say sire did. Boone...27,62 8,396 23,037 Sirame ou ýou and bhorothie mari Wluriebago . ..1,653 586 2 vire le read.%. t detend tire name et Wil......... 39579 24,321 3444tire vomn itirat iras taod irybhlm for I nîne long vears iiien ire, a cripples aud sire . î ori. eltir>'.vmani. Fire certaiuly renembered "for botter or i MANY WARRANTS uorse ln sckuess or irealtir," as sirec didlie duy b hm in mauy re-1 ISSUE IN ZON IN "ectsaiI eaýt. lu tact, you havet IS UE I LON IN straned at a guet sud swallowed ac eac 1avuTa y el Sd before tirey PAST SEV RAL irael trough wih yen. ou ma>' per-p hashave gained what seme e! yon I ere evîdenitl, afier, uotorlety, and Zien Cty, July Z:7.-Acecording to a lour pîclure. ln tire paper but have itatemeut made te our ZIon Citv cor- l]est tire respect of pure clesu veman- respondenit Saturday by .Iudge L. H. bood. Tuttle et Zion Ciy, there lias ireen îm. THR . ne tes thari 55 warrante lssued by ilîlm )R CiLE H Ricag ln tire past 36 daya. Tire chargea cont-__Chicago.____ tatned ln tirese warrants are varlous, A I ol sucli as rlding bicycles on tirenis- HAlDMliIlM5W ESCAPE. ivaîks, desecrating the Sairtatir, lar- cen>'. smoking tobacco on public arteruou as 11111e Ehi streete.sirehoting. reslsting an ofiîcer, zaireth Gibbs, the 3-Year-old daugiter1 drurikenuÎeBe, destroytug property, I cîosîng poolroom, closing motion pic- e! Mr. and NIrs. Carl Gbirs o! Laket ture sirov, emuggling lîquor. etc., Forest, wa-; ,layliS glu a sand pile tru these are nome efthtie charges preferr- tire rear of (hietGibbs' grocery, she, ed agaînat violators o! tire tate sud s trîrci bv tire welo ev Municipal laws at ZIi on Cityr.l0fa rev Surel> tire Zion City' chie! et police tce wagon and narrovîy escaî)ed ti-g sud hiri assistants irav-e earned tireir jury. psy since thier appoitment by Mayor Tire ctîlld tiad henni playhng in a Cleudîneri laq[' ieth, aud surely Sanud pile under an awulug to keep ber tirere muet iraFný îeen sotnetiig adt- tram tire sur. Anite wagon stood cally vraug itir tire former adminils- uesr and-tire driver. coming out from trationi vien vielators efthtie cît>' ordl- tire store snd 'net uoticlug tire child rnces vere aloved te go Unupuîir- backed tire wagonu aganst ber. Tire led - Judging tram tire generel clean* wagon Wheels struc tire chirld's boead Iup o! vroug-doers, tire presleul admin- anid serlously irrulsedl h. deut and Theocrttc cisones, for uo dition bave beeri circulateit, but tire firmludèd persanviro iras au>' r.' vouuds vîlI net prove serlous It vas 4oect for g02d Cty goveruslent vante ouI>' iy tire narrevesi 'margtn tiraitire tsBe a tovu over-run ithli lavîess lttIe girl escaped iraviug lber ekull ruffans. tractureit. VOL XXL-NO. 45. ýre """ýy' Cllcgo Mlauksene & t Psu,-o terhadgoHe vaswakeg onStireu raicad a Htie tîme. ngonth tauldaigthe loeita iejnto SpfutireSt Pal antd lie J. & E.. nftet Soui. !Parlnindh ., E., jver stihueofta Kçe ous bit>'. ovrthe body vaso badl>' mugleYsu was ta4en te undertaklug roame at Elgin. TELEGRAPII POLES SAVE PARTYO0F 5 IN AN AUTO IMPACT Unknown Chicagoans Meet an! Accident Which Might Have Been Very Serlous. ACCIDENT NEAR DEERFIELD. ldentity of the Occupants Un- known-Car Was Demnolish- ed in Front Portion. Four women sud s man had a close escape front serlous injuries and pos- sible deatir Sunda>' moruing airant 9 o'clock. viren iu turnlug ouitatupermit ot another car passîng ou tire uarrov roait a mile nonrt fDlamond Lakte, tîteir car skiddeit aud tire> vere dasir- ed loto Ivo telegrapr pales viic stand close tagetirer aItirhe poit irere ire>' ieft tire road. Tire car vas badty emasheit sud tirat tire occupants escapeit serions lu- jury seems a miracle. Tire part>' vas enreute te tllamonit Lake, a sýecond car o! frleuds follov- iug closely rehînit. lu front o! tire Petersen homne tire firEt car turneit eut te pass anotirer car. eeutihaound and, et tiret peint a emaîl culvert made tire roed ver>' daugereus. Tire result vas tieir car skldded lto tie itch ir vtir fuît force agaînsitirhe tve potes viricir teroke its progrese andt 1mev tire driv- er clear ofthtie car lute tire ditcir. Tire isomen were net tirrovu f rom tire car Waukegau. Jul>' 24. Two Wsukegau people aud Ivo ftermer nesideuts ofthIis clly, iraita uarrow escape frout deatir on Tues- day morulug viren au automobile lu viîcitire>'vers rittig. turneit turtle and pinned t t undenneatir. As a result of tire experience ire>' are aIl bulseittram« head te foot and two et them vere cut by broken gloa. Tire accident happened at a boud lu tire ronit near Kokomo, Init. Tirese ln tire part>' vere: LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY-Of Wou. kegan and cIrruit clork of Lakne coun- ty. MRS. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY- Hie wife. BROWNE THACKER-Of New- Iesaite, Ps., but forment>' of Wsuke. Ian. MRS. BROWNE THACKE-Htî wife sand s daughiur af Mn. and Mr@. Brockway. On Their Way Home. Mr-. sud M3rs. Thacirer vere making tire trîp te Waukegsu !rom Nevcasstle te epeud e fev veeks viti r i. and ns. il raekway. Tire accident irappeneit about nine e'clock Tuesday merulug sud wviie tire machinte vas a fev miles onîside o! Kokomo, Inid. Mir. Breckvay vas drîvtug. Sirnl> before tire accident ire irad beeu drlving the car at, about tveut>' miles au bour. Ahead of! iîniresav a'sirarp ibond in tiere oad and throving out ils cînîci ire appleit a brakre lgirîl>.ÂA ire rouuded the baud he. iguredt le machine vas going about ivelve miles sud heur. Tire bond vas ver>' sharp, begtug su sente *angle. A !ew teut furtirer ouil turned sirarpi>' ln ire otirndirection. XItirappeued tirai ai trie pont tire roadired vas being Im- în-oved hy tire use o! gravei sud In- slead o! tire enter portton o! ire bend heirig ralsed as e eould expeci. Ih stoped dovuvard. Tins as tire car niadete r mIlskldded somevirgi and tire viress struck a rut. Tire w se suttllent momentum to cause Il te turn upon Its side and tien rol eîer se that it stood bottom-slde up- w art. Toe np ~Saved Thom.aitr sutead h le beleeit tire thIs vas ai tirai save thtie occupants from perirape fatal lulur>'. Tire supporting peste of lire top were stroug enugir te boIt the resr -portien e! tire car off tire grourid. Tireireavy englue. irovever. caused tire top ln fret bce crusbed dovu. Th irevldsIre ge vas crusired sud broken. Tire tvo vomeu vure'ridtugi~ rear o! tire car sud ire fat tb#2 ivas relseditslgitl>' enable the* crawl ont atter conelderable eMt Thee>' Ieuitotaratas er car tiretir uibanits coulit get ont vas tociresvy for tirem. The dent happeneit almosi la ffot1 farmironse. Tvo vomen ubMý o! tireironie as tire>' wita*MWU accideut. On ire va>' the? r dinner bell as a' signal for the irande lu tire field to cosse tO asststance. Tire>' dld fot watt for tiresutW rive, iroveven. but helped Msm.,1» wav ait MmTiracker ta iM muachinie off lire iodles of tii. meu viro ird been pinns i&l.iM curel>' liai irey could scarceW By> tstetime thre farm bauds ai andt place thtie machine l e nigit position agalu. Droere Twenty Miles. XI ves tounit iat n0ose» lý part>' d usamier. rokeià oi serions talus>' and ire la vitirte exception o! tire cru and vIndielit, vas as' g ever. so Tire pant clilbeit bwckt« sud vent iveft>' imiles t a viréstre' h aita fev reo.r~ Tir6y made about uet4i tirat day andt stopjsed ai t Rensaller, lsd. The tert '.mgsla 18 Ial*. and as tirea as a top Ob' chine ta protectet usi, 1lvaM ta seu thtie vomenhoise eM Mrs. Brockva>' sud Mrsm l8~ rivedIn luWaukegm iabout foUFK Wedniokday afiernoon Tire dit! sau»et hure usd3 about:'; o'clook ai nigiri. Tire>' are ail cavered vitir M and tire tva ome i af from tire braItesvinae= tire>'cousîtes' tiemasl«ve «7.2w tunate tiratire>' ver. sot hurt serionsi>'. B+owne Tiracirer formérni> WiUW cîpal o! a Nortir Chicago Inter o! ire $ouir schaOOI gan. lHe resignei tWi te a iretter ose ta Nev.t and iras made tirait t h ever sînce. Mr. sud Mms E had spent several veeka w»S aud lins. Tiracker sud vere tt trm back to Waukegaa for Asie fBroken. Tire asIe o! tire car vas broken, tire raldator ives emasirei sud tire front STICK 5 INCUtS DIES ON lIER M ' o! tire car -espracticaîl>' demolsireit. straige4y, tire windshield wvas not even L N(TA NFR 1BR ID Y;U crackeit. Nf AE RN BR1A;uý, Tire second car iook tire firet cars occupants te Dlarnd Lake sud tire 1 Mach ine vas te ire taken back te CirI- A BOY'S STOM4ACI WINTERs is cage. Tlire report l e ieet tiat iblood wao seen ou tire damsged car irîcir voulId have Indîcate t tirt someoue Chicago Surgeons Performn an Weil Known Waukopasq liid been hurt. Itlal statedttitire mar i wvas dumpeit eut escapeit un-- Operation of Unusual Nature mnan Who Had BMn tort as Wiel as tire otirers. o n rrington Boy. Somne Time Passes Ave Tire naines e! tire occupants are net Ol . . nmnu. Tire>'vere aldeit b>'tire Peter- souis arnd othere nesrby. but tire>' de- Stanley' Martin. seven-year-old sou MONDAY, .IULY 28, 191&. c inedIo legie tlîeir Damies, ireuce their et Mr. sud ',Ira. E. T. Matnu oe! Nrs. Fred Winters. 48 jasas c ideititt>'lusirrouded lu myster>'. It le dlenled tiret tire>' were 'je>' rtders,"1 Barrlngtou. Lake countv. vire vas lu- 1313 Brookalde avenue, passed ai belng niercI>' eut for a tay'e outing et jured shoot two menthe age vas ai irer home about ton o'clook su# c le dekeallereti e r aden o-taken te St. Arthouye irosîlîtat. Ci- eveulng. fleair vas due toa a Q _______aterthe _ccident.go, Saturds>' nernlng, ant au ep- plicatiln o! diseases. B>' a 0tr@ erato perforuwd lb>' surgeons resuli- coîncîdeuce lire. WInters diet oa. ZION MAN IS TO cd lu rire renoviug o! a plece o!fvoit birirda>'. neuirly- ie ruches long suit as large Mrs. Winters vas haru lu OerMA " ar-oirni as a maris lunger tram iis but irsd made ber nom. lu Nalrta I BE PR NCP L F bomen. cago sud Wsukegsn for tire The bov m'as Iluré3' siortî>' before seveiý >ears. Sire iraitbeen luraû ~LJR EE S IIOO "ienteril daîvirIile pole vautitlg. H-e poor irualtir fer several Yeara, bel GURIEE SCIIOOL ~iadi ,eeu tire larger chilîdreri aItiere uldwt rpY hc ae hirl chrsiool îîrepsrîug for tie aunualIrutetvitop>.vîcrles .1. IL Iiirnl.N iras accetteil tire et-utemitroieut sud vas lmltsitug them came complîceted it iiotiret'teIe ipalshîilîtif tire Guruee Hîgir sctootlun vatttiug.Attiempttug te Ieap Sire irait ee u uusalt>' poor bq for Ile om g veur sud 1houes lu re- oter a irurie ire foiît îtireeleg over sînce las Nevmernd uthait <t ettering the educallouat werk te en-tire horizontal bar. The bAr brok la ed iretnrce Januar>'. hance bIs endeavors ahoug referma- tthe shonrit lece plerclug bis abdomen Tiretirer deetir vas not far' 5 tory lines, ratirer Iran shacrei t trm. betmceu tire muscles. Thre balauce e! vas reslîzeit by tIre. WIntes5, He lias taken ni) active werk vîirtirte bar vas tirrovu ava>' b>'tire sir-e tongeit te lie able~ te colsbB te National AntI CIgarette League fer boy s. tius lireitocior hat ne va>'e! fort>' elgirtir iirtirma>. Sire w tire suninuer antd wlll gîte iis Setur- teling tirat a pertien o! tt remtîn 'Ill ou Sunday tirtai ie cauld. daiys and tSîtnday s te tiret work atter lu bis boity. Tire vounit healeit qnîck- titthe pleasitre Inthtie tact. sciroolchperns, orgauizlug set lecturilu 1bumt s short lime Ister Ih ulceratei lu Intie eveuîng sie at aud dîrectirzth ie legllative vorli. andt commenceit te cause hmm mnirp>ell. A phystlolu vs.U Mr-. Harnir ,,peuit Tîresta>' sud Wed- paiu. It vas tiren tirai tire>' irst tut sire ditet viil b. nesday tn Cicago Higirl for tire enspecledthtie preseuce e! tire tiece bedside. league.-ýZion Irideltendeut. e! voot sudditecîdeit upen au opera- Tîre funetra l <t e bull indepeudeuts, o! Zloni. altirougir ie He te recovering rilcehe now aud heme sud tva o et s* t m se formerl>' a close frienit o! Dovl-.II lse e'peted tiret ire Ill ire eut o!. Reforued (hwbIlO, Boy. 1h>' sudiras concelvei twovorantire.Oaoa d cbem7. Important Ideas lu educaIlanal vorlt. Jollet-Tirere le a perfectty irealhiry B55dfl b lbaMga He le aIse tire luvenur of a card tirree-legged cal at tire H., C. Biller luaves t*0a 5 9om~tvUfsel game, eonuevirat afier ire pan o! "au-I ieck !arm upar Mauhattan. Th ire Waà tira," tire des Includitg educationaî fresk animal vas berri about tva frIesita lad.IIEVU as velI as amusement features. veeke age and la unuuall>' pîsybdS. 80 Ui8y b» ONE TO EIGHT 1 ti oj hi ti tic te hi K D 1. K .NI D D c L E NM V E 81 50 PER YBAR ïN ADVAJ